#acotar gift exchange ask
rosanna-writer · 11 months
Oh-oh-oh~ Santa's back 🎅
Sorry for being so late. Last week was CRAZY at work: my reindeers ran away and the elves and I had to run away after them. But you know, reindeers can fly. What a mess it was.🦌🦌
Anyway! In all this I'm finally here and I would like to ask you: which are your favorite tropes?☆
Thanks for your patience, have a wonderful day!!🔔
Sounds like things are getting wild in the North Pole :D
Anyway, I guess this ask means it's time to gush about my favorite things again! This is very much not a gift wishlist, just me talking about things I like. In no particular order:
Role Reversal AUs!!!!! I love fics that flip canon on its head or remix existing iconic scenes. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being surprised when I read (I am a thriller girlie and love twists and things that play with my assumptions and expectations), so seeing something familiar in a new context in a fic just makes my brain go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Who did this to you?" gets me every time. I eat it up without fail. It just never not works. Top tier trope.
Relatedly, any time characters are tending to someone's injuries, I go insane. CHANGING BANDAGES???? PULLING OUT ARROWS??? BEING BRAVE WHILE BROKEN BONES ARE BEING RE-SET???? I love it, especially when characters are doing it in dramatic emergency situations.
Wings, like all the wing tropes. Wingplay, curling a wing around a loved one protectively, bragging about wingspan. W I N G S
Soulmate AUs. You know all those cheesy, ridiculous "first words your soulmate says to you appear on your arm on your 18th birthday"-style prompts? I love them, whether they're played for laughs with some ridiculous first word or drama with the first thing being an insult, they're another trope that always, always works.
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ofduskanddreams · 11 months
What headcanons do you have for Azriel and Eris, like, for one and the other, not as a couple?
What do you not want to see, like, a no-go?
Happy week
Hi Santa!! Always so happy to hear from you :)
I hope you're ready for another long response lol. None of these replies are comprehensive, just the things that first come to mind ( I've barely touched my coffee yet so bear with me.)
Eris headcanons:
-Eris has short hair!! Even when I first read the series and didn't particularly like his character, I never could picture him with long hair the way he's canonically described. Idk why that is but my brain made a choice and I stand by it.
-Eris is protective of his mother and [some of] his brothers but he can't always act on it. (An aside, but I feel like there's at least one or two of his brothers who are fully loyal to Beron.) Canonically Eris's motivations for taking power are layered, many of them veiled; with the context of him subtly shielding his mother at the High Lord's meeting, I believe that one of the reasons he's so eager to become High Lord is because it will ensure his mother's safety.
-Eris was close to Lucien when Lucien was a child. I also headcanon that Eris knows who Lucien's bio father actually is. Lucien is easily one of my favorite characters in the series and he's been through so much shit that I like to imagine there were a few happy brotherly moments in his childhood. Eris obviously cared enough for Lucien that he tried to stand up to Beron to stop him from harming Jesminda, he took a risk by reaching out to Tamlin to meet Lucien on the border too. This ties in with the previous headcanon.
-I headcanon that Eris smells like wood smoke and warm spices (think cinnamon, cardamom, cloves.)
-Cassian was correct in chapter 79 of acosf when he said that Eris 'wasn't a monster,' he 'might even be a good male' but I don't agree with how simply Cassian wrote it off as he's 'too much of a coward to act like it.' I think the situation in Autumn is a lot more complicated than that. Yes fear likely (and understandably) factors into how Eris conducts himself, it's also likely that it's not safe for him or for those he cares about to act any other way.
-ALSO--while I do believe that Eris, at his core, is a far better male than his father I don't think he's like a golden retriever marshmallow either. I like nuanced and flawed characters. I think Eris can still be a "good male" without having to be a Nice Person--the male is no saint and I wouldn't want him to be.
-Last one for Eris, I swear. I headcanon that he's a person who craves control, especially since his entire lived experience has been spent knowing that Beron has the final word on everything and could ruin him whenever he chooses to. One of the ways Eris's desire for control expresses itself is in the bedroom ;)
Azriel headcanons:
-Azriel is a mess, and I say that affectionately. Canonically he has trust issues, authority issues, and self-worth issues; he's emotionally immature at times, and healthy communication is a stranger to him. Azriel is also a dark character: he's angry, he's violent, and there's who knows how much blood on his hands. I realize none of that was a headcanon lol but you also asked what I don't want to see: I don't want Azriel's edges smoothed out, and I don't want that messiness erased--similar to what I mentioned earlier about nuance.
