#actually I joined a little before that MV’s release so I’ve been here a while
I finally got to watch the Black or White MVs!!! Holy fuck they were all so incredible! The animation, the camera work, the choreography, THE MUSIC!!!! All so unbelievably top quality I would’ve been satisfied regardless of who won (I know the game already announced the winner but I won’t mention it here for the sake of spoilers). These MVs were so good I can’t wait until we get longer versions (I’m pretty sure it was said somewhere we’re getting the longer versions in a few months?) Also I don’t recall, was it said which studio did these MVs? The style looks incredibly familiar, it reminds me of the MVs from that one Sega related idol project from a few years back.
Zool was soooooo cool! Yet again, another great song. Zool is incapable of releasing bad songs, I’m telling you! I loved the whole style of their MV.
Idolish7 my beloveds, the energy of their MV made me so nostalgic! I couldn’t stop smiling the whole time and there were so many adorable moments. Plus Riku being a sweetie and thanking everyone at the end!
Trigger delivering that star level fanservice in their MV! They looked so good throughout the song and I enjoyed the camera work in this MV the most!
Revale showing off why they are considered top idols in their MV! I loved how you could feel the years that Yuki and Momo worked together and their relationship throughout the song.
And let me say I think it was such a nice touch that the composer for each group’s song was the same composer who wrote each group’s first song. It really feels like a great way of showing off how far everyone’s come, both the idols and the fandom!
But yeah, what a great little event to end one year and welcome in the new one. I can’t wait to see what next year brings for these idols!
16 notes · View notes
becomewings · 4 years
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The Most Beautiful Moment in Life <I’M FINE>
   BTS Universe Story Highlights, pt. 3 / 4
« pt. 2  |  » pt. 4
The following sections for JiMin’s and HoSeok’s arcs are 4.5k and 4k, respectively. As with pt.2 of the series, I have included “tl;dr commentary” at the bottom of the post after a section of additional thoughts. This commentary summarizes the parenthetical asides I made throughout the summaries and may be of interest as standalone reading to those who have already played the game yet would like to review its connections to the BU texts and MVs.
Content warning: contains references to death, suicide, suicidal ideation, child abuse, domestic violence, blood, homicide, depression, trauma, PTSD
This guide contains major spoilers and includes references to other BU media
Do not repost, copy, or quote without permission
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Stopped Time
SeokJin’s primary goal in JiMin’s story is to free him from the hospital psychiatric ward to which his parents have him committed before he gives up on life. Much like his sudden, unexplained absence in The Notes 1, JiMin is not even present in the first two episodes except for an introductory cutscene. In a hospital hallway on an unspecified date, he plays on the colored tiles and stops when he reaches “the line” by the exit door. (This line marks the end of the psychiatric ward and is first described in his 11 May Year 22 entry in The Notes 1.) Everything goes black except for JiMin and the door. A nurse taps him on the shoulder, bringing him back to reality, and hands him pills.
The playable story begins on 22 April Year 22 with SeokJin attending a meeting organized by the patrons of the Songho Foundation. Seo HyunJung, the city’s Deputy Mayor, suggested it to SeokJin’s father, Kim ChangJun, at the inauguration ceremony. (SeokJin attends the inauguration ceremony on 11 April in many loops; it plays out in episode 2 of JungKook’s arc.) SeokJin scans over the crowd, reflecting that while the pretext of the meeting is to discuss community development, in reality it is a social gathering to advance individual careers. These sessions make him uncomfortable, but this time he is attending of his own accord with the intention of meeting someone.
This someone is a woman who actually approaches him first, introducing herself as Sim SeonMi. SeokJin knows that she is JiMin’s mother. He has met her in previous loops but needs to pretend that this is their first time meeting. His goal is to bring up JiMin naturally and persuade her to discharge him from the hospital. Before he can broach the subject, the high school principal, Jo JinMyung, joins them. SeokJin uses his arrival as an opportunity to bring up school and guide the conversation toward JiMin by first asking if they know each other. “We’ve met a few times at gatherings. I was told her child used to be a student at our school,” answers Jo JinMyung. “Ah, really? I attended Jeil High too,” says SeokJin. Sim SeonMi looks taken aback, and he asks for her child’s name. She tries to avoid the question by saying that they probably won’t know each other due to their age gap, but when pressed again she relents. “His name is Park JiMin.” “I know JiMin! We were close. Is JiMin doing okay?” SeokJin responds brightly, wondering if she will provide an empty lie. Instead, she excuses herself with the claim that she needs to greet someone else.
SeokJin quickly wraps up with the principal and begins to casually approach her again. He stops when he overhears two women mention her name. “There’s no gathering she doesn’t attend these days. Looks like her husband’s star is on the rise, thanks to her efforts…” The player has the choice to listen quietly or butt in. If SeokJin stands by, they speculate that she was invited because her husband’s company is one of the patrons. If he interrupts, they caution him to stay away from her. In both routes, SeokJin learns that Sim SeonMi doesn’t have the best reputation and that rumors of her hospitalized son are spreading. Their blame on her helps explain what underlay her hysteric responses in previous loops.
Though it’s uncomfortable, SeokJin reapproaches her when she is alone. She greets him a little coldly. “You don’t have to be so formal to me. I’m JiMin’s friend,” he assures. “Is that so? How friendly you are.” Sim SeonMi smiles awkwardly and keeps looking elsewhere as though for an escape. “It would’ve been nice if JiMin’s father was here… He’ll join me another time, so you can say hello to him then.” “Yes. I’ll make sure to bring my father along then,” SeokJin replies, hoping to snag her attention. Her eyes change at the mention of his father. “Shall we do that, then? It’ll be even better with the Assemblyman.” SeokJin brings up JiMin again by either asking if he still attends Jeil High or how he’s doing. Her uneasy answers are “These days? Yes… Of course” or “...He’s fine,” respectively. SeokJin requests JiMin’s phone number, rendering her silent for a long moment. “That’s a bit difficult. I’m not sure I can give out JiMin’s contact information without his approval.” SeokJin attempts to convince her by stating that they were close friends in school yet lost contact when he studied abroad. But all he gets from her is, “Then I’ll ask JiMin, and make sure to contact you if he says it’s okay.” Sim SeonMi taps him on the shoulder and quickly walks away.
By 25 April, SeokJin still hasn’t heard from JiMin’s mother, so he decides to visit her and reveal that he knows JiMin was admitted to an inpatient psychiatric ward. Uncle JunHo, his father’s secretary, intercepts him before he leaves the house and asks where he’s going. SeokJin either answers that he is heading to school or meeting a friend to work on assignments. He declines a ride from JunHo in the first path but can’t conjure an excuse to not accept in the second. In both, JunHo comments that it’s not easy being the family of a public official and that he noticed SeokJin engaged in a long conversation with Sim SeonMi at the meeting. SeokJin explains that she is his friend’s mother, and JunHo advises him not to get too friendly with her because she doesn’t have a great reputation. In the second path, he also adds information about JiMin’s father that catches SeokJin’s attention because he has not heard anything about the man. Apparently Park JinWook is one of the foundation’s board members. ‘He’s pretty remarkable. He entered as a researcher and became a board member… The one thing that people like him want most is connections,” JunHo muses. He cautions SeokJin to “be wary of any advances [he] can see the intent of.”
The scene cuts to the exterior of an apartment building after SeokJin has either driven himself or been dropped off nearby by JunHo. He considers the public assessment of JiMin’s mother: she works hard to elevate her husband’s status but ignores her own son in favor of the family’s reputation. Sim SeonMi happens to step outside before SeokJin enters the building. She looks wary when he says, “I haven’t heard from you, so I decided to come see you myself.” In an effort to persuade her, SeokJin begins with either “I want to see JiMin” or “I came to see you because I know everything.” In the first path, she lies about not getting in touch with JiMin yet because he is studying abroad in the U.S. SeokJin is stunned by this egregious falsehood. “From what I’ve heard… JiMin’s locked up in a hospital. He’s at the Gyeong Il Hospital, isn’t he?” A similar reaction occurs in the second path from the point of SeokJin mentioning the hospital. Sim SeonMi hardens and objects to the phrase “locked up,” stating that JiMin is an inpatient because he is sick. “SeokJin, I appreciate that you’re worried about JiMin… But I’m his mother, and that means I know what’s best for him.” The paths converge as she tries to leave, claiming they have nothing left to discuss. Persuading her to release JiMin from the hospital seems impossible. “I’ll look into it on my own. I’m going to see JiMin, no matter how hard you try to stop me,” SeokJin warns. Sim SeonMi glares at him, voice low and cold. “‘SeokJin. If I can give you a word of advice… Adults have reasons for everything they do. You should forget about this.”
The beginning of episode 3 visits JiMin’s perspective on 27 April. He has relocated temporarily to the surgical ward due to an injured wrist. After treatment, he returns to his hospital room to find his mother arranging some items she brought. JiMin approaches nervously, wondering if she thinks he has caused a problem again. “It doesn’t look too bad, thankfully,” she remarks, glancing at his wrist. Her concern is unfamiliar yet welcome. “Do you know a Kim SeokJin? He said he attended Jeil High.” The mention of SeokJin surprises JiMin, but he tries to answer passively because of her angry tone. “Yes, but why are you suddenly ask—” “Did you contact him?” Sim SeonMi interrupts, halting her organizing to stare at him. “Why are you so immature? Do you ever think of anyone outside of here?” Injury throbbing, JiMin doesn’t know how to respond. “If you want to leave, tell me why you’re doing this. Tell me instead of embarrassing me by contacting some random person! Is that why you hurt your wrist? To rebel?” she demands. JiMin tries to explain this isn’t true, but she doesn’t listen. “I’m really tired, too. How many years has it been? How long do I have to suffer because of you?” Sim SeonMi leaves, the rant having done little to expend her anger. JiMin knows that her worries are pointed at herself, not at him; he is someone who makes life harder for her. He decides not to talk about anything else because he doesn’t want to make things even more difficult for her.
The story cuts to SeokJin loitering outside Gyeong Il Hospital, mulling over what action to take since JiMin is moving out of the surgical ward that day. (The date is unspecified in the game, but in The Notes 1, he is scheduled to return to the psychiatric ward on 16 May.) SeokJin knows that he will be the first suspect if JiMin disappears now and that he must act carefully since he was unable to persuade JiMin’s mother. As the day grows dark, he spots Sim SeonMi rushing into the hospital on her second visit. SeokJin hurries after her, worried that something happened to JiMin. The panicked voices of a medical team emerge from JiMin’s room. Doctors crowd around someone laying on the bed. “No, JiMin!” SeokJin hears Sim SeonMi scream followed by the sound of shattering glass.
The loop resets, and the game rejoins SeokJin on 10 May standing at a road and reflecting on the last failure. “If JiMin isn’t saved while he’s in the surgical ward, he makes his choice days after he returns to the closed ward. But it happened too quickly this time. What pushed him?” he wonders. He recalls Sim SeonMi’s final words before the loop ended. “No, JiMin! I’m sorry. I was wrong! You can see your friends; you can do anything you want… So please, open your eyes!” SeokJin realizes that he may have caused Sim SeonMi to act out of the ordinary, which in turn affected JiMin’s choice. It’s his fault, and he made JiMin suffer more. He thinks, “Even though I’ve experienced losing my friends before… No matter how many times it repeats… It never gets any easier.” SeokJin decides to abandon persuading JiMin’s mother to avoid provoking her and reverts his plan to sneaking JiMin out like in earlier loops. But first, he must focus on a more pressing issue—rescuing HoSeok after he collapses on the bridge that day.
After a cut, HoSeok awakens in SeokJin’s car and is shocked to see him. “Wow, is it really you? How long has it been?” “Lean on me for a bit longer. You didn’t hurt yourself when you fell?” SeokJin checks. HoSeok assures him that he’s all right and asks how SeokJin saw him. When SeokJin says he was just passing by, HoSeok remarks, “Wow! That’s so weird. Thanks for saving me.” It’s the first time SeokJin has heard something like this. He remembers JiMin in a previous loop telling him, “This is where I should be.” Does JiMin really want to leave the hospital? SeokJin believed that he did, but now he’s less confident. “HoSeok. If you had someone in front of you who wanted to die because living was too difficult… What would you do?” he asks. HoSeok answers without hesitation, “Well, I would help them.” “Even if that person doesn’t want my help?” says SeokJin. “ Isn’t helping them the right thing to do? Even if you don’t know why they want to die… They need to keep living for something to change,” HoSeok muses.
SeokJin drops HoSeok off at Two Star Burger before returning to the hospital alone, his friend’s words sticking with him. Even though JiMin isn’t guaranteed to be happy when he leaves the hospital, he needs to stay alive to have even the opportunity for happiness. Still uncertain how to proceed, SeokJin heads to the hospital lounge to organize his thoughts before visiting JiMin. Through an open door, he spots JiMin trudging down a hallway. SeokJin either calls out to him or watches him, but the latter is the result regardless because JiMin doesn’t hear him in the first path. JiMin stares at the door as people come and go and eventually returns to his room.
On 7 May, JiMin roams the hallways of the 5th floor surgical ward. He was moved there about ten days earlier after he ran into someone and fell. The surgical ward is not too different from the psychiatric one: the hallway is a little longer, and it has a lounge in the middle. But the freedom to move around in this space brings him joy that he doesn’t have in the psychiatric ward. He even wanders around at night when no one is around and dances in the lounge. Despite this newfound freedom, his body stops at the same point in the hallway—where the psychiatric ward ends four floors above him. After reaching his line again, JiMin returns to his room. He assumes a student occupied the bed before him because he finds a forgotten workbook in the nearby drawers. Remembering that he used this workbook in school, he flips through and reads the notes scribbled in the margins. “I want to go to a PC cafe, too…” he murmurs, spotting the note “wanna go to the PC cafe later?” JiMin finds a haphazardly folded paper tucked into the pages and unfolds it curiously. “Career… plan?”
The story cuts to 10 May with SeokJin, from a hidden vantage point, watching JiMin sit in the hospital lounge and read a book. It reminds him of their days in the classroom hideout. “He seems okay right now.” SeokJin receives a call from Uncle JunHo about the scheduling of a Songho Foundation seminar. During their conversation, a loudspeaker announcement summons JiMin to the 2nd floor physical therapy room. He drops the book and runs out of the lounge. Once finished with the call, SeokJin tries to find the book JiMin was reading. He doesn’t see it among those scattered around the lounge and thinks that JiMin must’ve had a reason to hide it. Hoping it will provide him a clue to understanding his friend, SeokJin hunts around either the window or trash can with no luck before turning to the vending machine. After scooting a bookcase out of the way, he is finally able to rescue the item. SeokJin deduces that the workbook doesn’t belong to JiMin because it’s Year 2 material and JiMin was admitted to the hospital in his first year. He finds the detached sheet with two different types of handwriting and determines which belongs to JiMin. The game provides a quick flashback shot of JiMin filling out the paper. “Aspiring Career Path: Will I be able to go to university too? Scholastic Activities: What should I learn in Year 2… Extracurricular Activities: Join the dance club HoSeok started.” SeokJin wonders what JiMin felt as he wrote in the answers. He considers how JiMin people-watched from the hallway and looked happy reading the workbook. “You want to leave, don’t you?” SeokJin thinks. “Let’s get out of here. So you can be the one to decide what kind of life you want to live.” He resolves to break JiMin free.
On 11 May, JiMin stops at the invisible line in the hallway again. He stares at the door before turning around and bumping into someone. He is shocked speechless when he realizes that it’s SeokJin. The next episode continues from this moment but switches to SeokJin’s perspective. He calms JiMin down before bringing him to the lounge, giving the excuse that he was in the hospital to visit someone else. JiMin’s cheeks are hollowed, his hands skinnier than normal. SeokJin wonders if he can inspire JiMin to act if he tells him that he’ll be able to do all of the things he wrote on the career plan once he leaves the hospital. He either asks, “JiMin, are you injured?” or “How long have you been in the hospital?” In both paths, JiMin refers to his wrist injury and the time he’s been in the surgical ward rather than the psychiatric one. He looks grim when he can’t give a proper answer to either “When do you get discharged?” or “Are you sick?” “I think I have to go now. It’s almost time for treatment, too…” JiMin stands to leave, avoiding his gaze. SeokJin rushes after him and blocks his path, knowing this might be their last chance to speak if they say goodbye already. “JiMin, I’m here because I know everything. You want to leave this place, don’t you? You’ve been here for two years.” JiMin steps back but doesn’t run away. “I just happened to hear… how your mother locked you in the psychiatric ward,” SeokJin explains. JiMin shakes his head with a frightened expression. “No. I’m here because I’m sick.” His eyes falter when SeokJin presses, “JiMin, I can help you. Let’s get out of here together.”
Short flashbacks play from JiMin’s perspective alongside his thoughts: “At first, I wanted to leave. I called my mom and cried until my voice went hoarse, asking her to take me home. That I didn’t want to stay here. But she didn’t listen. Because this is where I should be…” Aloud, JiMin speaks in a voice that sounds like he has given up on everything. “Even if I leave, I’ll eventually come back.” SeokJin shakes his head. “What’s important is how you feel. JiMin, you really want to stay here? That’s okay with you?” Depending on the players’ choice, he either continues, “Do you really not have anything you want to do?” or “‘You really want to stay here in the hospital?” In the first path, SeokJin tries to remind him of something he must want to do like studying or dancing. “I don’t… have anything like that,” JiMin lies. In the second path, JiMin says it’s better for him in the hospital because outside people treat him like a freak. SeokJin remembers the women whispering about Sim SeonMi and her hospitalized son at the Songho Foundation meeting. In both paths, JiMin is pale and shaky. SeokJin decides to ask one more time. “You don’t want to go outside and see your friends?” JiMin seems to perk up at the mention of “friends,” but he does not respond or lift his gaze. SeokJin’s parting words are, “Think about it, JiMin… I’ll come back to visit again.”
The next day (12 May), SeokJin reflects on his failure to persuade both JiMin and his mother. “What can I do to help JiMin get over his fear and gain courage?” he wonders. The career plan comes to mind again with JiMin’s notes of college, studying, and dancing—the things he wants to do outside of the hospital. This prompts SeokJin to remember a day in the classroom hideout when he filmed HoSeok dancing. On the sidelines, TaeHyung complimented HoSeok’s moves and asked if JiMin could dance like that. Gaze full of envy and longing, JiMin answered, “No. How could I do that?” “HoSeok! JiMin says he wants to try!” TaeHyung called. Flustered, JiMin tried to stop him, but HoSeok looked over. “Do you want to try?” JiMin insisted that he couldn’t, but TaeHyung pushed him forward and HoSeok gladly demonstrated the routine. JiMin hesitated at first to attempt it alone but began to move at their encouragement. In the present, SeokJin believes that he has found an answer in this memory. “TaeHyung, who pushed him forward… and HoSeok, who believed that he could do it. Maybe one of those two will help JiMin muster up the courage.”
SeokJin picks TaeHyung to help him persuade JiMin, considering that he was the first person to notice how JiMin was feeling when they watched HoSeok dance and helped JiMin take action when he hesitated. (We know from The Notes 1 that SeokJin’s later, successful choice ends up being HoSeok instead.) On 13 May, SeokJin visits TaeHyung’s convenience store to explain JiMin’s situation, and TaeHyung immediately agrees to help. Late that night and with little planned, they sneak into JiMin’s hospital room. Sensing their presence, JiMin turns on the light and is especially surprised to see TaeHyung. “We’re here to get you out of here, JiMin,” he says. “Did you think about it?” SeokJin asks. When JiMin hesitates, TaeHyung presses him to answer honestly. “Park JiMin, do you like being here? Staying here is awful! Let’s leave. You can think when we’re outside.” TaeHyung forces JiMin to his feet even as he hesitates and protests about the impending night rounds, although he does not push TaeHyung’s hand away. SeokJin knows this is hasty but decides to trust TaeHyung. Out in the hallway, he reflects that if even he spoke the same words, JiMin would not agree. SeokJin has encountered moments like this before where his friends solve problems that he cannot fix alone. “TaeHyung seems to be JiMin’s answer, just like YoonGi needed JungKook,” SeokJin thinks. (JungKook saving YoonGi is not a solution that played out in YoonGi’s story, but this is a familiar theme from Notes 1 and forward.)
The elevator arrives as they turn the corner, its doors opening to reveal Sim SeonMi. SeokJin warns, “Hide. It’s JiMin’s mom.” She walks past without noticing them. SeokJin quickly presses the elevator button, but it has already left. “JiMin, quick!” TaeHyung calls. “TaeHyung, I just…” “You can’t look back,” TaeHyung says firmly. He and SeokJin pull JiMin towards the stairwell, but JiMin stops walking. “What’s wrong?” asks TaeHyung. JiMin’s expression is on the verge of crying yet also angry. “I can’t,” he whispers. “Park JiMin, we don’t have time for this—” TaeHyung is interrupted by Sim SeonMi’s distant voice. “Where’d he go? The bathroom?” SeokJin tugs JiMin’s arm, but he looks afraid again. “SeokJin, I… I can’t do this. I don’t think I can.” SeokJin either soothes JiMin himself or has TaeHyung talk to him. In the first path, he takes JiMin’s trembling hand. “It’s safe for me here.” JiMin shakes his head. “No, JiMin. Something bad will happen if you stay here,” SeokJin cautions. “No, I have to stay here. That’s what’s right. I want to stay here,” JiMin insists. In the second path, SeokJin shoots TaeHyung a look, and TaeHyung in turn scans over JiMin. The tapping sound of shoes rings through the silent hallway. TaeHyung begins, “JiMin, if you stop here…” The paths rejoin when Sim SeonMi spots them and calls to JiMin, face livid as she approaches. “Oh… Mom.” The color drains from JiMin’s face. “Please… Please! Can’t you just stay put?” she demands sharply.
