#actually i am going to maintag this whatever.
boypussydilf · 1 year
actually i was going to save this for when i made All Grown Up Now designs for the human kids in sgt frog but idk if/when im actually gonna do that so heres jusyt my random thoughts about what some of them r doing as adults and also maybe some au/oc stuff
transfem fuyuki is SO real to me tbh. when she moved out of the hinata house keroro came with her bc theyre all time best friends and keroro deciding being with fuyuki was more important than staying w the secret base or anything like that. fuyuki lives in like a normal apartment with a convenience store job or smth like just the most average life but she also makes youtube videos where she talks abt the occult, goes over conspiracy theories & even debunks them if smth is really stupid, makes vlogs going to places that r supposed to be haunted or have been visited by aliens or whatever other supernatural thing u can think of. also talks casually in her videos abt having lived with an alien since she was 12 but obviously everyone watching just thinks that’s a running gag. she also miiiiigjt be roommates with mois? bc i think mois would want to go wherever keroro goes but i also dont know how fuyuki would feel about that. i dont know if mois can get a job to help with rent. i think that 10 years in the future mois would still be basically 13 years old.
also fuyuki is a lesbian and has a better chance of figuring out that she likes momoka now that shes got herself figured out more but she has NOT figured out that she likes momoka yet bc fuyuki is dense
transmasc natsumi, also, is so real to me. he becomes both a model and an athlete, bc tbh? i do believe in natsumi’s rights to just kind of be Good At Everything. when he moved out he was like Man! It’s so great to not have to deal with the stupid frog all the time! and then felt like everything was weird and too quiet without keroro around obviously but he is still relieved to not have to deal with shit like. oh all the curtains in the house have been turned into pudding. or whatever. that does still happen sometimes sometimes keroro comes to visit and it can go well or it can go horribly. Dating koyuki, obviously, who is the girlboy of all time and also probably still lives in the same house w dororo and hasnt changed significantly so i dont have anything else to say about him.
I haven’t been able to decide what giroro & kururu do after the hinata kids & keroro move out? Bc it feels kind of weird for them to still just kind of be there at the house when it’s just aki and a no-longer-used secret base. and omiyo i guess. But also what else are they gonna do. If kururu wanted to live w saburo they wouldve done that from the beginning so idk. Maybe giroro does just stay in his tent and kururu stays in her lab.
Some time after anime canon the keroro platoon ends up OFFICIALLY resigning from the keron army or giving up on their mission in a way they can’t go back on or Something to that effect where they’re very up front about not planning to invade instead of lying their way around it. I like to think that keroro becomes like a Space Actor and giroro gets to be a train conductor like he wants but that might be a little while away for them still. However this also means that inevitably a while after THAT keron sends in a NEW earth invasion team because theyve been trying (and failing) to take control of this planet for millions of years they’re not gonna fucking give up NOW. & the new platoon doesn’t necessarily HAVE to take any drastic moves against the keroro platoon but they should make sure the kplatoon doesn’t do anything to interfere…..
I wuz gonna design a whole platoon to be that ^ replacement platoon but i didnt get around to most of them </3 maybe someday. Anyway obviously they all have a power of friendship arc and come around to the side of NOT invading planets. except the leader.
I dont know what momoka & saburo would be doing as adults either </3 Momoka doesnt really have to do anything. shes rich. its not like she needs to take up a career or anything. Actually she probably becomes a martial artist or something? Goes into the business of kicking ass like her mom. Saburo MIGHT keep up the radio show but I think they’d get bored of that but maybe stay in a similar vein, entertainment of some sort. Oh I guess there’s art lmao. I dont know. Saburo has a tumblr blog where they post slightly overdone musings on life and nature and shit.
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utilitycaster · 7 months
Oof, the first half of the episode is a little rough ngl. I like the second half with Aabria a lot more. The first group does get better as the episodes go on if that helps at all.
