#actually I remember getting your ask then spending some amount of time swimming thru your feed enjoying all the content
midmorningsong · 1 year
howdy ! I saw ur tags on my lifetime achivement award post and I just wanna say ✌ dw I already have an entire trigun/winter soldier-esque au planned out that im tryin SO hard to write lol (I did answer an ask about it on @.leo-bandito (my art sideblog) that explains it a little more hehe) SORRY if this is too forward & you dont have to respond but I just thought id let u know that an au IS already in the works teehee 💖 have a nice day/night!
HELLO HELLO sorry I got your ask a few days ago (at 6:30 in the morning when I got up for work lol) and was thinking about it alllll day! Just had a busy-ass week and wanted to be really present to write a reply because this??? is??? lovely??!?!!!!!
Seriously not too forward at all and I honestly wish tumblr culture encouraged more communication like this because it's so nice and thoughtful- seriously thank you for seeing my tag, and taking the time to message me directly letting me know about this absolute bomb of a fic you're writing, I am 100% frothing on just the idea of it and can't wait to see what you do with the story and characters!
Please ask/message/tag/whatever me when it's up, I would love to read it and will put my high school english essay skills to work in the comments haha
If you try message or ask me in future and I don't respond after a few days assume I've missed the notification or it got lost somehow and just copy/paste it to me another way! Open consent for anyone to (respectfully) harass me about any fandom stuff, though I'm mostly here just looking at fandom memes and art and still don't know what half the dash buttons do lmao
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mellointheory · 3 years
if you have a lighter, what color is it?
pepsi box blue or cheetos bag orange?
do you like pasta?
how often are you on tumblr?
are you only doing this because you’re bored?
what blogs do you mostly interact with?
can you swim?
have you had water today?
which do you prefer, cotton candy or funnel cake?
have you ever [insert question]?
bass or drums?
favorite tv commercial?
can we be friends?
do you admire the clouds and color of the sky?
what’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to you?
a netflix series that’s your favorite?
an earliest obsession you remember?
do you play video games?
zombies or vampires?
have you listened to [insert musician/band]?
your first celebrity crush?
do you have a collection of cool rocks?
five words that describe you?
what have you learned about yourself?
can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?
do you believe in aliens?
books or films?
an unusual song that’s your favorite?
the last thing you ate?
do you have a favorite [insert question]?
have you gotten bit by a dog?
do you write better with a pen or a pencil?
a song that gets stuck in your head?
when you hear “ peace ” what do you think of?
a school subject your good with?
how many alarms do you have set?
do you shop at thrift stores?
what’s the meaning behind your url?
is there wise words you live by?
what’s your favorite [insert question]?
you gotta have a favorite beatles song, what is it?
earphones or a speaker?
what do you remember from your childhood?
do you collect anything?
favorite tea?
a christmas song you secretly like?
book stores or record stores?
how weird were these questions?
what scents do you like?
1. i dont have a lighter
2. pepsi blue!
3. pasta deserves my heart and soul
4. uhhh.....often....very much often...
5. doing this ask? no i like getting ask games! doing tumblr? well i guess so
6. i interact with my lemonblr moots mostly i guess :]
7. yes but not very well and i dont like swimming
8. uhhhhhhhhh shit shit wait i have !
9. cotton candy probably :D
10. :3
11. if we talkin the guitar type thing, bass all the way it fuckin vibes
12. anything with mayhem from the insurance commercials
13. i mean i dont know who u are but i have nothing against it!
14. i actually do spend some amounts of time staring at the sky and going YOO PRETTY
15. weirdest thing that's happened to me? uhhhh shit probably finding out about my grandparents thru a dna test
16. wandavision bc i dont watch a lot of netflix but that show was GOOD
17. dragons. god i loved dragons when i was a little kid. also eating rocks.
18. i play Minecraft
19. vampires bc they have more lore and are more interesting. zombies r just...rotty dead people....
20. :3
21. i uhhhh i don't know probably....the crab from moana?
22. i do!! i love cool rocks!
23. tall, skinny, sarcastic, milf, tiddies
24. i have learned that i do not like potatoes
25. no i cannot do anything with my tongue
26. i believe there's something out there other than earth, but who says its even recognizable as a living thing by our standards? all we know is ourselves.
27. books because i can read a lot of books very fast but movies take too long
28. Candy Truck / You Expected: LAB Your Result: Green by bring me the horizon!
29. apple pie with ice cream :D
30. :3
31. yes i was very young
32. pen!
