#actually writing for my victon bias for once
seokmattchuus · 5 years
Boundaries - Byungchan
A/n: Me taking forever to post this came in handy cause the gif I had before this one wasn’t smut worthy. P.S. The build up is better than the smut. I got carried away with the plot.
- Requested -
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“I still don’t get why you didn’t drop a solo after Produce like everyone else.” You stared at Byungchan from across the cafe table. “You were wrong to put out that cover and then just ghost until the comeback.” You pouted.
“I said you could come over if you didn’t bring this up again.” He sighed in fake disappointment. “Besides, if I went solo, I wouldn’t have time for you.” He smiled.
You let out a soft laugh at the response. You and Byungchan had been friends since high school. It was one of those ‘two quiet kids getting stuck in a project together because no one wanted them’ and after that, you two were pretty much inseparable.
When Byungchan decided to become a trainee, you were a little sad that you wouldn’t get to see him as often but you supported him the whole way. That support paying off when you finally saw him debut. Though it didn’t go the way everyone wanted, you were still proud to see him happy.
“Going solo would sti-”
You were cut off as the barista called out Byungchan’s name.
“Say solo one more time and you’re not getting your muffin.” He warned as he got up.
You laughed to yourself and watched as he made his way to retrieve your order.
“What time are you coming over later?” Byungchan asked as he placed your cup in front of you but held your muffin hostage.
“I don’t think I’m going.” You licked your lips nervously.
“Why?” He pouted. “You never miss ice cream night.” 
“Hongbin invited me over.” You trailed off, scared of how he’d react.
“You got back with him?”
You could hear the disappointment in his voice and you were disappointed in yourself too. Hongbin wasn’t necessarily the best person around, but he was the only one around, really. Besides Byungchan, no one’s ever shown much interest.
“It’s just easier.” You shrugged. “It’s hard being alone after being with him for so long.”
His tongue poked the inside of his cheek and he handed you your muffin.
“I’m not condoning this, but I’m not going to argue over it.” He said. 
“Thanks.” You gave a small smile. “And don’t tell the guys?” You asked. “Say I got sick.”
“You’re going to have to tell them eventually.” He sighed. 
“I know.” You frowned. “I just,” You paused. “I don’t want to ruin tonight by thinking about him, y’know?”
He reluctantly nodded, knowing you well enough to drop the topic before it escalated. 
“You owe me for lying.” He pointed at you. 
You nodded and gave him a smile. 
“Anything you want.”
After you left the cafe, you went home to fix yourself up before going over to Hongbin’s place.
Part of you felt guilty. You knew this was wrong. You knew you shouldn’t be giving him another chance. But you just weren’t the type to be able to be alone. You were probably the definition of being dependent.
Sure, everyone had talked to you about how it wasn’t worth it but that didn’t really sink in. You knew first hand how it wasn’t worth it, but did that stop you? No. 
Hongbin was routine for you and you weren’t ready for change. 
No matter how many times he hurt you.
By the time you made it to his apartment, you were starting to regret coming in the first place. Whether it was the guilt of ditching your friends or your conscious finally deciding to act, something just felt wrong. And of course it didn’t take long for that to prove true.
You were parked outside, trying to clear your head when you saw Hongbin’s car park a few spaces away from yours with someone in the passenger seat.
You knew you shouldn’t be watching as they got out. You knew you shouldn’t be hurt. You knew you should’ve just gone home. 
No. You knew you shouldn’t have come in the first place. 
But you couldn’t move. You couldn’t find it in you to actually move. You were used to this, so it shouldn’t hurt. You were used to this so you shouldn’t be surprised. 
You forced yourself to look away and pull out your phone, texting the only person who wouldn’t make you feel worse.
“Can you come over?” - 6:58 pm
It didn’t take long to get home and maybe it was because you couldn’t stop your foot from pressing harder onto the pedal as your thoughts ran free. 
Once home, you changed into more comfortable clothes. A hoodie and some spandex shorts. It wasn’t long after changing that you heard a knock on your door and you slowly opened it.
“We could talk about it or I can distract you.” Byungchan said softly as he walked in, holding up a bag full of Soju bottles. “What would you prefer.”
“You know the answer.” You gave a small smile. “But can we just sit for a while?” You asked as you closed the door and turned to walk towards your couch, leaving against the arm rest as you pulled the hoodie over your knees.
Byungchan nodded and made his way to sit against the opposite armrest, placing the bag on your coffee table, a soft frown on his face. He never liked to see you like this. 
