#actually nvm im too lazy to tag every variation of every corner of asia
chai-en-kaadhale ยท 3 months
the ways that people divide up asia is so funny bc southwest asia is also west asia and east asia is also northeast asia which would logically be strictly the far eastern part of russia which is supposedly seperate from siberia but sometimes not but assuming the former north would be siberia and northeast would be far eastern russia??? and south asia is sometimes called southeast asia which overshadows southeast asia which isnt south asia and some people still say stuff like "ouGh nepal isn't south asia" when they probably mean they arent desi which I thought meant south asia in general but apparently its just india/pakistan/bangladesh???
and where even is afghanistan they just went hmm this is here and that is there and afghanistan? oh youre just. you can be like idk a geographical qubit or some shit idk.
and central asia??? its feels longitudinally lined up with east asia which is somtimes called northeast asia so logically wouldnt it be like. northwest asia?????
and if you find the right idiots you may even hear that asia is just china japan sk nk taiwan and vietnam (if youre feeling a little silly)
like no yeah the rest of us are just the africa dlc pack
"oh youre lao? where in africa is that??" "oh youre indian? oh is that close to morocco?" and the kicker is that somehow it all makes sense
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