-I headcanon that Azriel's shadows are sentient and that they can be annoying little shits at times sticking their figurative noses where they don't belong.
-Azriel has anxiety. This is a headcanon present in all of my fics. It's never stated outright in canon but given what we do know, especially when combined with these lines from Azriel's acosf bonus chapter (to me, a person with anxiety not in any way qualified to diagnose it,) it rings true: "Too many razor-sharp thoughts sliced him any time he grew still long enough for them to strike. Too many wants and needs left his skin overheated and pulling taut across his bones. So he slept only when his body gave out, and even then only for a few hours."
-Azriel is a momma's boy. Everyone who writes Azriel has different takes on his mother and what her situation looks like now. I like to think that she's happy with whatever form her life has taken on and that Azriel loves her a lot, but he often feels guilty when he spends time with her (that she wouldn't have suffered so much if it weren't for him, that he should have gotten her out sooner, insert deprecating thought here, etc) so he doesn't visit her nearly as often as she would like him to.
-I firmly believe that Azriel is a switch who almost exclusively stays on the dominant side of things because it's what people expect from him and he perceives it as being the less vulnerable option, therefore it's easier for him. However, I don't think he enjoys it that much because, in his daily life, he's constantly in control or at least trying to be. But, because Azriel has many misconceptions about himself and others, it's hard for him to give control over to someone else because he thinks it's a weakness (it's the opposite) so he only allows himself to give up control when he perceives the other party as being equal to or more powerful/better than himself.
my no-go-s:
-The thing I really hate to see (and this goes for many fandoms and pairings, not just Azris) is heteronormativity in queer relationship dynamics. What I mean by this is when heteronormative roles are imposed upon a pairing and it warps one or more of the characterizations. In many cases, this is unconsciously done, but that's all the more reason to discuss it. In the case of Azris, the reason I was drawn to it in the first place was that, personality-wise especially, both Azriel and Eris are portrayed as the traditionally masculine alpha-holes that SJM fills her books with and that meant their dynamic was an interesting detour from the canon pairings in the series so far :)
I know this was likely more than you asked for Santa, but thank you for reading my ramblings <3 I hope you have a good week as well!
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acotargiftexchange · 2 months
What type of asks would you ask someone who you are gifting to?
As we get closer we'll post a helpful prompt guide but ideally you'll send asks to better get to know your recipent. So long as it remains respectful, we don't add too many guidelines
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praetorqueenreyna · 9 months
✨✨✨ So, giftee... How do you feel about angst??? ✨✨✨
Yep! It's me! Your ACOTAR Secret Santa! Asking for some last minute opinions!
The setting of your Tamcien holiday story is modern-ish Prythian, and it takes place between Christmas and New Year's. (You did say you liked New Year's kiss fics, so...) Anyway, I was trying to keep it light and fluffy and short, but if you like angst... it's going to be about five chapters. 😅 I am hoping the last chapter will be done just before New Year's, which is also when the climax of the story takes place!
I don't want to keep you waiting that long, though, so once I know where the story is going (namely fluff or angst based on your response), I'll share the first chapter and reveal myself. 😁
Sorry to make you wait a little longer! But if you like angst, I think you'll like what I have cookin'. 😊
~ Your Secret Santa Who Waited Until the Last Minute (But Hopefully It Will Be Worth It 🤞)
I love angst AS LONG AS IT HAS A HAPPY ENDING!! But yes make them suffer 😈
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shortsweetespresso · 9 months
I’m wildly obsessed with your brain, not to be weird about it or anything 😍 You had a vision and you executed it PERFECTLY!
I’m so happy you love everything 🥲🥲
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starfall-spirit · 10 months
Ho-Ho-Ho! 🎅
My dear recipent, this will be the last ask that you'll receive before I, your 2023 Secret Santa, will reveal myself! There's only one question left to be answered before your present is fully prepared:
We can reveal our gifts between the 17th and the 23rd december, which is so exciting!! Do you have a preferance about when you want to receive your gift or would you like to be surprised?