A million things ran through your mind. Should you even tell him? Would anything even come from it? But it’s not like you could keep it in forever.
“He was with someone.” You chuckled softly. “I went over because we never talked about a time and he came back with someone in his car.” You paused. “I’m an idiot, aren’t I?” You asked, not gaining enough courage to look over at him.
“You’re not.” He said. “He’s just a dick.” He paused. “A dick that made you miss ice cream night.” He tried to joke.
“I’d like to open the bottles now.” You let out a small laugh, getting up to get two shot glasses.
“No drinking games?” He raised a brow as he moved to sit on the floor, taking one of the bottles out.
“Not one you’d be down for.” You gave a smirk, your shitty feeling fading. “‘Sexy Truth or Dare’. Drink one shot if you don’t want to answer the truth, two if you don’t want to do the dare.”
“I’m game.” He smirked. “You’d be surprised that I’m not as innocent as I look.” He chuckled.
“I could say the same.” You smiled, placing the glasses down and walking into your room to retrieve the box of cards before going back and sitting across from Byungchan. 
“Pick one.” You smiled, spreading out some cards on the table. 
He chuckled but complied.
“Truth.” You smiled, opening one of the bottles and pouring it into the glasses. 
“What song do you most want to have sex to?” He read off the card before glancing up at you.
“Chateau by Blackbear.” You said. “Not a most want, but definitely up on the list.” You said as you reached for a card.
“Dare.” He said.
“Lick your lips in the sexiest way possible.” You held back a laugh, already knowing he wouldn’t be able to do it.
To your surprise he didn’t back down. He ran a hand through his hair before putting on his best sexy glance and letting his tongue glide across the lip, the action a little more attractive than you thought it would be.
“I’m hot, I know.” He winked at you, earning an eye roll.
“Hurry up and pick a card.”
Multiple cards, and shots, later, the two of you were definitely past the point of no return. You’d completely forgotten about what happened earlier and the alcohol was definitely making the game more interesting. Something about seeing this side of Byungchan was getting to you more than you’d like to admit.
“Truth.” He mumbled out.
You let out a small giggle as you read the card.
“On a scale of one to ten, rate your bedroom skills.”
You glanced expectantly at him, watching as he shook his head and reached for his glass.
“No, I wanna know this one~” You whined, putting your hand over his glass.
He let out a whine himself.
“Fine.” He paused. “I’d give it a solid eight.” He shrugged.
“Why?” You cocked a brow.
“Girls seem to love it.”
“Next card.” He cut you off, trying to move past the question.
“Truth.” You gave a pout but let him read the card nonetheless.
“Which PDA gets you worked up: Deep kisses or butt grabs?”
“Deep kisses. Definitely.” You bit your lip at the thought before picking up a card.
“Truth.” He said, swirling the shot glass.
“Would you rather tie me up or lick chocolate sauce off me?” You raised a brow.
“Why not both?”
His response was pretty quick and it caught you off guard. The thought of it lingering in your mind as you watched him pick up another card.
“Pretend my finger is an ice cream cone.” He laughed at the card before pointing his finger at you.
His laugh was cut off the second your lips wrapped around his finger. You glanced up at him the moment your tongue worked around the tip of his finger and you couldn’t help but watch as his Adam’s apple bopped.
“That’s enough.” He cleared his throat before taking his finger back and shoving a card in your direction. “Dare.”
“In one long lick, make your way from my ankle to my,” You paused your eyes looking away from him. “Inner thigh.”
As if the tension wasn’t already thick.
“You don’t ha-”
“Sit back.” He said seriously, the tone making your stomach turn as he moved from the coffee table.
You slowly leaned back, supporting yourself on your palms as you watch him make his way between your legs. 
You held your breath as you watched his head dip down and your breath hitched as his tongue finally made contact with your skin. As he made his way higher, your eyes closed and your head tilted back as you fought the small whine that wanted to come out.
But thankfully, or not so much, he pulled away before you could get too lost into it.
He sat back up and watched you expectantly.
“You good?”
You let out a shaky breath as you swallowed the words that threatened to spill.
“Just pick a card.” You mumbled, shoving the stack towards him. “Dare.”
“Sit on my lap for the next three cards.” He licked his lips as he finished reading, looking over at you only to see that you were already moving over to him.
Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was how turned on you were, but something about this entire situation had you jumping at every chance you could.
You moved yourself onto his lap and reached behind you for a card but he moved his own to reach for the cards and put them to his side to make it easier for you.