Also, to add a bit more context to Kollok: the creators - Hyper RPG - are filmmaking nerds and are mostly known on Twitch for their various virtual productions.
So Kollok has a lot of those post production visual effects and sound effects, which is them using their strengths to create a show, similar to CR and voice acting and D20 and improv comedy.
Obviously that's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea and it can get a little too much I admit, but it's not that bad of a show.
Hi anon,
I am...not sure if you read this in the necessary context (this provides some, and this some more, and if I'm being totally honest based on this I don't feel like you read my entire weird rant, which to be fair, it is long and weird but covers quite a lot of issues I have) but I am coming in with the premise of "I think heavy post production of actual play is a poor choice." It don't care that it's their strength; I think that if that's your strength you would do better to apply it to scripted works or to improvised non-actual play shows.
I will freely admit that I went in expecting it not to be my cup of tea for that reason, and with an added grudge of "being hyped up and cited as brilliant by Polygon's AP/TTRPG team, with whom I almost always disagree," but did genuinely want to give it a shot in as good faith as I could muster, instead of solely talking shit about. I hoped the acting, premise, and GM-ing might shine through even though the effects were unlikely to win me over and indeed were likely to annoy me.
That was not the case. I found the GM-ing (Driving?) style profoundly grating and pretentious (and I have a very high tolerance for pretension), the premise nothing to write home about, and honestly I don't know jack about sound mixing but I do know I have perfectly good hearing and had to crank my laptop speakers up to higher than I have to for CR or D20 for the prologue to the prologue only to subsequently hear some of the most irritating static sounds at top volume for the prologue, so I'm not even impressed by the production.
And to be clear: that's all fine. I think people are drawn to different aspects in actual play, and there's room for all sorts of shows. I might even finish this episode simply because if I were recommending something to someone else, and they quit an hour into a 3.5 hour episode, I'd feel a little miffed. But I really don't expect it to ever be my thing, and I watched it mostly because it felt uninformed to be criticizing heavy production in actual play without watching a notably deliberately heavily produced actual play show.
I do want to wrap up, and this isn't specifically directed at you but: when it comes to my opinions on a work, I'm not going to say I'm never going to be swayed by an anon ask because who knows, it could happen, but it's very unlikely. If I dislike something, I don't really care if other people like it - I'd never send anons or get on their posts or maintag something like the post I just made (and which I made nonrebloggable specifically to prevent it from spreading into fan spaces) but I hope that people who like something can show me the same respect and permit my dislike. If you're a fan I will not be offended nor resentful if you unfollow or block me or whatever you need to do, but I can pretty confidently say that new cast members or improved acting will not change the fact that this is extremely not for me.
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decepti-thots · 2 years
I was in the tumblr tf fandom for a hot second a few years ago and i just wanted to ask, is it still really aggressive here? because back then there was a lot of shipping drama, there were a few callout posts going around (can't really remember about what) and just...a lot of bad stuff. I personally had someone tell me to kill myself because I liked one of the villains. guess I'm just wondering if, in your opinion, things have chilled out? Cuz I'd like to get back into it but I'm a little hesitant;;;
I'm going to try and give the fullest answer I can in the best faith to this! For context, this blog is a couple years old now, I have enough followers that I get a lot of active engagement on my posts etc, I am very active in TF fandom here, Twitter, and IRL, and while I did not used to be active I have been lurking in TF fandom as long as I have been on Tumblr.
There is absolutely still some toxicity; all fandoms have their bad faith actors, their drama hounds, their shipping Diskhorsers TM. I have gotten hate mail, I know folks who have issue with weird anon haters who are persistent, whatever. But no, it is not as bad as it has been in the past, IMO, not at ALL, and it is 100% possible to have an active, sociable and nice time in this fandom so long as you curate your engagement, with basically no drama at all. Many of the worst folks burned out and left when the fandom got less active and their shitstirring paid lesser and lesser dividends, IME.