TaeHyung attempts to intervene, introducing himself as JiMin’s friend. Sim SeonMi does not look at him even when he explains that JiMin didn’t expect their visit and they were just taking him outside so as not to disturb the sleeping patients. SeokJin chimes in too, hoping their flimsy excuse will work, but Sim SeonMi orders JiMin back to his room. Looking defeated, JiMin trudges out of sight. Sim SeonMi finally turns her gaze on SeokJin, regarding him with the same expression as she utters the same words from the last loop. “I didn't know you were JiMin’s friend.” She warns them not to visit him again like this because he is very sick and it will interfere with his treatment. Before coldly turning to leave, she touches TaeHyung’s shoulder for a moment. (This same gesture was given to HoSeok in the hospital after JiMin’s seizure at the bus stop on 15 September Year 20 in Notes 1.) Her presence is like a wall separating them from JiMin. (SeokJin’s observation echoes HoSeok’s feeling that she was drawing an uncrossable line between them that September.) TaeHyung yells after her, “What’s wrong with him?! You can’t even spare the time to talk to us?!” SeokJin cautions him to stop. “Let me go! JiMin! Park JiMin!” TaeHyung’s voice rings loudly in the hallway, but no one answers. As they leave the hospital, he asks, “Do you think JiMin will be okay?” SeokJin cannot respond because he knows the truth: when JiMin returns to the psychiatric ward, he always makes the same awful choice.
The story cuts to JiMin sitting on his hospital bed and staring at his feet, unable to face his mother. He regrets following SeokJin and TaeHyung. “It was a lie, wasn’t it?” Sim SeonMi asks. “What those kids said earlier. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” JiMin apologizes, throat catching. “What were you going to do? What could you possibly do outside of this place?” she demands. JiMin remembers all the things he thought about alone in the lounge: going to school, making friends, and learning dance from HoSeok again. “I want to live a regular life. It’s nothing that special. Why is it that I’m not allowed to dream?” he thinks. “JiMin, let’s focus on getting better first. When you’re all better… I’ll let you do whatever you want once you’re discharged. But you know that now isn’t the time. Let’s do it when you’re back to normal,” Sim SeonMi advises with a power in her voice that he can’t fight. Questions pile up in his head: what is getting better, and what is normal? But he holds it in and nods, not wanting to make things any more difficult for her. “Okay, Mom. I will…” As he speaks, it dawns on him that he’ll never get to leave the hospital.
JiMin moves back to the psychiatric ward after SeokJin and TaeHyung’s visit. The place is still the same: a man mutters that he’s not crazy; a child stays glued to the window, waiting for their mom. “And then there’s me, unable to progress because I’m locked in the past. If nothing changes even as time flows, how is it any different than time standing still?” On 19 May, JiMin stands in the bathroom with the water running. He sees and hears the falling drops as rain and smells a sharp stickiness. Reflected in the water in the sink, he sees a vision of himself on “that day.” (This is referring to 6 April Year 11 and the events of the arboretum, first introduced in that dated entry in The Notes 1 and revealed in full on 12 August Year 22 of The Notes 2.) “...I hate it.” JiMin covers his eyes. “I want to forget everything. I want to rest.” The glass shatters, concluding his arc.
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Someone Left Behind
HoSeok’s story opens on 11 May Year 22 with SeokJin providing some chronological context. So far, he has not made it to June once in the loops because HoSeok collapses from his narcolepsy and JiMin is still trapped in the hospital. SeokJin can encounter JiMin naturally if he admits HoSeok to the hospital after his collapse on 10 May, but HoSeok has an accident in the hospital stairwell and falls into despair over his leg injury. (10 May is the date HoSeok collapses and wakes up in the hospital in The Notes 1, and this is likely the moment referenced by his bridge scene in the I Need U MV.) Even if SeokJin prevents that accident or helps HoSeok avoid admittance to the hospital entirely, his narcolepsy grows worse over time after 10 May. SeokJin determines that he needs to control HoSeok’s narcolepsy in order to save him, and he heads to Two Star Burger where HoSeok works to begin earnestly investigating.
A cutscene plays out at the restaurant: HoSeok, wearing a manager’s tag, watches two friends eating at a table while someone places their order with him. His expression is distant and briefly sad until he catches himself and smiles brightly at the customer. When the door chimes, he greets the new visitor and realizes it’s SeokJin. This is apparently their first time meeting in this loop because HoSeok heard from the other guys that Seokjin returned. SeokJin asks how he’s doing, and HoSeok replies, “Me? Same as usual.” SeokJin knows that “same as usual” means HoSeok’s life has a set, monotonous routine: working his part-time job, going to dance practice, and occasionally visiting the children’s home. Sometimes, he also comes to the bridge over the river and watches the scenery. The scene transitions to this location later at night as SeokJin narrates this. He stands at a distance so HoSeok doesn’t see him. HoSeok’s out-of-character, melancholy expression worries SeokJin. He hasn’t observed any changes to his friend’s daily routine, and HoSeok hasn’t collapsed recently—so why does he keep collapsing on 10 May?
The narrative cuts to 3 May. (I double-checked the dates and can only assume that this is a new loop, although a reset is not specifically mentioned—or else the opening date was a typo.) SeokJin mulls the situation over alone for a while but ends up going to NamJoon out of frustration. NamJoon and HoSeok share similarities, and they’re both responsible for other people. Believing that NamJoon knows HoSeok best, SeokJin visits his container. NamJoon greets him warmly. JungKook is already there, killing time after school. SeokJin mentions that he saw HoSeok a few days earlier at Two Star Burger but couldn’t really talk to him because he was busy. NamJoon suggests inviting him to join them after work and bring some hamburgers too since JungKook is hungry. SeokJin either calls HoSeok himself or lets JungKook call. In the first path, HoSeok says he’ll come as soon as SeokJin mentions that a few of them are together. In the second path, while JungKook is on the phone, SeokJin asks NamJoon how HoSeok is and learns that he practices dance at the cultural center every day. SeokJin wonders if HoSeok is pushing himself too hard. The paths rejoin: before HoSeok arrives, SeokJin inquires about his narcolepsy too. NamJoon doesn’t know much except that he’s still taking medication for it and seems to be doing okay. It seems that no one dares to bring it up since HoSeok doesn’t speak about it openly. The conversation trails off while they wait, although it’s not awkward—it reminds SeokJin of old times together.
HoSeok arrives with a cheerful greeting, wafting in the smell of fresh hamburgers. “These hamburgers were hand-made by the employee of the month!” He rustles through the bags and produces a kid’s meal boxed toy, giving it to JungKook. “Here’s your Children’s Day gift!” JungKook pouts that he’s not a kid but seems pleased to receive a gift even though it’s a couple days early. HoSeok explains that he has to be at the children’s home on 5 May. NamJoon asks if they’re hosting an event that day. “It’s not really an event… I’m going to see the families,” says HoSeok. He plans to bring hamburgers and play with the kids rather than bring gifts. SeokJin is surprised to hear that almost twenty children, ranging from young kids to high schoolers, live at the home. “‘That’s more than I expected. It must be fun when everyone plays together.” HoSeok invites him to come along to take photos of everyone, and SeokJin agrees with a high-five. NamJoon declines because he’s too busy, and JungKook hesitates. HoSeok assures him not to feel pressured, causing SeokJin to reflect on how he has always been the “mood-maker” whose cheerful personality eases awkward situations and defuses disagreements. While lost in thought, he notices HoSeok taking out his medication. “How are you these days? Do you feel better?” NamJoon checks. “Hmm. I don’t have any symptoms, but I shouldn’t be skipping these.” A grim expression flashes across HoSeok’s face. SeokJin thinks, “It doesn’t mean he’s alright just because he smiles in front of people.” He guesses that HoSeok must feel scared of his condition, not knowing when he’ll collapse next. It’s not enough for SeokJin to prevent the accidents he can see or to stop HoSeok from getting injured—he must save him from the fear that isn’t visible. SeokJin resolves to find out what makes him collapse. Even if the condition isn’t curable, discovering the cause might help HoSeok get better.
On 5 May, SeokJin meets up with HoSeok at the children’s home, which is located near Yangji Stream. HoSeo looks happy and explains that visiting there is like coming home. They bring their respective gifts of hamburgers and snacks inside, and all the kids rush to HoSeok in excitement. One of the home’s staff greets them. HoSeok introduces her as Kim JungHee. He calls her “auntie” and regards her as someone who has been like a mother to him. As SeokJin helps her set the table with food, he thinks that the children’s home feels like an ordinary family home and HoSeok looks like the dependable older brother among all the kids. After taking all the requested pictures later, SeokJin joins HoSeok to watch the children play outside. “You’re on good terms with the kids,” he observes. “I’ve only been out of the children’s home about three months now, so I know them all,” HoSeok explains. (He moved into his rooftop room on 25 Feb Year 22 according to that date’s Note accompanying the Persona album.) SeokJin either comments, “Auntie seems like a great person. She treated me well and we’ve only just met,” or asks, “How old were you when you first came here?” In both paths, HoSeok speaks with visible adoration for Kim JungHee. In the first path, he mentions that although she’s scary when mad, she never gets angry without a reason. “Auntie JungHee is just… like a mom. She’s mom.” In the second path, HoSeok answers that he was seven when he moved into the children’s home. He describes how Auntie would sing him songs that his mother listened to instead of a lullaby when he had trouble falling asleep, and that was the first time he cried after coming to the home. SeokJin begins, “Then, HoSeok, when you were little…” But a boy’s cries interrupt him before he can ask if HoSeok experienced narcolepsy when he was younger. “What’s wrong, JiHun?” HoSeok asks in concern. The sobbing boy shows him a broken toy rocket. “My mom… gave this to me.” HoSeok is at a loss because it looks impossible to fix. “I’ll bring you a new one next time. Don’t cry, JiHun. Okay?” The boy keeps crying despite HoSeok’s attempts at consolation. Before SeokJin can think of another tactic, HoSeok speaks up, drying JiHun’s tears. “JiHun, do you want to go with me to see a real rocket?”
At HoSeok’s request, SeokJin drives them both to Yeongsan Bridge, one of the bridges that crosses Yangji Stream and that HoSeok frequents. SeokJin is perplexed about what could count as a “real rocket” as they head to HoSeok’s usual spot on the bridge, and JiHun appears suspicious but excited. “Look over there!” HoSeok points to the train departing Songju Station in the distance, picking up speed on the tracks. “Wow!” JiHun exclaims. “What do you think? That rocket looks cool, huh?” asks HoSeok. “Rocket? That’s a train,” says the boy. “Look closely! It’s a rocket.” HoSeok beams. JiHun asks HoSeok why he calls it a rocket. HoSeok explains that the front end of the train is pointy like a rocket and that it takes people somewhere far away. (He also refers to the trains as rockets in his 4 July Year 22 entry from The Notes 2.) SeokJin realizes that from his vantage point on the bridge, HoSeko has been watching the train that leaves Songju. “JiHun, you can wish on the rocket, too!” HoSeok describes how the rocket can carry dreams because the people who ride on it have dreams. JiHun wishes to become famous so his mom can find him. HoSeok falls silent for a moment before resuming his chatty demeanor. Together they wish on the rocket for JiHun to see his mom again. JiHun asks HoSeok what he wishes for so they can wish it on the next rocket. HoSeok whispers in his ear. “Wow, you too?!” JiHun exclaims. HoSeok shushes him, so SeokJin does not learn HoSeok’s answer.
After dropping JiHun off at the children’s home, SeokJin and HoSeok relax at a bar. HoSeok thanks him for his help that day. SeokJin asks if HoSeok visits Yeongsan Bridge frequently to look at the trains. HoSeok smiles bashfully over his drink and explains that he liked visiting it when he lived in the children’s home. “Is that when you came up with the rocket story?” SeokJin asks. HoSeok replies, ‘Yeah. The people getting on the train look so cheerful and happy. It almost makes me want to get on there with them, too.” He stops abruptly and calls out to a customer on his way out. The young man is introduced as DongJin, a friend who also grew up in the children’s home. SeokJin invites him to sit with them, hoping that he knows more about HoSeok, but DongJin declines since he’s with other company. Before departing, he mentions that he will stop by Two Star Burger to see HoSeok soon. After his friend leaves, HoSeok tells SeokJin more about his childhood. SeokJin understands why he considers the people at the children’s home his family.
A little tipsy now, HoSeok brings up another memory. The whole family at the children’s home goes to Yangji Stream on August 30th for the yearly fireworks, but when he was about nine, he had to be admitted to the hospital for a check-up. SeokJin either asks, “Did you miss the fireworks that year?” or “Were you sick?” In the first path, HoSeok describes how he snuck out of his hospital room and up to the rooftop to watch the fireworks. Along the way, he found a little kid crying in the stairwell who was looking for his mom and wanted to leave, and he brought the boy to the roof so they could view the fireworks together. He doesn’t know who the kid was or remember his face. (See the Additional Thoughts section at the end for who I hope this kid really was!) In the second path, HoSeok answers that he was falling asleep without explanation but the doctor said there was nothing particularly abnormal. SeokJin tries to ask a leading question to get him to reveal more, but HoSeok’s expression is grim. The paths rejoin with HoSeok asking SeokJin if he has attended the fireworks festival too. He looks wistful when SeokJin replies that he went with his family when he was younger. HoSeok brings up DongJin again. “He’s a really lucky guy. Even though it was pretty late, he got in touch with his parents and moved out to go live with them.” His eyes reflect bitterness. “DongJin and I… both dreamed of going to the fireworks festival with our parents. I guess he’ll achieve his dream for the first time this year.” SeokJin recalls HoSeok’s rocket story and asks if that’s the dream he told JiHun about earlier. HoSeok dismisses this: his dream now is to become famous for dancing. SeokJin remembers him mentioning this in high school. “Right, you said you wanted to become famous as a dancer so it would help you find your mom… Are you still dancing because of that?” HoSeok says that was why he first started but he grew to really love dance. “You don’t have any plans to go find your mom, then?” SeokJin asks. “Why would I go anywhere? My home, work, and friends are all here.” HoSeok laughs, but it seems like he is just holding on rather than truly feeling happy. “I just… like where I am.”
Episode four begins on 8 May, Parents’ Day, in HoSeok’s perspective. As promised, DongJin visits him at Two Star Burger and asks if he can get a job there because he needs money. HoSeok is taken aback since DongJin supposedly has moved out of Songju to live with his father after reconnecting with his family. “What happened to your self-reliance support fund?” DongJin confesses that he gave it all to his father, who said that he needed it to buy them a house but hasn’t contacted him since receiving the money. “I think my expectations were too high. They abandoned me once. Why wouldn’t they abandon me a second time? I wish I hadn’t met them…” DongJin’s voice wavers. HoSeok assures him that his father must be busy looking for houses. “Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll contact you soon. I’ll look into a job for you.” DongJin thanks him multiple times before leaving. After work, HoSeok returns to the bridge and leans on the railing. He often does this even when there are no passing trains—watching the flow of the river empties his mind and puts him at ease. But the calm water cannot still his thoughts today. He thinks about the many children at the home who want to be reunited with their parents, including JiHun, DongJin, and himself. HoSeok is honest about his feelings, acknowledging that he envies DongJin for being able to contact a parent, even one who let him down. He closes his eyes and remembers the day his mom abandoned him at the carousel. In the memory, she hands him a chocolate bar and instructs him to count to ten before opening his eyes. The screen goes black after “three,” and at “nine,” the player hears the sound of someone falling. (The carousel memory is also depicted in the Highlight Reel.)
The story cuts to the next day, 9 May, outside Two Star Burger. SeokJin is uneasy knowing that HoSeok collapsed yesterday, two days earlier than he normally does in the loops, and hovers nearby to keep an eye on him. HoSeok announces that he’s heading out for a delivery and heads outside to the delivery scooter. A passing woman reminds her daughter to count before crossing the street. “One, two, three…” HoSeok watches them cross the street and collapses again. “HoSeok!” SeokJin cries. He gets permission from the restaurant manager to take a still-unconscious HoSeok home to his room that overlooks all of Songju City. SeokJin helps HoSeok onto his bed before looking around his room. The player has a choice to look at the items on the desk or a familiar planter on the dresser. In the first path, SeokJin clicks past the screensaver on HoSeok’s laptop and sees that the web browser is open to an audition information video for a famous international dance team. (This may be the same dance team that one of his friends from the children’s home successfully auditions for, referenced in HoSeok’s 4 July Year 22 entry accompanying the Tear album and 7 July Year 22 entry in The Notes 1.) He remembers HoSeok mentioning that he’s happiest when dancing and knows that he still runs Just Dance, the dance club he started in high school. “I’m sure he’d do well if he applies,” SeokJin muses. In the second path, SeokJin recognizes the plant as the one HoSeok tended every day in their classroom hideout. He wonders what HoSeok was thinking when he brought the plant home and how he feels caring for it. The paths rejoin with HoSeok stirring on the bed, mumbling “Mmm… Mom… Don’t go…” SeokJin recalls that HoSeok called for his mother when he fell asleep in high school. “Is the memory of losing his mom related to his narcolepsy?” he thinks. “Are you okay, HoSeok?” SeokJin asks when HoSeok opens his eyes. HoSeok is confused to find himself at home. SeokJin explains that he happened to see him collapse as he was passing by and assures him that he spoke to his manager. “HoSeok, you know how you keep collapsing… The hospital doesn’t know why yet? You don’t have any idea what makes you collapse, either?” he presses. But HoSeok shakes his head. “I don’t know.”
On 10 May, HoSeok receives a call from one of the younger kids from the children’s home while getting ready for work in his apartment. The kid informs him that Auntie JungHee isn’t working at the home anymore because she has been diagnosed with late-stage colon cancer. She is scheduled to have surgery, but the chances of success are low. HoSeok’s mind goes blank, and he hangs up. When he rushes outside, he runs into SeokJin. “I stopped by because I was worried. Are you headed out?” asks SeokJin. Consumed with the thought of getting to Auntie, HoSeok says he needs to visit JungHee and doesn’t have time to ask why SeokJin is there. SeokJin follows, offering him a ride. The player chooses to have HoSeok either get in the car or refuse the ride. In the first path, HoSeok pretends to be calm when explaining the situation to SeokJin, but his voice noticeably trembles. In the second path, he declines because he’s afraid that speaking about it will make it come true, and then he runs to the bus stop.
The story cuts to HoSeok standing on the bridge, unable to remember how he made it to Auntie’s house after saying goodbye to SeokJin. He can only recall the face he saw through one of the open windows of Auntie’s house: JungHee laughing as she chatted with someone. The news of her illness and the low success rate of the surgery seems like a lie. She was the first person he could rely on after HoSeok lost his mom. He can’t shake off the vision of himself standing in front of the carousel “like an idiot.” Head spinning, he thinks, “I just wanted them to stay by my side. Is that too much to ask? What kind of terrible thing have I ever done?” The perspective switches to SeokJin as he watches HoSeok walk precariously across the bridge, looking both shocked and deeply sad. He reflects on his failed attempts to prevent HoSeok from collapsing here. Even if he stays with HoSeok like he did with JungKook or intervenes like he did with YoonGi, HoSeok always runs to JungHee’s home and then collapses on this bridge on his way back. SeokJin is aware that JungHee has cancer (so the first path of the branching choices has happened at least once, or he found out in earlier loops). The extra collapses of this loop weigh on SeokJin’s mind too. Something changed after HoSeok met DongJin, and SeokJin regrets taking him to the bar on 5 May. He looks on as HoSeok inevitably staggers and falls in the same spot.
SeokJin calls 119 and has HoSeok admitted to the hospital. As before, HoSeok is placed in the same hospital room of the surgery ward as JiMin. SeokJin decides not to visit him because he is afraid of running into JiMin and unsure of what will play out if he does. Now that HoSeok is in the hospital, there is no way to avoid the future accident in the stairwell. A few days later, SeokJin scopes out the scene. He mulls over the repeating scenario of HoSeok chasing down the stairs after a woman he mistakes for his mother. SeokJin connects the dots between HoSeok calling for his mother in his sleep and the way he cried in front of his Auntie’s house. “Everything has to do with ‘mom.’ If HoSeok’s narcolepsy is because of ‘mom,’ does that mean this accident is connected to the idea of mom, too?” In other loops in which SeokJin successfully prevented the stairwell accident, HoSeok continued to collapse more frequently until he eventually did so in the street. SeokJin contemplates how his condition apparently worsens after he sees a woman that reminds him of his mother.
The day after HoSeok is admitted to the hospital, 11 May, SeokJin invites NamJoon to meet him at a cart bar after his work shift. NamJoon brings up HoSeok first. Unable to say that he was the one to call for help, SeokJin pretends to be surprised that HoSeok is in the hospital. NamJoon reports that HoSeok had a minor concussion and is staying there for a couple days so the doctors can run additional tests. SeokJin wonders if HoSeok dreamt of his mother again and feels a pang at the image of him haunted by nightmares. He proceeds to tell NamJoon about their visit to the children’s home, meeting DongJin, and learning about the auntie’s illness. Cautiously, SeokJin proposes that HoSeok’s collapsing may be related to his mother. NamJoon mulls it over before agreeing. “I guess it could. Thinking about his auntie might have led him to think about his mom.” “I’m sure he feels like he’s losing his mother a second time,” SeokJin adds. NamJoon asks if he knows HoSeok’s wish to become a famous dancer in order to find his mom, although his dancing grew into a genuine source of joy. “So I thought… Dance had become Jung HoSeok’s cure. Something that helps him hold on. The thing that helps him bear something he can’t otherwise. That’s what dance is to HoSeok. Don’t you have something like that, SeokJin?” NamJoon regards him silently after this, leaving SeokJin much to contemplate. They promise to visit HoSeok together at the hospital. SeokJin hopes that if NamJoon knows just how much dancing means to HoSeok, he may figure out something from HoSeok’s reaction in the stairwell that SeokJin has missed. He just needs to figure out a natural way to get NamJoon into the stairwell at the right time.
