#actually not much Voiles and Void here
eevylynn · 2 months
Dark Horse
Voiles || E || Stiles/Void Stiles || 1909 wc
Everything was muffled and loud at the same time. Sirens. Screams. Metal on metal. Everyone around him seemed to be moving in slow motion around him. Two hands suddenly grabbed his face, turning his head gently until a familiar face, his own face, caught his gaze. “Stiles, breathe,” Void urged, his raspy voice steady as he firmly kept Stiles’ identical eyes on himself. “Breathe with me, kit.”
Made for @foofsterroonie
Stiles/Void is my second favorite Stiles ship, so I was very excited to get the opportunity to write this! They were so much fun to play with.
Yes, I got the title from Dark Horse by Katy Perry. That song just works so well for this couple, and I couldn't think of a better title, lmao
His whole body was buzzing; his brain felt staticky. Stiles bit his lip to test how that felt.
It hurt. A lot actually…
Wait, that’s good right?
Everything was muffled and loud at the same time. Sirens. Screams. Metal on metal. Everyone around him seemed to be moving in slow motion around him.
Two hands suddenly grabbed his face, turning his head gently until a familiar face, his own face, caught his gaze.
“Stiles, breathe,” Void urged, his raspy voice steady as he firmly kept Stiles’ identical eyes on himself. “Breathe with me, kit.”
They breathed together as Stiles imitated Void’s slow deep breaths until slowly, bit by bit, Stiles started to feel more normal.
It had all started with a sudden, intense wave of emotion. The anxiety had built up, a pressure cooker ready to burst.
Without warning, a massive shockwave erupted from Stiles, radiating outwards. Void was there in an instant, his presence a calming anchor in the storm.
The shockwave had left a trail of destruction in its wake: overturned cars, shattered windows, and uprooted trees. The air crackled with residual energy, the remnants of Stiles’ unleashed power.
Void’s grip on Stiles’ face softened, one hand sliding down to his shoulder. “Are you okay?” he asked, concern etched into his features as the thumb on the hand still cradling Stiles’ face caressed his jaw.
Stiles nodded slowly, still trying to catch his breath. “I-I think so. What happened?”
“You lost control,” Void replied, glancing around at the devastation surrounding them. “Your powers…your spark. You’ve finally awakened it.”
Stiles swallowed hard, the reality of the situation sinking in.
He hadn’t really thought of his supposed spark in years.
“I didn’t know it could do this,” Stiles muttered, looking around at the chaos he had unintentionally caused.
Void’s hand tightened on his shoulder. “I knew your spark had the potential to be powerful. It’s a part of why I originally chose you, kit.”
Stiles took a deep breath, trying to steady himself further. "I...I need to learn how to control it."
"You will," Void said resolutely, not a hint of doubt in his eyes as he released his grip on Stiles. “Can you stand?”
Stiles nodded.
Void swiftly rose to his feet. “Come on,” he said, reaching down to help Stiles up. “We need to get you out of here. Now.”
[continue reading on ao3]
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raksh-writes · 3 years
Finally fought off  writer’s block to write some for my Beauty and the Beast inspired A/B/O AU, so here’s a small sneak peek into the story! I love this ‘verse and can never wait to write more for it ^^ Following this fic: Tale as old as time. Enjoy!
It’s overwhelming.
The size of the room, as big as their small house was or maybe even bigger, the rich colors draped all over the place, the luxury dripping from every single curve and line; the fireplace carved in swirling marble, the couches and armchairs with plush cushions that must feel like a piece of cloud, the bed - gods, the bed. It could probably fit three grown men, comfortably; and Stiles is pretty sure he could get lost among all the pillows and sheets and blankets and furs, which - spirits save him - he just might, this very night. 
Stiles swallows, the meager amount of spit going down like a box of nails, scratching and painful on his parched throat. Arms drawn tight over his wiry chest, Stiles tries not to curl in on himself like a pathetic excuse for a man - lanky and thin and dirty, barely daring to move for fear of tainting everything around him more than he already did. Three steps into the room, shocked and blindsided by the space, the colors, the high windows and the warm fire, the polished marble and the richly colored rugs, the fur and the cushions, and-- And he has frozen, still standing where he stopped, taking in the lavishness his mind can’t quite comprehend. It feels like any miniscule twitch of his body makes filth scrape off his skin, spreading it through a place that should never see the likes of him. Stiles shudders, and immediately tries to lock his muscles into stone to prevent it - his filthy, scrapy, poor, poor imitations of boots already dirtied the room enough. 
Shame burns high on his face, swims scorchingly through his chest, both because he’d balk at those thoughts just a day ago - Mr Brady was a good shoemaker and Stiles took proper care of his boots, they were more than appropriate and nice for their little town, but here? Never in his short life has Stiles felt so-- so inadequate. And, gods, he hasn’t even thought about how dirty he must be, mud and soot and ash staining his torn clothes and caught in his shaggy hair, he’s been absolutely covered in filth through the whole spirits-damned road with-- 
Eyes falling shut, Stiles forces out the breath stuck in his throat and wrangles back the stinging under his eyelids.
He’d think it’s some kind of sick joke, a drop of amusement to the Lord he’s going to-- Fuck, Stiles is going to live with him. The Nogitsune. 
The reality of his situation hasn’t yet sunk in, probably won’t until it hits him out of nowhere, at some strange point he won’t be able to predict now. But-- it’s so surreal, so out of some fairy tale his mom would tell him for a goodnight when Stiles was just a kid that it seems purely impossible to wrap his mind around. Him. Stiles. In this room, this mansion - this Palace, for all intents and purposes - with the one even the Kitsune Lords seem wary of, the one of whom rumors are so hushed none dare to speak more than few sentences at once, and is shrouded with as much mystery as a hero from legends long past would be. The Nogitsune. Void. Or, as the locals seem to call him, Lord Yako. 
Maybe it is some kind of joke. Face Stiles with a vision of life in luxury, only to take it away for a stone prison cell, or a dump worse than even that, whatever that could be. Or. Or--
Stiles’ throat locks up.
--it’s the Nogitsune’s room he’s in - or maybe one of his rooms, since his scent seems absent - maybe he’s here not to live in as normal, but to-- to be chained, and collared, and kept on his knees at the edge of the bed, always ready to serve, to be on demand whenever the fancy strikes his Lord. As a filthy, displaced Omega like him is only good for.
Finally, a flicker of anger licks at his ribs, breaking through the fog of anxiety and shock. He was aware this might be his fate when he agreed, back on that scorched field beside his still burning town, but-- But two can play a game, and if he glimpsed it right, the Nogitsune was looking for entertainment, amusement - “I’ve been bored, lately, and you-- You intrigue me.” Stiles can be what he needs to be so his father is safe and happy and near. They have a deal, meager as it is, and that is a two way street. 