People sometimes ask how I maintain such a vocal presence without falling into the still-there drama, and I have some advice that I promise you will mitigate like, 99% of the possible issues you could encounter:
Block whenever you feel like blocking. If you get a bad vibe, if you just don't personally like someone and don't wanna see them, if you see them throwing what looks like a temper tantrum you don't want in on, just block 'em. Remember: blocking is nothing personal towards the person you are blocking. It is not insulting and doesn't need to be 'earned'. Block every single person you think not blocking might even just theoretically cause stress or drama. (I am blocked by several people for reasons no more serious than 'I hate your OTP', and I commend every one of them for doing it and having a better time on this site!)
Delete any and all anon hate. Block anyone and everyone who sends you hate. No exceptions. No witty comebacks. No takedowns. Nothing. You see it and the actual literal second you do, you block and delete. None of it is worth one second of your time. Deprived of the oxygen, they will leave. And you won't be tempted to re-read it and stress out.
In that same vein, if it causes issues, just turn anon off! Turn it off. Personally I keep it on because I simply do not care about the odd troll, but if you care even slightly? Fuck 'em, turn it off, anon is a privilege your followers need to earn by acting in good faith.
Find people you like and follow them, ignore blatant shitstirring in the maintags (again: block people!) and try to curate content and follows and mutuals based on what you do like and not what you don't. Curate positive engagement; do not rely on the general fandom slurry, find what you like and hang out in your own corner of things that bring you joy. If the maintag stresses you out: don't check it. Check the blogs of folks you know are cool instead. Stuff like that.
Fandom should be fun. Fandom should be finding people you like and sharing good times with them, not stressing about avoiding folks you hate, or who hate you. Tumblr lets you moderate how you engage, when, and where more than almost any current social media site; now you can even turn off reblogs and oh my GOD is that a lifesaver function btw. If you want, you can make your blog unsearchable! It means you will need to be more proactive in making friends. But TF fandom is pretty tight knit these days, and folks want to talk a lot of the time. You'll still be able to engage with cool people.
There's way less aggro losers around these days, but more to the point, you can absolutely avoid the ones that still insist on being annoying and starve them out without much effort, tbh.
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betweenlands · 2 years
i don’t. know how i feel about. how do i put this. i do not know how to feel about the sudden utter turn on dreansnp (<- the usual misspelling to avoid maintagging) like i. feel like suddenly everyone has decided to hate everything about it very fast. it's odd.
don't get me wrong i do understand the general gist of why this is a thing (even though to me it still. kinda feels like there's not enough information to make a call. i am not in the fandom tho) but it's also so bewildering. a couple months ago i was memeing about how dominion members should have gotten to go to utah. now it's. um. it's different.
i feel weird about... well, we've had plans for a tftsmp:the maze rewrite-ish thing for a while now, bc tales is kind of the only dreansnp thing we watched? and like yeah i know maze didn't have the guy everyone hated in the Maze Plot specifically but it still. feels weird to have been like "yeah i'm going to write a zero escape inspired take on The Maze" when. yaknow.
idk man i'm just genuinely here like. damn. i'm sorry this is happening to y'all. i'm not gonna plug my obscure smps here or whatever in light of that, i think that's kind of insensitive to the situation, i'm sorry this happened. i was a car boys fan. i get it.
i guess, just, i don't know what to say, you're not the only ones to have Gone Through It and more people will Go Through It in the future and it's okay, these things happen even when we don't want them to, it doesn't make you bad?
and yknow also that, for non fans of the series. anti-fans even. for the love of FUCK please do not act like one person having One Specific bad trait confirmed about them means that Every Single Person in a creative group is automatically morally bankrupt in every single way it is possible to be a horrible person. that accomplishes nothing, distracts from any actually serious situations at hand, and also just sort of isolates people from each other.
