#across the divide
windslar · 5 months
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And so it begins
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teamphobia · 1 year
I think
I am going to go on a walk.
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
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<The video is shaky, and there is constant shuffling ruining the audio completely. You can see flashes of green and a soft call of a Sceptile before the camera lowers down on the ground with the Pokemon. Done toying with the phone, the Sceptile settles down to watch with it in his grasp. Yinny is seen sitting at the end of the table in her house. Surrounded by way too many bottles for one person. Her eyes are located on the liqueur as she tries to remember what she was drinking.
Something nudges her legs, and without looking down, she reaches downward to pet her Liepard. Ignoring the way her Froslass is hovering right in front of her. Staring. Not judging, oh no, but something close.
As another empty bottle hits the ground with a thud, her Charizard approaches. Starting to get worried by all the things littering her new floors. Worried about scratches. He places his claw on her, a weak attempt to stop her. She doesn't respond, only glancing at the claw and gently petting it before returning to the glass in front of her.
One swing and it's empty.
A purple figure gets in the shot. Her gengar, ever the sensitive one with tears already in his eyes. He mirrors the Charizard. Yinny shook her head, her voice gentle as she tell him to go to sleep and that she will be fine.
The gengar doesn't move.>
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lostmoonofjupiter · 3 months
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Some pearl, blue, tea, forget-me-not inspired post dividers I made :)
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| Chapter 7: Page 17 |
...huh, didn’t notice I never posted this here, uh, that comcludes chapter 7! Stay tuned for more -checks watch- ...later today!~
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blueflare7pkmn · 1 year
I want to help Uncle Bane and Mom... but I don't know how...
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poke-irs-real · 1 year
Oh the adoption squad is deep in it now
yinny you are going to die of liver failure
bane you need a hug so badly
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kaybaeisgay · 1 year
no but really let’s talk about the dynamic between the older gen spideys vs young gen spideys for a moment, because it’s really got me fucked up.
miguel and all the older gen spideys seem so entirely accepting of all these “canon compliant” rules, because those rules absolutely validate the trauma that every one of them has gone through. the idea of “oh our pain had a reason, oh our heartbreak was for something after all” is a VERY powerful notion that—understandably—they welcome with open arms because they have already lived it.
but the younger gen spideys…. yes, most of them have bought into miguel’s logic for most of the movie, because of course you’re going to listen to the 1,000,000 adults all telling you the same thing when you’re fucking fifteen and desperate for any semblance of mentorship. and it sure does make a lot more sense when you yourself have also experienced a similar trauma to all the others.
but that’s exactly it, isn’t it? they’ve all experienced the same trauma—
that miles and pav have not.
so, no. actually, fuck your rules. and really, fuck your demands that i must suffer what you suffered just because you cannot accept me without it. and good on miles for saying it—good for all of the spideys who realized he was right—realized he was asking all the right questions instead of drawing all the wrong conclusions.
(yet. for all my anger i feel towards the older gen for pressuring him in that way….i also understand why they cling so desperately to these stupid “canon” rules. because, if miles can manage to resist it—if he or gwen or pav can escape what they never could—then suddenly, they have to ask the question of:
“what didn’t i do right?”
“was all that pain really for nothing?”
and accepting your life after having to ask those questions instantly becomes much more difficult.)
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windmill-ghost · 9 months
Probably the one millionth person to observe this, but it seems like Americans can intimately understand for themselves that citizens of their state have little control over the actions of the state, don't necessarily agree with or understand the actions of the state, and might be actively harmed by the actions of the state... but have a lot of trouble imagining that this could also be true for people in other parts of the world.
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teamphobia · 1 year
@safrina-shards *Ring Ring!*
I hope I don't wake her or anything...
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
hey Yinny you doing alright?
Yeah, just-
Nothing is wrong. I just need to find a way to stop myself from making double portions. I'm too used to leaving breakfast and lunch for Bane befreo I go to work and pokemon are getting to them...
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hairtusk · 1 year
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Andrea Dworkin, 'The Promise of the Ultra Right', in Right-Wing Women (1983)
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| Chapter 7: Page 11|
Heck yee! Official Exploration team badges!~ ...oh, and paperwork i guess...
