#act 4-6 are the juicy ones
fangswbenefits · 1 year
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Ao3 . Ko-fi
⤷ Book - Astarion comes across an interesting book and decides to share the knowledge with you. Quite literally.
⤷ The Arrangement (on-going series): masterlist
⤷ Lockpicking - You ask Astarion to teach you how to lockpick and things get... out of hand.
⤷ Pointy Ears - You accidentally find just how sensitive Astarion is when it comes to a certain part of his body…
⤷ Curiosity - Astarion wishes to satisfy his curiosity when it comes to breastfeeding... and comes up with a proposition that is mutually beneficial.
⤷ Oral Fixation - Astarion is quite sure you are going to drive him insane from how adorable and clueless you are when eating those juicy fruits around him... and he just has to do something about it.
⤷ Unexpected - Astarion has barely ever considered starting a family with you in the old-fashioned way, but an unexpected conversation might just trigger that urge.
⤷ Breathe - Astarion is more than eager to show you the perks of not breathing.
⤷ Questions - Your curiosity drives you to ask Astarion a very unexpected question, and he's more than happy to give you a proper reply.
⤷ Patience - You are too eager to ride Astarion, and he proposes a solution to your impatience. After all, experience is the best teacher and impatience its fiercest enemy.
⤷ Backfire - You should have known better than to make Astarion jealous, and now you are left to deal with the consequences.
⤷ Reading Session - Astarion walks in on you reading a rather suggestive book, and far be it from him to interrupt your learning process. 
⤷Trance - Astarion is having a hard time trancing, and you offer to help him out in more ways than one.
⤷ Fever - You're running a fever, and Astarion offers to cool you down… only to make things a whole lot worse.
⤷ Everything - You're used to staying still whenever Astarion feeds on you. This time, he wants you to feel everything.
⤷ Comfortable - Astarion walks in on you in a rather compromising situation. Naturally, he offers to help, but then you ask him to promise you something that he was not expecting…
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✫ 18+:
⤷ Tension - Miguel walks in on you late at night doing something unexpected, which makes things really awkward afterwards…
⤷ For Science - There has been a rumour circulating in regards to Miguel’s venom. It has to be too far-fetched, right?
⤷ Intimacy - Lack of intimacy after childbirth can weigh a relationship down. Thankfully, Miguel always finds new ways to keep the spark alive.
⤷ Perfect Morning - Miguel’s definition of a perfect morning involves a comfortable bed and being buried deep inside you.
⤷ Comfort - Miguel has been having nightmares as of late and seeks a level of comfort only you can provide.
⤷ Breakfast in Bed - Miguel wakes you up to breakfast in bed.
⤷ Stress Relief - Peter B. Parker should know better than to swing by unannounced.
⤷ Sharing is Caring (I) - (II) - A mission has both Miguel and you sharing a room… what could possibly go wrong?
⤷ [COMPLETE] (0) Sweet Girl , (1) Frustration , (2) Suit Up , (3) Obsession , (4) Consequences , (5) Discovery , (6) Double-edged Sword , (7) Confession , (8) Devotion - Miguel’s desire for you has been taking a toll on him, and he really has no other option…
⤷ Second Intentions - You’ve been tense lately, and Miguel offers a massage. Quite thoughtful of him… except you know exactly why.
⤷ Tracking - You find out Miguel has been tracking something that concerns you… and him.
⤷ Gentle - Miguel shows you how gentle he can be during your pregnancy and how worthy you are of it.
⤷ Backfire - The math is simple: you make Miguel jealous + push him past his breaking point = hot rough sex. Too bad Miguel doesn’t do simple.
⤷ Side Effect - Miguel has been acting off lately and you find out why… the hard way.
⤷ Stubborn - As far as you’re concerned, you just want to stay in bed all day, admiring Miguel’s glorious chest.
✫ Fluff/Comedy/Comfort/Hurt/Angst/Misc:
⤷ Memories - You are ready to tell Miguel he is going to be a father… but he isn’t.
⤷ Revelations - Miguel asks you to keep a secret, so naturally everyone is about to find out.
⤷ Solution - Period cramps always leave you feeling miserable, so Miguel offers a solution.
⤷ Tiny Spider - Your daughter has a few questions, and you suspect Miguel might just open a portal to another dimension.
⤷ Another Chance - You go into labour and all you know is that you need Miguel more than ever.
⤷ Broken - You wonder if Miguel is broken beyond repair, because he surely believes that.
⤷ Family - Miguel is a natural when it comes to being a father.
⤷ A Series of Firsts - You and Miguel are ready to become parents and you must now go through a series of firsts together.
⤷ Appreciation - Miguel catches you staring at a very specific part of his body…
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
A Doe in Fall (part 2)
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I have a terrible case of the big bad sads so enjoy part 2 earlier than I planned
⟢HumanAlastor x FemaleBurlesquerReader - A Doe in Fall
Part 1 - Pretty in Red smut💦 Part 2 - Liar smut💦 Part 3 - A Tragedy smut💦 Part 4 - Enough Part 5 - Too Much Part 6 - Learning smut💦 Part 7 - Recognition smut💦
Part 2 Liar
You not-stalk Alastor for weeks but don’t find anything blackmail worthy to grab ahold of. But luckily (?) for you, a chance encounter pulls you deeper into his hobbies and therefore his scope of fascination. Most importantly, do murderers go on dates?
「Warnings/Promises: Smut, HumanAlastor x FemBurlesquerReader, Alastor eats pussy like beignets (MESSY), dancing, shoe stress, murder, dead body, food metaphors, stalking, masturbation, Tommy is a bad dude, allusion to coerced prostitution, praise kink?, public sex acts, stage name is a fucking pun GOTCHU BITCHES, Gluttony」
minors dni please
The nights you didn’t work were spent casually looking for Alastor. Not stalking, just …. pursuing. 
You found over the course of several weeks what places he never attended, and a few that he did like clockwork. As much as you wanted to approach him, you knew you’d end up checkmated again. You just wanted to observe the man, surely you’d see something you could use against him, something tangible.
What was he doing? Knife carrying smooth talker who fingers ladies in the park? There was more to him than you anticipated. That addictive adrenaline rush was calling you to chase him. You’d catch him in the act of whatever men like him did, and—- well, you’d figure it out then. Was he a mugger, maybe? The knife would make sense. But he disposed of bodies so well, a month and no mention of a corpse anywhere. You didn’t want to even touch the thought bubbling up in the back of your skull. It was getting louder and louder, heavier than the other thoughts.
A repeat killer.
You decided, somewhat foolishly, if he was a killer it would be best to know that information. So you needed to continue even if the cards all read death. Right? 
For all his efforts, he hadn’t actually noticed you. While he tended to stay at the back of the room, you were always further back, on the balcony, at the bar. He went about enjoying his nightlife wholly unaware someone was watching. Because of this, he did things that were considered quite dangerous for a woman.
Many nights you found yourself alone in wooded areas. Well, “alone”. 
During your casual stalking you found him to be quite pretty, in a sense. He walked smoothly, always had pressed and tailored suits. Slender fingers, wide shoulders, small waist. Fingers.
Many more nights you buried your face into your pillow and thought about his hands on you, his breath at your ear. His “Shhh.” You couldn’t replicate the feeling. No matter how you tried.
If all else failed, no juicy blackmail available, maybe just endear yourself to him. Bed him. Get the conquest done and let him go on with his little crime spree or whatever it was he was doing when you weren’t watching. Because so far all you’ve seen is a man who loves to dance and enjoys whiskey. 
After another show done, body sore, you did your tour of the theatre. Tommy was snapping his fingers at you from the bar, his attempt to tell you to come over. Every day he seemed to become more and more brutish.
“What can I do for ya?” You tried to keep a bounce in your step, arches aching. 
“I want you to meet someone.” Tommy turned to a small man at the bar, hair thinning and combed forward. You guessed in his sixties. “Give Mr. Wilson a warm welcome. He’s one of your most generous benefactors.”
You nodded, smile slipping as you mind started to consider what was happening. You had heard some girls were taking dates, offering private shows, but you had been under the impression that was entirely of their own free will and desire. Had Tommy turned pimp? Your gaze flashed to Tommy, his stare cold, and then back to the man. “Well, thank you very much doll! Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Wilson.” Tommy saw someone walk by and followed, leaving you with the older man. 
“Your dance was something else, sweetheart.” You nodded, his hand coming to rest on your hip. “I bet those hips do more than dancing.”
Leaning in, you rested your hand on the hand he set on your hip and whispered into his ear, “Touch me again without my permission,” you lifted his tie, a flirtatious move to anyone watching, “And the next time you see this tacky tie, you’ll be shitting it out.” You patted his chest. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”
You pushed through the crowd and out of the front doors of the theatre. The air chillier tonight than past weeks. Looking around, you balled your fists. You wanted to hit something, break something.
Without any destination you tore off down the street, angrily huffing to yourself. You looked both ways to cross the intersection when you saw a familiar silhouette. A car honked, your hands coming up in apology as you finished crossing the street to follow Alastor.
Was your luck miraculous? Or malignant? You made it several blocks before a man stepped in front of you. You weren’t listening, trying to look past him to see where Smiles was headed.
“Will you fuck off?!” You pushed him out the way only to have him pull you back by the arm. Before you could let out your frustration, a stranger walked up to you both. 
“Hands off, move along.” The stranger flashed his identification papers, making the offender leave quickly with his head down. “Miss you need to be careful out here. There’s been people missing from this ward. Pretty thing like you should be home.” 
Your mouth formed various shapes, no words fitting.
“Detective Brady.” He handed you a card.
I don’t want this.
“Sure, thanks.” You snatched it with two fingers and practically jogged away. No sign of him, no indication where Alastor went. Were there any forested areas? He often took strolls in shady parks but you couldn’t remember any nearby. Turning around you realized how far you’d wandered from the fanfare and lights. The area was dark and deserted, not just Alastor but no one was around anymore. You stashed the card in your bra and rushed past an alley, giving up and deciding to just go home, when your ears caught the sound of dragging fabric on pavement.
Ice. Your blood chilled. Taking a few steps backwards, you turned to look into the darkened side street. You saw nothing, but heard a familiar wet sound.
Would it matter? Death?
You lifted your heels, walking on the balls of your feet to not make any sound as you approached the black shadow blanketing the majority of the side street.
A glimpse of brown leather shoes peeked into the light, soon your eyes adjusted as you too entered the inky darkness.
“I don’t care for liars.” Alastor was in front of you before you could even shout from shock. You looked around him to see a crumpled body on the ground and a black car.
“Is there a problem?” His eyes scanned your face, his usual smile no longer so inviting but instead manic and wide. You don’t know what possessed you, the adrenaline was flowing again and drowning out your more sensible thoughts. 
Your eyes were locked on his golden brown stare, “Only… if you’re quite attached to his wallet.”
He burst into laughter, wiping tears with the back of his bloodied glove. A small smear of blood was left behind on his cheek.
“I have no need for it.” He reached down and fished it out of the man’s pocket, “And neither does he!”
You caught it with both hands, “Well doesn’t that make me the lucky lady of the evening.”
“Don’t speak too soon. I’m quite cross with you.” He gestured at you with the knife, “We had a deal.”
In what could best be described as an out of body experience you watched yourself rush to his side and lift the man’s legs, “In the trunk?”
