#acrophobia character
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Sunny from Omori, who has hikikomori syndrome, depression, an unspecified trauma, selective mutism, Arachnophobia, Aquaphobia, and Acrophobia. He is also visually impaired (route dependent)
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a boy with medical wrapping around his head and right eye. He is drawing with blue lines with a faint blue background. He has short black hair and black eyes. He is wearing a white hospital gown.]
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donutdrawsthings · 1 year
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put together two brushes that make it easier for me to make concept art that's rough yet somewhat pleasing visually.
Here Tinker is looking down at the world he finds himself in. Floating islands drifting with the wind, ships in tight formations passing by, a bustling town rich with goods from distant lands... It's all so beautiful, but also frighteningly deep. There are many tales of what lies beneath... Some say it's the end of the world, others say it's just the other side of it. But regardless of what the truth is, everyone can agree it's best not to find out the answers for yourself, lest you never find your way back home again...
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luna-azzurra · 4 months
A list of phobias that your OC (original character) can have
Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders.
Acrophobia: Fear of heights.
Claustrophobia: Fear of confined or crowded spaces.
Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes.
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs.
Trypophobia: Fear of clusters of small holes or bumps.
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD): Fear of social situations and interactions.
Glossophobia: Fear of public speaking.
Hemophobia: Fear of blood.
Nyctophobia: Fear of darkness or night.
Thanatophobia: Fear of death or dying.
Mysophobia: Fear of germs or dirt.
Entomophobia: Fear of insects.
Aquaphobia: Fear of water.
Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning.
Dentophobia: Fear of dentists or dental procedures.
Selenophobia: Fear of the moon.
Taphophobia: Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries.
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers or foreigners.
Atychiphobia: Fear of failure or not being good enough.
Consider which phobia fits well with your OC's personality, background, and the story you want to tell. You can also explore how their phobia influences their behavior, relationships, and journey throughout the novel.
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simplylupin · 5 months
Vertigo and Eddie Diaz
because the connection has been made between eddie's current arc and hitchcock's vertigo, i thought i'd give my two cents on the topic as a mediocre film student whose had to study vertigo for two years of her life
so here's a basic (very over-simplified) summary of vertigo for those who are unfamiliar
The protagonist, Scottie, is a policeman who took a break/was discharged/retired because he couldn't save a fellow police officer from falling off a building to his death
Because of this he suffers from vertigo and/or fear of heights
He's hired by his old friend Gavin to follow Gavin's wife, Madeline, for fear that she's been possessed by someone called Carlotta Valdez
He does so, and slowly falls in love with Madeline - and her him
We also learn that Scottie's best friend Midge is in love with him, but he's too obsessed with Madeline to notice Midge
Him and Madeline go to a church bell tower where Madeline seemingly offs herself by jumping off
Some time later, Scottie goes to Madeline's old hotel room, and finds a woman called Judy who looks exactly like Madeline
She agrees to go on a date with him
We, the audience, find out that Judy actually is Madeline (and vise versa). She was hired by Gavin to pretend to be Madeline.
Scottie grows more and more obsessed, forcing Judy to change her appearance to look like Madeline
He makes the connection that Madeline and Judy are the same person, and drives her to the bell tower
He forces her up the tower, over coming his fear of heights
Once at the top, they have a confrontation
A nun appears, scaring Judy and she once more falls to her death (really this time)
So, from what I've gathered, the loose connection between characters is:
Scottie = Eddie
Madeline = Shannon
Midge = Buck
Judy = Kim
The Nun = Marisol
Scottie's unable to save his fellow police officer. Eddie was unable to 'save' the people he pulled out the helicopter: "I pulled them out. But I didn't save them." Because of this he suffers from immense guilt and PTSD (as seen in his season 5 arc). He's unable to move on and this hinders him to a certain extent - just like Scottie.
After Shannon's death, he's thrown through the loop again, with the added bonus of him not having been able to save her too. Scottie's job was to save Madeline, and he failed at that, resulting in her 'death'.
Eddie is constantly trying to find a woman to fill that role of Shannon in his and Christopher's life; we see this with both Ana and now Marisol. He's looking for her in them. Scottie does the same - he visits the places he went with Madeline, he goes to her old room.
Eddie finds Kim, Scottie finds Judy.
For a little while, Judy helps Scottie get over and get closure on Madeline. She fills that empty space and allows him to move on. This is what I think Kim is going to do for Eddie.
She looks so much like Shannon but she simply isn't her. We know in later episodes that Buck is going to meet her and proclaim that she's "nothing like Shannon." There's a clear distinction there - Eddie is only seeing Shannon in her because he wants to, because he's still holding onto that idea. I think Kim is going to be the closing point of this ongoing search for Shannon's 'replacement'; someone who looks exactly like Shannon should be perfect, right? But when she too doesn't 'fill' that role that surely must spark some sort of realisation in Eddie, because if not her then who.
For Scottie, he feels betrayed by Judy. He brings her to the last place he saw Madeline, and ultimately, indirectly, causes her death. Obviously I don't believe Kim is actually going to die, but more the idea of her. She's the final chapter of him pursuing Shannon's ghost.
Midge is Scottie's best friend. They met in college and were engaged for a few weeks before breaking up. They spend a lot of time together, staying at each other's houses and going out. She helps Scottie through his vertigo and acrophobia, and tries to 'bring him back' in his grief. At one point, Midge paints her face onto a painting of Carlotta Valdez, showing that she's there and ready for Scottie's love, if he's willing to give it to her.
I believe, in this scenario, Buck takes on her role (for seemingly obvious reasons). Him and Eddie are best friends, they do so much together, he helps Eddie when he's struggling etc etc. Midge is the idea of the 'other woman', someone who is right in front of Scottie's eyes, someone whose always been there for him. However, Scottie is too obsessed and fixated on Madeline that he can't see this and continually brushes it away. You see where I'm going here...
Although Buck potentially doesn't even realize it himself, he has taken on Shannon's role in the Diaz family for years. Eddie already has the 'replacement' for Shannon that he's so desperately been searching for right in front of his eyes.
In Vertigo, Judy and Madeline are the same person, whereas Shannon and Kim are obviously not. However, the comparison still stands.