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mandosaur · 1 year
Anomaly 928B (Miguel O'hara / Reader)
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Fandom: Across the Spider-Verse
Pairing: Miguel O'hara / Reader
Summary: “In hindsight, there had been five clues that had given away the fact that the man who had entered your home that night had not been your husband. The Miguel that had arrived amidst a thunder storm with clothing soaked through and a bizarre look was not the same one that had gone that morning to work. It had taken you some time to realize it, but slowly the truth was emerging past the haze of the lies you had been surrounded by.”
Warnings: Minor spoilers for the film, Major character death, allusions to gun violence, minor sexual content, angst.
Word Count: 6,213 Words
Estimated Reading Time: 22:35
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In hindsight, there had been five clues that had given away the fact that the man who had entered your home that night had not been your husband. The Miguel that had arrived amidst a thunder storm with clothing soaked through and a bizarre look was not the same one that had gone that morning to work. It had taken you some time to realize it, but slowly the truth was emerging past the haze of the lies you had been surrounded by.
The first clue had happened the very night in question. The first night your life had completely changed.
Miguel had arrived early that afternoon with no lab coat and knocked on the door waiting for you to open it. Usually, your husband worked until your daughter Gaby had to go to bed and always returned with a briefcase full of files he would puzzle over at the kitchen table amidst reheated leftovers and a cup of coffee to keep him up through the night. That day you had especially expected him home much later because he was supposed to pick up some milk and rice from the bodega near his work place for a dessert you would make tomorrow.
Yet that evening, he had arrived in a simple jacket and with a new watch on his wrist. He had stepped through the door and caught Gaby as she had launched herself at his chest. She had wrapped her arms around him tightly and celebrated him getting off work early.
From your spot at the dining table, you had watched as your husband had briefly tensed in surprise at her greeting before slowly relaxing and setting her down. His eyes had swept through your apartment slowly as Gaby had tugged on his hand to bring him over to the dinner table.
You had smiled at him and kissed his cheek the way you always did when he came home and had seen the briefest flicker of surprise and grief on his face before he had schooled it into a neutral expression.
When you had inquired why he had come home so early and without the ingredients you had asked him for, he had explained he had finished up his latest project ahead of time and forgotten to swing by the store in his haste to make the subway on time.
He had tossed his jacket on the back of the chair at the end of the table and taken a seat there as he talked. Both you and Gaby had quietly stared when he sat down. Every day, Miguel sat at the chair closest to the window so he could read his files with the lights from outside and get some fresh air. He had never once deviated from that routine in all the years you had lived in your tiny apartment.
When you had playfully asked him if he wanted a change of scenery, he had blinked up at you in confusion before Gaby had chimed in. She was delighted to sit next to her dad for once with her own chair right next to his and was excited for his new spot. He had registered her words before making a noise and smiling.
It was raining, he had explained, and he didn’t feel like sitting near the window. He had playfully messed with Gaby’s hair and teased her about going back to his old spot if it made her happy. When your daughter had protested that she loved having him near, he had laughed brightly and the sound had set you at ease. Your momentary confusion forgotten amidst the bright sound of his amusement.
Your focus had then shifted towards dinner. You had made pollo en chipotle with your mother’s recipe and had offered Miguel more rice in exchange for the heat of the dish. Your husband often couldn’t keep up with the spice level of the food you and Gaby enjoyed which meant his plate had to have more sides to balance out the taste. You had handed him a plate teasingly asking if you should bring him a glass of milk while setting the pot at the center of the table for seconds if anyone wanted any.
To your surprise, Miguel had immediately dipped the ladle at the pot and added more of the sauce to his food silently. By the time he was finished, his chicken was all but drowned in chipotle and he made no complaints when he took the first bite.
You had thought he had been trying to rile you up by accepting your challenge and was suppressing his urge to cough or choke, but he had taken the next few spoonfuls silently as well. He had even smiled at you and complimented the meal while reminding Gaby to finish the rice she was already chasing around the plate with a spoon.
You had stared blankly at him as he finished half his plate without once asking for a drink or making a face. When he had caught you staring, he had reached over and fed you some of his rice with his spoon asking if everything was alright.
You had debated asking if his palette had been burned off or if he had suddenly developed an immunity to the spice before thinking better of it. In the end, the change in his spice tolerance hadn’t seemed important. You had silently resumed your dinner while listening to Gaby express her excitement about the new season of her soccer team.
After dinner, you and Miguel had sat on the couch while Gaby did her homework at the table. Miguel had clicked on the news and thrown an arm around your shoulders while you watched the news report.