Your breathing stopped as you read the card you picked up, your eyes staying focused on the card as you tried to keep your voice steady.
“Give me a hickey where no one can see.”
Your mind was too busy thinking of all the possible spots to notice how the look Byungchan eyes shifted, his legs moving as he readjusted himself.
“Try not to make a sound.” He pressed his lips together as he moved your hair to one side of your neck.
“How are you so sur-” Your breath hitched as his lips made contact with your neck, the hand that held your hair now moving down to your hip, his fingers playing with the hem of your hoodie.
“Can I take this off?” He whispered against your skin. You nodded and he pulled away only long enough to pull the fabric over your head, the sudden cold air making you shudder.
His lips found their way back to your neck before going down your shoulder and collar bones, stopping above your bra cup. He glanced up at you and you gave him a small nod. Not a moment later, you felt the piece of clothing being pulled down.
You didn’t have time to react to the cold as the warmth of his mouth was placed right above your nipple, the sudden contrast pulling a small gasp from you.
“I said not to make a noise.” He whispered against your skin.
“How can I not when you’re being a tease?” You whispered, growing frustrated at how he wasn’t as affected as you. 
“Do you want me to stop being a tease?” He looked up at you before nipping at the skin again, your hips rolling against his at the feeling.
“Byungchan, if you don’t finish what you started, I might just fight you.” You rushed out as his lips ghosted past your nipple.
“Someone’s frustrated.” He let out a small chuckle as he pulled away to pull his shirt over his head, throwing it to the side. You took the chance to reach behind you and fully undo your bra, tossing it behind you.
You didn’t wait for him before you started working on the button of his jeans, too tired of waiting.
It wasn’t how either of you wanted this to happen. You never thought it would, but if it ever did, you always thought he leaned more on the softer side. Neither of you thought it would happen because you were drunk and heartbroken. 
Not like it mattered. There was always another time.
It was more than ungraceful how you both rid yourself of your clothing but none of it mattered the second you sank onto him.
“Shit,” He hissed as slowly bottomed out, his head falling back against the couch while your head fell onto his shoulder as he bucked his hips so he was fully inside of you, giving a few deep thrusts.
“You said you couldn’t wait, right?” He smirked, his hands settling on your hips so he could build up a somewhat steady pace, the alcohol in his system making it slightly sloppy but you were too lost in the feeling to care.
“Fuck, I can’t believe we’ve never done this before.” He cursed. “All because of that asshole.” 
His fingers now gripping your hips as his pace sped up, seemingly letting out his anger on you.
“Fuck, I can’t-” You whined out, your hands gripping onto his shoulders as you tried to contain yourself with the newly set pace. 
“What? Can’t handle it?” He teased. “Was he too soft with you?”
The words made your stomach tighten, the smirk in his voice only making you whine. 
“I guess he was missing out, then.” He scoffed before slowing down, using his hold on your hips to grind you against him. 
He didn’t say anything else as one of his hands traveled between the two of you to rub circles over your clit, the added pleasure making your legs shake lightly.
“Look at me.” He panted out. 
You slowly pushed yourself off his shoulder and leaned back, the sight of his bangs sticking lightly to his forehead making you clench around him.
“Look at me when you cum.” He said. “Can you do that for me?”
You nodded and kept eye contact. The intensity on his gaze urging your orgasm and you weren’t sure how much longer you’d last.
“Byu-” You whispered but he shushed you, telling you to just let go. 
Your eyes wanted to close with the way your orgasm washed over you but you tried to fight it, your eyes fluttering in the process. It wasn’t long before he followed suit, his hands stopping and holding onto your hips as his eyes shut.
It grew quiet as you both tried to catch your breath. His arms moved to wrap around your form, lightly holding you against him, your head resting on his shoulder once again.
“I can see why they said eight.” You smirked, not bothering to look up at him as he laughed lightly.
“That wasn’t even my best.”