A soft rustle from the door cuts through his thoughts, and when Stiles twists to look, a kind-looking woman steps into the room. She seems his dad’s age, carries herself with both softness and surety, and both her smile and her gaze feels nothing but welcoming. 
Stiles falters, all of the grim, dark, downright terrifying scenarios wiped away by the pure warmth and calm the woman exudes. She takes a step closer and her soothing, mellowed scent puts some ease into his fried nerves. An Omega, just like him - all but for the shadow of a bite mark in the curve of her neck. 
“Master Stiles,” she greets him with a bow to her head, the whole situation too much for his poor heart for Stiles to cringe at the, well, title. “My name is Natalie, I’m here to help you settle and answer any questions and concerns you might have.” Her smile widens slightly, crinkled in the corners of her eyes, and there’s a lilt to her voice that endears him almost instantly - an edge of humor to it Stiles recognizes. She leans in, just slightly, just with the side of her body, as if to share a secret. “You know, I’m something of a Chief of Staff here. Not a person, corner or event here I don’t know about. Well, besides those concerning our Lord himself,” she tips her head, like they’re both in on a joke, “he can be quite a reclusive one, but you didn’t hear it from me. Now.” Straightening up, she gives Stiles a critical once over that reminds him too much of his mom’s look when he used to barge home covered in mud, but before that can dredge up painful memories, she smiles knowingly. “What about a bath?”
 Stiles can’t even begin to cover the relieved groan that slips from his mouth. 
“Yes, gods, please, I feel like I’m dirtying up this place just by breathing.”
Natalie’s light eyes sparkle with humor, and - just like that - the vice grip around his lungs loosens. 
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wntcrsoldier · 7 years
ya got any of that good shit, voiles?
AUTHORS NOTE — yes i do, anon, to the bunker! some fics may not have them as a couple, but it’s close enough, and the supply is fairly low. also, unfortunately some of these fics may be deleted or gone if you are viewing in the future :(
o. shadow in the mirror ; eclipsewing
▬ when the sun catches him at the right angle, his shadow twists until it looks almost like there is a nine-tailed fox, trotting at his heels.
i. never trust a fox ; stigitsune_shipper
▬ this story is placed after season 5a. stiles and scott were always best friends. but ever since scott got bitten by a werewolf, stiles was always ignored. they always thought he was weak. no one listened to his advice, even thought he was right in most cases. when theo came to beacon hills, stiles never trusted him. but did anyone listen to him? stiles was feeling really depressed, because of donovan, and everything around with dread doctors, beast etc. etc. but when scott didn’t trust him, something in him broke. he decided, that he didn’t want everyone to ignore him, and made a weak, small, human out of him, anymore. so he asked for help from someone, whom he had always hated - nogitsune. and with that, he started a game that had been won right from the start.
ii. narcissus and it’s sequel echo ; tsuraiwrites 
▬ voiles as eerily close twins.
iii. no good deed ; lloydoholic
▬ benevolent!void. three times void tries to be nice and no one believes him (except for stiles), and one time they do.
iv. oh how the cold seeps in ; wolfinglet
▬ derek leaves the room, and stiles writhes in place on the cold table. writhes. writhes. he’s so hot inside.
“fucking witches,” he hears isaac mutter.
v. under your skin ; vampireisthenewblack
▬ after the nogitsune splits, leaving stiles again in control of his own body, the sheriff takes him home for some well deserved rest. chaos, strife, and pain ensues.
vi. blacklight ; nanoochka
▬ they say sex with yourself is always sex with someone you love, except for when it isn’t.
vii. ode to sleep ; twinsky
▬ even when they are separated stiles can feel the other, a connection between their shared existences that is not actually there, that does not physically exist, but he can feel like a chain linking their two existences to one another. like two creatures who cling onto each other for life, because it is like they will die without the other.
stiles knows this isn’t true, knows that this existence he has is his own, that it is the nogitsune who relies on him for life –that needs his shape, his body, to exist on this plane.
it doesn’t change the fact, that when it is defeated, when it’s (his, their) body shatters and turns to dust and the small firefly that remains is trapped inside the box, he feels like a part of him has gone with it.
viii. shadowboxing ; thegirlwhoknits
▬ working together, deaton and lydia were finally able to force the nogitsune out of stiles’ head, stripping it of most of its power and forcing it to take on corporeal form. after that, there were only two problems: the corporeal form it chose to take on looked exactly like stiles, and they couldn’t make it leave.
xi. into the void ; teal_aurora
▬ “once the nogitsune takes root in someone’s soul, it isn’t unusual for it to leave enough of its energy to regenerate should something happen, feeding off of despair and chaos from that person’s soul. it also isn’t uncommon for the nogitsune to develop characteristics of that person and become attached to their host.”
the nogitsune comes back when stiles is at his weakest. the difference? now he’s out to protect stiles from not only the two demon princes waiting in the depths of the boy’s damaged soul, but from his own “pack” that practically abandoned him and a coven of vampires. can the pack save Stiles? does he even want to be saved anymore? giving up control just seems so nice right now… and the nogitsune has been so kind to him he doesn’t want to leave the peaceful cradle of his mind.
x. while i’m at it ; toast-to-a-stranger
▬ no/stiles. corporeal no and dark-ish!stiles. handling all the threats coming to beacon hills with vicious efficiency before the pack even gets a whiff of it. leaving just blood and gore in their wake.
xi. you’ve got your demons (and, darling, they all look like me) ; linksofmemories
▬ “we care about you very much, stiles.”
yeah, i don’t fucking buy that.
that was what he wanted to say anyway. he didn’t even know how this was possible, how he could be so completely trapped inside of his own mind and body. but here he was, sitting in the middle of the preserve and staring at himself.
xii. the best presents ; tsuraiwrites
▬ an AU where the nogitsune approaches stiles with its plight, and convinces him to help them in return for not possessing him and hurting his friends.
o. nogitsune fics ; tsuraiwrites
i. fic masterpost ; tsuraiwrites
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brianculmo · 6 years
My Hardboot Splitboard Setup
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After a lot of research and pondering I decided to switch to a hardboot splitboard setup last April. Unfortunately there has turned out to be very little information on the subject, and diving into this whole hardboot world has proven to be quite the experience in tinkering and problem solving. I try to be an intentional as possible with my gear purchases and decisions, and building out my current setup has been exactly that. I realize that there is so little information out there regarding all this stuff, I figured I would share some of my thoughts on how I ended up with the setup I have now.