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flame-shadow · 2 years
"Hate" is a strong word, but I will admit that it bothers me a little seeing you dump so much on Bug Fables' worldbuilding and aesthetic choices and whatever every chance you get because it feels like you're judging the game for something that it's not: like, Mario games don't focus as much on their lore as Kirby games do, but I won't get mad at Mario for it. It's fine that Bug Fables went for simpler stuff with its story or didn't want to be 100% biologically accurate to real life Bug Stuff.1/3
Side note, these types of discussions have kind of soured my opinion on Hollow Knight (not much, just slightly) because it feels like fans of that game really want Bug Fables to be the same thing when I feel they share no traits, even as "Bug Games": Hollow Knight's "Bugs" seem to be mostly just guys with vaguely bug-like elements. It'd be like expecting Star Fox and Kirby to be more similar because "they both involve animals and space", when the capacity they both do is entirely different. 2/3
oooo my first multi-ask anon. hello and thanks for taking the time to send this all in! i’ll try my best to respond to things in a clear and understandable way, though i cannot promise to be concise. :P
I’m actually not dumping on bug fables every chance I get, though I understand why you’d think that. I am much more positive and engaged with the fun and/or positive stuff in a couple servers on discord. I save the more critical stuff for tumblr where I’m just talking to the void of my own blog and people don’t have to engage if they don’t want to. You’ll hopefully have noticed that I don’t maintag most of my more critical/negative ramblings, and that’s intentional, as I’m not trying to garner attention or talk at the bf community at large. I’m just throwing my thoughts on my little blog here that some people have elected to follow.
I cannot say much about the mainstream game series and their depths of lore that you’ve brought up, as I’m not much of a gamer and don’t engage in or keep up with all that. I used to play some of the Mario games at a previous point in my life, but I don’t remember enough to discuss the lore or worldbuilding in much detail. 
I have no idea how deep kirby lore is or even what the star fox games are about. I do, however, know about what breaks my immersion in a game, and I speak more from a storytelling perspective than from a “this game should be like that game” perspective. No, Bug Fables isn’t Hollow Knight, and I don’t want it to be. I like Hollow Knight for being Hollow Knight, and I like Bug Fables for being Bug Fables.
However, Bug Fables gives me the impression, both from the game and from the extra materials/discussion from the devs, that the intention was of a more developed world with cool and sometimes edgy lore, with culture and history and consequence. And the reason I agreed earlier with someone when they said that the world feels kinda empty and why I express the wish that this game had had another draft before being complete is because to me is because it rather clearly was trying to be more than the light-hearted funny bug game. It looks to me like the devs had some cool ideas, but they weren’t effectively implemented/ integrated into the game that we bought and played. I express my dissatisfaction because I can see the potential and I’m disappointed that I came away unfulfilled. 
Again, I like the game. I’ve been engaged in the bf community for over two years. Do you really think I’d still replay the game, discuss it, draw fanart for it, make OCs, etc. if i didn’t still enjoy the game, the concepts, and the community? If I disliked this game so much, I wouldn’t have recommended it to my friends, and I wouldn’t post about when I see the game go on sale for anyone interested to purchase and play. I would’ve shut up and walked away and not constantly checked the maintag to see what people were saying and drawing that related to it and sharing the art I like and liking the takes I enjoy.
Hmm. I think there’s been a misunderstanding on the OC bit, though I can’t tell if it’s on your end or mine, though it could also be both. I’ll try to clarify, and if that’s not what you were trying to address, you’re welcome to send another ask.
I think you misinterpreted my statement about not being fond of characters who feel like NPCs as meaning I don’t like characters that fit in. I was using NPC as a negative, however, as OCs Who Feel Like NPCs to me feel less developed, less like they’re characters and more that they’re just present to make the world look lived in and maybe provide a service. I have OCs like this! I’m speaking first and foremost about my own NPC-OCs! I don’t like that they’re like this, but I find it challenging to develop them further when, well, -gestures at the worldbuilding dissatisfaction expressed in the above paragraphs- 
I greatly enjoy characters that fit into the world they’re made for! I love when people take a small aspect of established society or some job mentioned once and make a character out of it, and flesh out and explore that vague aspect of the world. I love it when they get accidental development because their creator learns something new about their species or the relevant lore, and now suddenly there’s more to do with the character.
