#✧ —— ` a start like a gunshot. ( starter )
callsign-dexter · 9 months
"I got you, Baby Girl."
Request: Hmmm this is so hard to pick, all of them are so angst!! How about…. “hey – stay with me.” For Baby Bradford Universe…
❤️love you!!
Starter- Hey-stay with me.
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader, Lucy Chen x Daughter!Reader, Tim Bradford x Lucy Chen
Warnings: angst, guns, gunshot wound
Baby Bradford: A Little Fighter
miscellaneous angst starters.
A/N: Thank you @maverick-wingman for this angst request you really do know how to wreck me......
Banner done by @callsigns-haze
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Tim always knew that his little girl, himself, and Lucy would be in danger due to their job especially when the people got out that they put away wanted revenge. That is why he kept his private life and his work separate but only let the people he worked with know about his little girl, Y/N, because he knew they would protect her with their lives. He didn’t like when she had to be left alone, he always wanted someone with her at all times and for her to have her location on and of course Y/N got irritated about it but she understood and didn’t put up too much of a fight, she loved her dad.
It was a Friday evening and he and Lucy just gotten off, Saturday was meant for them to be off until Monday with Y/N but they had gotten news that they needed to go in to work that day, they weren’t happy about but did as they did what they were told. Now they just had to break the news to Y/N which wasn’t going to be easy because the 15-year-old cherished her time with her dad and, now, mom, on their off days. Both of them had just picked up their kid and were heading home, they decided to tell her over supper. She had just hopped into the car after putting her backpack in smiling at her parents. “Hey, Mom and Dad!” She exclaimed as she buckled herself in and once, she was Tim started to drive off.
“Hey, Baby Girl.” Tim said smiling at her through the review mirror and then quickly putting his eyes back on the road.
“Hey, Buttercup.” Lucy said actually being able to turn around and look at her. She had given the girl the nickname because she loved the movie The Princess Bride and Buttercup was one of her favorites and she also like Reese Peanut Buttercups.
“How was your day?” Tim asked still focusing on the road and she shrugged.
“It was ok. One of the seniors got arrested because he was caught harassing a teacher and was high.” She said and they were surprised.
“Wonder why we didn’t hear about it.” Lucy said having turned back around.
“School security arrested him.” She said like it was nothing and to her it probably was nothing due to her parents being cops. After a few minutes of driving and nothing more was talked about the topic of food came up.
“What do you want for supper?” Tim asked and she looked at him and thought about it.
“I’ve been wanting BBQ.” She spoke
“Make it or buy it?” He asked her.
“Make it. You make the best BBQ.” She said and Lucy nodded in agreement and he smirked.
“You got it. What do you want with it?” He asked
“Mac and cheese.” Lucy and Y/N said at the same time and Tim smirked it was a good thing that Lucy and his daughter had similar tastes. The were home and no time and they were getting out of the vehicle which was now parked in the garage and heading inside. Once they were in, they took off shoes and as Y/N was sitting her backpack down and was about to head upstairs her father stopped her.
“Do your homework so you’re not waiting until last minute.” He said knowing she had a habit of doing so.
“Fine.” She sighed in frustration and sat down to begin her homework which could be done in no time since she excelled in mostly all subjects. By the time dinner was ready her homework was done and they could eat. As they got their plates of homemade BBQ and homemade mac and cheese along with their drink choices they began eating and it was mostly quiet until Tim started to speak up.
“Lucy and I got called in to work tomorrow.” Tim said he and Lucy watched their daughter’s face go through so many emotions while he took a drink of his water.
“What?” She finally asked once it hit her.
“Oh, Buttercup. It’s only for Saturday and then you have us all day Sunday.” Lucy said and Y/N was not satisfied with that answer and they could tell by the quietness that she went into.
“Nolan is going to be with you.” Tim said and she nodded as if saying ‘ok’. They hated telling her bad news because she always seemed to get down but they had to tell her eventually. Tim and Lucy looked at each other but they continued on with dinner and when they tried to make small talk all they got were one worded or short answers. The only thing that made it better was that Nolan was going to be with her while they were working, she absolutely that man and maybe because it was that he was gentle and patient with her. When dinner was over, they put their plates in the dishwasher and then headed into the living where they always had a movie night after dinner, it had become a tradition, after changing into their pajamas. Y/N had fallen asleep with her head in her dad’s lap. When the movie was over Tim had picked her up and headed into her room and tucked her in and then giving her a kiss to her head “I love you, Baby Girl.” He said and then headed back out into the living room where he and Lucy watched an episode of a show they had started and then they were headed to bed.
Saturday rolled around and Tim and Lucy were up early preparing to go into work. After they both had showered and packed the doorbell rang and they knew it was Nolan and Tim went to answer it, as Lucy began to get their coffee ready. She was making Tim’s first because it would take longer because he wanted the coffee pot and her’s wouldn’t take long because it was in a Keurig, he swore he would never use one of those ever. “Hey, Nolan.” Tim greeted him and let him.
“Good morning, Tim.” He said and just about that time Y/N walked into the kitchen and smiled at everyone and greeted everyone. “Good morning, Lucy and Y/N.” He added.
“Good morning, Mom, Dad, and Uncle Nolan.” She said and hugged them all.
“Alright, we’re about to head out soon. You be good for him and Nolan,” Tim said turning towards him “don’t let her drag you into anything or let her trick you.” He said knowing that Nolan had a weak spot for the young girl and he nodded.
“Noted.” Nolan said
“There are leftovers in the fridge or feel free to go out.” Lucy said and Nolan and Y/N nodded. “Alright, Tim we got to go.” Lucy said looking at her watch and then hugging her daughter and kissing the side of her head as Tim nodded and did the same thing.
“We love you.” Tim said
“Love you too.” She said and they headed out after saying bye to Nolan. Once they were gone, they turned to each other.
“Movie day and then out for lunch?” Y/N asked him knowing the answer because that became their tradition as well.
“Absolutely.” He said and she smiled and they went into the living room and began their day. It was only 8 AM so they had some time before lunch. Breakfast consisted of junk food and some movies that had some bad acting especially the cop movies, which everyone liked to nick pick.
 12 PM rolled around and Y/N and Nolan were headed to their favorite café that they liked to visit when they are together and well everyone’s favorite. As they pulled up, they were laughing and having a good time but something just didn’t feel right when they walked in but they decided to ignore it and continue on. They ordered and waited for their food and when it was ready, they went and sat outside wanting to enjoy the sunny day. The feeling of something bad happening slowly ebbed away as they talked and made jokes. It was nearing the end of lunch for them and both Nolan and Y/N were done and she had decided to take the trash up and then maybe she could get him to agree to get some ice cream and everyone’s favorite place. Just as Y/N had thrown away her garbage she heard her last name being shouted. “Yo, Bradford.” The voice shouted and she turned around smiling expecting to find one of her friends but it quickly went away when she didn’t recognize the person and gun was pointing at her “This is for my dad.” He said and before she could answer he pulled the trigger and everyone started shouting and then he took off running. Pain was what hit her first after the initial shock wore off and she made a face as her hands went towards her abdomen and she fell to her knees.