The obvious first question was why hardboots? This is a complicated answer and the reasons are many. My personal reasons are as follows:
- Uphill efficiency, significantly less weight swinging on feet each step
- Walk mode comfort while skinning, longer strides
- Lateral stability on the uphill for sidehilling and skinning confidence
- General weight saving
- Speed of transitions
- Crampon compatibility, mountaineering ability
- Lack of suitable suitable/appealing soft boot options
- Downhill sacrifice vs uphill sacrifice
- Never extremely impressed with downhill comfort of normal split bindings
Once I decided on hardbooting was the way to go, it has been a very long road to actually getting to a point where I can see the advantage. Things have finally come together after months of research, modding, setting up, testing, more modding and more adjusting. Here is my setup as it is now:
My Current setup includes:
-Arc’teryx Procline Boots (lite version, the non carbon ones)
- Spark R & D tech toes
- Spark R & D canted pucks
- Spark R & D Dyno DH bindings
- Jones Hovercraft 156cm
-Jones Pro Skins
- Phantom Heel risers
- Phantom Hercules Hooks
The Board/skins:
This is the least unique part of the setup. It’s simply a rad board that rips and is playful. The skins work great and didn't need to be trimmed at all. Jones has a nice proprietary tail clip/hook for the skins which is really simple to use and is lighter than a lot of other ski tail clip options out there. The only complaint I would have is that the skins don’t grip quite as much on really steep stuff compared to other High traction skins that I have used.
The Boots:
Upon first thinking about hardboots, I tried find as much info as possible about splitboard hardboots online; there was not much out there. I quickly realized my boot options were narrowed down to the Dynafit TLT6 and the Arc’Teryx Procline. The TLT6 has been a go to boot for boarders for a long time now, although pretty significant mods were needed to make them work better. I was able to go try on both the TLT6s and the Proclines, and my decision was pretty easy as soon as I tried both boots on. The Proclines felt significantly better in every way compared to the TLT6. The Proclines felt lighter, there was a much more free feeling walk mode, and the flexing seemed to be more beneficial to snowboarding. The boots split cuff works really well for snowboarding, with far less material above the ankle compared to the TLT6. Even out of the box, the boots felt in the range of being able to ride with. I knew mods would probably be necessary, but I wanted to ride in them to get an idea of the extent of mod needed. I thought about the carbon version of the Proclines, but they apparently weren't actually any lighter than the normal version. Plus the carbon version was apparently stiffer than the plastic version, and stiffness is the opposite of what I needed for snowboarding. Plus, saving a couple hundred dollars wasn't bad either. I also went with the “Lite” liner over the “support” liner. The Lite liner is thinner and less stiff than the support liner. Again stiffness is less important for snowboarding, so it was better to go with the lighter, more flexible, less stiff option.
I only had one serious concern with the Proclines, and it is a well established issue. The toe bail on the Proclines is very small and less than ideal for purchase with a splitboard binding. The general shape of the toe and its low profile has also been known to cause problems with certain bindings. There are some solutions out there to remedy this concern. I reached out to Phantom Splitboard bindings about the ability for Proclines to fit in their system, and they said it was possible with an extended set screw.
The Bindings:
Everyone in the hardboot splitboard world points to Phantoms as the go to choice. I was really interested in their system and did a lot of research on it. The shape of their toe bail connector was still suspect for me with the shape of the toe on the Procline boot. They assured me it would work, but from pictures and posts I saw, you would have to set the front angle quite high to accommodate the lack of purchase on the front. The security and confidence of that connection is super important, as it would be very bad if that failed. One more negative of the Phantom system is the inability to add a cant to the setup. Having a canted stance is something that was important to me with hardboots. With already limited flex, especially laterally, the ability to have a canted stance would really help with comfort and board control.
Enter the Spark R&D Dyno DH binding:
I was able to find some information on the 2019 Spark Dyno DH binding and the improvements and possibility made it a real contender for me personally. Spark had created a toe connector out of metal that was lower profile and fit the shape of the Procline much better than that of the Phantom. No odd set screw rigging was necessary. The Sparks are also compatible with their canted pucks. The bindings just slide in and click in just like the Tesla T1 binding system that I was previously riding. They are easy to transition and seem to clear snow well. Although every single ounce isn't super important to me and I am not sure on exact weight, but I remember reading somewhere that the Spark bindings are actually slightly lighter than the Phantom setup. There is certainly not a weight disadvantage in the Spark system. The setup for these bindings was also a process. The amount of adjustments to accommodate different sole lengths are a lot, but the instructions do make it pretty clear as to what you need to do. I was unfortunately right between 2 recommended lengths, so I had to do a mix of adjustments to get my boot to fit. Once they are dialed the bindings are solid, just don’t expect to rip right out the box.
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Spark R&D Tech Toe:
It was rad to see Spark manufacture in house a splitboard specific tech toe. This is another step towards hardboots becoming more accepted in the splitboarding world. The quality of construction is great and it is nice to not have to use an adaptor plate in order to use a dynafit tech toe. This is truly the best option on the market for boarders as evidenced with Phantom partnering with Spark to make a co-branded version. I have the Spark version because the anodized blue looks cool and matched the Dynos and no other reason.
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Phantom Hercules Hooks:
These hooks are super simple and really low profile. Having a static hook option is really appealing after dealing with other options flapping around and working to varying levels of success out in the field. I am all about the elimination of moving parts if possible, and Phantom came up with a bomber setup that just works. These things are super light and crank down the board great. The setup on these was quite a process of dialing in though. It took a lot to get the right tension for keeping the board tight vs being able to actually get the board apart. Once its dialed it is great and you don’t have to worry about it at all out in the field.
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Phantom Heel risers:
These machined pieces are exactly what you want in a heel riser. They are well built, and solidly constructed out of metal. I can easily rise both levels with a pole. These things just work. The one wish I have with these is a simpler/ better solution for split skiing. They currently recommend looping a voile strap around the riser and your foot. While that would work, it does not seem like the kind of elegant solution that I have come to expect from Phantom. Hopefully Phantom or Spark can figure out something better there.
Boot mods:
I rode in the boots once completely stock and made some clear conclusions. They are great on the uphill. The walk more in the Proclines is leaps and bounds better than any snowboard boot out there and most ski boots really. The lateral stability while edging finally gave the splitboard the same stability that skiers take for granted and splitboarders yearn for. I left all the buckles loose on the way up which helped with more flexibility. On the downhill the boots performed better than expected with no mods at all. It was clear that the forward lean was way to severe for any comfortable riding. I ride my resort board with 0 forward lean, so the angle of the ski boots was aggressive on the calves and quads. The lateral stability was acceptable and the boots just rode like a really responsive soft boot.
