#acidstrike ramble
acidstrike · 1 year
Ok this can’t just be me that feels bad for Alex Kralie because this poor man gets so much hate. He’s scared shitless and doing what he thinks would help. Honestly, he’s done bad stuff, murder isn’t chill and all that, but he’s fuckin terrified. I’m tired of people hating on Slenderverse villains bc they don’t do good things. Yes, Alex Kralie killed people. It’s almost like he’s not a good person. Yes, HABIT is a horrible creature. That’s kinda the whole point. People that say “Alex Kralie fans dni” and “HABIT fans dni” piss me off immensely. They’re my problematic faves and I’ll die on this hill. Piss your pants if you disagree.
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acidstrike · 1 year
Thinking about Handplates-- specifically how close it is to ending. I know I'm just some guy on the internet (aren't we all?) But seeing this comic end is going to be bittersweet. On one hand, I'm hella happy and excited- but on the other, there's still a little kid in me that read it and found comfort in all the angst- If 12 year old me is reading this- I love you. I know it's hard, and I'm proud of you. (Also you're going to kin Gaster but shhhh) But like-- crying at 1:26 in the morning over an Undertale comic wasn't how I wanted to spend my night, but here I am. Here we are.
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acidstrike · 6 months
Saying this mostly for myself but I think some others could use the message too.
I love you. No, it doesn’t matter if you haven’t brushed your teeth or cleaned your room. I don’t care what you look like. I choose to care, every single day, and it brings me so much joy and happiness knowing that I get to love so many amazing people. The world is a scary place. Hell, I’m sixteen years old, trans, and I live in the US. That alone means that there’s a lot against me, but I still wake up in the morning and decide “Hey, I’m going to love unapologetically.” because there’s nothing wrong with caring for people, even if you might not know them personally. The idea that men being affectionate with each other implies that they’re romantically involved is stupid. I love my friends and I’ll kiss them goodnight and cuddle them and make them all the delicious food they could ever want. I’d rather stay up every night of my life listening to other people’s problems than lose anyone.
At the end of the day, even at your lowest point, I love you.
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acidstrike · 2 years
hear me out.
Edd as a scene kid.
that is all.
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acidstrike · 3 months
not saying i encourage it but like why is piracy so bad anyways?? i use the metaphor of someone stealing your car in the middle of the night, but when you wake up it’s still in your garage, same as ever
your car is still there, and someone else has a car now, so who’s hurting from it? and if theoretically i’m pirating a video game, my singular purchase of the game isn’t going to drastically change the lives of the people that made it (unless it’s an indie game, in which case you should buy the game the proper way)
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acidstrike · 4 months
don’t you hate when you’re having a nice nap and then your dad calls you up and wakes you with 14 different sidequests just because he fuckin can??? like, i’ve got little brothers that are perfectly capable of doing this shit
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acidstrike · 10 months
I’m tired and at work hit me with some asks or not idc
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acidstrike · 2 years
Pick a KK Slider song that you associate with me :3 plz it’s for a thing
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