Alastor stared at you, teeth showing as his smile grew, “I’ve seen films less entertaining than you.” A stifled laugh as he lifted the man from under his arms and you both carried him to the car. You dropped the legs with a loud thud, Alastor gently setting the man down and opening the trunk.
A waxed canvas was lining the inside, “Clever.” You hadn’t meant to say it out loud. He hummed happily at the compliment and you sank your teeth into the reaction. Everyone wants something; power, money, sex, praise. Find the right combination and even the toughest hearts would swing open. 
After he tossed the man, the knife, and the gloves into the back, you reached for his hand. “Your wife is going to be miffed. Blood is so difficult to get out of cotton.” You scratched at the bit of blood that had stained his cuff. “Spit works really well. But lemon juice and baking soda before any store bought cleaners will help.”
Alastor took his hand back, adjusting his sleeve to hide the red spot, “Oh she has much bigger issues to deal with.”
Your mind raced. A chauvinist? Abuser? A weight settled into your stomach; disappointment. “Is that so?”
Giggling, he leaned against the bumper, one leg crossing in front of the other, “Considering she doesn’t exist, she’s quite terrible at laundry. And I haven’t eaten a meal in years.” A giggle devolving into a full chest laugh. 
A terrible joke, you smacked his chest, “Cruel! Unfunny!” 
“Perhaps I should eat you?” He leaned close. 
“I hear I’m quite sweet.” You smirked, heart pounding in your chest with such force you were rocking slightly with each pulse.
Alastor felt his blood pressure rising. He should kill you. Just to be safe. But—- oh, this was so fun. You hid any fear you were feeling perfectly. He could be forgiven to think he was staring into a mirror. If he met himself in an alley, well, he would feel quite safe. Perhaps you we’re of a similar inclination?
He watched your throat as you gulped. You licked your thumb and wiped at his cheek, “You always make a mess, hun.”
Alastor felt the world spin as you then dragged your blood stained thumb over your lips, red lipstick smearing with it. “Sweet eno-,” he swallowed your words, hand coming to your neck and pulling you into the kiss. No patience, his tongue swiped over your mouth and plunged in at the smallest parting. 
Your mind was screaming, finally, yes. 
His tongue as soft as his hands rolled over your own, every time your mouths pulled away and drew back together was thinning your frontal cortex. Alastor could taste the faint metallic tinge of the man’s blood on your mouth, and he found his sleeping libido shiver awake. Always a fan of kissing, he now found his mind wandering to other parts of your body, other acts of affection, as he felt you’d call them.
No time. He pulled away, “Against the wall.”
You practically threw yourself into the bricks. Alastor pulled a gas tin from the trunk and began dousing the street. You frowned, body relaxing.
“You’re taking the food metaphor too far. Fire? Really?” You took a second to realize there was no odor.
A laugh in threes, “Water, dear.” You watched the blood thin and begin snaking down to the gutter. He set the can in the trunk and closed the hatch. After opening the drivers door he turned to you, “Do you trust me to drive you home?”
“Honestly, no.”
“That’s why I like you,” a wink. “Wear comfortable shoes tomorrow.” He flashed a smile, pushing his glasses up. Before you could question him he  hopped into the car and drove off out of the back of the side street.
Alastor found himself singing a little louder as he drove home. A thrilling evening becoming somehow more exciting. He realized that always seemed to happen when you stumbled into his plans. Still annoyed you had followed him, his thoughts shifted to possibilities. A kindred spirit could make things easier. More fun. Safer. But who were you? Much like himself you wore a mask. He could see it clearly as it always began to slip in his presence. 
He pulled his car behind his home, backed up against a large greenhouse. Still in the idling vehicle, his fingers came to his lips. What a peculiar creature you were. Killing the lights and letting his eyes adjust to the darkness, he considered what to do. The possibilities kept coming in waves. But he stopped himself, never one to live in fantasy. Helping toss a dead man into a car wasn’t the same as killing. Yes, you showed no outward concerns, but he couldn’t be sure you wouldn’t turn tail the second things got more intense. 
He always took his time, sensing out those who were good candidates. The abhorrent, the abusers, the cruel. There was something so satisfying, deep in his gut, to watch a person with power over others cower in fear. The same eyes that relished in the pain they gave to those under their thumb shaking in realization the were now the prey. Begging for mercy they didn’t afford others. Alastor sighed. He remembered your pained sob in the park, frustration and disappointment at his lack of reaction. Eyes fluttering closed, if you had gotten in the car you’d not be disappointed in him now. 
A deeper sigh. But you didn’t. Which was wise. He thought better of you for it. Opening his eyes and leaving the car, he went to the trunk to begin his work.
You couldn’t sleep. Not because of the dead man, you were getting used to that. It was the lack of information. Comfortable shoes? For what? He didn’t give you a time or place to meet.
Tomorrow was Sunday, you realized. Ah, the bar. That was the only place that would make sense. 
Sundays were big nights for your theatre, but you weren’t needed unless a girl was sick. You simply weren’t at that level of fame for your little company and this was fine for you suddenly. You spent your Sunday pacing your small one room apartment and changing shoes.
What did Alastor have planned? With the little you knew about him it a could be a capital crime or a walk in the park. You genuinely couldn’t imagine and it was exciting. A normal man asking you—- was this a date? Was it presumptive to call it a date? You couldn’t quite see Alastor dating. You let the question go. Most men would take you for a movie and perhaps a chaste kiss at the door of a cab. With Alastor it could be literally anything. How do you dress for anything? 
Your friend teased you, arriving early to her bar and chewing on your lip. 
“So, either you suddenly wanna look nice for my dive, or you’re expecting someone.” She was wiping down the counter.
“I adore your customers, Betty.” You hopped from the seat, needing to reapply your lipstick.
Your singing voice was strained, nerves keeping you tense. Looking into the modest crowd you couldn’t find him. A cornflower yellow dress, a little too tight around your waist but you didn’t let that stop you. The collar a loose and folding slit from shoulder to shoulder, you were positively cute, he decided. Leaning at the bar he couldn’t see your face, but under the small lights you were glowing nonetheless. A little ball of pride rose in his gut, noticing you clearly had put more care into your appearance tonight than most Sundays. 
Truth was he had enjoyed a whiskey and your songs for several months now, always at the seat closest to the door, out of sight and out of mind. His favorite of your casual dive bar digs were the trousers you occasionally wore. You looked so sharp.
When your set was done, you tried to be gracious as you left the piano’s side. Alastor watched you from his seat, letting your face light up once again when you recognized him. He gave a noticeable look to your shoes. 
“Those will do.” 
“Do what?” 
“You,” he leaned against the bar, “owe me a drink. And alcohol always pairs well with dance.”
Maybe a date, you thought. You offered him your arm, “Lead the way.”
As you walked, arm in arm, you found yourself not needing to speak much. His arm was so solid in yours. You felt like everyone was looking, the handsome man and the pretty young thing. Did you two look sweet? Like the cleanest cut kids in the neighborhood? Did you look like the kind of people who sat in pews once a week and clasped hands over dinner?
Did you look like the sort to toss bodies in cars? No, decidedly not. And it made you feel powerful. What a perfect act. The feeling of looking nothing like what you were was akin to the addicting rush of your cat and mouse game with most men. 
“Do you like those group dances? Like the Big Apple?” Alastor asked as he opened the doors for you. 
“Not particularly…”
“Perfect, neither do I.” He laughed. 
A small table in a small nook of a booth lining the small dance floor. You clinked your glasses together, no toast necessary, and watched the couples swing around the room. As the 20’s were fading from the rear view, you all hoped dance would be less stigmatized. But part of the fun was how scandalous it was. 
“How was your day? Made it home safe and sound?” Alastor crossed his legs and leaned into the plush booth seat. 
Oh, this was going to be… normal? You choked a little on your drink, surprised. “Honestly?”
“I sat in my apartment changing my shoes repeatedly.”
Alastor’s laugh was loud and sharp, but you didn’t find it obnoxious. You liked it.
“That wasn’t my intention. I just didn’t want to risk you being unable to dance.”
You rolled your eyes, taking a slow sip with your gaze on the dancers, “Ya know how to avoid that? Tell me to wear shoes for dancing.”
A snicker, “Perhaps I’m not quite as skilled with talking to women as I like to think.”
“Then talk to me like a man.” Your glass made a thud as it hit the table. Alastor’s eyes widened as they always did when you said something wildly amusing to him.
“Hmm, I don’t talk much to men.” He thought, “Not for long conversations, that is.” Your mind conjured up the two dead men. “I never asked your name. Is it too late now?”
“You saw it on the posters. Autumn.”
Alastor smirked, “Autumn Hind is not your real name. That is clearly a stage name.”
Swirling your drink in its crystal, you smiled, “It’s a good one though, you have to admit.” His brow cocked, not understanding. “Hind, a doe. And what do does do in the fall?” Your own brows rose suggestively. 
Alastor hit the table, “A deer pun?! Oh darling, we’re going to be fast friends.” He offered you his glass for another wordless toast.
“I thought it was pretty funny, for a burlesque dancer no less. A horny little deer prancing on stage. Better than Allie Way and Frosti Winters.” You grinned into the glass, proud of yourself.
You could see Alastor physically relax beside you, dancers moving about in front of you both. 
“And yours? Your day, that is.”
He hummed, “I slept late, stayed up late. Took care of our newly penniless friend.” 
You wanted to ask more, what did you do with him? Can I come next time? Is there a pool of gators somewhere eating well today?
He leaned in to you, “May I have this dance?”
Your smile was uncontained, all desire to control your outward appearance was lost in the fun of dancing with your newest partner. Was there anyone else in the room with you anymore? Who knows. The music kept playing and that was all you needed. 
Alastor was a marvelous dancer,  you noticed other women glancing his way, eye lashes fluttering but ignored as he focused on the movements. This was how you managed to not-stalk him so well, he was completely unaware of the interested gazes of those around him.
While he didn’t notice the individual stares, Alastor could feel the attention on him and it made his chest puff. He loved it, how he could feed an image to the masses and be seen as he saw fit. It was something you both had in common, even if neither of you had strong enough egos to vocalize it yet.
When the music wound down, a slow number for the lovers, you hadn’t expected Alastor to stay on the dance floor. A slow dance, one arm on your hip, hand in hand. 
Now close, you felt you could speak without risk of others eavesdropping. 
“Why did you invite me out? I have a distinct memory of you saying you had very little affection or time.” You were shorter than him, your shoes not very tall, so you had to speak up and at his neck.
“A man who says he has no time is a man unwilling to make any.” Alastor led you in a small sway along the floor.
“Oh so you just didn’t see me worth the effort before.” You said it half teasingly, half seriously.
He looked down now, eyes meeting yours again, “That was before I knew how entertaining you could be.”
You pouted, entertaining was not the word you wanted to hear. Enthralling, Enchanting, Endearing. 
“There’s that face again. What ever could it mean.” Alastor’s head cocked to the side.
“I’m entertaining at work. You don’t need to take me out to enjoy my entertainment value.” 
He laughed again, making you glare, “Darling, being entertaining is high praise. And you’re not entertaining at work. You’re bewitching.” He pulled you a little closer, “The way you make those men act a fool. Truly a sight. You wield a power many women just dabble in.”
You shimmied a little against his chest, “Well if we’re giving out compliments…” you remembered the satisfying hum from last night, “The canvas was clever, but the water in the cans was brilliant. Nothing suspicious about a little petrol in the trunk.”
