#acrylic writting desk
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Small Size Custom Acrylic Writting Desk Study Room Use
Product classification: Custom Acrylic Writting Desk.
Brand: Able;
Sample: 3-7 working days;
Product name: Small Size Custom Acrylic Writting Desk Study Room Use;
Size: L44cm*W29cm*H52cm or customized;
Color: crystal clear or customized;
Structure: stndard structure;
Detailed structure adjust: available;
Design: by Able;
Application: home use in study room, meeting room, waiting room, etc.
Small size custom acrylic writting desk study room use. Transparent appearance, two layers. Suitable to place books, documents and writing on it.
Available in color, appearance and structure redesign.
Suitable for home use in study room, reading room, waiting rooms, etc.
Simple but stylish appearance, aesthetic and functional.
View more at https://www.ableacrylic.com/Product-item/small-size-custom-acrylic-writting-desk-study-room-use/ or email [email protected].
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toreii · 4 years
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All of my recent merch was starting to pile up on my desk, so I finally motivated myself to put it away. I’ve been pretty laid back when it comes to official merch. Then again, I did participate in some events last month so my spending has been diverted to the games.
I wasn’t sure if I was going to get this Mitsuhide badge. It took like a week to get confirmation, but he was eventually shipped to me. Finally!! I got my hands on one, and at a decent price.
All the Nobunaga stuff I got for 500 yen. I just wanted the keychain.
I finally got Kichou and Mitsuhide’s gifu acrylics set up. They look so cute!!
I figured I’d show you guys the calendar, but I suppose we can take it one month at a time. I’m still upset Ieyasu doesn’t have an entry. I would have enjoyed a cg from him. Since January passed, I now have Kenshin gracing my desk with his presence. But, I also wanted to share Kennyo, too. If anyone wants to translate the writting, feel free to do so.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Level Up, Chapter One (Branjie) - Holtzmanns
“Vanessa, Brooke’s going to be your partner.” Kameron throws a haphazard arm around Brooke, and Vanessa has to hold back a laugh when Brooke rolls her eyes. “Careful, though. She won’t go easy on you.”
Brooke. So that’s her name.
“I don’t think she wants me to.” Brooke’s lip curls up in a smile as she gets closer, and Vanessa has to try hard, really, not to fidget. To stay cool.
Because she’s cool. Right?
“I won’t go easy on you either then, Miss Thing.” Vanessa sniffs.
Her bravado is going to get the best of her eventually, she knows that. But how’s Vanessa going to be the shit if she doesn’t convince herself of it first?
What do you get when you pair a retired boxer with a new girl who has something to prove? Another holtz multichap special, that’s what.
AN: Hi again!! It’s been awhile since the last multichap. This one isn’t as prewritten, and may take a little bit longer to post because of real life happenings. That being said, I hope you enjoy it! To whoever sent me a million asks on tumblr telling me to post it now rather than waiting: I love you. Writ, as always, is the best for betaing <3 Enjoy!
“I’m not going in there.”
“Like hell you aren’t. If I have to pick your ass up from the station one more time ‘cause you can’t stop picking fights with people twice your size, I’m gonna lose it.”
“How’s a musty boxing gym gonna help with that?”
Vanessa slouches in the seat of her sister’s car, crossing her arms, because the whole thing is stupid.
It had been Rob’s idea, anyway. Alexis’ boyfriend. Also the cop who’s kept her from etching ink onto her criminal record. Doesn’t make his idea any less ridiculous.
Alexis sighs, and the sight is reminiscent of their mom’s expression when she’s overworked and impatient and coming off a twelve hour shift. “Because you need to channel whatever… this is, properly. You can’t keep blowing up at people, ‘cause I’m not always gonna be around to bail your ass out.”
“He deserved it.” Vanessa mutters under her breath, because the guy did. “He wouldn’t stop harassing A’keria even though she told him she had a boyfriend, why wouldn’t I sock him in the jaw?”
“Because the cops had to come and break the fight up and the makeup on your face is doing absolutely nothing to hide your black eye.” Alexis’s voice is flat, and Vanessa looks in the mirror and scowls, because she hates that her sister is right. “All I’m saying is, there’s other ways to do things. Such as not punching strangers - even if they deserve it.”
