#ace is just ....................... Whew Boy
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w04hxo · 3 months ago
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 1 year ago
Something something feral jungle-children ASL something something the boys eating all their meals still a little bloody, or even outright raw, when the mood strikes. Something something Ace always complaining that meat on the Moby is overcooked and everyone else always yelling at him -- he's allowed to eat blue steak but every time he tries to steal bites of pork or poultry or sea king or whatever while it's still raw and bleeding he gets physically thrown out of the kitchen.
Something something a bunch of Ace's division getting into a confrontation with the law and a marine gets a lucky shot in, manages to get sea stone cuffs on Ace's wrists, and since he can't punch and he can't use his fire and his men are in danger Ace just lunges and tears the man's throat out with his teeth.
Ace killing three more men that way, lock-jawed and snarling, thrashing like a crocodile and tearing through flesh and tendon until body-warm blood spurts free from arteries.
Ace spitting out a mouthful of trachea. Ace turning to look at his friends with blood splattered all the way up to his forehead and dripping down his chin, his chest. Ace grinning and licking his red, red teeth.
"Everybody okay?" Ace says. And then "Whew! Man, that made me hungry. Anybody got the keys to -- oh, thank you!" And then "Hey, lets get cleaned up and then head back to that barbecue place before we head out. Suddenly I'm really craving pork."
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skzcre · 2 years ago
Skz stroke game…. Thoughts 👁️👄👁️
oh i’ve got some thoughts alright 😳
on team “slow, sensual and deep” we haaaave changbin, lino, hyunjin, lix n chan !! <333
it varies for each of them tbh, like. changbin and hyunjin are real romantics, they want to take their time to enjoy every single centimeter of your body. they want to watch your face twist in pleasure, they want you to grip tightly onto them.
binnie always has this self satisfied smirk on his face but pure love in his eyes, loves when you grab his biceps and arch into him when he goes particularly deep 🤧 still on board “changbin best stroke game in skz” hands down, we’ve seen the way he moves those pretty hips. you better believe he knows exactly what he’s doing.
hyune is just fully obsessed with you i’ve talked abt it like a million times and i can’t get over the thought of his jaw hanging in awe watching how you write underneath him. he kills me truly
now w lino, lix n chan; they’re just as romantic tbh. we all know lino has heaps and heaps of love to give and he also kind of loves having you at his “mercy”, he’s just a little bit more of a tease abt it compared to bin n hyun. he fucks you at a regular pace then stops to shove himself so deep in you you swear you’re seeing stars. then he coos at you, “mm, i know baby. it feels really good, yeah? you can take more for me, can’t you?”
lix n chan are still on the slow sensual spectrum but both of them … whew. catch them in a Certain mood and they’re just. i cant explain it in any other way than they’re just absolutely insane. they both have this duality, wanting to worship your body but also just loving the way you scream their name when they start pounding you >.< god chan in particular it’s like he’s curved perfectly to fit you, always hits that sweet spot that makes your toes curl.
on team “it varies but either way they have you basically crying by the end of the night” we have seungmo n imie <333 similar to lix n chan it just depends on the day, what kind of mood you catch them in.
both of them are absolutely meticulous in the way they practically pick you apart, pure teases through and through. both of them are highkey bullies, will get you completely riled up with their words alone then constantly bring you right to the edge of heaven before dropping you just to hear that desperate whine.
i cant decide who would be meaner honestly 😖 seungmo speaks in such a way that makes you feel tiny and helpless underneath him, his stroke game isn’t the best in comparison to the others (not saying he’s bad) but he more than makes up for it with his words, fingers and tongue <33
and imie .. an all rounder really. bullies tf out of you, can be ruthless as hell about it, trades between slow deep thrusts and pounding your lights out to keep you on your toes. that being said he can get rlly overwhelmed by just how good you feel so he has to pace himself or you’re getting fucked through the floor.
n then on team, “absolutely amazing but still a wildcard” we have bby han <33 he’s got the duality, he can be anything you need him to be. he can fuck you nice and slow, kiss you real sweet and tell you how much he loves you. he can be absolutely filthy, pull your hair and leave bites and bruises everywhere; call you his pretty little cumdump. as expected of the ace, we love a multifaceted boy.