His grin widened. “And your precision. One cut and that brute was down. It was remarkable.” The hand holding your waist began to tighten. It egged you on, whether he intended it to or not, “I can appreciate the way you carry yourself.” Your freehand ran across his vest, suit jacket left at the table, “I wish I could see more.”
Your chest pressed against his, trapping your hand. “Ooh, you are observant, little one. Why did you agree to come out? Still chasing my,” his hips pressed against yours, hand sliding down slightly to hold you close, “affection?”
Fingers playing with his buttons, “Hmm, debilitating fascination and your affection. Do you have any to spare?” You smiled sweetly up at him.
Your mouths were on each other before the bathroom door closed behind you. Alastor locking it without looking, one hand staying on your neck. The small room was just a single toilet and a bathroom cabinet with a built in sink. Little tulip shaped light sconces above the mirror made the room brighter than the dance hall. Your nails lightly grazed his scalp, him humming in return. His body was pressing yours against the wall, despite his thin frame he had a power to him. Hands on your hips, holding you firmly in place. Your hips tried to roll against his anyway.
“Is it praise? I’ll sing your song until I’m blue in the face, until my lungs give out just tell me what you need.” You whined. 
His head shook softly, thumb pulling down on your chin to open your mouth. “It isn’t that simple. It’s not something you can say.” 
His tongue swiped over your own, neither in your mouths. He tasted like whiskey, bitter and fragrant. Your eyes fluttered shut, feeling his body against yours. You were vibrating; the way you always did when he was near you.
Kissing, tongues, body presses.  You were tangled together.
“This isn't… doing anything?” You asked, his lips coming to your neck. Sighing, your hand gripped his hair weakly. “That feels good.”
He shook his head into your skin, “I don’t see any desire to carry it further. But I enjoy it for what it is. And you seem to enjoy it. Is that enough for you?”
You wanted to scream, to argue, but as he pulled away and you stared up into his sharp honey brown eyes, you felt helpless to deny him anything. Did you need sex? Really? It’d been three months now without it and you were only recently clawing at the sheets with thoughts of Alastor. Being in his mouth was better than being strangers. Sliding fingers back into his hair and drawing him closer, your leg came up and hooked on his hip.
Alastor pulled you both from the wall and turned you, pressing your body into the sink. You were staring at your reflection, Alastor’s eyes meeting yours in the mirror, “I’m happy to do many things for you… just not exactly what you’re asking for; not right now. Not in this tiny dance hall bathroom.” 
His hand snaked up your chest and lightly held your neck, you fought back a moan.
“Well, if it’s good enough for your wife….” 
He laughed into your skin, other hand slipping down the front of your dress and cupping your crotch. “I’ve heard no complaints.” The way he anchored you, arms twisted and firm around such vital parts of you, made your whole body relax into his arms. A parachute safely secured around you as you fell. Mouth to your ear, hot and warm breath, “Turn around.”
Head spinning, you turned in his arms. Alastor lifted you up and onto the countertop of the sink, lips crashing back into yours.
The sound of music shook the thin walls of the room, heart erratic in your chest. His fingers slid up both thighs slowly, a familiar feeling for you now. His hands your favorite dance partner. 
His eyes didn’t leave yours as he dropped to his knees, your legs closing in embarrassment before he slid his hands between them. 
“Did you ask for more affection, dear?” He pushed your dress up around your waist, two fingers pulling the fabric of your panties to the side. You wanted to rip them off, damning your garters. You felt feverish as you watched him bury his face into your pussy. Your wetness was evident by how easily he glided through your folds. One hand gripped the counter, the other combing through his chestnut hair. Alastor kept his eyes on you, reading your face as he moved his tongue over your heat.
Mind racing for something clever to say, you opened your mouth but just gasped out his name as he sucked gently at your clit. One of your short heeled shoes you stressed over fell off as your knees came up around his head.
You were confident you made the right answer. With the music thumping along you didn’t feel any need to keep yourself quiet.
Your breathy moans and little hip rolls into his mouth made Alastor smile against your skin. He had learned many ways to keep people satiated. 
With a struggle, you opened your legs again allowing his tongue to drop down and into you. Nose rutting against your sensitive clit with every movement of his tongue in and out. 
A pounding on the door made you jump. 
“People are waiting!” Someone yelled.
Alastor pushed his tongue deeper, wriggling up and down against your twitching walls. Your head fell forward, “Alastor-,” you choked.
He buried his nose into your muff, eyes closing.
The door knob rattled, “Hello!”
So warm. Your body was so warm on his face. Your smell was making him feel feral. Gluttony. The way you were twitching and heaving under his tongue, groaning his name. Had he ever felt so powerful while on his knees? Had he ever enjoyed someone else’s body in such a bloodless way? No. Decidedly not.
“We’re gonna get the key!” The man at the door said.
“Okay, okay, affection received.” You patted his head, pushing him away by his forehead. “Don’t need to end the night in a paddy wagon.”
Alastor’s tongue was still out, eyes glossy as he looked up at you.
For the briefest second you considered wrapping your thighs back around his head and waiting for the key.
You hopped off, grabbing your shoe and leaning to get it back on. Crouching down you kissed Alastor’s nose and wiped his chin clean with your handkerchief before pushing it into his shirt pocket. “Up, up!” Hand in hand you barreled out of the door before the staff could see you and rushed to the furthest corner of the hall.
When you stopped and looked back you saw a staff member looking around annoyed, a man putting his hands up and entering the bathroom with a huff.
Before you could say anything, compliment or scolding, a woman was in front of Alastor. Your hand slid from his naturally. 
“I am so sorry. Are you the host of that jazz show?” The woman had her hands in front of her, nervously twisting the handle of her purse, “Sorry if you’re not! You just look like the description, tall… handsome… cute glasses.”
You turned around, partly acting like you didn’t know him at all and partly hiding the way your face twisted. Unsure what exactly you two were doing, you didn’t want to create hassle for either of you.  Alastor laughed, “The very same! Alastor, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” With your back turned you couldn’t see the woman’s face, but she made a barely audible squeak. 
While you were eavesdropping, a man offered you his arm. Your hand slipped to Alastor’s back, giving him a touch as you slid into the strangers arms for a dance.
He turned around to see you hit the floor and smiled, returning to the fan before him. After a few more compliments about his voice and his appearance, the woman shrunk a little, “Are you free tonight? I don’t have an escort home…”
A hum, soft smile, “Ah, I would love to see a fan safely home. But, alas, I am here with someone.”
What an easy excuse. It was nice to not need to lie.
“I see…. Oh, uh, your glasses… here, they’re a little smudged,” she offered him her handkerchief but he declined, pulling yours from his pocket.
“Danced too hard?” She chuckled, trying to elongate the conversation.
Alastor hummed, fogging the glasses before wiping them clear. “Eating, actually.”
“Oh you’re a messy eater, huh?”
“So I’ve been told.” He folded the square into a triangle and returned it to his pocket.
“What a… delicate handkerchief.” She looked at the soft yellow fabric and saw your yellow dress twirling behind him. “Ah. Well….It was a pleasure to meet you.” The woman sheepishly excused herself, letting him watch you dance around the floor with the stranger.
He’d never so explicitly told anyone his proclivities as he had done with you. Growing up he learned quickly his interests misaligned with other young men, but he didn’t really understand it well enough until he entered his early 20s and had to learn skills his peers didn’t. A man can only turn down so many offers for sex before people begin to question him. Certain rumors could be downright dangerous. 
Your eyes kept returning to him, your smile meeting you eyes as you twirled. 
While he had bed a number of partners, it was more often than not the result of physical reactions and what felt like necessity. The few times he genuinely felt he could enjoy in indulging in carnal pleasures he found himself utterly alone. He enjoyed dating, necking, kissing, but he could only keep some people so happy for so long. Quite a few women assumed marriage would solve the issue, and pushed him. Which made the inevitable break up easier. 
His reputation was that of a rake now. The popular host who rarely dates but often canoodles.
He laughed to himself, if rumors spread of his recent antics with you he’d be practically blacklisted from certain clubs. Alastor watched you graciously leave your dance partner and hop up to him. If he were any other man, you’d throw your arms around him and make him swoon for you. But he was Alastor. Your confusingly respectful killer. So you stopped yourself, instead offering him a smile.
“I wasn’t aware you were a radio host.”
“You never did ask my job.” You both walked back to the table where his jacket was lying in the booth seat.
“Honestly did not care. Which is unusual for me. Normally my first question to men is what they do for work.” You tried to avoid looking at the bathroom before settling back into your seat beside him.
He lifted his hand and gestured for another round, “Should I be flattered or insulted?”
“Oh definitely flattered. There were much more interesting aspects to you.” There was a little space between you, a foot or so of emptiness. 
You scooted closer, Alastor glancing to you before shifting his legs and closing the last few inches of distance. Thigh touching thigh, you sat silently while your drinks were poured and brought to your table. 
“To sinning,” you offered a real toast, Alastor laughing his signature laugh and raising his glass.
“To sinning!”
His hand came to rest on yours, both settled on your lap under the table. Your cheeks were hurting, desperately trying to keep your smile looking demure and not stupid-school-girl-in-love. His fingers folded into yours, and you entirely lost the plot, face melting into a lovesick grin.
Alastor leaned into you, “Are you alright? Liquor already gone to your head?”
You squeezed his hand, “Different kind of intoxication, doll.”
The evening was, in a word, divine. You danced with reckless abandon and enjoyed various degrees of affection. You were surprised to see Alastor so open, you had pegged him as less wanting to draw attention to himself. But no, he clearly relished in making heads turn.
He offered you a ride, and this time you took it. You didn’t live far, you just wanted a little more time. When he stopped the car, you jokingly turned around and looked into the trunk. 
“We’re very alone.” You mused. He hummed an agreement, getting out of the car and opening your door.  “Wow and a gentleman.”
“A testament to my mother. If you’re comfortable, give me a wave from the window when you get in.” He closed your door behind you. 
“I don’t mind if you know where I live, you’ll have easier opportunities to kill me, I’m sure of it.” Placing two hands on his chest, you leaned up, “Is a good night kiss too forward?”
Alastor stifled a laugh, “Quite! My image of you is shattered.” before leaning down to meet your lips.
When in the apartment you turned on a light and went straight to the window. Leaning against his car with both hands in his pockets, Alastor was smiling up at you. With a wave from you, he got back into his car and left.
To say you were on cloud nine would be an understatement. Clouds couldn’t carry the weight of your joy. You’d fall to the ground like lead, regardless of the cloud classification. And with that feeling you went to bed smiling, unaware of the dark catalyst barreling towards you.