“So coming to…Hytes Boxing is going to change that?” Vanessa wrinkles her nose as she reads the name on the side of the building. The fluorescent lights behind the sign are flickering, withering out, and the surrounding air has a faint odour reminiscent of gym socks.
Hell, the holding cell at the local station smells better. Vanessa’s had to spend the night there enough times to know.
“Maybe letting out some punches on purpose here means you won’t explode on people when you’re all worked up and mad. Worth a shot. And you owe me, ‘cause sooner or later Rob’s gonna get tired of me begging him to let you off without even a fine.”
“Getting into a bar fight isn’t a reason for a fine.” Vanessa mutters, because it’s not, or at least she thinks it isn’t. She should know the law better, for how much she likes to tow the line on it.
Alexis raises an eyebrow as she pulls the keys out of the ignition. “Here’s how it’s going to play out. You’re coming in here and looking around with me, or I’m telling cousin Linda about the time you coloured all over her white purse when we were kids and she never found out it was you who did it-”
Vanessa groans, holding up a hand to make her sister stop talking. “Jesus, fine. Lead the way into gym sock central.”
Looking around, Vanessa’s not sure if punching a bag is as satisfying as socking a douchebag in the face, but the sweat soaked athletes with their hands wrapped in bandages look like they’re enjoying it enough, from the way that they keep letting loose hit after hit. It feels almost cultish - the way the coaches are cheering their athletes on, the way that they wear the sweat dripping down their skin like a badge of pride.
Vanessa’s not sure if she wants to get herself that dirty, or smelly. Hell, she manages to keep her lashes in place most of the time she has to go off on someone to defend her girls. Though there are women in sports bras with braids running down either sides of their heads working out all over the gym, and it’s almost enough to make Vanessa change her mind.
A girl dressed similarly, but in a full tank top, waves from the front desk. She’s covered in tattoos, blues and greens lighting up her neck and chest and shoulders and Vanessa would get a closer look, really, if it didn’t mean that she’d be staring at the woman’s boobs.
“First time here?”
Vanessa chances a look down, spotting the woman’s name tag. “That it is, Kamer-”
“-So do y’all do anger management classes or something? ‘Cause my sister could use them. Or at least know how to throw a punch without breaking a knuckle. She’s done that.” Alexis leans across the counter, sticking out a hand for Kameron to shake, and she does with a grin on her face.
A real good first impression. Vanessa wants to disappear.
“Shut up, Alexis.” Vanessa grumbles, because there’s no way she’s coming back now, with Alexis embarrassing her at any given opportunity.
Not that Vanessa would expect anything else.
“We don’t have the first, but we can teach you how to throw a punch. Not that you look like you need much guidance.” Kameron looks Vanessa up and down, and it makes Vanessa feel better, really, for accidentally looking at her tits earlier. “You look scrappy. Who gave you that shiner?”
“Doesn’t matter. I can throw down a little.” Vanessa’s not gonna deny the truth, who is she to do that?
“Just a little?” Kameron raises an eyebrow, a smirk on her lips and it makes Vanessa scowl.
“Why, wanna test it out?”
“Seriously? Relax, Vanj.” Alexis holds out a hand, lets out a deep sigh. “Just take a class here. Don’t fight this nice woman.”
“I ain’t fighting anyone.” Vanessa mumbles, crossing her arms. Not yet, at least.
Kameron, for her part, looks more entertained than anything else, as she pulls out a flyer from behind the front desk. “Lucky for you, we have a sale on beginner classes right now, too. Think about it.”
“She doesn’t need to think about it. She’s doing it.”
“Shut up , Alexis.”
The fatigue in Brooke’s muscles and tendons only become noticeable once she’s out of the ring, once the adrenaline in her system gives away to a feeling of lead that drags her down, her feet like anchors on the ground that want to bring the rest of her body with them.
But it’s a feeling that’s reassuring, helping to remind Brooke that she’s alive. That she’s gotten to this point because she’s capable of pushing her body like this, that hit after hit and the light shuffle of her feet are all that she really needs to reach greatness.
