Explore tagged Tumblr posts
aaronwarner · 11 months ago
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"I don't want you to worry about me," she admitted. "You need to focus tonight." [...] The corner of her lip twitched, like she might tear up, but she didn’t. If I ever thought I couldn’t do something with her, then I wasn’t doing it at all. “Your place is at my side,” I told her. “Say it.” She whispered, “My place is at your side.” “Louder.” I shook her gently, but my tone was firm. “My woman doesn’t ask permission. She’s a force. Say it louder.” Her chin started to tremble, but her voice burst out strong. “My place is at your side.” And I kissed her, making sure she fucking believed it. She was always wanted.
KILL SWITCH by Penelope Douglas
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bramblrose · 1 year ago
tagged by @ravenclairee thank u clara! ♡⁠‿⁠♡
As usual, the list was huge, but we'll prioritize it.
— Dishonestly Yours by Krista and Becca Ritchie;
— What the Wind Knows by Amy Harmon;
— Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews;
— Sinful Like Us by Krista and Becca Ritchie;
— Seven Months by Joelina Falk;
— Red Rising by Pierce Brown;
— Medici Heist by Caitlin Schneiderhan;
— So Close by Sylvia Day;
— Radio Silence by Alice Oseman.
tagging: @kavorunagisa @chuwannin @brontes @achilleius @und0miels @gracelesshearrt @attywoo @sanktallinas @r-walker and anyone else who wants to do this!
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afnews7 · 4 months ago
ACI Lucca presenta Achilleius Varzius
#fumetti #outisfumetti #afnewsinfo – http://www.afnews.info segnala: ACI Lucca presenta Achilleius Varzius The post ACI Lucca presenta Achilleius Varzius appeared first on Outis Fumetti. Leggi e vedi il resto su Read More Outis Fumetti
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dreamertrilogys · 5 years ago
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@booknet Event 01 | Favourite Character | Circe
“Only that: we are here. This is what it means to swim in the tide, to walk the earth and feel it touch your feet. This is what it means to be alive.”
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julliettewarners · 5 years ago
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read in 2019: the understatement of the year by sarina bowen 
“He kissed me between the shoulder blades. “Getting along together was never the problem with you and me,” he said. “We’re both easy. It’s just the rest of the world that’s hard.”
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florianjonquil · 6 years ago
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— the hazel wood, melissa albert
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ivashkovadrian · 3 years ago
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Hello everyone! 💖 I wasn’t sure I’d make one of these this year but I decided to go for it and thank all the wonderful people that brightened my days (and many others’!) in 2021. It may not have been what we’d hoped it be but hey, at least we made it!
I’m not as active as I wish I was but i still made a bunch of incredibly talented mutuals somehow! Know that you all made me smile and so much more and I’m grateful for each and every one of you who’s included in this list, but also to my dear followers who’ve been tolerating me since gods know when 💖 i’m a small blog but i love you all
What happened in 2021, who knows (to paraphrase that tag: what is 2021 if not 2020 persevering) but a few things that i’m sure happened to me are that i found my first proper job, am still trying to edit my novel (🤡) and went to a country I’ve been yearning to visit for years for a little while! Other than that, I don’t really remember tbh.