Scottie meets Judy and immedietely latches onto her because she looks so much like Madeline (duh) and he is so desperate for anything that'll keep Madeline's memory with him. He makes her undergo a series of phsyical changes (dyeing her hair, changing her wardrobe, her style etc etc) so that she appears more like Madeline - so he can get that closure and pretend.
Eddie clearly isn't going to do this to Kim. However, whatever way you spin it, he is projecting Shannon onto her. He saw her, and thought of Shannon, he pursued her because of that, he's doing all this because of Shannon. He is chasing that closure and that moment were he can be like 'Ah. I've finally found someone who can be Shannon for me and Chris.'
I doubt Kim is going to be around particularly long. As much as it sounds diminishing, she really is just a tool for Eddie to have this realization that nobody can replace Shannon, and that that's okay. He doesn't need to find Shannon 2.0.
Now, in Vertigo, when Scottie and Judy are arguing on the bell tower, a nun appears from the shadows and startles them - causing Judy to fall to her death. It's a very abrupt and out of nowhere.
The character of the nun, I think could represent either one of two things. Marisol, as we know, used to be a nun (i'm still not over this btw). That's a pretty straight-forward, clear cut comparison. The nun causes Judy to die, Marisol causes 'Shannon', and the idea of Shannon, to 'die'. This interpretation leans more heavily on Marisol and Eddie staying together, however, so I'm not sure.
The nun could also just represent religion as a whole, and Eddie's Catholic guilt particularly. Eddie tells Bobby that he only really married Shannon because he felt like he had to, he felt pressured into it because of his religious guilt. Despite this, "There was still a part of me that loved being married to her."
There's no doubt in my mind that Eddie loved Shannon. He did, they loved each other, and he still does love her - he always will. I do think that the choice of focussing on his marriage to her and how he "loved being married to her" is interesting though, he doesn't try to clarify that he was in love with her. This could just be because it's a given orrr
Whatever, not really the point.
The point is, the fact he's now "awakened" his Catholic guilt by finding out Marisol was a nun, must mean something for his upcoming arc. In Vertigo, the nun kills Judy. Here, his religious guilt 'kills' the idea of Shannon??
I'll definitely have more ideas about this later but this was my word vomit for now! Let me know what you think please.
(Also something I find funny is that the actress of Madeline/Judy is called Kim!)
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poppitron360 · 4 months
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It's mentioned in TLT how Percy is claustrophobic, and it's NEVER mentioned again.
It could've been a great plot-point! Particularly in the Labyrinth. And I think it's cool to give characters phobias (Thalia's acrophobia and Annabeth's arachnophobia). Plus, it makes sense- the sea doesn't like to be restrained!
I just wish this was talked about more, bc I think we all (Rick included) forgot about it.
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project-sekai-facts · 2 months
Do any characters have a specific fear of something? Like I think we all know that tsukasa fears bugs. But are there like different characters that find things disgusting or fear somethings (sorry if this make absolutely no sense)
There's a few yeah
Toya has acrophobia (fear of heights), which was caused by him thinking too hard about what would happen if he fell from a height (this is also brought up in a cut area conversation that accidentally made it to the TW server). It's so bad he can't walk over bridges.
Akito has cynophobia (fear of dogs) due to being bitten by one when he was a kid. Rise as ONE! revolves around this and has him get slightly better around dogs (not fully over it, but he warms up to the dog he's left in charge of in the story). Ena isn't that fond of dogs either.
An has phasmophobia (fear of ghosts), and is also generally scared of anything considered "scary", like the haunted house in the Wolf Forest event.
Ena and Kanade also have phasmophobia, shown in the Secret Distance event. Kanade also doesn't seem fond of the horror genre, like An.
Honami seems to be as well, she's really scared of the haunted house in her Welcome to the Nightmare card story. Saki was too, but Honami was scared before even going in.
Ichika has veloxrotaphobia (fear of roller coasters). It's not mentioned if this comes from a dislike of heights or speed, and she also is scared of any thrill ride in general. Minori doesn't like rollercoasters either.
Nene doesn't like bugs either, but it's nowhere near as pronounced as Tsukasa's entomophobia and might be more of a general dislike than a fear. An doesn't like bugs either.
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Any ideas for/examples of torture that is symbolic or so particularly tailored to the whumpee in question? Say, fitting a certain motif, a character flaws/traits, or affecting who they are fundamentally?
whumpee, who was previously abandoned by someone they loved and trusted, got manipulated by whumper into believing that their new friends (caretakers) had abandoned them too.
whumpee, who was previously betrayed by someone they loved and trusted, made to believe they were being betrayed again after they finally let themself trust someone once more.
whumpee trusting the wrong person (whumper) and telling them their deepest secret. they’re learning the hard way what a mistake it is to trust whumper when whumper uses that secret against them. they’re never trusting anybody again.
whumpee forced to relive their trauma.
whumpee with self doubt and fear of failure made to think they are worthless and a mistake.
whumpee haunted by their past mistakes: the people they failed, the lives they could have saved, or the blood on their hands.
whumpee put through their own phobia; acrophobia, aerophobia, arachnophobia, claustrophobia, hemophobia, monophobia, nyctophobia, trypanophobia, thalassophobia, etc. the possibilities are endless.
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str8rat · 1 month
In Stars And Time Fear and Hunger AU
Today, we've got THREE CHARACTER SHEETS!!!
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TW!! i'm actually not sure LOL UHHH mentions of anxiety?? mentions of grief?? mentions of Erotophobia ( fear of sex and genitals, but nothing graphic dw, a mere mention and explanation ) but yeah if you are any familiar with fear and hunger, i think nothing can really surprise you ._.
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love how her hair turned out here :D
~ ~ ~
Mirabelle; Atychiphobia ( fear of failure )
Effects; Severe Anxiety
The Blessed Housemaiden of House of Dormont. Immune to the Curse of Time Freezing. Unfortunately, the public is not as fond of her as one may assume, with her being the Savior of Vaugarde. The public puts immense ammounts of pressure on her, even antagonizing her venomously, claiming that she is not trying hard enough, fast enough to get to the King, as the party ventures through the country.
Mirabelle is at constant brink of an anxiety attack, especially while she is around strangers, causing her to develop a light stutter, that gets worse when she is in a stressful situation. While alone with her party, she becomes a lot more open and calmer, so grateful for everyone's support and being there for her. She picked up the breathing exercise from Siffrin, and uses it regularely. She also cannot forgive herself for Isabeau's sacrifice for her, still having horrible dreams about that day.
