#acne vulgaris tutorial
healthhub123 · 5 months
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Lilac in Magic and Medicine
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Spring tends to be a favorite time of year for a lot of people. You walk out the front door and the birds are chirping, the weather is nice and there are flowers everywhere! As a Garden/Green Witch, I love plants and finding out ways to use them. One of my favorite plants, even though they are only around for a short amount of time, are the Lilacs. We have several Lilacs on our property that were planted by my great grandparents that still bloom every year. Lilacs are edible, have some medicinal uses and of course, contain magical properties as well. Keep reading to learn more!
Lilacs in the Garden
Lilacs, or Syringa Vulgaris, are a short term blooming shrub. It’s most commonly found in Planting Zones 3-9 here in the U.S. Most lilacs only bloom for about 2-3 weeks; but early and late blooming varieties can be staggered to increase your bloom time to a total of 6 weeks. Lilacs are available in 5 colors ranging from white, to magenta, to the traditional lilac purple.
Lilacs grow on old wood, so pruning after the spring is vital. A hardy specimen, lilacs can be transplanted by cuttings very easily to add more to your garden. Our lilacs draw bees, birds and butterflies with it’s tantalizing scent so we always try to keep them blooming.
Did you know Lilacs are actually part of the olive family? Native to the Balkan Peninsula in Southeastern Europe; people emigrating from Europe brought the shrub with them to grow and preserve a piece of home. Western pioneers brought lilacs with them during the 1800’s. Now you can find lilacs that grow nearly wild in abandoned lots or parks. Lilacs prefer full sun and a slightly alkaline soil to grow and bloom. The wood is a sturdy type that can be hollowed out to make a variety of tools.
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These shrubs are a beautiful plant and even though they have a very short season; their vibrant green grey leaves(which are heart shaped) and the clusters of fragrant flowers make it worth having. But a commonly asked question every Spring is; “What can I do with my lilacs in that short amount of time?” Turns out there are a couple of medical, edible and magical uses for lilacs. I’m going to touch on the edible and medical real quick. Then give you some ideas of how to use lilacs in your magic as well!
Lilacs as Food and Medicine.
One thing I’ve started to learn as a witch, herbalist and homesteader is that there’s a use for practically every plant! We harvest at least a dozen or more plants from our yard every Spring and Summer; not counting what we add to the gardens, harvest from the forest or buy online!
Starting out, I was surprised how many other uses most flowers can have, besides just being pretty to look at. Given the short bloom time for Lilacs, I never really thought about using them until this year. But it turns out that 2 weeks is plenty of time to gather and dry flowers for all sorts of projects!
Lilacs in the Apothecary Cabinet
Lilacs are astringent, aromatic and a bit bitter. While most of the medicinal uses stem(see what I did there, ha) from the leaves and fruit, the flowers still have their own uses. Ingesting raw flowers leaves a dry feeling on the tongue but are bursting with flavor.
The most common use of Lilacs is as an astringent. Many common weeds and plants are astringent, including but not limited to: sunflowers, black walnut, black raspberry and stag-horn sumac. Many people are already familiar with the commercially produced astringent known as witch hazel.
Lilac flowers can infused with witch hazel or a carrier oil. That can then be used for acne, fine lines and wrinkles and other anti-aging properties
Using lilacs as an aromatic is completely different. An aromatic works by causing irritation to the place where it is applied. (Think about how sensitive the GI tract is.) Which in turn brings more blood flow and thus promotes faster healing! Gastric issues such as excessive flatulence or constipation are normally remedied very quickly by eating just a few small flowers.
Infuse lilacs in your favourite carrier oils to make salves, soaps and lotions. Lilacs are good for sunburn relief or soothing scratches, light burns and itches. As well as the previously mentioned astringent properties.
Other Uses for Lilacs
As beautiful and lovely as lilacs are, the fragrance is a fleeting memory once spring is over. Unfortunately, there’s no way to preserve the fragrance in an essential oil. Like many florals, it would take a lot of flowers and would be very expensive. There are some ways to preserve the flavor and aroma through absolutes, enfleurage and infused oils. The Experimental Homesteader has a great tutorial and more info about making your own lilac essences.Find that Here
Most commonly, lilacs are used for garnishes and flavoring for foods and drink. From sugared flowers on cake to lilac ice-cream and lemonade; there’s a number of sweet treats you can make with these cute purple flowers.
Some of my Favourite Uses for Lilac include:
Infused Honey
Ice cream
There’s a ton of tutorials for each of these on Pinterest!
If you would like to try the lilac jelly recipe its super easy! Head over to our Forsythia Jelly Recipe but switch out the flowers for lilacs instead!( Find that here)
Lilac honey is super easy, just add the flowers to honey and let sit for 2-6 weeks.
Make a simple lilac syrup by simmering the flowers in a sugar water mix on the stove. Use that syrup to flavor your lemonade or top your favorite dessert(or pancakes!) Plus it’s a gorgeous light purple color so it makes for a great gift.
Lilacs in Magic: Green Witchcraft
Using Lilacs in magic has a slew of myths and stories behind it; as well as a few ways to use it in your own personal spells.
What’s in a Name?
Lilacs have a few names depending on the area and connections. In Arabic, “Lilak” means purple. In Greece, Lebanon and Cyrus, lilacs are referred to as “paschalia” due to the fact that they bloom around Easter. (Or as they call it “Pascha”.)
Actually, the scientific name for Lilacs(syringas vulgaris) is thought to be derived from the Greek word “Syrinx” which means pipes. This is due to the wood’s hollow nature. Which brings me to the next section of Lilacs in magic: the Greek origin story.
The Legend of Syrinx
According to Greek Legend, Syrinx was a dryad (also known as tree nymph) who was a follower of Artemis, goddess of nature and chastity. Pan, as god of the forest and ruled by an bestial nature and lust, sought after her beauty. As a follower of Artemis, Syrinx was sworn to chastity and denied him. He chased her to the nearby river where Syrinx sought help from her cousins, the naiads, or river nymphs. With their help, she transformed into a Lilac bush, also commonly called a pipe tree or reed tree. Pan, frustrated that Syrinx had slipped from his grasp; cut 7 branches from the gorgeous lilac tree and tied them together into what we know as pan pipes today.
The Pipes, combined with Pan’s mournful music over his lost pursuit, holds merit in the language of flowers.These purple petaled flowers symbolize lust, love, and the fleetingness of life in general.
Lilacs Magical Properties
Blooming Lilacs show up for a short period during the Spring, typically between Beltane and Litha. (May-June). Much like honeysuckle, dandelions and forsythia, lilac contains spring energy and helps to jump start your life. Use it to give yourself a motivational boost, a mental or physical spring cleaning. Or use as an energy charge for your job or a new business venture.
Lilacs are commonly used for spells involving: exorcisms, banishing negative energy, love and lust spells. As well as protection spells and spells symbolizing the balance between life and death.
Lilac for Protection
Plant lilacs around your property to protect those inside its boundaries. Planting lilacs by your front door keeps negative energy from entering your home.
Bringing cuttings into your home is supposed to help banish negative energy and spirits. Except for some superstitions in certain parts of the UK. It was felt that white lilacs were too close to death and were very unlucky.(Unless it was a 5 petaled white flower which were considered extra lucky.) Lilacs were commonly placed inside coffins to cover the smell of death, much like gladiolas and other “funeral flowers”.
Hanging lilac branches over a newborn’s crib was said to encourage them in growth of knowledge and wisdom.(Especially in Russia)
Lilacs for Love and Beauty
When used in love and lust spells, lilacs are best for short fleeting summer romances or flings. Adding lilac oil to your wrists and behind the ears helps to draw love your way. You can also use lilacs for a spell to bring the fun and light back into a relationship.
To combine the medicinal uses mentioned earlier as well as the magical uses; Lilacs infused in witch hazel for a facial toner can be used to promote beauty, glamour and attracting love.
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Celebrate Beltane by making a flower crown for yourself or your love.
Lilac Wood and Flowers
Wrap and dry lilac bundles to make your own incense smoke bundles. Combine with rose, lavender and sage for a love incense. Find out more info on wrapping and drying at Proflowers.
Use the wood from the Lilac to make wands, staves or runes. Lilac wands are good for banishing evil or negativity, raising psychic energy and vibrations, and attracting love.
Lilac Trivia
Lilacs are part of the Olive family. The Oleaceae or Olive family also includes olives(obviously), jasmine, forsythias and ash trees.
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson enjoyed the scent of Lilacs and planted them in their Gardens.
Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet were inspired by the colors and appearance of lilacs. They included the flowers in several paintings such as “Lilac Bush” (1889 Van Gogh), “Lilacs, Grey Weather”(1872 Monet) and “Lilacs in Sun”(1872 Monet).
In the Victorian Era, widows wore lilac blossoms on their lapel. This served as a reminder of their love and the shortness of life.
Lilac is considered the traditional flower for the 8th Anniversary. This means it is a suitable gift as well.
The Celtics regarded the lilac as “magical” due to their incredibly intoxicating fragrance.
In the United States, the lilac is the official state flower of New Hampshire. It represents the ‘hardy’ nature of its people
Lilac Magic Correspondences
Latin Name: Syringa Vulgaris Other Names: Pipe Tree, Reed Tree, Common Lilac Element: Water Planets: Venus Gender: Feminine Deities: Artemis, Pan, Gaea, Hades, Persephone, Hera* and Hestia* (*white flowers only) Powers: Expansion, Growth, Protection, Life and Death, Spirit World, Love, Psychic Ability Use for: Love spells, Protection Spells, Exorcisms, Aromatherapy, Beauty Magic, Body care(magical or not) Crafts/Recipes: Toner, Tea, Honey, Ice cream, Syrup, Wands, Runes, Staves, Garden/Home Boundary, Incense, Dessert Garnish
Are you in love with Lilac yet?
Even though Lilac only visits for a short amount of time; it leaves us impatient for it to come around again. Even if you missed this year’s harvest, save this info for next year so you can fill your home with yummy flowers and magic next spring. Feel free to save this info for your Book of Shadows or Grimoire pages. Also, make sure you visit our other Magical and Medicinal Plant Pages.
Will you add Lilac to your magic workings?
If you want the smell of lilacs even after the season is done; we offer a Lilac goat’s milk soap in the Store that smells exactly like this luscious plant! Made with nourishing oils and skin safe fragrance oils; its safe for sensitive skin and makes for a great Mother’s Day, Best Friend or Self Care Gift.
If you are new here make sure to check out all of our other blog posts over on the Blog Page. And don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram for farm photos, trivia, shop updates and more!
By  Ariana
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gregorylipson · 3 years
The medical name for acne is Acne vulgaris. In textbook terms, acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition resulting in pimples on the skin. The most common areas for breakouts are the face, chest, upper arms and back. As per the American Academy of Dermatology publication in 2006, acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. And up to 50 million Americans are suffering from this condition yearly. Acne is common in young adults. https://www.bskin.com/Blog/Tips-tutorials/Acne:-Causes-Risk-Factors-Self-care-and-Over-The-Counter-Treatments
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thaimassagegreenock · 4 years
3 Common Skin Conditions and What to Do about Them
{Tutorials|Some self-help training} {and|&} {helpful|useful|interesting|important} {updates|up-dates|posts|tips|info|information} on {staying healthy|being healthy|healthy living} {with|through} {Thai Massage|Thai Oil Massage}.
“Love the skin you’re in,” so the saying goes. Sometimes that’s easier said than done. Skin conditions, ranging from mildly irritating to painfully debilitating, are ubiquitous nowadays. Even mild-to-moderate symptoms can take a serious physical and emotional toll.
I started thinking about skin the other day after a bout of nostalgia had me revisiting old . Going through the archives, I was reminded how many readers reported that their acne, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin conditions were “miraculously” resolved after going Primal.
I’m not surprised. I’ve always believed that there is a deep connection between skin health, , and inflammation. The Primal Blueprint is designed to support a diverse, well-balanced microbiome, reduce , and provide signals that optimize health. It makes sense that clearer skin would be one of the benefits.
As I perused the success stories, it occurred to me that it’s been a while since we talked about here. Today I’m going to cover three of the most common, along with some alternative (non-pharmaceutical) approaches to addressing them. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not judging anyone for opting for pharmaceutical options. However, many conventional treatments—antibiotics, oral steroids, hormonal birth control pills, and isotretinoin (sold with brand name Accutane)—have serious, sometimes downright scary, side effects.
Given that, I know many of my readers are interested in diet and lifestyle interventions that might help. They won’t fix all your skin issues, but they’re bound to improve some aspects of your life, even if your skin doesn’t clear up completely.
Acne is widespread among adolescents and adults. The most common form of acne is acne vulgaris. You’re undoubtedly familiar with the characteristic whiteheads and blackheads usually found on the face, chest, back, and shoulders. Cystic and nodular acne are severe types of acne vulgaris involve large, deep, painful blemishes that take longer to heal.
Acne doesn’t have a single root cause. Sebum (oil) production, pore blockage, bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes), and inflammation each contribute. Androgens increase sebum production, and hormonal changes due to puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, PCOS, or menopause often lead to outbreaks.
As common as these skin issues are today, they are not an inevitable part of the human condition. Grandfather of the ancestral health movement Loren Cordain asserts that acne is basically unheard of in traditional-living societies. This strongly suggests that modern lifestyle factors that affect epigenetics, inflammation, and hormones, underlie much of what we see today.
What to Do About Your Acne
Because acne is multifactorial, there is no single magic pill for acne. Sufferers may try a variety of topical, pharmaceutical, and lifestyle interventions before (hopefully) finding the key that works for them. It can take trial and error, luck, and time. There are also a lot of old wives’ tales that send people down all sorts of rabbit holes looking for answers. Many fall into the category of “can’t hurt, might help.” A few are actually backed by science:
Many supposed dietary causes of acne aren’t substantiated by research. ( doesn’t seem to cause acne, thankfully.) However, the American Academy of Dermotology (AAD) agrees that two factors matter:
Glycemic load
Both observational and experimental studies link greater intake of high-glycemic carbohydrates to more frequent and more severe acne symptoms. For some people, acne is significantly improved simply by lowering the glycemic load of their diet.