And of course, the last teaser of this year:
Hands. She had hands. 
Happy second advent! 🎁🎄
- Your soon-not-so-secret Santa 🛷❤️
Hello, Santa!
I am counting the days until we can all finally share our clever creations. I honestly don't have a preference on when I receive my gift. An early gift is nice, but I'd be perfectly happy with waiting until closer to Christmas day, too.
I'm personally dropping mine on December 21 because that's Feyre's birthday, but I'm open to whatever.
As for this teaser: Is this a variation of canon? Because we all know the significance of hands and painting when it comes to Feysand.
Thank you for writing to me!
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acourtofladydeath · 11 months
🎵💚 Once bitten and twice shy, I keep my distance but you still catch my eye. Tell me baby, do you recognize me? ❤️🎵
I certainly hope not because I’m going out of my way to ensure that you don’t
Hi it’s me again (santa)
I hope your week is going well!! I’ve been thinking about your present and I was curious if you would prefer something canon-compliant/canon-divergent and/or pre-canon?
Also, I have plans to incorporate Nesta and I was wondering if there were any other characters or ships that would be fun for you to read if I included them? No promises to get them all, but I’ll do my best!
Final fic-related question: do you have any hard limits? Anything that you actively do not want to read or read about? I want to ensure that your present is as enjoyable as possible ❤️
Now because you seem very cool and I’d like to get to know you, I’m going to quiz you a little more 😂
What is your favorite color? (mine is either cornflower blue or mossy green)
What’s your go-to comfort film? (a few of mine are P&P (2005,) Under the Tuscan Sun, and The Holiday.)
Most Ardently Yours,
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HI SANTA!! Thank you for that, by the way, I will now have that song stuck in my head through the end of the year at a minimum.
I like to stay close to canon compliant, but it could be pre, during, or post! Honestly as long as they're together and happy.
I did want to add that I will enjoy smut, but I truly want these boyos to be in L.O.V.E. = LOVE. I'm such a sucker for a good story behind any smutty bits that may be included. Smut not required, story preferred. (BUT smut not discouraged AT ALL, I just prefer it to be a part of the bigger story. Set the stage, ya know?)
So excited to hear about Nesta!!! If and only if it works with your story I'd love to see the bat boys in there for 2 reasons:
Nessian moments, my other favorite ship.
The bat boys reactions to Azris is one of my fave parts of the ship.
Also would never say no to seeing Lucien, especially for more brotherly love vibes. But I don't have super strong opinions on additional characters!
I had to think about hard limits for a while because I don't have many, if you've delved into my AO3 bookmarks at all you'll see QUITE A RANGE LEMME TELL YOU. I'm typically not a fan of anything that straight up bashes characters, I truly see them all with faults, strengths, and weaknesses. As long as things/opinions are explained within a fic, I'm good with most of it. There are no individual characters I avoid or dislike. I'm not a fan of elriel (I'm mentioning this because it's one of the only things I typically scroll past but not sure it's at all applicable here?) If you're specifically asking about kink ranges, lemme know cuz they're WIDE AND VARIED. If there's anal there must be lubrication of some kind, that's a hard line for me.
As for my favorite color, I've got a lot of teal things, but I'm starting to tend more towards deeper, darker blue-greens and lots of forest greens.
Comfort movie? Oh gods...this question...I'm not sure that I have one. I literally had to go look at my streaming services because I haven't watched many movies recently. I also tend to rewatch TV shows more than movies d/t time constraints. I'm also such a mood watcher/reader/listener that this answer literally changes hourly. I'm a huge fan of Disney's Peter Pan (see: my Azris Peter Pan AU), Beauty and the Beast (OG animation), and Hercules. I don't think I could watch The Prince of Egypt enough in one lifetime. Anastasia is another favorite. I enjoy The Proposal a lot too. White Christmas is my favorite Christmas movie. I'm a huge sucker for movies like "Rush" that are retellings of actual events (and a big F1 fan).
Pride and Prejudice and The Holiday are both great movies that I really enjoy, but haven't watched in a while!!