Enough babbling. I wish you all the very best for 2022, love, hugs and health! And thank you for being amazing human beings and incredible content creators who each day, make me question how I even dare open PS. Love you all and stay safe! 💖 (i hope i don’t forget anyone)
#beloveds (some are inactive but know i dearly miss you on my dash) also, i literally have 0 idea why most of you follow me (take a look at your amazing self!!) but i appreciate it
@aaronswarncr @achilleius @aleksander-morozovas @aliadayne @allisonaergents @ammarantas @annebolehyn @anya-chalotra @anyataylorjoy @arthurpendragonns @behindfairytales @benjaminbarnes @briannaefraser @buffyscmmers @daynes @deckerstarareotp @dianadeclaremont @divorcio @durgas @facinaoris @fairestcharming @fairytalespond @fangrurin @fannyprice @ffahey @gay-orcs 
@iwillneverletgoipromise @jjmaybanks @joannalannister @katherineebishop @keirahknightley @korra-of-the-watertribe @lady-arryn @ladystarks @ladywraith @laffertys @lareinedefer @leaveatrail @leojfitz @leroichevalier @lilapittss @lyannastark @madaboutasoiaf @maesterleia @margaritalaux-antille @mariliths @martellen @marystewart @merlinsprat @moiraines @montygreen @nadjjas @nightllock @notations @ohwarnette @onceandfuturehimbo @perrinaybaraa @queenaerys @qveenofwinter
@reputation @rhaella @rorylgilmore @rosebelikova @scinnlaece @sebastianstaan @something-more @spideyandrews @swanthief @taurielsilvan @theclashofqueens @thelegendofclarke @time-turner @timothyolyphant @tragicdeadgirl @trishna87 @ughmerlin @visenyatargaryen @vxngerberg @yenneferschaos @yenvengerberg @yvvaine @zoya-nazyalenskys
#people i admire from afar
@draconisxmalfoy @duchessofhastings @lamberts @mxrisacoulter @meliorn @poirot @patrocles @redbelles @rubyredwisp @seance  @withered-rose-with-thorns @zoewashburne
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aaronwarner · 1 year ago
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Ivy’s sweater slipped off her left shoulder when she leaned forward, baring skin of golden cream to the morning sunlight. “Okay, I get that.” She didn’t notice when he nudged the sweater back in place with [telekinesis], the temperature too cold for her to be so exposed. [...] “How did they know your subdesignation so fast?” Her sweater slipped again and he nudged it back. “It usually takes time to be certain, even with genetic markers.” [...] Vasic glanced at her shoulder, nudged the sweater back up. This time, she noticed, color on her cheeks as her hand went up to the spot. “How many times?” “Five.” He got to his feet before he could make it six. “I need to rest.”
SHIELD OF WINTER by Nalini Singh
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bramblrose · 2 years ago
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
thank @eddiemunnson sweety! ♡
— spooky scary skeletons (voldo remix) // andrew gold
— spook // odd chap
— minnie the moocher // pisk
— shadow hat // glenn gatsby
— somebody's watching me (x-mix club classics) // rockwell & michael jackson 🎃👻
tagging: @achilleius @saltandsorrows @kavorunagisa @poirot @r-walker @khanej @snowhites @brontes @stupidlamb-s @theresebelivet 
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afnews7 · 5 months ago
Achilleius Varzius (Achille Varzi) is coming
#fumetti #outisfumetti #afnewsinfo – http://www.afnews.info segnala: Book two of a series dedicated to pilots of the past set in “the past”. Achilleius Varzius (Achille Varzi) sta arrivando Secondo volume di una collana dedicata ai piloti del passato ambientata nel passato. Leggi e vedi il resto su Read More Outis Fumetti
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allresources · 5 years ago
can you commend me some blogs for icons
You mean icon makers? Sure !! You can check my misc icons or my fandom icons tag but here are some of my personal favorites:
misc icons 
icons by @herbologies yes that’s me LOL shameless self promo
icons by @aredhels
icons by @weasleysginnys
icons by @rosedewson
icons by @montesere (light icons here)
icons by @undomielle
icons by @lexiegrey
icons by @tywvin
icons by @emilylkinney
icons by @sirxusblack
icons by @achilleius
icons by @sonolent
icons by @selenapastel
vibrant fandom icons
icons by allresources LOL yes again
icons by @redwyyne
​icons by @xec​
icons by @jessmariana​
icons by @skywaelker​
icons by @margeaery
icons by @argetnallison
icons by @peytonsavyer
icons by @the-maidofmischief
icons by @oberynmartell
icons by @veronicaslodges
icons by @tozierdameron
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julliettewarners · 6 years ago
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read in 2019: twisted emotions by cora reilly 
Your nights are safe. You are safe now, Kiara. Even in the dark there's nothing you have to fear, no one, because I am there and they will have to go through me. And no one ever has won against me. I am the most dangerous thing in the dark, but you don't have to fear me.
