#acnh dirt path
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nordsea-horizons · 11 days ago
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path codes i picked for my island, and a moodboard item collection that also shows the colors im working with! neutrals like white, grey and brown with details of red, green and a little blue🫖🍂🪵🍄🌲❄️
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 11 months ago
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venaface · 1 year ago
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Made an old school AC dirt version of "The Path"
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dreamingofbabylon · 1 year ago
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@goopygeorge hiii my bad not linking to it in the original post so I'll put it here in case anyone else wants it!
Definitely one of my most used codes. I spent so long trying to make the perfect black dirt path but never managed to make one I liked more than this.
Creator code: MA-7414-4688-6996
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A mossy stone set I made a while back. You can use the corner pieces to make nice paths, or scatter them around for a more organic natural look 🌱
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machveil · 6 months ago
König bought a Switch specifically to play Animal Crossing: New Horizons
König makes his island nature themed, lots of waterways and cliffs, uses wooden stairs and downloads the iconic dirt paths. despite Isabelle telling him it’s a problem, König enjoys when the weeds on his island grow out. his favorite villagers are Fauna and Dobie - he’s neighbors with them
König makes a second account on his switch so he can have his house and a beginner’s tent house for decoration. is not so patiently waiting for Molly to show up at his campsite. “Gah— hallo, Hamphrey”, voice uninterested as he spots the cranky villager - one thats visited him too many times. Walking out of the campsite, he scoffs, “See you next week, Geringe Belästigung.”
König who got Skye as a starter villager and doesn’t have the heart to let her leave. he didn’t like her at first, but he got attached over time because he related to her. when she asked him to move out he panicked and almost clicked the ‘yes’ option
König’s current villager roster is Fauna, Dobie, Skye, Wolfgang, Vivian, Tia, Sylvana, Shep, Pudge, and Julian - he desperately wants to replace Julian with Molly. really enjoys playing ACNH when he can’t go hiking or camping, he’ll just spend the afternoon gifting fruit to his villagers and catching bugs
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pan-cakes-makes · 2 years ago
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Plenty of people create bee / flower farms & apple orchards in Animal Crossing, so I’m putting my own unique spin on these by making them into a combo meadery & cidery in this ACNH speed build.
Our resident bad girl, Cherry, will be running the cozy apple orchard while our unibrow sweetheart, Hazel, will tend the flourishing apiary.
- CUSTOM CODES USED - Apple Cider Shelves: MA-5586-1147-3236 Honey Shelves: MA-0973-7817-2980 Honey Stall: MA-0498-3188-7717 Honey Drips: MA-9440-2658-2481 Dirt Path: MA-4147-2454-4020 Eyebrows: MA-1409-5733-1266
- WATCH IT - Check out the speed build on my YouTube channel here
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kawaoneechan · 6 months ago
Another fun Animal Crossing thing.
In the previous games, with each acre being a full model that could only be altered through plants and objects, the map was generated by picking and choosing acres that fit together. If that failed, it'd scrap the attempt and try again.
So for example in the N64/GC game, the top row would always be train tracks, right? There's some variants of just the tracks with only ponds, dirt patches, or shrubbery, another some with a river going north/south and always starting and ending at the same horizontal, and some variants with the station, which always have a path going south. That means for for the first set, any acre can be chosen that has nothing going north, for the second any with a river from the north, and for the station any acre with a brick road. And that's always one with the four player houses, so the station is always directly north of the player's house. If the acre directly to the left of the station has a river, there must be a river acre to the left of the player houses, and it can go west or south but never east. If that happens, start over.
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Similar things apply to the other games except for New Horizons, as far as I can tell.
I'm... still not entirely 100% certain how New Horizons generates the island.
The fun begins when you have Intentions to implement custom map generators for use in Project Special K, which would have ACNH style cliff and river editing. The acres can't be single models any more. So what I'd do is have each non-beach acre be defined as a series of individual tiles. Then the rules I just went over can apply and presto you have an N64/GC style map that you can freely edit cliffs and rivers in.
Except for the cliffs on the borders, of course.
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avidfireflycatcher · 6 months ago
@and-she-said I think I found it!!! it's by MyDesignMATOME on twitter:
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^ MA-2568-9914-4979 ^
I know its an old post but if you're still playing I hope you get to redownload it! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Also, this second one (which I found first lol) has a similar vibe, idk if it has as many tiling options though: nm it's the same path! It has The same creator ID and everything lol
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^ MA-2568-9914-4979 ^
Help Me Make that Tumblr Magic
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P L EA SE help me find my old path's QR code! (it's not mine but i adore it)
My ex roommate deleted my old town after stealing my switch. I'm desperate to find my old path, as it had inner and outer corners... not many paths come with that now.