∰ Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult (general tag list):
@cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , @tsunaki , @janchei , @wettiny-in-smutland , @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @pansexual-opera-house , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog , @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum ,
@ivebeenthearchersstuffn, @rubyninja1 , @simphornies , @alleystore , @readergirlstuff , @berry-demon , @chirimeimei , @fairyv-ice , @olive-frog , @thonethatflies620 , @tiredkiwiii , @ilikemyteawithmilk , @whateverlololo , @psipies , @howabouticallyou , @roxxie-wolf , @ive-no-idea-what-to-call-this , @fizzled-phoenix , @fjorjestertealeaf , @phobophobular , @surusurusuru , @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 , @whateverlololo , @simplyonehellofanotaku , @xixflower , @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it , @roxxie-wolf , @a-case-of-attachment , @multifandomfanatic02 , @watereddownmilk , @raynerrold , @crazii-saber-wolf , @valkyrie-expeditions , @bontensbabygirl , @sillyb0nez , @oo0lady-mad0oo , @jazzmasternot , @pseudobun , @fraugwinska✨, @alitaar , @straows , @alastorssimp , @angelicwillows
ADIF @multifandomfanatic02 ,
🏹Alastor stalkers: @celestial-vomit , @amurtan ,@valkyrie-expeditions
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tategaminu · 2 months
SOOO the title for 05X6 dropped and I'm going feral
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Be prepared to hear my long ass theory about this episode and why it will be the rayllum fully gets back together episode (I'm annoying)
Of course we already know season 6 will mirror S3 or at least that's what it looks like. "Moonless Night" is episode 5‚ the same one when Callum and Rayla first got together‚ just as 4 had the title of the place they reach. (The Midnight Desert‚ The Starcrapper)
I have to add‚ just as season 3 had Nyx‚ there's this sky girl called Astrid who may act as the Nyx parallel‚ who knows.
I don't use Discord but my info provider (hello there) told me Devon said episode five would be emotionally heavy and a favourite. A person said ep2 of season 5 were their favourite because the cute rayllum moments and Devon said "until 5 of 6" 🧐
Aparently, it was confirmed by writers this episode would DESTROY people KILL EVEN, well maybe not that but you get me. We know how emotional these two blorbos are for each other right? and we for them. In Discord, a person said ep2 of season 5 were their favourite because the cute rayllum moments and Devon said "until 5 of 6" 🧐
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Now let's go to the juicy part. The title. This title is absolutely loaded. like wth. We all know whose favourite girl is related to the moon right? of course we are worried. But I think she's gonna be ok, in the end at least, let me explain.
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Of course I'm asuming this scene from the teaser may be from episode 5. We see Callum falling in a moonless night but I'm guessing the title isn't that literal. I think Callum is falling emotionally and literally just as he has before for Rayla. He fell in love with her‚ he fell off a cliff for her and then fell emotionally when she left. The sky he is in is dark‚ no moon‚ representing his own mental state without Rayla. Rayla left him at night just as Callum is falling in the night (omg)
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Callum had a moonless night every day for two years because his guiding moon wasn't in his life. I think they may talk about it or it will affect Callum in this episode some way.
Note that the teaser opens with this scene, next we have Aaravos saying "we are all of us, stardust, held together by love for an instant"
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(wow subtle foreshadowing you guys)
and the teaser ends with Callum losing his love wings. The wings he got for her. Basically opening with a rayllum scene and closing with a "rayllum" scene ya know
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In Chasing Shadows Rayla specifically mentions the stars in his eyes‚ when he does the big speech:
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Now‚ what do I think will happen?
EP3: They visit the Silvergroove? just like in ep 3x3. Maybe visit Ethari? "heeey your husband is alive ok bye". My own guess is that they will get the boat from the leaked scene there since there are moon animals in that thing and reach the frozen ship with that.
Ep4: they reach destination and meet the sky elves, Astrid included, with no hiccups. ba dum tss
Ep5: Basically 05x3 but different and sexier
Whatever Callum is about to do I highly doubt Rayla will agree with it because you know how they are (me getting hurt is ok but not you). He convinces her like he did in TTM‚
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But this time Rayla is the one to say it
I think that even if Callum promises he will be ok‚ he will have a "I want you to know" moment again and that may lead to talking about her leaving. This may derive into a kinda argument. Callum and Rayla can't continue their talk because they get interrumped (once again) but the memories of a broken heart and feelings affects him badly. He's just emotionally distraught and loses his love wings because whatever. I doubt Rayla isn't seeing any of this, you know how she is. She didn't spend 7 hours watching him sleep to actually not watch this like c'mon
This time Rayla may be the one saving Callum from falling (literally and metaphorically). Now yeah Rayla can't fly but maybeeee
A: she calls out for his name, "waking" him up
B: she just jumps (im going for this one) like Callum did for her. She jumps, not knowing if it's going to work, wakes him up after catching him‚ Callum is able to get his wings back and fly them both into safety, Callum gets his love wings again for her but this time she's being the savior (in the most part). Maybe even completing whatever mission they ask as well. TOGETHER.
After this we may get a Rayla is a hero speech or this time Callum is a hero speech, I don't know‚ I think it would be more fitting if it's from Callum and the hero Callum speech is from Rayla to her parents. Whateve, they finally have their three sesaon dragged conversation and they both kiss like in S3 but maybe reversed this time (Rayla kissing first and apologizing and Callum kissing her next) and they fully come back together :'). I dont think we will get an I love you until ep 9 but we won't really need it here right? we already know!
The episode ends with them kissing under the moon. Moonless Night ending with with a moon night (metaforically and literally)
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Now‚ this is just my own guess and it sounds very very self-indulgent (heh) but a girl can dream
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Ranking The Rookie's season finales
I tried to be fairly objective, but yeah, that didn't really happen. Oh well, here we go!
6) SEASON 2 (The Hunt): When this first aired, it felt like huge stakes and was so stressful, but now, it just doesn't hit as well. I hate Armstrong was a dirty cop. Nolan was just acting dumb in this ep (shocker, I know). 😂 I didn't like Tim's sudden change of heart to make things work long-distance with Rachel, although we all know how that worked out. So yeah, it goes in last place.
5) SEASON 1 (Free Fall): They definitely weren't going as big with the finales yet, although this is a great Chenford episode, and there was a little cliffhanger with whether Tim would be ok. I wasn't as invested with the show yet when this aired. Tim was still my least fave character at the time, and I almost didn't come back for S2. I'm so glad I did, though!
4) SEASON 6 (Escape Plan): I might feel differently over time ranking it here, but for now, this is where it lands. It was...good, I guess. The truck scene was *chef's kiss*. But SO MANY VILLAINS. I couldn't keep up because every two minutes there was a new name or new character. I still don't know how it ties back to the beginning of S6. 🤷‍♀️ And while I never expected Chenford to get back together here, I'm still sad they're broken up in the first place. The elevator scene was sort of hopeful, but I think we deserved a little bit more.
3) SEASON 4 (Day in the Hole): If it wasn't for the insanely boring Nolan desert plot that went on FOREVER, this one would be higher. Because the Dim & Juicy doppelganger plot was the most delightfully unhinged story they've created, and it was so much fun. And our very first Chenford kiss! That kiss saved my summer that year. I had butterflies for weeks, and was just so giddy.
2) SEASON 3 (Threshold): This is how you do a season finale. I love this ep so much. Lots of high stakes. I loved the flirting scene. And even though I've never been crazy about Lucy being UC, she does an incredible job throughout the ep. I love Tim being Man of Honor and trying to save Angela's wedding. And of course, SAVE ME A DANCE. GEEZ, that scene is everything. 🫠 Then Angela being kidnapped at the end as the cliffhanger. I literally threw a pillow at the tv when this ep ended because those last few minutes were just SO MUCH.
1) SEASON 5 (Under Siege): This one has the highest stakes out of any of the finales, and a huge cliffhanger. So many scary moments for the squad, especially not knowing if Aaron would be ok. Tim and Lucy's hug was beautiful, as all of theirs are, and their fight scene was incredible. "I'm happy it's you at my six." ❤️ This finale just feels the most cohesive, and it works really well.
I'd love to know your rankings, too!
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sparklingsora · 4 months
For the Vee-Swap AU, how does the Vee polycule develop? The polyvee shippers (me) need to know!!
HEHE OK OK SO putting it under cut bc it ended up longer than i anticipated LOL
as you already know, velvox is the established relationship in this au. and as i believe i mentioned before, velvette and val are sinstagram mutuals, it's how val finds out about the hotel. on val's part, falling for velvette isn't really a surprise to him - back when they just knew each other through social media, he already found her attractive, admired her work and they got along well, so all that turning into a full-on crush when he gets to know her better isn't very shocking. his relationship with vox is where it gets interesting, because it starts out rocky. i mentioned before that vox can tell that val's putting on an act. but because vox obv can't relate to val's situation, val just sees it as vox pitying him and refuses his help. a turning point comes in ep 4 - in the swap au, it actually starts raining during loser baby, which results in val getting sick. vox helps him out and they have a tender moment, maybe a little heart-to-heart (its hard to just describe, i will make a comic/ficlet of it at one point so you'll see :3). their relationship starts getting better from that point on, and soon enough val finds himself falling for vox. (it's funny, really - ep 4 in the swap au leads to the bettering of a grand total of 3 relationships: al & val's, vox & val's and indirectly al & vox's. load bearing episode LOL) on vox and velvette's part, well. val is a douche at the start of the story, much like canon!angel, but vox and velvette can both tell that there's a heart of gold in there somewhere. vox because of the aformentioned seeing through val's facade, and velvette because she, in fact, wasn't mutuals with val's official account, but with his art account, where he keeps his identity hidden. he shows his softer side a lot more on there, and so that's mainly the side of him that velvette knew (so now imagine the whiplash when she actually meets him in person and he's an obnoxious jerk LOL) (i dont know if valentino being an artist is actually canon - i read it on the fandom wiki and fandom wikis cant rly be trusted LOL but in any case if its not canon then its a neat hc that i incorporated into swap!val's character) but anyway yeah, vox and velvette both start falling for val as he slowly becomes more true to himself and starts showing that soft side more. eventually the two of them talk about it um. somewhere around ep 6 i think? maybe? somewhere between eps 6 and 7? something like that. anyway. there we get some juicy conflict - they agree that theyre both in love with val and wanna give the whole polyamory thing a try if he's up for it, but while velvette wants to confess as soon as possible (she's scared that one of them might die in the battle), vox wants to wait until after the battle, because the stress levels are high in the hotel right now, and he doesn't want val to feel pressured. during the last night before the battle, in a scene vaguely equivalent to more than anything (reprise), they make up, velvette admits that vox is right, and they decide to confess to val after the extermination. and then yeah they do that (it's one of the 2 things that i'm sure i want to happen at the beginning of season 2), val is like "HELL YEAH I WANNA BE IN A POLYCULE WITH YOU GUYS" and they're a polycule and its awesome :3
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roguishcat · 3 months
BG3 Fanfiction Masterlist
Mostly Astarion x female Tav or Astarion x my OC, although other characters do make appearances.
Conversations with a vampire
Summary: Astarion's eyes shot open and he scowled at the child crouched near him. This had to a trick. Because there was no way that a child dressed like a noble would be in a back alley behind the Flophouse at this time at night offering him salvation in the form of a potion of superior healing.
Rating: Teen. Mild language, mentions of abuse in later chapters, canon compliant violence.
Setting: Set before the events of the game.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Art - chapter 5
Chasing perfection
Chasing perfection is not only impractical but mostly unattainable. Instead of boosting our achievements, it shrinks them. Why? Because when we aim too high, "failure" becomes the norm, chipping away at our self-confidence bit by bit. But then again, maybe perfection is overrated.
Rating: Mature. Mentions of abuse, violence, mature themes. Chapters with smut will be marked red.
Pairing: Astarion/(Fem)Tav
Setting: Act 1 and Act 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Honeycomb - Pairing:Astarion x female Tav. Set in the beggining of Act II. Astarion had a brilliant, fool-proof plan. And nothing, especially not a piece of honeycomb, would get in the way.