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cassianandorr · 5 years ago
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2019 is ending so I’ve decided to do a follow forever:) this year was a sad one for me on tumblr, I lost a lot of followers and friends but I’m back and I want to appreciate all of these amazing and beautiful blogs that I follow:) thank you for making my dash and feed AMAZING! I hope 2020 is good year for everyone and you start so many amazing things:))))♡ happy new yeaaar:)! (also, I was @fleurdelaccur)
a-b☆ @aaronellas ✶ @acciopevensie ✶ @achilleius ✶ @acilles ✶ @ahdromeda ✶ @ahmortentia ✶ @ahprodithe ✶ @alicelongbottom ✶ @aliciavikadar ✶ @alydae ✶ @aniskywalkers ✶ @annbeth ✶ @arnydunne ✶ @artemyhs ✶ @ashara ✶ @austens ✶ @baeogorath ✶ @bellamybb ✶ @bellamyblake ✶ @bellamyisinlovewithclarke ✶ @bellarke ✶ @belows ✶ @benandreykissed ✶ @bensaidbutido ✶ @bensolcs ✶ @blacklnnon ✶ @bllanchedubois ✶ @bluemelodia ✶ @branstark ✶ @bsargent c-e☆ @calliophes ✶ @captainamericagf ✶ @carriefiser ✶ @cassiopheias ✶ @chertopaz ✶ @chewbbacca ✶ @chthonicgf ✶ @crowleyaj ✶ @cullenalices ✶ @cupcakeblake ✶ @daadddysprincesss ✶ @dailybellamyblake ✶ @dailypotter ✶ @danielfaraday ✶ @davienci ✶ @demelza ✶ @discovering ✶ @dusksgf ✶ @eldcrwand ✶ @eleknatcios ✶ @equinocts ✶@euphemiapotter f-h☆ @faheys ✶ @fantasticase ✶ @figbian ✶ @fillianore ✶ @fleurrdelacour ✶ @flourishandblotted ✶ @forceghosting ✶ @forestgf ✶ @fredlessgeorge ✶ @galacticidiots ✶ @gansevy ✶ @gcnnyweasleys ✶ @gingerethereal ✶ @ginnxweasley ✶ @ginnyeweasley ✶ @ginys ✶ @grangr ✶ @gryffndrs ✶ @gxnnyweasley ✶ @harryjawes ✶ @harrypttcr ✶ @hawkgirls ✶ @hedwiig ✶ @hermionegrangcr ✶ @hermionegrarnger ✶ @heymandos ✶ @hmionegrangr ✶ @honeygcth ✶ @horaitio i-l☆ @i-am-thesenate ✶ @ickle-ronniekins ✶ @illumiera ✶ @ilyiad ✶ @jesperfehay ✶ @jinglefleur ✶ @jinies ✶ @julietcapulct ✶ @jynersos ✶ @kaafka ✶ @katie-bell ✶ @kaz-inejs ✶ @kenocbi ✶ @ketterdam ✶ @kieraknightley ✶ @kiraeth @kyloren ✶ @kylos ✶ @lannisten ✶ @leejordan ✶ @leiasorgana ✶ @lestrqnge ✶ @leta-lestrange ✶ @letitiawrigth ✶ @lexiegrey ✶ @lillyevans ✶ @lilyevane ✶ @lovxgood ✶ @lukeskywalkers ✶ @lvnnsi ✶ @lydstilinsk m-n☆ @magicfolk ✶ @magnetoo ✶ @malfoyco ✶ @malfoypctter ✶ @marauderspotterlupinblack ✶ @margotrobbei ✶ @menamassout ✶ @meraudurs ✶ @merwinist ✶ @miawinterly ✶ @midsumner ✶ @minuses ✶ @minyardx ✶ @monolidd ✶ @montygreen ✶ @moonyremvs ✶ @mxlfoydraco ✶ @mxrcusflint ✶ @nancynwheeler ✶ @nazyalensky ✶ @nehmesis ✶ @neljostns ✶ @nikslantsov o-q☆ @obiwan ✶ @obiwenkanobi ✶ @odeysses ✶ @ohpotter ✶ @ohsanvers ✶ @omensgood ✶ @padmaspatil ✶ @parkinsonpansy ✶ @perspective ✶ @peterfuckinparker ✶ @pltuo ✶ @pocketshenanigans ✶ @poefinn ✶ @poppypomfrey ✶ @potterdaily ✶ @pottersprogeny ✶ @potterstinks ✶ @prncspark ✶ @proinsiascassidy ✶ @prongsno ✶ @queen-daenerys ✶ @queeniegoldtsein ✶ @quillsandink r☆ @ravendrkholme ✶ @ravnclaws ✶ @rcmusluqin ✶ @regulusblackss ✶ @remusluppn ✶ @remusmoopin ✶ @reylo-starwars ✶ @reyloisperfect ✶ @rhaella ✶ @richietozsier ✶ @ricky-bowens ✶ @robertdenirho ✶ @robin-buckleys ✶ @rolingstones ✶ @romulupus ✶ @ronesweasley ✶ @ronaldswheezy ✶ @roonilweaslcy ✶ @rosetylecr ✶ @roseweasely s☆ @samecoin ✶ @sansaloyalist ✶ @scorpusmalfoy ✶ @selenapastel ✶ @sighdraco ✶ @siriusblacc ✶ @skywaelker ✶ @skywalkerslays ✶ @sleighbellsnapes ✶ @slyherin ✶ @snowfllakes ✶ @softpluto ✶ @sooyves ✶ @sopphieturner ✶ @soulspideys ✶ @spacewalkerprincess ✶ @spierfeld ✶ @spinnenpfote6 ✶ @ssserpensortiaaa ✶ @stagpotter ✶ @stevebabey ✶ @steverogehr ✶ @stydixa ✶ @suit-lady ✶ @summerchild ✶ @supremeprince-bensolo t-z☆ @@tcttany✶ @thestarwarsdaily ✶ @thorkyries ✶ @tomhollandcouk ✶ @tomridde ✶ @univcrse ✶ @v-ctoireweasley ✶ @van-dyne ✶ @victoiredelacourweasley ✶ @victoriouskrum ✶ @virginieawoolf ✶ @voldemxrt ✶ @wasirauhlpsds ✶ @wespers ✶ @wheelurs ✶ @wishbonetea ✶ @witchscraft ✶ @wizardingsociety ✶ @wonpilie ✶ @youarenoassassin ✶ @zabini ✶ @zatannazatara ✶ @zcbini ✶ @zendhaya ✶ @zenik-nina ✶ @zoyalinas
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ivashkovadrian · 4 years ago
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2020 of the Gregorian calendar is coming to an end and uhm... what a year, to say in the least. Although it’s proven to shower us, including me, with challenges, if there is one thing I am most grateful in this (cursed) year for is tumblr! Hence this follow forever, only my second one after my first in...2014. Not only did tumblr show to be an escape full of laughs, but it has been such a safe and supportive space for me throughout this year, either during the highs or the lows of life. I have gotten to really engage and create for this platform while being absolutely amazed at the talent! And I am so lucky to have talked to and meet absolutely lovely and amazing people! I have gotten to become mutuals with people who have blown me away on numerous occasions. Really, tumblr helped me to push through in general and to try new techniques for edits! 2020 was tough but not all of it was bad: I finished the first draft of my novel! I (re)discovered hobbies! I strengthened bonds with my closest friends despite international distance! And I got my (current) Adrian Ivashkov canon url :’) Those are all bonuses to getting through 2020. To mutuals and followers alike, I wish you all the best for the next year, joy, love, success and health! As the gif portrays, let it be a new pretty sunrise for new beginnings! I couldn’t continue on here without all of you, so thank you for everything and for always being so kind, all of you take extra care 💖 Before I list all the gorgeous people I love on here, there are a few I particularly want to thank (all are incredibly talented!):
@daenrystargaryen : Ana, i love you so much! You have revolutionized tumblr for me. You appeared into my life at a time I was thinking of leaving this site and boy, am I glad I stuck around, all thanks to you <3 we have so many common interests and can be so similar, how is it that we weren’t friends before! you are always so sweet and supportive, and you being my Witcher Secret Santa was THE CHERRY ON TOP OF THE CAKE. I teared up, I was so happy. YOU’RE DOING AMAZING, SWEETIE, ROCK ON AND KEEP ON GOING LIKE THE QUEEN YOU ARE
@keirahknightley : you know when you instantly click with someone? this is exactly what happened with Akrivi. You are a pearl. Look, I want to go to Greece just to meet up with you, and I’ve already been to the country a few times. I love you, and I can’t wait to fangirl with you over our next fixation (how is it that we share so much???)