Other than her phobia of failing to free her country from the King's grasp, she also shows signs of Erotophobia, which is a fear of genitals and sex. Sometimes, Housemaidens weren't seen as just maidens of the House, but also, prostitutes, earning on the side. Being associated with such an oppinion from her youngest years - ever since becoming a Housemaiden, really - she refuses to ever indulge in any of those gross activities.
Also, the constant use of healing craft puts immense toll on her body, causing her to be get craft-exhausted for short periods of time. If she happens to overuse healing craft, it may cause her to nosebleed, cough up blood, inability to use crafts or even loss of consciousness. Overall, Mirabelle does not have it easy.
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MOMMY i mean what
~ ~ ~
Odile; Acrophobia ( fear of heights )
Effects; Fragile ( she old )
An Outlander from Ka Bue, a country from across the ocean. Researcher of.. something. Due to being an old lady, Odile has a much more fragile body, making up with her powerful craft skills and knowledge. During battles, her first turn always consists of Analyzing an enemy, in order to work out a tactic against it. She is scared of heights, and that is commonly known throughout the party, being the one thing that they can genuinely get back at her for relentlessly teasing them at times.
She is also subconsciously considered a mother figure of the party. She had seen many, many messed up things throughout her own travels, as well as after joining the others. Because of that, she may have became a bit numb towards violence and overall gruesome displays, which in turn sometimes greatly disturbs the rest of her companions. Still, Odile remains highly protective towards them, especially Bonnie, sternly forbidding them from joining in on actual battles, and instead staying in the back and sometimes helping out with tonics.
The things she wouldn't do in order to keep those she deems dear to her safe. One could easily underestemite her for being just an old lady with a love for books and learning more about the world around her, when in reality, she is ruthless towards those that dare to land a hand on her family.
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poor bonnie ;w; give them pinapple and headpats
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Bonnie; Atelophobia ( fear of being useless )
Effects; Traumatized, Emotionally unstable
A pre-teen from the Vaugardian village Bambouche. Bonnie is severely traumatized, their young brain quickly folding under the cruelty and unfairness of this world, and always strives to impress those around them. Their entire village have been frozen in time, the curse swallowing everyone they knew, alongside their older sister Petronille. The only thing they've got left is their hat, oversized, damaged, and yet, very important to them, because it belonged to their sister.
Overcome by anger and grief, they made the impulsive decision to go through the country all on their own, wanting to face The King by themselves. Of course, they were too weak for that, being just a child, and as their exhaustion caught up with them after days of traveling on their own and desperately avoiding Sadnesses, they were eventually forced into a fight with one. It would've killed them, if it wasn't for Siffrin, which noticed them and saved them just in time.
Bonnie feels immense guilt at the sacrifice of Siffrin's eye for their life, and distances themselves from the situation. And even though their childish nature still shines through their numb shell, they will never forgive themself for having another person lose their eye for them. They try to make up the fact of them being utterly useless in combat, with the fact that they can cook very well. They're trying their hardest.
They are also incredibly clumsy, especially when stressed- leading them to getting hurt often, resulting in countless band-aids and bandages on their body. One particularely nasty occurance was that they accidentally knocked a pan off of the stove, causing oil burns across their left arm, left wrist, and chest. They are also emotionally unstable, and consider acting angry to be "strong," and "adult-like," so that's exactly how they act like most of the time, especially towards Siffrin. As time goes on though, they warm up more and more towards the members of the party. And now that their home, their friends, their family is gone- they eventually start considerring the rest of their party as family- even though they won't admit it.
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YAY I actually speedran drawing THREE CHARACTERS!!! We already had Siffrin, we had Isabeau, now we have Mirabelle, Odile and Bonnie! Who's the last one? :0
The Universe's Favorite Cosmic Joke, of course! Look forward to that tomorrow, alongside some more doodles regarding the AU probably :D
( also, to the bozo relentlessly spamming my inbox, pls do keep harrassing me. it's funny )
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goldenlocksprincess · 1 month
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Attack on Titan Actor AU
(part 4) with spoilers
All the guys (the 104th ) used to have a crush on Sasha when they started filming season 1.
Eren owns a motorcycle he calls it Tatakae.
Jean got a lot of attention from fashion brands. Everyone wants him to be their next ambassador.
Mikasa cut her own hair during the first seasons to make it look more geniune.
Levi and Historia have a lot of deleted scenes.
Armin studied Erwin's acting a lot so he could copy him after his onscreen death.
Reiner Is a huge NFL fan he made a tradition in which every superbowl final he takes few cast mates to watch the game with him.
The actors loves to coordinates their press tour outfit.
The cast groupchat is called "Slay on Titans".
Bertholdt quit acting after his character died, he wanted to concentrate on music but he still hangs out with them on set.
Annie loves to braid the girls hair and sometimes Eren tags in.
Hange actor often spoils the audience in their interview but they do it subtly.
Only Zeke and Eren knew how the series ends. Because they filmed multiple endings to avoid spoilers.
Mikasa accidently punched Armin's nose in one of their scenes together.
Sasha and Nicollo flirt all the time.
The baby who played Historia's child is Erwin's own daughter.
Jean guest started in a music video.
Connie has acrophobia (fear of heights) he fainted the first time he tried the ODM.
Annie is vegan.
Pieck voices the cart titan she admitted doing that voice to scare her little brothers at first.
Porco is a huge gamer, he has won many championship.
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infohazardouz · 1 year
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cw: acrophobia, character jumps off balcony but its not srs lol
NEXT PART: https://www.tumblr.com/infohazardouz/720593716497285120/demon-au-2-part-update?source=share
PREV PART: https://www.tumblr.com/infohazardouz/719867889192206336/demon-au-update-guess-whos-back-previous-part?source=share
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Today's disabled character of the day is Flick from PB and J Otter, who has acrophobia
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of an anthropomorphic duck. He has pale grey feathers and an orange beak. He is wearing red sneakers in the shape of duck feet and white neck band.]
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lunamochii · 2 years
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Need you close to me || part I
Synopsis; Just like Spider Soccoro, you grew up together with the Sully kids. Although when you got older, you stayed most the time in the lab. Trying to perfect your project of making your own avatar. Although this has made Neteyam worry for you to the point he almost forgot his duties.
warning; y/n have acrophobia, Neteyam being the sweetest, fluff, angst
1.8k words
a/n; hope you will like my first fanfic on Avatar! Characters may be out of character but please bear with me! Reblogs and feedbacks are very appreciated🤍 request are open!
part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
“You’re out of your mind!”