I had to do a lot of thinking and staring at the boots in order to figure out how to decrease the forward lean as well as accommodate for forward flex. The Proclines have specific system for locking the boots in ski mode and adjusting the angle of this adjustment by even just a few degrees was going to make all the difference. The boot needed to flex backwards a few degrees while still being able to flex to a forward position about equal to where it sits stock.
Warning: doing any of these mods will void the warranty of your boots. None of this is approved by the manufacturer. This is what I did to my boots, but most people will find a solution that works for them. I just want to provide more info for people who want to get an idea of what can be done to mod the Proclines.
To achieve this I had to make a few adjustments:
1. Cut off/ grind down the rectangle on the inner cuff that sits inside the hole for the outer cuff when in ski mode.
2. Sand/grind down the top of the outer cuff on the top of the back. As the boot flexes backwards this part hits the strap/ plastic area above it, thus stopping the boot from flexing further back. I grinded down this area as much as I could before running into other functional hardware.
3. Dremel out the outer cuff hole to a larger size. Specifically the bottom edge of the rectangle shaped hole on both the left and right side. I took about a 1/4 inch of material off here.
4. Sand the lip down of the inside cuff on the side to allow the outer cuff to slide over it.
5. Drill out a larger hole for the wire to go through on the metal switch. This allows the spot where the boot stops going back to be further. This could be done by replacing the entire wire with a piece of paracord and lengthening it compared to the length of the wire. I did not want to go through that process and a piece of paracord would have much more flex in it (which might be better for flex, although I am not convinced). I might eventually go to a paracord for this piece, but for now this setup is working. I took maybe an 1/8 of an inch off of the hole. This might seem like a small amount, but it makes all the difference in allowing the boot to articulate further back.
6. Drill a hole on the top edge of where the old rectangle used to be on the inner cuff. I put a #8 bolt through the hole with about ⅜” sticking out the outside. I put a lock washer on the inside and a lock nut plus one regular nut on the outside. The space above the bolt will be the forward flex amount, and the space below the bolt will be the max the boot will be able to flex back. I found that I have to really weight the boot backwards in order to get close to the max backwards lean. I put a bolt on each of the inside and outside holes. I tried just one bolt on the outside and it actually provided a lot more lateral flex by doing so. I think it was actually too much lateral flex even, as it felt some control might have been sacrificed there as well as risk of the split cuff failing due to too much flex in a way it is not intended to flex at all.
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As my boots are now I would say that the minimum forward lean is probably about 1 or 2 degrees, not the 0 I have at the resort, but well within the comfortable range for riding. This is probably compared to at least 3 or 4 degrees as the boot is stock. The flex amounts much better replicated a soft boot and high back. I think I would still like to be a little bit further back for the lean, but I can continue that evolution after some more testing. As mentioned before the lateral flex of the boot is quite good out of the box. This mod actually helps a little bit with lateral flex too. The amount of room the bolt has on the left and right side determines the amount of lateral flex. I didn’t dremel out the holes to the left or right at all, but the bolt is smaller than the stock rectangle, so there is a natural play in there which helps with lateral flex.
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As with any new ski boot it definitely helped to break the boots in a bit and get the liners heat molded. The fit is getting more dialed now, and I can start to use the buckles more often on the up and down to lock down the fit a bit more without causing significant pain.
There are still some more upgrades and adjustments to be made with the setup, but for now this thing rips and I feel more confident than ever to get to new zones safer and more efficiently. I hope this information is useful to somebody out there.
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raksh-writes · 3 years
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Look into the Abyss
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Nogitsune/Stiles Stilinski (Voiles/Stigitsune)
Rating: Explicit
Chapter 29: (not my) pack's business
Here’s a snippet:
The energy spikes, angry and indignant and bared teeth that only lack the visual, but Stiles barely pays attention.
Can you not—
He bows his head down and slightly to the side, without actually looking at Void, but with all his attention pointed at the demon — seeing his smug face could very well set Stiles off in a completely unexpected direction.
—It’s not fucking funny to rail them all up right now. And I can speak for myself.
Go on then, darling, Void’s growl-like words rattle inside Stiles’ chest, only slightly mocking until he follows it with an almost snarl, but don’t you dare forget how they treated you and go get used again. You’re worth more than all of them combined.
Stiles shudders, the raw edge of Void’s voice slipping over his skin and nerves, slow like honey, and he chances a single glance as the grip on his hip tightens until it’s almost bruising and the claws possibly piercing. The heat Stiles meets in Void’s eyes only serves to make the shivery-sweet sensation in his gut that much worse. He rips his gaze away before he can throw everything down to hell, and just in time to notice the situation getting somewhat back to normal — when he finally faces Satomi, she picks up at the thread that’s been left hanging in the tense atmosphere. It’s surprising how calmly she still chooses to address Void.
“I can see where you’re coming from, Yako, but I can also assure you it’s not what I meant.”
Stiles cuts in before Void has even a chance to open his mouth.
“Then what exactly do you mean?”
If Satomi is bothered by his tone, she doesn’t show it.
Read the whole work over on AO3!
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raksh-writes · 3 years
hi!! here in your inbox with another void headcanon 🥰 i was thinking a while ago about how in void’s very last scene after he was bitten by scott in the school, the fly is trapped in the triskele urn…and that’s it for canon 😒 i choose to believe that void is too powerful to be contained by a silly wooden box, and soon after was able to free himself and continue to roam beacon hills, twice as powerful as he was before. i think he got his stiles copy body back, found noshiko and got his retribution for what she did to him all those years ago. i simply refuse to believe that void’s story ended there in the school. he definitely came back and unleashed the extent of his power, and who knows? maybe he found his way back to stiles and convinced him to let him stick around (in a romantic sense or not, i’ll leave that up to the imagination 😉) the possibilities are endless. anyways, i hope you’re having a lovely day!! and definitely take some time to relax this weekend, you deserve some rest after the busy week you’ve had. sending all the love and hugs to you as always hun 🥰💗💓💞💕
Hi there sweets! 🥰 Sorry for not answering yesterday, I got back from work - thankfully after a normal shift, thank goodness for small mercies - and went full chill mode; got sucked into Skyrim and then went straight to sleep 😂 but, anyway!