so to summarize with a ranking, best to “not as good” (i don’t wanna say worst that sounds bad :p)
lino n hyun tied for second imo
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we-keep-odd-hours · 2 months ago
(repost of a tag game, original post was getting really long)
Ten questions to ask a mutual
Instructions: prev asks ten questions and you answer them, then ask ten new ones and tag ten people to keep the chain going! I’ll go first
Tagged by @rock-n-macabre
Do you think Severen survived the end of Near Dark and he's probably just chewing on roadkill somewhere until he gets his strength back? I think he's the most likely to have survived; there's so much emphasis on daylight, direct daylight being the only thing that can kill them, that his death seemed...an odd way to go out permanently. Personally, I like to lean on 'they'll all be fine eventually, it just won't be a very fun recovery, plus transfusions don't work like that and Mae and Caleb are still vampires.'
Weirdest song you get stuck in your head? A rotating mix of atrocious pop music; sometimes it's just snippets of whatever I've been listening to recently. Right now I have "Father" by the Misfits stuck in my head.
What is an item you wish would become a fad? Common sense; selfishly I do wish goth would go mainstream again like it did for two minutes in 2014ish, just to make it easier to find dark makeup.
If you had to live in an era, what would you choose? None in the past; I think it'd be fun to visit, but between health concerns and other factors I really wouldn't want to move someplace else. If i HAD to....just like. A couple decades earlier, I guess?
Fav genre of music? Most of what I listen to falls under the rock umbrella.
Fav past time? Writing, reading, I'm bad at it but also like painting. My favorite time-wasting activities outside of my house are wandering art museums and this really nice botanical garden I'm lucky to live near. I don't consider it a time-waster because it's my therapy, but I spend a LOT of time at the National Aquarium too (not exactly local, but not a horrible drive).
Gators or Crocs? like...the animals? Crocodiles are one of my favorite animals, but I love everything crocodilia. I have a bunch of tiny alligators and crocs on my desk at work, and another that lives on top of the radio in my car.
Possums or Armadillos? the latter for the novelty; we have a lot of possums around here so I'm used to seeing them.
Tacos or Burritos? tacos
(whew almost there...Im reaching for Qs) - Best Bill Paxton movie? EVIL. oh man. oh no. Don't make me do this, as I blog on a Near Dark blog, with a word doc for a fanfic open, in my red/white/black flannel shirt, whlie drinking out of my Aliens coffee mug. I'm not making choosing one. My favorite role of his is definitely Severen though.
Okay for my ten I'm going to be entirely self-serving and try to get some meta and head-canon conversation going on in the tags again:
Thoughts on Eric Red's idea for a Near Dark sequel? (Mae and Caleb's adult, human, daughter has a run in with "kin" of the Hookers.)
Top five movies with vampires?
If YOU were going to pitch a sequel (time machine back to 1987, or else a book/comic/etc) what would you say?
Favorite scene that isn't the bar scene?
We know (canon) that Mae was turned around 1982, Jesse around the Civil War, and (kiiiiiinda canon?) Severen in Tombstone in the late 19th century. When/where do you think Diamondback and Homer were from?
Do you think if Caleb got over his selectively applied human moral code that he would have made an okay vampire, eventually?
Severen: ace/aro spec, or no?
Any scenes that were changed from script to film, or otherwise cut that you wish made it into the movie/were done differently?
What would have happened if Loy and Sarah were at literally any other motel that night?
Aside from her god-awful taste in boys, what's your opinion on Mae?
taggging @rock-n-macabre again, @hex6rcist, @mrsvansickle04, @babieswrld, @ltofoceania, @lupinedreaming, @lektricfergus @tragantia, @osmanthusoolong, and @starfolk7 who is actually normal about this movie but whom I made sit down and watch it, as I have done and continue to do every time I find out one of my friends has never seen it.
And anyone else who wants to join in.
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givekennyabreak · 2 years ago
Kenny Liu NSFW headcannons (gn!reader)
Summary: just some headcannons because I've got brainrot over Kenny once more :)
Request: no, my braincells screamed at me again
Rating: M, 18+ obviously
Warnings: mentions of kinks, light bdsm, marking/biting, sex talk
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• Kenny is SO shy at first. He doesn't know how to act the first times you guys start to go into sexy territory
• Asks for consent. Always
• "can I touch (body part)?"