Yours, if you'll have me - Pairing: Astarion x female Tav. Set in Act II. Astarion found the letter on the ground between his tent and Gale’s earlier this morning. Not thinking much of it, Astarion swiped it, hoping to get a piece of juicy gossip. Gale having a secret admirer, how fun! He didn’t realise that the contents were meant for him. And from their leader, no less!
Brunch - Pairing:Astarion x female Tav. AU two-shot (no Cazador, elf Astarion). Another, better emotionally equipped male would probably just ask Tav out. Like on an actual proper date at a nice venue rather than sticking to their monthly meeting for brunch as a pathetic excuse for spending time with her. But that was the crux of the problem. Astarion had absolutely zero clue as to how to be in a relationship.
Headcanons and Drabbles
Batstarion Week 2024 - Day 1 - Falling asleep in unusual places
Batstarion Week 2024 -Day 2 - Cuteness aggression
Batstarion Week 2024 - Day 3 - High fashion
Batstarion Week 2024 - Day 4 - Cameo with another character
Batstarion Week 2024 - Day 5 - Feeding your Batstarion
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Masterlist (Not for minors)
- Heeseung-
My Girlfriends Roommate / MGR (1st arc of series) Chapter 1 - Mmkay Chapter 2 - Oooooookaaaaay Chapter 3 - Getting there Chapter 4 - Almost Chapter 5 -Oh damn Chapter 6 - ........ Chapter 7 - Here we go Chapter 8 - Omg theres fluff Chapter 9 - Fluff, fluff, fluff, and fluff. Chapter 10 - OMFG Its finally happening!!! 18+ Only Chapter 11 - ...THE HELL!?!! O...M...G 18+ Only Chapter 12 - DAFUQ!!!? ERMAHGAWD!! JDASHWGEI!!!!! 18+ Only --End-
Vicky's Roommate
Knowing me, Knowing you Part 1
Knowing me, Knowing you Part 2
Its not enough Part 1
Its not enough Part 2
Wont you say my name?
!!!!!!!!Netflix and Chill SMAU should be the very last smau to read after reading all the other smaus (to include in MRE and HHP) because the references in it will be too confusing. I highly recommending reading MGR at the very least before reading this SMAU as well. it's very sentimental and also..there's tension that hits deep that can only be felt once you read MGR. Enjoy.
Netflix and Chill Part 1 - Read after all SMAUS in all arcs first and MGR
Netflix and Chill Part 2 -Read after all SMAUS in all arcs first and MGR
Netflix and Chill Part 3 - Read after all SMAUS in all arcs first and MGR
My Roommates Ex / MRE (Sequel to MGR, 2nd arc of the same series/universe)
Chapter 1 - Oooooh the fluff be strong in this chapter
Chapter 2 - Drama, drama, drama.
Chapter 3 - Let the juiciness commence. 18+ only.
Chapter 4 - This made y'all go crazy a little bit, huh?
Chapter 5 - Don't say I didn't warn you. Let me know what you guys think of this chapter, its one of my favorites actually. (18+ only)
Chapter 6 - Let me know what you guys think of this one. This is the last chapter for this arc, working on the third arc of the same series as we speak along with MT. (18+ Only)
Olive Juice Part 1
Olive Juice Part 2
Say it again and move with me
What is "it" ??
Send me a selfie or else...
I worship you.
Why are you not answering?
I need you
You really wanna know?
One and Only...
Give and take back
Unknown Number
Group Chat Part 1
Group Chat Part 2
Car Door
His and Her Perspectives / HHP (Sequel to MGR/MRE, 3rd arc of the same series/universe)
Chapter 1 - Yay first chapter! (18+ Only)
Chapter 2 - Heeseung/Ethan POV on you, omg such a beautiful chapter. (18+ only)
Chapter 3 - Just another day in the life of you and MGR/MRE/HHP Heeseung. Only for those that are 18+ older. Adults, enjoy!
Chapter 4 - Enter beotch Tiff, you guys aren't going to like her at all and she is based off of a very unpleasant person that was rude to a friend of mine back in HS. so yeah. 18+ only for this chapter so minors, pass over on this one pls.
Chapter 5 Part(s) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. - sorry this is divided into so many parts, tumblr was acting up and would not let me paste anything beyond 1k words at a time for some reason.
Chapter 6 Part(s) 1 , 2, 3, 4,
Chapter 7 -
Chapter 8 -
Chapter 9 -
Chapter 10 Part(s) 1, 2, 3
Chapter 11 Part(s) 1 , 2 , 3, 4 OMG......This chapter i swear to God.
Chapter 12 Part(s) 1, 2 .....aaaah...redemption.
Chapter 13 Part(s) 1 , 2, 3. (Part is adult rated MDNI)
Chapter 14 Part(s) 1, 2, 3. - PLEASE understand that this is a very dark and twisted chapter. Heethan is PISSED and he's not in the right mind and shit just got real. but read the warnings bc Eden even gets back at Tiff....in a very brutal way. (recall her warning to her in earlier chapter when Tiff tried to confront her in the campus building) so please read at your own risk (it's still a good read)
Come rain or shine
Vegan Food
Good at acting :P
The Sun and the Flower
Ethan's hungry
Feeling a little lonely
Blood and Carnage
MGR/MRE/HHP One shots
Halloween Part 1
Halloween Part 2 - coming soon
Jealous - coming soon
Shark Week
Mermaids Tale (New series)
Chapter 1 - Slay! You are the Daughter of the Seven Seas
Chapter 2 - Whoo hoo! Chapter 2! I really like this story guys.
Chapter 3 - Yay its finally here! there's alot to this chapter, please feel free to send anon asks or message me if you need me to explain because alot of historical (made up, mythological) references are in this one.
Chapter 4 - Coming 05/31
You're a fan. I'm a fan. - One shot (maybe a couple chapters long) but is going to be good. Smut writers, this one is for you guys. (hintity hint hint)
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st4rb3rries · 1 year
hiii love your writing ❤️ !! can I request hcs of the main 4’s music tastes? + maybe who’s likely to do things like make a playlist for someone?
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pairings; none!
summary; music taste hc's that i thought of
warnings; slight cussing, kanye west
a/n; HIII AND TYYY THIS WAS FUN TO WRITE HOPE U LIKE IT:3 i tried my best sorrry if this isn't accurate!!!
first off stan would most likely make a dedicated playlist for both of you guys!! i hc that he listens to current joys, radiohead, weezer, and the weeknd. maybe even some tv girl and childish gambino!! HE ALSO LISTENS TO ALSO SWEET TRIP!!! his music taste is a mix of sad indie and maybe r&b. he definitely listens to the weeknd when he's practicing his rizz. (just like me fr) you introduced him into childish gambino and the weeknd and bro was in another dimension. he hasn't stopped listening to them since. here's an idea of y'alls playlist ↴ (obviously there's more songs)
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kids - current joys 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 4:29
me and your mama - childish gambino 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 6:19
i just threw up the love of my dreams - weezer 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 2:37
song about me - tv girl 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 4:03
how to disappear completely - radiohead 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 5:56
the hills - the weekend 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 4:03
acting - sweet trip 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 7:05
yes he would make a playlist for you. this time this playlist is songs that remind him of you. it's a secret playlist that no one knows but him. (he's totally not in love with you) kyle listens to steve lacy, the smiths, and the cure. ok maybe even some tyler the creator?? i totally feel like he vibes with tyler's flower boy album. he also listens to tame impala and pet shop boys for sure. basically stans music taste but in a different font. i guess this is called indie pop with a mix of 80s-90s music. his playlist for you ↴
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uuuu - steve lacy 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 1:30
there is light that never goes out - the smiths 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 4:04
why can't i be you - the cure 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 3:14
awkward - tyler the creator 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
music to walk home by - tame impala 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 5:12
friday im in love- pet shop boys 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 3:34
i think kenny listens to bimbo girly pop songs asf. like he's all man outside in but in the inside he has the mentality of a dumb bimbo $lut🤭. he definitely makes a playlist for the both of you. the playlist's name is called pu$$y poppin songs. like kenny be so fr 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. KENNY LISTENS TO 3OH!3 LIKE YESSSS BROO. he also listens to ayesha erotica and millionaires. HELPPP MAYBE EVEN AZEALIA BANKS😭. kenny also listens to yung gravy AND KESHA FOR SUREEEE ALSO ICP. your playlist that he made for y'all ↴
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donttrustme - 3OH!3 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 3:12
big juicy - ayesha erotica 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 3:26
hey rich boy hey - millionaires 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 2:48
212 - azealia banks 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 3:25
oops! - yung gravy 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 2:20
blah blah blah - kesha, 3OH!3 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 2:52
in my room - insane clown posse 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 3:51
CARTMAN LISTENS TO KANYE WEST. we all know why he listens to kanye west..... he secretly listens to pop music. like britany spears, lady gaga, and lowkey marina. ooo and also gwen stefani. he probaly also listens to eminem. also stop guys cause you know damn well he listens to 6ix9ine💀. bro does not make a playlist for you. you ask him to make one and he says, "no tf that's gay as shit." like ok buddy just say that you don't wanna share out your music taste. you beg him so many times and he still says no. he has his own playlist. only for him that's it. his own playlist ↴
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can't tell me nothing - kanye west 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 4:31
toxic - britany spears 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 3:18
poker face - lady gaga 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 3:57
ancient dreams in a modern land - marina 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 3:26
gwen stefani - rich girl 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 3:56
without me - eminem 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 4:50
trollz - 6ix9ine, nickii minaj 0:00 ───ㅇ───── 3:22
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joys-of-everyday · 1 year
The two SQQs: SY and SJ
Completely different people? The same person? Reincarnations of one another? Foils?
Aiyah, don't you love it when there's enough content to get juicy analysis but just enough ambiguity for wild theories? There's a surprisingly large spread of onions opinions on this topic which is fun to read though.
It has been pointed out by a number of people that SY and SJ are very different from each other (some interesting bits of analysis: 1, 2, funny: 3). Equally noted are their similarities (nice post here 4), and others have picked out things which hint in that direction, such as the fact SY seemingly isn't possessing the body, and has SJ's memories in his brain (5). Of course the system could very much be operating on different terms to the rest of the world, but it's consideration worthy because a subtroupe of the 'reincarnate into the villain' troupe is 'the transmigrater was actually the same person all along'. Even without going into the nitty gritties of how transmigration works, they are connected by their shared body and name - here's a great post on how SQQ describes his own feelings through og!SQQ (6).
Now then *cackles* *rubs hands*
The Lack of Self
SJ is a former slave who does everything in his power to survive and excel. SY is fairly well-off and has a dangerous lack of self-preservation.
SJ is ambitious without end. SY is a wastes his life on webnovels.
SJ is acerbic and stand-offish. SY is softer and friendlier.
They are different people!
An onion opinion I see a lot are 'they're obviously different people so they can't be reincarnations of one another'. Firstly, like bro, do you know how reincarnation works? If I reincarnate into a slug, don't try to tell me that the slug and I have the same personality. Jokes aside, this naturally begs the question: 'what constitutes our soul?', or adjacent: 'what within us is permeant?'.