High-glycemic load diets probably promote acne through several metabolic pathways, including by stimulating insulinlike growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and androgen. Acne sufferers would do well to moderate their carb intake, especially high-glycemic carbs. The good news is that if you’re already eating a Primal-aligned diet, you’ve probably greatly cut down your glycemic load by removing grains and added sugars, as well as . Fruit can also carry a heft wallop.
The AAD recommends that acne sufferers limit dairy intake. The available data is observational, so take it for what it’s worth. Still, a recent meta-analysis found that folks who drink more milk are more prone to acne. There was no significant relationship for cheese or yogurt consumption. This jibes with tons of anecdotal evidence from people who report significant relief from acne symptoms when they cut out dairy.
What about other food sensitivities?
I can’t tell you how many readers have confided they struggled for years, even decades, with acne before switching to a Primal diet and finally getting relief. Many of them have traced their problem back to gluten. Some are particularly affected by dairy, others by soy. Occasionally, random food sensitivities are the issue.
Despite the preponderance of anecdotal evidence, there is a glaring lack of scientific studies on food sensitivities and acne, so the link remains somewhat controversial. No matter. This is one of those cases where proof is in the pudding as far as I’m concerned.
If you are suffering from stubborn acne, consider what foods may be triggering for you. Start with the usual suspects. Track your symptoms and see if you can spot any patterns. When you identify likely culprits, try eliminating them for a few weeks and see what happens with your skin.
What If Dietary Changes Alone Don’t Solve My Acne?
First things first, look at your gut health. There is a strong gut-skin connection. Addressing underlying gut health issues, as well as supplementing with probiotics (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria), can reduce acne. You have nothing to lose by adding or kimchi to your meals. If you’re not sensitive to dairy, try kefir, one of my favorite sources of probiotics. You can even try doing a yogurt mask since topical probiotic treatments could be beneficial.
Supplementing with certain nutrients might help, too. There is limited evidence in support of zinc, vitamin B3, and fish oil supplements.
Finally, work on your skin’s surface. Some people swear by using coconut oil on their face, but it can be aggravating for others. Try topical applications of manuka honey, tea tree oil (diluted), witch hazel, green tea extract, or apple cider vinegar. None of these is likely to be a slam dunk on its own, but use them alongside dietary changes and wise supplementation, and you might just arrive at a winning combo.
As with acne, there are several forms of eczema. The most common is atopic dermatitis. Eczema is characterized by dry, itchy, swollen rashes that appear most often on the face, neck, elbows, and knees. People of any age can develop eczema, but it’s more common in babies and children. Up to 20 percent of children and 5 percent of adults are afflicted. Doctors aren’t sure what causes it. Rashes seem to be triggered by an immune system reaction, but it’s not clear why. Specific triggers differ from person to person.
Because the root causes are unknown, finding relief can also be difficult and frustrating. Patients are advised to keep affected areas moisturized, avoid detergents and soaps that might irritate the skin, opt for cotton clothing, and take baths with oatmeal or vinegar. Doctors may prescribe topical steroids or other creams or, in extreme cases, immunosuppressing drugs.
Other Ways to Address Eczema
Studies of infants and young children have found that eczema sufferers have, on average, less microbial diversity in their guts. Probiotic supplementation, especially with strains of Lactobacillus, may reduce the risk of developing eczema and relieve eczema symptoms. A 2012 meta-analysis also concluded that when pregnant women supplement with probiotics, their babies have a significantly reduced risk of developing eczema.
However, a recent Cochrane review concluded that there is insufficient evidence to recommend probiotics as an effective eczema treatment. There are so many other benefits of supporting a healthy microbiome that it doesn’t hurt to try probiotics, though.
Coconut oil
Thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, coconut oil applied topically to eczema rashes may provide some relief. If nothing else, it will moisturize dry skin and smell great.
Acupressure, acupuncture, and massage
A few small studies have found that acupressure , acupuncture , and massage[/ref][/ref] may provide some relief. In addition to physiologic benefits, these treatments may reduce stress, which is known to trigger flare-ups.
Get outside
Your doctor may use phototherapy treatments, but you can also reap the benefits of ultraviolet light simply by getting out in the sun. Ultraviolet radiation triggers the release of nitric oxide, which in turn activates T cells that modulate the overactive immune response.
Dermatologists caution that is not recommended for severe cases, and it exacerbates symptoms for some people. Be careful not to overdo it. Besides the risk of burning, getting too hot and sweaty leads to itching and discomfort.
With plaque psoriasis—the most common form—red, scaly, often itchy or painful patches rise on the scalp, knees, elbows, lower back, or really anywhere on the body. Other types of psoriasis cause red lesions in folds such as the armpit, small dots, or blisters. Psoriasis can also affect the fingernails and toenails.
Psoriasis shares a lot in common with eczema. Doctors don’t know exactly what causes it, but it has a genetic component and is classified as an autoimmune disease. Symptoms come and go, and different people may have different triggers. Doctors usually treat psoriasis with topical creams, but they may also prescribe oral medications to try to get at it systemically.
Unlike eczema, though, psoriasis is more common in adults than children. Up to 30 percent of people with psoriasis develop a related condition called psoriatic arthritis. Because it is associated with systemic inflammation, psoriasis puts you at greater risk for other chronic health conditions such as metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease.
Treating Psoriasis with Diet
Gluten sensitivity is probably more common among psoriasis sufferers than in the general population. I think gluten sensitivity is more common than is generally recognized, but that aside, I’d strongly suggest that anyone with psoriasis try eliminating completely for a period of time.
Calorie-restricted diets also yield significant improvements in symptom severity for obese individuals, but it’s not clear whether that is due to the calorie restriction per se, weight loss, or something else.
If you have psoriasis, you should also limit your alcohol intake. A growing body of evidence suggests that alcohol can worsen symptoms. Psoriasis also comes with a higher risk of liver disease, making excess alcohol consumption potentially more dangerous.
Many psoriasis patients try supplementing with fish oil, selenium, and vitamins D and B12, but there is only mixed evidence that they are actually effective. (Vitamin D is commonly applied in topical creams.) They may be helpful for some people, though.
There is also a lot of interest in curcumin, a compound found in . A number of small clinical trials have yielded some success, but it’s still early. A recent meta-analysis concluded that the available data do not support using curcumin topically, but taking it as an oral supplement shows promise.
Stress reduction
Stress leads to psoriasis flare-ups. Therefore, anything you do to moderate stress may help prevent or manage symptoms. Meditation and guided imagery seem to work. Or, treat yourself to an at-home spa day. Start with an Epsom salt or oatmeal bath, then apply some topical treatments using stuff you already have in the house. The National Psoriasis Association recommends using aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, and tea tree oil topically, as well as mahonia (Oregon grape) cream (which you probably don’t have lying around).
Ultraviolet light, especially UVB, can help with psoriasis symptoms. Certain topical treatments make you more susceptible to sunburn, so check out any medications you’re using.
A 2017 review of studies involving more than 1,000 participants concluded that acupuncture and acupressure can help with psoriasis.
General takeaways
Skin disorders are complex. The remedies I mentioned here are not the only ones you might try. Severe or prolonged cases may respond best to a combination of treatments, including medications.
No matter what your specific challenge, the following are always good practice:
Support a healthy gut microbiome through the .
Eat a nutrient-rich diet. Most vitamins and minerals directly and indirectly affect skin health. Vitamins A, D, and E probably get the most attention, but they are all important.
Avoid harsh cleansers and products that might irritate your skin. I have a few posts about Primal , but the most Primal skincare “product” is just plain (clean, filtered) water.
Avoid foods that promote inflammation. If you suspect that food sensitivities make your skin problems worse, simple elimination experiments can provide answers. For skin issues, it’s not generally necessary to undertake a complete elimination diet along the lines of the autoimmune protocol (AIP) or low-FODMAP. However, if you have other symptoms that suggest serious gut health impairment, your practitioner may recommend that you do eliminate a wider swath of foods for a while.
Finally, avoid touching your face as much as possible. That’s just a good idea anyway.
I know I just scratched the tip of the iceberg here. Tell me about your personal successes and challenges. What’s your secret for healthy skin? Maybe your advice can help someone else.
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journalpostnet-blog · 6 years
The Latest 26 All Natural Beauty Tips For Any Skin Type 2018
New Post has been published on https://journalpost.net/the-latest-26-all-natural-beauty-tips-for-any-skin-type-2018/
The Latest 26 All Natural Beauty Tips For Any Skin Type 2018
m excited to share with my top 26 natural beauty tips that I’ve learned over the years doing skincare research and in naturopathic medical practice.These are super easy to do at home with just a few ingredients.As an alternative to expensive, invasive procedures and toxic skincare ingredients, I’m sharing these do-it-yourself tips to help you save time, money, and your health.And, the best part is you’re using the healing powers of nature and supporting your body’s innate healing capacities to look naturally beautiful.
1. Eliminate Tired Puffy Eyes With Chilled Tea Bags
Briefly steep 2 green, black, or chamomile tea bags in hot water for less than a minute. Then remove the tea bags from the water and chill in a small bowl in the refrigerator. Once chilled, place 1 bag over each closed eyelid. Leave on your lids for 5 to 15 minutes. Watch this video if you’d like to see me explain this.
2. Use Raspberries And Coconut Oil For Brighter Lips
In a small saucepan on low heat, warm 1 Tablespoon coconut oil until it liquefies. Remove from heat and add 4 fresh or frozen red raspberries. Mash berries and blend until smooth. Place in a small glass container and refrigerate until firm. Use clean fingers or a lipgloss brush to smooth over lips. Make this fresh every few days.
3. Get A Natural Face Lift With Simple Yoga Poses
Doing inverted postures before pictures, interviews, and meetings can improve circulation and help give your face some extra lift and vitality. You perform the “downward dog” yoga pose by getting on the floor on your hands and knees and then straightening your legs. Or, simply bend forward and reach towards your toes. Stay in one of these positions as long as you feel comfortable, for about 1 to 5 minutes. If you have physical limitations such as injuries or back pain, check with your healthcare provider about how to modify this posture. Here are 7 different poses you can do for glowing skin.
4. Get Soft, Kissable Skin With A Natural Pomegranate, Raspberry, and Sweet Almond Oil Blend
Naturally hydrate dry skin and add an extra glow to the end of your skincare routine by creating a natural antioxidant-rich oil blend. Apply after cleansing or after putting on makeup. Mix together equal parts Pomegranate seed oil, Raspberry seed oil, and Sweet Almond Oil, or get the already made The Spa Dr. Glow Boost.
Place 3 to 6 drops of the oil mixture in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together to warm the oils. Then, with your fingertips gently press the warm oil into dry areas of your face or areas where you have fine lines and wrinkles.
5. Reduce Skin Creases By Changing Your Pillowcase
Instead of coarser fabrics, choose a pillowcase that is soft and silky to decrease the friction and skin compression that occurs while you sleep and leaves you with extra lines in the morning. If you sleep on your side, try switching sides occasionally or sleeping on your back, so your face doesn’t wrinkle over time from pressure in certain areas. But, don’t stress about this… ultimately, you want to be comfortable because high-quality sleep is essential for natural beauty. Here are some other beauty sleep tips from my friend Kathy Smith.
6. Hydrate Dry Skin With Coconut Water
Start your morning with a glass of fresh unsweetened coconut water. And, throughout the day, drink filtered water. At meals include skin-hydrating foods such as wild salmon, avocado, olives, and coconut.
7. Prevent Sun Damaged Skin By Eating Wild Salmon
Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant that helps protect skin from the harmful effects of UVA sun damage, acting almost like an internal sunblock. It’s found in seafood such as salmon, krill, shrimp, lobster, crabs, and crayfish. You can also get astaxanthin through supplements.
Enjoy several servings per week of wild salmon and seafood and consider taking a supplement every day, especially during sunny times of the year. You also want to protect your skin on the outside with a natural sun protector.
8. Remove Dead Skin And Revitalize Your Face With An Organic Papaya Mask
Many exfoliants contain abrasive ingredients that scratch your skin, which may damage the skin and speed signs of aging. Instead, it’s better to use an enzymatic exfoliant. Papaya contains the natural enzyme papain, and pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps naturally exfoliate the skin to leave it smooth and soft. Greener (unripe) papayas have higher amounts of papain, so opt for these to get the best benefit. If you have sensitive skin, use ripe papayas as they are less likely to trigger an inflammatory reaction.
Scoop out a ¼ cup raw papaya flesh and mash or blend with 1 Tablespoon fresh pineapple until smooth. Apply to dry skin and leave on for 5 to 15 minutes. Then rinse with cool water. If you have sensitive skin, do a patch test on your arm before applying to face.
The alpha hydroxy acids and the enzymes in this recipe dissolve dry, dead skin. You only need to do this once or twice per week.
9. Turn Mineral Makeup Powder Into A Natural Sunblock
Use tinted mineral sunblock instead of foundation or mix your favorite mineral makeup powder with a sunblock like this one for a natural makeup that is light and protects your skin from the sun’s damaging effects. Mineral-based (zinc oxide) sunblocks sometimes appear white and pasty so adding a mineral makeup tint helps your skin look glowing and smooth. Watch this video tutorial to see how.
10. Hydrate And Nourish Lips With Shea Butter
Traditional chapsticks contain petrolatum, mineral oil, and hormone-disrupting oxybenzone. Replace these with nourishing natural ingredients such as shea butter (or cocoa butter) and coconut oil. Make your own lip salve using equal parts of these ingredients or follow my friend Katie’s (Wellness Mama) DIY recipe here.
11. Get Clear Radiant Skin By Cutting Sugar Out
Sugar is the biggest contributor to inflammation that shows up on the skin as acne, dry itchy skin, and wrinkles. Try cutting sugar from your diet for 10 days, especially if you have an important day coming up and want to look your best.