Nolan heard the shout and looked up from his phone and saw the scene and paled and then jumped into action and as he was heading towards them the distinct sound of a gunshot going off was heard and at first, he ducked but then kicked himself into gear. He pulled out his gun and was about to pull the trigger but he was already too far ahead and around other people. “Call 911.” Nolan said to someone and they nodded and then he was off to Y/N. “Hey, Y/N/N. You’re going to be ok.” He said and while covering her hands with his hands but she was losing blood fast and she wasn’t saying anything just staring at him and gasping for air. He was about to say something when he heard sirens and then footsteps behind him and he looked back behind him and saw Tim and Lucy coming over.
“Y/N?” Tim asked and knelt down next to them “What happened?” He asked Nolan as he took over pressure and that made his daughter cry out.
“She went to throw away the trash and I was answering some emails and texts when I heard a shout and looked up. The guy had a gun pointed at her and I jumped into the action but couldn’t get a shot off because he was already too far away.” Nolan explained but Tim didn’t say a word too worried about his daughter, he wasn’t mad at Nolan.
“Angela and Jackson are going after him now.” Lucy said and then Y/N started to cough and blood was starting to come out of her mouth and flow down her chin.
“Hey-stay with me.” Tim said when he noticed her eyes start to shut and breathing started to become irregular. There wasn’t an exit wound and that worried him. “I’ve got you, Baby Girl.” Tim started trying to keep it together but his voice was slowly cracking “Dad and mom are here.” He said knowing she would find comfort in that Lucy was there too. The ambulance rolled up and were quick to load her up and head to the hospital with everyone behind them.
When they got to the hospital Y/N was immediately rushed into surgery and now Tim, Lucy, and Nolan had to wait. Grey had heard and was immediately there as well along with Talia, even though she had moved to a different department Lucy was quick to let her know, Harper, who was quick to grow close to the girl because she reminded her of her child and would protect her at all cost and Nolan let her know, Angela, and Jackson. Wesley Evers even showed up after hearing the news from Angela since she was on the phone with him and he had to admit he cared for Y/N Bradford and she had grown close to him. “We caught the man. He was the son of someone that Tim had put away a few months ago and he somehow figured out she was your daughter. He wanted revenge. He’s going away for attempted murder.” Grey said and they nodded.
Grey had immediately let Tim and Lucy have the rest of the day off since it was their child in the hospital. Everyone else besides Nolan, Harper, and Wesley had to go back to work. Nobody talked while they waited Tim was just staring at his hands, his hands that were stained with his daughter’s blood something that he wished would never happen. He had tried to wash them off but it had worked only a little bit and the same went for Nolan.
4 hrs is how long they waited until a doctor was coming out. Wesley and Harper had gone to grab everything Tim, Lucy, Nolan, and Y/N needed from home. They tried to get Nolan to go home and rest but he refused to leave his niece behind. Grace Sawyer had been her doctor and her heart dropped when she saw it was Y/N that she was going to be working on, even though she had met the teenager a few times the two grew close, Grace saw them and walked over to the small group.
“Grace.” Tim said “How is she?” He asked and Grace smiled but it was a small one.
“It was touch and go and we almost lost her because of blood loss but she’s a little fighter.” She said and everyone nodded agreeing “The bullet entered her abdomen and then traveled and hit one of her lungs and collapsed it which was why her breathing was labored. We got all of the bullet out and fixed her lung. She’s in recovery and everyone can go an see her now Gino will be here nurse.” She said and they nodded. Gino and her had also become close after the short interactions they also became close but then again that was just how she was and nobody could resist her. “I’ll show you to her room.” She said and they followed her “She’ll be out of it for a while just so she’s not in as much pain and it was a pretty major surgery.” She added when they got there Gino was making sure everything was set to go and smiled and greeted everyone when they got there but was quick to leave so that they could have some time with her.
Everyone took a seat and they waited. Tim was sat the closest to holding her hand being careful of the IV. While Lucy beside him and Nolan on the other side. Nobody spoke and they only sound was the steady heartbeat coming from the heart monitor. They knew that she was going to be ok because she’s a Bradford and Bradford’s don’t let anything take them down even if it is a gunshot wound. She also had the best doctor and the best nurse on her side.
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justavoiceinthevoid · 11 months
So I'm still in the process of editing but I thought I would post a little sneak peak of my fic - full work should be up on ao3 sometime next week, fingers crossed!
Some hefty spoilers in here, fair warning :)
The memories return in fragments.
At first they’re just flashes, strange and disjointed. Bolts of lightning he can’t quite catch in focus. He glances up at some fancy office block across town, and right before he blinks the sign reads 'Harker & Co.'. The bustling noise of The Silk swells to gunfire, just for a moment. He passes a woman on the street selling sweets and feels the phantom weight of change in his hand.
Karl does his best to ignore them. He’s just got too much on his mind – an entire fucking war, for starters, and the constant nuisance of Farrell’s lot breathing down his neck. Add in the fact that he hasn’t had a decent night’s sleep since 1939, and it’s a wonder this shit didn’t start earlier. They’re distractions, is all. Nothing a pint or four can’t fix.
But they get worse.
He’s in Calloway’s office going over some last-minute report when the man drops dead in front of him. The room goes dark as he sinks to his knees, gunshot ringing in his ears. Blood seeps out across the floor and it’s his fault, he’s failed, they’re going to get away with it they can’t get away with it he owes it to her –
A hand on his shoulder. “Whiteman?”
Calloway is staring at him, brow furrowed. There’s no blood. No shadows. Early afternoon sunlight filters in through the office window.
Karl sucks in a breath, runs a hand through his hair. “Sorry, sir. Lost my train of thought.”
Calloway dismisses him soon after – he can’t seem to keep track of the conversation anymore. He meets Farrell’s glare on the stairwell, and suddenly he’s staring at a photograph on a piano, half-mumbled lyrics echoing – we’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when –
He misses a step. Farrell smirks, shoulders past him without a word.
Kathleen glances up at him as he passes her desk. “You alright, Charlie? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
He swallows, forces his hands to unclench. “Just fine, thanks, Kath.” He leans in with a lazy smile. “Could murder a cup of tea, though."
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Closed starter with: @nytehavyn-circle
Rebecca was in trouble and she knew it, blood dripped from the various wounds on her body. Her eye was swollen shut and it was getting hard to breathe, she had managed to take out almost all of her attackers but a few had escaped and were currently chasing her. Stopping around a corner she managed to pull her phone out, she hesitated slightly calling him. She hated to be a burden to him but she was in dire need of help, and she had nobody else to call.Taking a deep breath she dialed his number and heard it ring a couple of times “Please pick up” she mumbled softly. Hearing gunshots she stashed her phone in her pocket and took off again “Fucking assholes just let me leave!” A stray bullet hits her arm and she screams “Son of a bitch,couldn’t you at least have bad aim?!” 