Some would argue nothing. (And this is a highly radical statement if you think about it.) This is subtle (I won't pretend to understand it fully), but for example what does it mean to be 'selfless'. To do selfless acts? To be compelled to do selfless acts? But what compels me to do selfless acts? An innate 'selflessness' within me? If right now I can decide to stop doing selfless acts, that means I am no longer 'selfless'. So that innate 'selflessness' isn't in fact permanent, so can it really be something I own? On the contrary, if I can't just decide to stop the compulsion to be 'selfless', can that compulsion really be called 'me', since I am not in control of it?
Even without going so far, it's clear that our experiences have a deep impact on who we are. Take Bingge and Bingmei. They are different people, yet they are the same. Their divergence started at age twelve. Now at age twelve, a human is still rather squishy. Some studies suggest (the Best Source is Wikipedia Obviously) that human personality shows most active development between the ages of 20-40 (note Bingge was in the Abyss between ages 17-22).
Fundamental characteristics vs outcomes
Okay, 'they could be the same and still different' isn't particularly useful, but something that could be argued with SJ and SY is that they have the same personality seeds, expressed differently. 4 does this (see above), adding a few points.
Acerbic. Neither SJ nor SY are really people people. SJ’s love language seems to be blatantly insulting people (poor YQY). SY’s interactions with PIDW and Airplane bro need not be explained (they’re hilarious) (and also, SY was an internet troll). But SJ’s acerbic attitude pushes people away from him when he needs them most, while SY’s snarky wit is a joke to whoever has the honour of witnessing it. SJ is perceived as a violent and hateful person (‘I’ll kill you’ he says to at least two people he ends up saving the lives of – Shi Wu and LQG). SY, having grown up in a much less violent society and having much less violent ways of expressing this stinginess (calling for the castration of a fictional character vs. saying you want you co-worker dead), is perceived as far more lovable.
Difficulties with communication. Both SJ and SY are infamously bad at expressing themselves. This gets both of them in trouble. But SY’s difficulties in communication primarily arise around his feelings and his sexuality. He doesn’t have the same distrust of others as SJ, arising in SJ from his many childhood traumas. So while SY manages to create a disaster with LBH, he manages to maintain amicable (if hilariously frustrated) relationships with everyone around him. SJ? A lot of his difficulties with communication come from his strained relationship with his past. He is unable to admit weakness. He cannot ask for help. Ruins everything.
Empathy, but in a funny way. SJ is a funny one. He goes out of his way to save people with no gain on his behalf on several occasions and yet he continuously tries to tell you he’s evil. Then there’s SQQ, who justifies letting a bunch of teenagers die by being like ‘oh they’re book characters’ but then clearly feels uncomfortable about it as soon as it starts to happen. Both of them have this weird way of internally dismissing the fact that they do – in fact – care about people. The stark difference between them is that SJ is much more comfortable with murder and violence, although that’s very much explainable by his background.
Anyway, I could go on (their insanely unreliable internal monologues, their negative self-perception, how they both pretend to be people they aren't...) but the point is that the same personality traits, nurtured in different environments, can produce very different results. On one hand, this is a narrative choice - SY and SJ's parallels are precisely what makes them good foils of each other. But also, these connections are what allows the various reincarnation/SY=SJ with memory loss theories to float. (Then again, different people can have similar personality traits.)
The influence of roles
‘Qingqiu’ is the title of the Qing Jing Peak Lord as much as a name, to SJ as well as SY. So what does it mean to 'be Shen Qingqiu'? (parallel question, I like Doctor Who, what does it mean to 'be the Doctor'?).
Both of them are actors. In their own way, they are acting Shen Qingqiu – the (emotionally constipated) scholar, aloof and restrained. This isn’t like a… bad thing, inherently. We all have different 'faces' for different social situations – people act differently towards say, their boss or teacher, as opposed to their close friends. There's a tendency to view this as 'acting' as opposed to an illusive 'true self'. While there's definitely scales to how authentic you are being (you might feel like you're 'acting' far more around say a coworker as opposed to a close friend), but you could also argue that bundled together, this so-called 'acting' is precisely what makes you you. In acting Shen Qingqiu, both Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu become Shen Qingqiu.
The Influence of Body
Slightly more on the side of metaphysical bs, the body is the bridge between your consciousness and your body. Since we don’t do a lot of body hopping, we don’t often appreciate just how much your body influences your perception of reality and the way reality works around you. (Apparently the bacteria in your gut can influence your moods. Like, isn't that crazy?)
SY is in SQQs body. At least after the Lingxi caves, he is comfortable in that body. He experiences the strengths and limitations of SJ’s physical reality. On a wider scale, he experiences (at least for the first few months) how the people around SJ interact with him. Very literally, he is in SJ’s boots. How could that not rub off on him?
It’s quite interesting that all the peak lords thought ‘oh he lost his memories, that’s why he’s like this’ and just accepted that. Their mannerisms were similar enough for that to be plausible. That might be a sign that they're somehow connected on the level of souls, or it might be something that's written into SJ's body.
(Theory that the mushroom body was 3-4/10 similar to SJ okay bc he used SJ’s blood, but also cuz SY sees himself in the mirror so often that he’s unconsciously accepted it as his own face, the way your internal image of yourself changes as you grow old.)
Same People From Parallel Universes
A sister onion opinion to 'they're different people so they can't be reincarnations of one another' is 'they're different people so they can't be the same person' (I know, the question is funny). Mirror universe in Star Trek anyone? It's the evil twin troupe right?
Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu are pretty different! They also have some interesting similarities. Experiences make you what you are. How much of what you are? ...well that is up for debate.
And of course, for the purposes of writing fanfic, 100% endorse going crazy on the theories. I love Shen siblings. I love SY=SJ for angst purposes. I love SY and SJ ripping each other to shreds. I love SY and SJ making each other better.
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crackinthecup · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@gardensofthemoon thank you so much for the tag! It was super interesting reading your responses :D <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 51
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 465,678
3. What fandoms do you write for? Bold to assume I write at all I've always mainly just written for the Silm BUT I have recently become obsessed with The Locked Tomb series so miiiiiiight do some writing in that universe. At some point. Maybe.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Yield to the Moment takes the cake here, which is not surprising given that it's a 300k Angbang modern AU slowburn beast of a fic.
Then we've got Strange New World, set in my Swords 'verse, which takes a look at Melkor and Mairon post-Dagor Dagorath through a mental health-y and relationship/character study lens.
Third up is A bond once called fealty, also in the Swords 'verse.
Then there's The Metal Cage, which is shameless Angbang PWP focused on chastity play.
And finally A quiet sort of introspection, also part of the Swords 'verse, a bit experimental in the sense of taking Melkor's POV in second person.
5. Do you respond to comments? Always! I feel it's only fair if someone's taken the time to share their thoughts with me. Plus it's often such a fun, creative space where you get to bounce around ideas with the commenter.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Not entirely sure, actually. Don't think I tend to write particularly angsty endings. No Other Choice, maybe? It's about the Fëanorian attack on the Havens and the choice Elwing makes when she jumps into the sea.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably YTTM. I'm pretty pleased with the ending actually; feels like it pulls together a bunch of narrative threads and highlights all the amazing growth the characters have done. Also, it's a wedding at the end of a very long, very bumpy slowburn.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I have, yeah, years and years ago, around an abusive take on Angbang; but generally I find that the Silm fandom is very lovely and very welcoming.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do! Quite a lot of it haha. I think, for me, the appeal isn't so much the physical act in and of itself, but what's going on for the characters behind the scenes as it were, emotionally/psychologically. Especially with a ship like Angbang where they spectacularly fail at talking to each other so a lot of juicy unspoken stuff gets acted out through physical intimacy.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Nope, never written a crossover, nor do they hold much appeal for me personally.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have. Sadly those fics had been written around 2015-16 and I deleted them a few years back at a time when my mental health was... spicy. I couldn't say whether the translations are still out there somewhere.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yep! YTTM started out as a co-write.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Angbang. There's just a lot of layers to their dynamic that scratch an itch in my brain. Power imbalance. Fucked-up-ness. Possessiveness/protectiveness. Worship. Loyalty.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I've got a WIP from almost ten years ago about Celebrimbor in Gondolin and I'm not sure if the interest/time/motivation is still there for me to ever pick it up again :')
16. What are your writing strengths? Hmm I tend to put a fair amount of thought into characters' emotional experiences and I also enjoy playing around with fun ways to describe things.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I guess there's a flipside to focusing on emotional experiences in that sometimes I might humanise characters like the Ainur too much and lose some of their eldritchness. I also tend to be quite disorganised with my plotting, and by disorganised I mean that I just sit down and start writing without a plan or outline and sometimes I can end up scrambling to tie everything together and make it make sense and I'm not sure how effective that is. Also also, I don't find endings very easy to come up with.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Sure, if done purposefully in a way that furthers the plot or tells me something about the characters.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Harry Potter, I think! Those fics are not on the internet anymore and that is probably for the best haha.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Ohhh see, I don't actually like my own writing very much (cheers, perfectionism) and I very very rarely re-read it. But I do think some bits in YTTM are fun, and my latest ficcy that I've written (Reason to Try) which is a ficcy of @tarmairons' ficcy kinda shifted something in my brain for the better and I revisit it sometimes on bad mental health days.
Let's see which lovely people to tag: @markedasinfernal, @elevenelvenswords, @undercat-overdog, @lvsifer, @foxindarkness and anyone else who sees this and would like to have a go (if you want to! zero pressure)
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #65: 2014
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, John Legend, Iggy Azalea, OneRepublic, Jason Derulo, Magic!, Meghan Trainor, Ariana Grande, Sam Smith. End description]
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As mentioned in the previous poll, we're now seeing streaming services like Spotify taking over music consumption. Much like how Billboard had to adapt to individual retail sales in the 1950's, MTV rotation in the 1980's, Nielsen SoundScan in the 1990's, and YouTube views in the early 2010's, Spotify streams are now going to be incorporated more into Billboard's charts, with their album charts adapting to this shift in late 2014.
But before we welcome in another chart, 2014 is the year we'll also have to say goodbye to one. It feels like just yesterday we were talking about the rise of the ringtone. But as musical ringtones were starting to fall out of favor in the general public (with streaming people were growing accustomed to no longer having to pay 99 cents for a song -- they weren't going to pay 2 dollars for a snippet of one), Billboard's ringtone charts were retired in 2014, with Taylor Swift's Shake It Off as the final number 1 ringtone in America.
In 2014, we're seeing the continuing rise of retro-inspired production, with the neo soul of Pharrell Williams' Happy, the doo-wop pastiche of Meghan Trainor's All About That Bass, and the funk elements of Ariana Grande's Problem. And with Jason Derulo's Talk Dirty sampling its hook from Balkan Beat Box's Hermetico, it seems like this was a pretty good year for brass samples. Also fun fact about Happy, apparently that song was Pharrell Williams' tenth attempt at writing a song for the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack. Sadly, we will never hear those other 9 versions. Or else I would have put all of them on this poll.
Speaking of musical influence, we're also starting to see trap starting to rise in mainstream popularity. Trap music is a style of rap originating out of the southern hip-hop scene, notable for its 808 drums, snares, and triple-timed hi-hats. The origins of the style can be traced back to the 1990's during the rise of southern rap, with many trap acts coming out of Atlanta and Memphis. In fact one of the guest rappers on today's poll, Juicy J on Katy Perry's Dark Horse, is one of the pioneers of this style with his group, Three 6 Mafia. While Three 6 Mafia is associated with a variety of subgenres (gangster rap, horrorcore, crunk, etc), the trajectory of trap music can often be traced back to them. I don't usually give out homework on these polls, so instead I will just strongly suggest that you check out Mystic Stylez if you haven't already. We'll have to wait a few years until we see the explosive growth of the modern trap movement in the mainstream.