• That goes two ways. Always ask for consent too because my boy is insecure and takes a while to get comfortable when it comes to showing himself more, even if it's just touching and no actual seeing
• I headcannon him as aspec, either demi or grey ace. In either of those, it takes him a long time to warm up to the thought of being intimate with you, so you'll have to go slowly
• When he gets more confident, will stop asking verbally to touch your body areas that aren't considered very intimate. Will squeeze your hips, waist, tummy, but will still look up at you to see if it's okay to keep going
• Biting/nibbling king!!!! Keeps biting your neck and the center of your throat unconsciously, it's honestly very relaxing to him and he gets happy whenever a light mark appears
• The first time he covered your neck in marks, he got so flustered. Apologized profusely because you had to wear a turtleneck around town in a 35ºC (95ºF) heat
• Was lowkey proud tho. Seeing you walk with the marks HE created on your body makes his brain go haywire and he gets even more excited, expect him to go right back to work when the old ones fade
• You forget to cover them up ONCE and never again. Jade saw it and went "what got to you, chupacabra?"
• "please shut up."
• When you actually end up doing the do, he's overwhelmed. Not in a bad way, you worked everything up to this point and he's so so so happy he has someone who loves him and wants him :((
• He's a switch, sub leaning. No buts, mans a giver all the way, you actually have to remind him this is about him, too
• Cries when he's about to cum. It all feels so good, it's so warm and he looks down to see your face scrunched up in pleasure as you just came and a drop of sweat sliding down your chest
• Ends up nutting right then and there
• Doesn't have a crazy high sex drive, but will get horny at the simplest things
• You smiled up at him, brighter than the sun, after a bad day? Boner
• Punched some asshole on the nose after they screamed at Victor? Boner
• Showed up at the station with homemade food for him? He's taking you in the archive
• Someday you ask him if he has any kinks and he's like "pshh no"
• Ends up having many
• One of them is shibari. He likes the aesthetic of it and it feels nice to have your hands all over his body as you twist the rope
• Whenever you tie him up, the night is all about him. It's usually after a rough day, he needs to get his head off things and not care about everything and everyone for once
• Praise kink. Both giving and receiving, can and will cry if you start to call him pretty and kiss all over his body
• King of aftercare!! Will clean both of you up, kiss all over your face and whisper sweet nothings as he hides his face on your neck
• Will lay his head on your lap on most nights. Sleeps the best when he's resting there
• Is a thigh man. Doesn't matter of your thighs are skinny, chubby, bony, he LOVES THEM
• Card your fingers through his hair and massage his scalp (the famous Brazilian cafuné) and he's ready to go again
• is a softie in the streets and sheets, protect Kenny at all costs.
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Permanent taglist: @tiredwritersworld
Whew good God this was long
Kudos to the from discord family for making me think about these!! <3
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lullabyalikpoptarot · 6 months ago
TXT as a Boyfriend
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Alright, now let's get into TXT as a boyfriend. I will stress I keep it real, I take whatever messages come to me, it isn't always pretty. We are all flawed beings, no judgment here.
Yeonjun (4 of Swords/Priest) This looks nice first look. He seems pretty chill as a boyfriend. Once again, I am getting he would like to relax and go on vacations with his partner. He would project calmness and want to keep his partner's peace of mind. He seems like the type who would want to lift up his partner. I just hear, keep their peace of mind. He would want to motivate them and uplift them. Whew a light reading, thank you Yeonjun. He seems like a drama free boyfriend as of now, this can change. But this feels nice, very peaceful. Can I have a guy like Yeonjun in my life? lol
Soobin (Ace of Swords rv/Damsel) The moment I thought of Soobin. I got someone who projects insecurity. Remember, just reading cards and channeling, no facts here. Anyway, it seems he is the type that won't really act on impulses or take action when approaching love. He has a vulnerability and tenderness to him as a boyfriend. I also get he doesn't have a lot of thoughts when it comes to relationships. There is confusion, oh and distractions with him as well. I feel he is distracting me again here. I am not getting much of how he is as a boyfriend, again, because if you look at the damsel card, the girl is looking at herself. I see that as him, like I am focused on myself. So, in the end he is the type that knows he should work on himself, before looking into relationships. He is also a Venus in Cap, as I mentioned our priorities aren't in relationships, so that can also be the case. I did say I wouldn't pull for him for this reading, or I may not, but I wanted to see if the energy was consistent, and it was here.