It had seemed like a normal after dinner activity that you had only briefly reacted with relief when the reporter had talked about a robbery at the local bodega that had led to someone being shot. You had curled up further into his embrace and breathed out a quiet dios mío while being relieved Miguel had forgotten to go there after his shift. Had he gone, perhaps something terrible could have happened. Miguel quietly urged you not to think about it while holding you tighter to his frame. His grip had grown possessive and his eyes had scanned you and Gaby as if to reassure himself that you were both there.
At the time, your relief at his escape of a horrible fate had eclipsed any confusion or suspicion of the situation. You had pushed all thoughts of paranoia aside and elected to simply enjoy his closeness while not worrying over what could have been or should have been.
The second clue had come a few days later. Miguel had told you he had taken some vacation time from work which was unusual. Often, your husband was a workaholic who needed to be persuaded to step away for a lunch break much less a vacation. Still, Miguel had woken up that morning and kissed you deeply while announcing that he was staying home for a few days with you and Gaby. When you had asked why, he had said he missed his family and wanted more time with you both.
You had been so full of happiness at his words that the bizarre nature of it all hadn’t really registered. He had plenty of time off and you had long been trying to get him to take some days. The fact that he was now listening to you was a relief.
Gaby had been even more excited to hear that he would be able to accompany her to her practices. Often, she only had you for company at the soccer field. It was exciting for her to finally have her dad there to cheering her on from the stands with the other parents who watched the friendlies. Miguel had decided the three of you would go to all her matches and would make a picnic at the park after. He had suggested making some sandwiches and promised to buy you both ice scream.
That morning he had been in a happy mood. In fact, ever since he had arrived in that thunder storm, he had been joyful. Where once he was more reserved and quiet, he now laughed and smiled. It was a beautiful sight and you had attributed it to him having less stress at work.
When he had gone into the kitchen, he had faltered looking for napkins. He had quietly opened cabinets full of cups and plates searching for them. At one point, he had even tossed open the oven full of pans in his search.
You had laughed at his confusion and asked if he had hit his head while going to the hallway to the small closet full of trash bags and napkins. Tossing him a roll, you had teased him about getting old and losing his memory.
He had taken a beat to respond and had smiled while quietly returning to his picnic preparation. Of course, you had, had to help him find the picnic basket too. He seldom could remember where he put things away and relied on you or Gaby for help finding stuff. Still, it had been rather odd that he had even forgotten that Gaby didn’t like the crust on her sandwiches and that you weren’t a fan of tomato on yours.
At the park, he had sat you at the front row and cheered on Gaby the entire match. It was a heart warning sight to see him so excited for your daughter. Gaby preened and blushed every time he called her name and some of the other parents grinned at his enthusiasm. It was nice for him to be able to see her play. Usually he only saw her matches if he was lucky and the game landed on a week where his workload was lessened.
After the game, the three of you had retreated to a quiet spot at the park and ate in silence. He had waved down the paletero who always drifted past the park and bought three ice cream cones from him. Gabby got vanilla like always and you selected a strawberry for yourself. However, when Miguel had reached for the rocky road, your eyes had widened and your hand had yanked his back with a shout. He had jumped at your fright and stared when you asked him if he was crazy.
Miguel was allergic to peanuts. It was a severe allergy which could put him in the hospital. Just eating a tiny piece of one could cause his throat to swell and hives to break out.
Miguel had listened to you berate him before looking away. You thought you had heard him swear under his breath about not being careful before he had bought a chocolate ice scream instead. His hand had come to rest around your shoulders and he had quietly explained that the chocolate ice cream was what he was going for. It was right next to the rocky road. He had thanked you for your concern but had assured you he wasn’t that forgetful.
In time, you had pushed aside your fear and felt embarrassed to have made a scene. The chocolate tub was close by. Why had you imagined him going for the one flavor he was allergic to?
Some time later, Gaby had asked for Miguel to carry her on his shoulders while you ate your ice cream. He had laughed when some of her ice cream had dripped on his face and merely moved his new watch aside to avoid it from getting messy. You had pulled out your phone and caught the moment on video with a grin. It was a lovely moment that was so rare with his busy schedule and the sweetness of it had made you forget how bizarre everything else was.
By the time you had made it back home, you hadn’t even questioned why Miguel had some trouble remembering your apartment number or why he had stopped at the keypad and quizzed Gaby to see if she paid attention and could remember the code. Your mind had been elsewhere and Gaby had insisted you read her a bedtime story that she fell asleep halfway through from the exhaustion. Perhaps you should have paid more attention then, but you were too trusting and too naive. The thought of anything amiss hadn’t occurred to you.