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dokyeomini · 3 years
how could i not ask about monsta x (if someone hasn't before), but also: everglow & victon 👀
[ if i stan ] monsta x (any attempt to deny my stan status would not hold up in court)
favorite member / bias line i've said this before but it's literally impossible to have one bias or even just a few there's one for every day of the week you know?????? (kihyun was my first bias tho and i sometimes it feels like he still is but every single one of them is bias wrecking me yk? like... relentlessly)
which member I’d fight (& why) minhyuk... bring it.. it wouldn't be a fistfight tho, we'd have many rounds of games (im not a gamer but i am very competitive), or smth else literally any stupid game and we'd be the last ones standing probably
favorite song(s) oh boy..... get ready i'm pm gonna spin the wheel on my mx best of playlist lmao: autobahn, gasoline, all i do, diamond heart, stuck, jealousy, my beast, u r, monsta truck, whispers in the dark, shine forever, in time, no reason, myself, lost in the dream (what a song......), fallin' (oh to experience that at a concert...), spotlight and livin' it up.... and more........ solos (i'll stick to just one per person): jooheon's king, wonho's stranger, i.m's burn
favorite thing about the group (pls i could literally write an essay 😭) sb described them as hella loud but down-to-earth at the same time and that sums them up perfectly. i have fun watching any content with them and they're the only group with whom i for real keep up with constantly (i mean i save videos to watch later usually and watch them when i'm having a bad day). it's hard to put into words what they mean to me bc it's been an immense comfort to watch their videos and listen to their music (i discovered them when i was stuck at home with my neck injury and in pain every day and also covid had just started.. fun times lmao). and idk how they keep making music that always feels fresh and new but still very very Them?? (also with three of the members writing more and more of the songs i think/hope there's little chance of their discography to become stale). their music is literally custom made for my brain it's like a drug i need to feel normal. and it's not like i *know* them but in general they do seem very..... down-to-earth and their banter doesn't seem artificial ever iykwim?? i think their relationship with the fans is very special and cheesy but actually rly cute mfdgdhfgkd. this is stuff that has stuck out to me bc i think it's not easy to pass my vibe check for celebrities lmao i do trust my gut bc im usually right irl. each of them is so special and has their own things going for them and i could write a paragraph for each f them but i won’t (please watch and admire my self-restraint) IN CONCLUSION: they're a chaotic comfort to me <3
something i’d like to see from them wonho back in mx some day or like a collab situation 🤡🤡🤡 other than that like a looong vacation or just keep doing whatever they want. i think it's incredibly impressive that they've put up so much stuff and i hope they're not overdoing it. i also think everything they’ve put out last year has been good and they’ve released a looot. i think they’ve been doing well lately and seem pretty happy with their situation in genral at this point (i mean after wonho leaving, i think they’ve all adjusted to it pretty well and wonho seems to have a blast working with the ppl he’s working with rn :’) so i’m relieved + they can all see each other just not talk about it to the fans which must still suck). tho i know they could really benefit from some rest man. even if they want to be constantly working i hope they know their fans would be here waiting for them once they take a break. also i rly would wanna see more title tracks by jooheon in the future bc gambler and rush hour are mwah chef's kiss
oh and i just realized there's two more groups haha i'll put hem under a cut
[ if i’m familiar ] victon
favorite member if I have one sejuuuuuuuunnnn (taurus brother and insane man)
favorite song(s) nostalgic night, what i said, chronograph, howling (i haven't dived deep into their discography)
why I don’t stan (yet) / if I want to literally just have my hands full with mx lmao. i do casually stan them tho i guess
question for veteran fans same as for any other ig: what are their most insane moments?
[ if i’m familiar ]
favorite member if I have one yiren but im rly not very familiar with them. i watched her diy vlog and i was like yeah that's my girl :)
favorite song(s) first, pirate, don't speak, la di da, dun dun (haven't listened to a lot of their songs)
why I don’t stan (yet) / if I want to want to and i've watched some of their recent content. but i'm again a casual stan
question for veteran fans copy+paste: what are their most insane moments?
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nambamjun · 3 years
Interview Tag
Let's get to know each other :D
Tagged by: @whattodowithkpop I finally got to actually doing this after so long, thank you for being amazing and patient <3
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you'd like to know better!
Name/Nickname: My full name is Victoria but I'm most commonly called Ria online, Vic in person, and honestly I'm chill with whatever!
Pronouns: She/Her
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5'9
Time: 6:57am
Birthday: October 31st
Fav band/groups: BTS, Got7, A.C.E, Ateez, Stray Kids, OnlyOneOf, Victon, and Day6 (for brevity's sake I'm only listing kmusic)
Fav solo artists: Eric Nam and Taemin
Song stuck in your head: for the past few days it's been between JAY B's Switch It Up and SKZ's Maknae on Top
Last movie you watched: Coraline
Last show you binged: American Horror Story (I've lost count of how many times I've gone through this series, it's a comfort show at this point... which is probably not a good thing now that I think about it XD)
When you created your blog: I believe around mid April of last year? I've had a personal tumblr for so long now but I made this one so I could actually post writing!