Hearing voices coming closer, she tried to use her powers making one of the men shoot the other. Her arm drips blood and she feels woozy, unsure if her phone is still working she talks loud enough in case the call went through “Handsome, uh hi its Rebecca. I need your help badly got caught up in something and it’s not going well at all, I feel like a pin cushion except add bullet holes and various wounds” Coughing slightly she winces hearing a wheeze, closing her eyes she starts to slump down the wall before everything goes dark.
Groaning she wakes slightly, her eye is fully swelled shut, going to move her arms she quickly realizes that she is zip tied to a chair. Three men smirk at her and hold up knives “You hurt ours now we get to hurt you” Rolling her eyes she tries to use her powers and is met with a blinding headache complete with nosebleed “Fucking assholes! What the hell did you do?” Wincing she feels a sharp pain to her face “I’m going to kill you if or should I say when I get free!” The men laugh “Nobody is coming to save you Pandora” Wincing at the use of her other name she struggles “I’ll kill you!” She hoped her phone had worked, she needed help and now.
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bl00dst41ned · 1 year
Can you do jobe with a olympic sprinter winner?
Have a nice day/night 💋
*.·:·.✦ not so discreet ✦.·:·.*
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pairing: jobe bellingham x sprinter reader
summary: in which you and Jobe’s complicity seems to get noticed, even through screens
author's note: second fic of the day. requested by kaycstuff (can't id you, sorry), thanks for the request. I'm getting rid of all my requests today. since school started again, I'm gonna have to be less here so enjoy and see you in a few.
word count: 514
You walked in place, trying to get your body for this big moment. Nothing right now mattered to you, it felt like you were the last person on Earth. The speakers announced your category making you walk to your lane. They announced all the contestants, each smiling to the camera as they received claps from the public, you as well.
The tension grew as all of you contestants had to get to your starting blocks. You got in position , attentive to what the starter said.
The gunshot sound resounded as you took off running.
“That’s it, the 100m women’s sprint starts. And despite a slow start, Y/N L/N seems to fly over the show as she passed all her rivals !” The commentator voiced loudly as the race took place. “Y/N L/N distancing all of the other contestants to cross the finish line !!”
You had done it. All the training you did for the past year finally paid off as you were the 100m sprint winner.
“Y/N L/N, soon turning 19, wins her first gold medal at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games !!”
The video stopped as you looked at your fellow co-host for this interview, Jobe Bellingham.
“How did you feel after winning the race?” He read the question written on his card.
You two were in the middle of an interview.
“Well” You started, your mind back at that special moment. “Proud. Very proud of myself. I tend to doubt myself a lot but that day confirmed everything and I really told myself: ‘See, you can do anything’” You answered with the biggest smile on your face.
“You look silly smiling like that” Jobe broke your happy bubble your face falling straight as he laughed at you. “I’m playing, sorry”
“This is not enough” You side-eyed him making him sighed and sit up straight.
“I, Jobe Bellingham” He started solemnly as you slightly smiled. “presented to you my deepest and most sincere excuses for ruining your moment, happy?”
You both asked a few questions to one another before ending the interview. You both got up from your seats. You hurried to get your stuff and leave. Before you could even open the door, you felt some arms wrap around your waist and a face bury in your neck.
“You looked great today” Jobe left soft kisses on your cheek, a smile growing on your face.
“Thank you, you looked good too” You returned the compliment turning to face him.
Unfortunately, your manager had to interrupt your little moment to tell you to hurry.
“Sorry, wish I could stay longer” You apologized to him
He just mumbled ‘it’s okay’ before giving you a goodbye. He stood and watched as you left, turning around to wave at him one last time before disappearing out of his sight.
YouTube - Athletes Y/N L/N and Jobe Bellingham interview each other
never imagine them having that much chemistry
2,4 k likes
the stares, the giggles, i see the signs
these two can’t fool us
5,4 k likes
if only they knew
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like and repost (hope you guys enjoyed it)
masterlist for more
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littlehell-painter · 3 months
((starter for @sirserpentine
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The days in hell were always full of noise and chaos. The sounds of crowded bars, the loud music from strip clubs, screams, and the occasional gunshot being fired in someone's direction filled the air.
But today, something different caught the attention from some sinners. Music, not from a bar or a club, but from the street. A small circle of sinners had gathered, focusing on one figure in the middle. The figure, with hair the color of fire and eyes like Cupid's arrow of passion, danced elegantly, captivating the crowd.
Suddenly, the dancer stopped and pulled a random sinner from the audience—a snake-like naga. She smiled, raised her arms to her waist, and began to sing, her voice weaving a spell over the gathered sinners.
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꒰ ❛ Dawn
I will never let you let me leave
I promise I'm not lying
Go ahead ask anybody who has seen me trying ❜ ꒱
Starting that upbeat song, she stretched out the front of her body with a silly smile, continuing to sing. Her voice was lively and infectious, drawing even more attention from the crowd. The naga she had pulled into the circle seemed entranced, swaying to the rhythm as her melody filled the air. The atmosphere shifted, and for a moment, the usual chaos of hell seemed distant, replaced by the energy and joy of her performance.
꒰ ❛ I'm not going, if it seems like I did
I'm probably waiting outside ❜ ꒱
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izloveshorses · 3 months
Why not all of them?
But just for starters, what about the one where they sneak around and fuck all summer? I think that's my favorite one of yours to read.
lol ayyeeeeeee i can work with that!!!
for clarification to those who missed, anon is asking for a director's cut commentary of this fic!
let's split this up section by section, bc it's a long fic 💀
section one:
we start us off with the classic post canon divergent "they missed each other on the bridge, so now anya is fully committed to being anastasia until one day dmitry strolls back into town" au. full disclosure i started this fic fully committed to not thinking too hard about very much ahdlksjf so dmitry literally strolls back into her life without any further explanation. in the fic before in this series, they obviously expressed some feelings ashldjkf but they didn't exactly Talk about any of it, so there's a lot left to be said here. but at the same time, once it's all out in the open-- that they simply miss each other-- they're on the same page and are able to start right where they left off, if that makes any sense.
idk how detailed you want me to be about the smut lol but in general i think anya is like always down to Jump him and dmitry has to catch up. and i think, based on descriptions of how the murder was executed (gunshots and bayonets to the chest) anya would have some pretty graphic scars that might cause some insecurity.
and when they're done, even tho they said they love each other, i think dmitry would still assume he wasn't welcome to stay the night/ that she didn't actually want him long term. which is dumb i know lol but he's an overthinker and has low self esteem, so can u blame him? so that moment towards the end of this section where anya asks him to stay was supposed to have a some emotional weight to it. and the line from the next morning, “I just really, really don’t want my second introduction with your grandmother to start with me buck naked in your bed," makes me laugh every time 🙈
section two:
this is how we go from just a silly night together to a ~pattern~. a habit. i like the bit with the tiara, this whole scene sort of spawned from that thought. i really really love writing pillow talk, which is this entire fic ahlskjdf so this scene they're just cuddling and chatting and i had a lot of fun <3 anya is sort of his common sense filter? she gives him very logical ideas of where to find a job and he's like oh i hadn't thought of that 🧐 it's just that they are both sort of lost at this point and they help each other find ways to ground themselves, reconcile the hardships they lived through with the lives they are living now, and get through the day, one step at a time.
