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serial-designation-jey · 6 months ago
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falimarcis · 2 months ago
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Kabru looks so good with Fleki’s bird familiar. This man needs to take up falconry as a hobby post-canon
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pixiefeatherkw3 · 2 months ago
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more Lust sketches galore + some Lust!Papyrus messy design, not finished but I like where it's going
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mari-lair · 9 days ago
You single handedly made me like terukaneaoi
This make me so proud, I live to spread propaganda of the trio!
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st-just · 5 months ago
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Actually fascinated by the peaks and valleys of education you need to ask questions about the gender binary but not be familiar with, like, basically any non-Christian settled agrarian society?
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kings-highway · 8 months ago
Ushijima probably runs so fucking hot he just radiates warmth for sure and Tendou probably has a habit of sticking his hands up under Ushijima's shirt to warm them up and otherwise trying to use him for heat and it always makes Ushijima jump because his hands are so cold but Tendou apologizes and explains that for once he's not trying to be annoying he's legit just so cold and Ushijima is so warm and Ushijima just sort of nods and accepts this weird reality of "i can warm people up" anyway what I'm saying is that in lieu of a way to verbalize his affection for his teammates and friends, Ushijima develops the habit of absolutely bear-hugging anyone who complains about being cold or who he thinks is cold. Everyone pretends that they hate this but by god the man is a space heater on legs and gives such good hugs they may as well enjoy it.
Shirabu shivering waiting for the bus after school because he forgot his gloves and Ushijima just holds his hands without saying anything. Leon complaining about the AC being cranked up so high in the cafeteria and Ushijima wraps an arm around him. Goshiki complaining about not having a big enough jacket for a sudden winter cold snap while they're walking outside and Ushijima fully drapes his arms over his shoulders. Now whenever Tendou tries to stick his hands up his shirt, Ushijima just wraps him up in a hug and lets him warm up as long as he needs.
Its honestly really cold for Ushijima, these guys are freezing, but he puts up with it for their sake.
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tojigasm · 15 days ago
I really like the idea of Kylo coping with his daddy issues through unconsciously acting out as more paternal towards you
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3lectra-he4rt · 11 months ago
“hi guys” i say nonchalantly to The Hollow fandom while i grip something that is definitely not a The Hollow x Teen Titans AU behind my back
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curioscurio · 6 months ago
Just started generic vyvanse and wow. No wonder it changed lives. They say it lasts more than 4 to 6 hours and then it DOES? Most adhd meds I've tried will wear off in 4 or 5 hours, so I'd often have to take another dose later in the day, but this shit keeps me going for a good 10-13 hours!
(This is just my experience! I'm just a guy I'm not a doctor disclaimer so uh don't take my word as law lol)
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thaliasthunder · 2 years ago
no bc the way nico tries to kill the men he loves literally what is wrong w him 😭
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galaxyofstars · 10 months ago
honestly the debate about whether feyre was qualified or not to be high lady wouldn't be such a big deal if the story stopped trying to frame her as the best at everything. it's ok if the only reason she is initially made high lady was to make her rhys' equal in the sense that he does not hold more power over her, and technically, legally, cannot command her, or force her to do anything. she's his mate, so he feels comfortable doing that very early on into the relationship. it's a statement of his love and trust of her, or rather, his respect of her as her own person. but as @ofbreathandflame elaborates on here, it doesn't actually say anything about feyre herself, and to claim that she has done something to earn being high lady causes problems and conflict, because, well, she didn't. she didn't earn the title at all. there are qualities she possesses that may give her the potential to be a good leader, but she is not there already.
and then of course there's the problem that even if the story focused on rhys 'making feyre his equal', there's still confusion, because she fundamentally is not his equal. and it's never elaborated on because sjm can't without highlighting the contradictory nature of it all, but rhys did not arbitrarily become high lord because he earned the support and was sworn in. it's not clear when a high lord begins his reign officially, but it's implied that it starts when the magic 'chooses' them. the magic chose rhys, not feyre, and that fact will always mean that he holds some level of power over her. and that's a whole other topic with no real solution, but i don't think it would be as much as a problem if the story didn't try so hard to insist that that dynamic did not exist at all.
and to be clear im not trying to criticise or shit on feyre, this is more in defense of her than anything. girl deserves better than being lied to.