I'm looking forward to see what you cook up with and getting to know you more as well!!
A chronic over explainer who could not come up with simple answers and I hope that's okay. Please feel free to ask for clarification on anything!
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krem-has-a-mess · 11 months
Hello my love! It’s Santa again. What are three of your favourite sweets? Could be chocolate, could be gummies, could be something Christmas-specific…tell me your thoughts.
Also, is there anything you don’t want in your gift?
Hello my dear Santa, I hope you have a nice day today! 🧡
I DO love chocolate. Especially chocolate combined with a little sour fruits, like cherries or raspberries. My favorite cake ever is Black Forest so let's say is a number one. The second one... Chocolate muffins! Filled with raspberry jam or with chocolate chips or BOTH.
Also the best thing to brighten my day is a sweet coffee with milk and a lot of whipped cream, does that count as sweets? If not then let's go with rhubarb crumble.
What I definitely don't want is major angst, unhappy ending, character death etc. A moderate amount of angst is great, but I have to have my hurt balanced with comfort or I will cry in the corner for the rest of the day.
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Hello 👋 Secret Santa here. Took a look at your blog and I have read some of your fanfics already! Looks like we have similar taste in faries. I am a hobby artist and work primarily in traditional mediums but sometimes do digital art. I am not currently active in the fandom (certified lurker), but I thought doing the secret sanata would be a good opportunity to challenge myself and get back into posting. I'm going to jump into this with the intention of gifting a finished drawing , but you might just get the sketch, depending on how busy life gets. From the message I got, I know you are interested in Tamlin. My questions for you are:
-Are you interested in a couple scene or would you rather have a solo/portrait type peice.
-If you are interested in a couple peice what couple would you be interested in.
-As you are a fic writer, is there a particular pairing or scene you would be interested in having drawn.
No guarantees, but your answers will give me a good starting point. Also, you don't have to stick with Tamlin, I am open to all characters and pairings tbh.
Merry Halloween,
Oh, Secret Santa! Hello! 🥰
A drawing sounds wonderful! I would be delighted with anything you choose to make, but I'll throw out some suggestions and see what you feel inspired to create.
We rarely see portraits of Tamlin with his fiddle, but pairing him with Feyre in any scene from the Solstice chapter in Book 1 would be wonderful, like them dancing with the will-o'-the-wisps. (The Solstice chapter is chapter 25 in ACOTAR, by the way.)
Alternatively, I love Brilin (Tamlin + Briar) as a pairing, too. Something about their contrast really speaks to me. He's the grump to her sunshine, despite being from Spring, while she is from Winter (and the mortal lands before that).
If you want to ask me anything else, I will keep an eye on my inbox! ❤️
Thank you Santa! And a Merry Halloween to you too. 😁
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rosanna-writer · 1 year
🎅 Oh-oh-oh~! Santa's here! I would like to ask you some questions in the upcoming weeks, if I may.
I know you would like a Feysand fanfic as your gift. That's really nice as I love Feysand too!
Today's questions are:
A) Do you mainly read Modern AUs or (mostly) in-canon fics?
B) Taking into account the whole saga, which Feysand quotes or scenes do you enjoy the most?
Thanks and take your time to answer 🎅 ☆☆
A. mainly read canon or canon-adjacent fics for sure. I'll fully admit I'm a fussy diva when it comes to my preferences for modern AUs, so I don't end up reading them nearly as often.
In no particular order:
Rhys perching on the throne while Feyre sits on it during the Court of Nightmares visit in ACOWAR. One of the things I love most about Feysand is what a true power couple they are, and you really felt it in that scene.
"You are my salvation, Feyre." The fact that she's like...barely tolerating him at that point and he STILL gets down on his knees and admits it outright???? He's so down bad for her; I love when Rhys is just straight up unable to hide his constant heart eyes for her.
Calanmai. On re-reads it's such a OH SHIT HERE WE GO moment <3 and UGH the drums and the magic in the air giving it that SOMETHING BIG IS HAPPENING atmosphere, to!!!!!!
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ofduskanddreams · 11 months
Santa's here again!
This time I'm gonna ask you what are your favorite tropes? And which character apart from Azris you want to see about!
Have a nice October!
Hi Santa!