section three:
montage moment! this scene was originally split into two or three and in different spots, but in order to fit everything we had to condense a bit. i knew we needed a moment with vlad, both to see how he's doing emotionally without his friend and bc it's funny to think about anya being a little flustered when the subject of dmitry comes up lol. the bit with the birthday gift was originally closer to the scene with the party/dancing/etc that dmitry gets invited to! but anya's birthday is in june so for the timeline to work out her birthday had to be earlier in the fic anyway. and i wanted the party to be later so their public reunion™ wouldn't raise too many questions yet, so the scene was split. it took me a long time to decide What the king of random gifts gives her, but i think a camera was perfect bc anastasia did carry one around a lot <3 nicholas was a big fan of photography and had all sorts of cameras laying around and was a fiend about documenting his family. so anya would have that muscle memory in her :)
this scene was also important to plant the seeds of how they aren't quite on the same page about the future. they're super into each other, obviously, but they haven't really talked about anything long term yet beyond tomorrow. anya wants something permanent but doesn't want to pop the happy bubble yet.
section four:
this might be my favorite part of the whole fic. i'm a simple girl, i love dmitry cooking and i love soft domesticity and (again) i love cuddling and pillow talk <33 this was meant to give them a taste (no pun intended) of what life could be like if she wasn't anastasia™, and it gives them a reason to be a little discontent with what's going on now. dmitry's work hours are Icky and anya doesn't really like her life as anastasia at all aslhkjdf but also they only have each other in a very limited way.
and again, they aren't on the same page in regards to the future, though they don't know it yet. again anya sort of tests the idea of marriage but dmitry still hasn't quite wrapped his head around the belief that he's actually enough for her. unlike his former conman lifestyle™ of reaching for things out of his reach, he thinks he needs to try to be content with what he has while he has it, because he's not used to people wanting him for more than a little fling. obviously anya is the love of his life and he's hers, but he doesn't really know how to believe that yet.
section five:
another montage moment! i wrote some of this very early on in the process <3 i really liked the part where they talk about their parents and how dmitry is a royalist now lol but i wasn't really sure where to put it in the fic 💀 but this is where it landed. and i also like anya telling him about the callers lined up for tomorrow, bc she finds it absolutely hilarious that anyone would even try to court her when her beautiful secret bf dmitry exists! and of course dmitry would just be sulky and jealous and sad at first. the man is too insecure. but she's like no mister this is supposed to be funny 😤 anyway yeah they are very cute to me 🙈
section six:
once again anya is always down to jump him 🌚 i knew there needed to be a moment where the dowager and anastasia would go out of town to visit relatives at some point, and who doesn't love good ol reunion sex lol. and i knew vlad would invite dmitry to a Function, and i knew there needed to be a bedroom eyes in a crowded room/ 'nobody knows we've been fucking this entire time tehe 👀'/ formal dress moment™ at Some point! they had to have a public 'reunion' late in the fic bc i didn't want other characters to start to get suspicious yet. originally this was supposed to be her birthday party but i already said why that wouldn't work. and as an echo of the previous section, dmitry would of course get a little too in his head about the whole thing and go scowl in a corner somewhere, unaware anya is ready to have him all to herself rn alhsjdkf. he's obviously jealous, but not in a possessive way, he's just discontent with the arrangement. they both are. and i needed them to dance for... reasons <33
idk about y'all, but i can never get enough of anya arguing about semantics (the bit where dmitry is like 'put me on the list') and dmitry finding it irritating and adorable at the same time <3
section seven:
originally anya's maid was supposed to be the one who catches them, she was gonna have a whole arc where she parallels the working class girl anya used to be and anya was gonna confide in her/ found her to be better company than the aristocrats she hangs out with, but i didn't feel like writing all that lhasdkf. and it makes more sense to use a character we already have than to come up with a whole new rando. and lily would be able to figure it out, too, since her love affair with vlad was meant to foil dimya.
section eight:
this fight was so hard to write 💀 i didn't want to over explain, but the whole reason why it escalated to a fight was really complicated; like yeah obviously they love each other and definitely want a future together, they just weren't on the same page as to what that would look like and they needed to hash it out. they certainly know how to make each other mad 💀
section nine:
i really wanted to write dimya in this dramatic jane austen period romance™ longing for one another in a parlor over tea™ needing to break apart when someone else enters the room™ situation... so that's the real reason why they had to fight asklhjdf so we could get them to do This and Feel Big Feelings across a room 😌 and in this fic the moment with anya and the dowager before the finale didn't happen yet, so it's happening here. 'dmitry refused the reward?' is now 'dmitry is coming to tea??' and i really love it when the dowager and dmitry get to interact in any fic. it's like candy to me. so deliciously tense and awkward. i also think their sense of humor is very Situational and Strange, especially in the eyes of a proper lady like marie, so having them commit to a bit as long as they can in front of someone else is funny to me lol. and i feel like while some nasty things were said in their fight, they reconcile pretty quickly bc they just want to figure it out and that's what matters <3 the musical has a lot to say about female agency, so i wanted to echo that theme here too.
section ten:
obligatory post-elopement epilogue <3 i cut this down a lot, mostly bc a lot of it was redundant and not really going anywhere productive and somewhat bc this document, combined with the fic before, was reaching 30k and i was ready for it to be over lol. but yeah. anya gave the grand duchess lifestyle a good try, but i think this was the best compromise for her. and now that they're married anya gets to call dmitry 'grand duke' which is a personal favorite of mine that hardly ever gets used alhskjdf. and i really liked the bit where she's like lets go! and he's like rome isn't going anywhere 😪 and she's like but our train will if u don't hurry up 😤 🙈
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punish-the-guilty · 3 months
@thekavseklabs liked for a starter
If there was something Frank knew about combat it was that all the planning in the world could be undone from some unaccountable shift in luck- one way or the other. When he stood at the back entrance of the strip club he heard the unmistakable sound of gunshots coming from somewhere within the manor attached. He didn't know what was going on but if he backed out now then security would only be tighter as a result of whatever was going on now- and the three bodies he'd left staged in the flower beds.
His original plan of a quiet entrance was undone now. Instead he placed the barrel of the breaching shotgun mounted beneath his M4A1 against the frame of the back door and fired a round, quickly cycling the shotgun, and kicking the door in.
What chaos was already unleashed inside was only compounded on as Frank fired into the club's security, affluent visitors, and obvious thugs. This wasn't some random club in the city. This was an addition to the manor of a crime boss. Armed or not, nobody was here by accident. What had been made a safe haven from whatever was happening in the manor was now a trash bag for Neon City's garbage.
