#acting on intrusive thoughts
heartscrypt · 1 year
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"this isn't the proper meme format" yeah well i cant control them they're freaks sorry they defy the logic of the original meme okay
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hydrus101 · 10 days
I can never decide if post-canon Arthur avoids meat in order to tamp down memories of Faust and the pits, because the act itself repulses him that strongly; or, if he avoids it out of guilt, because he liked it just a little bit too much.
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luvfy0dor · 6 days
incest and pedophilia isn't sexy
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Chelley week day 5: regrets/stargazing
Memories come back more violently at night, in the quiet darkness when there’s no work to be done. Distrust and resentment rear their ugly heads.
And everybody likes revenge.
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softavasilva · 2 years
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now how do i normally go about my day after having read this
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thequeenofmyownscreen · 5 months
meanwhile, in Robbie's head, the intrusive thoughts have won
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pankomako · 5 months
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intrusive thoughts are no joke. you wouldn't want them to win.
source: i might have OCD, and this is a real intrusive thought i get sometimes.
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pup-pee · 2 months
bart getting both intrusive & impulsive thoughts willl destroy me actually thanks
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rizumuj · 2 months
Yuki be like "I'm just a cat! 😼😽"
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prolibytherium · 7 months
'Scary' mental illness allyship ultrahard mode: Being like, okay with the fact that some people experience violent impulses as a symptom (ie actual impulses/fixations on inflicting harm as an exaggerated emotional response to stressors) and accepting that people are not evil monsters etc for experiencing this
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demento-mori · 3 months
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The dialogue for looping back has been getting increasingly disturbing for a while now but jesus......
Siffrin keeps mentioning how hungry they are, starving even, so this is most likely an extension of that. I wonder whether this hunger is directly caused by the loops or if its simply down to stress and exhaustion. It could also be due to him growing sick of eating the same food over and over. Most likely a combination of all three.
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morn1e · 4 months
idk whether i will have my face ripped apart&thrown molotov cocktails&executed by firing squad 4 thinking like this but i kinda interpret p2(not talking abt the others, just p2 only) dude as having nothing going on w him in sense of mental illness(delusions, schizophrenia etc) or trauma, he is just a fucking horrible person. this is most likely bcuz i take the (mostly)pacifist route when playing p2 so he does not murder every1 in sight (only if provoked), but he is just a terrible fucking person. he was born to be a horrible shitty irredeemable whatsoever terrible person&it cannot be otherwise. there is no chance of him being a better member of society. i want him to take full accountability for his actions. his actions have no factors, it is all his conscious doing. i want him to be fully aware of what he is doing. i want him to be fully aware he is an awful person&even taking pride in that in some fucked up way. he thinks every human is horrible but only a small group of people like him have the spine to fully indulge in their nature. if there does exist heaven&hell i want him to fully grasp that he is absolutely aware he is going to the hottest most excrutiating parts of hell&wear that fact like a medal. i want him to be happy that him&people only live once. he has no regard or any respect for anyone because the human species are terrible on its own&no person deserves his kindness. he does not want other peoples human decency because there is none. everything is only temporary to him. he has no sense of guilt or a sense of pity bcuz nobody deserves it. he has no remorse because nobody deserves it. he is so horrible&proud of it he is incredibly enthusiastic about it. he is so smug with the widest shit eating grin one has ever seen and a huge jerk because he likes getting a reaction out of people. he enjoys troubling people. his enthusiasm is irritating and excrutiating like nuclear fallout. he is exhausting to complete strangers. he is absolutely fuking miserable to be around. he is a loser. he is the very essence of what is wrong with society. he is the very bottom of humanity.he is a nasty rotten pathetic horrible person.
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cypheragent · 2 months
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i hate this post so fucking much lol i kinda seethe every time it crosses my dash. the tone is bonkers like OP seems to think they're better than other people with OCD because they're medicated and that other people with OCD are engaging in some kind of moral failing by not being medicated. as if everyone has the privilege. medication doesn't even work for everyone, especially when it comes to something like OCD. there's a reason the term "treatment resistant" exists. the lack of empathy is just so fucking unnecessary. as if "turn off your anon messages now" is enough to avoid triggering one's OCD and that anon asks are the only thing that could possibly trigger people with OCD. telling people with OCD "you are 20 years old and need to fucking calm down." again, just a completely bizarre lack of empathy. literally telling people with a mental disorder to "calm down" and framing anyone who struggles with moral OCD as just stupid 20-year-olds i guess. OP of this post should genuinely be ashamed of themselves
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
I have very little care for if a person is "good" or "bad" as long as they do good things tbh. I dont care that youre thinking up 100 ways to kill a man rn as long as you choose to act kindly in real life. Well maybe i just wish this was how everyone approached morality and essence or whatever because i am talking about myself
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Fun fact: You're F/o still loves you even if you have frequent intrusive thoughts.
Your f/o understands how much these thoughts can stress you out, and they know that you don't want to have these thoughts.
Your F/o also understands that you are not your thoughts and that you aren't a bad person for having these thoughts, and they do their best to help you cope with these thoughts.
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withoutalice · 2 months
i don't hate the andy and leyley game because i'm an anti - i hate it because when it hit max popularity when i was in school, people harassed me over it (I never had shown any interest in the game outwardly - i hadn't even heard of it at the time) and accused me of actually doing the deplorable shit depicted in the game because i "looked like her" (i'm goth)
even now i get so worked up when i see it because it makes me think i'll secretly hurt my family. being correlated with her made me want to die (even though i know she's fictional - i struggle with moral ocd really bad chat)
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