12. Reduce Fine Lines And Wrinkles With Bone Broth
Collagen helps give our skin its tone and is crucial for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Since production naturally depletes as we age, consider taking a high-quality collagen supplement from a clean source. Bone broth and gelatin contain collagen, and vitamin C helps with collagen production. My colleague Dr. KellyAnn Petrucci loves bone broth and she shares how it can make you look younger.
13. Cleanse Your Skin With Almond Oil
Switch from bar to liquid soap that doesn’t lather. Instead of stripping your skin with foamy cleansers, nourish your skin while you cleanse for a healthy clean glow. You can use oils such as argan and almond oil to cleanse the skin naturally or use a natural cleanser. You can learn more about cleansing in this video.
14. Stop Dark Circles Under Your Eyes With Arnica
If you have chronic under eye circles, you may have “allergic shiners” which indicate a food or environmental allergy. Try to identify any possible allergens and avoid them for 10 days to see if you notice a difference. If you wake up with an occasional darkness under your eyes then try using arnica gel or skin care products containing arnica. Arnica has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that alleviate swelling and reduce the appearance of dark under eye circles.
15. Improve Your Complexion With Ylang Ylang Oil
Skip synthetic fragrances containing harmful ingredients such as phthalates. Instead, use natural fragrances in the form of pure essential oils such as ylang ylang.
In addition to having a lovely smell, Ylang Ylang Flower Oil helps balance sebum levels for both dry and oily complexions. And, it has a soothing and smoothing effect. Just add a few drops to your favorite oil blend. It’s also one of the essential oils in my favorite skin care. Here’s a great resource for more about harmful ingredients in skin care.
16. Turn Stress Into Bliss For Clear Beautiful Skin
Skin issues such as premature aging, acne, eczema, rosacea, and vitiligo are worsened by chronic stress and upset. Sleep, meditation, exercise and touch are some important ways to relieve stress so you can have glowing skin, naturally. A good night’s sleep gives time for our skin to rejuvenate. Meditation and moderate exercise are known to help us manage stress. And, touch causes the release of the hormone oxytocin which makes us feel happy and a sense of belonging. If you need help here are some places for tips on sleep, meditation, and exercise.
17. Prevent Sunburns, Sun Damage And Uneven Skin Tone With Green Algae
Sun protection is essential for healthy skin and natural beauty. While some sun may give you a sun-kissed glow, we know that too much damages your skin and predisposes you to premature aging, uneven skin tone, and skin cancer. My favorite sunblocks contain zinc oxide instead of harmful chemical sunscreens that have been linked to hormone disrupting effects. Here is one of my favorites.
Also, you can nourish and protect your skin from the sun’s damaging effects by using skincare with natural ingredients such as chlorella and resveratrol. Due to its high levels of chlorophyll, Chlorella Vulgaris (Green Algae) Extract, helps shields the body from UV radiation.
Also, Resveratrol has potent antioxidant effects on the skin. Because cell damage is at the root of most aging disorders, protecting the skin from free-radical activity is a significant preventative measure for healthy skin.
18. Get Natural Glowing Skin With Micronutrients
Your skin needs certain micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) for speedy skin repair and turnover. Zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C are some of the important nutrients to get from food or in the form of a supplement to help ensure your skin remains healthy, especially if you have chronic skin issues such as acne, eczema and premature aging.
19. Use Aloe Vera To Transform Red Irritated Skin Into Soft Healthly Skin
If your skin is red and irritated, you’ll want to soothe it right away. Prolonged inflammation of your skin can cause your skin to break down collagen. Or, if you just want smooth, vibrant skin, you can also use this skin soother. Aloe Vera gel has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, and it penetrates the skin easily to provide nourishment.
It’s terrific for soothing skin that’s been overexposed to the sun, as well as for treating minor cuts and scrapes, eczema, and acne. In most stores, the aloe you’ll find contains preservatives, fillers, and artificial ingredients. Look for pure aloe from your local health food store, or buy an aloe plant and simply slice open a leaf, extracting and saving the gel. The Spa Dr.’s Daily Essentials contains aloe, as well.
20. Super Moisturize Skin Naturally With Hyaluronic Acid
When we travel, are stressed, or experience extreme weather conditions, our skin can appear shriveled and dull. And, as we age, our skin becomes less resistant and may appear unhealthy. Sodium Hyaluronate (Hyaluronic acid) is a wonderful hydrophilic ingredient, which means it readily binds to water and gives super moisturizing properties.
Hyaluronic acid is found throughout the body, but it especially concentrated on the skin. Because of its high water-binding capacity, it acts as a hydrating agent and space filler. It supports collagen and elastin, by keeping them nourished and moist, reduces the appearance of wrinkles while keeping the skin soft, smooth and supple. You can find Hyaluronic acid in some natural skin care products. And you can learn more about moisturizers in this video.
21. Get An Instant, Youthful Skin Lift Using Antioxidant-Rich Natural Actives
Avoid the neurotoxin Botox and other more invasive procedures and look to nature instead. Antioxidant-rich and hydrating natural actives can lift and protect the skin naturally. And, one of the ingredients in quality organic skin care serums is Pullulan, which has an instant lifting effect, naturally! It is a polysaccharide produced from starch by cultivating the yeast, Aureobasidiumpullulans. It provides an antioxidant effect as well as an instant lifting effect that helps improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin. Long-term use of Pullulan will help strengthen the integrity of the skin.
22. Brighten Dull Skin Using Green Tea As A Toner
White and green teas applied topically on the skin have anti-inflammatory, brightening, evening, cleansing and hydrating properties. They’re ideal for using as a skin brightening tea toner. You can make a tea toner with one or both of these teas by steeping the teas for 5 minutes, allowing them to cool to room temperature. Then, either pat onto your face, apply with cotton pads or pour into a spray bottle and spritz onto clean skin. You can learn more about toners in this video.
23. Eliminate Pimples For Clear Skin With Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is well-known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, and research shows it can help reduce mild to moderate acne breakouts. Be sure to use diluted tree oil because the undiluted variety can burn and irritate skin when applied directly. Just add 1 to 2 drops to a single application of your cleanser, serum or moisturizer. You want about a 5% dilution, which means 5 drops of tea tree oil per 1 teaspoon of carrier oil or cream. You can apply this 2 – 3 times daily.
24. Use Chamomile Tea Ice Cubes To Freshen Up Tired Looking Skin
Brew a strong pot of chamomile tea (about 1.5 cups water with 1 teabag), allow to cool 10 minutes or more and then pour into ice tray and place in freezer. Once frozen, wrap the tea cube in a thin cloth or washcloth and apply to pimples, puffy under eye skin, sun-kissed skin, or irritated skin for a quick skin toner pick up. You only need to apply for a few seconds to a minute per area.
25. Clean Facial Pores With Honey, Turmeric, And Yogurt For A Smoother Complexion
Combine the healing, clarifying, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects of honey with pore cleansing and sebum balancing effects of turmeric and pH enhancing and lactic acid effects of yogurt into this pore cleanser… Mix together 1 Tablespoon plain yogurt, 1 Tablespoon raw honey and 1 teaspoon turmeric powder into a paste. Apply to face and neck and leave for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash with cool water, pat your skin dry and apply your favorite serum and moisturizer.
26. Make A Natural Beauty Mask To Restore And Hydrate Tired Dull Skin
Oats have moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. Avocado is hydrating and nourishing, with naturally occurring vitamins A and E. And, Yogurt contains nutrients, enzymes and active cultures that help reduce inflammation and balance the pH of your skin for a healthy skin microbiome. In a bowl, blend together 1/4 cup oat flour (ground uncooked oats), 2 Tablespoons unsweetened yogurt and ¼ of an avocado. Mix well and then apply enough to cover your clean, dry face. Leave on face for 10 to 20 minutes and then remove with warm, wet washcloth, and then rinse face with water and pat dry. Use the mask once per day as needed.
I hope you enjoyed these natural beauty tips.
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wartremovaltips0 · 7 years
Beauty Tips And Tricks
Product Description If you are looking for a completely all natural shampoo, look no further you have found it. Many people claim to have all natural shampoos but in reality if you look closely at the ingredients you can quickly see that they are not. Natural First uses only all natural organic ingredients in its products. Why use Natural First shampoo? The chemicals in traditional shampoos can cause headaches, foggy brain, scalp acne and much more. Natural First developed this formula shampoo that is a nice balance of clean and conditioning. It leaves shiny hair with tons of body. Infused with Apple Cider. Scented by fresh orange and lemon. Silicone-free purifying cleanser clarifies and removes buildup. Overworked hair is deeply cleaned for a new beginning. This shampoo contains no parabens, sulfites, SLS or any thing else you cannot pronounce! Natural First makes all their shampoos by hand in small batches from all natural ingredients to ensure it is the freshest product for you. Packaged in a clear 8oz plastic bottle with a disk top so you can see the quality. Contains: distilled water, natural corn starch, xanthan gum, blend of essential oils, castile soap, hemp oil, and castor oil.
Price: $11.95
Chemical Free - Made with all natural and organic ingredients
Easy to lather, little to no sudsing for a clean feel
Made in small batches to ensure quality
Eliminates scalp buildup
Eualyptus oils meant to calm and relax
Product Description
Tasmanian Apple Cider Vinegar is incredibly moisturizing- a miracle worker for people with dandruff, eczema or dry skin. What is it? European womenÕs best kept ancient skin and hair care secret, used for hundreds of years- made with Tasmanian apple cider vinegar rich in naturally occurring vitamins and minerals enriched with beneficial herbs. INGREDIENT BENEFITS Tasmanian apple cider vinegar rich in naturally occurring beneficial vitamins and minerals Ð restores acid balance to improve skin texture moisturizes and rehydrates the skin especially if skin is eczemaic concentrated herb extracts-nettle, marigold, horsetail Herbs are chosen for their reputation, singly and combined to: soothe a dry, sore or flaking scalp, stimulate growth and help to strengthen and create healthy hair, improve texture and shine, soothe and balance skin.
Directions for use: As a hair rinse: it conditions the hair after shampooing adds gloss and shine, brightens natural color, leaves hair soft and easy to comb and helps to combat dandruff and eczema Simply add 2/3 tablespoons of this to a liter of water as a final rinse. As a last rinse for face and body too, to restore the vital acid balance, firm, tone, remove drying soap residue and moisturize the skin. Simply add a couple of teaspoons to clear rinse water for the face- you will not believe how incredibly soft and moist your skin feels afterwards.
DANDRUFF (Dry, Itchy, Flaky, Irritated Scalp)
CLARIFYING NATURAL HAIR RINSE (Removes the silicone plasticizers in commercial conditioners & the last residues of shampoo. Helps transiting to healthy hair & scalp & shampoo bars)
ACNE (Cystic, Teenage, Adult & Hormonal)
BLEMISHES (Acne Scars, Dark Spots, Inflammation, Redness)
DRY SKIN (Sun damaged, Cracked, Itchy, Flaky, Inflamed)
OILY SKIN (Clogged pores, Excess Buildup, Blackheads, Whiteheads)
Price: $16.95
European women’s best kept ancient skin and hair care secret, used for hundreds of years to clarify & condition skin & hair
Rich in naturally occurring beneficial & nourishing vitamins and minerals - restores acid balance to improve skin texture & hair - removes residue from hair products & shampoos while deeply conditioning
Moisturizes and rehydrates the skin and is especially healing for eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dry skin, sensitive skin, dandruff and skin irritations
100% NATURAL & ORGANIC INGREDIENTS: Infused with concentrated organic herb extracts - nettle, marigold, horsetail chosen for their reputation, singly and combined to: soothe a dry, sore or flaking scalp, stimulate growth and help to strengthen and create healthy hair, improve texture and shine, soothe and balance skin
Apple Cider Vinegar clarifying rinse can be used as purifying hair rinse & a facial & full body toner - safely cleanses all skin types & formulated for the most sensitive skin without drying out or irritating your skin.
How I Used Apple Cider Vinegar To Clear My Skin & Get Rid Of Acne
Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of uploads recently. But I’m back with a little skincare advice video on my FAVOURITE product: Apple Cider Vinegar. I highly recommend using ACV as it’s all organic and natural, and really works wonders! It’s the best product that I’ve ever used and I’m so thankful that it’s really cleared up my skin.
I got it from www.thehealthbay.com – a great website for organic and natural oils, food, supplements etc.
I hope you guys liked this video and as always, don’t forget to give me a like and subscribe to my channel for more videos xx
Find Me & Follow Me Guys ♥ Twitter: @TheRaviOsahn Instagram: @RaviOsahn Blog: http://www.the-ravi-osahn.com Business inquiries / personal e-mails: [email protected] Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1zQPpvi
Get 15% OFF products from Bonita Biaan – including their Merakhi Face Oil and HAIRBEAST Hair Oil – using my code RAVI10
In case you guys are wondering which cameras I use for my filming and vlogging! Canon 1100D for my sit down, higher quality videos Canon G7X for casual vlogging videos
***Breakouts Acne How To Cover Acne With Makeup Foundation Routine Everyday Makeup Covering Scarring Pimples Spots Scars Before After Transformation Tutorial Redness Easy Quick Hyper-pigmentation Blush Highlighter Contouring Vichy Dermablend ‘ Ugly to Pretty ‘ Skincare Routine Skin Care GRWM Get Ready With Me Perfect Base Makeup Flawless Real Techniques Brushes Hide Bumps Spot Full coverage Cystic Blemishes Akne Vulgaris Birthmarks Burns Contour Highlight Getting Rid Of Spots Dairy And Acne Milk Causes Acne 景点 皮肤 痤疮 Foundation Concealer Face Well Dairy Causes Cure Stress Revlon Estee Lauder Bourjois Rimmel Vichy Dermablend Corrective Catrice Sephora NARS Sheer Glow Kat Von D Tattoo Concealer on Acne***
from http://www.cosmetics4beauty.com/beauty-tips/beauty-tips-and-tricks-23/ from https://wartremoval01.tumblr.com/post/166959114263
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refugiaporter-blog · 7 years
BIOL 301 Human Health and Disease Final Exam Answers
 Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial
 For More Information Visit Our Website (   https://homeworklance.com/ )
  PLEASE follow the directions.