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the-gentleman-pining · 9 months
I have so many thoughts on season 2 and so much to think about,, people are sooo fucking fast with their meta commentaries on the show and I feel like I'm gonna need a MONTH just to finish digesting the first three!
I almost wish there was a month between eps instead of a week because I NEED TIME TO BREATHE THERES SO MUCH HAPPENING!!!!!
anyway I just wanna put some small thoughts out there
1. yes the pacing sometimes feels like there were budgetary constraints BUT we can hold that truth WHILST celebrating what *has* been made!!
2. I fucking love the direction this is going so far overall, even if I wish time had been spent differently in some areas (I personally think developing relationships for Archie/Zheng wasn't necessary to integrate their characters, not to keep Olu/Jim together but just as a time saving thing!). I feel like then there could've been more time spent with a window into the crew's feelings on the change in Stede, and why *that* might cause them to leave the Revenge for other pursuits. HOWEVER I think we're headed to a destination where the Found Family all get their own happy endings, even if that's not all together on one ship, and I think that's romantic!
3. Izzy Hands.
4. Everyone's acting this season is insanely good. I'm RIVETED.
5. Wee John drag let's GO
6. The lesbians. Holy SHIT I love the lesbians. So unhinged and unhealthy and refreshing I'm obsessed. (BUT WHY DID THEY JUST HUG??)
8. Ed and Stede are so fucked up and do not work together yet it's JUICY and I'm eating it like,,, good soup
anyway I'm waiting for the final ep like a dog waits for its dinner,,
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neurosses · 4 months
I remember you saying a while back that ch 17 was one of your faves and now with what you just posted I cannot waittttt can we possibly get a snippet to tide us over ILYYYY
OMG... THANK YOU! God, it makes me so happy you remember me hyping up Chapter 17 from so long ago.
However. You know what time it is! The puzzle below is from the sick mind of @friendofcars, HAHA. The answer is in the form of a short phrase. I will be the first to admit this puzzle is kind of mean, but I will post an excerpt regardless so I hope you all have fun with it. If you solve it, the excerpt will be juicy :-)
You have until Friday!
To earn a sneak peek, you must procure A single answer to act as a key. You’ll need to solve nine clues before. Pay attention to word category.  (I will admit of number four From ‘category’ we detour. Just keep the order; no need for dread. Don’t be the one to lose their head.) To start it all, please turn your attention To letters sent from Benedict to John. Adapt their code to AO3 convention— Traitor! Whose side are you on? The Nine Clues: 1. 2.1.14-15, 3.23.10-11, 7.10.37-38.  2. 13.13.4, 12.33.70-71 + 8.40.39, 2.3.57 3. 6.25.23, 7.33.8, 3.25.1 4. 4.4.12, 6.2.9, 4.30.7 5. 5.19.36, 4.15.19, 5.25.36 6. 7.5.3, 2.1.4, 3.3.4 7. 1.31.42-43, 7.2.12-13, 7.2.29-31 8. 8.1.3, 10.27.14, 11.3.10 9. 12.12.7, 12.26.20, 2.8.31
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
Skills Rated By How Good They Would Be At Giving Oral
(only including the ones that... have mouths. because. you know. if you put your dick in Inland Empire's head hole thats not technically oral now is it)
Logic: Feels like you're getting sucked off by a pile of building blocks. Will give you head until completion, but where's the flavor? Where's the passion? Too methodical. 6/10.
Encyclopedia: Similar to Logic in that he's about knowledge of the act rather than the experience. But he's gonna study and he's also a quick learner so round 2 will be better than round 1. 3/10 the first time 9/10 the next
Rhetoric: Disqualified on a technicality his mouth is already occupied with. his own neck.
Drama: Lots of mouths, lots of stuff going on there. For SURE makes a show of it. Looks good, sounds good, feels good. Shows off a little too much, maybe. 8/10.
Visual Calculus: Knows all the right angles. Look at his juicy, pillow, beautiful plush lips. I still stand by the fact the Visual Calculus is the best skill to fuck. 10/10.
Authority: Has a mouth but does not give head because he's that kind of guy. Also disqualified.
Suggestion: Talents lie in dirty talking rather than actual performance. I feel like they would want to do stuff other than oral, so they're just getting it overwith. Source: thats what i think. 4/10.
Pain Threshold: If you put your dick in Pain Threshold's mouth, you cannot be held liable for what happens to you. Like sticking your junk in a bear trap. That maw is full of needles and she will bite you FOR FUN!!!!! DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!! -100/10
Half Light: Too much teeth. He's gonna look at you like he's going to eat you alive. Good for people who like to fear for their lives before they cum, 8/10, but everyone else probably a 4/10.
Reaction Speed: She'll motorboat your pussy but youre gonna fuckin' chafe. better hope she rolls well and doesn't ruin your orgasm. 6/10
Perception: Like fucking a smoke machine. BUT she really enjoys the sensation (she enjoys all sensations) and will put in the effort. Not a lot of suction or typical oral sensations you may expect but it will be . new. 5/10
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bloody-wonder · 1 year
mid-year book freak out tag
years go by... i still read books...
1. Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2023? moby dick! i totally did not expect to like this dusty tome so much but it was just too perfect a mix of tropy revenge tale, sea adventure mockumentary, and making stuff up and putting it into categories that caused pleasant vibrations in my neurodivergent brain. i have watched so many whale documentaries after reading this, you guys have no idea🐳
2. Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2023? flamefall is the second book in the aurelian cycle and it’s the best sequel i’ve read so far this year. the addition of a slow burn mm master/servant story line improved things considerably, not to mention that it was my favorite character’s time to shine. this series is sooo good, please read it guys you won’t regret it i swear🙏
(ngl i’m a bit annoyed that fourth wing, this fireborne sjm-ified, is doing numbers out there and meanwhile there’s no fandom for the aurelian cycle to speak of😒)
also i simply have to mention defekt, book two of litenverse. i found the first book quite boring despite it’s shortness but the sequel has a sad lil guy🥺. highly recommend for fans of black mirror, severance or the murderbot diaries. you don’t reeeally need to read book one btw, i think you can just read the description and then jump straight to the good stuff
3. New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To? i want to read witch king but i keep putting it off cause everything i hear about it sounds suspiciously like *american author does mdzs* and idk how i feel about that😬
4. Most Anticipated Release For Second Half of 2023? i’m looking forward to system collapse the most bc it’s gonna be set chronologically after network effect and it’s longer than the other murderbot novellas too. very excited to see murderbot and art bicker again hehe
5. Biggest Disappointment? ig it’s the warrior’s apprentice😬 many people recced the vorkosigan saga to me as “the lymond chronicles in space” but based just on this first(-ish) book i have to say miles is uhhh,, not lymond😐 lymond’s key traits are that he’s queer and a cunt and baby miles is simply not that (yet). of all the other books that people mentioned on my overcompetent scheming bastard post this was the last one i hadn’t read so i was a bit disappointed that it didn’t pull me in like the lymond chronicles. however, of all the books mentioned there it’s also the only series i can see myself continuing any time soon so. it wasn’t all too bad ig🤷‍♀️
i was also somewhat disappointed by assassin’s apprentice but i will make myself push through the realm of the elderlings just bc i’m so intrigued by the fool👀
6. Biggest Surprise? apart from the life changing experience that was moby dick i gotta admit i didn’t expect to like the goblin emperor, what with it being one of those cozy hopepunk fantasies where people are nice and decent to each other🙄 but it really did grow on me by the end, it indeed made me feel cozy and soothed. now i wanna try katherine addison’s older darker stuff that was apparently so controversial she had to change her pen name or smth👀🤭  
7. Favorite New Author? so i read another book by christopher rice and can confirm that he’s now one of my favorite authors. the man’s early 2000s gay thrillers are very melodramatic and refreshingly juicy - you can really tell they were published in ye olden pre-twitter times
8. Newest Favorite Character? cyrano savinien hercule de bergerac. after just reading that first act where he monologues about his nose for three pages straight and then spends all the money he has to hijack a theater and cause a scene by duelling a guy on stage while insulting him in ballad form i thought wow but this is one of my sexy fucked up guys who like to swish their swords and run their mouths! please enter the mind rotation chamber, monsieur🙌
9. Newest Fictional Crush? power sur eater🐉 you guys are sleeping on the aurelian cycle and on the Glory and Tragedy of My Boy who has done nothing wrong ever in his life and i love him😭 seriously, if you’d like to watch a character like draco malfoy go through jaime lannister’s arc you gotta read this series
also csevet aisava? the guy who put sexy in bureaucracy?? it’s a crime that he and maia didn’t kiss tbh
💕Best Ship💕 the relationship of griff and delo in the aurelian cycle was SO dramatic and full of rawest scenes! kinda reminded me of captive prince at times, bc of the whole master/servant element. and the ending? “i will grow old in love, let them sing of others”?? i am Emotion🥺
10. Book That Made You Cry? furysong made me cry my eyes out like every ending to a ya series should. have i mentioned you should read the aurelian cycle btw? but also both moby dick and cyrano de bergerac made me laugh AND cry as only really good books do. there’s a part in moby dick about seeing whales in mountains and stars that made me remember i am a human being and was a small and happy human being once - like that scene in ratatouille when anton ego tastes ratatouille and the nostalgic memories hit him and he becomes not evil anymore. that was nice but i cried like a little bitch😭
11. Book That Made You Happy? re-reading twittering birds never fly without skipping all the yakuza plot scenes made me realize how hilarious this manga actually is! yashiro can obviously crack a joke but this time i discovered the comic relief goldmine that is nanahara
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skjdvnksjdvk like?!
12. Favorite Book Adaptation You Saw This Year? i have a LOT of criticisms about martin crimp’s “free adaptation” of cyrano de bergerac but ngl it was fun to watch the play come to life on stage (even tho there were no swords, a crime😒) and even more fun to watch christian kiss cyrano on the mouth like god intended
13. Favorite Review You’ve Written This Year? so this year i actually started reviewing stuff on goodreads for the first time and it’s quite fun and really useful for refreshing your memory on what you thought of a book. i try to go for short and witty over in depth and analytical so i suppose the best examples of the reviews i have written so far would be the ones of moby dick and the goblin emperor
14. Most Beautiful Cover? the og red cover of fireborne slaps! the revolutionary red? the minimalist black dragon? the main characters’ profiles formed by its wings?? talented brilliant show stopping. idk who made the decision to redesign the covers after the first book but that decision was utterly stupid🤨
15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End of The Year? i need to finish some series (the diviners, the dreamhealers, the broken earth), then like i said i want to read witch king and also i’m doing the classics challenge again so i have to at least finish reading roxelana and re-read the picture of dorian gray (the uncensored edition👀). i have looked up my old mid year tags and was pleased to discover that i since have managed to read all the books mentioned there EXCEPT for you love me which has been a staple in my reading plans since 2021 so i’m gonna put it on this list again to honor the tradition lmao
overall i have to say my reading year is going well but i still miss the exhilaration of discovering new books worth obsessing over like it kept happening in 2019-2021 with the secret history, captive prince, all for the game, mdzs and lymond. last year i used to think i wasn’t doing a good job of finding books like this but now i’m starting to suspect that i have actually read ALL the good books and there aren’t any left :( but that’s absurd right?? or isn’t it?! anyways tell me what you’ve been reading so that i can maybe get intrigued by something and prove myself wrong on this🙏📚
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@figuringthengsout @counterwiddershins @fugitoidkry @magpiefngrl @sugarbabywenkexing @fandomreferencepending @pemberlaey @oliviermiraarmstrongs @hello-jumping-in-puddles @thehalcyonharbinger @pinkasrenzo @beeblackburn @weirdsociology @veliseraptor @theodoradove @sixappleseeds @doh-rae-me @venndaai 
talk to me about books guys! if you want to!!
goodreads │ old mid year tags 2020 2021 2022 
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verosissy84 · 16 days
Questions found
Here I found some asks. Since, noone asked me for a while. I will answer them. May be someone find it amusing; someone coule enjoy it. Answers are marked by -sign.