On 12 May, SeokJin and NamJoon meet at the hospital. SeokJin suggests that they take the stairs since the elevators are crowded and lies about HoSeok being on the 3rd floor to strengthen his excuse. When they arrive on the 2nd floor landing, they hear footsteps and voices from above. The woman descending the stairs with a child is the one whom HoSeok keeps mistaking for his mother. SeokJin needs to stall until HoSeok comes down too, so he either suggests that they buy some snacks to bring or mentions that he may have got the wrong floor number and checks his phone. Moments later, they hear pounding footsteps and HoSeok shouting, “Mom!” NamJoon locks eyes with HoSeok and, unaware of what is about to happen, turns to follow the woman. “Ma’am! Excuse me!” Caught off guard, SeokJin is too late to grab HoSeok, who falls and screams. As he rolls on the floor clutching his leg, sealing the injury that will prevent him from dancing, the glass shatters.
SeokJin involves NamJoon in several more loops after that, but his attempts to save HoSeok end in failure. He wonders again if he should admit HoSeok to the hospital at all, but decides that if the incident is connected to HoSeok’s trauma, it needs to be solved rather than avoided. On a new 12 May, SeokJin stands near the hospital stairwell, prepared to intervene himself and ask HoSeok about his mother afterward. He spots JiMin emerging from the 2nd floor physical therapy room and pressing the elevator button. Hiding out of sight in the stairwell, SeokJin mulls over his options. If he prevents HoSeok’s accident, he still needs to get JiMin out of the hospital too—an effort that has been unsuccessful so far due to JiMin stopping at the exit or later having a seizure when they pass the arboretum. “Maybe the answer to HoSeok is… JiMin? What if… this incident is the variable between HoSeok and JiMin?” Heart pounding, SeokJin begins to hope that they can save each other. He doesn’t have enough time before HoSeok comes down the stairs to figure out what to say to JiMin and decides that he will just have to make the reason for his presence in the hospital believable. “JiMin!” he calls. “SeokJin? How are you here—” Looking shocked, JiMin steps back like he’s about to run away. SeokJin realizes that they haven’t met in this loop yet, and JiMin strongly dislikes people knowing that he’s in the hospital. With no time to explain, SeokJin leaves him behind and rushes into the stairwell. But he’s too late to catch HoSeok’s fall, and the story concludes with the glass shattering once again. (Based on The Notes 1, we know that the “successful” decision SeokJin makes in later loops is to stay out of sight when he calls JiMin. JiMin is puzzled by the silhouette he sees in the doorway and enters the stairwell just in time to catch HoSeok.)
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Additional Thoughts
JiMin’s mother, Sim SeonMi, becomes one of the most fleshed-out adult characters in the BU narrative so far thanks to his story. We already knew the most about SeokJin’s father, Kim ChangJun, due to his role in The Notes 2. I’ve had an inkling of a suspicion that JiMin’s parents were connected in some way to SeokJin’s father, so I was satisfied to see this confirmed in the game. I’m curious about JiMin’s father and the lack of details surrounding him. He has only been depicted once in The Notes 1, when JiMin returned home days after sneaking out of the hospital with his friends.
Though it’s never explicitly stated in the texts, the Wings Short Film #6 MAMA depicts that HoSeok is diagnosed with Munchausen’s syndrome, a psychological disorder in which the individual pretends to be ill or deliberately produces symptoms of the illness. His prescription pills are actually placebos. On 16 May Year 22 in The Notes 1, HoSeok confesses to JiMin that his narcolepsy is fake, although he doesn’t feign symptoms on purpose.
I was personally a little disappointed with the lack of new information in HoSeok’s story. While his relationships with the auntie and other children from the home are explored in greater detail, the most significant plot points if his arc have already been covered as of The Notes 2.
I have no proof for this, but I want the unidentified crying boy who young HoSeok met in the hospital stairwell and brought to the rooftop to see the fireworks to be JiMin. If HoSeok was 9 at the time, then JiMin was 7. He has been in and out of the hospital since the arboretum incident (earlier that same year), so it is plausible that he had an overlapping stay with HoSeok in the summer of Year 11.
As mentioned above, the following “tl;dr” commentary summarizes the parenthetical notes I provided in the summaries in case you want to review them on their own.
Stopped Time — tl;dr commentary
In the opening cutscene, JiMin plays on the colored tiles in a hospital hallway and stops when he reaches “the line” by the exit door. This line marks the end of the psychiatric ward and is first described in his 11 May Year 22 entry in The Notes 1.
The Songho Foundation patron meeting that SeokJin attends on 22 April Year 22 was suggested by the city’s Deputy Mayor at the inauguration ceremony on 11 April. That earlier ceremony played out in JungKook’s arc.
Before the loop reset, SeokJin waits outside the Gyeong Il Hospital as he plans his next move since JiMin is moving out of the surgical ward that day. The date is unspecified in the game, but in The Notes 1, he is scheduled to return to the psychiatric ward on 16 May.
In this story, SeokJin picks TaeHyung to help him free JiMin from the hospital. He hopes that TaeHyung will be JiMin’s “answer,” just like YoonGi needed JungKook. JungKook saving YoonGi is not a solution that played out in YoonGi’s story, but this is a familiar theme from Notes 1 and forward. However, SeokJin and TaeHyung are caught by JiMin’s mother while trying to leave the hospital with him. We know from The Notes 1 that SeokJin’s later, successful choice ends up being HoSeok instead.
Before coldly leaving SeokJin and TaeHyung to rejoin her son, Sim SeonMi touches TaeHyung’s shoulder for a moment. This same gesture was given to HoSeok in the hospital after JiMin’s seizure at the bus stop on 15 September Year 20 in Notes 1. To SeokJin, her presence is like a wall separating them from JiMin. This echoes HoSeok’s feeling that she was drawing an uncrossable line between them that September.
At the end of the story, the vision JiMin sees reflected in the sink water of “that day” is referring to 6 April Year 11 and the events of the arboretum, first introduced in that dated entry in The Notes 1 and revealed in full on 12 August Year 22 of The Notes 2.
Someone Left Behind — tl;dr commentary
In the story’s opening, SeokJin refers to HoSeok’s collapse on 10 May. This is the date that HoSeok collapses and wakes up in the hospital in The Notes 1, and it is likely the moment referenced by his bridge scene in the I Need U MV.
When SeokJin observes that HoSeok is on good terms with the kids from the children’s home, HoSeok explains that he’s only been out of the home for about three months. He moved into his rooftop room on 25 Feb Year 22 according to that date’s Note accompanying the Persona album.
As he does in the game, HoSeok refers to the trains as “rockets” in his 4 July Year 22 entry from The Notes 2.
HoSeok’s memory of being abandoned at the carousel is also depicted in the Highlight Reel.
When searching HoSeok’s apartment, SeokJin notices the laptop’s web browser is open to an audition information video for a famous international dance team. This may be the same dance team that one of his friends from the children’s home successfully auditions for, referenced in HoSeok’s 4 July Year 22 entry accompanying the Tear album and 7 July Year 22 entry in The Notes 1.
At the end of the story, SeokJin hopes to gain JiMin’s help to save HoSeok but ends up spooking him because they haven’t met in that loop yet. Based on The Notes 1, we know that the “successful” decision SeokJin makes in later loops is to stay out of sight when he calls JiMin. JiMin is puzzled by the silhouette he sees in the doorway and enters the stairwell just in time to catch HoSeok.
Did you learn anything new from these stories that I did not specifically mention? Let me know in the replies or tags! Please stay tuned for part 4, featuring TaeHyung and the Epilogue.
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rpgmgames · 5 years
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February’s Featured Game: Ressurflection
DEVELOPER(S): charlottezxz ENGINE: RPG Maker MV GENRE: Fantasy, Cartoon, RPG WARNINGS: Paranoia, fear and tension, mild swearing and blood. SUMMARY: Ressurflection is a Fantasy/cartoon RPG set in the fictional universe of the Arbvar and taking center stage primarily at the coastal city of ‘Horizon Bluff’. Its story and game play are heavily character driven, with its narrative divided into two parallels told both within and outside the mirror itself. Ressurflection’s core themes draw from our inevitability of fearing death, and that at some point or another, we all must accept it, and to treasure what’s really important in the time that we have.
Our Interview With The Dev Team Below The Cut!
Introduce yourself! *charlottezxz: Hiya this is Charlotte, lead game developer for Ressurflection! I’m some silly, overactive drawing monkey who works a lot with Narrow on Ressurflection! I’m always sketching and conceptualizing monster bois, taking a lot of inspiration from various games, primarily monster hunter! I’ve had avid interest in the Indie scene for a while now and a lot of the great friends I've made have been due to it and a lot of my recent favorite games have come from it! I would have had Narrow say a few things here but he’s hiding in a corner somewhere!
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What is your project about? What inspired you to create this game initially? *charlottezxz: Ressurflection started out as what can be described as two separate stories. Myself and Narrow wrote our own stories and every so often we swapped over ideas or combined them together with each other. One day I said to ourselves ‘You know what? This could work quite well as a game rather than just a story’ so eventually Ressurflection was conceived, around the idea of a mythical mirror capable ‘Ressurflection’ the title of the game. We’ve gone through quite a few iterations of the story before it came to its current form and to be honest if we even showed or compared them side by side they’d be pretty unrecognizable as the same thing except for certain characters, locations and the mirror itself to identify its primordial form having any kind of ancestral relevance to how it is today. As for what Ressurflection is about, I think our synopsis can get that across quite nicely! ‘Horizon Bluff has always annually held its ‘Legend of the Wyvern Glass’ festivities. The Wyvern glass was a long lost mythical mirror, once fabled for its power of ‘Ressurflection’ and coveted by a kingdom now all but gone. That is quick to change however with the arrival of the Roulette Runner’s circus to the coastal city of Horizon Bluff. Trouble is soon to set in motion not just the kingdom’s sudden reappearance but the entrapment of one of their own acrobats within the mirror silver. Yet things are soon to worsen...with the spread of a purple ‘corruption’ across the city and the fact that our most unfortunate trouper is far from alone within the mirror, finding himself at the mercy of its ‘Mirror Maiden’. > The apparent all powerful manipulator of its realm…’
How long have you been working on your project? *charlottezxz: Conceptually we have been working on it for 4 years which is hard to even fathom, however that’s more tinkering around the idea for the story and conceiving it as we learnt the engine. The blog itself is hitting its 4th birthday in February! Ressuflection’s development went on as i attended university, so its always been a side lined hobby of ours.Steam says 108 days worth of hours in the engine and most of the game progress other than concepts has been done in 2019. So I could say 4 years for the ideas/stories and concepts and a year of that for actual game making!
Did any other games or media influence aspects of your project? *charlottezxz: We each have our own inspirations, Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy 9, Xenoblade Chronicles, Monster hunter and many older PSX titles such as Medievil, Tomba and Heart of darkness are great influences and inspirations to me personally. The dark, dangerous environments of Heart of darkness contrasted by some innocent characters, the monster designs in capcom’s franchise and the storytelling and themes with a cinematic approach to cut scenes found in some of FF9, Xenoblade and Lost odyssey, a lost game stuck in the recess of the xbox 360. There are many more but these spring to mind first and foremost. Narrow himself draws inspiration from games such as Earthbound, the Persona series and FF10!
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Have you come across any challenges during development? How have you overcome or worked around them? *charlottezxz: We started the project in VX ace to begin with, until MV released. It was in Ace that I experimented learning RPG maker and in the early days of MV too. Although before Ressurflection’s time i also dabbled a bit in XP. MV seemed more in line for what we wanted, as i really wanted to try animating beyond SV sheets and do more, with Java being a bit more flexible and the scope of it being able to allow dragon bones later. However it hasn’t been without its hiccups! Part of that is the sheer amount of time you underestimate games and certain elements to take in their development. That and everything that comes with it, streamlining, trimming the fat...in the past week alone i spent days optimizing pictures, sounds and music in the game to cut down the staggering file sizes they were. So far they have retained their form without being as costly on the MB! Since I do the vast majority of the game development myself, everything takes a lot longer to develop. You underestimate all the little things to consider and that you may need later. By the end of development, I hope to have the vast majority of the game consist of custom assets and be able to truly call it something that is ours. Though that path is long ahead we won’t stray too far from it.
Have any aspects of your project changed over time? How does your current project differ from your initial concept? *charlottezxz: The game itself has always been a story-driven RPG at its heart, although certain game mechanics have been scaled down or developed further from puzzles to battle flow. As mentioned previously, the story has changed considerably which changed the direction of the overall narrative and gameplay as a whole. Certain characters and scenarios have been culled completely too. At its start the story wasn’t as heartfelt nor was the scope of the story all that big - Oh and the game had a time limit, a bit like Majora’s Mask! But it is a lot more meaningful now and we hope that you will enjoy it when the time comes.
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What was your team like at the beginning? How did people join the team? If you don’t have a team, do you wish you had one or do you prefer working alone? *charlottezxz: It has been just myself and Narrow for the majority of the development but we reached a point where we wanted to reach out to find a musician for our game. We eventually came across Geoff who has done the majority of our music up until recently. However we have had friends help and contribute along the way such as Harry helping sprite some NPCs for me, Bart helping formulate and do some math balancing, Vaijack has also contributed to music making him our second musical boi and more on the way, our preliminary demo testers( it would take a little to list them all) and more peeps i’ll be sure to credit!
What is the best part of developing a game? *charlottezxz: For me it has to be conceptualising all the little ideas we have and bringing them all into being. This is especially so for any monster and character bois! I spend a lot of time visualizing and planning the design of areas, locales and creatures. Would this thing live here? Why would it be this way? If this is a historical town wouldn’t it have x and x? Then when we ultimately put it together, and all the pieces of the puzzle line into place and then you can just...experience, the final thing, that for me is the best part in developing our game for me.
Do you find yourself playing other RPG Maker games to see what you can do with the engine, or do you prefer to do your own thing? *charlottezxz: I learn best by doing, so more often than not I just dive into things, including the engine blind and tussle around with it. It’s a silly way of doing it, but I've often found myself learning more that way than following tutorials. Although in any game I've played, RPG maker or not, i do like to ponder and deconstruct scenes within them. The Witch's house, Pocket Mirror, Dreaming Mary, Mad fathers and Ib are all wonderful games that are great to learn from, dissect and understand what makes and made them tick. This applies across any game I've played or intend to play! I look at game making as one giant puzzle with lots of intricate little details that need to be solved, it’s more fun and engaging that way!
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Which character in your game do you relate to the most and why? (Alternatively: Who is your favorite character and why?) *charlottezxz: There’s some characters I like a great deal, but i can’t talk about as it would be spoilers to the plot, that and it’s hard to pick any overall favorites. Charm comes across as a fun character to write for as she’s quite witty and sarcastic, the kind of dialogue that comes a bit too naturally to me. She’s a budding magical prodigy of the circus under the tutelage of Jerine. She bigs herself up a lot but isn’t quite ready to deal with the problems of the adult world just yet, as much as she strives to get into it. Then there’s the likes of Ashley as well, she’s the loudest circus member and a close friend to Zakai, its ringmaster. She’s a super hard working down to earth country girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty and jump into the thick of things. Honestly I love all the cast, but there’s those two for now!
Looking back now, is there anything that regret/wish you had done differently? *charlottezxz: I would say ideally we should have had all our ducks in a row before we dove into development. My development style is very messy, especially since when we started development we had a lot of learning ahead of us. That combined with focusing on a lot of coursework and real life things meant I often forgot how we made things for consistency. This has improved considerably since i started getting more organised now, keeping lists and things tabbed for reference. My desk has bits of paper kept with it with information I need to retain. I forget far too many things for my own good, but now I'm taking better count measures! I would advise anyone to keep tabs of important information about your game such as consistent sprite style sizes, resolution size, x and y positions of certain things and important variables and switches.
Do you plan to explore the game’s universe and characters further in subsequent projects, or leave it as-is? *charlottezxz: There’s a few ideas bounced about to do side stories for some of the cast of characters in the circus, such as before they became one and the origins of how certain members joined the circus essentially the ‘First Stringers’ and ‘Second stringers’, these being those that joined afterwards. These would be great to do as small little episodes added onto the game post development, but currently they are just ideas and won’t be given too much thought until the game is either done or close to fruition.
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What do you most look forward to upon finishing the game? *charlottezxz: My most hopeful thought is for people to enjoy the game and have as much fun and interest in it as myself and Narrow have had in creating it. It’s the kind of game we want to make and hope that the characters and story chime with people enough for people to see the journey through to its end! It’s a big scope of a project but i have endless enthusiasm for it, no matter how long it takes it will get out there at some point!
Is there something you’re afraid of concerning the development or the release of your game? *charlottezxz: That the games story and overall feel doesn’t quite hit the right notes, it's always a little back concern. From a technical perspective I would say that the game might have some oversighted bugs or critical crashes that slip under the radar or not run as smoothly on other PCs on release. We will do our best to optimise the game as much as possible for MV and squash those pesky bugs during testing, but it is on our minds often as a niggling fear.
Do you have any advice for upcoming devs? *charlottezxz: Gut everything from the base project that you know you most definitely will not be needing and give all your files smart tags and naming conventions. It would be great if MV allowed for sub folders, but it does not so naming your files smartly is key to finding what you need. Any of these files you know you will use often in certain ways, make them common events and call for those in events and cut scenes. This saves you mass editing them later. With naming conventions this could be Actor_1_Hurt or Chapter_1_NPC. Anything you want at the top of the list name it with _ to begin with. The bigger our project gets, the more important this has become for us and we hope it serves other inspiring devs well all the same.
Question from last month's featured dev @rojisroomrpg: How do you keep yourself happy and healthy when making your game? *charlottezxz: I’m normally a happy-go-lucky person, so I'm rarely not happy when working on Ressurflection. It's the happy little hobby I devote most of my spare time to. However, recently i would say my hands, wrists and neck have been hurting from spending a little too much time drawing assets and pieces for the game. Taking more breaks and spreading that time with other activities in between has helped to ease that pain and i would like to advise any dev to do so for their own health, including always having one or two bottles of juice, water or whatever beverage always at hand to sip at as you dev away!
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We mods would like to thank charlottezxz for agreeing to our interview! We believe that featuring the developer and their creative process is just as important as featuring the final product. Hopefully this Q&A segment has been an entertaining and insightful experience for everyone involved!
Remember to check out Ressurflection if you haven’t already! See you next month! 
- Mods Gold & Platinum
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nctinfo · 5 years
[TRANS] KStyle interview with NCT 127 Vol.1 & 2!
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Q. You have completed your first Japanese tour「NCT 127 1st Tour ‘NEO CITY : JAPAN - The Origin'」 yesterday, how are you feeling now? Yuta: I’m still in the state of lingering in the memories. First off because we got to hold this tour, I’d like to express words of gratitude towards our fans, staff and our members who worked hard together. This completely new experience became an opportunity for my confidence to grow. My mindset to show even cooler performances to our supportive fans has only become stronger.
Q. You also shed tears during the last greeting. Doyoung: The fact that our 2-month tour has come to an end was special, and the surprise event our fans prepared during the encore was touching so I let the tears flow. From the very first destination that was Osaka, to the last show in Saitama we went through a lot with our staff and members together, and thanks to our fans support we managed to complete the tour smoothly so I was really touched.
Q. With the tour being so long it seems like managing health condition must be hard. Yuta: Since we’ve spent so much time together if there's a member who’s unwell we know about it. When that happens each one of us cares and covers for the other. I myself managed to hold on till the and because of the help I’ve received from everyone. Before each stage, we all gather together and cheer for each other. Johnny: It’s also memorable when we’re in the middle of the concert on standby backstage, and we tell each other ‘Fighting!’, ‘Let’s do our best!’, ‘We can do it!’