33. one bad gloop and i do what i yoinky...
34. peace and love (hannah xx rose)
35. english
36. none bc its summer!!
37. i do not often because i only just moved to a country that even had thrift stores
38. mello in theory? it means like...chill, vibing....but only chill in concept in reality i am actually being chaotic as hell
39. dont do anything to harm someone unless you can justify it to yourself and the authorities who will be angered by it
40. :3
41. i dont have a fave beatles song tho
42. earphones
43. i had a pet gecko named Thunderstorm Lightning Blackout
44. i do not have like current collections i suppose
45. chai tea :D
46. footprints in the snow by barenaked ladies
47. book stores i love book stores
48. not very much they were rather normal and interesting
49. i like the smell of donuts and bacon
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corie-the-writer · 4 years
Won’t Let Go - Ch. 4
Tag List : @talicat713 @itsdesiree86 @halsteadsway @itmejado @toomuchtv95 @panaitbeatrice
Chapter 4 
Sophia had a blast at the cabin even though a part of her had missed spending time with Jay, especially since she had left right after they had sex for the first time. She had promised herself to make the most of the girl time with Sylvie, Stella, Emily and Kim in the cabin for the weekend. 
The girls had spent their days in the sun on the lake, even though it was starting to change from summer to fall, the day time the weather was still warm enough to enjoy the water. At night, they had spent their time drinking wine, watching movies and just lounging around. 
Sophia had text Jay the night they had arrived letting him know that they had arrived safely, and they were exhausted from the drive, they had headed to bed early to enjoy the next two days of doing absolutely nothing. The next morning Sophia had woken up to a picture text from Jay, he was giving her a pouty face claiming to smell like her perfume, and expressing that he was tempted to crash their trip to steal her away. Her heart swelled with the declaration, but promising to spend an entire evening with him once she had gotten back. 
During the day, Stella had convinced a group of young men to take them out on a boat, which was a lot of fun. They had learned to water board, each taking turns with one of the guys teaching them. There were a round of photos of each girl, and Sophia had sent a picture to Jay, showing him what she had learned. He had questioned who the man was on the board next to her, and she had decided to tease him a bit, and realized that he was a cute amount of jealous. Jay had sent her a number of photos the first day, one of him laying in bed shirtless, explaining that he had absolutely no plans, and then another photo later that night when he was at Molly's, saying that Kevin and Adam had hauled him out for a guys night since he was moping around. 
The second day Sophia had decided to spend time with just the girls, sending a text to Jay, letting him know that she wasn't ignoring him, but just wanted to stay present on their final day away. 
That day the girls had went to a cook out where the young men from the boat had invited them, since they were quite younger than them, they had introduced the girls to their parents, and some of the family members that were around, along with their friends. Once the cook out was over, they had went back to their cabin to swim around at the lake and lay out in the sun, just enjoying the scenery and peace around them for the better part of the afternoon. Once the sun had went down, they had decided to have a bonfire for a little while, enjoying a nice bottle of wine, and then headed inside to have girl talk. Sophia had been questioned about her relationship with Jay, and not really knowing the title of what they were, she admitted that they had slept together the day she had left for the trip. 
Later that evening once everyone was winding down for bed, Sophia had gotten the idea to call Jay while being a little tipsy. 
"Hey beautiful..." Jay began to answer the phone call but Sophia had cut him off with a frustrated sigh. 
"So what exactly are we?" Sophia questioned, "I've been drinking, the girls started asking what was going on between us and I'm just as confused as them." Sophia admitted, "Like is this just a hook-up?" Sophia started throwing out different labels causing Jay to let out a small laugh. 
"Babe, will you let me talk?" Jay questioned into the cell phone. 
"S..Sorry..." Sophia mumbled. 
"I like you Soph...a lot..." Jay started out and Sophia had let the wine brain take over and immediately thought the worst. 
"Oh god..." Sophia had stopped him, "I shouldn't have called..." Sophia grumbled smacking herself in the forehead, thinking that he was going to tell her that he wasn't interested in anything, "I'll let you go..." Sophia quickly added, she was slightly aware of Jay saying her name, but she had hung up the phone too quickly. 