1:How many people have you had sex with? -This is a lot of work to encount it exactly, but the number is bow somewhere 30..40.
2: Can you remember the names of everyone you’ve slept with? -Not really 🤪 I forgot some right after the act.
3: With whom did you first do the sexytimes? Was it good? -Fisrt? Well, If my kiss/touch/undressing with my same aged cousing does not count....it usually does not. The first was a girl same age as me (both 15 in that time). Yes, it was good. Bench near a lake, kissing, stroking each other and oral.
4: What’s the best sex you’ve ever had? -can't decide
5: What’s the worst sex you’ve ever had? -also can't decide. One of several cases when I could not get hard 😔
6: Where’s the most unusual place you’ve had sex? -I think ir was a compartment on the train ☺️
7: Where’s the most unusual place you’ve masturbated? -Classroom on university?🙃
8: Have you ever been caught doing the sexytimes? Yes.
9: If you masturbate, when did you start, and how? - I am not sure how old I was. 13? I just teased my cock in the bath, bc it felt good...as I did it for longer time, I came.
10: Have you ever been caught masturbating? -Yes
11: How would you describe your sexuality using only adjectives (describing words–busy, fluffy, squishy, etc.)? -Diverse, intense
12: Have you ever been in a queer relationship? -yes
13: Have you ever been in a straight relationship? -yes
14: If you aren’t straight, how and when did you realise you weren’t? -I recognize, I coule be spmhow fluid around my 18.
15: Are you out to everyone you know? 🤷‍♂️
16: Where do you meet queer folks to date? Do you find it difficult? -Yes. It is difficult. On datesites, on net chatrooms, and accidentally outside.
17% If your parents know about your sexuality, how did they react? -I am not sure.
18: Does your best friend know about your sexuality? How did they react? - Yes, one very close friend knows that.
19: Describe your first queer kiss. - Omg, a guy, we met on chatsite on the net, whote messages, arranged meeting. We met on bus stop, walk for a while and talked. Then, we went to his home. Ten second after door closer, I had his tongue, in my mouth. O would desribed it as hot, wet, exciting.🔥
20: What’s the queerest shit you’ve ever done? -It is hard to pick up one. I met a strange guy, who was only interested to play with my hole. And he played. I was little consterned, he was only interested in my hole, fingering, toying, extendinf, toying again and givving mi huts of po**ers. A lot of hit. He almost fisted me. It took more than an hour that he onky managed extension of me. Then, he stroked his cock and sent juicy cum on my face.
21: Are you happy with your body? -Oh yes, really ☺️
22% What’s the raddest part of your bod, and why? - I think ... I am sure, it is my buttock. It is just cute, sexy, and provokes everyone to give it a slap 😁
23: What do you do with your body hair (pubes, underarms, legs, etc.) -underarms, pubes (except a line up) shaved, on legs they are cut eith clipper.
24: Do you have stretch marks? Where? -No. I dont have them.
25: Describe your nipples in too much detail. 😁🙃 Just nipples.
26: Cut or uncut? For girls do you have a preference? - uncut
27: Longest dry streak after you lost your virginity? A year 🤷‍♂️
28: Describe your size, Guys penis, girls breasts - 18.5x4 cm
29: Have you tasted your self? Did you like it? - Ohhh... Yes and yes 😁
30: Favorite body part on your preferred sex? -pussy 😁
31: Describe your most unusual/taboo fantasy. -unusual? Well, it is double date of two pairs (M+F) going to the dinner, but it somhow turned to M+M and F+F when we arraived at their house 😁
32: Do you fantasise more about real situations, or imaginary/impossible ones? -Real/possible
33: Who’s the oddest person you’ve fantasised about? - an odd one? I dont know, there are no odds in my fantasies, probably 🤷‍♂️
34: Do you ever find yourself fantasising absent-mindedly, or is it something you do on purpose? -O found myself in that way, but ussually, it is on purpose.
35: Do you always fantasise while you masturbate? -yes, always ☺️
36: When you fantasise, does it usually lead to masturbation? - always 😁
37: Have you ever had sex with someone while fantasising about someone else? -yes, but it is very uncommon for me.
38: Do you have any celebrity crushes that you fantasise about? -Just porn stars 😁
39: Have you ever fantasised about something by accident, and felt weird about it after? -I dont remember anything like that.
40: Describe your most sexy fantasy. -It is intense, wild oral, when I perform licking, eating, sucking on pussy and I am on the back, she is on top
41: How do you feel about BDSM? -quite well, but no blood, no needles, no harm, no cruel violence.
42: What’s your most unusual kink? -I have to think about that. I have a lot of ones.
43: In an SM context, do you prefer giving pain, or receiving it? -Both is possible, but I am somehow more submissive than dominant.
44: Do you consider yourself to be dominant, submissive, both, or neither? - both, but more submissive. Also in relation with specific partner.
45: Describe your most recent bondage experience. - O was tied by my ex GF by several scarfs, theb teased a little, then she enjoyed a lot pf my mouth and then she pegged me with her strap. It happened longer time ago.
46: In a BDSM context, have you ever referred to anyone as “daddy,” “mommy,” or any similar term? -No, I did not. But I used Ma'am a lot of times.
47: Do you have a kink for any bodily fluids (pee, saliva, blood, tears, cum, etc.)? -pussy juice, a little of spitting games, and I would not br offended for some pissing, but I am not looking for it.
48: Have you ever revealed a kink to someone and had them react negatively? -yes
49: Do you have any kinks that you’re ashamed of? -e.g. a little sissy bitch fetish?
50: How much money have you spent on equipment for your kinks (toys, whips, chains, etc.)? -estimete about $1000 for all.
51: Do you like squirting - most definitelly yes 😁
52: Have you ever come solely from penetration (anal or vaginal)? -Ohh yes 😁 many times
53: Can you have an orgasm without your genitals being touched? -Ohh, yes, I can and I like it 🙃
54: Describe how you like your genitals to be touched. -Hold, stroke, squeze...stop, wait and repeat 😇 tease me, please ☺️
55: How sensitive are your nipples? Does nipple play turn you on? - They are sensitive, much more for licking or sucking than touch by finger. Yes it does turn me on
56: Do you find it easier to orgasm with another person, or through masturbation? -Easy it is for me through masturbation, but it is better with another person.
57: Have you ever had an orgasm that you weren’t expecting? -Oh yes. My first P-orgasm from anal stimulation.
58: Do you get off easier from rough contact, or gentle? -Gentle, but intense
59: What’s the best orgasm you’ve ever had? -I cannot pick up the best one really
60: Did it take you a while to have your first orgasm, or were you an early starter? -I think it toke a while at my begining
61: Do you enjoy giving oral sex? Why? -I love it!!! So much. Why? May be it is becase of my oral issue/fixation 😏 But I really love it.
62: What’s your favourite position in which to receive oral? -Laying on my back
63: Describe your oral sex technique. It depends on partner. F: I start easy by long licks, continuesly adding on pressure, switching to sucking the clit, and back to licking...and adding more and more intensity. I let my feeling to guide me. // M: I take the cock at the base holding it by hand, start to lick and suck the head and start sucking, inserting in and bringing out...more and more, I can give even deepthroat...addinf hand stroking. It ussualy is quite quick 😉
64: Do you find it easier to give oral to someone with the same genital configuration as you (eg., you both own vaginas/both own penises), or different? -easier for me is to give orgasm by oral to the cock, it is quicker. But, I enjoy it somehow more to give oral to pussy 😏🤤
65: Describe the worst oral sex you’ve ever received. -I think I have never had suck a thing likr worst oral...
66: Describe the best oral sex you’ve ever received. -I cannot pick up one
67: Do you ever simulate oral sex while masturbating (sucking on dildos etc.)? -Yes 😉🤤😇
68: How sensitive is your mouth? Is it an erogenous zone, for you? -most definitely yes. It is very sensitive and arousing while giving oral, while kissing, or doing other things 😂
69: Do you like 69ing? - Oh and a lot!!
70: Can you deep-throat? -Yes, I can and I like it ☺️
71: Do you like it in the butt? -Oh that much!😇😉
72: What’s the strangest object you’ve had in your butt? -Oh, that is a spicy question! Is a tangerine or banana strange? 😁 Or, is alien tentacle-shaped dildo stranger? 😂 I am not sure by the strengest 🤣🤷‍♂️
73: Do you enjoy being rimmed? -Well, if the partner enjoys to give me rimming, ok, it is nice, but I woukd never require such a thing. But, it was nice every time.
74: Can you take a lot in your butt, or just a little? -I think a lot 😁🤪 Dont you want to test me?
75: Describe your most recent experience with buttsex. -A guy, after mutual oral, he start fucking me (he behing me, me kneeling) and I came and then he cotinued and I came again and he with me. It was nice ☺️
76% Do you like doing stuff to other people’s butts? -Actually not much and only to women.
77% (Prostate-owners) Have you ever received a prostate massage? -Ohh, yes 😁
78% Do you own any buttplugs? -Yes, many 😁😇
79% Have you ever had an embarrassing buttsex experience? -Oh, yes. 😁 Oh wait, you meant me fucking thebbutt... Also yes 😁
80% Have you ever pegged someone (ie., worn a strapon and fucked them in the butt)? -No
81% Do you have sex with music in the background. -Not ussually. But there can be music.
82% Have you ever had sex with more than one person? -Yes 😁
83% Have you ever had an orgy? Would you? -An orgy? I think, no.
84% Do you enjoy watching your partner(s) having sex with others? -I did not see such a thing. So, I dont know 🤷‍♂️
85% Lights on or off? -Better off, but not necesarly.
86% Do you own any sex toys - A lot of toys 😁
87% Have you or would you ever do a gangbang? -I haven't. I am not sure. I think, I would not. It is a little too much for me.
88% Have you ever teamed up with someone and given a double blowjob/double cunnilingus? -Doibke blowjob yes.
89% Have you ever been penetrated by more than one person at the same time? -butt &mouth yes.
90% Have you ever been ejaculated on by more than one person at the same time? -Yes
91% Post a selfie. -No 😏
92% Post a naked selfie. -Really not 🙄
93% Tag your biggest tumblr crush.
94: Post your follower count.
95: Press ctrl-v, and post whatever comes up. -OK, but you cannot undertsnad "Nedělám si iluze, kolík malých domu stihnou ti strejdové udělat"
96: Tag your top five followers.
97: Post your most recent Facebook status here.🤐
98: Post the last SMS you received. -An invoce from cell phone operator 🤭
99: Post the last SMS you sent. -"OK"
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