She knows it’s not true, but it’s nice to live in delusion sometimes. She needs it these days.
Unrolling the wraps around her knuckles feels like she’s unwrapping an unlikely present every time, though her knuckles are calloused enough that a little bit of blood doesn’t bother her anymore. A cold rinse under the sink, a shake of her hands before she washes her face and she’s good to go.
Brooke still uses the lockers like she always did when she was a kid, and it feels too strange not to do so now. Doesn’t matter that she owns the place and easily could use the private bathroom.
It makes things too real.
She’s about to push the door open, hurl the towel into the laundry basket that sits just outside the entrance, but she stops. Someone’s watching her.
“Can I help you?”
Brooke raises an eyebrow, because the girl’s meticulously done hair and tight jeans don’t exactly fit in with the rest of the gym. Nor does the layer of makeup on her face, even though it does make her glow a little bit.
“Your hands get that bloodied up and nasty every single time?” The girl looks mildly impressed. Brooke holds in a smile.
Brooke smirks. “Doesn’t exactly fit with your manicure, does it?”
“Please.” The girl rolls her eyes, holding up her own hands with healing scabs along the knuckles. “You’re not that special, blondie.”
“I stand corrected.”
Brooke likes her. Mostly because she’s the only person who’s stepped foot in this gym with enough balls to say something back to her. Everyone else is still hung up over the legacy of her dad, over treating her differently because she’s his kid-
-used to be his kid.
It isn’t easy when everyone walks on eggshells around you.
So maybe it’s a little refreshing to meet someone who has no sweet clue about the history of the gym, and no idea that she owns it now. She doesn’t necessarily need to know it, either.
“Don’t your nails break off when you throw a punch? That can’t be comfortable.” Brooke has to hold herself back from making a face at the long nails, dark red and making clacking noises against the wall that the girl’s hand is resting on.
“You think I got money for acrylics? These are press ons, mama.”
“That’s more like it.” Brooke leans against the wall, lets go of the door, if only because she’s enjoying the woman’s company. “Now what are you doing in a place like this?”
The girl holds up the flyer. “Thinking of trying a class. Not that I got a choice with my bitch of a sister.” She scowls, crossing her arms. “Since you go here and all that, would you recommend it? This shit fun?”
Brooke has to hold in a laugh. “It’s okay, yeah. I’d say it’s worth a try.”
She isn’t about to hype up her own gym but it’s fun, seeing what someone else thinks of the place without holding anything back.
“Maybe I’ll do it, then. Do y’all gotta pay for your own gloves and wraps?” Vanessa gestures to the items in Brooke’s hands, makes a face at the blood and sweat stains on them. “Hope that shit goes in the laundry.”
Brooke grabs the end of her wrap, starts to roll it up. “You have to buy them, but I have a feeling you’ll like it. They’ll be an investment for someone like you.”
The girl makes a face at Brooke, her nose wrinkling. “What makes you say that?”
“You seem like someone who can’t resist a challenge. There’s plenty of those here. Unless you want to let them go, of course.”
Sue Brooke, she wants to see what this girl is capable of, despite the fact that she looks like she’s never stepped foot in a boxing gym before today. There’s something about her that Brooke can’t help but be entertained by, despite the fact that she doesn’t even know her name.
“Let them go-bitch, I’ll be taking a class, don’t you worry your sweet little head about it.” The girl sniffs, running a hand through the waves on her head and Brooke’s reminded, for a second, of how sweaty and gross she must look next to her.
But hey, the girl’s still talking to her, so it’s a win.
“Good to hear.” Brooke can feel her lips curl up in a smile. She’s got this girl figured out already, and she likes it.
“Also I didn’t catch your name, Mohammed Ali. You a regular here or something?” The girl cocks her head, crosses her arms.
“You could say that. It’s-”
“Hytes, come over here!” Kameron’s voice echoes across the gym, and Brooke has to suppress a groan when she sees the redhead looking stricken in front of the cash register, which has probably broken down again. They really do need to buy a new one.
“Hytes?” The girl makes a face, her eyebrows raising on her forehead. “Ain’t that-”
“See you around, newbie.” Brooke pushes past her with a wave, heads for Kameron, because she can let the girl come to the realization by herself. She doesn’t need to be there.