Flinching at his sudden increase of his voice, you get why his mad right now it’s all because Spider spilled the project you are making during the shared dinner you had with the Sully’s
You glance at your side and flip your finger to Spider who have a grin plastered on to his face. You flinch again when you felt Neteyam’s gaze at you
“I just want to experience the same feeling Jake experienced okay!”
“Dad was an adult! Of course he can handle the side effects!“
You huff and march away from them, you got back to the lab so fast and you slam the door so loud that it might have echoed throughout the forest
Neteyam pinch his forehead and hisses with annoyance and immediately followed you, Lo’ak and Spider look at each other and grin knowing that you and Neteyam are just fools in love but can’t admit
Neteyam composed himself before knocking on the door “It’s me princess..”
“Go away skxwang”
He rolled his eyes and tilt the lock and let him self in and he saw you sitting on a table, hugging your legs and he can hear your soft sobs
He shook his head and went closer as he put his hands on both of your side and lowered him self to your level
“I’m just worried Y/N, my father often tell us that on the making of their avatar there are sometimes conflicts.. I’m just..”
You look up and Neteyam smiled softly as he wipe your tears
“I’m just afraid that something will happen to you”
“Norm and Max is helping me. Trust me in this one, please Teyam?” You replied while rubbing your cheeks on his big palms, Neteyam close his eyes and when he opened his eyes once again he stared right at your eyes as if he can see beyond, you felt your cheeks heat up making you push him away as you got down from the table
“I gotta go now, Norm and Max still needs me to complete the project”
He watch you walk away and he found him self staring at his palm, your warmth lingering, he clench his hand and brought it to his lips
“Guide me, greatmother…”
+ next day +
“You sure you wanna do this?”
Max ask you and you reply with a nod. Max and Norm nod at each other as you lay down on the machine, your heart beating fast as they slowly close the pod
“Relax Y/N”
Max told you before completely closing the door, you shut your eyes close and leave the rest to them
+ somewhere in the forest +
“Stop walking back and forth Neteyam… I’m getting dizzy”
Tuk muttered and went to hug her older sister, the oldest let out a sigh and finally sat down which made everyone sigh in content
It has been 5 hours ever since Spider informed them that Y/N decided to test out their project, both Jake and Neytiri went to check but in Neteyam’s mind he can’t help but feel restless
He was about to go when he heard the whistling of his dad and when they finally landed, he saw him helping someone get down
The moment your legs touch the ground it immediately wobbled and you found yourself catching your breath, hand over your chest as you close your eyes
“Are you okay?”
Neytiri is beside you, rubbing your back as you weakly nod and the woman help you get up. Putting your arms around her neck
“You’ll get use to it, princess”
You smiled weakly to Jake and Neytiri as you guys walk towards to their home. Who knew that your acrophobia will still act up even in your avatar form and YES.
You together with Norm and Max succeeded on the project although after this you don’t know when you will be able to experience being on your avatar body again. You saw the group of people gathered in one hut, you immediately recognized them as you wave to them
“Y/N! It’s Y/N!”
Tuk got on her feet and came running straight to you, letting a small laugh as you pat her head. Kiri went to your side and place her forehead to yours, as you smile at her warmly
“Whoa! Now you can finally spend a lot more time with us!”
You laugh at Lo’ak’s remarks knowing full well he will be disappointed later on that you still need to do some observation on this new body of yours
“Sit for now Y/N. You still ought to gain strength”
“Yes, Neytiri”
You bow your head down slightly as you watch the Sully couple walk away from the hut. The second the parents left their eyes away from their childrens, Neteyam immediately sat down beside you and place your head on his chest, kissing the crown of your head
His one arm wrap around your waist, you sigh in relief and make your self be at ease on his embrace. You notice Spider staring at you making you smile
“Don’t worry Spider, I will als—“
“It’s fine. I don’t need a avatar to beat Lo’ak ass everytime we compete”
And that’s the start of their bickering in which often you see inside the lab. Kiri and Tuk excuse their self not wanting to hear more and Lo’ak challenged Spider to some race only Eywa knows where
You are left with Neteyam and you can feel his gaze, his thumb rubbing the back of your hands
The you in front of him is a new sight for him. You are already beautiful when you are human, you’re even more beautiful on your avatar form
“You don’t know how agonizing it was for me, those hours were pure torture”
You laugh and move away from him although you are still holding his hands
“I’m here now, ain’t I? So.. how about teaching me to ride and climb?”
Neteyam shook in disbelief as he stood up and pulled you up. You can also tell that the weakness you felt on your legs were gone, he called out his ikran and the fear of flying again is engulfing you once more
“Don’t be afraid, pretty. I’m here”
He said and swoop you up, placing you infront of him as he connected his queue to his ikran and you immediately wrap your arms around his neck, earning a laugh from the future Olo’eyktan
“Open your eyes, my love”
Opening your eyes slowly, you saw how grand it is to see the floating island this much close. Since down on the ground all you could see is the large trees and the clouds. You can’t help but scream as you stretch your arms, letting out your pure joy
“See? Told you that you’ll like it” Neteyam is wearing his infamous smirk and you giggled as you put both of your hands on the side of his cheeks and give him a quick kiss
“I love it!!”
Neteyam blink twice before joining you on your hoorah, the both of you very much enjoying the time. He took you to all the beautiful spots that he knows, spots that only he knows, spots that holds dear to him, spots where he swore one day he would take you to
Neteyam can give up everything just for you, for him to see you smile like that always, for him to hear you laugh, to feel you.
You turn around and hug him tight, he hug you back and the both of you just spent a couple of minutes hugging before deciding to head back to their home
Neytiri and Jake watch as their eldest get off of his ikran assisting his fated mate, you got down having a wide smile and you kissing Neteyam on the cheeks as you jog towards Tuk
“Reminds me of us back then” Neytiri said as she look at Jake
“Yeah but I wonder where that boy got his moves” Neytiri laugh at her husband remarks, surely Jake is oblivious to the things he did back in the past
The night fell upon the pandora and the pod you laid in opened as Max and Norm help you get up, you can’t help but feel dizzy that you wanted to throw up. The moment your feet touch the ground your vision black out and the last thing you remembered was Norm and Max screaming your name
The moment Neteyam woke up he immediately went to the hut where your avatar is supposed to be resting but his brows furrowed when he saw no one is laying down there
“Bro bro! Follow me quickly!”
