patroklxs · 6 years
          [ TEXT : ANDY ] Did you say something weird to Scott when I went to clock in?
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somniiaris · 6 years
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                ‘  stop  breaking  things ---   if  you  break  something  again  i’ll  rip  your  arms  off !   ’    @achillitatos
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seanymphic-blog · 6 years
sat  down  on  the  warm  sand  ,     the  goddess  awaits  her  son’s  arrival  as  she  gazes  at  the  calm  sea  and  breaths  in  the  fresh  air  that  the  wind  brings.  time  passes  slowly  when  her  boy  doesn’t  call  for  her  ,  but  the  happiness  of  seeing  him  is  worth  the  wait  ,  even  if  it  means  that  she  has  to  wait  centuries.  a  month  is  nothing  compared  to  the  millenia  lived  without  him  gracing  earth.
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                                 head  turns  upon  hearing  his  steps  ,  the  look  in  her  eyes  shifting  from  distant  to  warm  ,  serene  whenever  he  comes  to  see her.    ‘  achilles.  ’   honeyed  voice  greets  him  ,  hand  patting  the  place  beside  her  as  a  subtle  smile  graces  her  lips.  one  look  at  his  face  ,  however  ,  brings  a  thoughtful  cloud  to  her  mind.  she  had  expected  his  sunlit  gaze  and  handsome  smile  ,  not  a  grimace.   ‘  what  is  wrong ?   didn’t  you  find  him ?   i  thought  that  would  make  you  happy.  ’      //   @xakhilleus​
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dionysick · 6 years
@achillitatos !
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    SHE’S NEVER BEEN GOOD at respecting personal space, and it certainly doesn’t seem like she’s going to start now. mickey appraises andy, leaning up on her toes as if to get a better look at him. “hmm -- you are pretty but i’m not entirely sure i’d buy you as a girl. maybe it was different back on skyros.”
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reignofolympus · 6 years
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      ❛     do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me?     ❜
@achillitatos liked for a halsey starter. 
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sinsailstheseas · 6 years
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nectaric · 6 years
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     ❛     you’re far too old to be called my grand baby, but you’re going to humour an old woman anyway.   do you always look this tired?     ❜
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maywreath-a · 6 years
❧ * | ❛ SWIFT-FOOTED ! ❜ ⋰ @achillitatos
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              EMERALD  GAZE  CUNNING  AS  A THIEF  IN  THE  NIGHT  !  Prying  eyes  do  not  hide  ,   rather  she  sizes  up  the  hero  before her  with  unperturbed  scrutiny  .  ❛  Voluptuous ,  URGENT ,  and  charming  . ❜  A  satisfied  hum  drifts  past  petaled  lips  .  ❛   Your  reputation  proceeds  you  ,  son  of  Peleus . ❜
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patroklxs · 6 years
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@achillitatos liked this for a starter.
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     “It is clear that your presence here is some sort of trickery of Merlin’s,” Arthur said, skepticism and suspicion lacing his words. “It appears as though I am looking in a mirror... yet, you are not me, are you?”
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seanymphic-blog · 6 years
thetis  is  a  big  fan  of  self  care.  she  will  only  put  achilles  and  her  sisters  before  her  wellbeing  ,  otherwise  she’s  pretty  focused  on  her  own  health !  it  was  hard  to  learn  how  to  love  herself  again  and  how  to  take  proper  care  of  herself ;  after  achilles’  death  she  mostly  focused  on  the  nereids  and  on  maintaining  peace  on  sea.  she  directed  her  hatred  towards  pirates  and  her  love  to  her  sisters  ,  detaching  from  herself  in  this  process.  it  took  her  decades  to  realize  that  if  she  ,  as  a  leader  ,  doesn’t  take  care  of  herself  then  she  cannot  care  for  the  nereids  and  the  sea.  she  cannot  do  the  two  things  she  is  meant  to  do.
she  practices  meditation  and  she  enjoys  alone  time  with  a  drink  and  music  in  the  background.  she  works  out  and  treats  herself  to  good  and  healthy  meals.  thetis  is  also  a  lover  of  bathbombs  and  scented  candles !  bath  time  is  almost  a  ritual  for  her.  it’s  the  time  she  thinks  about  her  life  and  she  prays  for  luck  and  health  and  serenity.
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speedin · 6 years
4) Tell a joke. (Preferably a really bad one)
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@achillitatos // ACHILLES, with Artemis
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                 Something dark and foul has laced itself within the air, within the unspoken barrier binding Artemis’ forest to only herself. She can feel the intruder as HE enters her wood, sulking between trees, feet thudding upon the ground. Having been with her huntresses near a riverside, tending to a white elk she had slain, Artemis releases a loud and feral sigh, and realizes her peaceful afternoon is about to become far more troublesome than she had intended. Rising, she raises her hand to keep her huntresses still, and ventures back into her woods. Her bow is in her hand, her arrows prepped at her back. A man is in her woods, so she is prepared to attack.
                   She finds the intruder moving through her trees. Even from afar, she can almost find herself recognizing the features he wears. She cannot say for certain who he is, not until she has stepped closer to confirm it. In any case, she has no intention of dawdling back. So, with that, she moves forward with the shadows, as a predator would, until she is standing at the appropriate distance. Her bow is drawn, arrow in hand. “ Identify yourself, for you are in the wood of Artemis ! ”
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wingresistance · 4 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮?  
cassandra. you are cassandra from the trojan women by euripides and agamemnon by aeschylus. people have tried to silence you one too many times, but you are resilient. your own dignity and agency have always come first, but at a great cost. you know yourself and your inner strength, but that won't ever stop you from feeling completely alone in the world. sometimes simply enduring the pain won't be enough, no matter how hard you want it to be. above all, you must never lose your unwavering hope in mankind, even as the world forsakes you. it is what keeps you human.
tagged by: no one ! 
tagging:  @scavengered ; @hedefects ; @sunwalker ; @elysianrule ; @achillitatos ; @ofnegotiatcr + whoever wants to! 
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mythcsborn-a · 4 years
@achillitatos I SEE YOU HI
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chalceus-a · 6 years
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         ❝ your armor is complete. if it does not hold up to your standards, i will adjust so they do. try them, and do not hold any criticism back. ❞
@achillitatos / liked (  accepting  )
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