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We mentioned @jimmycthatsme in our last podcast. He just finished up at the #acidcannes2018 with his feature "Thunder Road." The movie won best picture at the @sxsw festival. We at 2TU are excited to see it when it hits domestic distribution! Reported: @jimmycthatsme (at U.S. Postal Service Warrendale, PA)
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Bravo et merci #cotedazurfrance #CotedAzurNow #cannesisyours #hotelleflorian #frenchmerveilles #airrace #esports #inspirant #CimerAlbert #MaVilleEstUnJardin #VisitCotedAzur #FestivalduFilmCannes #MarcheduFilmCannes #CannesCourtMétrage #SemaineDeLaCritique #Cinéfondation #UnCertainRegard #acidcannes2018 (à Cannes)
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