There’s also the opposite of NPC-energy characters. If a character is too different, very overpowered, or otherwise stands out too much, then it’s hard for me to engage with them and feel like they’re part of the world they were purportedly made for. This is all very subjective, as the criteria for “fitting in” are going to be different for everyone. I’m not saying don’t make your super mega powerful god that can smite all of the kingdom by pointing at it, but I personally don’t want to engage with that character, either OOC or within a character interaction. If you enjoy making crazy wacky powerful characters and horror-beasts and divine children that are the result of five gods banging in a cloud, then you’re welcome to do so. I don’t understand the appeal, and it won’t feel like those characters “fit” to me, but I’m not your mother or your boss. I just won’t interact.
This is my personal blog where I share personal feelings. I often write my posts without elaborating or thinking too carefully about what I’m saying or how it’ll be interpreted. That’s part of why I tag those posts with #rambling. They’re just rambles. I’m not going to write an essay about everything that I think about. I just jot down thoughts and drop them in the hole that is tumblr, and if somebody picks them up and wants to say something or share them around, then that’s on them.
Oh, nice timing! I’m glad I checked my askbox again before posting this. One more message from anon:
One last thing (this is the anon that sent you four asks today about your worldbuilding issues, btw): I'd like to apologize if I came off as rude or accusatory. I meant most of what I said, but I also can't help but feel like how I said it may have come off as me being angry or mean, and I'd rather not send angry or mean asks to people. I do very much disagree with your opinions on the matter (and don't like hearing them so often, tbh), but if how I expressed myself upset you then I'm sorry.
You didn’t come across as mean to me, don’t worry. You clearly care about this stuff, and it can be upsetting to see opinions you disagree with. I don’t mind that we disagree, and I’m not trying to change your mind or make you agree with me on anything I’ve said. It doesn’t feel to me like I post critical stuff with any frequency - it feels like an average of less than one day a month - but if that’s too much for you, you’re welcome to unfollow me. You have the power, at least to the extent that the website/ Internet allows you, to control your online experience, and I support you in that endeavor.
One final thought- if it’s just the critical discussions that bother you, but you’d still like to follow my blog for its other content, I could tag those posts as “#bug game discussion” or something. I think I need to workshop that tag, as that looks clunky. But! If that’s something you’d like, please let me know, and I’ll do my best to do that going forward. :)
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thespoonisvictory · 3 years
i’m sorry you’re literally embarrassing yourself right now. not only are you insinuating an actual group of friends who interact PLENTY off stream (karl has said numerous times him and george call all the time and just listen to music, they aren’t just doing this for money) are forcing their friendship, you’re saying dream “never lets george have a stream on his own?” are you kidding me? do you hear yourself? for the love of god can you please take a break from the internet because it’s clear you’re speaking from your ass here. you said “i may be very wrong about the feral boys because i don’t know much about them” and you clearly were right about that, so maybe learn when it’s a good idea to just NOT answer asks
(me just saying I never get mean anons lmao)
with all due respect, this is my tumblr blog that you're reading. I have clarified plenty of times that I am a. not an authority on any of this, and b. very dumb and silly and sleep deprived 90% of the time. none of these posts are maintagged either, they're going to my follower base and them alone, aptly tagged with "critical" as well if I may add. I can spew whatever bullshit I wish <3
ignoring the personal attacks about time spent on the internet (which aren't true, might I add), I never insinuated that they're forcing their friendship? simply that they were forcing 5/5 stream content where I didn't think it worked well, based off my narrow view of their content. like- of course fb are actual friends lmao, I know that.
also- I'm basing what I said about george off the fact most times george has streamed with wilbur or sbi and co dream has popped in. tbh, I said that it was probably half because they're jsut good friends, but I'm not going to back down on the fact that dream clearly knows dnf is profitable and acts based off that. have a nice day.