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mari-lair · 1 year ago
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Because it is his fault. At least in part.
It had been implied from the start of the Grim Reaper arc that this sacrifice was a No.6 and No.7 idea. Both were in on it.
Hanako knows Nene is a Kannagi, and that Hakubo's history is heavily associated with Kannagi sacrifices, but when they talk about urabon and the rampant amount of supernaturals roaming the school in chapter 61, Hanako is eager to make No.6 take care of it.
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Which he wouldn't have, if he had thought there was even the slightest of chances Hakubo would go after Nene.
When Nene asks for his help he also refuses. This should be a "students is in danger because a mystery is out of control, I gotta do my job and save them!" situation, like when Aoi got lost in the Misaki stairs.
But he is reluntant to give information.
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He loves to be by Nene's side, he is clingy, but he refused to join her on the elevator before Akane 'threatened him' and openly discouraged her from saving Aoi.
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Hanako is usually our main exposition for School Mysteries at this point in the manga, but he keeps lying in No.6 boundary too.
He uses a lot of '...' in his explanation about Hakubo, lacking his usual confidence, and going out of his way to make No.6 feel more 'peaceful' than it was established at the mysteries meeting.
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It's also revealed later, that he had been aware of Aoi's death plan, and the consequences of it (the severance). There was no mystery about Hakubo's plans, that was just another lie to play oblivious. The reason he said "No.6 can take care of urabon!" is because he always knew No.6 could start a severance.
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No.6 also acts weird.
When he sees intruders he comments on Akane but his biggest focus is clearly Hanako.
He usually has a neutral expression but he looks confused to see Hanako here. We also get a big panel of Hanako looking directly at whatever Hakubo uses to deliver him images of intruders, as if to imply he knows more than he lets on.
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No.6 seems surprised to see him, but he doesn't go "what is a school wonder doing here?" nor does he assume Hanako is here to get her back, despite Nene and Akane having tried to rescue Aoi before.
He expects Hanako to meet him at some point.
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The confirmation comes in the severance.
He tells us Aoi's death is his way to grant Nene's wish. Acting sad but not surprised about the idea of saying goodbye.
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This is not a reaction of someone who went "What a turn of events! So this is what is happening! I can take advantage of that."
This is the calm reaction of someone who expected something like this to unfold. Later, he is explicit in his intentions again, explaining to Nene why he kept it secret.
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Only Nene thought this was a plan to rescue Aoi. Hanako never had the intention to do so.
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This was mostly his own wish for her to live, disguised as a wish for Nene.
So I was not surprised when he tried to keep her dead on Aoi's rescue arc.
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Hanako may not have pushed her down that hole, but he wanted her dead from the start.
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patron-saint-of-emesis · 28 days ago
“weed makes you lazy” 100% true but also i am never ever more productive than in the few hours before i get a new weed pen. like i am cleaning my room, washing dishes, writing. im hauling ass. i havent been high in ages and its sooooo much better with a clean space and no responsibilities. this is adulthood. ‘clean ur room and u get allowance’ but the allowance is sativa sour diesel. and it fucken rules
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 4 months ago
love how I always find out a chapter is out from your little update choir
heheh they're usually pretty fast, too; it's me the one who forgets to check tumblr for a while after i post a chapter;;,,
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patorucho · 4 months ago
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guys imwriting for myself for the first time
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jackalope78 · 5 months ago
My hands are not good today. They're numb, clumsy, uncooerative, and they hurt. Despite that I sewed three buttons back onto two of my dresses, and I would like to celebrate my acomplishment by boasting about it. Because it was HARD, and I did it anyway.
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