Yesssss for the headcanon, thank you! I will die on the hill that the fly was only a decoy and Void never actually got trapped, he's too smart and powerful for that, like c'mon! 😂 (Also the fly just sooo doesn't fit, he's a fox!! Shame TW, shame!) And aaaaall the yes-es for Void getting retribution on Noshiko and then going back to Stiles ^^ Poor bby would be terrified at first and Void would prob not resist playing around with that, but he'd be too fond to actually couse harm and Stiles would realize very quickly that Void's just being a lil' shit and if anyone would attempt to understand Void, it'd be Stiles. And they'd totally recognize kindred spirits in each other - platonically or otherwise, but you know my Voiles soul 🥰 If I haven't gone for the plot I had in LitA, this might've been something I'd write 😄 But since I did, I think I'll go for my AU ideas for any next longfic, gotta go for a different story and keep the creativity alive ^^
And thank you, hun! I'm definitely getting all the rest I can this weekend 😄 Prob gonna go get sucked into Skyrim for a few hours again, 'cause its the best for chilling and relaxing, and then try to do some writing on the crossover idea or maybe finally editing that LitA update in the evening 😂 I'm still a lil' bit torn on it, tho, if I should wait with updating until I have the epilogue written, which might be a loooong time, or just post and take my time with the epilogue, let myself get 'ready' to officialy finish the story, give it an end when I feel like I can and not rush it. I dunno, I might just be stalling too 😂 As much as I really, really want to finish my baby, it's also kinda daunting, ngl... But I also do wanna post the update, ahhhhh. Dunno, guess I'll give it a few hours and see or something 😂
Aaaall the love and hugs and positive vibes your way, dear, and I hope you're gonna have a lovely, wonderful weekend 💗❤🥰💗🥰❤💞💗🥰💗
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raksh-writes · 4 years
For your entertainment
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Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Nogitsune/Stiles Stilinski (Voiles/Stigitsune)
Words: ~1,4k
Warnings: Explicit language, but no actual smut
Check the work on AO3 for more information and tags!
Alright, so - the premise for this one is somewhat cracky and came from a prompt I saw somewhere back in December. Wrote it back then, edited now, and here it is! So have my attempt at writing something both funny and hot, hah, hope it’ll be an enjoyable read! All the love  ❤
Stiles should’ve known. He should’ve known immediately that coming back to Void being strangely focused on whatever he was browsing on Stiles’ laptop was bad news. The demon took to entertaining himself with the strangeness of humanity in the twentieth-first century, sure, but usually the look on Void's face was at least partly bored and the air in the room wasn’t so tense for seemingly no reason.
Usually it got charged after Stiles just walked in after a shower, wearing nothing more than a towel – which he did often, because his forgetful ass couldn't be bothered to bring a change of clothes and right now was no exception – but most times the demon would make a highly inappropriate, snide remark, Stiles would blush and snark something back, then they were back to somewhat normal. Learning to live with a fox spirit, as it turned out, was surprisingly easy, all things considered. And maybe Stiles would ignore the whole thing, if not for the fact of how unusual it was for Void to stay completely quiet. Normally, the demon never missed a chance to make Stiles all flustered and sputtering, the asshole, enjoying his embarrassment as if it was a tasty snack. So when Void hasn’t made any comment on the state of his undress in a long moment, Stiles finally abandons ruffling through his closet and turns around.
“What, something finally got your attention?”
His desk is positioned in such a way that Stiles can easily peek over Void's shoulder and kind of make out what's displayed on his laptop, but it doesn't look like much of anything aside from some generic website. But that’s only until Void scrolls all the way up on the page and–
Fierce, crawling heat spears right through Stiles' whole body – his skin burns crimson from the tips of his cheekbones way down to his collarbones and Stiles was never more thankful for his dad taking a nightshift, because–
The screech that leaves him probably echoed through the whole neighborhood, but Stiles couldn't care less because he recognizes that page – and he’s sure he has deleted it from his history. It wasn’t Stiles' proudest moment, but everyone gets curious from time to time, right? There's no shame in exploring, he knows that, but that doesn't change Stiles didn't exactly want anyone knowing about it, the hell did he-
“How– how–”
Void turns to look at Stiles over his shoulder, one brow curved up and a look on his face that's hard to name.
“Did you buy it?”
“WHAT– Why would I– I wouldn’t–” Predictably, Stiles sputters, scrambling for any coherent thought with hands waving wildly – and thank god he tied the towel tightly enough it doesn't slip, 'cause that's definitely the last thing he needs right now – but Void is still looking at him with that look and that raised eyebrow and fuck that guy– “You know what? I’m not going to answer that. It's none of your business, you asshole.”
The other thin, dark eyebrow briefly joins the raised one on Void’s forehead, before his expression smoothes out and then, then the demon has the gall to hum lowly in his throat – that seemingly thoughtful, nothing-good-is-going-to-come-out-of-it hum – before he turns around in the desk chair.
Giving Stiles a long, half-lidded look, Void tips his head slightly to the side.
“You do know I have a dick, don’t you?”
And Stiles very nearly chokes on his own spit.
“The fuck, what’s that supposed to–” Blood rushing through his veins, Stiles clamps his jaw shut and waits for the ground to swallow him up as very insistent, very real heat pools down, down in his gut and spreads to– “I’m ending this conversation here.”
Desperately trying to regain at least some of his pretty much non-existent composure, Stiles quickly turns back to the closet and swallows thickly, throat all but dried out at this point. He can hear Void moving behind him, getting up from the chair, and his heart pounds so heavily Stiles is sure the demon must hear it even across the room. And he tries, he really tries to banish the image that just sprung to his head a second ago, but now it only continues to burn brighter and brighter the more Stiles pushes it away.
Slow, quiet steps sound in the silence and gooseflesh erupts all over Stiles' shoulders, the skin on his neck prickling under the heavy gaze Stiles knows all too well by now.
He’s not even shifting through his clothes anymore, just standing there uselessly in front of his closet, holding onto the door for dear life as finally, finally, Void comes to a stop just at his back – a hairbreadth of space separating their eerily similar bodies. And Stiles gulps down the gasp that tears at his throat when cool fingers brush over his bare hip.
“You’re really not hiding it as well as you think you are,” the demon muses, hand slowly, so very slowly slipping past Stiles’ side to settle right under his navel.
A shiver racks down his spine and Stiles bites down on his lip, almost cutting clean through.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, you don’t?” Void presses closer, leaning on Stiles’ left shoulder as he pointedly looks down and hums low in his throat. “That’s a pity,” he muses, thumb brushing a circle under Stiles’ navel as his fingers splay so wide the tips almost slip past the edge of the fluffy towel. “I wouldn’t be opposed to helping you out, you know.”
Hot breath hits Stiles' left collarbone and he hastily grips at Void’s wrist, already trembling all over when the demon nuzzles into his neck. Void doesn’t move his hand any further down, but brings his other one to Stiles’ hip. And just as he tightens his grip, fingers digging in so deeply they’ll surely leave bruises, Void licks a long stripe up the side of Stiles’ throat.
The sound that leaves him is possibly obscene.