Besides, Brooke has a feeling that the girl’s going to be back. She can find out her name another time.
“Vanj, I swear to God if you’re not in the car in the next thirty seconds-”
“What are you, a military sergeant? Relax! I’m coming!”
Alexis is scowling by the time Vanessa skids down to the car, sliding into the passenger seat mere milliseconds before Alexis presses down on the gas pedal.
“What took you so long, anyway?” Alexis chances a glance over at a red light and Vanessa shrugs, before pulling down the passenger seat mirror.
“No reason.”
Vanessa had absolutely not been trying to get her braids to look like those of the girls at the gym as they had been about to leave. Nope.
Not at all. Even though that’s exactly where Alexis is dropping her off.
She’s kinda succeeded, though. Almost feels like she’ll blend in with them.
Except that it’s a bit of a rude shock when they reach the gym, and Vanessa’s confronted by all the muscle. The guns. The quads. The abs poking through. All of the athletes are built, really built, and it’s enough to make Vanessa shrink back against the entrance every second a punching bag rattles, or a body hits the floor.
How’d she ever think before coming back here that she was gonna cut it?
But the hole in her bank account left by the deposit for the beginner boxing class is hard to forget (sweet jesus, she needs payday to hit again). So Vanessa heads towards the change rooms, pushing the heavy doors open because she doesn’t really have any other choice.
“No, wait, wait, I wasn’t ready! We gotta start again, girl.”
“Not my fault you can’t hold a handstand. You snooze, you lose.”
“I’m gonna push you over-”
“You wouldn’t dare-”
Vanessa has to try hard to hold back a laugh at the mess of limbs in the middle of the change room, two girls having fallen on top of each other yet somehow still bickering. She scoots around them but can’t tear her eyes away, especially as their argument continues while they go back into handstands.
“You play dirty.”
“Do not. All is fair in love and war, baby.”
“They’re always like that. Don’t mind them.” The voice in Vanessa’s ear makes her jump, as a girl in a purple sports bra and leggings walks up to her, starts putting bobby pins into her hair. “Pretty standard.”
“Mind them? I’m loving this free sitcom. Is it always handstands?” Vanessa tilts her head and watches as one of the girls tries to walk in her handstand. The sight is impressive, admittedly.
“Yesterday it was cartwheels across the hallway. I swear, one of ‘em will break their wrists doing stupid shit before they ever hurt it while sparring. Not that it isn’t entertaining as shit.” The girl beside Vanessa shrugs, sticks her hand out. “Asia.”
“Vanjie.” She’s not sure how hard she needs to shake Asia’s hand, if the girl is judging her handshake strength, but Vanessa doesn’t get to mull it over much before the girl is pulling her hand away, pointing to the two girls in the middle of her room.
“Is that your real name?” Asia raises an eyebrow and Vanessa shakes her head, snickering.
“You think my mom would look at my bald newborn head and name me Vanjie?”
“I got a cousin named Eunice, so you never know.” Asia shrugs, before pointing to the two still wrestling on the ground. “These two bozos are Monet and Monique, respectively.”
Monet pushes her braids away from her face and waves. “I’d shake your hand with mine, but I was trying to push Monique over and I’m pretty sure she farted on it-”
“Bitch, what-”
Asia shrugs when Monet and Monique start to wrestle on the ground. “See?”
Vanessa snickers. “Y’all are wild. Real wild. I love it already.”
“You ain’t seen nothing yet, girl.” Asia shrugs, starts wrapping her knuckles. “So, you joining the class?”
“Something like that.” Vanessa shrugs, and there’s so many things she wants to ask, all the curiosity building up inside her about what’s going to happen but she keeps it back. Doesn’t want to look too keen already. “What’s it like?”
Asia cocks an eyebrow when an announcement begins to blare on the overhead speakers. “You’re about to find out.”
It doesn’t take long for Vanessa’s intrigue to fade into breathlessness, a desire to collapse on the matts because she’s about to pass out, truly pass out, only fifteen minutes into the class. Or at least her legs and arms are going to collapse on her from all the hell she’s putting them through, trying to keep up with Kameron’s barking orders that seem specifically designed to torture her.