Frank's trigger finger only seemed to rest when swapping magazines or when one of the dancers or servers went rushing by. Bodies fell over tables, slid down walls, writhed on the floor, slumped across the seats. It was only a drop in the bucket for a city like this, but it was start.
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deathfavor · 4 months
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@kisumshi said: sender looks receiver in the eye as they shoot / stab / kill someone draken shooting kisaki :)
blood, blood, gallons of the stuff starters
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   Hanma sighs as he rubs the back of his head, listening to the elevator music that’s obnoxiously cheerful at this late hour as it takes him to the top floor. Kisaki was probably going to be pissed that Hanma was interrupting him from whatever plans he was brooding over. Typical. But he figured it was better to face his wrath now than the tenfold wrath that would unfold if he waited till tomorrow morning. The elevator dings to announce his arrival and the reaper steps out into a scene of chaos.
   Amber eyes take in the sight of the dead bodyguards on the floor then immediate flick up to the main event unfolding. There’s Kisaki, a gun pointed at his face, and then a very familiar someone holding the gun. Draken. Their eyes meet for a moment and Hanma can hear Kisaki’s intake of breath to say something – but he’ll never get to. The gunshot rings out, loud and deafening in the space and blood splatters everywhere. Hanma’s eyes dart back, away from Draken and towards Kisaki’s lifeless body dropping to the ground.
   It’s always rather stunning how quickly life can dissipate, how someone so loudly alive can be nothing but a dead corpse in seconds.
   Hanma stands just inside the doorway, and everything is eerily silent in the wake of the violence. It’s almost funny. As soon as the reaper had entered the threshold, death descended. Maybe it is the universe’s idea of a joke. Those around Hanma always seemed to meet unfortunate ends; Kisaki was bound to sooner or later too.
He moves, slow and steady, across the room until he stands towering over the fresh corpse. What a sad way to go. What a predictable way to go. Boring.
   He doesn’t look at Draken, doesn’t seem the least bit concerned about potentially being the second victim. He looks at the mangled mess of flesh and blood as it stains the carpet and waits for…something. But nothing happens. He doesn't scream, he doesn't run over, he doesn't reach for his own gun. Once he would have cried. Maybe when they were younger, when they were still shooting for the top and fighting to get there, when Kisaki still made Hanma’s world feel full of color. But the last few years had been so painfully boring. With Kisaki's dream achieved and Mikey nothig more than a puppet, Kisaki had grown…dull. Life had become uninteresting again without any threats or challenges. Hanma hated that, he hated the way apathy and boredom had dragged him back down into the depths. His circus had lost its color and Hanma had started becoming harder and harder to control, less inclined to obey, more willing to turn a blind eye to anything he saw as interesting.
 To me, you are just a tool. Once I don't see any use in you, I'll replace you. Keep this in mind, Hanma. Well, Kisaki had just been entertainment. Show’s over.
   “  Told you, Draken.  “  Hanma finally speaks, voice languid and calm.  “ Good guys like you either get killed in this life, or end up just as fucked as the rest of us. You should’ve left the gang when you had the chance. “  He rubs the back of his head, Sin still fresh and bright on his hand after the recent touchup. “ This is going to really fuck shit up. “ He grimaces at the thought. Then again, who said he had to deal with it? Maybe he’d walk away, let it all fall apart and burn. Maybe it'd be fun. “ Probably be all over the news. What a claim, eh? He had a deal going with some oversea companies too. “
   Hanma only then lifts his head, turning to look at Draken. In the face of death, even Kisaki had been afraid. Hanma isn’t. Hanma just watches Draken and then gestures to the gun with his chin. “ You going to shoot me next? “ His lips curve up, playful like he wasn’t talking about his own death. Or maybe it was exactly because it was his death that he greets it so casually. Death has followed Hanma everywhere like a shadow. He turns away from the body and bloody carpet to stare at Draken to wait for what he'd do. They both know Hanma could text a single message to everyone in a heartbeat and have all of Toman descend on here like a pack of rabid wolves; he doesn't.
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avastyetwats · 10 months
Stede Bonnet - Open Starter #2
The bullet flies past the makeshift dummy's head and connects with the wall behind it, right next to the door leading to his quarters.
"You're pathetic." He can hear his father's voice so clearly, he can see the look of hatred and disappointment in his eyes.
Another gunshot. Another miss.
"Weak." Another gunshot and this time it hits the dummy's shoulder, but it wasn't good enough for Stede. Because that isn't where he was aiming.
"Lily-livered." Tears fill Stede's eyes now, obscuring his target. "Rich boy and that's all you'll ever be. You'll never amount to anything!" Stede pulls the trigger, but nothing happens.
It's empty.
He throws the gun onto the ground and unsheathes his sword, storming towards the dummy.
"Baby bonnet!" He can hear Nigel Badminton's laugh now, but not just his - there's so many others. And they're all laughing. "Silly! Outlandish! Pathetic!"
He raises his sword and slashes downward, slicing the old shirt open. "You're no pirate! You're barely even a man!" Anger, shame, and pain fuels him as he slices at the dummy over and over and over, tears spilling from his eyes. He can't stop himself from crying no matter how hard he tries. He's pathetic. He's weak.
"You let me get away. Your plan failed, just like you always do! You're a failure, you're nothing!" Now it's Ricky's voice. The man that took so many lives because of Stede, the man that almost killed Izzy. He turned Ricky into their biggest enemy yet, just as he turned Ed into Blackbeard when he fled. When he ran. Because he was afraid. Because he was a coward.
"It's all your fault! People died because of you, Israel almost died because of you!" This time it isn't his father's voice. It isn't Nigel's voice. It isn't Ricky's voice.
It's his own.
He stabs his sword into the dummy's abdomen once, and then twice, and thrice, brutally running it through as the rage fills him. He's breaking. He's trying desperately to keep himself from shattering, but he's failing. He's always failing.
He stabs the dummy once more and this time, he can't pull his sword out. He pulls and pulls, but to no avail, so with a howl of anger, Stede releases the handle and uses his fists instead, punching the dummy's face over and over and over again until his knuckles start to bleed. "IT'S MY FAULT!" Stede cries out as he beats on the dummy, ignoring the searing pain in his hands. He deserves it anyway, doesn't he? "IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" Innocent people died because of him. The blood was on his hands. Not Blackbeard's, not Ricky's, but his. He'd been the cause of it all. Izzy's life nearly lost because of him. Because of his plan.
It's only suicide if we die. And they almost did. Israel almost did. God, he was an idiot. He was a failure. He didn't belong out here. He was no Captain. He was no pirate. He was no man. Not a good one. Everyone was right... everyone was right.
With a cry of pure anguish, Stede collapses. He shatters completely. His knees hit the floor as he grabs onto his head, sobbing loudly into the otherwise quiet night. Blood drips from his knuckles, adding to the blood he already had on his hands, as the heartbreaking cries rip through him, his body shaking, his stomach churning painfully, his heart shattered.
Stede Bonnet, not a Gentleman Pirate, but a broken man.
