#ack sorry can’t believe I forgot those tags
namakes · 9 months
Did you know you can take the Blood Starved Beast in the Hunter's Nightmare (DLC) for a walk? It'll even attack the enemies with you! Thanks to the wiki for this information.
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xxsycamore · 4 years
- Merry first snow! -
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Rating: G
Word count: 871
Characters: Dante/Liliana
Tags: Fluff; Snowball fight, Slightly Out of character, First person POV
Summary:  "Everyone turns into a little kid when they see snow, huh…”
I wonder if Dante would be like that?
Returning from my trip to the Arca marketplace, I stepped into the manor grounds to find out just how beautiful our mansion looked covered in snow. In a flash I forgot about the cold and loosened my scarf a little as I saw Leo approaching.
“Lili! There you are!!”
Leo had his cheeks reddened by the weather, yet he showed no signs at all of being cold as I noticed he only had draped his winter coat over his usual suit and his shirt was opened as usual.
“Leo! Hey, take care of yourself! Look at that… Here, let me.”
Perhaps my habit of looking after all the orphans was at fault but I reached out and did the buttons of his shirt, tugging the ends of his coat together and butting one of them as well. Leo let me do it, not much room for protests, he looked like a scolded child. I smiled at him brightly as I pulled back and he let out an awkward laugh.
I noticed behind him some of the Falzone members in the middle of… a snowball fight?
“Are those guys for real??”
“It looks like so! Look at how happy they are! I don’t want to ruin their fun.”
“Yeah, me neither! Everyone turns into a little kid when they see snow, huh…”
I wonder if Dante would be like that?
Speaking of the devil.
Dante walked down the stairs to exit the mansion and he immediately noticed the noises coming from the garden. He failed to notice us, though, Leo and I indulged ourselves into spying on what he is going to do next. We hid behind a nearby pine tree.
Dante stood with his hands on his hips and suddenly all laughter died. Whatever he said to them, it was short but he didn’t appear to be angry. For my surprise, the men didn’t leave their positions even after Dante turned his back to them.
It was my chance!
I sneaked closer to Dante and put my cold hands on his ears from behind.
He turned around with a typically fast reaction, eyes wide and alerted, and then he saw me giggling. I threw myself at his neck before he could say anything.
“Merry first snow!”
“Lili, I swear, if you keep surprising me like this…”
I let go of the hug but kept my hands clasped on his coat.
“I just wanted to see your reaction.”
Dante was smiling despite himself. “You saw it. Merry first snow.”
I giggled again and propped myself on my toes to place a cold kiss on his equally cold nose.
“You’re in good spirits, and everyone else seems to be as well… even our men are playing around. I can’t believe it…”
“Did you scold them?”
“No, I didn’t. There is no harm in what they’re doing, at least the activity is keeping them warm. Besides…”
Dante dusted off the snow from my hair gently and looked at me with a soft gaze. “When you’re around, they can’t help themselves. I understand them.”
My heart felt warm under the endless coats of clothing and I looked away because I was shy, but twice as happy.
A snowball came out of nowhere and crashed into Dante’s arm. We both looked behind to see who it was…
“I’m so sorry Capo! I’m sorry!” Leo ran towards us and stood on Dante’s side, “Please let me,” he brushed  the snow off from Dante’s sleeve.
“I was aiming for her, I swear…”
I gasped. “Leo!”
Dante made a dissatisfied noise and just as I thought he would defend me…
“Leo, is that the best you can do? How can your boss feel safe if your aim is this bad?”
Leo and I both looked at Dante in disbelief as he was crouching down to collect snow in his palm. For a joke, his tone sounded quite serious. “Let me show you how it’s done.”
“Y-yes, Capo!”
“Lili, you too. I don’t mind doing this kind of thing, but we better finish before Nicola comes back.”
“Aww Dante, afraid you’re going to lose against me?”
Dante turned around to see the smug face of none other than the man himself, shaping a snowball in his hands. There was nothing to hide anymore, Dante sighed, but strangely he couldn’t find it in himself to feel shame. Instead of making a remark of how childish this was, Nicola challenged him. So be it.
“Alright then, let’s divide into two teams. Lili, you are with me-“
“I want to be with Leo!” I held up Leo’s hand in protest.
“Fine then, I wanted to balance our powers but if you insist.”
“What is this supposed to mean, Capo! Don’t underestimate us now!”