“Give me another set! Twenty burpees, let’s go!”
“I thought-this was a boxing class.” Vanessa pants out the words in between gasps for breaths, looking over at Asia who is equally as sweaty.
Asia shrugs before dropping down for another burpee, nearly falling on her own arms. “Can’t punch someone if you don’t have the strength and endurance to back it up. At least, that’s what our lovely dictator up there says.” Asia lets out a groan, rolling her shoulders before her next rep. “Crazy bitch.”
“What was that, Asia?” Kameron raises her eyebrows from her spot at the front of the room, and Asia wastes no time in shooting her a dazzling smile.
“That’s what I thought.”
Vanessa’s not sure if she catches Kameron winking at Asia, but the ache in her arms is more important for her to focus on right now. The last few reps of burpees make Vanessa feel like she’s going to throw up, maybe die before she makes it to the end, from the way the sweat is dripping from her brow and her legs are shaking and-
“Water break!”
Vanessa practically stumbles to the bench, grabbing her water bottle and collapsing onto the seat in one fell swoop. Asia plops down beside her, wiping her sweat on the back of her hand as she leans against the wall, while Monique and Monét traipse over almost leisurely, as if Kameron hadn’t just attempted to murder them all through exercise.
“Shit. No wonder y’all are fuckin’ built like you belong in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.” Vanessa rests her head against the wall, stares up at the giant ceiling fans that do little to circulate the stale air around the gym.
“We actually have to try for it! This one over here,” Monet exclaims, pointing to Monique, “already has a natural six pack. Freak of nature, jesus.”
“It’s called eating well.” Monique sniffs, tossing back a sip of water.
Monét raises an eyebrow. “You had an entire pizza for dinner last night. Not half. A full pizza. And your stomach is rock solid.”
“The lord just blesses some of us, that’s all.”
“C’mon back, guys.” Kameron’s voice calls out, and Vanessa can’t help but let out a groan, closing her eyes.
She can’t keep going. She’s too weak. Her muscles are fully jelly and-
“Hey!” Vanessa yelps when Monique and Monet each grab one of her hands, pulling her up into a standing position.
“C’mon. The fun part of class is only starting now.” Asia tilts her head towards the punching bags that Kameron is steadying, the mats that she is pulling out of the closet against the wall. “No more burpees anymore.”
Now this is a setting Vanessa can vibe with. She follows the other girls in grabbing her hand wraps, tries not-so-subtly to watch how Monique and Monet wrap theirs almost effortlessly. Even Asia ties hers off with a flourish, and Vanessa has to fight back some choice words slipping from her lips as the wrap on her right hand keeps coming loose, the fabric slipping whenever she wiggles her fingers.
“Alright, I’m gonna need a volunteer to help me demonstrate-Asia, look at you raising your hand so nicely.” Kameron’s grinning as she beckons to Asia, who’s sitting on the mats with a mock offended expression on her face, her mouth wide open.
“My hand is all the way down.” Asia crosses her arms, but Vanessa can see a small blush rising on her cheeks.
Kameron raises an eyebrow. “Should I ask someone else?”
Asia pauses. “Nah.” She scrambles up, joining Kameron at the front of the class, and Vanessa can tell she’s satisfied.
Vanessa’s not sure of the vibe she’s picking up between the two of them, but she’s intrigued. Way intrigued. Enough that she misses out on Kameron calling for the class to find partners, and she’s left by herself when Monique and Monet pair up and the rest of the attendees in the class find their own counterparts.
“Who doesn’t have a partner?” The question is unnecessary, really, when Kameron zones in on Vanessa in a second, and it nearly makes her shrink back.
Vanessa feels like she’s the last one being picked for a team in gym class, the one that nobody wants in their group. This class isn’t really like that, she knows, what with three girls being nice to her already, but it’s hard not to feel like a fish out of water when everyone already knows each other. She fiddles with loose threads on the mat underneath her, tries to ignore the part of her that wants to disappear.
Kameron jogs over to the other side of the gym, and Vanessa cranes her neck to see where she’s going as she pokes her head into the makeshift office in the corner. “Hytes! Stop fiddling with Microsoft Excel and get over here.”