Beomgyu (Queen of Wands/Femme Fatale) Umm, this boy radiates strong feminine energy in relationships. He is flirty, seductive, umm he may want his partner to do the chasing. I hear, tell me I am pretty, that doesn't even surprise me. He likes to be pampered and adored. He seems to have an alluring and magnetic pull towards others or his partner. Umm, this also gives me a lot of sexual energy here too. He is adventurous and spontaneous, a bit of a spit fire. He runs on passion as a boyfriend. He doesn't seem like a conventional boyfriend and kind of does things he is own way.
Taehyun (Queen of Swords/6 of Cups rv/Beggar) Tae, what is this? Okay, this one is complex to me, this tells me two things. That this is about a past relationship with a petty, cold, callus person, pretty harsh person, or this is his energy, and he can be this way as a boyfriend. Immature, petty, harsh, judgmental and sometimes can say nasty sh**. This energy is someone who doesn't think before they say something. The Beggar card gives me someone apologetic or sorrowful for their actions to be honest. I am also getting is that he doesn't want to look at the past, because of shame of what he has done or said. I am focusing on the person in the card covering their eyes and it shows shame to me. He could also have romantic delusions as a boyfriend. I am also getting seeing things that are not there, man, this is wild, I don't understand these messages. I am just going by feel and the messages coming through. I take what I get. This is weird. If you think of the QOS's, this person is mentally sharp, it is like he isn't like that as a boyfriend. I also see him being stuck on the past a lot as a boyfriend. Alright, this is a whole complex thing, going to move on.
Hueningkai (The Hanged Man/ The Emperor/Exorcist) Alright, I had to sit with this for a minute, because once again I can't shake this feeling of a controlling figure when it comes to his relationships, like why am I getting this!!! Ugh, times like these is when I am not a fan of this. I just wish I can see it how the card plays out. The Emperor is a strong powerful person, someone very strategic. But I just look at that card and feel annoyed. I just got the message cold and callus, god darn it! What is this? It is like he could be passive and let others dominate him, or tell him what to do. This honestly makes no sense to me. He could be good at cutting toxic energy out, or he needs to cut off this controlling figure Idk. He seems like the type who prefers to stay away from toxicity as a boyfriend. I am frustrated and annoyed in this energy, also can't think straight, yeah, I can't tell you much about how he is as a boyfriend. Does he even know? I just think this shows up for me, because it affects how he is as a boyfriend. I just don't get why he gets this controlling figure energy, but not the others? How is he different? Make it make sense. This is so confusing to me.
Well, the first three seemed okay, and I thought this would be smooth sailing and bam, maknae line comes through with the deep sh** Once again, it is how it goes with me as a reader. I step into some crazy stuff. I can't fake it, sorry, I can't control energy lol but here you go.
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scoundrels-in-love · 2 years ago
1, 11, 39 for the fic ask thingy? 🐝
Thank you for asking, bbee. <33
Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
Truly, nothing scares and overall upsets me more than having to write multi-chaptered fics. I finally managed to break my curse of never having finished one earlier this year and I am gritting my teeth and chanting that I can and will finish the ones hovering in my WIPs as well. One shots is where my heart is at, even when I link them together in long collection.
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
Oh boy, I am not good at picking favorites, especially such limited number. But okay. *cracks knuckles* You're definitely getting more than just three, though.
sometimes it's heaven sent (we kiss, make up on the way) - a Mashwood Pushing Daisies AU by @dingusttmax that has been living in my corner of my heart and my mind. Painful, sweet and hot all at once. Absolute perfection. His through the deep dark forest long aka Mashwood Princess Mononoke AU is also just. SO GOOD. Fuckin' fantastic. Emotional, creative, stunningly described.
blended in measure the Mashwood series by @tardisready is just superb, fantastic, devastating, cleverly plotted and told, stunningly hot. Can't give it enough praise, truly. Also, ace Vash rep!
maybe my heart needs to break to be sure a Mashwood piece that comes with several warnings that absolutely should be heeded, but whew. The emotions, the love in this are absolutely fantastic, devastating and will stay with me for a long time. Forever, I suspect.