Favorite tropes? That's a hard one.
Definitely enemies/rivals to lovers, rather obvious given my love for Azris lol
Does slow burn count as a trope? Well, I'll pretend that it does for this. I love seeing characters and relationships change and develop because it makes things feel more emotionally realistic for me (the converse of this is that insta-love is NOT for me, I just can't make myself buy into it.)
ANGST WITH A HAPPY ENDING. Yeah, this is an ao3 tag not necessarily a trope, but it's my favorite kind of story to read. I don't love happily-ever-afters, I prefer happily-for-nows and open yet positive resolutions. To me, there's nothing better than being emotionally pummeled into the ground before being brought up into the sunshine at the very end.
Again, not exactly a trope but I prefer to take my porn with a hefty dose of feelings (plot optional.) Whether there's smut at all is totally up to you, Santa, I just thought I'd mention this in case :)
I also enjoy some hurt/comfort, Azriel and Eris both being Alphaholes, longing & pining but only in the angsty sense not the sappy sense? If anything I say doesn't make sense let me know and I will happily clarify.
As for the second question, I really love to read a strong and supportive friendship between Azriel, Cassian, and Rhys. They have their ups and downs but they've been with each other through so much. I'm a big Archeron sisters stan. Lucien is another of my favorite characters (Elucien is also one of my fav acotar ships,) and I love fics where he and Eris grow closer again. Don't feel like you have to include any or all of these if it doesn't fit with the story, though. I know I'll love whatever you write, Santa <3
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week 💕
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acotargiftexchange · 9 months
Thank you for running such an amazing event, the first day has been fantastic so far.
I just have a quick question, when you said about not tagging anything other than the gift, do you mean that if we have multiple chapters of a gift we should only tag you in the first chapter?
Hi! We've been answering this one since we posted it individually, so it's probably a good idea to answer it for everyone.
Please feel free to tag us in all your chapter updates! We would love to see them and reblog them!
Please do not tag us in anything other than that, which includes (but is not limited to) snippet updates, masterlists, fics that you did not write for this specific event, or other things I may have forgotten. It's not that we don't love the enthusiasm, it just makes our notifications confusing as we begin checking in on nearly 100 participating people!
Thanks for clarifying!
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praetorqueenreyna · 10 months
Hello again! ✨️✨️✨️ Secret Santa here!
You said your favorite ship is Tamlin x Lucien, but I don't think I ever asked you: what is your ✨️favorite✨️ part of their dynamic? Do you prefer Tamlin to Lucien, or Lucien to Tamlin? Or is the love equal? And what do you like about these characters over others in the ACOTAR universe?
(I know that's a lot of questions, but your answers will help me shape your gift! 🎅🎄)
I hope you're having a happy Sunday!
P.S. Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving?
omg hiiiiiiiiii!!!!
AHHHH WHERE TO BEGIN!!! While I do like all kinds of ~problematic~ relationships, I really am a sucker for best friends-to-lovers like we have with Tamlin and Lucien. I love how devoted they are to each other, and how they're able to provide the other with exactly what they need. Lucien has struggled feeling important and wanted by his family, and Tamlin is very open about how much Lucien means to him. Tamlin struggles with being a leader and doing the right thing for his people, and Lucien is there to support and guide him in his role as High Lord. I love just how SILLY they can be together; one of my favorite scenes in ACOTAR is when Feyre mentions that Lucien gave her hallucinogenic berries as a prank, and he was laughing so much that Tamlin threw him in the fountain. IT'S VERY CUTE!! Not to mention that they were both brutally punished by Amarantha for defending each other. Lucien got his eye ripped out for standing up for Tamlin, and Tamlin got his court cursed because he was pissed that Amarantha hurt his Lucien.
HONESTLY I can't say I like one of them more than the other!! I guess I find Tamlin more interesting to work with, just because his backstory is fascinating to me. But I really love them both so much.
SO not to go on a rant about the ACOTAR series, but I feel like a lot of the characters in the sequel books aren't really allowed to have flaws. Or rather, they ARE flawed, but the narrative treats them like they are perfect and that any criticism leveled against them is objectively wrong. EXCEPT FOR TAMLIN AND LUCIEN!!! Tamlin remains a flawed character, who has not always made the best choices but swoops in to save the day whenever he can. No matter how poorly he has been treated, he always does the right thing. Lucien is adrift and confused, but is still trying to help in whatever way he can. They are the only characters that feel REAL to me.