Void chuckles, sharp teeth catching on skin and tugging until Stiles’ head falls back. When he pulls away, Stiles is already all but leaning on him, knees gone weak, and the demon's grin is all too evident.
“I’ll be honest with you, Stiles. I could find sooo many better uses for that pouty mouth of yours than spewing all the nonsense you do daily–”
Stiles lets out a barely-there sound, caught between protesting and shuddering at that low, low rasp in Void’s tone, an almost growl-like quality to it, but that’s when the demon pushes into him – and Stiles gasps at the clearly hard erection pressing into his ass.
Only two layers separate them right now and that thought sends pure heat right into Stiles' gut, a moan pressing against his lips. And he offers no resistance as Void’s hand slides down from his hip to the knot on the towel.
“Those pretty little noises you make already sound so much better, don’t they? I bet I could make you scream, kitten. Just imagine how good you’d feel around my cock.”
Pointedly grinding into Stiles’ ass, Void bites into his neck with too-sharp teeth, and Stiles’ strangled moan slips out breathless as the image sets his whole nerves on fire. Void doesn't let up until it borders on painful, leaving behind what must be a stark, deep bruise before he trails his lips all the way to Stiles’ ear, voice no more than an obscene growl.
“What do you say, Stiles? Want me to fuck you raw or would you prefer to wait and use that silly toy?”
And by this point Stiles wouldn’t be able to deny himself the temptation even if he tried – the idea has already rooted itself into his brain, spreading and crawling all over his thoughts. So instead of refusing, he grinds his ass back on Void’s cock, enjoying far too much both the feel of it and the hiss he gets in response.
“You better deliver on that big talk.”
His words are bold, but come out breathless, quivering, and Stiles can't help but curve up and into the body pressed so deliciously against him.
The smirk he can clearly feel curving Void's lips right under his ear cuts a shiver down his spine so sharp it's almost electric.
“Oh, Stiles–”
Void chuckles, hot breath like a brand on Stiles' skin, and never before has his name on someone else’s mouth sounded as much like a threat as a promise.
“–I’m going to ruin you.”
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raksh-writes · 3 years
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heard your ask box was looking a little lonely, so here’s some void to keep it company 😜 he was so unhinged in this scene, and i absolutely loved every second of it. i really wish we got to see him fully unleash the extent of his power in canon, but hey, that’s what fics like LitA are for 😂 i hope you’re having a great weekend so far!! sending all the love to you, as always 💗💗💗
Ah, yes, yes, just look at him - so unhinged, so smug, so self-satisfied and having the best of time while wreaking absolute choas, crushing lil' pests under his paws ^^ What is there not to love? Absolutely nothing, because he's the most perfect bastard fox demon, my beloved 💗❤🥰 I think canon couldn't handle his full potential, lmao, they had no idea just How powerful Void is, but at least we know we only just saw the very tip of the iceberg of his potential ^^ And I had looots of fun exploring the possibilities in LitA, yes, yes, very much so ^^ Glad it seems like a point of strength of my fic-baby! 😄🥰
My weekend's going pretty well! I'm actually trying to get to doing edits on that Briles fic to finally post it! Hope I'll manage it tonight 😂 So that'd be lovely and if I'm able to work on some LitA, or some Voiles in the next two days, then it's gonna be perfect ^^
Thank you, love, and hope you had an amazing day and will have a wonderful weekend too! All the love and hugs to you, hun 💗🥰❤
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3 notes · View notes
raksh-writes · 4 years
Nothing more (to wish for)
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Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Nogitsune/Stiles Stilinski (Voiles/Stigitsune)
Words: 2,6k
Warnings: None! Unless copious amounts of fluff or mentioned smut counts ;p This is just basically pillow talk, so take from that what you will, hah.
Check the work on AO3 for more information and tags!
For one of my loveliest readers out there, @onseplanets​ - I hope this little thing will be a good cuddly-fluff to read ;D All the love for you ❤
And of course, I hope this will be a nice read to y’all, enjoy! ❤
Stiles’ heavy breathing fills the quiet space of his bedroom, the air heavy and potent from hours of panted desire, and his body still trembles with little aftershocks of their shared pleasure, a delightful reminder just as much as the soreness of his muscles and the littering of bruises all over his skin. Sated and content as ever, Stiles plasters himself all over Void’s side, flush from hip to his very forehead, one leg thrown over the demon’s and tucked in-between them. He nuzzles his face into Void’s neck and – not for the first time – marvels at how perfectly he can cuddle up to the demon in his bed and even get some snuggles back.
Discovering the way Void truly acted into the post-coital bliss was a rare treat, one Stiles would treasure close to his heart and always, always get the most out of that he possibly can. Not that it’s hard, not with how clingy Void is right then – although, maybe clingy is not the best word. More like greedy. Insatiable, as the demon himself likes to say in that low rasp of his that makes Stiles shiver even at the mere memory. But the point is – even when they finally settle, sweaty and out of breath, Void won’t stop touching Stiles.
When it first happened Stiles was expecting a cold shoulder – something close to the blank, completely unaffected look Void would sometimes get – and so when instead he got pulled into a warm embrace full of nuzzling and petting, he felt a little bit like crying. It was so unexpected and so shocking Stiles could barely spare it a proper thought – and his ever touch-attention-affection-starved self immediately latched onto Void’s caress as if he was never touched before. Though, with how Void welcomed Stiles’ own clinginess – only a chuckle and a tighter embrace in response – can Stiles really be blamed for falling so quickly and so deep that now he’s barely able to imagine functioning without it? And, well…
Stiles is screwed.
He’s perfectly aware of it, but then again – that doesn’t mean he knows how to deal with catching feelings when he wasn’t supposed to. And he tries to shoo away the thoughts now, far too conscious of the way his heart picks up its beat, but it’s no use – the thread has taken root in his mind now and will only keep unraveling until it’s tied around his throat. Tight and choking.
They’ve been like this for months at this point – Void came and vanished as he pleased, every time staying long enough to spoil Stiles into thinking it’s not just sex the demon wants, every time leaving the chasm of longing in Stiles’ chest to grow bigger and bigger and bigger until it seemed to take up all the space where his lungs were supposed to be. And it’s not like they ever named… whatever it is they have. They kiss, they fuck, they cuddle – hell, these days, they even eat and sleep together. Just sleep, plain and simple, even though Stiles is fairly sure Void doesn’t really need it. Just like with food – and still here Stiles was, learning more and more of Japanese cuisine just to see that affectionately amused look on the demon’s face. The fact he can make a killer inarizushi is basically just a bonus to the expression Void would get – as close to happiness as Stiles ever saw on him. And he’s been around more than he’s been absent, so excuse Stiles for harboring some hope that they are actually heading somewhere.