“The work isn’t gonna get done on it’s own, Kam.”
The familiar voice makes Vanessa draw in a breath, and she has to keep herself from shifting on the mat when the blonde walks out, the same one that Vanessa had met on her first visit to the gym, the one whose eyes are lighting up in recognition upon spotting Vanessa.
Except the girl can’t be looking at her. Can she?
“Vanessa, Brooke’s going to be your partner.” Kameron throws a haphazard arm around Brooke, and Vanessa has to hold back a laugh when Brooke rolls her eyes. “Careful, though. She won’t go easy on you.”
Brooke. So that’s her name.
“I don’t think she wants me to.” Brooke’s lip curls up in a smile as she gets closer, and Vanessa has to try hard, really, not to fidget. To stay cool.
Because she’s cool. Right?
“I won’t go easy on you either then, Miss Thing.” Vanessa sniffs.
Her bravado is going to get the best of her eventually, she knows that. But how’s Vanessa going to be the shit if she doesn’t convince herself of it first?
“We’re gonna do some simple drills today. Help drill them into all of your heads, if you will.” Kameron grins, and Vanessa has to hold back a laugh at how proud she looks of her own joke.
“Booo.” Asia brings her gloved hands to her face, makes a faux microphone that she points towards Kameron, who rolls her eyes.
Vanessa raises a brow, nudges Monet as Kameron explains their first few combinations. “Are they…?”
“Nope.” Monet shakes her head. “Not together. But Asia’s been taking the newbie level classes with us for ages despite taking the intermediate ones too, only because Kameron teaches both of them.”
“This is some juicy tea for my first day.”  
Monet grins. “Stay tuned, bitch.”
A psst makes Vanessa spin in place, turn back towards Brooke who’s looking at her with a raised brow of her own. “Are you planning on trying these drills out today, or…?”
“Yeah. Totally am. See?” So maybe the words leave Vanessa’s mouth a little too eagerly as she bounces in place, but it doesn’t matter, because Brooke’s already holding her own gloves up, beckoning Vanessa closer.
Vanessa replays what Kameron had demonstrated earlier as she tries the movements out against Brooke’s gloves. “Jab, jab, cross-hey!”
Because Brooke blocks them, lands a light jab of her own and it’s not fair, it really isn’t, not when Vanessa had no idea it was coming.
“That’s not part of the drill!”
“Nothing is in real life. Gotta be light on your feet, always on alert, Vanessa.” Brooke’s grinning, and Vanessa can already hear Monique and Monet cracking up behind them.
Vanessa has to resist the urge to pout, cross her arms - not that her gloves would even let her do so, anyway.
“C’mon, try again.” Brooke holds her gloves up, and Vanessa is wary, because what’s Brooke going to do, now?
But Vanessa has never been one to back down from a challenge. So she goes for it, throws the first jab but counters with her opposite hand a step before she’s supposed to, raising her dominant hand to block her face. It’s enough to avoid Brooke’s jab, land one of her own, and sure, it’s not in the drills, but the look of surprise on Brooke’s face is satisfying, especially when Monique whoops from behind them.
“She’s a spicy one!” Monique nudges Monet as she says it, and Vanessa can’t help the shit-eating grin that grows on her face, even as Kameron walks over with a raised brow.
“We’re doing drills for a reason. No freestyling, not even from you, Hytes.” Kameron taps Brooke’s shoulder as she walks away, but Brooke’s eyes are lit up with something Vanessa can’t quite recognize.
Intrigue? Respect, maybe? Vanessa’s not sure.
But she knows she’s definitely caught Brooke’s attention now, if she hadn’t done so already.
Vanessa’s arms are aching, her body covered in sweat and she feels like she’s going to collapse once she sits down, but…
She’s never felt more invigorated in her life.
She wants to go back to the class, have another turn against Kameron’s punching gloves, maybe practice the combinations she’s just learned. She wants Brooke across from her again, looking at her with those eyes that she wants to unravel, get to know more. She wants to learn, she wants to get better and better, because whenever she starts something, she wants to build on it. Become an expert, become the best.