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ranboo5 · 3 years
im lowkey scared to ask but. whats tiktok doing to ranboo?
I don’t know, Ranboo mentioned onstream being reluctant to go on TikTok bc some people have been doing the Anti Ranboo Campaign or smth there which fuckin’ sucks as a result 
I have no interest in going to look for whatever TikTok is saying abt Ranboo because a) I don’t have one, b) looking for fights is just not something I want to do no matter how much dark dopamine I am promised for it, I just post what I post on here and scroll maintags and wait for the fights to come to me, and c) Mr Live has correctly said that doing that shit and tryin to dunk on TikTok specifically or w/e is cringe (in kinder words ofc but yeah) and like. Man. Man 
I am concerned as to how echo chambers must work on there?? Like what’s going on with TikTok as a platform algorithmically or w/e like I’ve got a read on how Twitter functionally encourages the Twt mob and how Tumblr circles work but I have no idea why TikTok is such a breeding ground for everything from cringe discourse like this to actual cults what the fuck what’s going on there 
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I’m sorry I just... people saying the fj has no development and that f and j didn’t support each other is really not wanting to see things because from ep 1 they have been supportive and have each others back. I feel some people are suck on the avantika arc where he was deep in his fake persona and pushed jester aside somewhat and her badly managed crush, they have grown so much since then
Sorry anon I got on some kind of soap box with this answer. I apologize in advance, but I’m keeping it because I’m feeling sassy. I can recognize that I got on a bit of a high horse. But I’ll own it today, still post it because I’m annoyed, and try to do better going forward.
Also, like, I do care if Fjord and Jester end up together in the sense that I’ll be bummed if they don’t, but it’s not going to be the end of the world if they go a different direction.
Okay have the full unedited answer that I decided to maintag because I’m The Worst.
My first reaction to this: 
Are people really STILL saying this?! How long is my block list now?!
My second and actual reaction: 
Okay. So, here’s the deal. Some people ignore what they don’t want to see if it doesn’t feed the narrative they want. And like, I get it. It sucks when you start to see traction for a ship you don’t like. This happens for me sometimes in any show I watch or book I read or video game I play. I just don’t post about those moments, because it’s not something I ship and (with this show specifically) there are people I like that enjoy those things, so I’m not going to drag them down by complaining about it. Also, I don’t feel the need to complain about it? Because it’s not my game? Maybe people don’t believe me when I say this, but I genuinely do not care if Fjord and Jester end up together. Obviously I would be ecstatic and I am here to freak out about all their amazing moments and write fanfiction about them and make gifsets about them and yell and cry when they interact. Because I LOVE IT. But it is not what I’m watching this show for. Hell, there’s a canon ship in campaign one that isn’t My Thing and I still love that campaign more than anything in the entire world.
Obviously I love to ship things. It’s something that helps me invest in a story, because I love seeing the way relationships (friendship, romantic, antagonistic, whatever) act as a catalyst for character evolution. Obviously I am not a multishipper. But if a person watches a show purely for a ship and then they only get their enjoyment out of that ship, they’re probably not going to have a good time. And since I have tangentially seen the salt today, it’s not gaslighting if the cast decides to go a different direction with romantic relationships than you want them to. We are literally watching these characters grow from scratch. We are watching these relationships grow and evolve every episode. Someone can decide they don’t like a dynamic, but it’s still going to be part of the show. 
The thing that always annoys me when people take the stance that Fjord and Jester have had no development is that it completely ignores the fact that they have, multiple times, stated that they are a team. They are there for each other. They take care of each other. I don’t care if people don’t ship them romantically. But you can’t deny that they have a genuinely supportive relationship. If you view that as a friendship, that is fine. Just don’t erase it. It’s disingenuous to both character arcs. 
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