Maybe that’s why the mere thought of Void deciding to just go up and leave at any moment squeezes the very air out of Stiles’ lungs. His heart is all but pounding too, heavy and frantic against his ribs – by this point there’s no conceivable way the demon doesn’t feel its beat. And spiraling deeper into his own mind, Stiles clings closer on instinct, only half-aware of his own body and the way it trembles, so different from the little thrills of post-pleasure.
He’s going to ruin it, for sure – he’s probably already ruined the whole mood – but at the same time, he just can’t calm down. And when Void speaks up, in that drawl of his that’s somehow both smooth and hoarse, Stiles’ heart stutters in his chest.
“What’s got you so worked up now? I was under the impression you were content just moments ago.”
And even though the tone is as far from accusing or derisive as it can get, Stiles still can’t help but tense up – he needs to consciously exhale the breath stuck in his throat and work on relaxing his rigid muscles before even thinking of a proper reply. But just then Void shifts against him – one arm tightening around Stiles and one moving higher, fingertips trailing up, up, up his spine, feather-light and delicate, to brush through the short hair at Stiles’ nape, and Void nuzzles his face where his cheek has been resting on top of Stiles’ head. It’s like he knows exactly what to do to make Stiles melt in his arms – which, he certainly does.
“What’s the matter?” His low murmur puffs warm air over Stiles’ ear and Stiles shudders, his own limbs tightening around the demon. “Tell me, Stiles. I can’t help you if I don’t know what it is.”
Curling a little in on himself, Stiles looks at his own hand resting on Void’s chest, thumb brushing idly over smooth skin. Even though it’s not as cool as usual, it still makes for a lovely contrast to their cocoon of warmth and Stiles’ own heated body.
“It’s nothing, I just–”
Heaving out a sharp sigh, Stiles presses his hand into a fist and decides – fuck it. If he doesn’t say something, it could go on forever. And maybe Stiles wouldn’t necessarily mind that – he wants that – but he also needs to know where they stand. So, even though it’s the last thing on his mind right now, Stiles peels himself off from Void enough to prop up and look at the demon.
“You’ve been here more than not, lately, and we’re... well, so I’ve– I’ve been thinking…”
His gaze flicks all over Void’s face, unable to hold the weight of those dark eyes on him, and his heart beats so violently against his ribs it’s almost as if it wants to break out – jump right into Void’s waiting palms. And when the question finally falls, it comes out on a breath.
“...what are we?”
One of Void’s hands slips down to his hip, thumb dipping into the curve of it almost pointedly, but even when Stiles shivers at the touch, Void’s gaze keeps him completely arrested.
“And what would you like us to be?”
If it came from anyone else, Stiles would assume they’re evading – but from Void, he knows it’s a genuine question. It also makes breathing a little harder.
How should he put it? Boyfriends feel somewhat too silly for an ancient fox spirit and Stiles is definitely not proposing, so...
Void hums, the growl-like sound rumbling under Stiles’ own hand, and there’s something almost… mischievous in his gleaming eyes.
“Really? And here I thought we’ve been lovers all this time already.”
“Oh, fuck you, you asshole–” Stiles huffs, shoving at Void with all the offended energy he can muster, which is close to none, and he can barely help the smile that spreads over his lips. “You couldn’t just say that, could you.”
Of course, Void has the audacity to chuckle at Stiles, but when he pulls Stiles closer with the hand at his neck and the fingers scraping at his nape, Stiles follows easily. Eagerly.
His breath flutters in his lungs, unsteady and hitching, but that hardly matters when Void steals it right from his mouth. Their lips fit together as perfectly as ever, already tender and bitten raw yet still greedy for more, parting immediately to deepen the kiss. Slow and deliberate, Void sets a pace that tests all of Stiles’ patience while making him crave ever more and more – more of the way Void licks into the wet heat of his mouth, the way teeth gnaw at his lower lip, just this side of too sharp, the way nails scrape at the sensitive skin of his nape and dig into his hip. And his own hand curls under Void’s jaw, holding onto the demon as he tries to match that intensity that has drawn him in and keeps him completely at Void’s mercy.
Stiles wouldn’t have it any other way.
A little broken moan slips out from his throat, more mewl than anything else, and Void’s amused chuckle paints Stiles’ skin with an even fiercer blush. His touch softens then, and slowly but surely their heated kiss loses some of the fire for the gentler, delicate kind of caress that warms up Stiles in a completely different way. Void doesn’t do little pecks, any touch or kiss of his always lingers, but it’s a close thing, turning to just the warm press of plush lips and shared breaths, right before they lean away. Only enough so Stiles can rest his forehead on Void’s and revel in their closeness, without worrying, without fear – just content and completely pliant under the demon’s touch.
“So… can I call you my boyfriend now?”
An almost ridiculous kind of smile stretches Stiles’ face and he has to bite down on his lower lip to try and contain the giddiness that just poured right out of him. Void only curves one eyebrow at him, seemingly unimpressed – but he’s not fooling Stiles, there’s definitely a grin playing in the corners of his mouth.
“Will that make you happy?”
“Mhm, yeah, yes, very much so,” – oh gods, Stiles is all but trembling with his own excitement, gnawing on his cheek while absolutely failing to stop the depths of his adoration from showing.
Void takes one, long look at him and Stiles can tell the exact moment the demon gives in, a rare gleam of softness to the obsidian eyes.
“Call me however you like, I don’t particularly mind,” he says simply, as if it’s so easy for him to just go along with whatever Stiles wants, but then his gaze turns darker, a hint of smirk and– “But if anyone asks me, I’m telling them you’re my lover. That okay with you, Stiles?”
His last words come more a purr than anything else and Stiles’ face burns, a flush so hot flooding his cheeks they must be crimson by that point. Why does he have to make everything sound so erotic all the time?
Clearing out his throat, Stiles decides to ignore that part. And the way Void’s touch has definitely shifted to far more… suggestive.
“Well, I will probably end up saying you’re my– uh, partner. You know, play it safe. And if they don’t get it, it can always end up being funny when they do get it, right? So, yeah, thatmhh–”
All the rest of his possible rambles get muffled by Void's mouth again and even if Stiles had it in him at the moment, he probably still wouldn’t resist melting into the kiss. Because despite the clear provocative nature of Void’s previous words, it doesn’t carry through now, the slow glide of their lips almost gentle, softer than before – dare he say even sweet. Void’s fingers brush lightly through Stiles’ hair, thumb trailing over his jaw, and the demon moves his other hand to Stiles’ lower back, to embrace and pull him closer, tighter, yet it’s clear Void is refraining from pressing for more if Stiles doesn’t feel like it. And that’s when it hits him – they really are together now. As partners, as lovers, as… Oh, even just thinking about Void as his boyfriend makes Stiles break out into such a grin that he can’t even keep up with the kiss anymore.