 Submit your answers (as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf) by using the table on the last page (e.g., 1.A, 2.B, 3.C, etc.) and returning only the TABLE by way of your Assignment Folder. Following the TABLE should be your ESSAY Question answers.
50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each.
10 Essay Questions. Choose 2 to answer at 20 points each.
 50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each. 
  Dr. Sue Mi is interested in diseases of the retina. The     field of study best suited to her interests is
physiology                 B.      anatomy                     C.  pathology                  D.  bowling
  There are numerous levels of organization in the body.     The correct order from simplest to most complex is
organ, tissue, cell, organism,     system         B.  cell,     tissue, organ, system, organism
system, cell, organ, organism,     tissue         D.  cell,     system, tissue, organ, organism
  The atomic number of sodium is 11. The sodium ion has a     single positive charge (Na+). How many electrons does the     sodium ion have?
10                  B.  11
12                  D.  More information is required to answer this question.
  The chemical category that includes fats and     cholesterol is
proteins                     B.  lipids          C.      carbohydrates        D.  solutions
  If a cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to
synthesize     proteins                B.  synthesize RNA
divide                                    D.  secrete proteins
  A particular cell type specializes in breaking down     harmful by-products of metabolism. This cell type would contain very high     levels of
lysosomes B.  smooth endoplasmic reticulum     C.      centrioles                   D.  peroxisomes
  Connective tissues would probably NOT contain
fibroblasts                 B.      collagen                     C.  goblet cells                            D.  matrix
  Ms. Busch has a lump in her arm. The doctor has     determined that the lump has not spread and is derived from adipose     tissue. This lump would best be described as a
benign     lipoma                        B.  malignant sarcoma
malignant     lipoma                   D.  benign sarcoma
   Mr. Luckless is experiencing headaches as a result of     drug therapy. The headaches are an example of a(n)
iatrogenic     disease                  B.  idiopathic disease
pandemic     disease                  D.  etiological disorder
  An infectious agent composed entirely of protein is     called a(n)
prion              B.  viroid         C.      virus           D.      rickettsiae
  Mr. Munybags has erythematous flat areas on his arms     and legs that are covered with silvery scales. His father also has the     same skin condition. The most likely diagnosis is
atopic     dermatitis                   B.  psoriasis                     C.      impetigo                    D.  shingles
  Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungus?
ringworm                   B.      verruca                       C.  eczema                       D.  acne vulgaris
  A forensic scientist wants to identify the gender of a     skeleton based on the pelvic structure. Which of the following     characteristics would be found in a male pelvis?
a wide, rounded pelvic     opening                    B.  a long, curved sacrum
wide, flared     ilia                                             D.  a wide pubic arch
  Ms. Jones, aged 31, has been diagnosed with     tuberculosis. Lately, her joints have been inflamed. Ms. J probably has
osteoarthritis             B.  gout               C.  septic arthritis            D.  rheumatoid arthritis
  The compound that stores oxygen in muscle cells is
hemoglobin               B.  glycogen                        C.  creatine     phosphate                 D.  myoglobin
  Exercise results in
constricted blood     vessels                  B.  a decrease in the number of mitochondria
muscle     atrophy                                  D.  an increase in the resting heart rate
  The hypothalamus
initiates voluntary     movements.      B.  controls and integrates     autonomic nervous system activity.
is regulated by the pituitary gland.  D.      plays a minor role in the maintenance of homeostasis
  Ms. L has been experiencing muscle weakness. Her     physician informs her that she has abnormal antibodies attacking the     myelin sheath around neurons in her central nervous system. The most     likely diagnosis is
poliomyelitis                                      B.  multiple sclerosis
amyotrophic lateral     sclerosis         D.      peripheral neuropathy
  Difficulty in forming words would indicate an injury to     the
Wernicke area                                   B.  Broca area
auditory association     area                   D.  primary sensory cortex
  The point of sharpest vision is called the
rods               B.  fovea centralis       C.      optic     disk                   D.  cornea
  Glaucoma is associated with excess eye fluid. The     excess fluid exerts pressure on the nerve receiving visual input from the     eye, known as the
oculomotor     nerve                  B.  trochlear nerve
optic     nerve                             D.  trigeminal nerve
  Dr. Spiegel has asked you if you want to write a     50-page essay. You shake your head “no.” This motion will be sensed by the
vestibule                        B.  maculae                         C.  cristae        D.      cochlear duct
  What effect would a large increase in cortisol have on     glucagon and insulin secretion?
Both insulin and glucagon would be increased.
Both insulin and glucagon would be decreased.
Insulin would be decreased, glucagon would be     increased.
Insulin would be increased, glucagon would be     decreased.
  Diabetes insipidus results from a lack of
glucagon                        B.      aldosterone                C.  calcitonin                   D.  antidiuretic hormone
  A person with type A blood has antibodies to
A antigen                      B.  B antigen                       C.  A and B antigens                  D.  neither antigen
  A person with a hematocrit of 33% is suffering from
anemia                           B.  leukopenia                     C.  polycythemia             D.  leukocytosis
  The part of the heart capable of generating the largest     force is the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  The heart chamber that receives blood from the lungs is     the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  A blood cell is journeying from the left thumb to the     heart. It would probably NOT pass through the
left brachiocephalic vein                       B.  superior vena cava
left jugular vein                                     D.  left subclavian vein
  Which of the following drugs would NOT be used to treat     hypertension?
a drug that relaxes blood vessels                      B.  a drug that inhibits renin production
a diuretic                                                           D.  a drug that increases heart rate
  Which of the following is a function of the lymphatic     system?
oxygen delivery to tissues
absorption of digested fats
transport of absorbed amino acids from the intestine to     the liver
  Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called
lymphedema              B.  lymphangitis              C.  lymphadenitis        D.      lymphectomy
  A substance that causes blood vessels to dilate is
interferon                      B.      complement               C.  histamine                       D.  antibody
  A process that results in antibody production by the     recipient induces a form of immunity called
active immunity                        B.  nonspecific immunity
passive immunity                       D.  immunotherapy
  At the lungs,
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the blood     into the alveoli
oxygen diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide     diffuses into the alveoli
carbon dioxide diffuses into the blood and oxygen     diffuses into the alveoli
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the alveoli     into the blood
  Which of the following breathing patterns would result     in the greatest increase in blood acidity?
apnea                             B.  tachypnea                      C.  hyperpnea                  D.  dyspnea
  Which of the following is the correct order of tissue     from the outermost to the innermost layer in the wall of the digestive     tract?
submucosa, serous membrane, smooth muscle, mucous     membrane
smooth muscle, serous membrane, mucous membrane,     submucosa
serous membrane, smooth muscle, submucosa, mucosa
mucous membrane, submucosa, smooth muscle, serous     membrane
  Your dog has just consumed a half stick of butter that     you dropped. Most of the nutrients in the butter will be absorbed in the     form of
amino     acids           B.      sugars        C.  glycerol and     free fatty acids         D.      nucleotides
  Which of the following is an example of a catabolic     reaction?
Free fatty acids and glycerol are converted into     triglycerides.
Starches and glycogen are converted into glucose.
Tryptophan and histidine are converted into a peptide.
Two glucose molecules are converted into maltose.
  Which situation describes the measurement of basal     metabolism?
Ms. Jones measures her energy output while jogging.
Mr. Dogwood measures his energy requirements while he     is sleeping.
Ms. Gees measures her energy output while eating     popcorn.
All of the answers are correct.
  Antidiuretic hormone
regulates acid-base balance
is secreted when water intake is too low
stimulates the production of large amounts of urine
increases bone formation
  A decrease in the rate and depth of breathing could     theoretically alleviate
metabolic     alkalosis                B.  respiratory     acidosis                C.  dehydration               D.  edema
  An active process that moves substances from the blood     into the nephron is
tubular     reabsorption              B.  tubular filtration        C.  tubular     secretion                D.  osmosis
   Materials are driven out of the glomerulus into the     glomerular capsule because of
osmotic pressure                                        B.  blood pressure
concentration gradients                         D.  active transport
  Progesterone levels are highest during
the follicular     phase                B.  the proliferative phase
ovulation                                   D.  the secretory phase
  Which of the following structures contributes the most     liquid to the semen?
seminiferous tubules             B.  epididymis
vas     deferens                              D.  seminal vesicles
  The average length of gestation in humans is
3 months                       B.  38 weeks                       C.  42 weeks                   D.  1 year
  The fertilized egg normally attaches to the
myometrium              B.  oviduct                          C.  fimbriae                     D.  endometrium
  If a person is a carrier for a particular disease,
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be heterozygous
the disease must be recessive, and the person’s     genotype must be heterozygous
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be homozygous     recessive          D.      the disease must be recessive, and the person’s genotype must be     homozygous dominant
  The ability of a particular gene to determine phenotype     can be altered by
environmental     factors       B.  gender
other     genes                                        D.  All of the answers are correct.
    BIOL 301  Final Exam   answers
   10 Essay Questions.     Choose  2  to answer at 20 points each.
  Describe the role of the following in protein synthesis     – DNA, nucleotides, RNA, ribosomes, rough ER, and Golgi apparatus.
  List three factors that have contributed to the     increase in infectious disease, and name a disease that has been     particularly affected by each factor.
  Compare and contrast osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and     osteomyelitis.
  Huntington’s disease is characterized by a loss of     normal inhibition mediated by the basal nuclei. Predict the symptoms you     are likely to see with this disease
  Describe and discuss several common types of heart     disease.
  Name and discuss the diseases involved in chronic     obstructive pulmonary disease.
  Individuals experiencing prolonged vomiting lose a     great deal of stomach juices with the vomitus. Predict the effect this     loss will have on the pH of blood.  How will the respiratory system     respond to the change in pH.
  List and discuss six signs of chronic renal failure.
  Beginning with the first day of menstruation, describe     the events of one complete cycle, including the role of the hormones     involved.
  Differentiate among congenital, genetic, and hereditary     disorders and give several examples of each.
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michaelalleyne-blog · 7 years
BIOL 301 Human Health and Disease Final Exam Answers
 Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial
 For More Information Visit Our Website (   https://homeworklance.com/ )
  PLEASE follow the directions.
 Submit your answers (as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf) by using the table on the last page (e.g., 1.A, 2.B, 3.C, etc.) and returning only the TABLE by way of your Assignment Folder. Following the TABLE should be your ESSAY Question answers.
50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each.
10 Essay Questions. Choose 2 to answer at 20 points each.
 50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each. 
  Dr. Sue Mi is interested in diseases of the retina. The     field of study best suited to her interests is
physiology                 B.      anatomy                     C.  pathology                  D.  bowling
  There are numerous levels of organization in the body.     The correct order from simplest to most complex is
organ, tissue, cell, organism,     system         B.  cell,     tissue, organ, system, organism
system, cell, organ, organism,     tissue         D.  cell,     system, tissue, organ, organism
  The atomic number of sodium is 11. The sodium ion has a     single positive charge (Na+). How many electrons does the     sodium ion have?
10                  B.  11
12                  D.  More information is required to answer this question.
  The chemical category that includes fats and     cholesterol is
proteins                     B.  lipids          C.      carbohydrates        D.  solutions
  If a cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to
synthesize     proteins                B.  synthesize RNA
divide                                    D.  secrete proteins
  A particular cell type specializes in breaking down     harmful by-products of metabolism. This cell type would contain very high     levels of
lysosomes B.  smooth endoplasmic reticulum     C.      centrioles                   D.  peroxisomes
  Connective tissues would probably NOT contain
fibroblasts                 B.      collagen                     C.  goblet cells                            D.  matrix
  Ms. Busch has a lump in her arm. The doctor has     determined that the lump has not spread and is derived from adipose     tissue. This lump would best be described as a
benign     lipoma                        B.  malignant sarcoma
malignant     lipoma                   D.  benign sarcoma
   Mr. Luckless is experiencing headaches as a result of     drug therapy. The headaches are an example of a(n)
iatrogenic     disease                  B.  idiopathic disease
pandemic     disease                  D.  etiological disorder
  An infectious agent composed entirely of protein is     called a(n)
prion              B.  viroid         C.      virus           D.      rickettsiae
  Mr. Munybags has erythematous flat areas on his arms     and legs that are covered with silvery scales. His father also has the     same skin condition. The most likely diagnosis is
atopic     dermatitis                   B.  psoriasis                     C.      impetigo                    D.  shingles
  Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungus?
ringworm                   B.      verruca                       C.  eczema                       D.  acne vulgaris
  A forensic scientist wants to identify the gender of a     skeleton based on the pelvic structure. Which of the following     characteristics would be found in a male pelvis?
a wide, rounded pelvic     opening                    B.  a long, curved sacrum
wide, flared     ilia                                             D.  a wide pubic arch
  Ms. Jones, aged 31, has been diagnosed with     tuberculosis. Lately, her joints have been inflamed. Ms. J probably has
osteoarthritis             B.  gout               C.  septic arthritis            D.  rheumatoid arthritis
  The compound that stores oxygen in muscle cells is
hemoglobin               B.  glycogen                        C.  creatine     phosphate                 D.  myoglobin
  Exercise results in
constricted blood     vessels                  B.  a decrease in the number of mitochondria
muscle     atrophy                                  D.  an increase in the resting heart rate
  The hypothalamus
initiates voluntary     movements.      B.  controls and integrates     autonomic nervous system activity.
is regulated by the pituitary gland.  D.      plays a minor role in the maintenance of homeostasis
  Ms. L has been experiencing muscle weakness. Her     physician informs her that she has abnormal antibodies attacking the     myelin sheath around neurons in her central nervous system. The most     likely diagnosis is
poliomyelitis                                      B.  multiple sclerosis
amyotrophic lateral     sclerosis         D.      peripheral neuropathy
  Difficulty in forming words would indicate an injury to     the
Wernicke area                                   B.  Broca area
auditory association     area                   D.  primary sensory cortex
  The point of sharpest vision is called the
rods               B.  fovea centralis       C.      optic     disk                   D.  cornea
  Glaucoma is associated with excess eye fluid. The     excess fluid exerts pressure on the nerve receiving visual input from the     eye, known as the
oculomotor     nerve                  B.  trochlear nerve
optic     nerve                             D.  trigeminal nerve
  Dr. Spiegel has asked you if you want to write a     50-page essay. You shake your head “no.” This motion will be sensed by the
vestibule                        B.  maculae                         C.  cristae        D.      cochlear duct
  What effect would a large increase in cortisol have on     glucagon and insulin secretion?