Mycorrhizae a Mashwood piece that left me just! Mouth ajar in the best way possible. Leaning into cryptid/inhuman Vash all the way in, absolutely fascinating and left me in awe and sick with writer and brain envy.
get your hopes up a Stryfewood focus Mashwood piece but Vash is very much present. Hot, emotional and just all around winner for me.
"Always" is in the eye of the beholder a VashMeryl piece and insight in Vash's immortality and the lifespan of love versus loved one.
Sister of Bandits by @ladymaliwan a VashMeryl piece about Meryl finding Ericks and Meryl is so delightfully badass in this, just everything about this is so good. I love the expansion of Meryl's arc that feels so natural that the author is making.
Bluebells by @needle-noggins is a VashMeryl fic in progress that has me captivated and not just because I've had the privilege of few sneak peaks of what's to come. Dealing with Meryl's very reasonable trauma after well... Everything. And navigating a life in the after. Which is a theme that I absolutely love to see explored.
for reasons wretched and divine a VashWood smut piece that comes with suicidal ideation warning. Trans Wolfwood and stone top Vash. The way this Wolfwood is written, it won't leave me alone. If I could do him this beautifully fucked up just once, I'd be happy.
Research Findings a Vashwood piece by @bienchanter short, funny as all hell, sweet. What's not to love. Like Smoke Through your Fingers by them as well - amnesiac Vash with synesthesia, which I think is such a winning combination. And it's not because I am biased, it's really a great zombie apocalypse Mashwood AU: what's it really for (if it's not yours and it's not mine)
There are several more I want to link, but I can't find them quick in my history, goddamit. I've been lax about bookmarking things lately. T_T
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
From what I have lovingly deemed Demi fic - a VashMeryl post Trimax piece.
“I thought you had died.” 
I almost did. Everyone else has. 
But it’s not true - she is here, hugging him so tight it almost hurts. So he does not say that, does not say anything at all, just holds her in return. Her shoulders tremble softly, because there's few things he's as good at as making her cry, it seems.
Vash doesn't count minutes holding her (comforting her, comforting himself), lets the few stray stares drip off of him, them, until Meryl is ready to pull away a little and look him in the face properly. There is an instant urge to turn his head away, duck out of her gaze, as if she could read all his recent failures in his features.
He doesn't, because he didn't come here to run away again. At least not the moment they've met. (He is tired of running. He is more scared of staying.)
Send me fanfic writer ask?&lt;3
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weepingmilkshakedreamer · 1 year ago
AS1 dial0gue but it'z my au [Act 2]
thiz iz a part 2 0f thiz p0zt that i did z0 uhh yeah. l0l
Bleed: "Bleed and Probe, Back alley MDs" - got a nice ring to it, eh doc?
Alan: Never mind that bleed. someone is coming - this could be trouble!
Brutality: All right! Who's the graffiti artist 'round here? Speak up, maggots!
Bleed: Uhhh, I'm Ignacious Bleed, I'm a surgeon, and this is...
Brutality: Surgeons eh? Well! You boys are gonna help me!
Bleed: Uhm... ok what's-
Brutality: No questions! Get Fixin'!
After surgery
Brutality: Hoo! That's better. Don't know why i did that. People i arrested kept suggesting it. Guess i got curious.
Bleed: Well, as long as your happy, Mr. officer sir!
Brutality: Some whack-job round here has started attacking criminals and messin' them up real bad... So carry on, and keep an eye out!
Brutality: ...also you can keep the handcuffs.
Bleed: Ewwww... Bleh!
Valerie: Hey! You guys are the surgeons right? Well listen i just got attacked!
Valerie: I was just minding my own business, siphoning off some petrol from a car, when someone snuck up behind me!
Bleed: Oh cool! Well then, let's take a look!
After surgery
Valerie: Whew. Thanks guys - that was ace.
Bleed: No problem missy! Spread the word!
*Valerie leaves*
Alan: Bleed I've been thinking... your current outfit isn't really suitable anymore, so I grabbed this as we left the warehouse.
*Bleed puts on the bloody overalls*
Bleed: Woohoo look at me! I'm a super-hot surgeon!
