#acnl apollo
Round 2 Poll 3
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Apollo is the Greek and Roman god of music, healing, prophecy, archery etc.
Eugenides is the god of thieves from Eddisian mythology, fantasy Greek style pantheon mythology of the little peninsula of the book series’ nations (description provided by a submitter)
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retrogamingblog2 · 10 days
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kapitanbank · 6 months
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'pollo but human
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whoslink · 11 months
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Nearing the end of 2020 I made this set of drawings, but never shared em!
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green-and-grey · 15 hours
got back into Animal Crossing New Horizons for like three days (Huck moved to town and I gotta make friends and get the frogman's photo) and then booted up my 3ds to check something in Pokemon Y
these events were originally not related
but then I saw Animal Crossing New Leaf on the 3ds home screen and decided to tour my old town
immediately hit with nostalgia when the (actually memorable and *good*) hourly music hit
grabbed the other cartridge and restarted my second town (I will never destroy my original town and its shrine to Wart Jr)
and now I'm back on my New Leaf life and loving every second of it
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louderfade · 6 months
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cole is my favorite
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nintendowife · 1 year
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It was time to move my Animal Crossing: New Leaf Nintendo 3DS XL to greener pastures. I've had the console since summer 2013 and I love it dearly. The right hinge has had a small hairline crack on it for a couple of years at least. It has slowly expanded to a point where the hinge is about snap and fall apart completely. The device still works just fine, the only problem being slightly shortened battery life that isn't an issue for me. 
This console has been accompanying me for nearly 10 years, for over 6000 hours of playtime (124 titles) and 9 515 263 steps - it was with me in the hospital too when I got a blood transfusion.  The ACNL 3DS XL is the favorite out of my consoles, the other Animal Crossing editions I own aren't as nice visually and they don't feel as good when using them so I was hesitant to move on.  The last game I finished on it was Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney a couple of weeks ago. 
So a week ago on Sunday I did a system transfer to my Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer New 3DS XL before it's too late. I had a bad feeling before starting the system transfer process - if something can go wrong with technology, it usually happens to me. My gut feeling was right. It was a system transfer from hell. Fasten your seatbealts and get ready for an epic story of drama and suspense. 
First I was about to get a heart attack when the new console took several minutes in "connecting to the internet" near the end of the system transfer process. This is the part where the source system had just formatted itself to factory settings and the target system had probably received the Nintendo Network ID related data from the source system and was maybe checking it against Nintendo's servers. I was really worried something went wrong and I'd be left with two devices that neither have access to my Nintendo account. I was so relieved it finally connected and proceeded to the next step. 
The next step was shutting down both systems and copying the source system's memory card data to PC. That went without a hitch. But then it was time to copy the source system's memory card data to a new Micro SD card that would go into the target system to finalize the process. The old system had a 32 GB SDHC and I had a 32 GB Micro SDHC for the new system. I had formatted the new memory card as per Nintendo's instructions and suddenly Windows tells me the card doesn't have enough capacity to copy the contents of the old memory card onto it. What???! That's when I realize the files on the old card took 29.7 GB and the new so-called 32 GB card's capacity was only 28.8 GB. No one told me this could happen! 
Oh my effing god! I'm in the middle of a system transfer where I have 10 years worth of save data, a good amount of eShop and 3DS Theme Shop purchases and now I'm unable to finalize the system transfer! I can't go back to the old console and I can't start using the new one. It was Sunday and I couldn't go buy a new memory card anymore in the evening when this occurred.  I was so devastated and stressed out about this incidence that I couldn't even sleep that night (had 2-3 hours of sleep). I went through all the worst case scenarios in my head at night and had no appetite the next day. 
Nintendo's own documentation states 3DS is only compatible with SDHC of up to 32 GB. So if all memory cards I can get do not have enough capacity, how will I be able to finish the system transfer? We did some research with my husband and found out that Micro SDXC cards of larger capacity would also work on a 3DS as long as you manage to format it to FAT32. So on Monday we bought a new 32 GB Micro SDHC and a 64 GB Micro SDXC to try our luck with. Turns out the 32 GB card's actual capacity was even smaller than the earlier card's, so no go with that. Btw, it should be illegal to state a card's capacity is 32 GB when it's nearly 4 gigs less in reality.  We found a guide on how to format the 64 GB card to the correct file system format on Windows and my husband did it for me on his PC. Ok, so far so good. Fingers crossed... 
I copied the required files to the new formatted card on my PC and it was time to insert it to the New 3DS XL. Would it work? I was so afraid and at the same time hopeful. I booted the console and it appeared to be connecting to the internet again to verify something. And it was a success! I saw the Legend of Legacy theme and heard its music, saw all the software icons, Badge Arcade badges on the home screen - just like they had been on the old console. I was so happy I almost cried! 
So after some complications and immense stress the system transfer was successful and the story got a happy ending. My life expectancy was probably reduced by 10 years though. I still feel sad about the fate of my trusty 3DS XL but I'm sure I'll learn to like the New 3DS XL over time.
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blingstal · 2 months
pinned post !! (temporary ver.)
welcome to @glowexxy's animal crossing blog!
there're going to be my thoughts and art, as well as the game stuff and stories for each location.
phlox is the admin, sage is the human villager. both go by they/any.
phlox talks - admin's stuff
twinxell - acnl journey
more info under the cut
blingstal: the new horizons island. sage from here used to be a campsite manager. (pc -> nh as phlox's first ac experience)
twinxell: the new leaf town.
violight: the wild world town.
sages from these three locations are different ones. think about it as alternative universes.
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insomniacsharky · 4 years
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roboticromantic · 4 years
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These two are the only ones I care about
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Round 1 Poll 5
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Morpheus is the Greek god of sleep and dreams (hence morphine)
Apollo is the Greek and Roman god of music, healing, prophecy, archery etc.
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retrogamingblog2 · 1 year
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transparent apollo icons, as requested by anonymous !!
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daddykinkmayor · 6 years
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what... did they tell you?¿??¿¿?????¿¿¿?
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nekrotiize · 6 years
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Drew some campers I have in Pocket Camp~
I actually have Eugene, Bob, and Goldie in my town in AC:NL! Used to have Apollo in my town, too.
Eugene is actually my favorite AC character honestly, in my town he’s just. Really fuckin’ sad n lonely. I feel kinda bad for him 
Him and Bob are cute together! 
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acnhconfessions · 11 months
teaching myself how to draw apollo and the male wolf villagers so the star fox macro dude commissions me
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