Both insulin and glucagon would be increased.
Both insulin and glucagon would be decreased.
Insulin would be decreased, glucagon would be     increased.
Insulin would be increased, glucagon would be     decreased.
  Diabetes insipidus results from a lack of
glucagon                        B.      aldosterone                C.  calcitonin                   D.  antidiuretic hormone
  A person with type A blood has antibodies to
A antigen                      B.  B antigen                       C.  A and B antigens                  D.  neither antigen
  A person with a hematocrit of 33% is suffering from
anemia                           B.  leukopenia                     C.  polycythemia             D.  leukocytosis
  The part of the heart capable of generating the largest     force is the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  The heart chamber that receives blood from the lungs is     the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  A blood cell is journeying from the left thumb to the     heart. It would probably NOT pass through the
left brachiocephalic vein                       B.  superior vena cava
left jugular vein                                     D.  left subclavian vein
  Which of the following drugs would NOT be used to treat     hypertension?
a drug that relaxes blood vessels                      B.  a drug that inhibits renin production
a diuretic                                                           D.  a drug that increases heart rate
  Which of the following is a function of the lymphatic     system?
oxygen delivery to tissues
absorption of digested fats
transport of absorbed amino acids from the intestine to     the liver
  Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called
lymphedema              B.  lymphangitis              C.  lymphadenitis        D.      lymphectomy
  A substance that causes blood vessels to dilate is
interferon                      B.      complement               C.  histamine                       D.  antibody
  A process that results in antibody production by the     recipient induces a form of immunity called
active immunity                        B.  nonspecific immunity
passive immunity                       D.  immunotherapy
  At the lungs,
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the blood     into the alveoli
oxygen diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide     diffuses into the alveoli
carbon dioxide diffuses into the blood and oxygen     diffuses into the alveoli
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the alveoli     into the blood
  Which of the following breathing patterns would result     in the greatest increase in blood acidity?
apnea                             B.  tachypnea                      C.  hyperpnea                  D.  dyspnea
  Which of the following is the correct order of tissue     from the outermost to the innermost layer in the wall of the digestive     tract?
submucosa, serous membrane, smooth muscle, mucous     membrane
smooth muscle, serous membrane, mucous membrane,     submucosa
serous membrane, smooth muscle, submucosa, mucosa
mucous membrane, submucosa, smooth muscle, serous     membrane
  Your dog has just consumed a half stick of butter that     you dropped. Most of the nutrients in the butter will be absorbed in the     form of
amino     acids           B.      sugars        C.  glycerol and     free fatty acids         D.      nucleotides
  Which of the following is an example of a catabolic     reaction?
Free fatty acids and glycerol are converted into     triglycerides.
Starches and glycogen are converted into glucose.
Tryptophan and histidine are converted into a peptide.
Two glucose molecules are converted into maltose.
  Which situation describes the measurement of basal     metabolism?
Ms. Jones measures her energy output while jogging.
Mr. Dogwood measures his energy requirements while he     is sleeping.
Ms. Gees measures her energy output while eating     popcorn.
All of the answers are correct.
  Antidiuretic hormone
regulates acid-base balance
is secreted when water intake is too low
stimulates the production of large amounts of urine
increases bone formation
  A decrease in the rate and depth of breathing could     theoretically alleviate
metabolic     alkalosis                B.  respiratory     acidosis                C.  dehydration               D.  edema
  An active process that moves substances from the blood     into the nephron is
tubular     reabsorption              B.  tubular filtration        C.  tubular     secretion                D.  osmosis
   Materials are driven out of the glomerulus into the     glomerular capsule because of
osmotic pressure                                        B.  blood pressure
concentration gradients                         D.  active transport
  Progesterone levels are highest during
the follicular     phase                B.  the proliferative phase
ovulation                                   D.  the secretory phase
  Which of the following structures contributes the most     liquid to the semen?
seminiferous tubules             B.  epididymis
vas     deferens                              D.  seminal vesicles
  The average length of gestation in humans is
3 months                       B.  38 weeks                       C.  42 weeks                   D.  1 year
  The fertilized egg normally attaches to the
myometrium              B.  oviduct                          C.  fimbriae                     D.  endometrium
  If a person is a carrier for a particular disease,
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be heterozygous
the disease must be recessive, and the person’s     genotype must be heterozygous
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be homozygous     recessive          D.      the disease must be recessive, and the person’s genotype must be     homozygous dominant
  The ability of a particular gene to determine phenotype     can be altered by
environmental     factors       B.  gender
other     genes                                        D.  All of the answers are correct.
    BIOL 301  Final Exam   answers
   10 Essay Questions.     Choose  2  to answer at 20 points each.
  Describe the role of the following in protein synthesis     – DNA, nucleotides, RNA, ribosomes, rough ER, and Golgi apparatus.
  List three factors that have contributed to the     increase in infectious disease, and name a disease that has been     particularly affected by each factor.
  Compare and contrast osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and     osteomyelitis.
  Huntington’s disease is characterized by a loss of     normal inhibition mediated by the basal nuclei. Predict the symptoms you     are likely to see with this disease
  Describe and discuss several common types of heart     disease.
  Name and discuss the diseases involved in chronic     obstructive pulmonary disease.
  Individuals experiencing prolonged vomiting lose a     great deal of stomach juices with the vomitus. Predict the effect this     loss will have on the pH of blood.  How will the respiratory system     respond to the change in pH.
  List and discuss six signs of chronic renal failure.
  Beginning with the first day of menstruation, describe     the events of one complete cycle, including the role of the hormones     involved.
  Differentiate among congenital, genetic, and hereditary     disorders and give several examples of each.
0 notes
BIOL 301 Human Health and Disease Final Exam Answers
 Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial
 For More Information Visit Our Website (   https://homeworklance.com/ )
  PLEASE follow the directions.
 Submit your answers (as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf) by using the table on the last page (e.g., 1.A, 2.B, 3.C, etc.) and returning only the TABLE by way of your Assignment Folder. Following the TABLE should be your ESSAY Question answers.
50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each.
10 Essay Questions. Choose 2 to answer at 20 points each.
 50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each. 
  Dr. Sue Mi is interested in diseases of the retina. The     field of study best suited to her interests is
physiology                 B.      anatomy                     C.  pathology                  D.  bowling
  There are numerous levels of organization in the body.     The correct order from simplest to most complex is
organ, tissue, cell, organism,     system         B.  cell,     tissue, organ, system, organism
system, cell, organ, organism,     tissue         D.  cell,     system, tissue, organ, organism
  The atomic number of sodium is 11. The sodium ion has a     single positive charge (Na+). How many electrons does the     sodium ion have?
10                  B.  11
12                  D.  More information is required to answer this question.
  The chemical category that includes fats and     cholesterol is
proteins                     B.  lipids          C.      carbohydrates        D.  solutions
  If a cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to
synthesize     proteins                B.  synthesize RNA
divide                                    D.  secrete proteins
  A particular cell type specializes in breaking down     harmful by-products of metabolism. This cell type would contain very high     levels of
lysosomes B.  smooth endoplasmic reticulum     C.      centrioles                   D.  peroxisomes
  Connective tissues would probably NOT contain
fibroblasts                 B.      collagen                     C.  goblet cells                            D.  matrix
  Ms. Busch has a lump in her arm. The doctor has     determined that the lump has not spread and is derived from adipose     tissue. This lump would best be described as a
benign     lipoma                        B.  malignant sarcoma
malignant     lipoma                   D.  benign sarcoma
   Mr. Luckless is experiencing headaches as a result of     drug therapy. The headaches are an example of a(n)
iatrogenic     disease                  B.  idiopathic disease
pandemic     disease                  D.  etiological disorder
  An infectious agent composed entirely of protein is     called a(n)
prion              B.  viroid         C.      virus           D.      rickettsiae
  Mr. Munybags has erythematous flat areas on his arms     and legs that are covered with silvery scales. His father also has the     same skin condition. The most likely diagnosis is
atopic     dermatitis                   B.  psoriasis                     C.      impetigo                    D.  shingles
  Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungus?
ringworm                   B.      verruca                       C.  eczema                       D.  acne vulgaris
  A forensic scientist wants to identify the gender of a     skeleton based on the pelvic structure. Which of the following     characteristics would be found in a male pelvis?
a wide, rounded pelvic     opening                    B.  a long, curved sacrum
wide, flared     ilia                                             D.  a wide pubic arch
  Ms. Jones, aged 31, has been diagnosed with     tuberculosis. Lately, her joints have been inflamed. Ms. J probably has
osteoarthritis             B.  gout               C.  septic arthritis            D.  rheumatoid arthritis
  The compound that stores oxygen in muscle cells is
hemoglobin               B.  glycogen                        C.  creatine     phosphate                 D.  myoglobin
  Exercise results in
constricted blood     vessels                  B.  a decrease in the number of mitochondria
muscle     atrophy                                  D.  an increase in the resting heart rate
  The hypothalamus
initiates voluntary     movements.      B.  controls and integrates     autonomic nervous system activity.
is regulated by the pituitary gland.  D.      plays a minor role in the maintenance of homeostasis
  Ms. L has been experiencing muscle weakness. Her     physician informs her that she has abnormal antibodies attacking the     myelin sheath around neurons in her central nervous system. The most     likely diagnosis is
poliomyelitis                                      B.  multiple sclerosis
amyotrophic lateral     sclerosis         D.      peripheral neuropathy
  Difficulty in forming words would indicate an injury to     the
Wernicke area                                   B.  Broca area
auditory association     area                   D.  primary sensory cortex
  The point of sharpest vision is called the
rods               B.  fovea centralis       C.      optic     disk                   D.  cornea
  Glaucoma is associated with excess eye fluid. The     excess fluid exerts pressure on the nerve receiving visual input from the     eye, known as the
oculomotor     nerve                  B.  trochlear nerve
optic     nerve                             D.  trigeminal nerve
  Dr. Spiegel has asked you if you want to write a     50-page essay. You shake your head “no.” This motion will be sensed by the
vestibule                        B.  maculae                         C.  cristae        D.      cochlear duct
  What effect would a large increase in cortisol have on     glucagon and insulin secretion?
Both insulin and glucagon would be increased.
Both insulin and glucagon would be decreased.
Insulin would be decreased, glucagon would be     increased.
Insulin would be increased, glucagon would be     decreased.
  Diabetes insipidus results from a lack of
glucagon                        B.      aldosterone                C.  calcitonin                   D.  antidiuretic hormone
  A person with type A blood has antibodies to
A antigen                      B.  B antigen                       C.  A and B antigens                  D.  neither antigen
  A person with a hematocrit of 33% is suffering from
anemia                           B.  leukopenia                     C.  polycythemia             D.  leukocytosis
  The part of the heart capable of generating the largest     force is the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  The heart chamber that receives blood from the lungs is     the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  A blood cell is journeying from the left thumb to the     heart. It would probably NOT pass through the
left brachiocephalic vein                       B.  superior vena cava
left jugular vein                                     D.  left subclavian vein
  Which of the following drugs would NOT be used to treat     hypertension?
a drug that relaxes blood vessels                      B.  a drug that inhibits renin production
a diuretic                                                           D.  a drug that increases heart rate
  Which of the following is a function of the lymphatic     system?
oxygen delivery to tissues
absorption of digested fats
transport of absorbed amino acids from the intestine to     the liver
  Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called
lymphedema              B.  lymphangitis              C.  lymphadenitis        D.      lymphectomy
  A substance that causes blood vessels to dilate is
interferon                      B.      complement               C.  histamine                       D.  antibody
  A process that results in antibody production by the     recipient induces a form of immunity called
active immunity                        B.  nonspecific immunity
passive immunity                       D.  immunotherapy
  At the lungs,
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the blood     into the alveoli
oxygen diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide     diffuses into the alveoli
carbon dioxide diffuses into the blood and oxygen     diffuses into the alveoli
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the alveoli     into the blood
  Which of the following breathing patterns would result     in the greatest increase in blood acidity?
apnea                             B.  tachypnea                      C.  hyperpnea                  D.  dyspnea
  Which of the following is the correct order of tissue     from the outermost to the innermost layer in the wall of the digestive     tract?
submucosa, serous membrane, smooth muscle, mucous     membrane
smooth muscle, serous membrane, mucous membrane,     submucosa
serous membrane, smooth muscle, submucosa, mucosa
mucous membrane, submucosa, smooth muscle, serous     membrane
  Your dog has just consumed a half stick of butter that     you dropped. Most of the nutrients in the butter will be absorbed in the     form of
amino     acids           B.      sugars        C.  glycerol and     free fatty acids         D.      nucleotides
  Which of the following is an example of a catabolic     reaction?
Free fatty acids and glycerol are converted into     triglycerides.
Starches and glycogen are converted into glucose.
Tryptophan and histidine are converted into a peptide.
Two glucose molecules are converted into maltose.
  Which situation describes the measurement of basal     metabolism?
Ms. Jones measures her energy output while jogging.
Mr. Dogwood measures his energy requirements while he     is sleeping.
Ms. Gees measures her energy output while eating     popcorn.
All of the answers are correct.
