#acnl rant
missy-from-bonbunny · 15 days
I’ve been getting into all the previous Animal Crossing games recently, mostly New Leaf and Wild World, and realized the thing I missed most in New Horizons. All the weird requests and chores the villagers would give you!
Kyle asked me to fetch Penelope for him the other day, and when I brought her to his house he told her (not asked, told) she was gonna be his new golf instructor. Penelope said she’s never played and left. No biggie, right?
Only, weird thing is, Kyle had a bouquet on the table next to him when he asked and like, I 1000% believe he just totally botched asking her out.
And then, a few days later Kyle says THIS:
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Dude asks me to give him something to replace the bouquet! He’s given up??? No!!!
Idk, just something I noticed. Villagers in ACNH just don’t seem to interact on their own or talk about each other as much as they did in the older games. The villagers in the older games make the towns they live in feel alive while ACNH is more like a dollhouse where the dolls periodically move on their own, and maybe, just maybe, sit next to each other. I had so many headcanons, essentially that just naturally occurred when I first started playing New Leaf back in 2014, and now as I’ve restarted the game in 2024, meanwhile I felt like I had to do a lot more on my end to have that kind of fun in New Horizons (Like looking up older bits of trivia about the characters, observing them, which is fun too, but not as fun as it just sprouting from actual gameplay. Only villager that ever happened with in NH was Biskit, but I’m pretty sure Lazy villagers are just like that lol)
Maybe I’ve just spaced my villagers out too far on my island or something, maybe I’ve just been unlucky, but I really hope they have more dialogue and interactions with each other, and with us, in the next game.
(I also hope they’re weirder and meaner 😈)
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echocrossing · 2 years
oh how i miss new leaf. what i wouldn’t give for books cranny to have multiple upgrades again, to have to unlock shampoodles, for everyone to have their own little stores. oh and the conversations i used to have with my villagers! i played 800hrs of acnl and still got dialogue i was sure i’d never seen before. i miss the little play dates you’d set up for a certain time, the regular delivery and fetch quests, perfect fruit!!!! the island with its different flora and fauna and the little medal games which you could get special furniture with. gracie’s special seasonal furniture!! a post office with my sweet pelly and pete (and my grumpy phyllis). dr shrunk teaching emotions. club lol. easier flower breeding (i find it impossible in new horizons). the amount of time i would play on a game that is new leaf on the new horizons graphics/engine. keep the terraforming and design options/lots of design slots but make the island even bigger so everyone can have a shop!! let me go to tortimers island and mystery islands. i just want all the charm of the old games back. new horizons always feels too much like a design sim with soulless versions of the villagers. here’s hoping one day they port new leaf and just make it even better
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eon-of-axolotls · 6 months
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aaand, that's all the rider card titles in the game! I technically 100%ed this save a few years ago, because you don't need all titles, just all the achievements. (part of this process included me printing out a giant checklist of every monster gene in the game. and then tracking down every single one of them. because this game! does NOT tell you which genes you've already had before! so even if you've hatched plenty of monsters, if you released one without taking note of every gene it had? yeah you're gonna have to go find those all over again just to make sure you HAVE actually had them.)
The rest of the achievements are a decent bit easier, aside from tracking down all 100 Poogies (little collectible pig guys) (someone uploaded an entire imgur album of their locations. I am so glad.) Otherwise it's just stuff like clearing parts of the story or clearing all the subquests, stuff you wind up doing anyways.
THOUGH. there's achievements for getting high enough battle ranks in the online mode, too. These aren't very hard to reach and the achievements just go up to S rank. So for a few years I was under the impression that was the maximum and I didn't have to worry about any more online battle stuff.
....except about a month or so ago i was grinding for the online-only DLC items, and hit S+. huh. which gives you a few titles. And then hit S++. and then it turns out there's a Master rank, which requires 300 total battles, and a win rate of 70%. There's two different win rates the game keeps track of, your overall win rate across every battle, and then just the last 20. THANKFULLY, the battle ranks only look at that second win rate. So not a hard achievement to get if you coordinate with someone else online, but otherwise insanely easy to miss.
...finding the criteria for Master rank was also really difficult seeing as there's like.... two posts about it. on the entire internet. great. MHS2 unfortunately takes up a ton of search results for this game, which sucks because some of the mechanics here are REALLY weird and never explained.
There ARE other titles in the game unrelated to any achievements or progression, but they're all just for slaying 5/10/15 of a given monster, which isn't too hard, aside from keeping track of stuff like all the recolors of small monsters.
I haven't fully upgraded every armor set/weapon but aside from that! Totally 100%ed! ...somehow i only have 500 hours here!
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sushis4kalyo · 1 year
Nintendo nous a quand même bien eu avec Animal Crossing News Horizons ... 🏖
Hypée par Pocket Camp
J'imagine aisément que j'étais loin d'être la seule à avoir téléchargé l'application Animal Crossing Pocket Camp (ACPC pour les intimes) alors qu'on attendait impatiemment la sortie d'Animal Crossing New Horizons sur switch.