Neteyam didn’t question his brother and immediately rode his ikra towards the lab
There he found his father inside with his mom calming Kiri and Tuk, he got inside and Lo’ak together with Spider tried to stop him entering further
“She could have exerted her self when she was out, she was coughing up blood when she got back”
He heard one of his friends dad say and his head whipped to the girl laying on a bed, he saw the wires connecting to her body. He even saw her avatar that was just on his arms yesterday
His ears droop down, tail hang low as he watch his mate through the glass. Jake saw his son and he excuse himself and the two sky people return on doing all they can to monitor and make sure you’ll be okay
Jake tap the shoulder of his son letting him know that his here, that his family is here
“Let’s go back for now Neteyam. She’ll wake up soon don’t worry”
Neteyam clench his fist and shook the hand of his father making Jake stun, his boy never did this, not even once
“I want to stay here father”
He sounded stern, Jake wanted to protest but he just let out a sigh before patting the head of his son and walking out together with the rest of their family. Spider was kind enough to stay back and be with Neteyam.
It’s been weeks ever since he last spoken to you and he is going sane as the day goes by, he needs to feel your warm, your palm against his cheeks, your smile, your laugh, your everything!
Neteyam is touch starve if only he can go in and hold your hand but all he can do is stare at you. His even skipping the hunt and forgetting his duties
Resting his forehead against the glass, he close his eyes and prays to Eywa to bring his mate back or he will lose sanity soon
“Need to see and touch you, my Y/N..”
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its-alex-drawing · 2 months
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[OC] Avis “Birdie” Whistler: Step 1
My first OLNF OC—come to think of it, this is the first OC I’ve ever made!
Avis’s character design and story is still very rudimentary: I’m just beginning to develop them—though I’m having lots of fun doing it!
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Updated Visual!
Spent wayyy too long writing this—I’m terrible at creative writing anyways—and got photoshop working (sorta, it’s not the most seamless integration of the character art, but probably the best I could do at 4 am).
As you can see, the pencil design ended up quite different to the in-game customizable doll—mostly her hair. Avis still has her bowtie—though much thinner and ribbon-like, only visible from the rear. Her coat is fairly different as well. And while I don’t have colours, the palette is the exact same between both designs.
Some random tidbits about Avis:
Born September 3, 2000 in Milan, Italy.
Avis's nickname—Birdie—comes from the fact that her name means 'Bird' in Latin! Thus, her full name means 'Bird Whistler'—while a bird whistle is a reed instrument that chirps or warbles.
Against the Rosso Corsa norm of Italian racers, Avis's racing colours are a bright yellow interuppted by forest-green stripes.
At 140 cm, she's the average height for a ten-year-old.
Despite her namesake, Avis has a bad case of acrophobia!
Started out by building a makeshift kart using scrap parts and a 25cc, 2-stroke engine. After a while, her family saved up enough for Avis to rent officiated karts—before buying her own! It's a well-worn, though reliable 125 cc, 2-stroke thing, painted (crudely) in her racing colours!
Avis first drove her homemade creation at the age of 6, while she's been racing competitively since she was 8.
She bikes often—even if most of her cycling budget went towards karting instead!
Prefers wearing thicker jackets or hoodies—though, she also likes wearing basketball shorts.
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fic-heaven · 6 months
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Distant memory . aot au
[Armoured Titan! Ghost x Female Titan! Reader]
🐥Wanted to write sum Ghostie because apparently he's the only cod character that attracts people to my page :')
Angst to comfort to angst/ aot lore/ Ghost being Ghost/ cute Gaz just wants peace/ traumatized Reader/ ghost's family is still alive/ titans
- Your marleyan captain Makarov ordered your childhood crush to infiltrate the enemy territory in Paradis island. It is your duty as the female titan bearer to aid the armoured and the colossal since they took too long to update on their spying mission. After so long apart, you and Ghost are confronted with feelings from the past.
Sometimes, when your body took the appearance of a fourteen feet tall beast of a woman, you liked to imagine you were flying.
The clouds seemed so close you could reach them, the birds in the sky spooked at the size of a big pair of eyes close to their path of flight, the sun was hotter but not as much as your torching body, the ground was so low you didn't want to even look at it. Not because you had acrophobia, but because of all the war and chaos bellow.
You were no killing machine. You were just a girl trapped in a war too big for you to participate until they forced you to become a monster bound to do monstrous things. A monster that quickly made you fit to their senseless war to obey and follow the cruel orders of your captain Makarov. Though you were not the only sheep forced to become a wolf, there were other cursed people that understood just how terrifying it was to be forced to become a Titan bearer.
As the plan of exterminating the eldians from Paradis Island took a drastic delay of three years, Captain Makarov himself ordered you to infiltrate as aid for the two previously sent spies also carriers of the colossal and the armored Titan. He thought the Female Titan could shift the attention back to the real course, the real reason you three were sent to that hell-hole.
The sky looked so pretty but your admiration was bound to be interrupted when soldiers from the Survey Corps fly directly above your head. Those soldiers you had joined months ago, those you currently call comrades, siblings in arms...
How sad.
Your head shot downwards taking some of them with you since their ODM gear (Omni-directional mobility gear) was stuck to your scalp. The way your head violently dragged them made the poor souls smash directly into the green weeds and rocks from the ground of the forest you were fastly diving to. You weren't dumb, you knew this change of scenario would be heavily beneficial for them. You wanted to give that advantage.
After half an hour with more killing, running and dodging your titan was tied to multiple trees by metallic wires that cut deeply into the muscles of your human-shaped war tank. You didn't struggle, you knew with your crystalization powers you could easily chop your way out of the trap you got yourself into. But that would be too easy, you had to give them time, you had to make sure the other two spies would spot you, shit themselves and finally try and meet up with you for news about the mission and an update from Marley and their families.