The third clue came a week later. After Gaby had been put to bed, Miguel had come up behind you and kissed a line down your throat. His touches and nips had been indicative of his intentions and you had given in with your own form of excitement. The past few months had been dry. Miguel worked too late and you were often well asleep by the time he slipped into bed. You both hadn’t had much intimacy in a long while.
In fact, on the night that he had arrived home early, you had tried to seduce him but had been shut down. He had tensed with embarrassment when you had tried to initiate sex and had made an excuse about being too tired. He hadn’t expressed much interest until that particular afternoon.
The night had been much different than in the past. In the past, Miguel had been much more timid. The sex between you was typically just stolen moments with quiet breaths in fear that you would be too loud. It was soft and affectionate and calm.
That night, there had been a change. Miguel had been much more rough and demanding. He had kept you up and teased you through out the night. You had left some nail marks across his back and his fingers had left bruises on your hips and throat where he had held you over and over driving you down on his length. By the time the two of you had truly been exhausted, your body ached and shook with the exertion.
Miguel had nipped playfully at your throat and left marks. Amidst the haze of satisfaction, you could hear him whisper declarations of love and promises of not letting you or Gaby go “again.”
You weren’t quite sure what he had meant by that but you had told him you loved him back. He had helped you clean up then fished around for his things to take a shower. It was only after everything that you had realized he had never once taken his watch off.
You had stared quietly at the bizarre design trying to remember if you recognized it or could remember when he bought it. Still, sleep claimed you pretty quickly. You had been lost to it until a brief moment when he had returned from his shower and climbed in bed beside you.
Sometime near the early morning, he had kissed your lips gently and murmured another I love you. His hand had skimmed your side and you had felt his wet watch before he withdrew. Somewhere in the back of your sleep addled mind you had wondered why he hadn’t taken it off to shower but the thought had evaporated amidst the exhaustion.
The next few nights had been much of the same. You were intimate almost nightly and he had developed a new appetite that showed no signs of stopping. It was thrilling and exciting if not confusing. You reaped the rewards and stopped wondering why he wanted to try new positions or why his body seemed more muscular than you remembered.
The fourth clue came after a few months. The three of you had been eating breakfast when Gaby’s cartoons had interrupted to discuss a sinkhole that had opened up nearby. The authorities seemed to have it under control but it was growing. You had listened with mild interest while Gaby had finished up her bowl of cereal.
Miguel had abruptly stood up and left his chilaquiles at the table. His fingers had flown to his watch and he had made an excuse. His jaw had been clenched tightly as he locked himself in the bathroom.
You thought you could hear the voice of his assistant Lyla as he hissed commands and seemed stressed. He had already explained to you that his watch was lent to him by his workplace and it had a direct line to her. You figured something had happened at work and shrugged when Gaby asked if sinkholes were common in New York.
That entire morning, Miguel had spent much of it watching the news and pacing the length of the apartment.
It hadn’t just been New York that had been having a problem, you realized. Several states had their own issues like bad crops in California and a catastrophic drought in Florida of all places. The more the reporter talked, the more it became apparent a lot of things were going on in the world. Some other countries were even having their own issues with a major earthquake in Cuba and a tsunami in Japan.
Miguel had turned off the news when Gaby had begun to grow nervous. He had reassured her quietly that nothing would happen and that he would protect you both. His eyes had taken a far away look as you watched him promise that you both would be safe and your stomach began to twist in nervousness although you tried to ignore your own fear.
After Gaby had gone off to play in her room, Miguel had quietly slipped out the fire escape. You found him leaning against the railing talking to his watch again. His back covered his arm but you could have sworn you saw the flickers of yellow as Lyla’s voice snapped things back at him.
Although you knew it was wrong to listen in, you still found yourself pressing near the wall. You were confused as to why he had been communicating with his coworkers again and again. He had been arguing often with them. Last week, he had, had a tense argument with another coworker named Jess.
You and Gaby had arrived from the store just in time to hear Miguel scream at Jess to leave him alone as she urged him to “come back” before something terrible happened. When you had asked what he had been fighting with her about, he had sagged against the sofa and pinched the bridge of his nose. The explanation you were offered was that his work was busy and his coworkers didn’t appreciate him taking more vacation days to spend time with family.