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wcrriorhearts · 2 years
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Everything was a blur of pain and bright lights, swirling together into a nauseating concoction her frazzled brain could not comprehend for a long moment. One second she had been approaching her car in the car park of a shopping mall, the next she had woken up in a cell, head pounding, shackled, with no recollection of what had happened, or where she was. For years she had called her father paranoid, because he believed that something like this would happen one day and it seemed like he had been right. As head of the biggest Mafia family in the world, he had put a target on all of his children and Rhaenyra now knew she should have listened to him and not ventured into public without protection. Usually Harwin accompanied her, but she had left him at home that morning to buy Christmas presents for him, so his company had not been a possibility without spoiling the holidays. Maybe she should have taken someone else, but Rhaenyra had never believed that abduction was truly a possibility. Everyone feared her father - aside from the Hightowers, as it seemed. No one had introduced themselves to her, but she had seen the subtle elements of dark green incorporated into the guard outfits, which were a telltale sign for the rivaling mafia family. Her father’s biggest thorn in his side and now also public aggressor. They were trying to force him to start an outright war and she feared that for her, he would actually do it. As her head cleared slightly, she remembered that one of the guards had brought her water and she had passed out right after. Drugged. They were trying to keep her unconscious, as it seemed, but it took her a moment longer to realize why: her left hand was missing all of her finger nails. “Son of a bitch”, she hissed at the sight, knowing they most likely had sent that to her father. Maybe she had been here longer than just a few hours? Slumping against a wall, she felt for her head and found it bloody as well. Someone must have hit her with something, but she did not remember it. There was a laceration on her hairline and her lip seemed to be split as well. Judging by the blood on the floor of her cell, it was also possible that she had tried to get up in her drugged state and hit the floor face first. Commotion outside the door attracted her attention and she tried to listen closely. Were those gunshots? Something crashed loudly not far from her cell, but before she could concentrate on any of it, she drifted back into unconsciousness.
                    plotted starter for @breakbcnes​
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here are some plots I have thought of (starting with izzy, then ed, then stede), along with links for their starters. DM if you want any info!
my muse: izzy your muse: someone from ed's crew during the kraken era. plot: one night that Ed is passed out drunk, Izzy manages to get the crew away, on a nearby island, probably at Nassau. Once he makes sure everyone is safe, Izzy tries to sneak out and go back to the ship, back to Ed. your muse catch him. the starter
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my muse: izzy your muse: anyone plot: post kraken era. the idea is that your muse is trying to tell Izzy that Ed was the abusive little shit to blame for what happened and maybe they don't want him near Izzy etc the starter
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my muse: izzy your muse: anyone in the kraken era plot: just izzy, trying to deal the starter
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my muse: izzy your muse: anyone plot: a lovely au, in which Izzy survives the gunshot, and he is thinking about being a captain. co-captain to stede, too, if your stede doesn't just give up piracy. the starter
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my muse: izzy your muse: anyone plot: after izzy dies, he becomes a ghost (buttons is still bringing him back at some point). he could either be stuck on the Revenge (since he died there) or near the cottage (since they buried him there). there might be other ghosts where he is, and they all think that no human can see them. until your muse does. the starter
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my muse: edward your muse: izzy for plot 1, anyone for plot 2 plot: plot 1) izzy comes back any way you want 2) my ghosts wishlist thing! and if we go for this one, your muse can be anyone caught ed talking to the ghost.the starter
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my muse: edward your muse: anyone (other than izzy). plot: ed joins zhang to take revenge. he is in one of his relatively good days, but...the starter
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my muse: edward your muse: your muse could be Izzy or another ghost, so it's not fandom restricted. plot: a "b.bc ghosts" based starter (here), cause I need something fun. the starter
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my muse: edward your muse: anyone visiting ed plot: a "b.bc ghosts" based starter (here), cause I need something fun. your muse could be stede or anyone visiting.the starter
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my muse: edward your muse: anyone plot: have Ed going Blackbeard again after Izzy's death, because this would actually make sense.the starter
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my muse: edward your muse: anyone that was there plot: looks like izzy has died. but has he? someone isn't ready to let go. And who knows, maybe Izzy comes back, maybe Zhang's aunt and/or buttons help! up to you! for now, have denial.the starter
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my muse: stede your muse: anyone visiting or izzy plot: post s2, stede is talking to izzy's grave. open to all muses, really, even strangers or izzy coming back!the starter
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my muse: stede your muse: anyone plot: this could be about Izzy almost dying, about him dying (in a better way tho), or everyone thinking that Izzy is dead. they are probably still on Revenge. could be at anyone on the crew, including izzy if he almost died.the starter
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"Soft and Sweet Sentence Starters"
Canon x OC CW: blood, gore, body horror/plagas doing plagas things, canon-typical violence AN: Probably not as sweet as the prompts wanted but it was a good jumping off point. Timeline-wise it would be Chapter 2-1 in RE4, and probably would be a flashback in my fic. The heavy iron doors creaked and groaned as Leon pushed them open. On the other side was a small path leading to a canyon. The rain had started to let up, but it was still cold and the sky was inky-black. Catherine and Leon could both hear the roar of rushing water and howl of the wind.
Catherine didn't realize she had started walking ahead of Leon until the sight of an approaching male villager stopped her dead in her tracks. The man walked as if drunk, his head jerking about in an erratic fashion, his mouth twisted into a wicked smile.
She noticed something VERY different about this villager--his eyes glowed red like burning charcoal, and when his skin seemed to swell up, and hearing what seemed to be the sound of bones cracking.
"Catherine, get back!" Leon called out.
Catherine heard him, but her feet felt like heavy blocks of ice. All she could do was whimper as the man's head burst, blood, fragments of bone and pieces of flesh splattering in all directions. A cluster of whip-like tentacles, with sharp bony claws emerged from the stump of what was left of the villager's neck, flailing wildly.
The canyon echoed with its ear-splitting shriek, and Catherine's mind kept urging her to move, to no avail.
As the bizarre creature closed in, Catherine felt an arm wrap around her waist, pulling her back. Her senses returned to normal, realizing Leon held her close to his side, partially behind him, his pistol drawn.
"I got you," Leon said to her in an calm, even voice.
Gunshots rang out repeatedly, causing the villager to stagger back, letting out an eerie wail as the last bullet blew the tentacles to shreds. The now headless body fell backwards, twitched for a few seconds, and finally stopped moving.
Leon lowered his gun, quickly holstering it and turning his attention to the trembling Catherine, still whimpering and clutching her jacket tight. He turned her face him, patting her back and shoulders.
"It's okay," he said in between gentle hushing sounds, "You're safe."
Catherine leaned in, pressing her head against Leon's chest, breathing a heavy sigh. She mumbled something, and Leon's expression became confused.
After five minutes of silence, she moved away a bit, facing Leon with a relieved smile.
She mumbled something once more. "…Thankyouforprotectingme…"
"Come again?" Leon asked.
Catherine wiped her eyes with her jacket sleeve.
"I just wanted to say thank you for protecting me."