J'imagine que comme moi, vous avez été plus que séduits par les contenus super originaux de l'appli. Des perruques, des tenues originales, des meubles magnifiques ... dommage que le système nous incitait à investir de l'argent réel pour finir les collections. M'enfin, ça annonçait du rêve pour ACNH car bien qu'ACPC n'était pas développé par Nintendo, on s'attendait à une réutilisation des contenus ... ça semblait logique.
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Des nouveaux contenus ... à la place de l'ancien
Et on a eu de nouveaux contenus ! J'étais contente au début lorsque je débloquais les meubles au fur et à mesure ... et j'ai déchanté quand j'ai compris tardivement que je n'allais plus revoir certaines séries de meubles. Notamment les séries disponibles chez Carla ... Cela s'est vu pour les meubles, les vêtements, la personnalisation du personnage (disparition pure et simple de la couleur châtain pour les cheveux, t'as le choix entre blond/jaune ou brun ...) que dans la boutique de Méli et Mélo ... (les galeries, grandes absentes ...)
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La comparaison inévitable avec Pocket Camp
Du coup, étant donné que le jeu faisait des mises à jours assez régulièrement, je me disais que ça allait venir progressivement... hehe non. On a eu quelques mises à jour sympas, faut l'admettre ... mais Pocket Camp nous a induit en erreur. Je pense qu'on s'attendait à avoir le contenu actuel d'ACNH + les points forts d'ACNL (Animal Crossing New Leaf, sur 3DS) + du contenu d'ACPC ... et on a pas compris quand en fait ... non.
2 ans de mises à jour, les événements sont devenus répétitifs ... et Nintendo n'a pas suivi ... enfin ... n'a pas voulu suivre.
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Le DLC ou "Azy tiens voilà tes meubles et laisse nous tranquille"
Enfin si Nintendo nous a annoncé le DLC Happy Home Paradise. De mémoire, ils nous ont annoncé le DLC comme étant le seul et unique en même temps que la fin des mises à jours du jeu. Personnellement, j'ai pris ça comme un "tenez et faites plus chier !" ... d'accord tu as d'autres jeux à développer mais étant donné le succès de l'opus, j'arrive pas à croire qu'il était impossible de faire vivre le truc plus longtemps. À croire que développer des jeux, ça peut emmerder Nintendo ... mais juste les jeux. Notons qu'ils n'ont même pas été foutus de modéliser un gâteau pour les 2 ans ou même de ressortir le même avec chaque fois une année de plus comme ça a été fait pour l'arche du nouvel an.
Revenons en au DLC, il nous permet de décorer les maisons de vacances des habitants, d'avoir quelques nouveautés concernant la construction et plein de nouveaux meubles, un petit scénario ... ok, c'est bon. Sauf que bon, pour moi, on aurait dû, dès le départ pouvoir décorer nous même les bâtiments et pouvoir en créer comme ceux présents dans le DLC : Café/restaurant, hôpital, boutiques etc ... et peut-être permettre à nos personnages de choisir entre différents métiers. Ça aurait vraiment pu redynamiser le jeu et permettre toute une dimension RP. Bémol : Est ce que la console l'aurait supporté ? Ça ... j'ai pas la réponse mais j'imagine aisément que s'aurait été un gros problème.
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Des goodies partout
Le jeu est clairement laissé à l'abandon et pourtant je n'ai jamais vu autant de goodies. Ils étaient plus que rares en Europe lors des anciens opus ! Nintendo a choisi de vendre des goodies, qui doivent coûter certainement moins cher en design (surtout si les mecs sont payés à coup de lance-pierre) qu'à développer des DLC. En gros, on nous prend pour des vaches à lait et on en redemande. Honnêtement ça me rend aigrie. J'ai l'impression qu'on nous a vendu du rêve pour qu'après Nintendo se débarrasse de la communauté Animal Crossing avec un DLC dans lequel tu peux chopper tous les meubles comme ça ...et ça me pique de voir qu'on s'arrache les goodies alors qu'ils ont "abîmé" la licence. J'entends par là que ce qui n'a pas été fait avec Animal Crossing le sera peut-être avec DDLV (Disney Dreamlight Valley) ou un autre cosy game ... et si la hype d'Animal Crossing n'est plus, il n'est peut-être pas impossible que la licence puisse rejoindre Nintendogs ou La maison du style (oui lui c'est pas Nintendo ... mais vu le succès on aurait pu avoir un opus sur Switch !).
Personnellement en terme de goodies, je préfèrerais faire vivre des créateurs sur Etsy ... je suis franchement déçue de Nintendo.