Sophia tossed her phone onto the bed in the cabin and heard the phone ringing from the mattress. Sophia cringed not thinking clearly with the amount of alcohol she had consumed through that day, well into the evening.  The ringing stopped after a moment and then started back up again causing Sophia to stand up from the bed and looked at the cell phone as if it were going to grow legs and walk to her. Once the ringing had stopped, she was expecting it to start again and she let out a sigh of relief once it remained silent in her small room. 
Deciding to walk around in circles, Sophia had put her hands on her head trying to figure out what to do next, and she jumped and screamed when the door blew open to see Stella Kidd and Kim Burgess standing in the doorway with a cell phone in hand. 
"What the hell was that?!" Jay's voice came through the speaker phone of Kim's phone. 
"That was Sophia being drunk." Stella answered, "Now Sophia you're going to sit on that bed and listen to what Halstead has to say." Stella pointed to the bed with a stern look on her face and Sophia rolled her eyes and practically stomped to the bed. Once she had sat on the bed, Kidd leaned closer to the phone, "Go ahead Halstead." 
"Soph?" Jay's voice was gentle as he spoke over the phone, "I was saying that I really like you, a lot. I wanted to wait until you got back to have this conversation, but I want to make things official between us." Jay explained awkwardly, knowing that Kim and Stella were both listening. 
"Really?" Sophia's mouth dropped for a moment. 
"Yes really." Jay chuckled, "Do you think that you could call me so we can talk privately? No offense to Kidd and Burgess." Jay added. 
Sophia's cheeks were completely flushed in embarrassment but agreed to call him on her phone. Once Stella had confirmed to Jay that they would be back in town at eight thirty in the morning that coming morning, they said their goodbyes. 
Sophia had called Jay and was overly quiet, "I am so embarrassed right now." Sophia had admitted as she laid in the bed with Jay's hoodie on her, "I can't believe I'm wine drunk right now and turned into one of those people I loathe." Jay couldn't help but to laugh, "How much have you drank?" Jay questioned fighting back a yawn, already knowing that he had the next two days off. 
"Well, we've been drinking off and on since noon." Sophia admitted, "I don't think I am going to drink another drop of alcohol as long as I live." 
"That bad huh?" Jay chuckled, "Are you going to remember any of this conversation?" Jay questioned. 
"Oh I'll remember everything, I'll just have one hell of a hang over, and apparently wine makes me lose all common sense." Sophia explained, "So I'm really sorry for just jumping to conclusions. I sort of just panicked." 
"Well it's going on 2 in the morning and you guys are leaving in a couple of hours to head back, so you need to try to get a little bit of rest. So just know this, I want you to be my girlfriend, and I'll be waiting at your apartment for you tomorrow morning bright and early, and we are not leaving that bed for the next two days. Okay?" Jay spoke quietly and confidently, "And tomorrow once you've gotten the liquor out of your system we will talk, alright?" 
Sophia chuckled lightly, "Okay..." 
"Try to get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning." 
"Good night Jay." 
"Good night baby." 
 Sophia had felt the heaviness of her eyes, the smell of Jay's cologne lingering on the hoodie that she was wearing. Not caring in the moment that her skin was sun burnt causing her to be slightly cold as she lulled herself to sleep. 
The three and a half hours of sleep that Sophia had gotten was not enough to sleep off any of the alcohol that she had consumed. She had been grateful that Stella had shoved a large to go cup of coffee into her face as she got settled into the passenger seat of the jeep. Sophia was silently grateful that she wasn't the only one who was massively hung over. 
"So what did Jay say to you last night?" Stella questioned as she stopped off at a McDonalds for them to grab food for the ride back to town. 
"I uh...he said that he wanted me to be his girlfriend, and that he would be waiting at my place for me this morning." Sophia commented, "I'm trying to not get my hopes up because I think I'll be really sad if he's not actually there." Sophia added quietly, sleep filling her voice. 
"I think you'd be surprised." Stella commented as she pulled up to the window to grab the bags of food and drinks, "I've seen the way the guy looks at you since the moment he met you." Stella commented thanking the woman at the drive thru, then slowly pulling off, "I think he thinks you've personally hung the moon."  
"I just...I've never felt this way before. With Noah it was different. That was pure lust, but with Jay, it's lust and emotions, like everything all tied into one." Sophia explained grabbing the french fries she had ordered after taking a drink of her sweet tea, "I mean, everything is just different. When I'm with him, it's just like this huge sense of peace. It scares me because I don't know him all that well." 
