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nymphaeasage · 5 years ago
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🎶 Sound that takes me higher, to another place. 🎶 
— https://www.instagram.com/p/B3dRWJEHiPb/?igshid=1auap9ln04ryq
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twiztidskull · 4 years ago
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We have this wonderful Samus cosplayed at Anime Central 2019. This was the last Cosplay picture I got at convention, late on that Sunday, and the last picture I've gotten at ACEN currently since there wasn't an ACEN 2020 to speak of... Will Anime Central happen this year? Seems pretty unlikely at this point ... Guess we'll see how soon things get to the point where running conventions are safe to do Yea though, if you know the Cosplayer. Please let me know or tag them :) #samus #zerosuitsamus #metroid #zerosuitsamuscosplay #zerosuit #acen #acen2019 #animecentral #animecentral2019 #cosplay #아리 #コスプレ (at Anime Central) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ-HIZSrn1L/?igshid=1rlh69jpzbj27
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mothgutz · 6 years ago
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More from Sunday as @inisitu and I headed out to the perfect location to capture her amazing Alucard. I really like this one because it shows what is possible with natural light. This would have looked this way whether I shot it with my phone or my D800 since I didn't have to fire any flashes. You really don't need loads of crazy expensive gear if you just go look for good light! ⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ .⁣⠀ From Instagram
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objecttothis · 5 years ago
Anime Central 2019
A little late, but here are some pics from ACEN this year
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We met some cool people doing cool projects
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flat-san · 6 years ago
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Moomins (by which I mean of course, Joxter and Snuffkin) at ACEN 2019!
Thank you to everyone for letting me take your pictures- you all looked really amazing! It’s clear how much hard work everyone put in! Please let me know who you all are so I can tag you, too!
Also Joxter, can I apologize again for basically shouting at you from across the hall, I was super excited and forgot to use my indoor voice. ;-; My bad, hope I didn’t freak you out!
(If you want things either posted individually or taken down, just ask!)
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skoomajuicepeasant · 6 years ago
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britandbran · 6 years ago
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Hey guys!  I know we’ve been kinda hiding in the shadows...but just wanted to let y’all know we’re going to be at Anime Central this weekend selling prints, keychains, sketches, commissions, and a dakimakura cover!  We’ll be at Table G27 in the Artist Alley, feel free to stop by and say hi or buy some things! :D
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geekycutecrochet · 6 years ago
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I'll have a few Indigo Buntings with me at #ACen2019 Come see me at table A21 in the Artist Alley! #birbs #amigurumi https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVrlQThjQn/?igshid=1llbqaf1b1m1t
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darkspellmaster · 6 years ago
So a need to Rant about Anime Midwest 2019, and give some Praise to Anime Central 2019
So this year I went to my two usual summer conventions. Anime Central and Anime Midwest, and boy oh boy were they way different from each other. Now a quick warning, if you had fun at Midwest this year, great, I hold no issues with that. I however did not, and I’ll be explaining why below. 
Let me begin by saying I have been going to Anime central since around 2006, I would have been going earlier but I didn’t know it existed at the time back when it first started in 1998. (Would have been nice to know as it probably would have helped me a lot in Highschool to have people around me that liked Anime too at a period of time when I needed that, but that’s neither here nor there.) ACen, for the most part, save a few minor years, has been pretty good to me. When I started to do panels with a friend of mine, everyone that was working there seemed to know what the heck they were doing. The tech organization was on the ball, for the most part, and the projectors worked well, (although there have been issues with the speaker systems), and typically we have a good group of people that come to our panels. 
This past Acen went off without a hitch, although I should have put it in for an earlier time, that’s on me. Outside each room in the DESCC(Donald E. Stevens Convention Center) was a sign that listed the panel room number and what was going to be happening in that room and what time. Canceled panels were updated on the guide, and also on the board, so no one was too confused. (Although with a lot of people it’s bound to happen where some don’t know where to go.) If, and this is only one thing, there was anything that I thought could have been done better, it was the larger line structure, maybe add ropes to help set the line up so that when they do snake, they can be more easily managed? Other than that, the set up for the projection systems and mics were perfect. There were hookups for all types of computers, and the tech guy and person at the door introduced themselves so that we knew who to call if there was an issue. 
Again, I stress, no problems with this aspect of the convention. 
On the other hand...Anime Midwest was a mess! 
To start with I will give kudos to the two young staff ladies that helped me out in the DESCC, Baily I belive was one, and I didn’t get the other young ladies name. Thank you both for trying to help me out. And I did appreciate the large banners announcing the room. I’ll also say that the two people I met at Con Ops were very polite to me. 
However...here’s where things become annoying. There were no signs saying what was in what room. No one was at the doors to keep a line going, and help out if there was a tech problem. People seemed to be wandering around and peeking into rooms to see what was going on to guess what the panels were about as there was no way to tell what was going on there as there were no signs. 
So we found the room, and I was inquiring about if there was an HDMI cord for the projector. As I said above, Acen has a bunch of cables for the different PCs, and I should say that Midwest's Con Ops said they could provide me with one, however, they also said that we should have brought them ourselves, but I’ll get to that soon. We could see you could use the projector, meaning that there was a monitor cord on there for the projector to hook up to the laptop, if you had a connector for it. But, some older cords don’t work well with certain laptops, and without it...you’re screwed when it comes to showing off your powerpoint. 