Last thing you googled: FedEx tracking. I wanted to know where a package I ordered was haha
Other blogs you own: A personal one that I use to just kinda like, reblog, and post things about kpop as well as all of the other things I'm into.
Why I chose my username: At the time of my blog's creation I mainly ulted three groups; BTS, Got7, and A.C.E. I took the names of my three biases at the time and combined them (Namjoon, Bambam, and Junhee). I've thought about changing it to reflect bias updates, maybe? It would take some time to change it through all of my things so I'll put a pin in that one...
How many people am I following: uhhhhhhh on my personal SOOO MANY. On here 10
How many followers do I have: Nambamjun has 13 so far, and my personal has 43... which I am very surprised about not gonna lie
Average hours of sleep: oh lordie this could either be like 6 or 12 there's no in between
Lucky number: 5
Instruments: Voice (does that count?), Marching Bass Drum & Cymbals, and Clarinet (although I haven't played in years). Really wanna learn guitar and piano
What am I currently wearing: A tank top and plaid pajama pants in my school's colors
Dream Job: Working as a curator in a large museum, ideally either the MET in NYC or the Philly Museum of Art!
Dream trip: Uuuuuhhhh... many places? Ireland, Norway, England, South Korea, Ukraine, Canada...
Fav food: Whenever I'm asked this I always have to think about it for a good while. I'd have to say coconut shrimp with a mango sauce
Fav song: Ah yes a question that changes on the daily. As of right now, in this very moment... um... shoot... let's go with The World Is Ugly by My Chemical Romance (I can confirm that it was, indeed, not a phase. Or if it is, it's lasting a very long time.)
Top three fictional universes you'd like to live in: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, andddd... wait wait wait can I please choose Animal Crossing??? I mean I know it's a video game but screw it I'm doing it I'm choosing Animal Crossing
Tagging: yeahhh once again whoever sees this, I officially tag you, I'm pretty sure anyone I know has already been tagged!
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xiaoxiongmaos · 3 years
this is a bit late (sorry for that, i've been a bit busy these past few days!!), so i'll combine today's mission w the past one!
first off, are there any iconic moments from your faves that you love? and second, i'm here to recommend pinkfantasy as a new kpop group for you to listen to!
i hope you're doing well, xixi <3
- 🗝 anon
Hello! I’m so sorry for the late response myself, I couldn’t open the inbox on the phone so I had to wait until getting onto my computer ^^; hope you’re well too, anon!
YEAH HAHA it does really seem like jisung is your bias after all you wrote but it is all so true!! and yes i agree!! the use of cgi in mvs sometimes make me cringe. like, in monster, that one scene where they edited irene's face was so bad and i wish they went with just a mask or makeup instead. i didn't actually notice that in blue hour's mv (but that was probably because i was hyperfocused on the members LMFAO). but, yes the yg method is definitely a safer method. though i prefer mv's like red velvelt's that are kinda whimsical, kinda dangerous, and 100% sexy. i LOVE those royal aesthetics too!! i haven't seen most of those mvs :( but i have an idea of what you're describing and i've seen some mvs in those style that are just!! top tier!! pls don't apologise for your response!! i really wish i could write more but i'm so awkward so i end up deleting half of what i want to say 😭😭 and, yes i am!! i write and read! i'm intrigued about this writer friend of yours i remind you of 👀 i honestly didn't think it's obvious i'm a writer bc i use a lot of abbreviations and a more informal way of texting, so i'm surprised you picked up on it. i'm curious about what you do on here bc i haven't seen you make gifs or post any fics! do you read?? i'm really curious! i hope you're having a great day, and i'm sending warm hugs your way - 🗝 anon
I’ll respond to your previous ask here as well!
Ooh iconic moments… I guess there’s the compilations of Soobin messing up names that went viral akdkdkfk I usually get a good laugh out of them. I don’t really know what people consider iconic since I’ve never thought of anything people do as such so please bare with me haha maybe also that one fancam of Jisung sitting there jamming to all the artists performing but messing up the lyrics in an award show + the clip of Eunsang singing 2002… it really blew up his fanbase and his voice is such a tender, honey-like one and I still listen to it regularly! I’m sorry I really have no idea (*μ_μ) what’re your favourite iconic moments?