@lex-the-flex @squashfics @whateverthefuckyouwantiguess @lottathoughts @xcyberhexx @allen-444 @cilantro24 @likesugarandcyanide @oreo-leon
(love u my RE peeps! <3)
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black cat and his kittens ch1
(masterpost to my fics while ao3 is down) AO3
fic under the cut
People tend to think that in any given fight you can easily make out who was the good guy and who was the bad guy.
People are wrong.
For starters there is no “good” and “bad” in a fight, both sides are fighting, regardless of the reason or who started it. Second, if there were to be a “bad” guy, that wouldn’t be a fight, but rather an attack. And that’s a whole other five cents. And lastly, good and bad are often subjective when it comes to things like that.
So you see, the freshman class 1A from UA High really couldn’t be blamed for assuming that the man completely clad in back that they had just recently seen completely decimate dozens people was a villain. The man still had a bloodied knifein his hand. And he was walking towards them.
It started off as a normal day. Everyone had woken up excited, as the day before Akaguro sensei had announced that they would be going on a field trip to a hero museum. Morning classes had gone on as normal, if not for the restless buzzing the students let off. After lunch all 18 of them  as well as Akaguro sensei had boarded a bus and been on their merry way.
The museum itself was interesting. There were expositions of the first heroes before they were even considered that and were closer to what vigilantes were today, the first batch of actually trained legal heroes, the rise and fall and rise and fall of crime through the years and how it had mutated right along with humans and their quirks, lots of spotlight heroes, big missions, underground heroes...
That last one had caught most of the class by surprise, as they hadn't known underground heroes even existed. Akaguro sensei had raised an eyebrow at that, pointing at himself and saying he was an underground hero. That made sense, as no-one had even known a Stain existed before they had met the man.
All in all it had been a fun and interesting learning experience, and by the time the museum closed and 1A was ready to return to the dorms the sun had already gone down. They were waiting in front of the bus for Akaguro sensei to finish picking up all of his weapons from reception (he had only been allowed to keep two small knives while inside the museum) when a commotion was heard to the side.
The class quickly ran toward the noise, followed by an alarmed Stain mentally reminding himself to teach their students to not go in headfirst into unknown situations. They were led to a park a block down from the museum.
“Stay here” - their teacher commanded while running towards the ongoing fight. It was only years of trained reflexes that stopped him getting a face full of unconscious man. 1A was worried now. That was a body that had just flown past their teacher. Before anyone could do anything, though, their teacher was already yelling and running forward again.
“Get back to the bus! Shi-“ the class had no time to hear anymore as Stain joined the fight. The class started to back away, but like the good curious teenagers they were, didn’t fully go away. There were so many people fighting that the class could barely make out their teacher in between all of them and they couldn’t see who was fighting who in the dim lighting of the park at night.
It was only as a gunshot followed by a yelp of pain that the class, and all of the fighters, froze for a fraction of a second. That second was apparently all it took for the fight to turn even more violent.
Despite being a ways away, the class could feel an intense pressure, like a heavy blanket of fear, of mururdous intent. They could hear enraged yelling but could not make out the words amongst all other noises of the fight. What became obvious though, was that people were going down at an alarmingly faster rate than before.
Just as the class was getting worried for their teacher, whom they had lost visual on after the short lull in the fight, a shadow passed overhead and before they could blink, Hawks was there.
Thinking the fight would go in a more favourable direction now that the number three hero was there, the class was stumped when instead of fighting, the winged man quickly flew back away, this time with someone getting a piggyback ride an another person in his arms.
Not long after their teacher came back out, followed by two slightly shorter figures. He only spared an angry glance at his class, insuring thet they would. not. move. before running past them, misterious strangers in tow.
Not wanting to disobey their teacher even more, the class stayed put and turned back to the fight. Seeing as more than half of the people in the park were now strewn about unconscious, they could now make out that it was a single man clad in black, clearly a villain, that was beating up all the rest.
The class was mesmerised by the figure’s movements. Fast, precise, unforgiving.
In their trance the class barely noticed when the fight was done and only came back to themselves when the figure turned it’s attention to them. There were no heroes here, only them and a few other spectators, and the villain was making their way to the class.
They gulped and got ready to fight someone who had just easily done away with over two classes worth of people.
They were definitely going to die, weren’t they?
next chapter
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
Daredevil: The Man Without Fear #3
Read Date: November 23, 2022 Cover Date: December 1993 ● Writer: Frank Miller ● Penciler: John Romita, Jr. ● Inker: Al Williamson ● Colorist: Christie Scheele ● Letterer: Joe Rosen ● Editors: Ralph Macchio ◦ Pat Garrahy ●
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Reactions As I Read: ● opening right up where the last issue left off--with Elektra jumping off a snowy cliff and Matt jumping in after her. ● his hair is a really pale red in this series… more strawberry blond than ginger or auburn. ● daaaamn… that was cold, Elektra. literally and figuratively. ● at least he got his sunglasses back. somehow. ● he's pissed. get 'er, Matt. get 'er! ● "Is there anything she's bad at?" I dunno… empathy, for starters. ● did he just unalive that guard? that's a biiiig drop. ● the guard made an "uhnnff" when he landed on the grand piano… but that could have just been air being forced from his lungs on impact. that's what I'm going with. ● nope, never mind. he's speaking. it's wobbly, but it's speech. ● Elektra looks like she'd be at home taking calls for the Ghostbusters. ● tighty whities ● wha? damn she's got a nerve ● i suppose Foggy gets to clean all that up ● "it smells like sex in here" - Foggy, probably ● Elektra hears voices? huh. I mean, not surprising. ● "Got you--" are ya sure about that, buddy? she's already taken out half your crew. ● "I <3 NY" - ha! ● Stick! ● "It's bad enough you failed me. I won't have you joining the enemy. I'll kill you first. So stay away from Elektra." - totally heard that in Scott Glenn's voice ● ?! Matt--*sputters*--you think Elektra is an angel? oh honey, you're gone, aren't you ● at least Elektra has some remorse for what she's doing to Matt ● "You're everything I need, Elektra. Everything I've ever wanted." ● "I killed five men last week. Actually, one of them was a woman." ● pretty much sums up what I know of these two's relationship ^_^ ● she's trying to explain, Matt. you just don't want to hear what you don't want to hear. ● ok, she's gone. for now. ● gasp is that… ● …is that… ● KINGPIN!
Synopsis: Elektra is falling from the cliff. She crashes through the ice and into the water. Matt jumps in after her. He is trying to find her underwater, but cannot. He rushes to the surface to get a breath. As he does he can hear Elektra laughing as she speeds away in her car. Matt gets home, drenched and pissed. Foggy tells him where she lives.
Matt show up at Elektra’s mansion. There is a party going on and security is tight. Matt manages to sneak through the grounds and gets into Elektra’s room. He feels all of her first place trophies for swimming, track, aikido, kendo, karate… Matt starts down the hall and a dog charges him. He kicks the dog and then kicks a guard through the window. Beneath the window is a room of glass where the party is being help. Elektra is playing the piano. The guard crashes through the glass ceiling and right onto the piano. Elektra never stops playing. The guards take aim and fire up at the window where Matt is standing. He takes off running. Matt is upset with himself for breaking the rules again. Matt is shot as he makes his mistake.
