ekteddy · 6 years
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Midnight run through la. Calmest time for dtla. #samsungs9plus #dtla #losangeles #mycity #augustcascade #acmedia #tractuff #dagreenek #evolvedinjection #hmotorsonline #purists
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alconteh · 7 years
MANI is out now! Enjoy the video!
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encomplicidad · 6 years
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@lonestaremmy reúne a lo mejor de la televisión en una noche de #Gala y nos permite reencontrarnos con colegas a los que queremos y respetamos como @tonycanales y @crystalayalatv ,felicidades a todo el equipo de. @telemundohou por sus 15. #lonestaremmys2018 obtenidos. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. #telemundo #nbc #acmedia #adrianaencomplicidadshow https://www.instagram.com/p/BqKm9O-F3iY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jw1ixopv57t2
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techyblogger · 5 years
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Choosing domains for companies with long names https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/di7334/choosing_domains_for_companies_with_long_names/
I think the general wisdom says that shorter domain names perform better and are more easily remembered by customers.
However, suppose that a company already has a long name, like "ACMEdia-Incorporated". The domain "acmedia-incorporated.com" is free, but shorter combinations that still make sense are not. E.g. "acme.com", "acmeinc.com", "acmedia.com" and "acmecorps.com" are all taken, while "acincorp.com" is free, but makes much less sense. It is also not an option to change the company name at this point.
What would you do in such cases? Just stick with the full long name ("acmedia-incorporated.com")? Choose a shorter name that is not easily derived from the company name and is less readable? Or something else?
Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by /u/smthamazing [link] [comments] October 15, 2019 at 05:50PM
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misk-el-lil · 7 years
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some of the friends I have been photographing with lately :^) 
sometimes others spot things I wouldn’t think of photographing and it makes me step out of my comfort zone a little which is a really good thing about going on little photography walks lol. 
(I sound like im writing an essay paragraph or something lmao))
anyways plz check out @sawyerpeach and @gudetamago And
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myphamchat · 6 years
Nước dưỡng da trị mụn Naris Acmedia Acne Care Lotion
Nước dưỡng da trị mụn Naris Acmedia Acne Care Lotion
Thành phần của Nước dưỡng da trị mụn Naris Acmedica Acne Care Lotion
Naris Acmedica Acne Care Lotion là một dòng nước dưỡng da có chiết xuất tự nhiên với thành phần dưỡng da chính như sau:
Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate:có tác dụng làm giảm tình trạng da bị mẩn đỏ, làm dịu làn da, giúp làn da được thư giãn. Đồng thời hoạt chất này cũng có tác dụng cung cấp cho làn da độ ẩm cần thiết giúp da không bị…
View On WordPress
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romaincinefac-blog · 7 years
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( Lien de l’image : http://a69.g.akamai.net/n/69/10688/v1/img5.allocine.fr/acmedia/rsz/434/x/x/x/medias/nmedia/18/63/09/30/18715743.jpg )
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alconteh · 7 years
Hey. So, my work is being shown at the Degree Show at my university and it'd be cool to see some of your faces so here's an invitation to the Degree show!
More information on the degree show: http://www.salford.ac.uk/events/event/2017/degree-show
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alconteh · 7 years
ANTICS | 19/05/2017 |
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alconteh · 7 years
Went to the Manchester Art Gallery with a friend and then met up with another friend afterwards for ice cream. All in all, fun day.
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lPF7jFp0Hk)
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alconteh · 7 years
17/03/2017 - SQUAD 2016 As much as we don't meet up much due to work, when we do meet, we have so much fun. Got so much support for and from these guys.
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alconteh · 7 years
A small piece of editing to unwind from animating. There should be a new video on my YouTube next week. Hopefully.
Music by Chillhop: http://youtube.com/chillhopdotcom The Deli - Breeze: https://soundcloud.com/the-deli Listen on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ChillhopSpotify
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alconteh · 7 years
01:00 - 20/02/2017
Did this set of storyboards cuz I couldn't get to sleep. Different reasons but I couldn't sleep nonetheless.
This one shares the same reflection as the last. I wasn't quick or clean enough by my own standard but I'm happy I was able to at least make the thing.
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alconteh · 7 years
22:00 - 19/02/2017
This took about 30 minutes. I just wanted to write a story. I doubt I truly finished with it but I do like where it’s at so far.
Storyboarding is new to me and these are rough as hell so revisions are definitely going to be made if I can find the time to do those alongside dissertation research and my final year film.
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alconteh · 7 years
I hope everyone who celebrated had a good time and that everyone has a prosperous year ahead of them.
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ekteddy · 6 years
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Bad and Boujee 😎 #acmedia #dagreenek #jenveydynamics #tractuff #hmotorsonline #augustcascade #chasingjs #battlecraft #hybridracing #evolvedinjection #stickydiljoe #thechronicles #noclub #enjoytheroad #dtla #nightrunners #nwp4life
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