Bleed: Thanks doc! All the guys are gonna be saying, "Help me doctor! I have ahuge ick!" and I'll be like, "Hmm! I'd best take a look!" and...
Alan: Bleed! Could we focus, please for gods sake! I think we have another patient!
Vince: Hey! Four-eyes! Yeah, you in the overalls hanging out with the tramp!
Bleed: Jeez and I thought Alan was the only bi- Er uh- I mean... What seems to be the problem, miss?
Vince: MISS?! You little...!
Bleed: wait wha... OH WAIT! I'm so sorry! I thought you were a woman dressed as a cheap male prostitute. Sorry!
Vince: I guess I asked for that. But listen, i suffer from multiple personalities, which is bad for business...
Vince: Could you... You know, fix me?
After surgery
Vince: I feel... Good!
Bleed: (Urgh, well you don't look so good!)
Bleed: So long, pretty boy!
*Vince leaves*
Bleed: ...
Bleed: God... That reminds me of my experience with lobotomies...
Shame-rock: Ah, now I'll know what you'll say, guys!
Shame-rock: You'll say, "Ah, but that guy looks like he's been through the wars!", so you will!
Bleed: Uhh ok?... Have you been through wars then?
Alan: That's not what he meant Bleed you goddamn idiot... But my guess is some kind of farm equipment, or whatever the fuck...
Shame-rock: Ha! But that's all part of being an elite cage-fighter, so it is!
Shame-rock: And besides, you should have seen the other guy!
Alan: Worse off, wasn't he?
Shame-rock: I literally broke me foot off in his a-
Alan: Ah! Ok ok! Don't need to go into detail here! Bleed you take it from here, before he makes me uncomfortable!
Bleed: Right! Well! Let's get cracking on, shall w-
Alan: Bleed, Shut up!
Bleed: Ok...
After surgery
Shame-rock: Well, I feel great!
Shame-rock: But is all the bandages exactly necessary?
Alan: Well, you know how sometimes you have to put a cone on a injured dog to stop it hurting itself again because they have the brain of this dumbass right here?
Bleed: Hey...
Shame-rock: Ah! I see! This is to stop me from destroyin' me opponents too early on?
Alan: Yeah whatever! Let's go with that explanation!
*Shame-rock leaves*
Alan: ....
Alan: You're still a dumbass you know that right?
Bleed: Yeah...
Alan: Ok good.
Distress: So... I HEAR you boys are pretty "extreme"... But you LOOK a bit "old and past it" to me!
Bleed: Hey! I'll have you know I once saved the world from the Spider Queen's evil sisterhood using only my bare wits and a sparkly thong!
Bleed: Er- no, wait... That might have not been me...
Alan: Definitely not.
Distress: Ugh! Whatever! Well, I want you to take it to the next level!
Distress: I want to be your surgical CANVAS OF AGONY! Paint me with pain!
Gimp: Yrrrrrgh! Shrr rrrrrrrryy rrrks prrrrrn!
Bleed: Ewwww! Bleh!
After surgery
Distress: Ahh! That was amazing!
Bleed: I aim to please!
Bleed: Or at least not hit any vital organs!
Grimp: Wrrrrl yrrr strrrrple mrrr brrrrrt-chrrrrks trrrrgrrrtrrr?
Bleed: ...
Alan: ...
Bleed: Uh- sorry i couldn't understand a word you just said! But anyways have you heard of anything about criminals getting attacked miss?
Distress: Ugh! Yeah i heard. Word is, problems started around the same time some creepy French woman started hanging around...
Bleed: French? Hmm... Alright! Anyways be seeing you!
Alan: (Jesus Christ I sure hope not...)
Bleed: (Yeah same here doc...)
Ted: Uh... Hey guys? Will you help me?
Bleed: Uhh yeah I think we should be able to... Whew! Oh man! What did you do, eat a bunch of garbage and then sleep in a dumpster?
Ted: Yeah... I guess, pretty much. Sorry. Listen - it's Joe... he needs to move out.
Bleed: Uhhh what...?
Ted: Uh, Joe's my tapeworm.
Bleed: Oh! Alright i see now! let's take a look then!
After surgery
Ted: Oh man... Joe! What have I done? Oh man...
Bleed: Hey! He was a giant weird, gross parasite who was slowly killing you! What are you upset about!