Q. How was the tour for the newest member Jungwoo? Jungwoo: With each concert whenever I stood on the stage with the members I was happy, but on the other hand I also worried a lot. I haven’t got as much performing experience compared to the other members so I’m clumsier, and because of that, I thought I had to work extra hard. But I was still able to get a lot of experience on this tour. My performance, as well as overall acting on stage, have become more free than before so it seems like I’ve progressed. Taeyong: Jungwoo added a new charming point to our team. Through this tour he’s become a necessary part of us. Right now all of our members have fallen for Jungwoos charm kekeke Also Jungwoo is becoming more and more used to things so he’s able to show off his confidence, he’s grown so much through this tour.
Q. Haechan has joined the tour at the Saitama Super Arena as he’s only recovered from his injury, how does it feel to be back? Haechan: I was happy to be able to participate at last and my gratitude towards fans who waited and the members who filled in for me has become bigger.
Q. Please let us know of any episodes that happened when sharing room with other members on tour. Yuta: This time I was roommates with Taeil-hyung. We had 3 concert days at Saitama. Taeil-hyung surprised me with working out everyday early in the morning. After wrapping up day 1, he woke up super early on the next day and worked out. That was really something (laughs) Taeil: My mood gets better when I exercise. Yuta: Taeil-hyung has a six pack.
Q. That’s awesome! Jaehyun: It’s April Fool’s today! (laughs) Everyone: (laughs)
Q. It was a lie? Yuta: The six-pack was a lie, but the working out in the morning was real. Jaehyun: I was just rooming with Mark, and we just spent the time listening to music. And I always knew Mark is a good sleeper, but when he fell asleep in 1 minute I was really surprised. Yuta: Kinda like a manga protagonist (laughs) Taeyong: I was rooming with Doyoung or Mark a lot, and whenever we went to the convenience store I’d think ‘Let’s not buy much?’ but even then we always came back with a lot of things (laughs) We’d come back with 3 big bags of shopping, eat together while talking about one thing or another or stream on VLIVE while eating. Johnny: I’ve just been sharing a room with Jungwoo. The time has passed like water (laughs) Rather than doing anything it was a very peaceful time. Whether Jungwoo is just good at being quiet or if he didn’t exist……. (laughs) Jungwoo: (gets sulky) I’m disappointed….. Yuta: Don’t cry~ (laughs) Jungwoo: It’s a joke. We were listening to music and falling asleep while talking like other rooms…… That’s how we’ve been. Johnny: Ah! Today we promised to watch a scary movie together. Jungwoo: If other members want to watch too come to our room!
Q. Have you decided on the movie yet? Johnny: We haven’t decided yet, we’ll just look for something fun on Netflix. Jungwoo said he can’t watch alone. Jungwoo: I have to sleep with lights on. Johnny: So cute~ (laughs)
Q. Do the members usually watch horror movies together? Yuta: Recently we’ve watched two in a row. What was the title? Jungwoo: It was a movie called <Happy Deathday>. 2nd series has just come out! It’s a very fresh time loop movie. Johnny: I feel like he’s in charge of promoting the movie (laughs)
Q. Who are the members that don’t watch horror movies? Yuta: Mark and Doyoung! Mark: I don’t watch them. I’m scared~
Q. Who was Haechan rooming with? Haechan: Manager-hyung. Not a single episode here hehe Taeyong: Shall we ask manager-hyung then? (laughs) Haechan: This…. I’m sorry.
Q. You must’ve learned some new Japanese phrases at the tour? Taeyong: I’ve memorised ‘Cheers again’ from an anime. I use it at after parties. I like after parties! hehehe Jaehyun: ‘Once-in-a-lifetime bond’ Taeil: ‘Solo tour’ Johnny: ‘So there’s no regrets’, it’s something I wanted to use on the last day as the ending comment so I’ve memorised it. When I yell ‘So there’s no regrets scream!’ the fans shout with me and it makes me really happy. Mark: ‘Get home safely’
Q. Doyoung’s last greeting was entirely in Japanese. Doyoung: I wanted to speak Japanese so I was learning. I tried my best to memorise.
Q. Did you learn any gags from Yuta this time too? Yuta: I taught Jungwoo a lot. Jungwoo: It’s ‘Shall we eat something really delicious?’, ‘It’s nothing’. And ‘Bankai’ (a killer move in ‘Bleach’ manga) too!
Q. Since you’re from Osaka, do you teach them any regional dialect? Yuta: Not necessarily, but because Osaka was our first destination I’ve told them a lot. Usually, I just tell them when they ask specifically.
Q. You must’ve made a lot of memories at the Japanese tour if you were to choose only one to remain in a picture which moment would it be? Jaehyun: It actually is captured in a picture. It’s the surprise event during which fans were singing <TOUCH>. It’s a picture I want to look at over and over again. I think all members would agree? Everyone: Yes!
Q. <Wakey-Wakey>, the title track of your 1st Full Japan Album 「Awaken」 which was released on April 17th is a very powerful performance song and is packed with a lot of different parts. Which part of the choreography do you like? Taeyong: As expected it's the chorus. The choreography is eye-catching and it's a part that feels more powerful in this (already) powerful song. Yuta: Mark's rap part has an impact too, so it became a powerful chorus. Doyoung: I think the part where Johnny-hyung stands up in the first intro part is really cool. It creates the atmosphere of the song.
Q. The 'invader dance', where you move your fingers while stretching your arms sideways, is also a highlight. Speaking of invaders, there is this game called Space Invaders, which was very popular in the past, but you might not know it? Doyoung: I played a similar game though. (It was called) something like 'Galaga' Jaehyun: There was this airplane shooting game called 'RaidenX' at the arcade when I was younger. Taeyong: Although I never actually played invader, I tried my hardest to express it through my imagination.
Q. After you guys finished your concert in Fukuoka, you watched the music video of < Wakey-Wakey> together. Whose scene did you think were cool? Doyoung: Johnny-hyung's hairstyle had an impact as expected! Long hair!
Q. How did you feel with long hair? Johnny: Even though I was just dancing, it felt different from usual. I felt like my hair was dancing with me. It was like 'my whole body is one'? (laughs) Jungwoo: (bursts out laughing) Taeyong: I think everyone came out looking really cool (in the mv). The atmosphere was a little different from all the music videos we've done so far. We shot the scenes according to the individuality of the members and every scene showed the members well so I felt like the artistic feel of the music video was displayed. Taeil: I think the dance parts where we are wearing black is really cool. The set was nice, and the outfits really matched well with every member.
Q. What’s your favorite song on the album? Taeyong: I like <Kitchen Beat>. I like it as much as <Wakey-Wakey> because of the sophisticated beat and imaginative theme that feels like hip-hop. Mark: <Long Slow Distance> has a special feel to it because it's a ballad song in Japanese which the Japanese fans hear from us for the first time, and I think the members' voices go well with the song. Haechan: I like <Long Slow Distance> too. It's a ballad genre we never tried before so I hope the fans like it too. Taeil: I like R&B songs, so <Lips>. Doyoung: (I like) <Wakey-Wakey>. No wonder it's the title song too! Yuta: I like them all but I personally feel like <Kitchen Beat>  is really cool! I felt the song, Jaehyun: I also like every single song, but I had a lot of fun recording <Lips> and I think the song has a great feeling to it. Jungwoo: I also like <Kitchen Beat>. Because Taeil-hyung told me I did a 'good job'! (laughs) Everyone: Oh~ (clapping) Johnny: I like  <Blow My Mind> the most. I was so hooked on Doyoung's part that I could not get it out of my head for a few days. It's fun to sing and it's a song that is easy to sing, so I think the fans will like it too. Taeyong: <End to Start> too, I love it because it's a song with an intense theme from start to finish. 
Q. The album title 'Awaken' has a theme of "reflecting on yourself, discovering yourself and awakening". Who is the member who seems to be awakened recently? Taeyong: I really like sweets, so I ate a lot during the tour. Recently, Jungwoo has started to like Japanese food too and is eating it well. I was awakened to Japanese food. Jungwoo: The sushi we had on the tour was the best. Fatty tuna! Johnny: I think Yuta's Japanese has awakened (laughs). Of course, it's natural for him since he's Japanese, but it's just like how my English was awakened when we were in the states. I think I was also awakened to seeing Yuta doing well on the tour and speaking Japanese. Yuta: It may be so!
Q. You guys seem to like Japanese food. Please let me know what you like most in Japan! Haechan: I really like sushi, ramen, eel on rice and Motsunabe
Q. What sushi do you like most? Haechan: Either sea urchin or salmon roe, I like fish eggs. I didn't really like eel before but I really liked it on a ricebowl in Nagayo. Taeyong: I was awakened! To eel!
Q. How about the other members? Doyoung: I like the kindness of Japan. (in Japanese) Kind! I can feel the kind and friendly culture in everything, and I'd like to learn. For example. When we go to the venue for rehearsals, all the staff will say, "Welcome~", "Let's do our best-". I felt a very warm atmosphere. Mark: I like the delicate morality of Japan. I feel like there's also meaning in the small things, and like Doyoung-hyung said, the feeling that everyone is cherished can be felt from the kindness. I really like that Johnny: When I was in the car this morning and looked outside I thought 'beautiful' as I saw the scenery. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom right now! I can feel the history of the streets and it is so beautiful. Yuta: I feel like I'm also praised when I hear these things and it makes me happy.
Q. The subject is changed but you appeared on Japan's original Korean music program 'Power of K TOKYO LIVE' on March 4th. Please let us know your impressions. Taeyong: I heard that a new K-POP themed program was made in Japan and it was a very new experience. Although we also performed, it was fun that the members were also able to show their charms through the games we played. Yuta: The venue (of the show) was where we did our showcase tour (Toyosu PIT), so as I entered the dressing room I thought 'it’s been a while'. The members talked with each other and talked about ‘the showcase we did here'. Doyoung: That's right! Jaehyun: After losing in the drawing game, Johnny-hyung and I had to show various facial expressions in the punishment game, but it was fun (laughs). Johnny: It was a punishment game that requires fast reaction skills, but I think it worked out well. Some facial expressions came out I didn't even know I could to, please check on air to confirm(laughs)!
Q.  <NCT LIFE> will also broadcast on 'Kchan! HallyuTV'. It was shot in different places every season, please tell us about your memories or back stories. Doyoung: It was a fun and good experience to go to various countries. Even though we were shooting for the show, it felt like I was traveling with the members. I want to continue doing <NCT Life> if the chance is there in the future. Yuta: Where do you want to go next? Taeyong: Hawaii! Doyoung: I want to go to Hawaii too! America would be nice too.
Q. What were other sides of the members which got discovered while shooting <NCT LIFE>? Doyoung: We did a Yuta-tour in Osaka (NCT Life season 7: Osaka). Yuta-hyung planned everything we did during the trip, he really prepared it in earnestly. It was like he created a portfolio Yuta: yeah, that's right (laughs) Doyoung: He had never shown this deliberate image during our practices (laughs) I was really surprised. Taeil: When we just debuted we did sports in Paju to build on our unity (<NCT Life> season 3: Paju), I remember playing games and eating BBQ together. Mark also made fried eggs (Mark didn't know how to fry a sunny-side-up egg and the mess he created was highlighted) Mark: Yes! Sorry (laughs) Taeil: It was fun because it rather seemed like we were playing around instead of shooting a show. Johnny: In Chiangmai, Thailand (<NCT LIFE> season 6: Chiang Mai) the members celebrated my birthday with a surprise, but I was really surprised. However, I remember Taeyong more, who was beside was, also getting fooled/surprised (laughs). I was getting nervous because Doyoung's condition wasn't good but I relaxed when learned it was a prank and I was able to have fun and celebrate. 
Q. In Chiang Mai, Doyoung was impressive for answering all the questions during the game to guess the name of the animals in Safari Park so well. Taeyong: Doyoung's intelligence was proven. Johnny: On the contrary, I was angry at myself for not remembering any of them. After that (game), I started to respond with 'name' without knowing (laughs).
Q. Jungwoo hasn't been able to participate in a shooting yet, but if you were to go, where would you wanna go to? Jungwoo: I really want to go to Hawaii too. I heard it's a good place and there are a lot of things to see so I became curious after hearing so much about it.
Q. Amongst the members, who is has the best sense for variety shows? Johnny: excluding me, it's Yuta (laughs) Taeyong: Though Yuta has variety sense,  I think Jungwoo's variety sense isn't a joke either. So we have to do <NCT Life> again. Mark: I also think Jungwoo will be a hit. Jungwoo: I think it might be difficult with cameras in front of me...... I'll do my best, though.
Q. Finally, is there a message you want to give to our readers. Taeyong: On April 17th, our new album 「Awaken」 was released and we hope it receives much attention. Through this tour of Japan, I felt that everyone in Japan was looking forward to us, and my heart was full. We will continue to grow and strive to show only good images. Thank you very much for interviewing us like this today. We will be glad to take this opportunity again in the future.
Translation: Alex, Esmee @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: Kstyle (1, 2) | KOR (1, 2) — Do not repost or take out without our permission!
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kpoppernov-10 · 5 years
Monsta X Concert Review
On Saturday 8/3/19, I went to the MONSTA X <WE ARE HERE> show at the Hulu Theater in NYC. After such a great concert last year, I was more than happy for my second Kpop concert to be at Monsta X’s next world tour. The fact that it was in NY instead of NJ made it even easier for me to attend. Plus, my brother joined me for this concert so it was nice to go to a Kpop event with someone. This year’s experience was a bit different from last year’s, but one thing that stayed consistent is that Monsta X put on a good show. 
There’s a lot to discuss, so I’ve broken down the concert experience into parts.
As I mentioned in a previous post, getting a ticket took more work this year. There seems to have been a technical problem with the Powerhouse website but I was still able to get decent tickets. I think I was technically closer to the stage than I was last year, but I was more to the left of it so I wasn’t able to watch Monsta X from the center like last time. Nevertheless, I was in the front row of my section, so I was able to see and enjoy everything fairly well.
Although it was easier to get to this venue, it was nowhere near as nice as the New Jersey Performing Arts Center. For a place as famous as Madison Square Garden, the Hulu Theater is very basic with not much aesthetic at all—mostly just grey walls filled with (granted, comfy) seats. That’s not a big deal though since that aspect of the venue doesn’t really matter. But what does matter is the fact that the acoustics were lacking so the sound quality for this concert wasn’t as good as the rich, surround-sound-like experience of the NJPAC. It’s a shame that the venue had an unfortunate effect on the concert but oh well :/
There was obviously a high percentage of young females but there seems to have been slightly more guys than before. There were very few older people attending this show and few Asian people in general, but I think the group was still diverse. The crowd waited patiently outside in the setting sun, and it was really nice to see two concertgoers dressed in Ongshimi Minhyuk outfits! The general check-in process was very organized but there was, understandably, much more security (metal detectors, bag x-rays and K-9 dogs) since this is NYC. Either way, everyone was seated and ready to go in no time thanks to all the helpful staff.
Although the concert was originally advertised to be at 8 PM, I found out only a few days earlier that it would actually be at 7 PM. But I guess most people got the memo because the place was pretty much full before the show started. There were some “false alarms” because a few things happened before everything officially began (e.g. the lights dimmed, a screen for the tour popped up and an Mnet ad appeared twice), but the show did start at approximately 7:10 PM. 
The main stage wasn’t that big and it was only one level, but there were multiple big screens that displayed things from different angles and used different effects. The screens enhanced the overall concert experience since I could watch close ups on side screens and also enjoy background visuals on the main screen. Like I said, the audio was not very good and sounded a bit low for some reason. It also seemed like the audio was only coming from the stage area instead of sound filling up the entire theater. Either way, the lighting was good and there were points during performances where stage lights changed colors, steam blew from the stage and confetti rained over part of the audience.
The show started with a really cool opening video that introduced the group/members. The other concert videos were also good and I actually think that this year’s video content was better than last year’s. Instead of a Monsta X party, they had “MonTube” that showed each member doing funny YouTube-style video clips that related to their personalities and interests. The other videos showed more scenes and details from the Alligator/Shoot Out era and they did a good job explaining the whole 7 Deadly Sins concept that they’ve pretty much had since their Beautiful era. Although I definitely enjoyed the videos for The Connect Tour, I still don’t quite know what they were really about. So Monsta X did a much better job at making their videos entertaining yet understandable this year. 
Monsta X talked throughout the concert in both English and Korean (with a translator), but they made a clear effort to speak more English this time. Although some members still struggle with English, you could hear how much other members improved (Kihyun’s English is now the second best in the group!) and most were able to speak more comfortably than last year. The most surprising part of the talks was when each member gave a little speech entirely in English at the end of the show. I honestly think they should’ve just let Shownu and Wonho speak Korean since it was so difficult for them to express themselves in a different language, but I appreciate the effort and I think their English will continue to improve with time.
Monsta X performed about 20 songs, plus they had special group acts and solos. There were more props for this concert which was a nice touch to their performances. As usual, everyone sounded good and the dancing was on point. I think their wardrobe was better than last year’s and their black and gold outfits were my favorite. They sang about half of the songs from each of their latest albums, some songs from The Connect mini album, but few (or even no) songs from the rest of their discography. I guess Monsta X is reaching a point in their career where their song collection has gotten so big that many great songs can’t be in their concerts simply due to time constraints. And the fact that they released two full length albums back-to-back made it even less likely that most of their older songs would be performed. Nevertheless, some of the missing songs were featured in the bgm of their videos and overall Monsta X picked a solid set list that included different styles, energies and moods for the concert.
I’m not a fan of the remix versions of Monsta X songs, but the 8-bit video screen for I’M’s part in Hero was really nice. They sang less title tracks but the new choreography for their non-title tracks was good (especially for Oh My). Minhyuk and Jooheon sang the Ongshimi chorus during one of the talks and it was funny when Jooheon sang and Wonho rapped another member’s part while performing. I was surprised that many of my favorite songs weren’t in the concert, but it was good seeing less/non-promoted songs live. The solo performances were a real treat since I enjoyed Jooheon's drum solo and Hyungwon’s DJ stage was one of the best parts of the show. 
Overall, it was great to see Monsta X again. Unlike last year, I had to stand up most of the time so I could see, but thankfully I didn’t lose my voice or get dehydrated because I learned my lesson from my first concert :P. There was actually more humor in this show than last year so it was fun to enjoy music and laugh throughout the evening. I hope everyone had a wonderful time, and I’m glad that the rest of the world tour was a success. Monsta X, fighting!
For more details about the concert, keep reading :)
Intro video
Shoot Out, Hero (remix), Trespass (remix)
Intro talk
Kihyun screams hits a high note that makes him cough
It was really funny/cute when Minhyuk was like “Did you miss us? Did you miss ME?? Did you miss Wonho?”
Party Time, Play It Cool
Talk + Kihyun asks us to sing the chorus of Play It Cool’s English version
Mohae, Jealousy
MonTube video
Shownu - ASMR mukbang
Wonho - Fitness
Minhyuk - Makeup
Kihyun - Coffee
Hyungwon- Fashion
Jooheon - Cooking (makes a Honeyto burrito)
I.M. - English class 
Group Performances 
Kihyun, Minhyuk, & Hyungwon -  Bazzi’s Myself
Jooheon & I.M hip hop song + Jooheon plays the drums
Wonho & Shownu - Mirror (made by Wonho)
Talk about songs
Jooheon & I.M messed up the bottle flip during their performance so they tried again but still failed :P Hyungwon was the one who was able to do it. (Note: They didn’t get around to talking about their song, but according to @KUnnies_on Twitter it’s called 삼박자)
Honestly, Noel Hada, Sweetheart
No Reason
7 Deadly Sins Movie 
This was a very interesting video because it clearly showed which sin each member was portraying: wrath (Shownu), sloth (Wonho), agony (Minhyuk), loneliness (Kihyun), pride (Hyungwon), greed (Jooheon), and envy (I.M.). Even though I already knew/figured out most of this already, the reason why I wasn’t sure about some of them is because they replaced lust and gluttony with agony and loneliness, which are more emotions than actual sins. 
It’s nice that the video officially clarified all this because I thought Minhyuk was lust since many of his scenes in MVs had roses in them and Kihyun was gluttony since all the formula-filled images related to him made it seem that he was a glutton for knowledge or something (or maybe Wonho was gluttony because he ate an apple in an MV?). Either way, their concept makes more sense now :)
Who Do You Love, Dramarama
Oh My, Special, Fallin’
Talk + them acting like this was the end of the show :P
Alligator, H.One’s DJ performance, Rodeo
Real Goodbye/Closing (mostly done in English)
By My Side
Group picture, Wonho’s shirt toss, final bows
Credits with behind the scenes footage
2 notes · View notes
blizzardfluffykpop · 6 years
Jisung X Reader
(This is inspired by the Youngblood MV by 5sos wow that was a sad bop, but the music video was so damn cool just sayin)
Summary:It’s the year 2064 a pill can take you back to the day you were 23 anyone as the days go on you get a little older in your twenties but you can ask for different kinds but they are only offered at the nursing home where you and your husband reside.
Youngblood AU (the music video not the lyrics)
The year is 2064, I’ve reached the prime age of 63 (if your not an 01′ liner I’m sorry just make it the age you’d be in 2064 kay)? I’ve been married to my husband for about twenty years, dating for a good ten before hand. Our children put us both in the nursing home, where in a way it gives me a new life, but at the same time a one I have lived before. But this time I control how time goes, for twenty-four hours. Every day a different scenario, but the same age, 23, for me at least, Jisung at the time was 24. 