"Well think about it like this..." Stella spoke with food in her mouth as she began driving on the high way, "He's a cop, a detective at that, so he has no criminal record which is a huge plus. He's served his country, and he's got a super level head on his shoulders. I mean hell, he punched a dude for grabbing your ass before he even introduced himself to you." Stella pointed out causing Sophia to laugh as she stuffed her mouth with more fries. 
"Okay, you gotta point." Sophia commented, "I think just with everything that happened with Noah, it's sort of made me apprehensive towards anyone." Sophia added. 
"Have you heard from him any?" Stella questioned. 
"No. Thankfully he had gotten mad enough when I left that he said, 'if you walk out that door do not think about coming back to me' like I had planned on it or something." Sophia chuckled fishing into the bag for her other food. 
"So I take it you haven't told Jay about Noah?" 
"What am I suppose to say?" Sophia questioned, "Hey Jay, I met this guy when I was traveling and I fell in love with his dick, and we have such great sex it turned into a toxic relationship, oh and he's a criminal but I'm not quite sure what he does exactly?" Sophia added causing Stella to snort with laughter. 
"Well I don't think I'd go that route, but obviously the relationship with Noah has caused a little bit of problems for you in trusting others, especially men." Stella suggested and Sophia gave a nod. 
"I'm sure I'll figure out what to tell him exactly when the time comes for it to be brought up. I still am not quite sure how to even dive into that entire experience." Sophia took a drink of her tea after finishing her hamburger, "Enough about me, how are you and Severide?" Sophia questioned. 
"We're really good." Stella smiled, "We are thinking about moving in together." Stella added and Sophia squealed with excitement, "We have been talking about it but we haven't quite decided yet what we're looking for in a house, so we sort of just pushed it to the back burner for the time being." 
"I'm so happy for you Stella! I think he's so good for you." Sophia grinned, leaning back into the seat, "Oh god, I can't tell if eating that food made me more intoxicated or more delirious." Sophia groaned, realizing that it was the lack of sleep doing it. 
"Well rest your eyes for a bit, we got about an hour left." Stella suggested looking towards the brunette, "It's fine Soph. You don't need to keep me company. It'll give me some time to annoy Kelly." Kidd commented. 
Sophia gave a nod and reclined the passenger seat just a little and rested her head against the head piece and closed her eyes, and before she knew it she was out cold. 
"Baby..." Sophia started to stir at the familiar voice, "Come on, open those eyes..." His voice was so gentle and quiet, causing Sophia to flutter her eyes open to see Jay Halstead in front of her. 
"You're here..." Sophia had commented lowly. 
"I told you I would be. Come on, let's get you inside and to bed." Jay ran a gentle hand across her cheek, then reached for her hand. Sophia had raised herself gently realizing her back was a little more sore because of the sunburn, and allowed Jay to help her out of the jeep. 
"Oh god..." Sophia groaned, "I need to shower." 
"Girl, I feel you." Stella agreed from the driver's seat, "I'll talk to you later Soph." 
"Bye Stella..." Sophia closed her eyes for a moment trying to focus her vision, "Oh wait my bags..." Sophia added as Stella began to drive off. 
"I already got them and put them upstairs." Jay chuckled wrapping his arm around her lower back, "Come on, I'll carry you." Jay added, "It looks like you're about to drop to the ground." 
"I feel like I'm about to drop to the ground." Sophia chuckled lightly, slightly squealing as Jay moved to lift her bridal style and carried her around the building to the side door that led to her apartment. 
"I wanna shower and then sleep for the next day." Sophia winced as Jay began to tread up the stairs, causing Jay to look at her in concern, "I got sunburnt yesterday, I'm a little sore." Sophia explained and Jay frowned a little as he reached for the door handle. 
"Here." Jay sat Sophia on her feet, "Go take a shower and get changed. I'm gonna go change into sweatpants." Jay commented as Sophia stumbled into the living room and towards the bathroom. 
Sophia had turned the shower on warm water, and stripped out of her clothes and let them fall to the floor. Noticing the tan lines, Sophia knew that this shower was going to suck tremendously, so she had decided to brush her teeth before setting pain to her skin. 
Once she had stepped into the shower and the initial pain had left she had turned the water a little warmer, and shampooed her hair, and then washed her body carefully, and then washed her face. She felt someone normal but was dead tired. After standing in the shower for a moment, she had turned the water off, grabbed a towel for her body and then a towel for her hair. 