A high-pitched sound of protest follows, annoyed and coming from the back of Void’s throat – as close to a whine as the demon could get with the ever-present low rumble underneath. Stiles can’t help but smile even further, his face possibly aching by now. And taking full advantage of his slightly better position, Stiles leans right in – and pecks Void on the lips. Short and quick and gone before the demon can catch it, following right with another, just on the corner of his mouth, on his chin–
–he follows along Void’s jaw, his cheek–
–he even manages to get one on Void’s nose.
“–so happy right now.”
Void continues to let out small, little growls through all of Stiles’ antics, half-heartedly tugging at his hair as if to make him stop even though the demon could do so easily with just one move. And finally, Stiles takes mercy and comes back down to catch Void’s lips again, letting the kiss linger. It’s not much, not with the smile still breaking him out of it, but Stiles gives it his all until it’s Void that leans away, a sharp tsk cutting through air.
“Really enjoying yourself, aren’t you?”
Still, Void is not stopping him, so Stiles makes the most out of their situation, because he can right now. Very possibly trembling with his giddiness, he nudges at Void’s nose like a cat would do, steals another lingering kiss and then trails his lips down Void’s chin and throat in a flurry of pecks until he can smush his face in the curve of Void’s shoulder.
A long breath escapes his lungs as Stiles wriggles himself into the comfiest position against the demon’s side, fully enjoying how the dying down vibrations of Void’s annoyed growl seep into his muscles and the arms around him tighten possessively. Because although even the smallest show of this type of affection from Stiles seems nothing but bothersome by Void’s initial reaction, Stiles knows pretty well that it’s only half-true. After all, it’s the only way the demon lets himself enjoy it. And that fact spreads fuzzy warmth all throughout Stiles’ chest and body – the awareness he is the one that Void chooses to show this side to. Stiles will make sure to cherish it properly. He will be the best boyfriend ever.
Under his chin, Void’s chest rises up in a drawn-out sigh that turns into a familiar hum on the exhale, a low-purring sound that makes Stiles want to snuggle up even closer.
“Well, then I’m glad it made you so happy,” his raspy voice comes out in a warm murmur, and Stiles trembles slightly when Void’s fingers slowly slip up his spine. “We should probably go and take a shower.”
“Mm, later… I wanna cuddle more now.”
Stiles tucks himself into Void’s side as tightly as possible and the demon’s only response comes in a chuckle, the warmth and rumble of it spreading in a lovely heat through his sore muscles. Void’s arms curl around his back and waist, hands spreading out over his skin and Void nuzzles back into Stiles’ hair, an action so ingrained into both of them by now that Stiles turns into complete mush, pleased and content and unwilling to move even an inch.
Eventually, they will need to take care of all the clean-up, but for now Stiles couldn’t care less. He’s happy, he’s sated and cuddling with the demon he never imagined he’d be able to score, even less date – and right now, there’s nothing more Stiles could wish for but to stay. Just like this. Together.
And that's more than enough.
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raksh-writes · 3 years
so i saw your reblog about the questions for fanfic writers, so i’d love to hear your responses for 4, 12, and 25 :)) hope you’re having a wonderful day!! 💗
Ahh, thank you, darling! 💗 My day's been rocky, but it definitely got better and now I'm settling in for a hopefully chill rest of the evening ^^ Hope you're day's been lovely too! 💗
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
That's a good question, hmmm, I'm not sure I can point at specific writers though - at least not in fanfiction. There's been A Lot of fics that inspired me, for sure, I mentioned the ones Voiles related in my Fic Rec List for Voiles, but there's also been lots of works from different fandoms that have inspired/influenced me in some way that I couldn't possibly list, there's been so many! Whenever I read a fic written in a style that captures me in some way I will inevitably take some inspiration, trying to incorporate some similar things into my own style, just generally experimenting, y'know? Lots of them are probably public in my bookmarks over on ao3 ^^ And lots of the time, the author's style that inspires me is completely different from my own and it's always so lovely to find ^^
From published writers, though, I have to mention Ursula K. LeGuin because she's been possibly the Biggest inspiration for me in a lot of ways. Her writing style is just *chef's kiss* amazing. I love it. She just knew how to make it flow flawlessly and paint such beautiful pictures with her words. So yeah, even though I haven't read much from her in a long time, it was prob crucial in developing my own style years ago ^^
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Ahhh, my Beauty and the Beast inspired AU, of course! I so can't wait to finally start writing it for real ^^
It's Fantasy, which I love and very much missed writing, so it has all the fantasy-related goodies in terms of descriptions where I can let myself let loose, hah. I've thrown in A/B/O too, because it ramps up the pinning and yearning to that intensity I just love and am all about, as you know ;p I could talk for hours about it so now I don't know what to say specifically 😂
I have a lot of the plot figured out already, at least for the first part, and it's going to hit some of the most know BatB moments - there'll be the one where Stiles tries to get away, for example, but it won't be because he got scared of Void (he's not much like Beast is in the original, there's no curse, it's that - in short - the rest of the world outside of his valley and his people see him as a monster and a "necessary" evil and he's not exactly "good" either) but actually because they've gotten closer, one thing happened I don't want to spoil, and he feels the need to get away. And there's a different character that gets a pretty important role here 👀 Of course, things happen, and he's back with Void - and then starts the part where they try to make it work, whatever it is they have ^^
It feels to me like it's going to be a story about adapting to each other - especially Void, since he's not mortal and kinda outside of the A/B/O dynamic, coming to understand Stiles and his needs, but also Stiles seeing how different Void is and trying to understand him when not even Void's kin ever wanted to. It's very much a comfort fic for me and I'm definitely gonna go full self-indulgence with it ^^
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Oh, for sure! I've definitely thought a lot about, like, side scenes for LitA, different POVs for some parts, or the missing scenes - like where Void was disappearing to after Stiles let him out, which includes paying a visit to Gerard for some pain and info, and then to Satomi ^^ Both I thought about making into separate snippets, which I might yet actually write! I do have a part for the Gerard one kinda written already, hah. And some time ago I had an idea of Void paying a visit to Theo too, and it came out so good in my head, but I didn't write it down and now don't remember 😔 But proper side adventures/spin-offs, hmm... I think I'd need more WIPs for that 😂 Unless crossover ideas count, because pheeew, did I have lots of ideas for that! Hah, but this is already super long and I think my fingers might have enough for now 🙈
Thank you for the ask again, hun, and all the love 💗💗
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