My eyes flicked back and forth between the three of them, examining how happy they were, and I couldn’t stop smiling myself. I would make sure Dante doesn’t get too caught up in the game and let the cold get to him, by dragging him for a hot cup of chocolate in front of the fireplace later. Seeing him enjoying himself without a care like this made me unbelievably happy.
“You heard him! I’m not going to lose, Dante!”
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sachinighte · 4 years
Tagged by the wonderful @uintuva, here you go darling <3
AO3 name: Memories_of_the_Shadows
Fandoms: Naruto, One Piece, Sailor Moon, Dragon Age, Harry Potter, MCU, Hannibal, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Stargate, Bleach, YYH, Inuyasha, Ken Akamatsu universe, FFXV, Hellsing, Underworld, BTVS, RWBY, Teen Wolf, YOI!, Voltron, BNHA, Pokemon (these are in no particular order and I tend to vacillate between them at random times. More will almost certainly pop up and I’m positive I forgot a few)
Number of fics: 80 (published)
1. Fic I spent the most time on: And Now I See The Sunrise: my Isaribi/Hinata sentinel/guide fic which I adore
2. Fic I spent the least time on: oh, god, I’ve been writing for years and I used to specialize in drabbles. I have no idea but it was probably one of my shorter ones
3. Longest fic: Philomel’s Lullaby: which is abandoned and terrible but still counts I guess
4. Shortest fic: Mikata: because I’m not going to count my terrible teenage poetry
5. Most hits: The Apple Now Is Sweet: you heathens. (Link is NSFW, click at your risk)
6. Most kudos: Don’t Ask Why It Works, It Just Does: which, fair, I’m also pretty proud of that one
7. Most comment threads: Again, it’s Don’t Ask Why It Works, It Just Does
8. Favourite fic I wrote: I have to choose!? Agggh, idk, probably Alive and Burning Brighter (my rule 63!Tony Stark), or And Till They’ve Seen The Light (my rift stabbing da crackfic), or And Now I’ve Seen The Sunrise (since I gave it to myself for my wedding, I sure hope I love it XD)
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: Ack, okay, I know I only ever post finished work, and it is finished so I won’t do this, but probably Just A Dream? I just love it but I feel like I could do better. And I did start a sequel for it but I couldn’t get through it.
10. Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on: Hah, you asked for it, here’s a bit from my massive Cullanders magnum opus that keeps growing and growing because these two are just made for angst (also, yes, I write in html, it makes publishing on ao3 easier for me):
“I’m sorry. It’s been difficult to leave the Gallows with all the upheaval. The Knight-Commander has become… more demanding of my time as well.” Cullen sighs heavily, then grimaces, his hand moving towards his chest before aborting the movement. Anders is uncomfortably aware of the many different ways people try to hide pain and equally aware of how difficult that can be. He doesn’t want to sympathize with a Templar, but Cullen would likely be more gracious about any healing than Fenris ever is. It might be okay. If Cullen really is hurt. “I fear… it’s not… in any case, things will have to come to a head soon enough. Neither the Grand Enchanter nor Meredith are willing to back down and, well, there is no one in the Gallows who is unaware of how precarious the situation is.”
Oh, Anders knows. For every mage he helps to escape there are three more that he cannot get to because the Templars come for them too soon, without warning. No one is safe. (And Anders sits here with one of the perpetrators practically <i>itching</i> to heal him. Void take him, he hates himself some days.) “So Hawke says as well,” he says instead, guardedly.
Cullen shoots him a look that is far too wry and knowing for Anders’ comfort but he doesn’t comment beyond a small grin, a cocked eyebrow. So Cullen has guessed who it is that is sneaking mages out through the basement tunnels. Maybe he isn’t as dumb as he looks. <I>And</I> he doesn’t seem inclined to say anything about it.
Maybe, just maybe, there is at least one Templar who Anders can trust farther than he can throw them without magic or Justice.
“You’re stiff,” he offers, instead of dwelling on such a revelation, something so counter to everything he has known since he was a child. “Let me see.” Cullen sighs, shaking his head.
“People would notice if I was healed, thank you though. It’s just… a training accident,” he says as though he doesn’t believe that it <i>was</I> an accident, although Anders will grant that it did probably happen during training. And with Cullen himself letting Anders off the hook for healing, that should be the end of it. He should let this go and revel in the fact that Cullen is uncomfortable and will stay that way for as long as the stubborn arse will take to heal.