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poorlittlevampire · 1 year
i think part of why its so annoying to me is bc it completely misunderstands what the point of animal crossing even is. its not a fast paced game thats constantly changing and updating. it is a simple. slow. calm game. where you just live through each day. it was never ever a flashy exciting series thats not what it is meant to be. and thats fine if u as the player get bored of it but it doesnt mean that its time for the next game. we dont NEED the next game yet we really dont. nothing would be massively added or changed like be real with urself dude
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gobledi-gook · 2 years
To Animal Crossing New Horizons Players
I’m tired of finding tips or seeing cute builds on #animal crossing new leaf or #acnl or #new leaf THAT ARE NOT FOR NEW LEAF LIKE OMG GET ON YOUR OWN TAG
It’s literally at a point where I go on these tags and just can’t find any that are actually New Leaf and I’m just really mad I’m sorry but please I beg just use the correct tags
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bubbles-txt · 1 year
Ok Nana and Lucy are my animal crossing blorbos
And I'm buying a Nana amiibo bc she left my town and ive been heartbroken bc i need her-
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whatagalaxy · 2 years
Animal Crossing New Leaf
I know not many people are playing this game anymore but I got the Welcome Luxury rom hack and fell in love with the game all over again. I used to play it and I spent hundreds of hours on multiple towns but I've lost all them and felt like I didn't make much progress anyways in making a good looking town. I started a whole project (that is more passion than vision lol) and now I'm contemplating making a blog for it and my Wild World town I also started, (though neglecting for my superior new leaf game) I am cheating somewhat (define cheating?), time travel, and I plan to use a town editor, I've always wanted to but I never could when I use to play the game, my main motivation for playing it now and I still just haven't done it lmao My goal is to make an aesthetic town that I'm happy with, and unlock all the things I never have as quickly as possible, which still means spending the entire day playing it, I quickly got my animal crossing (time travel) addiction back xD but it makes me happy so it's fine, I've been scouring many places for good paths and QR Codes though I'm still working on the vision of my town, I've made good progress, it's no where near done so I'm hesitant to post screenshots but I think it's a good start.
If there's anyone who would like to trade I would be happy to send you my friend code, I am looking for more native-type fruits in my town, currently, I have peaches and cherries, and an abundance of perfect peaches. Specifically, I am looking for apples but all fruit is good. I think you can do more with travelling but I cannot remember.
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futturmancoded · 1 month
wait you like animal crossing new leaf…..OMG OMG WHATS ONE OF THE RAREST VILLAGERS WHO MOVED IN? I had ankha my first game…i forgot where i put og copy i had tho
I LOVE ACNL!!! i restarted a bit ago but my old village from 2020 had ankha,,, i dont think this one is rare but i had melba too (shes my favoritw)
i love acnl its the best animal crossing game also ACNH SUCKS BALLS I COULD RANT ABOUT IT FOR HOURS THAT GAME IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE ITS SO SHITTY anyways i really want bob 😋😋😋
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elatiria · 6 months
animal crossing: new horizons 4th anniversary 🍃 (a retrospect)
before new horizons came out I made a post about my acnl pet peeves. 5/6 years after said post it's safe to say i'm unsatisfied with the way new horizons is in its current state.
not "animal crossing"
i think new horizons is a good game, it just pales as an animal crossing instalment. the franchise was first created because eguchi (animal crossing director) felt really alone when moving to the big city. it's undeniable that animal crossing, at its core, is about community and friendship. when I think of new horizons, I think of terraforming and customisation. that's not a bad thing per se, but it feels insanely shallow. the dialogue feels really superficial and they just repeat the same shit over and over that I just avoid talking to them. new leaf dialogue wasn't great but new horizons was worse.
lack of content + updates
new horizons is one of those games that relies on constant updates to satiate its playerbase. once the updates stopped coming in 2022 or something, the game went stale. there is a significant lack of content in the game overall, and barely any quality of life features. no bulk crafting after 4 years (I don't like the idea of crafting in general)?? and why do the golden tools break. what is the point of them. why do all tools break. why is my watering can breaking. why isn't there a gauge for tool usage? look at timmy and tommy's shop and tell me that shit is complete. I could go on but there's a lot of mundane things that piss me off. new leaf had one major update in 2016 and even w/o it it's still really enjoyable.
horrible multiplayer
quite possibly the worst multiplayer gameplay to ever exist. apart from no tortimer island on a damn island, people joining and leaving is a nightmare. you can have 8 people on an island at the same time which is both a blessing and a curse because the loading times in this game are horrific. you are forced to sit through several plane animations whilst you are fighting for your life trying to leave. the way switch multiplayer works is that you input the dodo code and it connects to a shared system and then to the host switch. 3ds just connected directly to the host. that meant it was much more efficient. the switch one takes so much longer and it doesn't help that's there's nothing to do. it's especially annoying since you can have up to 8 people at the same time.
it's more of a rant than a retrospect...it's a hollow game. I still find it enjoyable but it could've been so much more. it happened to come out at a really good time when everyone was stuck at home but after that it's lost all of its momentum. it's really disappointing. I thoroughly enjoy happy home paradise though 🌴 the dialogue in the happy home games r so funny and the localisers popped off with those.
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duck-lamp-island · 4 years
Lazy villagers in ACNL: I love to sleep and eat!
Lazy villagers in ACNH: The bugs. they tell me things.
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0carnations · 7 years
am i the only one who dreads going into tents that appear when i have 10 villagers? i just don't want to be disappointed that i can't adopt them ;;
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muffetscollector · 7 years
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moontheyo · 3 years
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povkurapika · 3 years
nook scranny
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