Not sure what to look up so i'm hoping the acnh community will help me 😭😭
if not any reccomendations for paths w inner and outer corners
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abandonedpie · 1 year ago
Little bit of a vent, not that serious but slightly heavier than you'd expect from the subject.
TL;DR designing an ACNH island is suffering and I took that personally
So my island has been in a WIP state since its creation. Got fairly far with implementing my plans, and I've worked on pieces of it here and there, but recently, I was inspired to redesign the whole thing (again). No longer liked all the ideas I had liked before, and overall felt it was lacking. With some struggle, I started coming up with new ideas that I felt good about.
But the thing that has slowed me down the most? That has me already doubting or even hating my brand new ideas?
Paths. It always comes down to the paths.
Custom paths? Default paths? Both have pros and cons to consider. Fellow ACNH players are likely familiar with these issues: loss of footstep sounds, limited design slots to work with (is it worth using 12+ slots for a single path border?), having to make every design from scratch (no Online for me), lines of grass left between paths/inclines/buildings...
And I can't decide. I can't find an answer. Whatever I try, whatever I imagine, I don't like the result. I've hit a wall, and that wall is my own perfectionism. Clearly there is no perfect solution, and I have to compromise to progress—"finished, not perfect" and all that—but I don't want to compromise the vision I have for my island, even though I know that vision is unattainable.
I just want to have an island I'm happy with. And it feels like no matter what I do with it, I'll never be satisfied. I've seen such beautiful pictures and videos of other people's islands, and while they inspire me and fuel my creativity, they also raise my standards for my own island because I know it could be so much better.
I want to be able to settle for "good enough." But it feels like trying to paint a rainbow with one or two colors missing or not quite the right shade. Maybe I can make something pretty, but it's not what I envisioned or want.
So I think, let's just come up with something different. There are plenty of designs I would like just as much or more, right? I'm already struggling because I like multiple exclusive aesthetics/layouts/etc. and I can't fit them all on one island. But...paths are kinda omnipresent, and that means I have to accept them being substandard. Unless? I've considered using minimal to no paths, but I can't imagine that working for me. I'm not going for full-on natural forestcore or whatever (and even that wouldn't look its best without dirt paths, right?).
I guess I might've made this into a bigger deal than it needs to be. At this point, I feel tired and stuck and hopeless, and part of me wants to let it go. It's just a game. But I don't want to give up and leave my island a mess again. For a short while, I was excited to create, thinking I could shape my little land into something great, something I could walk through with a smile and maybe feel proud of. And now I wonder if that's really possible. There must be something I can do, something I'd like, but I don't know how to find it. I'm honestly having trouble focusing on it right now.
Seeking inspiration is a double-edged sword. As nice as other people's islands look, I know a lot of pictures are shared with filters, and even those that aren't...well, seeing images and videos is different than walking through your own island day after day.
I could go into the game's flaws and limitations, but this is what we've got. And it's not all bad. There's potential. The problem is my own inner critic, and I don't know how to get past it.
The best part is that I've been trying to fight this perfectionism with the game from the beginning, when I last restarted my island and named it Wabisabia after the term wabi-sabi, the Japanese ideal/aesthetic centered on transience and imperfection. You can see how well that's going for me ha ha ha! Even if I want to embrace it in theory, it's not so easy to break through the perfectionism cemented inside me.
Anyway, yeah. Back to agonizing over my island I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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dexaroth · 1 year ago
opinions on open world/creative/base building games
the one thing that always gets me about games that either are centered on or have elements pertaining to being able to build stuff like a base/house or a city or reshaping the world to your liking is that they always leave out some key elements that are practically quintessencial to engaging with the building at all
speaking from experience (and from playing acnh recently) those types of games either dont encourage the player enough to put effort into things or the things you can build end up having little to no practical purpose
the first game that comes to mind of the latter is vanilla minecraft. arguably infinite possibilities, but you're limited to the blocky style and you can quite easily beat the game and go on for irl/ in- game years without building a base at all. let alone homes or cities, since theres only you and villagers but they arent really company since theyre too busy hrrrnging their way with other villagers. theyre just a game element and i doubt anyone ever thought of them as genuine npcs. you can build castles, spaceships, anything! but theyll always be unnecessary compared to shutting yourself in a dirt hut - or villagers for that case. and even if you ignore that (and modding ands multiplayer for that case lol) then you still have to come up with the ideas for actual buildings yourself, AND then. even if you have everything in mind. building it is so painful, even with scaffolding. ive seen this opinion multiple times but minecraft simply doesnt benefit from its survival aspect. theres nothing thats worth digging all that ground and building that huge castle when it comes to time spent. its so cumbersome and unfun
the sims' house building id say is practically unparalleled - though it has plenty of limits (and furnishings behind paywalls of course) it still suffers because youre not an actual player. that house is for sims only, for people that arent you. and even if you could play there, you'd still be stuck in the game world that you cant influence like you can house lots.