“Just tell them you bribed one of the mages,” he says instead. It’s a plausible enough story--every Circle he’s ever heard of has those who do it, although Anders is fairly sure Cullen isn’t one of the ones who would--and one that most Templars will accept even if it’s scornfully. (Anders remembers a time when he was the one getting bribed, though he was threatened more often than not rather than bribed. Anders had come to the conclusion very early on in his studies that he wouldn’t willingly heal Templars unless he had a very good reason and a laxer curfew, more candles or blankets, or someone ignoring a dalliance simply aren’t good enough. He remembers Flora was vastly more popular with the Templars as a result. Anders couldn’t have cared less.)
Cullen groans a bit, that aborted move to hug himself appearing once more, and sighes. “Fine. You’re right. Just because I can’t afford the downtime right now, not with the entire city like an overfilled flour mill with some young idiot striking a flint in the middle of it.”
Anders stifles a laugh. Cullen normally gives Fenris a run for his silent and broody money, or is shyer and more bashful--though similarly, and <I>constantly</I>, offended--than Velanna whenever he or one of the Rose’s workers brings up something particularly crude. But every once in a while he shows his Ferelden farmboy side and Anders can almost forget that Cullen is everything he hates.
The wound is red with the start of an infection and poorly wrapped. Luckily, it was only a glancing blow, shallow enough that once Anders cleans it out and heals what he can it won’t even scar. Justice howls in anger at the edge of Anders’ perception and Anders mentally shoves him away.
“They should teach you how to field dress injuries in training, not magic you can’t even use,” he says lowly, maybe to distract from how warm Cullen’s skin feels under his fingers, from the wiry dusting of golden curls on his chest. Anders is surprised every time by how <I>human</I> Templars are. He probably shouldn’t be. Cullen sighes and pulls away.
“I don’t disagree that field dressing would be useful,” he says. Anders wants to get angry, wants to <i>want to</I> fight, but really, he’s just tired. Tired of political statements, of this arrangement they have, of still having to fear for his life and sanity. Anders didn’t ask to be born with magic. Nobody but the worst blood mages do.
(He’s seen a few of them, people who make deals with demons for magic because what they really want is <i>power</I> and they all think they will get away with it. Unscrupulous and bold, every single one of them think that they’ll be able to stop once they get the one thing they want, but there’s always another thing on the horizon that only blood magic and more deals can help with. All of them were caught eventually, and grouped with mages who have never done a single harm in their entire lives. Legions of power-hungry blood mages who thought nothing of selling another person into death or worse for the sake of fleeting dreams of power. And for what? A moment in time that they could try to satiate their greed. Is it any wonder that it’s mostly nobles who end up taking that path to power?)
“It’s done,” he says, instead of replying, instead of the rant that Justice is beating into his temples. Anders turns away and starts to gather up his things when Cullen blushes and touches his side.
“Thank you, Anders,” Cullen says softly, and it sounds so sincere that Anders has to leave without saying anything else at all. He needs to remember that Cullen is a Templar.
Not someone sweet and sincere, who blushes easily and listens well. Just a Templar. He’ll show his true colors soon enough. Five years is nothing against a lifetime of proof.
Ah, sh*t, I tag whoever would like to do this?
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thelapismoon · 7 years
MCSM S2 E4 Commentary
Wow I have forgotten what this episode even was about. *whispers* I actually never finished watching a playthrough so I guess I'll see some knew stuff. Heh. I'm scared. I managed to get changed, get my food, update my tumblr, and this thing is only 55% complete. HOW LONG IS THIS EPISODE? 