Matt is back at his apartment. He is cleaning up his gunshot wound blocking out his senses to keep conscious. When he stops the bleeding and lets the world back in, he realizes he isn't alone, and it isn't Foggy. Foggy is at the door locked out. Matt says to give him a minute. Twenty minutes later Foggy is sitting at the door and Elektra walks out. Foggy walks in and the place is a mess and Matt is sitting on the floor with a smile on his face.
Elektra is in the city. She sees a group of 5 gangbangers who she overhears them bragging about what they've done to innocent women. She lures them into a dark alley. The block off the way out and she begins to undress. She promises not to scream. Two of them go to hold her while another pulls out a knife to cut off what little clothes she has left on. She kicks him in his junk and knees him in the jaw, snapping a vertebrae and killing him instantly. The others attack but eventually she kills all of them.
Elektra and Matt are training together, falling more and more in love. Matt can’t even concentrate in class. One night Stick wakes Matt up and threatens him. Tells Matt to stay away from Elektra, that she is dangerous. Matt doesn't listen though. Unfortunately, not long after, Elektra's father is killed and she must leave Matt. He doesn't understand, he only knows his heart is broken.
Don Rigoletto is meeting with his men. They are complaining that they are being out competed. Rigoletto refuses to murder children, or cater to unholy perversions, nor will they flood their streets with crack cocaine. He is upset and sends his men away. Wilson Fisk comes up behind him and begins to give him a massage as Rigoletto tries to relax. Kingpin then snaps his neck and takes his place ready to become the Kingpin of the city.
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Fan Art: Daredevil Elektra Commission by NeerajMenon
Accompanying Podcast: ● Dave's Daredevil Podcat - episode 12
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Tell me something funky about anatomy, I love anatomy too ✨
So as it happens, anatomy is a really broad subject and I could pick something out of a hat but im genuinely considering making a lil anatomy ask game for myself hehe
So also as it happens, I went to the Surgeon's Hall Pathology museum in Edinburgh yesterday! I will share some cool anatomy-adjacent things from there, just for starters:
People have been collecting human specimens and remains for literally hundreds of years, presumably more. The oldest specimens in their collection dates back to the like 1500s
For a long time, this used to be just rich people collecting curiosities, and doctors using their own private collections to teach. In the 1600s, the Royal Society of Surgeons and Barbers (yes) started collecting and unifying these private collections from Scotland into the start of the museum i saw yesterday
There is a massive amount of specimens! I did not have enough time to look at all of them and read all the notes
My main takeaway though:
Don't get tuberculosis. That shit fucks you up in all sorts of ways
It destroys your lungs. It erodes your bones. It destroys your kidneys. It destroys your brain
Thank fuck for antibiotics
Oh and also don't be in a war. The amount of gunshot wounds pales in comparison with how many people on the front (WW1 especially) got shit like gangrene and typhus
Well anyway that got a bit morbid and we're into pathology now rather than anatomy, but that's fine. I think it would be great if we could just keep everyone from contacting tuberculosis or being in wars, wouldn't that be nice.
Anyway. If you wanna know more anatomy, well, pick a body part and I will infodump!
Other parts of the digestive tract (esophagus, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, just to give a tiny amount of segmentation)
Other organs of the digestive tract such as pancreas, spleen or gallbladder
Vertebral column and/or spinal cord
Nerves (cranial and/or somatic)
Joints. Pick any joint (knees, shoulders and other upper/lower limb joint are fun but I can also infodump about the joints between vertebrae, the joints between spine and head, and the joints in between different bones of the skull)
Oh on that note bones. I'll infodump on the topic generally but you can also pick a specific bone or set of bones
Im sure im forgetting things here there are so many body things
Maybe muscles and/or ligaments which are not the same thing at all but somewhat related
Connective tissue in general tbh (it starts with a disambiguation because first of all what ISN'T connective tissue)
Ask me about any of these, or anything else you would like to know that I've not mentioned!!
There will be pictures; diagrams, even.
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rosetintedgunman · 2 years
" don't make a big deal out of this. you like hugs, right? so... here's a hug. " — from a certain @alwayshorrible
@alwayshorrible (Starter Prompt here)
A warning for gun use, murder, and blood under the cut.
A petty fumble.
Everything had gone the way it was supposed to. It was meant to be a clean murder, then get rid of the cops that immediately appeared on the scene before getting away. There was no way Murdock could have anticipated the second guard had a bullet-proof vest on under his uniform that absorbed the brunt of the attack. When Murdock was getting himself ready to leave, that guard heaved himself back up and started this ridiculous chase.
Bullets whizzed past his ears as Murdock kept moving. The alleyways were as familiar as his preferred blade. He knew every sharp turn that could be made to give the cop the slip. But his chaser was cunning and could keep up the pace. One well-aimed bullet knocked over a trashcan that Murdock had no time to avoid.
He crashed to the ground, already feeling the mud spreading across his normally classy attire. The sunglasses had bounced off somewhere too in the collision.
"Finally got you, you sick son of a bitch," the cop hissed as he aimed his gun.
The sound of a gunshot rang through the air, and the cop dropped to his knees like lead. A hole the size of a nickel adorned the middle of his forehead, allowing blood to seep through and add colour to the vacant, wide-eyed expression. Then, gravity took hold and knocked him face first onto the mismatched cobblestone.
There was no one standing behind the cop as Murdock expected. But when he looked behind him, he could see a figure ten feet away. A gun glistened in the flickering streetlight from the main street, and there was a glimpse of pink when the gun was put away and the figure approached.
"Wilford?" There was no masking the confusion.
"Rookie mistake, Murdock." A hand was offered by the larger man to help the serial killer back on his feet. "Didn't think y'd cut it that finely. If he'd called fer backup ya would've been a goner."
"Don't need to tell me twice. I had more important things to deal with."
"Well, deal with them first an' then double check yer work. Yer not always gonna have a handsome knight in pink appearin' ta save yer ass, an' I don't know how well y'd take ta revivin' if things went wrong."
Messing up a job was one thing, but being belittled by a man who, in Murdock's experience, had no right to be so judgemental was another. At least he knew enough to know that Wilford could be distracted.
"Don't make a big deal out of this. You like hugs, right? So... here's a hug." Murdock reached out and hugged Wilford before the other could register what was said.
"Hug" was a strong word to describe the action. It was more like a pair of scissors trying to cut a large piece of cardboard. Murdock's hold pinned Wilford's arms in place and the 'embrace' was short and tight. A squeeze that lacked any true sense of familiarity that Wilford might have had if he had hugged first.
"Thanks for earlier."
"Don't mention it. Get home before anyone else arrives. Ya need ta clean up." Wilford shook some life back into his left arm, though the final movement had him holding Murdock's shades. "Seriously. Yer jacket's all gross an' muddy."
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