Drying herself off carefully, Sophia had emptied her bladder, washed her hands and then headed into her bedroom to get dressed for bed. She had went to her drawers to grab a pair of panties and slipped them on, and then dropped the towel and Jay nearly gasped at how burnt she was. 
"Baby, do you have any aloe?" Jay questioned as he sat up in bed. 
"I'm not sure... the shower took the sting out of it, so it's not nearly as bad." Sophia had towel dried her hair before grabbing Jay's gray police shirt that was on the floor from him taking it off to get into bed, and slipped it on, and then tilted her head to put her damp hair in a bun, so it was out of her face. 
Climbing into the bed after turning on her fan, Sophia had stretched out her body and then curled up against Jay as he reached for the night stand lamp, and then wrapped his arms around her carefully. It didn't take long for the both of them to submit to the sleep they had been craving.
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moayoub1 · 5 years
How to go Island Hopping in Thailand – Review of 4 Islands Tour, Krabi
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When people consider Thailand, they consider exotic islands and excellent beaches. the maximum amount as I loved exploring Bangkok on my five-week house sit, I knew I wanted to experience the more salty, sandy side of Thailand.
I plan to stay in Ao Nang, Krabi because it appeared like an honest launching off point for all the tropical islands within the Andaman Sea. Ao Nang features a sleepy beach town vibe. It’s the right place to hold out and teach online while visiting nearby islands on my days off.
So I arrive in Ao Nang and it’s awesome. I relax at the beach for each day and stuff my face at Jungle Kitchen, aka the best Thai restaurant of all time. within the evening, I mount Viator and flick through the various tours and excursions. There are numerous to select from.
There are dozens of tours by longtail boat or speed boat getting to fantastic, exotic locations just like the Phi Phi Islands, Hong Island, and a few places called Bond Island. All the photographs look so beautiful they can’t be real. I start an inventory of places I would like to ascertain and anxiously count the times until my rental is up.
Even with a month in Ao Nang, I’ll be cutting it close. Then I see a tour that catches my eye called 4 Islands. This tour goes by longtail boat to (you guessed it) four different islands around Ao Nang. and every one of these islands was on my list. “Four birds with one stone!” I say aloud to nobody especially and high-five myself.
For about $20, the 4 Islands Tour includes snorkel gear, transfer to and from my apartment, and a lunch buffet. I immediately forced entry into an excited sweat, as lunch buffets and that I have an extended and delightful, albeit sometimes dodgy history. you would possibly remember that a lunch buffet was directly liable for me passing out on the Bangkok Skytrain. Still, a lunch buffet, just like the Taco Bell drive-thru or the reptile room at your local zoo, maybe a place where I feel I am often my true self.
I book a spot on the four islands tour for the subsequent morning. “Four Islands are better than one,” I chuckle while watching the sunset, sipping the wine I got from the 7/11.
How to Go Island Hopping in Thailand with the 4 Islands Tour
In the morning, a white songthaew truck picks me up at the market near my house. After collecting people at a couple of hotels and hostels, we drive about five minutes out of town to the pier. At the pier, we are sorted into our groups supported which tour we are taking. there are a restroom and place to shop for snacks at the pier but we don’t wait long before we are loaded into our long-tail boat.
The long tail boat sounds something sort of a lawnmower, a lawnmower you build yourself using only parts from an early 1900’s rattler. I’m sure our sweet guide is telling us fascinating facts about all the historical and geological sites we were passing as we flew across the ocean, but all I hear is that the roar of the engine and therefore the crashing of waves on the hull.
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The first stop on the 4 Islands Tour: Tup Island
We pull up within the shallow waters of Tup Island in our long tail boat. The guide drops two ladders on either side of the boat and that i alight into the knee-deep seawater in what I’m sure may be a graceful display of athleticism.
Tub island may be a postcard. Clear blue seas, brilliant white sand, soaring rock formations and plush jungle call at the center of nowhere. it's a sandbar connecting two nearby islands which you'll walk along during low water . Unfortunately, the tide was too high during our time here so I didn’t get to ascertain if the neighboring island was actually as perfect because it looked. I paddle around within the water then lay out on my towel just a touch too on the brink of the water. A wave washes up covering me and my towel, so that’s the top of my towel for this trip. (Later, i might study the almighty Sarong. It’s made from thinner material, it makes an excellent beach blanket and it dries faster than a terry cloth towel. And you'll tie it around your body all glamorous-like on your walk home!)