Quite funny that I've already said this much stuff and the episode hasn't even completed downloading. I wonder who actually ever reads this? Sorry about not writing my commentary for the last episode. I just didn't want to stop the episode every three seconds to write. Speaking of that, I might just paused every ten minutes to write. Huh. Thank god it's at 83%. I'm worried. This soundtrack, oml. It's finally done downloading. See you on the other side. Is Radar the narrator now? Admin, Admin, let me like you. I want more Warden interactions. Oh look at this awful frame rate- that's my fault Wait I forgot that I gave in and became a guard. Nurm, I love you. Warden didn't deserve to die. This lighting tho. 10/10. Radar, if you're trying to make me feel bad, it's not working. Nurmie-hurmie, I could never leave you behind, dear. Please don't hurt Xara, telltale. That facial expression. NGHHH FEELS. *singing* Holy shiet. Radar you better be careful because I won't hesitate. Nurm can I hug you? I feel like if that was actual minecraft logic, that jump would've killed us. ITS H I M I love this music, reminds me of some old western but.. dorky. Baby zombie. Tag urself, I'm Xara. NURM. Don't cry.. Let me wipe the tears away, you poor soul. Nghh Jack and Nurm are a perfect couple. If something happens to EITHER of them, I'm gonna throw some hands. You sure that isn't just a carpet..? I haven't played minecraft in like three years so.. Poor Xara. Wtf is wrong with you guys?! Um... NO I DO CARE!! Can I lay down next to you? Well.. Bye? OH NO I SUCK AT FIGHTING. Oh my gosh, this is the first time I survived in one try. Yees. R A D A R. I swear to Persson... Hm. NGHHHH I'm only going to do this because if I don't, Nurm is gonna cry. And I refuse to let. Nurm. Cry. Argh. You're all ungrateful swines. Who is that? Hm. I want to draw her. OH shoot my iPad is at 5% power. "1 night in Fred's house"? That sounds extremely CONVENIENT. Hello, Binta. You look... Nice. *cough* Everyone here seems.. Off. Oh hi Kent. Bye Kent. Gonna just... Slowly walk away. Lapis blue..? *cackles because you must know by now* Wow, good job, Jesse. You just ruined the moment. Can't wait for that to be a running gag no one will stop talking about for two weeks. *sigh* I can't stop thinking about Star Wars right now... Ngh.. F o c u s. Wow I'm actually really proud of this. Oh look, I won. Well now I feel bad. Me and my darn feelings.. WAIT THEY WERE PRETTY CAN I- Argh. I don't like these people. <<nothing much until the Ivor fight because there wasn't much to say>> Doodle doodle doo everything is nice and calm POTION. NGHHHH!!! Oh shiet I don't have a sword. I have a feeling I know who it is <<well of course I do>> Welp, honey, If you gotta kill me, at least I'll know my favorite character of all time did it to me. Hope this stains your conscious, Ivor. Ivor, my love, you're back! <<me the first time I saw him, YES. OH MY GOD. YES. YES!!! HES BACK! HES BACK! ARGHHHH! HES BACK! AHAAAA!>> My sweet alchemist, let me hug you on behalf of my friend and just because I love you so very much. I totally wasn't writing fanfiction about you two hours ago :,)) AGHHH. Ivor, can I just hug you for the rest of eternity? Oh my god I think I'm going to start crying. He looks... Slightly off... CAN YOU HEAR THAT? THOSE CHORDS!!! Those are IVOR'S theme. ACK I love him. Oh wait yeh, ninja, I have questions... Shiet, Ivor. You punched a forest worth of trees? Add that to my scar-headcanon-list. I can't believe they made Ivor the karate kid When his voice gets really deep and husky oh my lord... You know who I'm thinking of.. *looks at you Zoe* Can I hug you? Sweet old man I love you. Harper? Where IS Harper? *hack* where is Soren also? Mmmmm I'm getting all these good vibes now I gotta drop some stuff in the Ivor askbox once I'm done. Darn I wanted the old order to come back :( If Ivor.. shows some type of question of authority towards the admin... Oh my.. "Disappear", hm? Wait.. Okay Ivor's voice ;v; What if Ivor actually killed Jesse? I'd like to read a fic about THAT. Ivor is whispering, I can hug him, he's being witty! everything I could ever want is happening. Ivor's voice lines are my Christmas present. I love you, Ivor. Oh my gosh he looks so short next to Petra. NO DONT GO. Actually. Wait. DO go, If the admin suspects anything of you or even dares to TOUCH you, I will lose my god dang  m i n d Ivor Ivor Ivor. Farewell, my beloved... Okay I'm sorry you all had to see that. I thought I had hallucinated ninja Ivor at first tbh. Well now what? I don't even really wanna play after that.. Argh, I gotta finish this or else I won't be able to play the new episode tomorrow. Stay strong, Lapis. Weren't these two people based off of the great British baking show hosts? I love that show. And now I'm craving cake. Ugh I don't wanna fight in there, don't you