#ace people who contribute to their own experience of aphobia are wild
raayllum · 4 years
what beef do you have with queenjanai, if you don’t mind me asking further?
under a read more so ppl can avoid it if they want. tw for mentions of harassment and bullying
basically this, in addition to the anger they displayed at me when i privately tried to explain that i’m not on twitter and didn’t know what they were talking about, nor is shipping (that’s the lesbophobia bit) ever a reason to bully and harass people.
however, i’ve never been someone to take the most issue with how someone treats me, but honestly: if someone’s default reaction to a perceived slight in fandom is to be super aggressive, that’s a warning sign to me. 
other behaviour that was worrying: not condemning the way j*naya shippers were harassing / bullying / sending death threats to grenmaya shippers in addition making posts that added to or encouraged the harassment; spreading misinformation about the cast and crew of tdp (especially devon, tdp’s head writer) and pushing the narrative of pitting queer women against each other; harassing some members of the cast and crew / encouraging harassment; testimony from other shippers of gatekeeping content and some pretty petty drama; viewing fandom as a sort of hierarchy and getting upset that i was trying to “paint a picture of her” to “my followers” as though this isn’t a trashcan on tumblr (and again, somehow that what she had reblogged to her followers didn’t count by her own logic as painting a negative picture of me bc cognitive dissonance, i guess - like i truly do not care but at least have logic); belonging to the anti shipping movement which has puritanical conservative values at its core + contributes to aphobic rhetoric.
the anti shipping movement also has no problems with harassment because “[insert group here] are freaks who deserve it unless they give me, a stranger on the internet, proof of [insert trauma / identity / age / super fucking personal info here] and if they’re Enough not that thing Per My Standard then they’re a [insert derogatory term here].” shocking, i know
aka all this and more. i know newer people coming into fandom might not be aware of these sorts of things, and while this is of course only my biased accounts, if these are things other people have seen or experienced - or things they want to avoid; or for some people, the sort of fandom experience they are for some reason looking for - this might be a good heads up
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