I walk back and forth up the tiny strip of beach and appearance in the least the various boats. The time flies by. Forty-five minutes later it’s time to urge back within the boat so I wade bent the ladder and heave myself on board, dripping wet. I hang my droopy tower over the side of the boat and choose that i'm okay with being a salty drippy mess for the remainder of the day.
Heck, maybe the remainder of my life. If this is often the worth of living in paradise, so be it.
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Second Stop on the 4 Islands Tour: Chicken Island
I wonder where chicken island got its name. Any guesses? We circle chicken island a couple of times so everyone could get an honest picture of the famous chicken head rock formation, then our guide stops the boat a couple of hundred feet from shore. He tells us this is often the simplest place to travel snorkeling on the tour. After a couple of quick warnings about not dropping our snorkel gear ( alternatively we’ll be fined) and not stepping on sea urchins (or else we’ll die), he tosses the ladders into the water and a-snorkeling we go.
I’ve never snorkeled before.
In the water, I fumble with the mask, realizing I definitely haven’t worn one among these since i used to be in secondary school playing sharks and minnows in my neighbor’s above-ground pool. a pleasant non-snorkeling couple the boat snaps several photos of me and that i learn that there's absolutely no thanks to look good with a snorkeling mask on your face. Then I dip my head under the water.
I don’t know what i used to be expecting. i do know people love snorkeling, but I never thought it might be this… spectacular. One second, I see the planet above water – the boat, the chicken rock, the great photography couple waving and snapping pictures. I move my head down three inches under the water and therefore the world explodes in color and lightweight .
It jogs my memory just like the aquarium at my childhood doctors office crammed with exotic fish, apart from these fish are right ahead of my face, and this aquarium is endless. a couple of feet below me may be a reef where fish of each color and shape weave in and out between corals. I see sea urchins and tiny crabs and every one the opposite things I wont to teach my students about during the ocean unit of science class.
It’s a mixture of everything – the fragile little parrot fish that swim right up to my mask and appearance me within the eye. The way the sunshine from above dances across the colorful coral. The silence. I knew all this was here, but I never really got it until that moment.
This earth is so precious. the items in it are so spectacular. And I’m sure we don’t even know the half it.
Third Stop on the 4 Islands Tour – Poda Island
At Poda Island, it’s time for lunch. because the guide lays out the spread of curries, vegetables, and rice, we all eagerly wait around during a circle, not unlike vultures. Never one to “take it easy” at a lunchtime buffet, I pile my plate high and smile sort of a beach monkey who just stole someone’s iPhone X.
Poda Island is that the largest of the Islands on the tour. It feels less crowded and that i wander round the beach awkwardly taking selfies until some kind girl from Australia takes pity on me and offers to require my picture. Poda Island has restroom facilities but be warned, they're of the squatty potty variety. Too soon, it's time to urge back on the boat.
Final Stop on the 4 Islands Tour – Phra Nang Cave Beach
After a ship ride around cliffs so spectacular I had to record a ten-minute bouncy video on my phone, we pull up to a quiet cove. There are dozens of long tail boats lined up, but no people. a woman during a pink shirt asks me to require her picture with the boats and she or he offers to require one among me. once we realize we’re both traveling alone, we immediately become best friends.
A pack of individuals walk down a paved path through the caves, so we follow them. After a brief five-minute walk, we round a corner to Phra Nang cave overlooking the pristine water. The beach is crawling with people but we don’t care. We run out into the water, throwing our bags of valuables to the wind.
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Final Thoughts on the 4 Islands Tour
I enjoyed this tour and would definitely roll in the hay again. The 4 Islands tour may be a convenient and cost-effective thanks to see some amazing places around Ao Nang without having to stress about coordinating plenty of boat rides. If you’re planning a 4 Islands Tour, confirm to…
Book in Person: I booked online, but you'll compute a less expensive deal if you attend one among the tourist kiosks face to face . I met travelers on my tour who had negotiated their ticket price down a couple of dollars at the walk up stands everywhere Ao Nang.
Take a separate trip to Railay: You get to spend about an hour on the Phra Nang Cave a part of Railay, but Railay is worth its own excursion . come on another day and spend longer here.
Bring a water bottle: Water is provided but you’ll probably want quite the 2 or three little cups you’re given.
Protect your Electronics: You’ll be jumping off the boat into the water to wade to shore at each island, so use a water-proof telephone Dry Bag like this one to form sure you don’t drown your phone.
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