OH I remember watching the MV when it came out and almost leaping out of my seat because I was taken aback at how the face looked… I think if it was a tad more natural, it wouldn’t look as bad akskdjfjs
Ah, she used to be a writer here but she left once the group she wrote for disbanded… I dunno maybe it’s the fact that you word your sentences the same way she did in casual talk? I kinda felt like you were her at first but I don’t think so now because it’s been awfully long for her to turn up in an anon event HAHA no offence to either of you though :3
Oh, I gif! Well, it’s a little more complex than that but I mainly gif. I used to write on main (and post fanart from time to time) before but then it got weird for me after most of my writer friends left/grew other interests so I took up giffing + a tiny bit of gfx making and have been doing so on sideblogs since April last year! I posted fanarts on here to keep main active but I haven’t been lately because I need a new tablet first and I can only do so little on a small device such as my phone (つω`。) I have a ton of sideblogs but my most active ones currently are those for txt, stray kids & the boyz! It seems like a lot but giffing takes me 1-2 hours per every 2 sets so I can usually make two posts a day if I don’t write for the story I’m working on personally and/or sketch for any fanarts… I do read! From only 2-3 writers though because I’m slightly picky with what I read and the style is either a hit or miss with me. I do think I’m blessed in a way that my day seems pretty long to me; I can study & finish chores in little time and partake in my hobbies/other activities while having more than half of it still left dkf’fnnf sometimes it’s not such a good thing because I feel like there’s nothing to do all day hehe I’ve been studying for my exams these past couple of weeks because they’ve suddenly been moved prior to their date before so I haven’t been able to post stuff as regularly. That’s also the reason it took me a while to get back to you, I apologize again!
Feel free to write whatever you want, please don’t feel shy! It’s okay if you’re not comfortable enough yet though, don’t feel pressured to write a lot either!
I think I’ve heard of them/heard a song of theirs in a try not to sing since the name sounds familiar but I’ll check them out! My recommendations would be highlight’s loved & still not the end + victon’s nostalgic night + han seungwoo’s on & off + bdc’s remember me! My recs are them as groups and an artist but to start you off I only listed the titles I adore, though almost all of their discography is amazing~
0 notes
Hello again!
awww, that has completely made my day tbh🥺 it’s been rough the last few weeks and now my exams are just right around the corner….
First of all: thanks for answering all my questions in depth, that was really interesting, you sound like an awesome person! I just adore when people are talking about the things they love, it’s so cute 🥰
Second of all: You have immaculate TASTE! 😍 I also stan a good amount of the groups you listed there 🤝 I especially love Monsta X, NCT (OT23) and SKZ though. They have a special place in my heart. Based on your profile picture your bias in NCT might be Doyoung? (P.S. please teach me how to choose a bias, I just can’t decide on one I swear 🤡) And if you want: I’m curious who your biases are for the groups you’re stanning ^^
I’m trying to get into P1harmony, what are your favorite song(s) of them?
Wow, that’s really cool though to have both your mother and grandmother being into astrology! I’m happy you’re going to keep running this blog, I really enjoy your content ☺️do you have any recommendations when it comes to learning astrology? I’ve been looking for some reliable sources but most of the time I’ve been facing a loooot of inconsistencies in information so I’m a bit lost here. Ohhh and also I’ve been getting into reading about crystals and their properties lately. Do you have any interest in that field too? If yes, what’s your favourite crystal?
Nice! What languages are you currently speaking and are there any more languages you’d like to learn? I can only imagine! But keep going, persistence is key!!
You mentioned you’re also in university, what’s your major?