Now Miguel was upset again. You could hear him instruct Lyla to fix whatever problem they had at work and Lyla angrily fired back that she couldn’t. Whatever “mistake” Miguel was making was too big for her to correct. She kept warning him that his actions had consequences and already he was “disrupting” whatever the “balance” of the “canon” was.
Miguel finally ended the call with a slam of his watch against the rail when Lyla urged him again to “go back.” He swore in Spanish and put his head in his hands seeming lost.
You had debated pretending like you hadn’t overheard then given up and decided you might as well ask him what was wrong. Miguel didn’t even react when you joined him at the fire escape.
When you asked what had happened, he again told you it was a work thing and urged you not to worry. His watch flashed with the name JESS and he declined the call. She insisted a few more times before another name appeared on the screen. This time BEN tried contacting him before he shoved his hand in his pocket and pointedly ignored the messages.
You asked if he should go back and fix whatever error he had made at work and were startled when he growled out a “never. At the sight of your surprise, he had apologized. His arm had come around your waist in a possessive embrace and he had pressed you against his frame. His mouth had planted a kiss against your hair and you had sworn you felt him shaking against you.
Some silence had lapsed between the two of you as you watched New York slowly get ready for the workday. At some point, Miguel had quietly asked you a very bizarre question.
With his eyes seeming far away, he had asked if you ever thought about the universe and if other realities existed. You had given him a blank look wondering why on earth that had crossed his mind, but his thoughts had been far away. You got the sense that he wasn’t really with you at that moment mentally.
At some point, he had offered you a tired smile and sighed. The sound had broken your heart. He had sounded so exhausted and wearied that you had risked a look at his face and seen the dark circles under his eyes and the stress of whatever was happening.
Quietly, he had told you that he believed that other realities existed and that he was sure you and Gaby did too. He had seemed so heartbroken when he had mentioned the different realities that you two could exist in. He had mentioned having a nightmare in which you and Gaby had died. He trembled when he recounted almost in vivid detail how an attack had happened and he had been unable to save you both. How he had watched you both die and how a part of himself had died with you. How he had been an empty shell of a person and had felt hopeless and alone up until he had found you again. In his dream, there was another reality where you both were alive and with him. A reality where he had beaten death and been with you both. He had decided he liked that it reality better than the other one.
You had shivered briefly remembering the horrible events at the bodega for some reason and asked him not to tell you any more. You had held him close and reassured him that it was just a nightmare and that you and Gaby were fine. You were both safe and he would not lose either of you. It had all been just a terrible dream.
By the time he had finally recovered, he had merely leaned down to kiss you and apologized for his morbid thoughts. His fingers had stroked your cheek and he had quietly told you that he loved you and Gaby and would love you in every reality that existed.
You had stayed outside frowning to yourself even as he went back inside. A shiver had run down your spine and you were not quite sure what to make of everything. Some pieces of a puzzle were floating around you, but you had no idea what they meant or why they were important.
In the end, you had gone back inside and merely turned the news back on in time for the reporter to announce more freak accidents and bizarre natural events around the globe.
A few nights later, you would wake to the sound of Miguel at the fire escape again. This time, he was arguing with Jess who was pleading with him to return. She was talking about how Miguel’s “presence” was throwing off a “balance” of some sort and how the world was falling apart. You had frowned unable to make head or tails of the debate as the two threw out phrases you didn’t understand like “multiverse” and “glitches” in the context of their argument.
By the time Miguel had finally angrily told her to stop calling because he knew what he was doing, you had retreated back to your room and had decided to ask him about it in the morning.
Yet, when you brought the topic up, Miguel hadn’t even looked away from the news now announcing that the sinkhole in New York was growing wider and the mayor was declaring a mandatory evacuation around the affected area. Instead, he had quietly told you that you had been dreaming and feigned ignorance when you brought up the weird terms you had heard. You had been forced to drop it when he insisted over and over again that the conversation had never happened and left you questioning whether or not you had made it all up in your sleep.
It wouldn’t be until the fifth and final clue that you realized how you had been right all along.
One morning days later, you had woken up to furious pounding on the door. Miguel had jumped up and demanded that you and Gaby stay inside. He had rushed off to meet whoever it was that demanded entry.
Gaby, half asleep had run to you scared. The loud knocks had woken her up and she asked if you knew who it was. Your own heart was racing when you said no.