You see the thing is there is this new pill, its green and about the size of a horse pill. The nurse gives me one, and my husband one as well, everyday of the week. I go from being 63 and in the nursing home to the shared apartment from 40 years ago, he goes from having his gray hair to having his long blond hair, as I’ve always said and probably will continue to say no matter what age we are he has always looked good as the day I meet him. I turn back as well, and the watch that tells you how much time the both have left in this false reality is on his right wrist. 

I walk over to my closet and put on my pinup dress, with fishnets, that’s when I notice my star is gone from my wrist, the one that matches Jisung’s, I guess that’s what this day is about, it’s us getting our matching tattoos, I think to myself as I finish getting ready.
Maybe I should tell you a bit about us, and why I’m getting dressed in a pinup outfit, the both of us belong to a group, I’m sort of what they call a groupie, to his band called Stray Kids, I have a reason for being a groupie, though. Before I got into a relationship with him my sister got into a relationship with Woojin. A rather nice fellow, and she got tired of being alone and following the band. So she decides to drag me along and watch them perform, the one that caught my eye was Jisung, a blond haired rapper, her boyfriend was the lead guitarist. 

They would walk around the towns they were in like they owned, and with their looks it seems like they did. My sister thought it was brilliant to get me into dressing up as a pinup to fit in, and needless to say I actually really liked it. Jisung wasn’t the only one to notice me back then, or right now, Minho did as well. And that’s what today is about if I remember correctly. But I’m still not done explaining the days before-hand. 