So I asked the ladies on staff about it. They didn’t know and were trying to get in contact with Con Ops about it. Not tech, but Con Ops. Now I know that smaller cons can put the groups under one unit, but given the size of this con, even if it is smaller than Acen, you would think that there would be a split off by now. So I was recommended to go to Con ops, after being informed that it would take some time to get an answer by text. Understandable. 
We, that would be my sister and I (she’s my co-panelist), head for where the Con Ops area is. Here we have two gents in suits waiting and I asked if they were con ops. Nope, turns out there was one lone young man working there, on a Friday night. Thankfully he was able to get his Manager to come out and speak with us, but it took a rather long time as it was only her and him, again, on a Friday night. 
So as I said, we were informed by the Manager that they could give us an HDMI, but they would rather we bring our own. Again I can understand this, but again, it’s weird to not at least have a set up for different Laptops for that projector. So we went to the panel room at our designated time, and thankfully the monitor cord worked...but we lost out on several people who were looking for our panel because...again...no signs. Just because it’s on the website doesn’t mean that the room may not change and people don’t constantly want to look at the damn phone to know what’s happening and what’s not. 
Again, no one there to help us with the setup, no one there to give the other panelists warning for time, etc. The whole thing felt out of wack. 
Other issues that seemed to be going on, was that there were signs warning others to watch out for drunk people at the bar, I have no idea where security was at the time. I know my friend got catcalled on her way to the convention outside of it. And another cosplayer, male, was saying that while in costume guys kept bothering him and trying to flip his skirt and such. 
This is not to mention that a number of Acts couldn’t make it to the convention due to bad work with their Visas, and while the con issued an apology, they took no action during the con to update that Lia, one of the acts who came from Japan -and who managed to get in -held a Q&A and Anime Midwest did not update that there was going to be this meeting. Apparently, no one showed up for that.  
The line to get into the con was 2 hours long, and apparently longer on Saturday. Autograph lines only had 4 people, at most, working them, and the attendees seemed to have to monitor it themselves. Artist Alley was way too tight and it was hard for a person who could walk to get around, I would hate to have to think about anyone in a wheelchair trying to get through that mess.
I’ll say this much the people that were there as guests and vendors were very kind, but a lot of what I liked about the con seems to have been stripped, and I’m kind of wondering if I want to go next year or not. 
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fineappleale · 6 years ago
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Just  a bunch of photos of my Barbarian Armor cosplay at ACEN2019. It was a big hit with my fellow zelda fans and the group photoshoot was a blast. I even won a Big Sword Contest with the Savage Lynel Sword!
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beezeeart · 6 years ago
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This nervous nessie is the last one! Come pick her up tomorrow! #ACen #ACen2019 #animecentral #artistalley #crafts #handmade #sewing #cryptid #nessie https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxn8xlFJHzX/?igshid=8ed7fpr8fwka
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nymphaeasage · 5 years ago
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Mathematical precision in every mix. 🎶👓🎶 
[My favorite shots. 💙] 
— https://www.instagram.com/p/B3-ZTJhHF59/?igshid=1kvuy1226r6u7
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twiztidskull · 4 years ago
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We have this wonderful Espeon cosplayed by @silver_valk at Anime Central 2019 #espeon  #espeoncosplay  #pokemon #pokemongijinka #pokemoncosplay #eeveelutions  #gijinkas #pokémon #acen #acen2019 #animecentral #animecentral2019 #gijinka #コスプレ #cosplay #pokemoncosplay #eeveeloutioncosplay (at Anime Central) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkeoQNDsdw/?igshid=1dgfarvctkqbn
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shiroxix · 6 years ago
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We kept forgetting to swap glasses lol, but Jay and I had a lot of fun as Barry and Lup!
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shirachancosplayer · 5 years ago
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"I'm not really the best singer, but for Aqours' sake, I have to keep rehearsing." ---------------- Photo: @sayyometzgar It's been a long week but we are almost there! As usual here's your message that if you are con crunching PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES!!! #cosplay #acen #acen2019 #animecentral2019 #acen #animecentral #lovelivesunshinecosplay #lovelivesunshine #mijukudreamer #rikosakurauchi (at Donald E. Stephens Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8bzHWzn-Zq/?igshid=pr5zexva56ej
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flat-san · 6 years ago
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Miscellaneous Cosplays at ACEN 2019!
In order we have:
Berserk- Griffith AKIRA- Kaneda and Tetsuo Mad Max- Max and Furiosa Gintama- Elizabeth and Ketchup Katsura DuRaRaRa!!- Celty Summer Wars- King Kazma Pop Team Epic- Popuko and Pipimi Kubo and the Two Strings- Kubo and the Origami Hanzo The Road to El Dorado- Tulio and Miguel The Lorax- The Onceler
Thank you to everyone for letting me take your pictures- you all looked really amazing! It’s clear how much hard work everyone put in! Please let me know who you all are so I can tag you, too!
(If you want things either posted individually or taken down, just ask!)
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