Holding Gaby tightly, you had heard raised voices coming from the front door. A woman and man were in a screaming match with Miguel. The woman was telling him that enough was enough and that he had done irreparable damage to your universe. She sounded so frightened when she said everything was falling apart.
As if her words had been a prophecy, a tremor had gone through the entire apartment and Gaby had screamed. You had held her close frightened as another aftershock had quickly followed.
Miguel had burst in the room with the woman and man from before. You didn’t recognize either of them but they later introduced themselves as Jess and Ben. His coworkers that he had spent so much time fighting with.
Miguel had held Gaby as she shook from fright and wrapped a protective arm around you. He had promised everything would be okay and he would protect you both. Amidst his reassurances, you had caught the way his hands shook with fear and the panic he was trying so hard to suppress in his gaze.
By this point, the confusion had been so great that you had demanded to know what was happening. Nothing made sense and you got the sense that something was very wrong. It was terrifying.
The three of them had exchanged looks before Jess had told Miguel that if he didn’t tell the truth, she would. Her gaze was sympathetic but firm. In the end, Miguel had told you everything. Jess and Ben had taken Gaby to the living room to allow you both privacy. Once they were gone, the truth came flowing out amidst the wall of lies you had been surrounded by.
He wasn’t your Miguel, he had explained. He was from another dimension and he had powers. He was a superhero that had crossed into your world on his hunt for anomalies in the multiverse.
The explanation seemed so outlandish that you had begun to suspect that you were still dreaming. Still, you hadn’t interrupted as he continued.
Miguel told you that he was from a different reality and had intruded in yours. According to him, the two of you had been married in his reality and you had, had Gaby. You had been happy together and were even expecting a second child when tragedy struck. You and Gaby had died in an attack and he had been unable to stop it from happening. Even his powers had been useless in protecting you both.
Your deaths had destroyed him. He had spent a long time as a husk of himself. Existing merely for the sake of it and having nothing to make him feel alive. He had thought his life was doomed to mourning and loneliness when a “collider” had opened the multiverse.
He had taken it upon himself to save the multiverse and had traveled hunting anomalies when he had discovered your dimension. In your reality, you and your Miguel were married. You had Gaby and you were happy. Your Miguel wasn’t a superhero. He didn’t have the fate of the world on his shoulders and he didn’t have to risk his life every day. You both had a normal life and were a regular family living in New York.
He had envied his alter self and spent time researching your dimension mainly to see both you and Gaby when he had come across plans for the future. Lyla, his virtual assistant as he had explained, had found that your Miguel was destined to die. He was supposed to be in the bodega that night when a robber entered with a gun. An unexplainable urge would make him leave his work during a break with the idea to be at the bodega. The man who never took a break from work would find himself suddenly wanting to leave early and be at the store that night.
Two people would be shot. The owner of the bodega, an old man who had been frightened but would survive, and your Miguel who, despite not being a superhero, would be shot and killed trying to take the gun away. It was an event that the universe had decided would happen.
His death would destroy you and Gaby. You being a stay at home wife would mean that the loss of his paycheck would be a blow. You would struggle to find work and would eventually lose your apartment. Gaby would grow up with housing insecurity and poverty and you would suffer harassment and mistreatment in your desperation to hold a job and provide for your family. The happy life the two of you had built would be shattered.
He couldn’t allow that to happen. Miguel knew you and Gaby would need him, so he snuck into your dimension. When your Miguel died, he had hid his body. It was a simple thing, really. The bodega owner had been unconscious and he had knocked out the robber. By the time the police arrived, they would be convinced by the scene he had set to believe that the owner had been shot defending himself and the robber had been knocked out. The second gunshot people around the area had heard had likely been a misfire although the police wouldn’t find the impact anywhere in the store.
Miguel, not your Miguel but this Miguel, had them come home that night to you and Gaby. He had taken the place of the husband you had lost to protect you both. Gaby needed her father and you needed your husband. He had made it his mission to make you both happy.
But he hadn’t always gotten it right. Despite he and your Miguel being alters of the same person, there were differences between them. Your Miguel was allergic to peanuts and hated spicy food. He wasn’t. Those little discrepancies had made it harder for him to keep his cover.
And worse still, the universe had sensed him.
Everything that had been occurring had been because he was present in a reality that he didn’t belong in. The device on his wrist protected him from “glitching” as he called it, but it couldn’t do anything to stop the universe from falling apart. All of the natural disasters had been because the world was falling away brick by brick. Unknowingly, he had doomed the entire world and become an anomaly.