I HOPE THIS GIVES YOU ENOUGH TO WORK WITH! I could ramble about Tamlin and Lucien all day if you'd let me lol.
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nova-stardragon · 2 years
Just wanted to say hi!
I love Nessian, too! They’re such a good combo, but throwing Az in takes it up another notch, for me. It’s such a shame that THAT ONE SCENE in Silver Flames was only a daydream… haha
Thanks for putting some fresh reads on my tbr!
I can’t wait to share your solstice present with you! I might be able to share one or two chapters by the end of the month. (I’m not sure how many chapters this fic is gonna be, yet. So I’ll just say at least two, and let you know there will potentially be more.)
They are having big, messy, feelings, and I am going to include at least one snowball fight. :3
Oooo yay another Nessian x Azriel fan - I always love meeting a fellow shipper. And yes - I wish SJM had included that one scene in ACOSF.
Always happy to throw out some fresh reads! I hope you enjoy them :)
I’m so excited for my present!!! However many chapters you have I’m going to be super excited to read - you’re spoiling me with at least two!!
I LOVE BIG MESSY FEELINGS!! And snowball fights. Omg I’m so excited!!!! :D
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pearblossommina · 2 years
your acotar secret santa here!! i hit a breakthrough on your fic and am so excited! i won't give anything away, just that it's mor/elain...there's something about them that make THINK.
how is your holiday season? do you decorate or do anything fun before christmas? i'm decorating this week and making dried orange garlands for my doorways. i love having a tree and lights up but my cats looooove to terrorize the tree so it's a lot to prepare for lol
i hope you have a lovely week, and good luck on your own fic!!! <3
Bestie, I had no idea this was in my asks, and I didn’t mean to leave you hanging 😂 Can you tell I am new here?
Lol, sorry!
You are doing a great job AND
Mor/Elain is my most favorite pairing so I literally can’t wait to read the fic you’re working on! I know that it’s a hard pairing cause they barely interact in canon, but to me it’s such a sweet combination. It’s something about the angst of rejection and surrendering yourself to what you really want… which is to be a sapphic immortal high fae.
I mean, who wouldn’t want that!
I’ve been sick for about a week, and scrambling to do some last minute assigned coursework for my job. So even though ‘Tis the season, it honestly doesn’t feel like it at my house, whoops! I haven’t managed to decorate at all, and I barely managed to clean up the bedroom after my self-inflicted quarantine. My mom invited me over to help decorate her tree, and I might just leave my own house in the state it’s in and just spend time at my parents house. I mean, I might still muster the urge to make way for a tree, I haven’t actually decided yet. Somehow it doesn’t feel like Christmas without one.
I have about 10 cats (outdoor friends) and none of them want to live inside with me, but I imagine they would make a Christmas tree and other standard decorations more of a challenge!
Despite everything I am having an OK week
It’s gonna get better, I just know it,
And thank you for reaching out
And sorry it took me a whole week to reply
And thanks!
And did I mention I’m EXCITED?
You’re the best, Santa! ❤️
Can’t wait to “meet” you!
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starfall-spirit · 11 months
Christmas surprise I hear? I've been summoned 🎅
And while your secret santa is here, you can answer one question!
Do you have a favorite song? If yes, which one?
Have a nice day 🌠🎁
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Can I just say, I love when you drop in? I'm having so much fun already!
This Christmas surprise mentioned is separate from my SS gift, for another ship entirely.
To answer your question, I love music so much, I couldn't choose a favorite. One tune I find to be a complete earworm is What is This Feeling? from Wicked. I'll just walk around singing, "Loathing, unadulterated loathing..." Also, First Burn was my obsession from the moment I heard it. "Heaven forbid someone whispers 'he's part of some scheme'. Your enemy whispers so you have to scream. I know about whispers, I see how you look at my sister."
Damn that line. The song is so fun to sign, too. Sorry, I'm rambling. But yeah, I stand by my answer to your first anon. I'm a country and broadway girlie.
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