@korra-of-the-watertribe : my diversity queen Shay. I always love discussing with you! Our opinions? One and the same. Seeing you on my dash is always a delight and you’re never afraid to show you’re “out there”. There are few people I trust with the Martells. You? No hesitation whatsoever. “I like his idea of saying ‘You go, girl’ ironically.” You go, girl. (Abed Nadir, 1X13)
@theclashofqueens : although we’ve literally just started to talk, I already consider you a close friend. You being my giftee for the WSS was such a pleasure, I was so happy you had no idea! You are absolutely LOVELY and I always look forward to our exchanges! Your first message after the reveal had me in tears and wondering if this was real life. “She’s amazing, we share so many interests, I just hope I can make Julia happy with this gifset” and then you did. I ascended to some heaven, I think.
In no particular order, all these amazing people that have accompanied me on this tumblr journey, some for so long and others just for a few days, but I love you all and admire you all for the royalty you are <3:
@anya-chalotra  @poirot @fairestcharming @leaveatrail @leroichevalier @maesterleia @daenerys-targaryen @lareinedefer @allisonaergents @yenvengerberg @fairytalespond @thetormentita @martellen @marystewart @timothyolyphant @rubyredwisp @visenyatargaryen @princesselaena @princessofpoldark @qveenofwinter @scinnlaece @viisenya @daynes @hharry @madaboutasoiaf @tragicdeadgirl @rhaella @thelegendofclarke @nightllock @iwillneverletgoipromise @sebastianstaan @achilleius @obatlle @facinaoris @yennefervengerbergs @cassatrix @bluetiefling
And last, people I admire from afar:
@lady-arryn @haticesultanas @henricavyll @ladyeowyn @seance @joannalannister @fitswilliamdarcy @lunaathorne @nobodys @zoewashburne
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aaronwarner · 1 year ago
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“I know you want to protect me,” she whispered, long, slender fingers spreading over his heart. “I can feel your need in every pulse of your blood.” “I can’t promise that I won’t check up on you every so often during your shifts,” Hawke admitted, because it would’ve been a lie of monumental proportions to do otherwise, “but every part of me understands who you are.” Not simply his mate, but a dangerous, beautiful woman with her own dreams and desires. It would’ve been easier if she’d been someone else, a woman who followed his every dictate and who never put herself in harm’s way. But he didn’t want easier, didn’t want anyone else. He wanted Sienna. Only Sienna.
TANGLE OF NEED by Nalini Singh
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rinkitay · 5 years ago
a, l, e, x, i, s
wonder what ur trying to say here…
a: @achilleius, @austens, @archaice, @arwenundomiel, @aredhels
l: @liliantha, @leta-lestrange, @leejordan, @lilabard, @lilyevane
e: @engorgio, @euphemiapotter, @expelumos, @evansspotter, @elains
x: i don’t follow anyone with an x 😳
i: @ilyiad
s: @slyherin, @soothingheart, @sooyves, @saralahnce, @samecoin
send me a letter!
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