The veil of night engulfs the forest, torches were lit everywhere in order to keep your titan well observed. Many of the soldiers here, even Captain Price, had tried to lure you out of your titan but you never relented although It was hard to maintain focus for so many hours being under there, many times you had felt tempted to indulge them and get out of that suffocating coffin of bones and flesh, you prayed to the gods the spies would interfiere soon to get you out of there. Lucky you didn't have to wait a whole new hour for shifts to turn, apparently Simon Riley and Kyle Garrick had spotted a pack of titans rushing to your position to which caused havoc in the make-shift camp they made.
The titans made a nice job of killing most of them until they got to your titan, chewing it's flesh with vigor, their soulless eyes never leaving the meat of your titan's body. Thanks to this you managed to get out of it's nape with agility dodging every mouth that shot your way. Your ODM gear was surprisingly intact considering it had been inside your titan's body for almost a whole entire day, you felt your brain foggy and your muscles protesting when you balanced yourself into the giant branches of a nearby tree, rushing to regroup with the captain who heavily chastised you for being so late. You were relieved he didn't notice you coming out of the titan all of them had bravely captured and was now being feasted upon.
"What the hell took ya so long!? We thought you had been eaten-"
"She was with us." Ghost.
You hadn't seen Simon Riley in six years since he was sent as a teenager to the eldians' den. You remember crying yourself to sleep because the cute butcher's boy was taken from you before you could confess your feelings. But he is a man now and you are a woman bounded to your respective duties. He has changed so much you couldn't immediately recognize him until you spotted the tattoos on his arm, the tattoos you had designed for him all those years back. The mask Ghost ported was new, but it somehow suited him, it was funny how the armored Titan's porter also shielded his face with some kind of armor. Perhaps he didn't know who he was anymore so he opted to hide what was underneath to create a new identity as Lieutenant Ghost from the 141 squad of the Survey Corps. How easily had he moved on from you, from Marley.
"She was scouting with us, sir. We picked 'er before we left, t'was a last-minute decision. I take full responsibility..." Said Sargeant Gaz with an embarrassed expression.
"Fine, whatever. We ain't got no time for apologies with all the losses we just suffered. Let's regroup with the others and get the fuck out of this nightmare of a forest." The captain snarled defeated.
"Sir, what about the female Titan?" Soap asked alarmed.
"There's nothing we can do. We are a group of seven against a whole horde, we are wounded and she's getting eaten there's nothin' we can do."
"Obey my command or you can throw yourself to the titans alone!"
The whole squad instantly straightened their aching backs at the intimidating tone of their captain to soon begin launching themselves through the trees to the awaiting horses at the limits of the forest. Once you got into your horse with a cold look you glanced at Gaz and Ghost, they instantly stared back at you in hidden fear and anticipation.
Months ago they had heard a new flock of soldiers had joined the corps but they didn't expect you. Actually... With every year that passed they feared you'd come, but after six years their fears were almost extinguished with the silly expectancy that Makarov had given up on the extermination. But seeing you here with that cold look in your eyes, the way your skin look paler and how big your muscles had gotten, how much you had changed since the last time they had seen you... It meant they had forced you all these years to train to come and correct their failure, like they were actually expecting it. Ghost felt a wave of hatred clouding his already turbulent mind, his horse picked speed leaving you behind with Gaz until the boy sighed, gave you a knowing nod and followed after his lieutenant.
They knew they couldn't run away from you and their responsibilities, their loyalty was being doubted by the very same captain who trained them to become man-eating monsters in exchange for a better life for their families. Ghost wasn't offended by this, he understood compleatly, but the fact that Makarov sent you... It seemed like the captain knew exactly what you meant to him and the hurricane of feelings that would struck him by sending you to enemy territory. You brought old feelings that tormented Simon when he first got to this retched island until he matured and foolishly thought he grew past them.
"Fucking hell..."
You had reached the fortress they used to operate, resupply, plan their expeditions and run experiments to investigate the titans. You got an earful from Price who decided to pick up where you left off before he sent you to the showers and finally go to the barracks where Garrick awaited at the door with a grim look. Seeing him like this, with tiredness shagging his body but all grown and healthy made a you feel slightly off put at the seemingly great conditions the eldian people had graced the boys for exchange of their effort to "save humanity"
He looked to his left and right making sure no one was in the hall before he ran to you wrapping his arms around your body in a tight hug. "Y-you... Fuck..." He couldn't speak, nostalgia hit you two like a boulder and tears were shed in each other's arms "My goodness you had grown... You used to be a little mouse back then" you said pinching his cheek. "Must be the titan in me." Gaz joked referring to the colossal titan's power running through his blood.
"You had made quite an entrance! I'm sorry we couldn't aid you faster, Simon uh... Well... He had a meltdown." His eyes tried to express the words he couldn't bring himself to say yet you played dumb because you did want him to say it.
"He's changed (y/n). The years we spent here since we were brats... They have practically finished raising us."
Your face changed from sympathy to cold defensiveness. Gaz was quick to rectify.
"It's not- I mean, we are loyal to our homeland, but seeing you was like getting a glimpse of the lives we left behind to integrate here. You know how emotional Simon is under that hardened exterior."
"He was given the armored titan for a reason. We need to talk. Where is he?" You sighed taking a step back and pinching the bridge of your nose.
Gaz grimaced signaling you to speak lower hoping no one has heard a word you just muttered. "His office...Come."
Walking down the corridor to the lieutenant's office gave you more fright than enduring Price's lectures whenever you did something to piss him off. You hated Simon for leaving you behind, but you knew it was your duty as titan shifters to accomplish what Makarov has put in your hands, and yet... You missed that bad temper and sassy frown he always carried, you missed stargazing while eating stolen watermelons from the market of your street, you missed when you two would pair up for every tiring exercise each morning to make your captain proud, you missed your Simon, and you were afraid "Ghost" the eldian version of Simon had replaced the boy you grew up with. Kyle was still your loving, trusting Kyle. But Ghost?
Gaz knew the mission your lives were doomed to accomplish made you and Ghost sacrifice more than living a normal life, it also made you put aside the feelings you held for one another. Kyle had spent multiple nights being Simon's rock, encouraging him to very slowly open the troubles of his heart to him, in the den of wolves they were instructed to dive in, only them both were fully aware of the true sacrifices they had to endure when they were only children for their families to not live in misery, poverty and hunger, while they told the eldian soldiers lies about their origins. Kyle will never tell you about the nights Simon spent crying feeling convinced that he'd never see you again. As time passed by, Gaz picked the red flags of an incoming identity crisis that only seemed to soothe whenever Simon was reminded of you, of your sole existence, not his family, not his friends but only you and the feelings he strongly felt for you managed to separate Lieutenant Ghost from Simon Riley, the tattoo on his arm you had doodled for him out of boredom and that he surprised you one day having tattooed it, was the only physical proof that you existed, that his whole childhood wasn't a dream. That he only came here to return the founder to Makarov, not live a life as a new Simon who has no (y/n) to love, defend and train with.