His story had been so ridiculous and insane that you had just stared at him blankly as he apologized and told you he loved you. When another tremor had shaken the building and photos on the walls had started to fall along with the plaster, Jess had knocked on the door telling the two of you it was too late. You all needed to evacuate.
Your body had gone into autopilot as you had followed after them outside. Neighbors from your building were beginning to evacuate as the high rise shook with more and more earthquakes. Miguel lifted a crying Gaby in his arms as Jess and Ben cleared a way through the swarm of people.
Outside, the view of New York was one you didn’t recognize. The sky was awash in bizarre colors and the ground was cracking with every new earthquake.
Jess and Ben were shouting things at Miguel. They were explaining that the sinkhole was growing wider and the universe was caving in on itself. Already some countries had flickered out of existence. Despite their best efforts, the team they had brought with them had been unable to stop the spread of the issues.
The panic in their faces had been clear. It was too late. Whatever hole in the fabric of time and space in your dimension Miguel had torn in intruding had widened and was consuming the world whole.
Jess and Ben left when buildings began to flicker. Entire high rises disappeared like glitches on a computer screen. The two of them were going to try and see if there was anything more that could be done to stop what was happening. The look Jess had on her face, however, made it clear they knew it was for naught.
Miguel held Gaby tightly as the two of you continued to run. In your wake you saw people flicker out of existence too. Panic spread through you and you grabbed his sleeve as you ran.
Perhaps you should have been angry, should have blamed him for destroying an entire world just to get you and Gaby back, but the fear and the shock of it all doused your anger. The only thing that mattered then in that moment was that your world was falling apart and your family was in danger.
Eventually, the three of you had skidded to a halt. In front of you, more objects were flickering and glitching. Gaby held on to Miguel tightly as she cried and you told Miguel to stop. It was over.
You pushed aside all of the negative emotions you were feeling, the betrayal, the heart ache, the pain, and instead embraced your family tightly.
This Miguel wasn’t your Miguel, but hadn’t he been yours for the past few months? Hadn’t you loved him the same and been happy at his side? Those questions kept you from angrily lashing out. A quiet sort of resignation had flooded you and kept you calm even as the bystanders near you began to disappear in a flash of colors and screams.
Miguel had been terrified as he saw more people die. He had called for Jess and Ben on his watch, but they were gone. They had evacuated back to their own dimensions the moment they had realized it was a lost cause. The only thing Lyla could offer him now was a quiet apology and a plea for him to go back to his own world.
His watch, you realized, would protect him from the end of the world. He was an anomaly in foreign space. Despite being the harbinger of doom for your dimension, he would be shielded by his watch and would be able to flee with a single tap on his wrist.
He had tried to take it off, perhaps intending to die with you both or to offer it to one of you just to try and save at least one, but you had firmly told him not to. It was too late. Your luck had run out. You had felt strangely accepting about it all and even Gaby’s tears had dried. The certainty of death had brought about a steady calm.
Despite knowing that the imposter in front of you had been the one to bring about your death, you still embraced him tightly and kissed him one last time. You still let Gaby hug him and bury her face in his chest. You still told him it would all be okay even as Gaby flickered and disappeared before your eyes.
And by the time it was your turn, you offered him a weak smile and another profession of love before the colors started to flicker and change around you.
Perhaps you should have hated him for lying to you. For minimizing your suspicions all of those months and making you feel like you were being paranoid. Perhaps you should have hated him for replacing your husband and lying to you over and over again. Perhaps you should have been furious that he had destroyed an entire universe to find you and Gaby, but a voice at the back of your head told you, you would have done the same for him. Had you been in his place, you would have traveled dimensions just to be by his side again. That was what truly loving someone meant.
So when a searing pain began to fill your senses and the glitching returned, you only said one last “I love you” before the world evaporated around you. Somewhere in the last dregs of consciousness you could hear Miguel screaming for you and Gaby, but the quiet darkness of death stole you away before you could do anything about it.
In the end, the man who was tasked with restoring anomalies had become an anomaly himself and the love he bore his family had doomed an entire dimension.
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slavicafire · 7 months
our experiences overlap more than they differ. at every moment we are more similar to each other than we think. we share more than we know and while we perceive the divide and can never fully see the common, it doesn't mean that the common doesn't prevail
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