while i havent played it, theres also technically house flipper but its one of those simulator games that dont have much in replayable/satisfying game loops to keep you going, and your house isnt the center point either. it also suffers from the no npc things. youre fixing houses, yet its all done through menus and no interaction (which id say works well for the game's workflow, but not belivability imo)
then theres something like terraria. it gets bonus points from having a housing system, but it still doesnt ask enough of the player and because of its genre ive always found it annoying to have to build their houses anyways. a huge majority of the good blocks are gated behind the end game, and by the time you get to build a nice house, you practically dont even need one. the enemies can also be countered somewhat easily and the npcs are, again, just that. shopkeepers that most of the time just die like boss fodder. ironically that always encouraged me to build their houses far away so they dont die.. not very helpful in creating a sense of community
the forest has a really good system and a lot of replayability, though there are barely any furnishings and everything is made out of logs. of course its not meant to be the end-all of building games and its focused on survival, but you have very good reasons to build a base, and you can get quite creative with them
and last but not least, the one that made me think about and write about this in the first place - new horizons. the creativity it allows is amazing. there are many screenshots that are incredible and barely look like the game at all. and even though there are literal hundreds of villagers and theyre more expressive than ever, they still fall flat. the islands, again, can be amazing. but almost everything is entirely cosmetic, the predefined paths and fences are very limited and so are the color choice for furnitures (though im guessing a lot if not all of these are limitations due to the console hardware/storage size). they have nicely introduced more custom design spaces and even a horizontal mirroring tool, but not an actual tiling editor.. even with the dlc they introduce stuff like wall partitions and room resizing, but the partitions can only use the main wallpaper and you cant resize the rooms in your house. and even though its nice to have a nice house, again.. outside multiplayer, theres not much purpose to them (SPECIALLY when i have to sit through loading screens to get to any of them. are you kidding me??). at best you can have a toilet to get rid of the fruit points, a kitchen for cooking and i guess a bedroom for going to dream towns.. or you could have a bed, an oven and a toilet in your room. you know. ugh
it has a lot of strengths with the kind of toy/dollhouse vibe(??) its going for, like how the house's insides are completely different from their outsides but it also means you cant have cute stuff like seeing your island from outside, seeing your villagers through windows, or just having an actual big house n stuff.
idk man.. they always seem to either lack a reason to build, or if they give you reasons to build theyre so weak you can often just not build at all. maybe im asking too much but is there ever gonna be a game that gives you a reason to build and keep going at the same time? :(
imagine if you still had villagers like acnh, but they had good dialogue and commented on your stuff/decisions, while also only moving in because you built a shop or a market or a city to live in. and the reason you built that is because your goal in-game is to be a chef or an adventurer or something, and you werent limited to an island or pre-made furniture.. something in-between the sims' cartoony realistic proportions and acnh's childish toy designs when it comes to aesthetics.. could you imagine
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nordsea-horizons · 3 months ago
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keeping it simple on my new island🌾✨
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aftershocked · 1 year ago
it’s Basic but lately I’ve just been going into Pinterest search and plugging in “ACNH + (design),” so like ‘ACNH dirt path,’ ‘ACNH sand path,’ ‘ACNH asphalt road,’ etc. It turns up a lot of possible codes, including more recent uploads, and will recommend similar designs, so it’s useful for digging up more fresh and unusual codes imo.
do you guys have any cool path recommendations? i want to change up my pathing but i don't know what to do
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wyntirose · 3 years ago
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A new path design finished! I’ve started a new island that is going to be a spirited away island, and I wanted to replicate the dirt track Chihiro and her family drive up at the beginning :)
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zodiacfragment · 5 years ago
𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 '𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚑' 🌻🌿
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dirt path (MA-6647-9230-4716) by Denim2_mori on Twitter
dirt path accents (MA-3995-5109-8233) by ElliebobACNH on Twitter
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bramblescrossing · 5 years ago
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@ denim2_mori’s paths brought me so much nostalgia & joy, and I wanted just a few more details and flexibility so I made some end caps and “stepping stone” spots! I reached out to them and they said I was welcome to share the codes with all of you, so here you go!!
individual design codes are under the cut!
✨please reblog, don’t repost!✨
Tag me using #bramblescrossing, I’d love to see how you use it! ♡
All my designs All my tutorials
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psychedelic-feline · 5 years ago
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Some Wisteria vibes
thanks to @goldblvms for the stone path and @elysiumbydesign for the dirt!
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