With all this said, Gaz was understandably worried about this reunion. Not just because of the news you had from Marley but also for the new update they recently got to inform you.
Ghost was already waiting for you two sitting on his wooden chair that by the looks of the damaged floor, he had dragged with total carelessness from behind his stacked table to the left side of the office right across a sitting area with a small coffee table that held three cups of tea.
When you stepped inside he froze, his body went rigid on his spot, the hairs of his arms rose in goosebumps. You were equally as struck but you swallowed it down for the sake of formalities, as you muttered your quick greetings you sat across from him along with Gaz. Ghost nods your way, places his mask down the table and you try not to cry at the view of your long-lost love sitting there with tired eyes, his littler of scars you remember tracing with your fingers and a sadness radiating from him that made your pulse shake.
"Gentlemen, is it safe to speak?"
"Made sure t'pick the office farthest from the barracks, laboratory and Prize's quarters. The only potential trouble would be the stables nearby, but at this hour it's empty." Ghost said in a matter of fact tone.
"Everyone's in the barracks and the captain is currently on his room writing Laswell of today's mission." Gaz concluded.
You sigh, take a long sip of your cup of tea and carefully place it down fighting a smile. Ghost still remembers how you like it. The men look at each other until Gaz decides to begin:
"We have the attack titan secluded."
"That means Valeria is dead....YOU LET THIS HAPPEN! YOU FUCKING TRAITORS!"
Gaz and Ghost abruptly stand up alerted by the change of mood. This wasn't like you. Kyle calmed you down begging for you to lower your tone, you ignored him smashing the table looking at the distance begging for clarification.
Ghost sat down again and decided to speak. "We are still loyal to our homeland than you think, (y/n)." Gaz nods "Valeria is not dead. She's trapped, contained... They don't even fully understand how the power of the founder works. They plan to study her."
"Why the fuck did you let that happen?"
"We couldn't simply interfiere, it would have blown our cover!" Gaz wails.
"Your cover has lasted six years. Why do you think Makarov sent me?"
"Hopefully not to finish us for the delay." Ghost grunts.
"Us? As in... Task force 141!?" You spat and he flinched lowering the tea from his lips.
"As you know, this mission should have taken less than three years and you doubled it, he is understandably anxious and pissed. Boys, we are still after the founder. Do not lose track on the mission ahead and remember who the real enemy is."
There was a pause then, your bodies feeling exhausted because of all the acrobatics from the last failed mission in the forest and the tension of the thousand feelings this whole conversation was evoking from each of you. As you took another sip of tea, Simon noted how the softness of youth had disappeared from you, stripped away by your hateful marleyan captain Makarov, and all because him and Gaz couldn't accomplish the mission faster as they were getting a soft spot for the eldians, for captain Price, for Johnny... He has failed you and the wrath of your captain fell on you transforming your beautiful body into a galaxy of pain and sorrows, your eyes a pair of dead stars whose light died the day Simon left, and the scars along your body were constellations of memories in the battlefield and your abusive training with your captain before getting the divine "privilege" of being a shifter, your healing powers healed any wound you got from then on never the scars your body during youth.
You composed yourself after a long sigh. "Where do they keep Valeria?"
"On a cell in the lav, they got her sedated. They uh... Have been discussing how and who will get to take her titan."
"So they do suspect it can be taken away...Who exactly did they have in mind?"
"We don't know, but we think it's Colonel Alejandro Vargas." Ghost grunts.
"Tsk. That fool is too unstable. He'll kill us all trying to tame her power... Soap?"
"Nah, lad's got less chance to earn it... What about the captain?" Asked Gaz.
"Old man's too sane to throw his human life away for a power he does not fully understand." Ghost says back.
"For now it's looking like Ale will get it...." You sigh. "So for now they'll keep her locked until Vargas agrees to inherit it, is that correct?"
They collectively nod with their sight lost in thought mauling at the information spilled until you say something that shocks them.
"Alejandro is too impulsive the attach titan would suit him perfectly... I suggest we try to convince him to take it."
"Have you gone fucking mad!?" Ghost barks making Gaz almost drop his teacup.
"We'll try to get him to join our cause first, show him what's further the walls and the sea. If he does we'll have the attack titan, if he doesn't we kill him. Simple. Judging by how passionate he is about human rights I bet convincing him will be like stealing candy to a kid, and with him cones his squad of vaqueros, wherever Ale goes they go, it could be very beneficial."
Gaz sighs trying to hide his nervousness at the prospect of killing the colonel "But If Alejandro dies...?"
You smile "Then we will try luck with his second in command, Rodolfo Parra. We could blame captain Price for Alejandro's murder if it comes to be, it must be during a scouting mission or else it'll be too obvious... Then with the pain of the loss Rudy will be easier to mold to our like."
Gaz and Ghost seemed convinced exchanging a few words amongst each other. "It's good t'have ya back, (y/n)." Ghost admits out loud and you thank deity up there that he is so reluctant to kill one of his current allies for the sake of Makarov's plan.
An hour has passed informing the boys about their families. How Simon's brother has gotten engaged and was expecting a son and how Kyle's twin had opened a business near the market street you all used to play and steal stuff from. By the end Kyle decided to head back to the barracks with a wide smile after hearing from his brother and Ghost- well. He wanted to speak to you about a private matter, Garrick understood instantly and left without a fuss.
Now that you were alone together, Simon went to sit on Gaz's previous seat next to you as you took something from your pocket.
"I had brought these for you..." You softly said handing him a small stock of sweets from Marley. The sweets you used to share together when you chilled together in the rooftops of old abandoned buildings from your neighborhood.
Ghost let out a low chuckle "Waited til' Gaz wasn't around to share 'em with me, doll?" Your face softened at the use of the old nickname he used to call you, He melted in the spot, both of you smiling like idiots and looking elsewhere other than each other's eyes.