He asked me out after what I guess I could call now, courting me, for a few days. My sister was quite happy that I said yes, and so was I because he liked me? Wow, that made my heart thump, when they weren’t playing a gig he’d take me out for a night watching the sunset over the sea on his motorcycle. 

The nine of them together, is like a big family, and to be accepted into it feels amazing. When you become Chan’s honorary child, and Jeongin’s older sister, it feels like a home away from home. Jisung to me was my room, why? Because I found the most comfort just being in the presence of him, talking to him just felt like I could let everything out and he could tell me everything on his mind. He’s my comfort zone like I am for him, there’s not anything we have to hold back from each other we just can speak about anything and the other one can console or understand what we are going through.

Today’s the night we miss the sunset because they had gotten an encore for the first time, and they’re not ones to turn people down for their music. But that doesn’t happen till later of course, being as I’m getting on the subway to see them perform. When I watch them get in and act like the true family they are. He catches my eye staring at him. And I give him a soft smile and the subway makes its stop, we both get out, he grabs my hand I interlock our fingers. 

We get out of the square when Minho tells Jisung off about being with me, and asks for a fight for my love, as beautiful as that sounds, I don’t at all have feelings for Minho. Maybe he should have thought that before he had seen our hands interlocked, maybe he should have tried winning my heart. That’s when Jisung accepts the fight when he clearly didn’t have to, I mean for god sake’s who’s hand am I holding! I’m holding Jisung’s not Minho’s, but clearly that doesn’t matter because a challenge is something Jisung never backs down from. Admirable yes, stupid more so, but did he care, no not when he was challenged.  

They walk over to the forest no to far away from here as I tug on Jisung’s hand to try to get him to stop and he shakes his head at me telling me, ‘I won’t back down, he’s going to know who’s boss’ and that’s when they get in a stance and I just step away. It was either that or jump in the middle and get them to stop, but even if so they’d be at each other’s throats throughout the whole concert. 

It’s a good ten minute before Minho gets knocked down by Jisung says with ferocity, “Get it through your head, (Y/n) is mine, whether you like it or not” to Minho before helping him back up and pushing him in front of the two of you, you three join up with group shortly after.

When we get into the town’s square the Silver Boys challenge them in their denim to a dance off. And you may think to yourself but they are band they can’t dance, oh how wrong you are. 

Although neither of them win because someone informs the cops are on the way and if you guys don’t stop you’ll be arrested. Jisung beckons me over to him for us to walk hand in hand to the bar where they would be performing. But before the both of us could walk into the building he pushes me against the wall his hand resting beside my head on the wall, he looks from my eyes to my lips, and back again before kissing me. It feels just as it did that night, because it is that night, his lips pressed against mine, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you.  
The kiss doesn’t last as long as it seemed to last, a few minutes off the clock as he looks at it, eleven more hours to spend as twenty-something year olds. By the time they finish the concert that my sister and I jammed out to, the second time for me, the first time for her at this concert. We get them to an encore which was technically the first time in their career, second time for Jisung and I. 

Afterwards, we hope on to his bike to the nearest tattoo shop wanting to get our loved embellished on our wrists. For me it would be the first, the last, and the most memorable tattoo of my life. A star because we are stars, just one’s that talk, love, and sing. Stars dance as we do and live and then die creating more stars. It was another way to signify our love for each other to get matching tattoos we went through different ideas before hand, like a king and queen tattoo, but that’s to gaudy and the queen needs to jump off a bridge. After a list of an ideas as he rode the motorcycle toward it we looked up and said simultaneously “How ‘bout a star?” we giggled and decided that was perfect. We get off of it and enough was said we had one tattoo artist do it in his own way, but the same way on both of our wrists. 

We got everything we needed to keep the tattoo clean, and we made our way out the building as e paid for it, splitting it the money between the two of us. The sunset already gone and the stars were the only thing left, as he drives to our spot. The one where he parks the bike, spins me in front of him and kisses me under the night sky, I quickly reciprocate the kiss, it felt like I was melting into his hands, his lips, as kiss back. Our lips like two puzzle pieces made for each other and each other alone. What more could one want as we release to grin at each other he looks at the watch an hour left, what could we possibly do... I get off the bike quickly and yell, “Tag your it!” “Not so fast” He grins chasing after me and tagging me back, as we run all over the town. 

It’s my turn as he runs before he gets corned int he alley way I laugh and come up to him my arms out just in case he tries to make a break for it, and I nuzzle my face into his neck, “Tag, your mine” I whisper into his neck, “Tag your mine, no tag backs” I laugh and he puts his face into my neck and I leave an open mouth kiss as we decide to sit down against the wall, “How much time do we have left” “Enough for this” he says showing me the seconds running out, and he grabs my hand interlocking our fingers as he kisses me, I kiss softly back holding him. 