Hmm.. a random fact about me… A big pet peeve of mine would be: people eating with their mouths open and making sounds while eating. I just can’t deal with that 😅
Phew, I feel like I’ve been rambling a lot 😅 Sorry for the length of this ask 😬
I hope you’ll have a lovely day! - 🌻
mx and skz are some of my absolute ults too, I'm sat in my bed rn with posters and stuff stuck on my wall behind me kjhgfdfghjk I've seen both of them live and let me tell u if u Haven't seen either of them live it was Incredible-
my bias in 127 is doyoung, yes. in dream it's been chenle and jisung since they debuted, in wayv it's 200% yangyang, I'm painfully whipped for him tbh. Honestly I didn't have a bias in 127 for the Longest time, I moved between probably all of them at one point or another. I've been an nctzen since debut and back then my bias was taeyong, then around limitless time it moved to johnny for a while, and then I just kind of couldn't settle on anyone for the Longest time, and then idk in the last year or so doyoung rlly just came out of Nowhere??? and stole my whole entire soul??? I was like "oh I guess we're going through a doyoung phase now" and then it just kind of. hasn't passed. I'm still here. I adore him. I could write an entire essay on the subject. I'm whipped. I think it was very much an occasion of "I did not choose a bias, a bias chose me" lmaooooo. I couldn't pick an overall nct bias though, impossible, I love them all too much for that. I'm very bad at picking biases truthfully, I usually either move around members for ages before finally settling, or I end up with like 2-3 biases kjhgfghjk other groups I stan tho:
ateez: hongjoong
skz: minho
mx: kihyun
txt: yeonjun
p1h: jiung
vixx: hakyeon
oneus: hwanwoong
onewe: dongmyeon
tbz: kevin/chanhee/sunwoo
seventeen: hoshi/jeonghan
victon: subin
a.c.e: beyongkwan
ab6ix: daehwi
dreamcatcher: gahyeon/siyeon
stayc: j
as for p1harmony songs, my favourites are: ayaya, that's it, end it, if you call me, scared
Honestly in terms of learning about astrology, the majority of what I've learned has been via running this blog kjhgfdfghjk I'm a very hands-on learner who learns best by actually doing things, so what's worked best for me has honestly been receiving questions, going away and researching them and then coming back with a cohesive answer using the various sources I've consulted. I will say that for a beginner, I think cafe-astrology presents things in a very simple way that's easy to understand, but now that I know more I like astro-seek a lot more for how it actually lays out the information, because I find it a lot easier these days to see things visualised in the chart the way they do rather than in a list of placements like on cafe-astrology, but I've been doing this on and off for like a year and a half at least now so jhgfdsfghjkl honestly I do things very intuitively, I like to get a vague sense of the traits of each sign, then just kind of extrapolate from that, like I understand the traits of the moon because I understand that it's ruled by cancer, and vice versa. Same goes for houses, I understand 8th bc it's ruled by scorpio/pluto, I understand 6th bc it's ruled by virgo/mercury, etc. etc. Definitely take it slow and don't try to pile on too much info at once, start with signs, work your way up and honestly don't worry about houses at all until u understand signs/placements bc they add a whole other layer of complexity to everything that I'm truthfully still wrapping my head around.
I don't know much about crystals and gemstones and the like, but I have some favourites for purely aesthetic reasons if that counts kjhgfdsdfghjk I love rubies, obsidian, labradorite, hematite, to name a few
as for languages, currently I'm sadly only fluent in english, I used to be conversational in german and italian but I've not used them in so many years that I really don't remember much of anything anymore. I really want to learn russian, mandarin, norwegian, dutch, and hebrew. I lowkey want to speak all languages but these are some of my favourites jhgfdfghjk
and I'm a psychology student! going into my final year in october <3
my answer is equally as long it's okay jhgfdfghjk I don't mind the long asks! really, I think it's kinda nice <3
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fairychannie · 5 years
Hello!!!!!!!! Also is it okay to call you Anna? Or what nickname would you be comfortable with? ^^ I'm sorry for not replying sooner, I was feeling a bit down about the online learning and all but I'm better now!!!! OKAY so that's really cool!!! Learning by just hearing!!! It makes sense a lot as well though! I've experienced that being exposed to a language makes you learn stuff even if you don't realize it! Oh oh how was your first online class? ^^❄️
For photoshop and editing, I totally understand. I honestly don't know how I got used to it, I still have lots to discover though. But I'm sure if you just do it every once in a while when you feel like it, you'll get better without realizing!!! This year I decided to surround myself with more positive, since I had been a bit depressed last year (things got a lot better btw!!) so I made several edits of feel dog's artworks to put around heheh ^^❄️ AND YES!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!! Ahshdhdh that's exactly what I thougt: half bias = bias wrecker!!!!! Do you have any favorite for the howling era? Aaaa I want to say more stuff but MY BRAIN IS NOT WORKING >~
oh please call me anna!! i like using my name because it’s pretty common and exists in a lot of countries so it’s also pretty safe to use ^^ it’s okay, i totally understand!! i actually skipped my online class because i was too anxious and then felt very bad about it so i needed a little time off too >.
also yeah, i think something similar happened while learning korean because even if i wasn’t directly in korea, i still spent most of my time listening to korean people talking and since i stan quite a few underrated groups, subs are very rare, i had no choice but to watch the raw videos and picked up. then of course i learned hangeul and took the time to learn the grammar (or well... at least read up on it) so i understand it more now^^ i think the best way to learn a language is really either picking up on it naturally because you have no choice or by translating.