"Never liked 'em." He said simply and you looked at him in confusion. "I only pretended to like 'em because you always wanted to share them with me."
"You buffoon..." You chuckled then and sighed a "More for me I guess..." Before shoving the sweets to your pocket but Ghost's hand shot to your wrist stopping you mid motion. His other hand open the bag slightly to scoop up a sweet and gently, very very gently placed it in the gap between your lips.
"Keep it there." He whispered it so sensually you couldn't help but obey, the sweet taste of the marleyan treat melted a little in your mouth.
He leaned to you ear, a hand nuzzling your right cheek gentle like a summer breeze, Simon supports his weight on his other arm, his hand resting near your thigh brushing it lightly with his thumb. You could feel shivers running down your spine. "I said I only ate it when you offered to share 'em with me."
He parted from your ear meeting your eyes with a dark look on his, brown orbes landed on your lips still holding the sweet. Your hands scratch lightly on the stubble from his jaw making his eyes close as he slowly leaned closer once more, your noses touched until you tilted your head to accommodate the lieutenant.
Simon kisses you then, his tongue swiftly robbing the sweet from your mouth. He parts a few millimeters, swallows the treat with an exaggerated gulp and a grimace then tries to kiss you again until you stop him placing your index finger on his lips.
"If you are gonna make that expression on the first kiss you give me I don't want to imagine the face you'll make when we-"
A harsh knock on the door interrupted your sensual moment when the voice of Soap spoke from the other side.
"Love, ye locked the door. Mind lettin' me in...?"
This was his lieutenant's office he surely must have mistaken it for someone else's room...
But the look of panic on Simon's face said it all. You abruptly stand up like he had burned you. And frankly he must have, because the ache you felt at that moment was worse than a simple burn.
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nervarts · 6 months
I apologize for the inconsistent posting, I haven't been able to do much art wise. But since I'm here, I've been meaning to introduce a character I haven't drawn since 2019. :o
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Ladies and gentlemen, this is Jovana (she doesn't have a last name). She comes from a roleplay I have with a friend from Discord since 2018. She's a knight and the new leader of the Royal Guard of Felorion, the country where the story takes place. She's the female protagonist; the male protagonist is a crown prince named Isaac, whose father was murdered by his elder, illegitimate brother in a coup. She serves that brother, King Edric.
Here's a bio (It's going to be a long read):
Age: 20.
Personality: On first impression, Jovana is an exemplary figure among the ranks. She is courteous, fearless, disciplined, and above all: loyal to the king— despite his dubious actions. Down to Earth and surprisingly inquisitive. In contrast to her cold exterior, she is calm and reserved. Supposedly concealing a rare, gentler side to her persona.
Abilities: Proficient in sword-fighting; she carries a broadsword with her most of the time. However, she can also wield spears and without armor, can engage on hand-to-hand combat. She is notably strong.
Weaknesses/Negative traits: Can be killed as any other mortal: through stabs, deeps cuts and severe blunt force trauma. She is secretive and can be ruthless, especially towards enemies of the king. Jovana has acrophobia, though she loathes admitting it.
Backstory: Much of Jovana's history is a mystery among her comrades. Her reactions are rather unpleasant when they attempt to delve into her personal life. However, when she arrived to the country, she could barely speak the native language. Based from her accent and race, many speculated Jovana came from Va’sha, a region located hundreds of leagues away oversea. A nation undergoing through grim times. Theories varied from the search for a greater life to a more unpleasant reason as to why she moved. To the point of believing “Jovana” was her pseudonym. The one who seemed to know the truth was the first person who took her under their wing: Edric.
Jovana has been under his care a day after she arrived to Felorion. The day he claimed the throne through a coup, Jovana was dubbed as his personal guard. While suspicions arose to their relationship, she was mostly favored because of her fighting skills. Ever since the overthrow, Jovana was devoted to the new king. Killing every last member of the previous lineage if necessary.
-->Also, just to be sure: no, this is not Griffith and no, I didn't reference Griffith. I have never seen or read Berserk and I don't intend to (not because the story is bad, but due to the fact that I can't tolerate gore among other things). Just because a character happens to be a curly-haired knight doesn't mean I am ripping off Griffith. Please spare me the BS. This is not to be mean, it's just this happened a lot on Instagram and it's one of the reasons why I stopped drawing Jovana. But lately, she's been on my mind a lot and I had to draw her again.
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trebuchet151 · 4 days
for the oc ask game: 🍀💀🎯 for corey rook? :3c
🍀 What originally inspired the OC?
Corey was originally a self insert. They were my first playthrough of FHR, and I didn't know what kind of character I wanted yet. They pretty quickly morphed into what's best described as "my teenage angst personified". They've done a lot of evolving into their own distinct character since then, but the roots are still just me giving my inner child a face and a redemption arc. Made my sidestep the kind of hero 14 year old me needed to see. 10/10 accidental therapy seeing Corey realize their self worth over the course of the story.
🎯What do they do best?
Jump to conclusions
Self expression. They might not share everything on their mind in a talk-about-your-feelings kind of way, but they wear their heart on their sleeve to the point that its detrimental. They hold nothing back. Their villain reveal at the end of retribution was inevitable, they cant maintain enough of a mask to be anything but Sidestep. It might make for a shitty secret identity, but at least their authenticity garners them a lot of sympathy. Their fan club eats it up, Mia Ochoa thinks they're still a hero, and both Chen and Ortega are wondering if they have a good point. So the rebel with a cause angle is working out for them at least.
💀Does your OC have any phobias?
Took the definitions straight from Wikipedia lol. Also, putting this one under a cut for discussion of medical trauma and related issues.
Corey has a lot of anxiety and irrational fears. The worst of them stems from their farm trauma. Iatrophobia - fear of doctors and medical tests.
In very close second place due to the heartbreak incident. Acrophobia - fear of heights.
If we leave out those standard sidestep fears, the next worst is pseudodysphagia.
Pseudodysphagia, in its severe form, is the irrational fear of swallowing or, in its minor form, of choking.
The severity of this varies for them depending on their stress levels, but on their worst days they struggle to eat and drink, even smoking or touching their mouth can be a trigger when it gets bad. It stems from their farm trauma. Primary cause being that Corey, like many red heads, is resistant to anesthesia, and has woken up mid procedure more times than they can count. Being conscious while intubated left a lasting impression on their gag reflex.
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