We return in our wheelchairs kissing softly, our hands interlocked, I wouldn’t trade him for the world even if he can be a tough brat once a while, just like I can be. But I love him more than you could guess.
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aquacai · 7 years
compilation of bts/army tweets i retweeted but doesn’t actually appear on my profile (TWITTER WHY)
Namgi are actual prodigies, how did bang pd just casually pick em up like that
ARMYs give BTS amazing promo but it only works cause...
And just in case anyone doesn't know, we call K-army "diamonds" because...
namjoon: i made espresso!! jungkook: i wanna try it namjoon: u hate bitter coffee  
seokjin couldnt give less of a shit!!!!
Hoseok is Rock Lee
We have faves that are so willing to educate themselves...
I actually adore the final verses of The Last so much.
Hobi’s pseudo-triple entendres
why is this something i feel like rap line does in the studio
the funniest part of this run ep was when taehyung said...  
BTS teletubbies @ MBC Gayo 2017
every update this year
top three betrayals are bighit not releasing tony montana feat jimin...
When I first began to fully get into BTS, I had a pretty jaded view...
Dear BTS 2013, its ARMY 2018.
*Yoongi's dating rumour*
this episode (run ep. 46) was so full of innuendos
fake trans on jin’s supposed feelings about the SIN separation
whoever is directing run should be reigned as the nation's hero...
What do you call a company that surpassed and outsold the big3?
bts are the definition of hyping ppl up for doing the bare minimum
an actual conversation that happened (run bts ep 46)
suran suga again and army
So I suddenly remember when Namjoon said these during Wings Tour The Final...
She was pushed by another members of staff  while doing namjoon’s makeup
to the female staff who consoled jimin and keeps saying “you didn't mess up”...  
they went from pardon to what was that
What happened at the first two episodes just made me respect Namjoon more.
on a serious note, it would be nice if when bts gets a special someone...
Next time during BTS concert, instead of screaming “encore encore”...
yall ever wanna think about how namjoon said that jimin needs lots of love and attention and thats probably why he shared a room with hoseok bc thats what exactly hoseok gives him
if I have any feeling towards BTS thats stronger than Love then it's RESPECT
the reason Jin was going on and on with his (R)evolution (E)volution (D)rop in the ocean thing might be because he was "hinting" at Youtube Red
one day, there will be a last...
namjoon came to post a selfie and left with a dating scandal
remember when hobi said “i wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for bangtan”...
Namjoon admitting that he’s also “just a kid” ...
"The reason I make music is because, after all, I am also afraid of the world."
Yoongi's scalp is braver than any US marine
Sometimes we forget that Namjoon is also just trying to figure out the world.
PUMA fansign: thank you for making music that changes the world
Everyone has a musical preference & enjoy when their artists reflect that.
let me talk about taehyung and how amazing he is as a friend
i like when seokjin shares stuff about his childhood, we get to know his orijin
BTS is also  for redefining masculinity (hiphop is their way of life)
from humble beginnings to legends
burn the stage makes me realize that whenever rm post photos of nature ...
what exactly makes namjoon the sexiest for me ...
the reason seokjin’s chest and shoulders are so wide
Bighit: O! R YU DEAD, 2?
"What's your favourite song currently?"
the mask guy: u didnt bring anything to exchange so i cant help u
namjoons exchange [in the Fake Love Teaser 1] is so funny to me...  
here are some of my favourite joon interviews
"How did you join BTS?"
jin: i’ve been doing it for 4 years
I hate it when people say armys have two brain cells like bold of you to think we even have a brain (sarcasm lol)
i’m a new generation anpanman
When the Billboard news was released this morning... (wisha)
interviewer: so what are your goals?
sometimes i still think about how the fanchant of cypher pt4...
"Hoe calm down, my shoe lace is untied"
“itʼs ok, we all found bts when we needed them in our lives the most”
i’m so sorry but it’s fake love
i want to see the world from taehyung’s view
just for youuuu
i love that taehyung is never anything but proud when talking abt the fact that he’s gained weight
i bet taehyung gives the best hugs
Our bomb is like a permanent reminder...
remember when we were like omg hixtape‘s mv gonna have bomb ass choreography lmaooo
no but it's so cute bts call it family pictures and not group pictures??
there's an undeniable sexual energy between yoongi nd every trophy... 
bh staff: describe yourself in one word
jin: man, blowjobs sure are a mouthful (incorrect bts quotes)
I came across the Deloitte 2018 Media and Entertainment Industry Outlook
hoseok is one of the best dancers in the industry...
meaning behind whalien 52
getting people flustered is hoseok culture - a thread
MY TOP 10 BTS SONGS (by KommonSense)
an explanation of rap lingo BTS use in their lyrics: a thread
I have some free time so like for an unpopular opinion. (hobybIo)
My Favorite Soft BTS Moments - A Thread! (odie)
Burn The Stage made me feel extremely vulnerable. (Aileen)
as Kings of Korean History [A thread] (KommonSense)
a thread of my favorite bts-related tumblr posts
Why and how the BTS rapline's experience with rap mirrors that of OG rappers
Everytime a BTS member was supportive of the LGBT community in any way
Namjoon (RM) Owning Up to His Mistakes
Bangtan dancing styles thread
hoseok is one of the best dancers in the industry
Sky’s experience as a veteran ARMY
Jimin’s gliding technique (more threads on his dance technique)
analysis of how well DNA is structured as an EDM-pop song
I took a closer look into BTS’ intro Serendipity
Park Jimin is one of the most graceful and beautiful dancers in the industry
ok newbie kpop stans, welcome to history class (fandom shit)
An Introduction for the New, the Confused, and the Curious
BTS introduction thread
Science & literature are intrinsic to understanding how BTS and ARMY
how Singularity choreography coincides with lyrics
BTS song recommendations based on genres: a thread
rap line’s verses analysis
Mnet Comebackshow (LY:Tear) pre-recording review - THREAD -
"remember when" (BTS edition)
I'm watching a BTS music video and I don't know what the hell is going on, a thread:
You know why I never will trust or listen to people who say "I left because of the fandom"
Type out what the bighit intro sounds like
Tyra Banks and her biological sons; a thread:
a thread about how BTS uses their music in their storytelling
for hot100, bts did what fans suggested
"Silly Little Trivia: Literal Choreography" thread for Fake Love
BTS showing LGBT+ representation and support, a thread  (this, too)
BTS meets Western standards of “cool” established by 1960s music, particularly rock ethics
BTS’ success: human brand x fan relationship
to celebrate bts festa, here is a thread of army stan twt’s best moments
Jimin in the Danger mv
save Cook-Jin
Hope as mom : can you even get in any college with these grades?
Namgi & their annoyingly jumpy kids
Everything makes sense noW (spider bite, cooky bite)  
when they let you love them
When you need to wake em up
coming soon: Kim Seokjin only wanted a boyfriend
salt baes
EXPECTATION: "We aren't talking about BTS enough!
summary of run bts ep 46
i-armys and k-armys (suga’s ghost patting the clay)
Heaviest objects in the entire universe
"You will witness taehyung and jin fighting"
The battle of the year.
Hangsang with my thug
"Tangina mo," - J-Hope, 2018
choose your mineral water.
We all know... K-ARMYS & I-ARMYS
so who is giving them the candy?
I got bored and made ART
remember when namjoon asked for armys to edit him in because he missed the group picture with halsey
me listening to bts album skits
hoseok: hangsang with my thugs ||  his thugs:
we're finally getting the country comeback we deserve
fixed Jimin’s shots in LY:Tear
jungkook: made before i was born
this is what your food looks like inside the microwave
is this a theory?
is this an invitation?
He returned from the war
avatar Jimin
Yoongi and JK’s muffled convo
im just trying to take a nice screenshot....
ah yes, the four elements: fire, earth, water and snickers
Tyra Banks:  The BTS ARMY is devoted and crazy (in a good way!) xD
BTS [MV] - You Will Never Do a Live Alone
the nation's #1 producer & bts' hype man 
namjoon: you. me?
jungkook when he first met joon 
fierce lil meow meow
RM spinebreaker???
this looks like rap line were a group of friends who stuck together...
V was written all along in Jimin’s tweet lol
Hangs out with Tyra Banks ONCE... 
learn the alphabet with BTS
When Bighit said they’ll donate 3% of LY album sales, u guys mocked us...
Kim Seokjin strange points
k-netz’ reaction on the Suga-Suran dating scandal
"Can bangtan fans please not get swayed by rumors?”
BTS trainer instagram re:B.T.S.
Music critic Kim, Youngdae nim’s MINI REVIEW on “Face Yourself”
Music critic Kim, Youngdae nim’s MINI REVIEW on “Euphoria”
bang pd and namjoon about his post supporting macklemore's song 'same love'
Konkuk uni student who became Seokjin's fan after speaking with him
I'm a multi-fan, I watch and listen to many idols, but I'm truly scared of BTS
an older woman(non-celebrity) admitted how much she loved BTS
So many warm teas in this article wrote by producer/musician Seiji Kameda
#LOVE_YOURSELF_轉_Tear Album HYYH Notes Translation Thread
180518 Love Yourself 轉 Tear - Thanks To Translations
“The lyrics in BTS’ album are so great  Huge congrats to receiving at BBMA ”
response to #1 Billboard 200
BTS 2018 Festa Member’s profiles
KBS Happy Together 3 - Spring Day sung in karaoke room
imagine being this close to sunshine
Ashes - Lim Jeong Hee ft. BTS (2011)
kook's carelessness brought out his sunshine laugh just like that
Remember when bts proved to armys that they are all really spiderman
that time the cameraman was filming bts and jungkook started telling him...  
i still get so soft over this the way jin hugged taehyung...
Seokjin killed it in this part in boy in luv
the sound of their footsteps is so satisfying omg
Remember when Jin and Ken met on a year end event rehearsal and they just...
Jungkook’s ‘yes’ and smile when Miri jumped through his arms...
seokjin and his interactions with camera men
Remember when Yoongi & Namjoon sang the high notes in Young Forever...
look at the difference between taekook and jinkook’s handshake lmao
this dance break has a special place in my heart :')
remember when Taehyung accidentally cut his real hair...
Nver forget that iris stevenson was the first one to believe in taehyung...
did yall notice that fdjghgd i’m shaking (run ep 46)
To remember the great SiN/YoonJin moment...
the wings era might be over but this snippet of each member’s solo songs...
Yes, Mom. This man right here. I love him. No more questions?
this is the best video of jin to ever exist
here’s jungkook having fun dancing to mama and lie
slush ft. jin
tell me why is it so funny that yoongi only opened 1/10 of his door n went back so fast
nothing but respect for my choreography leader
when jungkook opened the window well aware that it was raining
what makes you laugh? seokjin’s face
Bringing this back when taehyung was dancing nae nae...
i love this performance so fucking much!!!!
your ultimate mood booster (hobiiii)
susko sobra ung bucket hats
remember when seokjin and hoseok were recognized by fans in america
jungkook imitated namjoon's finger heart and wink in a cute way
A compilation loop of Hoseok sneezing because it’s cute. Bless you!!
remember when jimin was hyping about their concert but hoseok
Hoseok left the group during Trainee days
heres 12 seconds of yoongi doing That Scream™ ...
this is what happens when you openly listen to bts without prejudice
when i say i want a rock song, i want THIS.
When Jungkook couldn’t pronounce Army bomb because of his Busan accent
U kno the thing joon does when he finds something?
reminding all of you that the special talent yoongi prepared is... imitating a doorbell
Here's a compilation of musicians getting shook by the sudden change to major in Jimin's 'Lie'
He actually blew a kiss how adorable
The fanboying level on this video is just
Hoseok doing background vocals/harmonising in Let Go (??)
...namjoon literally gets amused at the toy which blows a ball in the air...
Lie rough instrumental
rough draft of Autumn Leaves, Young Forever, Wings (RM), Wings (JK)
Joon’s voice in the BBMA nomination teaser
Jin's reaction when I (sky) told him I brought him a present...
why BTS was nominated for BB TSA 2018
taehyung was fighting back his tears when they won TSA at 2017 BBMAs
Yoongi forgot his lines in Ma City and he just...
mannequin Tae
Bangtan ended ALL fashion weeks tonight !! (4th muster japan)
members cheering jimin up, wings tour macao
RM’s ending ment, Wings Tour the finale (Day 2?)
never forget bts' iconic reaction when they won their first daesang
When Jin was bowing, Jimin held him down and Jungkook immediately ran to sit in front of him.
jimin and seokjin debating whether dolphins could breathe underwater
look at tae's reaction when bang pd's voice broke
interviewer: what?
“DonT FiGht, Dont Fight!” :(((
RM: “we want to focus on our career”
Q: what's your favorite thing about yourself? yoongi: ᶤ ˡᶤᵏᵉ ᵖᵘᵖᵖʸ
jungkook’s closeups
BTS with Ciara at the BBMAs 2018
don’t ever forget that seokjin is one hell of a snowboarder
“the reason why bts, who was not supported by big agencies, succeeded, is that they tried to read the world and to breathe [with the world] together”
this is what happens when u leave namjoon and jimin alone together
this video of seokjin being hype then instantly stops when his manager look at him will never be not funny
An exclusive interview with #BTS ! (MBC News)
i love this version of airplane pt. 2 so much (jk+jm part)  (jimin mode~) yt link full
john cena getting asked whats his favorite song off love yourself tear
The female staff who video tapes BTS bangtan bombs is amazing
Q: Please say something to international ARMYs
awake (short harp cover)
airplane pt. 2 dance cover
compilation of yoongi stuff in raps
the way he said "what's your name?" and shouted "michelle!"
full vid of the two links above
#ISeoulU bts vid 2015
Tyra Bank’s music vid for Fake Love
vmin in sync is scary
fake love original choreo
jungkook said ‘mic drop!’ after he stepped on the wire and made the mic fall
tae acting in euphoria
puppy jungkook is still the most ᵘʷᵘ :(
hobi jk mirror dance with finger heart (mcountdown)
Look how Jiminie gave the trophy to Yoongi cuz baby boy knows
tae: so show me  army: i’ll show you~  {music core)
minho and tae hugging (music core)
tae’s aegyo in board game run ep
look at taehyung acting all cute in the back
when seokjin goes like (•3•) its the cutest thing ever
wow jimin was that an accident
What 시 (si; hour) is it?
SUGA: honestly, I rlly liked pro-wrestling
a fancam of taehyung spilling his water on his face
ARMY giving hobi a flower with his face on it (fansign) (180603)
BTS: *on their way to a very serious interview on one of Korea's biggest news channels*
yoonkok instant hug BV S1
sunud-sunod na aegyo in anpanman outfits
jungkook pulled off straps and threw down two straps then taejin picked them up
legends say this is the closest rep of how hoseok looks in real life
Kihyun really had the courage to throw confetti in yoongi's face tho
52 year-old man is a director of a company in Japan dancing DNA
I stan a king of fan service he's so adorable!
when taehyung was fake crying and jimin came & softly hugged him from behind
this or that game
jk imitating his hyungs (180607 fansign)
biggest mystery in kpop - who's collecting who in the background??? (taejin?)
hopekook's modified mirror dance 180607 mcountdown
jk reacting to ariana grande bbmas 2018
Look a joonie :( look at him go :(
noona fan giving hobi and jimin “allowance”
namjoon drunk-tweeting?
look at jimin’s reaction when a noona gave him a finger heart
they had to throw the yellow cloth at the finish of the performance...
tae being so accepting in star king ;w;
i may be not here since 2013, but im still lucky to witnessed yeontan's lil growth
remember when bangtan was running late for their show...
hobi and his hearts
ep 1& 2 of B.T.S. has at least cleared up 2 main issues in this fandom
RM has a little #WednesdayWisdom from Burn The Stage.
This photo is a complete mess.
yoongi’s kind of humor is my favorite
Their biggest dream isn’t to break records, its to stay together for a long time.
They recorded their interviews for the documentary when they did Gayo track 15
what jimin said here was really interesting and great
the most powerful twins
They decided not to blur these faces of people who's behind BTS’ success.  
BTS calls their staff with nicknames, noona or hyung...
it really went from edits to jungkook actually saying it
LMFAO at none of them even touching the salad
tae’s uneven eyelids
when jin got allowance from his dad to buy steak...
give me a better photo transition I'll wait #euphoria
love yourself 起 wonder (2018)
jin being peymous even pre-debut
the most remarkable twins in history
a turkish tv show asked for ppl to send in pics w their siblings and someone sent in jin and jimin
taehyung’s a legend that listens to music on his laptop on the go
onigiri yoongi
jung hoseok aka the king of mirror selcas
Tiny bestfriends vmin who have been inseparable since kindergarten AU
old bts pics I still can't believe exist: a thread
yoongi at namjoon's graduation (w/ hoseok)
"i put sticker on my carrier" yeah ryt
oh nothing just seokjin casually putting his LG G7 ThinQ at his jacket pocket
He show his flower uwu
taehyung accidentally becoming a meme on diplo's snapchat
Never forget Jungkook's Hongdae adventures
THANKS JIN for not killing jungkook
liam’s post of namjoon :D
that one time namjoon tweeted a picture of them with the caption of “we are all fools”
A 59-year-old friend of mine talking about Love Yourself:Tear
I was worried because I thought yoongi kept doing some kind of gang sign but--
This has to be the best reaction to a non-fan of BTS...
when you are sitting beside BTS but mcflurry ice cream is life
why is this exactly what all of their mixtapes sound like
dispatch - yoongi, fake love
taehyung’s chubby cheeks when he smiles
taehyung and his tea
OMFGGMFM LOOK AT Tyra Banks when boys went up for their award she’s a whole Mood I love her
BTS FESTA 2018 prediction
carry him again, jin
top10 mistranslations betrayal 
Yoongi doing ᵗʰᵃᵗ smile
wide open yoongi
brigada eskwela stairs album art
jin flower petals (fansign)
namjoon vs svt jihoon
yoongi continuing his lil meow meow agenda
These two cuties just melted my whole heart (tae and tanie)
So... are we gonna talk about how they drew one stickman thicker than the rest
Low key promoted BTS the past 3 weeks in our hospital...
The exact same cat, same plant & same island taken 1 year apart. (ARMYSelca)
yoongi bunched up(?)
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cassie-babyz · 7 years
[170728 Kstyle] B.A.P, Album “UNLIMITED” after 1 year & 3 months… Keywords and memories around the 13 tracks
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B.A.P have released their album “UNLIMITED” in Japan on June 28 after approximately 1 year and 3 months. From familiar sounds to new pieces like “WAKE ME UP”, as well as Jongup and Daehyun’s solo songs, it’s constructed with 13 varied tracks.
At Kstyle, we asked them about key words and memories surrounding the 13 songs that are included on the album, and followed their ‘UNLIMITED’ musicality and charms.
YG: This will be our second album in Japan. I think it’s a work that can show the diversity of B.A.P’s music. Furthermore, the title “UNLIMITED” means that there is no limit to B.A.P’s music.
――There are many meanings to the word “FREAKY”, so which one does this song refer to? DH: That’s true, I think the interpretation of FREAKY will differ depending on who you’re asking, but I think it’s fine as long as the person listening enjoys it with how they understand it as. “FREAKY SOUND” has a different image to what B.A.P has shown till now; it’s a song that fun and yet has a unique atmosphere, so I think the fans will come to like this new feel.
――There are the lyrics “an insane party”, have the B.A.P members had an insane party before? DH: We don’t have parties, but we often gather together and play around, so I guess you could call that a party in our circumstance. Right, Jongup? JU: Yes, that’s right. DH: Jongup likes parties. He usually drinks when we gather and talks away, that sort of a feel. He doesn’t drink at home, so we gather up somewhere outdoors.
――There’s also the phrase “super crazy” in the lyrics, is there a member who you think is crazy? JU: Hmmm, it’s hard to find something to use as a standard….. (laughs), but I think it’s Youngjae. Youngjae lives very properly. DH: You’re making it sound as if we don’t live properly (laughs). JU: But Youngjae really lives exemplarily, so on the reverse I think that’s crazy. I’m the opposite. ZL: In a good way I think Jongup is super crazy. Because he’s able to do anything very well.
――The Korean version of this song had a MV over 10 minutes long which gave a lasting impression, please tell us again what the story was about. DH: We were comrades of the same organisation, but there was a traitor within us. That traitor kidnapped my girlfriend and gave me instructions like to kill the other members. I carry out those missions. After that, there’s a scene where our group meet with the police and [we realise] Jongup is the traitor who joined forces with the police. JU: I’m ‘super crazy’ (laughs). ALL: (laughs) YJ: I die because of Jongup (laughs) DH: There’s a scene of Youngjae being shot by Jongup.
――It’s created just like a “Noir film’. HC: You’re right. If there’s the chance, I’d like to act in one of those movies. I think we’ll be able to act well if we get an offer!
3. NOW (Jongup Solo)
――Continuing on, “NOW” is Jongup’s solo song isn’t it. JU: This was a song that I created with my friend and released in Korea, which was then translated into Japanese. It’s the first time for my own song to be included in a Japanese album, and since I love Japanese animes and songs, I think it’s a great honour and a good experience.
――You released a project album with Daehyun in Korea and had solo promotions, how was that? JU: I wanted to perform for the fans sake, so I’m happy if they watched over it warmly. It was a new challenge for me too, and I want to continue showing my cool side to everyone.
――You came back as a ‘complete unity with 6’ with this song, and also had activities in Japan after a long time as 6 in April. How was going around Japan after a while as 6? YG: Promoting with all 6 members was a fun and precious time. The flying kisses event was fun too.