  Antidiuretic hormone
regulates acid-base balance
is secreted when water intake is too low
stimulates the production of large amounts of urine
increases bone formation
  A decrease in the rate and depth of breathing could     theoretically alleviate
metabolic     alkalosis                B.  respiratory     acidosis                C.  dehydration               D.  edema
  An active process that moves substances from the blood     into the nephron is
tubular     reabsorption              B.  tubular filtration        C.  tubular     secretion                D.  osmosis
   Materials are driven out of the glomerulus into the     glomerular capsule because of
osmotic pressure                                        B.  blood pressure
concentration gradients                         D.  active transport
  Progesterone levels are highest during
the follicular     phase                B.  the proliferative phase
ovulation                                   D.  the secretory phase
  Which of the following structures contributes the most     liquid to the semen?
seminiferous tubules             B.  epididymis
vas     deferens                              D.  seminal vesicles
  The average length of gestation in humans is
3 months                       B.  38 weeks                       C.  42 weeks                   D.  1 year
  The fertilized egg normally attaches to the
myometrium              B.  oviduct                          C.  fimbriae                     D.  endometrium
  If a person is a carrier for a particular disease,
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be heterozygous
the disease must be recessive, and the person’s     genotype must be heterozygous
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be homozygous     recessive          D.      the disease must be recessive, and the person’s genotype must be     homozygous dominant
  The ability of a particular gene to determine phenotype     can be altered by
environmental     factors       B.  gender
other     genes                                        D.  All of the answers are correct.
    BIOL 301  Final Exam   answers
   10 Essay Questions.     Choose  2  to answer at 20 points each.
  Describe the role of the following in protein synthesis     – DNA, nucleotides, RNA, ribosomes, rough ER, and Golgi apparatus.
  List three factors that have contributed to the     increase in infectious disease, and name a disease that has been     particularly affected by each factor.
  Compare and contrast osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and     osteomyelitis.
  Huntington’s disease is characterized by a loss of     normal inhibition mediated by the basal nuclei. Predict the symptoms you     are likely to see with this disease
  Describe and discuss several common types of heart     disease.
  Name and discuss the diseases involved in chronic     obstructive pulmonary disease.
  Individuals experiencing prolonged vomiting lose a     great deal of stomach juices with the vomitus. Predict the effect this     loss will have on the pH of blood.  How will the respiratory system     respond to the change in pH.
  List and discuss six signs of chronic renal failure.
  Beginning with the first day of menstruation, describe     the events of one complete cycle, including the role of the hormones     involved.
  Differentiate among congenital, genetic, and hereditary     disorders and give several examples of each.
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samautry-blog · 7 years
BIOL 301 Human Health and Disease Final Exam Answers
 Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial
 For More Information Visit Our Website (   https://homeworklance.com/ )
  PLEASE follow the directions.
 Submit your answers (as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf) by using the table on the last page (e.g., 1.A, 2.B, 3.C, etc.) and returning only the TABLE by way of your Assignment Folder. Following the TABLE should be your ESSAY Question answers.
50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each.
10 Essay Questions. Choose 2 to answer at 20 points each.
 50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each. 
  Dr. Sue Mi is interested in diseases of the retina. The     field of study best suited to her interests is
physiology                 B.      anatomy                     C.  pathology                  D.  bowling
  There are numerous levels of organization in the body.     The correct order from simplest to most complex is
organ, tissue, cell, organism,     system         B.  cell,     tissue, organ, system, organism
system, cell, organ, organism,     tissue         D.  cell,     system, tissue, organ, organism
  The atomic number of sodium is 11. The sodium ion has a     single positive charge (Na+). How many electrons does the     sodium ion have?
10                  B.  11
12                  D.  More information is required to answer this question.
  The chemical category that includes fats and     cholesterol is
proteins                     B.  lipids          C.      carbohydrates        D.  solutions
  If a cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to
synthesize     proteins                B.  synthesize RNA
divide                                    D.  secrete proteins
  A particular cell type specializes in breaking down     harmful by-products of metabolism. This cell type would contain very high     levels of
lysosomes B.  smooth endoplasmic reticulum     C.      centrioles                   D.  peroxisomes
  Connective tissues would probably NOT contain
fibroblasts                 B.      collagen                     C.  goblet cells                            D.  matrix
  Ms. Busch has a lump in her arm. The doctor has     determined that the lump has not spread and is derived from adipose     tissue. This lump would best be described as a
benign     lipoma                        B.  malignant sarcoma
malignant     lipoma                   D.  benign sarcoma
   Mr. Luckless is experiencing headaches as a result of     drug therapy. The headaches are an example of a(n)
iatrogenic     disease                  B.  idiopathic disease
pandemic     disease                  D.  etiological disorder
  An infectious agent composed entirely of protein is     called a(n)
prion              B.  viroid         C.      virus           D.      rickettsiae
  Mr. Munybags has erythematous flat areas on his arms     and legs that are covered with silvery scales. His father also has the     same skin condition. The most likely diagnosis is
atopic     dermatitis                   B.  psoriasis                     C.      impetigo                    D.  shingles
  Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungus?
ringworm                   B.      verruca                       C.  eczema                       D.  acne vulgaris
  A forensic scientist wants to identify the gender of a     skeleton based on the pelvic structure. Which of the following     characteristics would be found in a male pelvis?
a wide, rounded pelvic     opening                    B.  a long, curved sacrum
wide, flared     ilia                                             D.  a wide pubic arch
  Ms. Jones, aged 31, has been diagnosed with     tuberculosis. Lately, her joints have been inflamed. Ms. J probably has
osteoarthritis             B.  gout               C.  septic arthritis            D.  rheumatoid arthritis
  The compound that stores oxygen in muscle cells is
hemoglobin               B.  glycogen                        C.  creatine     phosphate                 D.  myoglobin
  Exercise results in
constricted blood     vessels                  B.  a decrease in the number of mitochondria
muscle     atrophy                                  D.  an increase in the resting heart rate
  The hypothalamus
initiates voluntary     movements.      B.  controls and integrates     autonomic nervous system activity.
is regulated by the pituitary gland.  D.      plays a minor role in the maintenance of homeostasis
  Ms. L has been experiencing muscle weakness. Her     physician informs her that she has abnormal antibodies attacking the     myelin sheath around neurons in her central nervous system. The most     likely diagnosis is
poliomyelitis                                      B.  multiple sclerosis
amyotrophic lateral     sclerosis         D.      peripheral neuropathy
  Difficulty in forming words would indicate an injury to     the
Wernicke area                                   B.  Broca area
auditory association     area                   D.  primary sensory cortex
  The point of sharpest vision is called the
rods               B.  fovea centralis       C.      optic     disk                   D.  cornea
  Glaucoma is associated with excess eye fluid. The     excess fluid exerts pressure on the nerve receiving visual input from the     eye, known as the
oculomotor     nerve                  B.  trochlear nerve
optic     nerve                             D.  trigeminal nerve
  Dr. Spiegel has asked you if you want to write a     50-page essay. You shake your head “no.” This motion will be sensed by the
vestibule                        B.  maculae                         C.  cristae        D.      cochlear duct
  What effect would a large increase in cortisol have on     glucagon and insulin secretion?
Both insulin and glucagon would be increased.
Both insulin and glucagon would be decreased.
Insulin would be decreased, glucagon would be     increased.
Insulin would be increased, glucagon would be     decreased.
  Diabetes insipidus results from a lack of
glucagon                        B.      aldosterone                C.  calcitonin                   D.  antidiuretic hormone
  A person with type A blood has antibodies to
A antigen                      B.  B antigen                       C.  A and B antigens                  D.  neither antigen
  A person with a hematocrit of 33% is suffering from
anemia                           B.  leukopenia                     C.  polycythemia             D.  leukocytosis
  The part of the heart capable of generating the largest     force is the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  The heart chamber that receives blood from the lungs is     the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  A blood cell is journeying from the left thumb to the     heart. It would probably NOT pass through the
left brachiocephalic vein                       B.  superior vena cava
left jugular vein                                     D.  left subclavian vein
  Which of the following drugs would NOT be used to treat     hypertension?
a drug that relaxes blood vessels                      B.  a drug that inhibits renin production
a diuretic                                                           D.  a drug that increases heart rate
  Which of the following is a function of the lymphatic     system?
oxygen delivery to tissues
absorption of digested fats
transport of absorbed amino acids from the intestine to     the liver
  Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called
lymphedema              B.  lymphangitis              C.  lymphadenitis        D.      lymphectomy
  A substance that causes blood vessels to dilate is
interferon                      B.      complement               C.  histamine                       D.  antibody
  A process that results in antibody production by the     recipient induces a form of immunity called
active immunity                        B.  nonspecific immunity
passive immunity                       D.  immunotherapy
  At the lungs,
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the blood     into the alveoli
oxygen diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide     diffuses into the alveoli
carbon dioxide diffuses into the blood and oxygen     diffuses into the alveoli
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the alveoli     into the blood
  Which of the following breathing patterns would result     in the greatest increase in blood acidity?
apnea                             B.  tachypnea                      C.  hyperpnea                  D.  dyspnea
  Which of the following is the correct order of tissue     from the outermost to the innermost layer in the wall of the digestive     tract?
submucosa, serous membrane, smooth muscle, mucous     membrane
smooth muscle, serous membrane, mucous membrane,     submucosa
serous membrane, smooth muscle, submucosa, mucosa
mucous membrane, submucosa, smooth muscle, serous     membrane
  Your dog has just consumed a half stick of butter that     you dropped. Most of the nutrients in the butter will be absorbed in the     form of
amino     acids           B.      sugars        C.  glycerol and     free fatty acids         D.      nucleotides
  Which of the following is an example of a catabolic     reaction?
Free fatty acids and glycerol are converted into     triglycerides.
Starches and glycogen are converted into glucose.
Tryptophan and histidine are converted into a peptide.
Two glucose molecules are converted into maltose.
  Which situation describes the measurement of basal     metabolism?
Ms. Jones measures her energy output while jogging.
Mr. Dogwood measures his energy requirements while he     is sleeping.
Ms. Gees measures her energy output while eating     popcorn.
All of the answers are correct.
  Antidiuretic hormone
regulates acid-base balance
is secreted when water intake is too low
stimulates the production of large amounts of urine
increases bone formation
  A decrease in the rate and depth of breathing could     theoretically alleviate
metabolic     alkalosis                B.  respiratory     acidosis                C.  dehydration               D.  edema
  An active process that moves substances from the blood     into the nephron is
tubular     reabsorption              B.  tubular filtration        C.  tubular     secretion                D.  osmosis
   Materials are driven out of the glomerulus into the     glomerular capsule because of
osmotic pressure                                        B.  blood pressure
concentration gradients                         D.  active transport
  Progesterone levels are highest during
the follicular     phase                B.  the proliferative phase
ovulation                                   D.  the secretory phase
  Which of the following structures contributes the most     liquid to the semen?
seminiferous tubules             B.  epididymis
vas     deferens                              D.  seminal vesicles
  The average length of gestation in humans is
3 months                       B.  38 weeks                       C.  42 weeks                   D.  1 year
  The fertilized egg normally attaches to the
myometrium              B.  oviduct                          C.  fimbriae                     D.  endometrium
  If a person is a carrier for a particular disease,
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be heterozygous
the disease must be recessive, and the person’s     genotype must be heterozygous
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be homozygous     recessive          D.      the disease must be recessive, and the person’s genotype must be     homozygous dominant
  The ability of a particular gene to determine phenotype     can be altered by
environmental     factors       B.  gender
other     genes                                        D.  All of the answers are correct.
    BIOL 301  Final Exam   answers
   10 Essay Questions.     Choose  2  to answer at 20 points each.
  Describe the role of the following in protein synthesis     – DNA, nucleotides, RNA, ribosomes, rough ER, and Golgi apparatus.
  List three factors that have contributed to the     increase in infectious disease, and name a disease that has been     particularly affected by each factor.
  Compare and contrast osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and     osteomyelitis.
  Huntington’s disease is characterized by a loss of     normal inhibition mediated by the basal nuclei. Predict the symptoms you     are likely to see with this disease
  Describe and discuss several common types of heart     disease.
  Name and discuss the diseases involved in chronic     obstructive pulmonary disease.
  Individuals experiencing prolonged vomiting lose a     great deal of stomach juices with the vomitus. Predict the effect this     loss will have on the pH of blood.  How will the respiratory system     respond to the change in pH.
  List and discuss six signs of chronic renal failure.
  Beginning with the first day of menstruation, describe     the events of one complete cycle, including the role of the hormones     involved.
  Differentiate among congenital, genetic, and hereditary     disorders and give several examples of each.
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edgarpaul-blog1 · 7 years
BIOL 301 Human Health and Disease Final Exam Answers
 Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial
 For More Information Visit Our Website (   https://homeworklance.com/ )
  PLEASE follow the directions.
 Submit your answers (as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf) by using the table on the last page (e.g., 1.A, 2.B, 3.C, etc.) and returning only the TABLE by way of your Assignment Folder. Following the TABLE should be your ESSAY Question answers.
50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each.
10 Essay Questions. Choose 2 to answer at 20 points each.
 50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each. 
  Dr. Sue Mi is interested in diseases of the retina. The     field of study best suited to her interests is
physiology                 B.      anatomy                     C.  pathology                  D.  bowling
  There are numerous levels of organization in the body.     The correct order from simplest to most complex is
organ, tissue, cell, organism,     system         B.  cell,     tissue, organ, system, organism
system, cell, organ, organism,     tissue         D.  cell,     system, tissue, organ, organism
  The atomic number of sodium is 11. The sodium ion has a     single positive charge (Na+). How many electrons does the     sodium ion have?