i’m so glad you decided to surround yourself with more positive things, it’s really important even if you’re not depressed but it can help a lot to have a better mindset and look at the world with a bit more hopefully!! i’m also glad things got better for you!!! i sometimes play around with editing like when one of my faves have a birthday or something, i think those are good chances for me to practice and gives me motivation sdflkdfslk same with writing, i either have no motivation at all or the most motivation a human can possibly have klkfsdldsffd
do you mean favorite member for howling era? because subin this era... not nice... especially in nightmare... he really snapped on us... also i’m really happy to see seungwoo back and the concept fits him well so yay!!! aLSO CHAN??? WITH THIS HAIR???? love it!! there’s also sejun... no special reason... i’m just very whipped for that man... no matter what era... ALSO OMG i’m so sorry you probably followed me for the victon content and then i go and make a victon only blog and not post here about them anymore ksfkdslfsdklf it always happens hhhhh but hey, on the bright side, i’m very sure i didn’t just make a blog to delete a month or two later... it’s going to last :’)
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ghost-moon-child · 7 years
Bias Tag!
Oh ok this looks like Hell but also fun at the same time! Hells to the yeah! I was tagged by bae @ims-monbebe thank you frendo! ily💖
Ok before I start: Whoever made this can go die in a hole, fill it with lava and cement and be buried. But still thank you anyways??XD 
Rules: write down your top 10 biases and answer the following questions.
1.  Shin Hoseok | Wonho, Monsta X
2. Moon Bin | Moonbin, Astro
3. Xu Ming Hao | The8, Seventeen
4. Kim Mingyu | Mingyu, Seventeen
5. Lee Tayeong | Tayeong, NCT 127
6. Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, BTS
7. Choi Byung-chan | Byungchan, Victon
8. Yoo Taeyang | Taeyang, SF9
9. Byun Baek-hyun | Baekhyun, Exo
10. Choi Youngjae | Youngjae, Got7
1.  Between biases 1 & 4, who would you rather kiss? Are you kidding me?? Umm probs Minghao cause like age but like Mingyu would be a dream having a boy TALLER THAN ME! (for once) kiss me, but like ahhh WHAT IS THIS QUESTION!!! 
2.  Between biases 2 & 7, who would be your best friend? Most likely J-Hope cause like he’s the happy sunshine! He would make my depression non existent! ahh dreams:) Or like The8 cause having those Wushu skills to back you up as well as the roasting skills! YUS! But Moonbin loves LOVES FOOD so I can see us going on food dates at like 1 am, which is actual goals! @amazingkateyisnotonfire  you know what I mean;) Our 1am trip to maccas for ice cream is a memory i’ll never forget:) 
3.  Between biases 5 & 7, who has the best voice? Well Chan is the only vocal between the 3 but HAVE YOU HEARD HOBI SING! LIKE IN SPRING DAY OMG! I CRIED! YUS! HE WAS SO GOOD! HERES THE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMqmnhgNLXY Do you hear that? That’s sound of an angel singing with me in tears in the background. 
4.  Between biases 1 & 8, who is the funniest? J-Hope cause he’s a literal sunshine! But huge weirdo like me at the same time:D And I love him for it^^
5.  Between biases 9 & 10, who would you do a collaboration with? Uhh both have AMAZING VOICES AND HIGH NOTES so like idk can I have both teach me???
6.  Between biases 4 & 8, who is the best dancer? I can not choose like J-hope is a F***ING GOD when it comes to dancing but like that's the same with Tayeong and Taeyang cause like DAMN!! 
7.  Between biases 3 & 5, who would you most likely marry? Well either Mingaho or Mingyu but either way i’d get to befriend the whole group anyways. But both are so amazing!! AHHH WHY MAKE ME CHOOSE! Imma beat someone like wth is this tag.
8.  Between biases 1 & 7, who would you most nurse when they are sick? Moonbin cause he’d need help with picking the right foods to eatXD I’d probs cook for him tho. Tbh i’d care for all of them if any were sick like honestly come on
9.  Between biases 2 & 3, who has the best smile? OKAY IMMA PUNCH A B**CH WUT IS THIS QUESTION!? BOTH HAVE SMILES OF ANGELS! 
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10.  Between biases 6 & 8, who would you vacation with? J-Hope!!! Like omg he would be SO hype over it! XD 
But hey I tag: @littlessquishy @hotseok @wonhosjaan  @zicosxnose @yixinghasmewhipped @choco-seventeen @joshpup @joshsua @minygu @the-orenda-fountain @wonhosflower @amazingkateyisnotonfire and anyone else who wants to do it! If you guys who I tagged don’t want to that’s fine, you don’t have to:) 
Hope everyone has a lovely day!~ 
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