know that I suck at fighting? Argh. I wanna read some fic now. Horrifying, hm? I know exactly what I'm gonna do... Okay well that was definitely PG-13 We're gonna forget that ever happened. Heh. *coughs* Hmm.. I'm gonna choose "please don't hit me". RADAR! PUT A SHIRT ON! You're a CHild! Well I just deleted all of the commentary after this so.. *insert distant screeching* Ooo Radar's feet I feel mildly bad about that.. LEVEL SIX HUNDRED?! Boy I don't have TIME for that! Wait WHAT?! Sweet J E S U S. AAA WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!! *panicked screaming* Aaaaaand now I'm dead. Darn. Okay... Oh my gosh that golemn death scene! I smell some foreshadowing.. Romeo.. Death by water? I should keep my mouth shut. That was sick, man. There's MORE?! That's it, I want this to END. Wow that attention to detail.. Me and my darn Romeo-loving-heart. There has to be SOME type of redemption. They could do so much with him... Tbh my friends think I'm crazy because of how I like Romeo but ARGH I like villains, okay?! "Just kids" just started playing INSIDE THE CABIN and now I wanna flip onto Romeo's bed and cry. NGHHH MY FEELS!!!!!!!!!! The music just synced up perfectly. *sigh* I relate to Petra too much.. I want to burst out crying now, this hit too close to home! Petra has never been my favorite character but I can relate to her on a spiritual level. Man I came to have a good time and now I'm feeling personally attacked. AND THIS SAD MUSIC ISN'T HELPING Potato451? Hmm Potato backwards is Otatop. Top? Ota.. Obsidian? Top? The top? Top of the world? The sky? I'm probably taking this way too outta context. OUCH. ma feels. ... Just kids. IS SHE CRYING?! OH MY GOD CAN I ALSO CRY???? Wait this is changing my story? Oh god what have I done? <<later>> Hello, Xara, darling. What exactly did she "repair"? Have a bed, forget my hypocrisy. Wait.. where did she go? FIGHTING argh. Wow I'm alive. Hey Jack. Oh yeh I was gonna go back and save his eye. ..can I do that? I hope that wouldn't corrupt my save file. Okay.. Oh no radar or Fred's people? Radar... I'll see you on the other side. I have a bad feeling about leaving him. But it's his time to shine, and I won't take it from him. The order's temple.. WHO DARES GIVE ME THESE F E E L S?! Nurm just jumped into Jack's arms, everything is going swell- *sees Beacontown* Oh fuuuuu WAIT NO DONT YOU DARE CUT OFF RIGHT NOW!!! Oh my gosh it's Jack's lament. 50% 50% on the scavenger deal, hm. 51% won? That contest was easy. 32% promised to stay with Petra 50% on giving Xara her bed 51% took Fred's friends MMM JACK YOUR BEAUTIFUL VOICE. I listen to that song everyday. LUKAS NOOOOOOO N O NOPE NOOOOOOOOOO LUKASSSSSSSSSSS ARGHHHHHGHHHHHHG I'm lucky that the next episode comes out in 22 hours, wow I'm late. Toodle loo until tomorrow, dears!
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cutepresea · 4 years
Memoria: Summer Jobs
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #xdu memoria scripts or #xdu scripts
Reminder  that these are copied straight  from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations,  and/or mischaracterizations are  not my doing.
In-game Summary: “Chris and Maria wind up helping out at a restaurant, but serving customers while in bikinis wasn't in the job description.”
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Maria: "Hey, could you help me put on some sunscreen?"
Chris Yukine: "Huh? Put it on yourself."
Maria: "Well, I can get my front just fine, but getting my back is a lot trickier."
Chris Yukine: "So just squirt a bunch of it back there and hope it sticks, then."
Maria: "But what if it winds up all uneven?"
Chris Yukine: "Mariaaa..."
Maria: "I'll help you do yours in return. In fact, why don't I do you first?"
Chris Yukine: "Eek! C-Careful with those hands! Th-That tickles!"
Maria: "Oh, you're ticklish, huh? You don't look the type."
Chris Yukine: "Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"
Beachgoer: "It's the Noise! Everybody, run!"
Maria: "What?!"
Chris Yukine: "Ugh. We'll talk about this later. We need to take care of this!"
Chris Yukine: "I can't believe the Alca-Noise would come out this far..."
Maria: "Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe not. Either way, their luck has run out now that we're here."
Chris Yukine: "Yeah. Let's get this over with."
Chris Yukine: "Eat this!"
Maria: "Wait, Chris! Watch your line of fire!"
Chris Yukine: "Ack! Shoot, it's heading right for that building-- Dammit, I can't stop it!"
Chris Yukine: "...So, why did we end up here?"
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Maria: "Should be obvious why, surely?"
Maria: "We were lucky that the Noise didn't hit the restaurant, however the goods near the front got destroyed, so..."
Chris Yukine: "Oh don't tell me you want us to work here to pay it off The owner told us not to sweat it."