10                  B.  11
12                  D.  More information is required to answer this question.
  The chemical category that includes fats and     cholesterol is
proteins                     B.  lipids          C.      carbohydrates        D.  solutions
  If a cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to
synthesize     proteins                B.  synthesize RNA
divide                                    D.  secrete proteins
  A particular cell type specializes in breaking down     harmful by-products of metabolism. This cell type would contain very high     levels of
lysosomes B.  smooth endoplasmic reticulum     C.      centrioles                   D.  peroxisomes
  Connective tissues would probably NOT contain
fibroblasts                 B.      collagen                     C.  goblet cells                            D.  matrix
  Ms. Busch has a lump in her arm. The doctor has     determined that the lump has not spread and is derived from adipose     tissue. This lump would best be described as a
benign     lipoma                        B.  malignant sarcoma
malignant     lipoma                   D.  benign sarcoma
   Mr. Luckless is experiencing headaches as a result of     drug therapy. The headaches are an example of a(n)
iatrogenic     disease                  B.  idiopathic disease
pandemic     disease                  D.  etiological disorder
  An infectious agent composed entirely of protein is     called a(n)
prion              B.  viroid         C.      virus           D.      rickettsiae
  Mr. Munybags has erythematous flat areas on his arms     and legs that are covered with silvery scales. His father also has the     same skin condition. The most likely diagnosis is
atopic     dermatitis                   B.  psoriasis                     C.      impetigo                    D.  shingles
  Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungus?
ringworm                   B.      verruca                       C.  eczema                       D.  acne vulgaris
  A forensic scientist wants to identify the gender of a     skeleton based on the pelvic structure. Which of the following     characteristics would be found in a male pelvis?
a wide, rounded pelvic     opening                    B.  a long, curved sacrum
wide, flared     ilia                                             D.  a wide pubic arch
  Ms. Jones, aged 31, has been diagnosed with     tuberculosis. Lately, her joints have been inflamed. Ms. J probably has
osteoarthritis             B.  gout               C.  septic arthritis            D.  rheumatoid arthritis
  The compound that stores oxygen in muscle cells is
hemoglobin               B.  glycogen                        C.  creatine     phosphate                 D.  myoglobin
  Exercise results in
constricted blood     vessels                  B.  a decrease in the number of mitochondria
muscle     atrophy                                  D.  an increase in the resting heart rate
  The hypothalamus
initiates voluntary     movements.      B.  controls and integrates     autonomic nervous system activity.
is regulated by the pituitary gland.  D.      plays a minor role in the maintenance of homeostasis
  Ms. L has been experiencing muscle weakness. Her     physician informs her that she has abnormal antibodies attacking the     myelin sheath around neurons in her central nervous system. The most     likely diagnosis is
poliomyelitis                                      B.  multiple sclerosis
amyotrophic lateral     sclerosis         D.      peripheral neuropathy
  Difficulty in forming words would indicate an injury to     the
Wernicke area                                   B.  Broca area
auditory association     area                   D.  primary sensory cortex
  The point of sharpest vision is called the
rods               B.  fovea centralis       C.      optic     disk                   D.  cornea
  Glaucoma is associated with excess eye fluid. The     excess fluid exerts pressure on the nerve receiving visual input from the     eye, known as the
oculomotor     nerve                  B.  trochlear nerve
optic     nerve                             D.  trigeminal nerve
  Dr. Spiegel has asked you if you want to write a     50-page essay. You shake your head “no.” This motion will be sensed by the
vestibule                        B.  maculae                         C.  cristae        D.      cochlear duct
  What effect would a large increase in cortisol have on     glucagon and insulin secretion?
Both insulin and glucagon would be increased.
Both insulin and glucagon would be decreased.
Insulin would be decreased, glucagon would be     increased.
Insulin would be increased, glucagon would be     decreased.
  Diabetes insipidus results from a lack of
glucagon                        B.      aldosterone                C.  calcitonin                   D.  antidiuretic hormone
  A person with type A blood has antibodies to
A antigen                      B.  B antigen                       C.  A and B antigens                  D.  neither antigen
  A person with a hematocrit of 33% is suffering from
anemia                           B.  leukopenia                     C.  polycythemia             D.  leukocytosis
  The part of the heart capable of generating the largest     force is the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  The heart chamber that receives blood from the lungs is     the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  A blood cell is journeying from the left thumb to the     heart. It would probably NOT pass through the
left brachiocephalic vein                       B.  superior vena cava
left jugular vein                                     D.  left subclavian vein
  Which of the following drugs would NOT be used to treat     hypertension?
a drug that relaxes blood vessels                      B.  a drug that inhibits renin production
a diuretic                                                           D.  a drug that increases heart rate
  Which of the following is a function of the lymphatic     system?
oxygen delivery to tissues
absorption of digested fats
transport of absorbed amino acids from the intestine to     the liver
  Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called
lymphedema              B.  lymphangitis              C.  lymphadenitis        D.      lymphectomy
  A substance that causes blood vessels to dilate is
interferon                      B.      complement               C.  histamine                       D.  antibody
  A process that results in antibody production by the     recipient induces a form of immunity called
active immunity                        B.  nonspecific immunity
passive immunity                       D.  immunotherapy
  At the lungs,
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the blood     into the alveoli
oxygen diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide     diffuses into the alveoli
carbon dioxide diffuses into the blood and oxygen     diffuses into the alveoli
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the alveoli     into the blood
  Which of the following breathing patterns would result     in the greatest increase in blood acidity?
apnea                             B.  tachypnea                      C.  hyperpnea                  D.  dyspnea
  Which of the following is the correct order of tissue     from the outermost to the innermost layer in the wall of the digestive     tract?
submucosa, serous membrane, smooth muscle, mucous     membrane
smooth muscle, serous membrane, mucous membrane,     submucosa
serous membrane, smooth muscle, submucosa, mucosa
mucous membrane, submucosa, smooth muscle, serous     membrane
  Your dog has just consumed a half stick of butter that     you dropped. Most of the nutrients in the butter will be absorbed in the     form of
amino     acids           B.      sugars        C.  glycerol and     free fatty acids         D.      nucleotides
  Which of the following is an example of a catabolic     reaction?
Free fatty acids and glycerol are converted into     triglycerides.
Starches and glycogen are converted into glucose.
Tryptophan and histidine are converted into a peptide.
Two glucose molecules are converted into maltose.
  Which situation describes the measurement of basal     metabolism?
Ms. Jones measures her energy output while jogging.
Mr. Dogwood measures his energy requirements while he     is sleeping.
Ms. Gees measures her energy output while eating     popcorn.
All of the answers are correct.
  Antidiuretic hormone
regulates acid-base balance
is secreted when water intake is too low
stimulates the production of large amounts of urine
increases bone formation
  A decrease in the rate and depth of breathing could     theoretically alleviate
metabolic     alkalosis                B.  respiratory     acidosis                C.  dehydration               D.  edema
  An active process that moves substances from the blood     into the nephron is
tubular     reabsorption              B.  tubular filtration        C.  tubular     secretion                D.  osmosis
   Materials are driven out of the glomerulus into the     glomerular capsule because of
osmotic pressure                                        B.  blood pressure
concentration gradients                         D.  active transport
  Progesterone levels are highest during
the follicular     phase                B.  the proliferative phase
ovulation                                   D.  the secretory phase
  Which of the following structures contributes the most     liquid to the semen?
seminiferous tubules             B.  epididymis
vas     deferens                              D.  seminal vesicles
  The average length of gestation in humans is
3 months                       B.  38 weeks                       C.  42 weeks                   D.  1 year
  The fertilized egg normally attaches to the
myometrium              B.  oviduct                          C.  fimbriae                     D.  endometrium
  If a person is a carrier for a particular disease,
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be heterozygous
the disease must be recessive, and the person’s     genotype must be heterozygous
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be homozygous     recessive          D.      the disease must be recessive, and the person’s genotype must be     homozygous dominant
  The ability of a particular gene to determine phenotype     can be altered by
environmental     factors       B.  gender
other     genes                                        D.  All of the answers are correct.
    BIOL 301  Final Exam   answers
   10 Essay Questions.     Choose  2  to answer at 20 points each.
  Describe the role of the following in protein synthesis   �� – DNA, nucleotides, RNA, ribosomes, rough ER, and Golgi apparatus.
  List three factors that have contributed to the     increase in infectious disease, and name a disease that has been     particularly affected by each factor.
  Compare and contrast osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and     osteomyelitis.
  Huntington’s disease is characterized by a loss of     normal inhibition mediated by the basal nuclei. Predict the symptoms you     are likely to see with this disease
  Describe and discuss several common types of heart     disease.
  Name and discuss the diseases involved in chronic     obstructive pulmonary disease.
  Individuals experiencing prolonged vomiting lose a     great deal of stomach juices with the vomitus. Predict the effect this     loss will have on the pH of blood.  How will the respiratory system     respond to the change in pH.
  List and discuss six signs of chronic renal failure.
  Beginning with the first day of menstruation, describe     the events of one complete cycle, including the role of the hormones     involved.
  Differentiate among congenital, genetic, and hereditary     disorders and give several examples of each.
0 notes
BIOL 301 Human Health and Disease Final Exam Answers
 Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial
 For More Information Visit Our Website (   https://homeworklance.com/ )
  PLEASE follow the directions.
 Submit your answers (as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf) by using the table on the last page (e.g., 1.A, 2.B, 3.C, etc.) and returning only the TABLE by way of your Assignment Folder. Following the TABLE should be your ESSAY Question answers.
50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each.
10 Essay Questions. Choose 2 to answer at 20 points each.
 50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each. 
  Dr. Sue Mi is interested in diseases of the retina. The     field of study best suited to her interests is
physiology                 B.      anatomy                     C.  pathology                  D.  bowling
  There are numerous levels of organization in the body.     The correct order from simplest to most complex is
organ, tissue, cell, organism,     system         B.  cell,     tissue, organ, system, organism
system, cell, organ, organism,     tissue         D.  cell,     system, tissue, organ, organism
  The atomic number of sodium is 11. The sodium ion has a     single positive charge (Na+). How many electrons does the     sodium ion have?
10                  B.  11
12                  D.  More information is required to answer this question.
  The chemical category that includes fats and     cholesterol is
proteins                     B.  lipids          C.      carbohydrates        D.  solutions
  If a cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to
synthesize     proteins                B.  synthesize RNA
divide                                    D.  secrete proteins
  A particular cell type specializes in breaking down     harmful by-products of metabolism. This cell type would contain very high     levels of
lysosomes B.  smooth endoplasmic reticulum     C.      centrioles                   D.  peroxisomes
  Connective tissues would probably NOT contain
fibroblasts                 B.      collagen                     C.  goblet cells                            D.  matrix
  Ms. Busch has a lump in her arm. The doctor has     determined that the lump has not spread and is derived from adipose     tissue. This lump would best be described as a
benign     lipoma                        B.  malignant sarcoma
malignant     lipoma                   D.  benign sarcoma
   Mr. Luckless is experiencing headaches as a result of     drug therapy. The headaches are an example of a(n)
iatrogenic     disease                  B.  idiopathic disease
pandemic     disease                  D.  etiological disorder
  An infectious agent composed entirely of protein is     called a(n)
prion              B.  viroid         C.      virus           D.      rickettsiae
  Mr. Munybags has erythematous flat areas on his arms     and legs that are covered with silvery scales. His father also has the     same skin condition. The most likely diagnosis is
atopic     dermatitis                   B.  psoriasis                     C.      impetigo                    D.  shingles
  Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungus?
ringworm                   B.      verruca                       C.  eczema                       D.  acne vulgaris
  A forensic scientist wants to identify the gender of a     skeleton based on the pelvic structure. Which of the following     characteristics would be found in a male pelvis?
a wide, rounded pelvic     opening                    B.  a long, curved sacrum
wide, flared     ilia                                             D.  a wide pubic arch
  Ms. Jones, aged 31, has been diagnosed with     tuberculosis. Lately, her joints have been inflamed. Ms. J probably has
osteoarthritis             B.  gout               C.  septic arthritis            D.  rheumatoid arthritis
  The compound that stores oxygen in muscle cells is
hemoglobin               B.  glycogen                        C.  creatine     phosphate                 D.  myoglobin
  Exercise results in
constricted blood     vessels                  B.  a decrease in the number of mitochondria
muscle     atrophy                                  D.  an increase in the resting heart rate
  The hypothalamus
initiates voluntary     movements.      B.  controls and integrates     autonomic nervous system activity.
is regulated by the pituitary gland.  D.      plays a minor role in the maintenance of homeostasis
  Ms. L has been experiencing muscle weakness. Her     physician informs her that she has abnormal antibodies attacking the     myelin sheath around neurons in her central nervous system. The most     likely diagnosis is
poliomyelitis                                      B.  multiple sclerosis
amyotrophic lateral     sclerosis         D.      peripheral neuropathy
  Difficulty in forming words would indicate an injury to     the
Wernicke area                                   B.  Broca area
auditory association     area                   D.  primary sensory cortex
  The point of sharpest vision is called the
rods               B.  fovea centralis       C.      optic     disk                   D.  cornea
  Glaucoma is associated with excess eye fluid. The     excess fluid exerts pressure on the nerve receiving visual input from the     eye, known as the
oculomotor     nerve                  B.  trochlear nerve
optic     nerve                             D.  trigeminal nerve
  Dr. Spiegel has asked you if you want to write a     50-page essay. You shake your head “no.” This motion will be sensed by the
vestibule                        B.  maculae                         C.  cristae        D.      cochlear duct
  What effect would a large increase in cortisol have on     glucagon and insulin secretion?
Both insulin and glucagon would be increased.
Both insulin and glucagon would be decreased.
Insulin would be decreased, glucagon would be     increased.
Insulin would be increased, glucagon would be     decreased.
  Diabetes insipidus results from a lack of
glucagon                        B.      aldosterone                C.  calcitonin                   D.  antidiuretic hormone
  A person with type A blood has antibodies to
A antigen                      B.  B antigen                       C.  A and B antigens                  D.  neither antigen
  A person with a hematocrit of 33% is suffering from
anemia                           B.  leukopenia                     C.  polycythemia             D.  leukocytosis
  The part of the heart capable of generating the largest     force is the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  The heart chamber that receives blood from the lungs is     the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  A blood cell is journeying from the left thumb to the     heart. It would probably NOT pass through the
left brachiocephalic vein                       B.  superior vena cava
left jugular vein                                     D.  left subclavian vein
  Which of the following drugs would NOT be used to treat     hypertension?
a drug that relaxes blood vessels                      B.  a drug that inhibits renin production
a diuretic                                                           D.  a drug that increases heart rate
  Which of the following is a function of the lymphatic     system?
oxygen delivery to tissues
absorption of digested fats
transport of absorbed amino acids from the intestine to     the liver
  Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called
lymphedema              B.  lymphangitis              C.  lymphadenitis        D.      lymphectomy
  A substance that causes blood vessels to dilate is
interferon                      B.      complement               C.  histamine                       D.  antibody
  A process that results in antibody production by the     recipient induces a form of immunity called
active immunity                        B.  nonspecific immunity
passive immunity                       D.  immunotherapy
  At the lungs,
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the blood     into the alveoli
oxygen diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide     diffuses into the alveoli
carbon dioxide diffuses into the blood and oxygen     diffuses into the alveoli
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the alveoli     into the blood
  Which of the following breathing patterns would result     in the greatest increase in blood acidity?
apnea                             B.  tachypnea                      C.  hyperpnea                  D.  dyspnea
  Which of the following is the correct order of tissue     from the outermost to the innermost layer in the wall of the digestive     tract?
submucosa, serous membrane, smooth muscle, mucous     membrane
smooth muscle, serous membrane, mucous membrane,     submucosa
serous membrane, smooth muscle, submucosa, mucosa
mucous membrane, submucosa, smooth muscle, serous     membrane
  Your dog has just consumed a half stick of butter that     you dropped. Most of the nutrients in the butter will be absorbed in the     form of
amino     acids           B.      sugars        C.  glycerol and     free fatty acids         D.      nucleotides
  Which of the following is an example of a catabolic     reaction?