――The “flying kisses event” is a very rare one, how did it feel to actually experience it? DH: It was probably the first time ever for us. YJ: It was fun! HC: The fans looked embarrassed didn’t they. DH: Isn’t that because the one who did [the flying kiss] it was embarrassed? (laughs) HC: Is that so? I did my flying kisses like a pro (laughs) DH: They might’ve been embarrassed because you did it so professionally (laughs). We were all separated so I don’t know how the other fans reacted, but all my fans were very happy.
――What sort of song is this? DH: Along with “FREAKY SOUND”, I view this song as one that we challenged to show a new side to B.A.P. We challenged it by incorporating popular music styles of that time and since it’s a very refined song, I hope everyone will like it.
――It sounded like a mix of EDM and hiphop, something that I felt was a rare tune for B.A.P. DH: Hmm, I wonder~ The producer is sitting right here (laughs) (looks at Yongguk) YG: It’s not really EDM. I think it’s a song that has a more lounge music feel.
――This song has a different image to other B.A.P tracks and is an upbeat party tune with a funky element. YG: Yes, I wanted to create a song that made one happy so I composed this.
――How did the members feel when they first heard it? HC: Very happy, and I felt powerful vibes. ZL: We hadn’t done any funky songs like this before so I liked it, and I was able to sing it happily. DH: I remember that we had a lot of fun when we were recording it too. HC: That’s right, we finished the recording whilst enjoying ourselves.
――Going with the title “BE HAPPY”, what moments do you feel happy at? YJ: I honestly feel happy when I sing “BE HAPPY” on stage.   DH: That’s right, it’s very fun to sing this song so it feels like we’re playing around together [on stage]. HC: When I wake up, and see that I can still sleep a bit more. JU: When I look at B.A.P’s dreams (thinking about our future) with all 6 of us. ALL: Ohh~ that’s right! DH: Also the other day, it was my birthday and I was happy when the members celebrated it with me. Himchan treated me to drinks. We drank it at the hotel.
――What’s the 7th track “GOOD TIME” like? DH: Just like the title, it’s a ‘good time’. YJ: That doesn’t explain anything (laughs) ALL: (laughs) DH: When I listened to it, I felt at ease and I think it’s a healing song.
――When did you feel happy lately? DH: I’m currently preparing for the musical “Napoleon”. It’s my first time to challenge a musical, but I’m enjoying myself preparing for it, so I hope many of you come to watch! ZL: Right now I’m addicted to dramas. It’s really been a while since I’ve watched something straight from the first episode. I’m watching a drama called “Fight for My Way”. It’s not only interesting, I’ve fallen for the charms of the characters in the show and I’m enviously thinking that I’d like to try acting this sort of role whilst watching. The theme of the whole drama, and not only Park Seojoon’s character is very attractive. I watched it since it was popular, and got addicted straight away.
――The 8th track is “FEEL SO GOOD” which you had previously released as a single. What sort of times do you feel hyped up? YG: Exactly right now (laughs) DH: For me I guess it’s when I finish all my schedules and go home to sleep.
――Do you get excited when you drink too? HC: That’s right, but I also have serious conversations when I drink, so I drink quietly during those times. It [how I am] depends on what we’re talking about at that time. YJ: He gets really high when it’s a fun topic.
――Is there a member who has a habit of acting a certain way after they drink? HC: Hmmm, I don’t think there are any drinking habits in particular. DH: You do have some don’t you Himchan. He’ll end up paying the bill. (laughs) HC: I don’t know why I end up doing that though (laughs). I really have to fix this habit (laughs).
――In this song too, there’s the word “alcohol” at the very beginning of the lyrics, who’s the strongest drinker between the members? ALL: *all look at YG* HC: But in terms of volume, Jongup drinks a bit too doesn’t he? JU: It’s “unlimited” (laughs) ALL: (laughs) DH: But he gets drunk though HC: He gets drunk but he stays till the end. Lately I leave midway because it gets tough (laughs) DH: The ones who can drink are Jongup and Yongguk hyung, but Yongguk hyung doesn’t get drunk. I’ve never seen him drunk. HC: You’d probably never know even if he was drunk. YJ: Though in my mind, I think Yongguk hyung is drunk when he says “I’m not drunk” (laughs). ALL: (laughs) YJ: Yongguk hyung doesn’t say if he’s drunk or if he’s not drunk, but I feel like if people around him ask “are you drunk?”, he’ll take no notice when he’s sober, and deny with “I’m not drunk” when is a little drunk. (laughs) YG: (bitter smile) ALL: (laughs) DH: But he doesn’t change much from usual. YJ: Everyone else changes when they’re drunk. HC: Jongup’s aegyo increases. YJ: Yes, it makes me want to hit him (laughs). ALL: (laughs) JU: I don’t really know [remember] though (laughs) YJ: I’m scared of drunk Jongup. DH: You’re scared even though he has more aegyo? YJ: Yeah, it’s different from usual so it’s scary (laughs). He starts with “hehe”, then “hehe, hyung do you want to drink some? Hehe”. That’s how he talks and that’s scary (laughs) ALL: (laughs)
10. 1004
――I think the 10th track “1004” is a song with many memories for everyone. HC: We won first place with this song on music shows. I think it was on “SHOW CHAMPION”. And then we ordered Korean food on that day, but it tasted really bad (laughs). I suddenly remembered that just then (laughs). ALL: (laughs) YJ: Was that so, I don’t remember (laughs). We were invited to award shows for this song too. When we won first place, I don’t think I was able to process that properly and feel the joy. Looking back at footage from then, it was the first time for us to win first place after debuting for 2 years, and yet I was expressionless, and not very happy looking. I think it was because it didn’t feel real. It’s a bit of a shame looking at that now.
――That’s from 3 years ago now. Comparing now to then, what are things that you think have changed? ZL: Back then I was 19 years old, and now I’m 22 years old. Although it was only 1 year to go from my teens to my 20s, I think it was a time full with change. That’s why I think I’ve matured compared to then. YJ: I’ve learnt a lot and I think I’ve changed how I think about things too.
11. YOU (Daehyun solo)
――The 11th track is Daehyun’s solo song “YOU”. I heard it was a song prepared for the Japanese fans. DH: When I made this song, I thought about how I would show it to the fans. We also had a Japanese concert upcoming during that period. I love Japanese ballads and although it’ll be a first, I decided to deliver this song in Japanese to the Japanese fans. Then I performed it in the concert, and received a good response from the fans, and hence we came to including this song in the album as well. The members also told me “it’s a good song” when I performed it at the concert.
――Is there a particular Japanese ballad that you like? DH: Firstly I really like Nakashima Mika’s “Yuki no Hana” which was remade in Korea. Other than that, I often listen to ballads mainly by female singers like Namie Amuro.
――I believe this is an indispensable song during concerts. YJ: That’s right. It’s a song that represents our feelings when we’re with our fans. It’s a song that both we and our fans can relate to. HC: It’s our fan song. To us, and to the fans, it’s a song that gives us energy, and so it’s become a song that must be performed and can’t be missed from concerts.
――The last track is “FLY HIGH”. Just like the title, all of you have been flying around the world on the world tour. Have there been any memorable countries? JU: Paris was memorable for me. We had some free time in Paris and I was able to do some shopping and eat good food so it was fun. YJ: I ate risotto, lobster, steak and such with Yongguk hyung. We thought it was a nice restaurant and went inside, but it really was a great restaurant. DH: Talking about concerts, it’s hard to choose one. The cheering style and other things differ depending on the country, but in the end, the fact that they’re supporting us remains the same and all of that is meaningful to us, and I’m very grateful to everyone. We’re into our 6th year now and it’s been a long time, and on top of that our hiatus was long too. That’s why I thought fans wouldn’t come to see us like they have, but honestly, so many fans came to our concert, and that alone was very satisfying.
―― Now finally, how “FLY HIGH” [high do you want to fly] in the future? YG: There’s no concrete goal, and like this album title, I’d like to be limitless and be able to go anywhere. ALL: Ohh~! (claps)
Source: Kstyle Translation: cassie_babyz
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sehxnismylover-blog · 7 years
my adventures of being an anti to being the biggest stan of EXO
Hey ~ this post isn’t really a need-to-read blog but if you do read it then thank you. Since EXO’s 5th year anniversary is coming soon, I just wanted to share how much I fucking hated the whole genre KPOP itself and how EXO like legit changed my life. cheesy af but bear with me it’s a good story i tell ya, or so I think lol.
I haven’t been a kpop fan for long, but since I’ve been exposed to kpop since I was a kid I grew up listening to a few selected kpop songs which are from the groups every kpop stan should know about. I’m from the Philippines, and I’m still a junior in high school ~ ever since I was a kid me and my elder sister (who also legit turned into a kpop fan herself because of me // both of us were antis before) always tuned in on MTV because music is just the world to us. Back then, I was the biggest brat for One Direction ever since they debuted. So me and my sis would always tune in on MTV to see them, but since it was MTV Asia, ofc they would show groups from all over Asia. That’s when I saw all legends and the biggest hits on kpop  like SNSD, 2NE1, 2PM, BIGBANG, SUJU, WONDER GIRLS, PSY, and EXO themselves. 
Since EXO was already a big hit during the Wolf era, that was the very first time I saw them on TV and I sure as hell hated them the first time I saw them. I was all like, “Ugh, they’re disgusting” and “Why do they even exist” during that time ~keep in mind this was 2012 ~ I tried to let myself watch them but they never just grew on me that time, like ever. And so at school, my classmates were already aware of this rising kpop group EXO, and I could always hear the name Luhan and Chanyeol. I can never forget how much of a fangirl my friend was to them and I was always glaring at them for liking those types of music and bands since I was a hardcore Directioner during that time. 
It wasn’t long since Growl was released, and it became a really huge hit here in the Philippines! I swear to God I remember always hearing the song in malls, in public markets, in stores, in the sidewalks and basically just everywhere! I began to hear more about this group but just ignored it since kpop just really wasn’t my style back then. I saw them around tv, on the news, newspapers and magazines and they just legit boomed during that time. My classmates went really crazy for them and I was still like, “Meh, those idiots aren’t even as famous as One Direction”. 
Then came Overdose and EXO boomed even more but I still ignored. I saw them on TV when they had their first concert on Manila, they were on the headlines for singing a very famous filipino song called “Hawak Kamay” and was praised a lot by people and impressed some elders for that. ugh such an iconic time says my exo-l self who missed a lot during that time
Tons and tons and TONS of EXO merchandise were around the Philippines and everyone I see was always wearing them! Although some were not aware of who EXO was, the name EXO and the members numbers were a big fashion hit here in the Philippines. I always saw WOLF 88 printed on their shirts, some with the other members numbers and printed names like shit they still are a big fashion hit here in the Philippines until now. 
Moving on, I didn’t hear much about EXO during the Call Me Baby era but I still saw them on tv and online. I kind of faded away from 1D since Zayn left lmao lol iconic time but I still liked the band and their music and all. After I faded away from 1D I was addicted to anime and became an animaniac lol. This isn’t much of an important part of my story so I’ll fast forward.
Fast forward to when I was like in the middle of high school, I have a friend who was a kpop fan since 3rd grade according to what she said, and as I’ve mentioned, ever since before I used to listen to a few kpop songs and I forgot how but I did discover Jay Park on tv and then listened to his music and had a huge crush on him for about 2 years before I became a kpop fan (i still listen to him now i luv his music) and then I listened to some of Taeyang’s music (ofc Eyes,Nose, Lips), with which I had no idea was part of legit the biggest kpop band in the world until I was tempted to listen to some BB songs and secretly listened to Growl when my sister wasn’t watching lmao because who doesn’t like that song???, So back to my point, my friend whom I never knew was a die-hard kpop fan since 3rd grade, was always silent since understandably not much of my friends were kpop fans when I first entered high school.  
This part is for me, a hilariously pathetic excuse since this is the time I started being a kpop fan: 
It was when we were tackling about the Music of Korea in class, our book had SNSD, Red Velvet, SUJU, 2NE1, and Wonder Girls and had a fun fact part about Dara since she’s called the Pambansang Krung-Krung (”krung krung” is a filipino slang which means foolish weird or crazy and “pambansang” meaning national so she’s legit called the National Weirdo of the Philippines lmao nothing offensive btw dont take it srsly) here in the PH. So after our class, our teacher told us to prepare a dance or a song in korean and put us in groups and I was a group leader since, not to brag, I’m pretty good at singing lmao, I got a little excited over the thought that we would probably sing Eyes Nose Lips or dance Growl and Fantastic Baby like that was already awesome for me. I had a friend who was really good at dancing so I assigned her to help out learning the choreo with me and I searched for what we were gonna present. I ended up choosing Come Back Home by 2ne1, EXO’s Growl and Good Boy by GD and TY. We didn’t have much time for practicing so we just dropped Growl and mashed up Good Boy and Come Back Home. 
But while we were practicing our dance, we considered Growl and I downloaded the dance practices for our chosen songs, me and my group watched the choreos carefully and guess what? While watching the Growl dance practice, I suddenly felt weird while watching this EXO member I never noticed before. I asked my kpop friend about it, and I eventually found out this little cute boy was Baekhyun. He wasn’t my bias though, my first EXO bias was Tao but after I found out there were 3 members who left the group and Tao was one of them, I became sad. Tao wasn’t my ub tho. 
After our presentations in class, when I got home I suddenly itched to search for EXO some more. I mean it wouldn’t hurt to know about them right? And so I searched and started watching interviews and watched EXO Showtime since people had recommended that watching that would be a good start for a new fan. I din’t watch all the ep’s of EXO Showtime but I did watch the famous episodes of the show, including the last EP which was when I suddenly fell head over heels for the fucking maknae Oh Sehun. 
After that, Sehun just became my universal bias, and then I watched Monster and fell in love, and then I became their biggest fan after just one month. Always keeping up with updates, following all the members who had IG accounts, and officially became an EXO-L just when I celebrated with other EXO-L’s online during Yixing’s birthday last year when What U Need? MV came out and then eventually Yixing became my biggest bias wrecker ever. 
I’ve only been an EXO-L for seven months, but I have memorized almost every lyric of all their albums and have downloaded every album on my phone. I know all their birthdays and their facts and their ideal types and I’ve memorized some choreos of their songs, I havent’t met them yet but I’m positive to see them before Xiumin’s military enlistment this 2019. 
I’ve realized there’s nothing wrong with trying something new out, EXO became a big inspiration for my life, they made me change into a more hard working person. Because of them I actually considered not giving up my dreams of becoming a singer and because of them I actually learned to appreciate dancing lmao. They’ve helped me into focusing on my studies and suprisingly my grades went higher ever since I entered a new life of being a kpop fan.
I explored kpop a bit more after becoming an EXO-L, I also joined the BTS Army fandom shortly after becoming an EXO-L and after seven months of being a kpop fan I legit stan a lot of groups and singers now. I’m a multifandom girl now even tho EXO is my bias group.
I stan BTS, Seventeen, NCT, KARD, 2NE1, BIGBANG, BLACKPINK, DEAN, Red Velvet, GOT7, Jay Park and Heize. I know almost 500 kpop groups and I know a lot about the history of kpop and I know how to speak average Korean now and its only been seven months lol.
Anyways, that ends my long post lol. Cheers to you if you finished reading this. EXO SARANGHAJA! EXO AND EXO-L FIGHTING! Cheers to 5 years with our beloved idols! 
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thezombiemamma · 7 years
Sitting down to write today’s post, I spent quite a bit of time looking up all of K-Pop comebacks and dramas scheduled to drop over the course of the month and all I can say, to both music and drama lovers, is: HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS!
I know we’re only 2 days into this month but already I’ve had more fangirl excitement than I can handle. Yong Jun Hyung has just released his first solo track in 4 years and I’m feeling all the feels at the moment. The song is just… The video is… Augh! I need to stop before I let myself get carried away…
So instead of rambling on about music that’s already out, how about I get back to all the music we can look forward to this coming month. The question is, where to start? I mean we have Onew releasing clips from his upcoming SM STATION track with Rocoberry and Oh My Goodness! If you haven’t watched those bts clips yet, they’re just so flipping adorable! I melt from the moment we first see Onew’s beautiful smile. *sigh* The full track and MV for “수면제” (“Lullaby”) is scheduled to drop May 4th.
DAY6 has started their monthly teasing as they prepare for the release of their May tracks and again, I’m feeling all the feels. I swear, I get more excited with each passing month, as I anxiously await the release of whatever musical brilliance they have in store for us. I love the concept of these May photos. They’re so fun and fresh and they just make me think this month’s tracks are going to be the perfect lead-in to summer break. Eeeek! May 8th can’t come soon enough!
Speaking of JYP groups… TWICE has started teasing for the release of their 4th mini album, Signal. The album is supposed to drop May 15th and I can’t wait! Not only does this mean we’ll have a fun new dance to learn but it also means we’ll have new performances to look forward to seeing when they’re at KCON NY in June. Woohoo!
Psy is also teasing the release of his eighth album. With Psy, it’s hard to know what you’re going to get with this release but I can tell you he’s releasing 2 MVs with this comeback. Personally, I’m looking forward to them because I find his videos entertaining and I love seeing what he comes up with next. The album and both MVs are to drop May 10.
BTS has just started teasing for the Japanese release of “Blood, Sweat, Tears” and me being me, I couldn’t help but add the teaser to this list! The video is set to drop May 10 and apparently I’m not the only one excited, seeing as how this trailer has been up about 24 hours and already has over a million views.
On the drama side of things, there’s quite a lot we have to look forward to this month and that makes me happy!
Suspicious Partner is set to start airing May 10 and honestly, I can’t wait! It’s been way too long since Ji Chang Wook was last in a rom-com and this one, with all of its amnesiac murderers and mistaken identities, just seems like it’s going to be a whole lot of fun. I’m not sure how I feel about Choi Tae Joon being in this drama. I’m still not over the awfulness of his character in Missing 9 so I’m a little worried my hatred of Choi Tae Ho will sully my opinion of Ji Eun Hyuk. Hopefully I can let go of the pain of the past and will be able to fully enjoy this new drama. Though now that I think about it, I’m not sure I really have any reason to worry. I mean with Ji Chang Wook around, who has time to be concerned about anyone else???
Ruler: Master of the Mask also begins airing May 10 and though I’m not sure I’m ready to take on another historical drama just yet, I think my love of L may compel me to do just that. But maybe not right away. I’m not sure how well this drama will fare when compared to my love of Rebel: Thief who Stole the People, which is why I may put this one off until after my infatuation with Yoon Gyun Song as Hong Gil Dong fades a bit. I can really only safely swoon over one Joseon era hero at a time. Not that that’s ever stopped me before…
There are actually several more dramas I’m looking forward to watching, once they start airing later this month but if I talk about them all right now, what will I have to write about next week??? To keep myself from getting completely carried away, I’m going to stop here but before I go, I have to throw this out there…
The KPop Mamas and I are starting a monthly drama live chat and we’re inviting you to join us! The first Wednesday of every month, we’ll be chatting about dramas we’re currently watching, dramas we’ve recently finished watching, dramas we’re obsessed with, dramas… Well, you get the idea. We’ll be streaming live on KpopMamas YouTube channel and we’d really like for you to join us! Of course I’ll be posting each chat here, once it’s over, but to get in on the conversation while it’s happening be sure to join us live. Our first chat will be this Wednesday, May 3rd (tomorrow) from 8pm – 9pm CST. Hope to see you there!
TUESDAY’S TEASE: May is Going to be AMAZING! Sitting down to write today's post, I spent quite a bit of time looking up all of K-Pop comebacks and dramas scheduled to drop over the course of the month and all I can say, to both music and drama lovers, is: HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS!
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