Of course, life isn’t that easy. Most of the time, when Vanessa starts something, she abandons it not too long after, because sticking with things is hard and her attention likes to jump around, find a new target.
But something about channeling her energy for a reason, being strategic on purpose, had felt nice in the class. Sure, she’d felt like a damn fool as the other participants followed the combos with a practiced hand, a familiarity, while she’d initially stumbled through, but things are going to change. Vanessa feels it, because she wants to stay.
“I’ll give you twenty bucks if you can jump from this bench to that one across the room.”
“Better get your wallet out.”
Vanessa cracks an eye open, and Monique’s tentative look across the room as she stands on the bench makes her raise a brow. Monet looks entirely too pleased, and it’s not too hard to figure out that she’s set Monique up.
“How the fuck do you both still have any energy right now?” Vanessa doesn’t get it. She’s tired to the bone, heck, she’s probably never going to get up from the bench again.
“‘Cause I have to always prove her wrong, that’s why.” Monique sniffs, as Monet shakes her head, rolling her eyes.
Vanessa likes them. They’re the same brand of insane as she is and it’s almost as if she’s watching her very own sitcom, from the way the two of them bicker all the way to the showers.
Vanessa kicks off her shoes, leaning herself back against the cool metal of the lockers and she can’t hold back the sigh that escapes her lips. It’s a wonder that the heat emanating from her skin isn’t visible steam because she feels like she’s on fire from the inside, like the sweat dripping from her brow, along her shoulder blades is never ending. She’s gonna need a long shower.
Pulling off her gloves makes her hands feel so much lighter, able to move. Vanessa opens and closes her fingers, makes a face at the sight of the wraps around her hands that have already begun to unravel, coil on the bench in a heap. She hadn’t exactly known how to fasten them properly before the class, not that she does now, either.
Oh, well. She has time to improve.
“Your arms feel like they’re gonna fall off yet?”
Brooke. Looking just as sweaty as Vanessa feels, as she tugs out the braids in her hair and sits down beside her.
“No.” Vanessa raises an eyebrow.
Brooke smiles. “Good. Bodes well for your next class then, doesn’t it?”
“What makes you think I’m coming back?”
Vanessa’s always entertained by people like Brooke. The ones who look put together, all calm and collected even though they can be anything but. She wants to see what makes Brooke tick, feel out her buttons. See if she can catch her interest, whether it be through annoyance or enjoyment.
“Please.” Brooke snorts, looking Vanessa up and down, and it’s hard not to feel exposed. “I saw the way you were out there. You were having the time of your life, you can’t even deny it.”
“I was not.”
She was. But Brooke doesn’t need to know that.
“I know you’ll be back.” Brooke winks, rises to her feet, and Vanessa has to try hard to keep her eyes on Brooke’s face, rather than let them drag down lower. “Girls like you always are.”
“Girls like me - hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” Vanessa stands on her tiptoes, watches the way Brooke disappears towards the showers.
Brooke shrugs, raising an eyebrow before turning the corner, and Vanessa has never wanted to follow someone more.
“See you around, Vanessa.”
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Small Size Clear Acrylic Table Study Room Writting Desk
Lead time: 2-3 weeks
Size: L44cm*W29cm*H52cm or customized
Structure: standard structure
Application: home use in study room, meeting room, waiting room, etc.
Small Size Clear Acrylic Table Study Room Writting Desk, transparent appearance, two layers. Suitable to place books, documents and writing on it. Available in color, appearance and structure redesign. Suitable for home use in study room, reading room, waiting rooms, etc. Simple but stylish appearance, aesthetic and functional.Learn more at https://www.ableacrylic.com/Product-item/small-size-custom-acrylic-writting-desk-study-room-use/ or email [email protected].
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Small size custom acrylic writing desk study room use. Transparent appearance, two layers. Suitable to place books, documents and writing on it. Available in color, appearance and structure redesign. Suitable for home use in study room, reading room, waiting rooms, etc. Simple but stylish appearance, aesthetic and functional. View at https://www.ableacrylic.com/Product-item/small-size-custom-acrylic-writting-desk-study-room-use/ or email [email protected].
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