Free fatty acids and glycerol are converted into     triglycerides.
Starches and glycogen are converted into glucose.
Tryptophan and histidine are converted into a peptide.
Two glucose molecules are converted into maltose.
  Which situation describes the measurement of basal     metabolism?
Ms. Jones measures her energy output while jogging.
Mr. Dogwood measures his energy requirements while he     is sleeping.
Ms. Gees measures her energy output while eating     popcorn.
All of the answers are correct.
  Antidiuretic hormone
regulates acid-base balance
is secreted when water intake is too low
stimulates the production of large amounts of urine
increases bone formation
  A decrease in the rate and depth of breathing could     theoretically alleviate
metabolic     alkalosis                B.  respiratory     acidosis                C.  dehydration               D.  edema
  An active process that moves substances from the blood     into the nephron is
tubular     reabsorption              B.  tubular filtration        C.  tubular     secretion                D.  osmosis
   Materials are driven out of the glomerulus into the     glomerular capsule because of
osmotic pressure                                        B.  blood pressure
concentration gradients                         D.  active transport
  Progesterone levels are highest during
the follicular     phase                B.  the proliferative phase
ovulation                                   D.  the secretory phase
  Which of the following structures contributes the most     liquid to the semen?
seminiferous tubules             B.  epididymis
vas     deferens                              D.  seminal vesicles
  The average length of gestation in humans is
3 months                       B.  38 weeks                       C.  42 weeks                   D.  1 year
  The fertilized egg normally attaches to the
myometrium              B.  oviduct                          C.  fimbriae                     D.  endometrium
  If a person is a carrier for a particular disease,
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be heterozygous
the disease must be recessive, and the person’s     genotype must be heterozygous
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be homozygous     recessive          D.      the disease must be recessive, and the person’s genotype must be     homozygous dominant
  The ability of a particular gene to determine phenotype     can be altered by
environmental     factors       B.  gender
other     genes                                        D.  All of the answers are correct.
    BIOL 301  Final Exam   answers
   10 Essay Questions.     Choose  2  to answer at 20 points each.
  Describe the role of the following in protein synthesis     – DNA, nucleotides, RNA, ribosomes, rough ER, and Golgi apparatus.
  List three factors that have contributed to the     increase in infectious disease, and name a disease that has been     particularly affected by each factor.
  Compare and contrast osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and     osteomyelitis.
  Huntington’s disease is characterized by a loss of     normal inhibition mediated by the basal nuclei. Predict the symptoms you     are likely to see with this disease
  Describe and discuss several common types of heart     disease.
  Name and discuss the diseases involved in chronic     obstructive pulmonary disease.
  Individuals experiencing prolonged vomiting lose a     great deal of stomach juices with the vomitus. Predict the effect this     loss will have on the pH of blood.  How will the respiratory system     respond to the change in pH.
  List and discuss six signs of chronic renal failure.
  Beginning with the first day of menstruation, describe     the events of one complete cycle, including the role of the hormones     involved.
  Differentiate among congenital, genetic, and hereditary     disorders and give several examples of each.
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BIOL 301 Human Health and Disease Final Exam Answers
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50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each.
10 Essay Questions. Choose 2 to answer at 20 points each.
 50 Multiple Choice Questions at 4 points each. 
  Dr. Sue Mi is interested in diseases of the retina. The     field of study best suited to her interests is
physiology                 B.      anatomy                     C.  pathology                  D.  bowling
  There are numerous levels of organization in the body.     The correct order from simplest to most complex is
organ, tissue, cell, organism,     system         B.  cell,     tissue, organ, system, organism
system, cell, organ, organism,     tissue         D.  cell,     system, tissue, organ, organism
  The atomic number of sodium is 11. The sodium ion has a     single positive charge (Na+). How many electrons does the     sodium ion have?
10                  B.  11
12                  D.  More information is required to answer this question.
  The chemical category that includes fats and     cholesterol is
proteins                     B.  lipids          C.      carbohydrates        D.  solutions
  If a cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to
synthesize     proteins                B.  synthesize RNA
divide                                    D.  secrete proteins
  A particular cell type specializes in breaking down     harmful by-products of metabolism. This cell type would contain very high     levels of
lysosomes B.  smooth endoplasmic reticulum     C.      centrioles                   D.  peroxisomes
  Connective tissues would probably NOT contain
fibroblasts                 B.      collagen                     C.  goblet cells                            D.  matrix
  Ms. Busch has a lump in her arm. The doctor has     determined that the lump has not spread and is derived from adipose     tissue. This lump would best be described as a
benign     lipoma                        B.  malignant sarcoma
malignant     lipoma                   D.  benign sarcoma
   Mr. Luckless is experiencing headaches as a result of     drug therapy. The headaches are an example of a(n)
iatrogenic     disease                  B.  idiopathic disease
pandemic     disease                  D.  etiological disorder
  An infectious agent composed entirely of protein is     called a(n)
prion              B.  viroid         C.      virus           D.      rickettsiae
  Mr. Munybags has erythematous flat areas on his arms     and legs that are covered with silvery scales. His father also has the     same skin condition. The most likely diagnosis is
atopic     dermatitis                   B.  psoriasis                     C.      impetigo                    D.  shingles
  Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungus?
ringworm                   B.      verruca                       C.  eczema                       D.  acne vulgaris
  A forensic scientist wants to identify the gender of a     skeleton based on the pelvic structure. Which of the following     characteristics would be found in a male pelvis?
a wide, rounded pelvic     opening                    B.  a long, curved sacrum
wide, flared     ilia                                             D.  a wide pubic arch
  Ms. Jones, aged 31, has been diagnosed with     tuberculosis. Lately, her joints have been inflamed. Ms. J probably has
osteoarthritis             B.  gout               C.  septic arthritis            D.  rheumatoid arthritis
  The compound that stores oxygen in muscle cells is
hemoglobin               B.  glycogen                        C.  creatine     phosphate                 D.  myoglobin
  Exercise results in
constricted blood     vessels                  B.  a decrease in the number of mitochondria
muscle     atrophy                                  D.  an increase in the resting heart rate
  The hypothalamus
initiates voluntary     movements.      B.  controls and integrates     autonomic nervous system activity.
is regulated by the pituitary gland.  D.      plays a minor role in the maintenance of homeostasis
  Ms. L has been experiencing muscle weakness. Her     physician informs her that she has abnormal antibodies attacking the     myelin sheath around neurons in her central nervous system. The most     likely diagnosis is
poliomyelitis                                      B.  multiple sclerosis
amyotrophic lateral     sclerosis         D.      peripheral neuropathy
  Difficulty in forming words would indicate an injury to     the
Wernicke area                                   B.  Broca area
auditory association     area                   D.  primary sensory cortex
  The point of sharpest vision is called the
rods               B.  fovea centralis       C.      optic     disk                   D.  cornea
  Glaucoma is associated with excess eye fluid. The     excess fluid exerts pressure on the nerve receiving visual input from the     eye, known as the
oculomotor     nerve                  B.  trochlear nerve
optic     nerve                             D.  trigeminal nerve
  Dr. Spiegel has asked you if you want to write a     50-page essay. You shake your head “no.” This motion will be sensed by the
vestibule                        B.  maculae                         C.  cristae        D.      cochlear duct
  What effect would a large increase in cortisol have on     glucagon and insulin secretion?
Both insulin and glucagon would be increased.
Both insulin and glucagon would be decreased.
Insulin would be decreased, glucagon would be     increased.
Insulin would be increased, glucagon would be     decreased.
  Diabetes insipidus results from a lack of
glucagon                        B.      aldosterone                C.  calcitonin                   D.  antidiuretic hormone
  A person with type A blood has antibodies to
A antigen                      B.  B antigen                       C.  A and B antigens                  D.  neither antigen
  A person with a hematocrit of 33% is suffering from
anemia                           B.  leukopenia                     C.  polycythemia             D.  leukocytosis
  The part of the heart capable of generating the largest     force is the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  The heart chamber that receives blood from the lungs is     the
right     atrium               B.  left atrium                      C.  right ventricle            D.  left ventricle
  A blood cell is journeying from the left thumb to the     heart. It would probably NOT pass through the
left brachiocephalic vein                       B.  superior vena cava
left jugular vein                                     D.  left subclavian vein
  Which of the following drugs would NOT be used to treat     hypertension?
a drug that relaxes blood vessels                      B.  a drug that inhibits renin production
a diuretic                                                           D.  a drug that increases heart rate
  Which of the following is a function of the lymphatic     system?
oxygen delivery to tissues
absorption of digested fats
transport of absorbed amino acids from the intestine to     the liver
  Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called
lymphedema              B.  lymphangitis              C.  lymphadenitis        D.      lymphectomy
  A substance that causes blood vessels to dilate is
interferon                      B.      complement               C.  histamine                       D.  antibody
  A process that results in antibody production by the     recipient induces a form of immunity called
active immunity                        B.  nonspecific immunity
passive immunity                       D.  immunotherapy
  At the lungs,
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the blood     into the alveoli
oxygen diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide     diffuses into the alveoli
carbon dioxide diffuses into the blood and oxygen     diffuses into the alveoli
both oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from the alveoli     into the blood
  Which of the following breathing patterns would result     in the greatest increase in blood acidity?
apnea                             B.  tachypnea                      C.  hyperpnea                  D.  dyspnea
  Which of the following is the correct order of tissue     from the outermost to the innermost layer in the wall of the digestive     tract?
submucosa, serous membrane, smooth muscle, mucous     membrane
smooth muscle, serous membrane, mucous membrane,     submucosa
serous membrane, smooth muscle, submucosa, mucosa
mucous membrane, submucosa, smooth muscle, serous     membrane
  Your dog has just consumed a half stick of butter that     you dropped. Most of the nutrients in the butter will be absorbed in the     form of
amino     acids           B.      sugars        C.  glycerol and     free fatty acids         D.      nucleotides
  Which of the following is an example of a catabolic     reaction?
Free fatty acids and glycerol are converted into     triglycerides.
Starches and glycogen are converted into glucose.
Tryptophan and histidine are converted into a peptide.
Two glucose molecules are converted into maltose.
  Which situation describes the measurement of basal     metabolism?
Ms. Jones measures her energy output while jogging.
Mr. Dogwood measures his energy requirements while he     is sleeping.
Ms. Gees measures her energy output while eating     popcorn.
All of the answers are correct.
  Antidiuretic hormone
regulates acid-base balance
is secreted when water intake is too low
stimulates the production of large amounts of urine
increases bone formation
  A decrease in the rate and depth of breathing could     theoretically alleviate
metabolic     alkalosis                B.  respiratory     acidosis                C.  dehydration               D.  edema
  An active process that moves substances from the blood     into the nephron is
tubular     reabsorption              B.  tubular filtration        C.  tubular     secretion                D.  osmosis
   Materials are driven out of the glomerulus into the     glomerular capsule because of
osmotic pressure                                        B.  blood pressure
concentration gradients                         D.  active transport
  Progesterone levels are highest during
the follicular     phase                B.  the proliferative phase
ovulation                                   D.  the secretory phase
  Which of the following structures contributes the most     liquid to the semen?
seminiferous tubules             B.  epididymis
vas     deferens                              D.  seminal vesicles
  The average length of gestation in humans is
3 months                       B.  38 weeks                       C.  42 weeks                   D.  1 year
  The fertilized egg normally attaches to the
myometrium              B.  oviduct                          C.  fimbriae                     D.  endometrium
  If a person is a carrier for a particular disease,
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be heterozygous
the disease must be recessive, and the person’s     genotype must be heterozygous
the disease must be dominant, and the person’s genotype     must be homozygous     recessive          D.      the disease must be recessive, and the person’s genotype must be     homozygous dominant
  The ability of a particular gene to determine phenotype     can be altered by
environmental     factors       B.  gender
other     genes                                        D.  All of the answers are correct.
    BIOL 301  Final Exam   answers
   10 Essay Questions.     Choose  2  to answer at 20 points each.
  Describe the role of the following in protein synthesis     – DNA, nucleotides, RNA, ribosomes, rough ER, and Golgi apparatus.
  List three factors that have contributed to the     increase in infectious disease, and name a disease that has been     particularly affected by each factor.
  Compare and contrast osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and     osteomyelitis.
  Huntington’s disease is characterized by a loss of     normal inhibition mediated by the basal nuclei. Predict the symptoms you     are likely to see with this disease
  Describe and discuss several common types of heart     disease.
  Name and discuss the diseases involved in chronic     obstructive pulmonary disease.
  Individuals experiencing prolonged vomiting lose a     great deal of stomach juices with the vomitus. Predict the effect this     loss will have on the pH of blood.  How will the respiratory system     respond to the change in pH.
  List and discuss six signs of chronic renal failure.
  Beginning with the first day of menstruation, describe     the events of one complete cycle, including the role of the hormones     involved.
  Differentiate among congenital, genetic, and hereditary     disorders and give several examples of each.
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