Maria: "But it'd just feel wrong if I didn't pay them back somehow. Oh, but you're okay to leave."
Chris Yukine: "No, it's my fault they got destroyed, so I can't just leave."
Chris Yukine: "Forget about that, though, that's not the issue! What's with these outfits they have us wearing?!"
Chris Yukine: "Isn't a swimsuit under an apron just kinda weird?"
Maria: "Oh please. It's nothing to get worked up over."
Chris Yukine: "It is if you ask me!"
Maria: "I do this stuff all the time in photo-shoots. You're just being too uptight about it."
Chris Yukine: "Being an idol really warps your perception of what's normal, huh."
Maria: "Enough moaning. We have to get customers back into the restaurant."
Beachgoer A: "Yo, those waitresses are hella cute."
Beachgoer B: "I'm feeling kinda hungry now. How about we drop in and grab a bite?"
Maria: "Hi there! Come on in and have a seat."
Chris Yukine: "S-Spoken like a pro..."
Matron: "We've got four guests for table three! Could you go and get their orders?"
Chris Yukine: "Yeah, yeah. I'm on it."
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Hibiki Tachibana: "Four super-sized yakisoba! No, scratch that. Five, please!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Oh, and one grilled squid."
Chris Yukine: "Ack! What are you guys doing here?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Well, when we got back to where we thought you were, you were gone, along with our stuff."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "You should have given us a call."
Chris Yukine: "Crap, I totally forgot! My bad."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "But I have to say, you look good in that outfit."
Hibiki Tachibana: "It's a pretty bold choice of clothes."
Chris Yukine: "It's literally an apron on top of a swimsuit!"
Maria: "Here's your order. Five fried noodles and one grilled squid. Oh... When did you get here?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I heard Alca-Noise appeared. Sorry we didn't make it on time."
Maria: "It worked out in the end, so don't worry. But enough of that, would you mind helping me out?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "How did you end up here?"
Maria: "The restaurant got damaged during our battle."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I see. Then I wouldn't mind helping out."
Hibiki Tachibana: "And you can count on me, Hibiki Tachibana, to eat everything you've got on the menu!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Could it be... Are you paying for us, Chris-senpai?!"
Chris Yukine: "I'm not treating anyone to anything!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Nom, nom, nom... This roast squid is pretty good. I'd like seconds."
Hibiki Tachibana: "I'll have another two helpings of the super-size noodles, please!"
Chris Yukine: "You finished the first five already?!"
Chris Yukine: "I knew there was a black hole in your stomach, but geez..."
Maria: "Nice work out there. Here, you've earned yourself a breather."
Chris Yukine: "Oh, it's ramune soda. What're you giving it to me for?"
Maria: "The lady who runs this place says it's a gift for your hard work."
Chris Yukine: "Nice. I was getting a bit thirsty."
Maria: "She certainly seemed happy about receiving double her usual sales."
Chris Yukine: "Well, we're out here attracting all these customers, so duh."
Maria: "You've become a lot less timid than you were in the beginning."
Chris Yukine: "Oh, shut up."
Beachgoer: "Eeek!"
Beachgoer: "It's the Noise!"
Maria: "Again? What's going on here?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Chris-chan! Maria-san!"
Maria: "Oh, it's you. I thought you already went home."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "You should always be on standby, just in case."
Maria: "As ever, you're a lifesaver."
Chris Yukine: "If it weren't for those damn Alca-Noise, I wouldn't have to be humiliated like this..."
Chris Yukine: "I'll make them pay for this!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Chris-chan, that look on your face is kinda scary!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Sh-She's thirsting for blood..."
Chris Yukine: "Phew... That's much better."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "You let off some serious steam there, Yukine."
Chris Yukine: "No, I didn't. I just dealt with the cause of the issue."
Maria: "In any case, both the customers and shop are unscathed."
Chris Yukine: "But you really looked the part back at the restaurant. Do you like stuff like that?"
Maria: "That's not really it."
Maria: "If I've made up my mind on something, I'll give it 100%. That's all."
Chris Yukine: "Yeah, yeah. Well done you."
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Hibiki Tachibana: "But all's well that ends well, right? I got a load of yakisoba and some other food as thanks."
Kirika Akatsuki: "We should have a party once we get back!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I can't wait."
Chris Yukine: "You've still got space for more food?! Won't you get a stomachache?!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Don't worry about me, my belly will be A-okay!"
Chris Yukine: "Not in the morning, it won't!"
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