Ted: Yeah. But... He was my only friend.
Bleed: Huh. Well uh, I guess they say it's those closes to our hearts that can hurt us the most...
Alan: I don't think they meant it in a strictly anatomical sense, Bleed you fuckin idiot...
Caruthers: ...
Bleed: Uhh... What? Sorry i don't speak sign language.
Alan: I'll translate for you bleed! Now what seems to be the problem again sir?
Caruthers: ...
Alan: (I see...) He says that, "He needs our help! And that he's been poisoned".
Bleed: Poisoned? I knew it! Did someone attack you? OH SWEET MOTHER OF- WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!
Caruthers: ...
Alan: He says that, "It's his pet komodo dragon and good friend Bugeater Peter"
Bleed: Ohhh... Ok anything else?
Caruthers: ...
Alan: He says that, "Today peter wouldn't eat his caviar, so he had to eat some to show em it's delicious, but apparently someone had swapped it out with spider eggs and now he's gonna die... of spiders."
Bleed: Alr well let's see if i can control my phobias long enough to do this, so I'll do the best i can without freaking out!
After surgery
Caruthers: ...
Alan: He says that, "it was very scary but he's grateful for the operation."
Bleed: Ah yes, you're very welcome Mr. Caruthers.
*Caruthers then leaves*
Bleed: You know doc, I've seen something similar to that before!
Alan: Really?
Bleed: Yeah! Back at the warehouse a girl came in full of bugs! She almost seemed to like it! I fixed her up, but...
Alan: You performed surgery without me? Bleed! that was madness!
Bleed: Oh no, it's fine! I did great but... Oh never mind.
Dwayne: Hey guys! Les copains! You gotta help me, see? I was at customs, ok? Customs! Je reviens de la capitale mondiale du café oh man you should have seen all the coffees they had!
Dwayne: But I had too much they said! TOO MUCH! I said I'll tell YOU when I've had enough!
Dwayne: So i had to hide it! I had to! Je dois avoir that sweet, sweet caffeine kick!
Dwayne: slurp-slurp-slurp
Dwayne: Oh baby! Oh boy that's good! But anyway! Fermez-la! I'm talking! Le café - I hid it! Now I need it back!
Dwayne: You gotta get it back for me! Do your surgery thing! Do it do it! Make with the ol' slice and dice, the old snip-snip chop-chop!
Bleed: Ohhh-kay! And breathe!
After surgery
Dwayne: Oh wowee, oh yowza! You got it! Oh I could kiss you my dear Bleed! I could kiss the coffee, that sweet, sweet mocha temptress...
Dwayne: slurp-slurp-slurp
Alan: Wait... What?!-
Bleed: Ugh... Yeah your welcome! I guess, but you need to get over it Dwayne...
Dwayne: Yeah i know! But can you at least help me off the dumpster?
Bleed: (Sigh...) Fine!
Dwayne: My... what cold hands you have my dear!
Bleed: That's it! Get out!
Dwayne: Awwww... Not even one little kiss before i go?
Bleed: OUT!
*Dwayne leaves*
Alan: Why Didn't you tell me you had an ex?
Bleed: Well i didn't tell you because it was very personal information you know, And cuz i didn't wanna let you know about the fact i used to date that asshole.
Alan: Oh... Why did you break up with him?
Bleed: I accidentally slept with one of his twin bro-
Alan: AH! Ok ok! That's all the information i need to know why!
Bleed: Oh uhh alright then... Anyways back to work!
Alan: Wow you got over that quick.
Bleed: Uhm ok... Was it fast food?
Bleed: (Let's just get on the table and get em the heck out of here! Though I kinda like this guy, he seems cool!)
Alan: (I don't agree with you on the second half! But i agree with you on the first half Bleed.)
After surgery
Ernest: I recognize you, doktor Alan.
Alan: I... Me? How the fuck do you know who i am...?!
Ernest: I saw you. Saw you in ze Old Medicine Building. All zose people died...
Bleed: Uhh doc am i missing something? What is he talking about?
Bleed: (The Old Hospital? Is it true... Or is he just crazy?)
Bleed: Doc... What that guy said. Did you work at the Old Hospital? I heard about that. It shut down because a bunch of people died. And then it burned down...
Alan: Bleed...
Bleed: I want to know what happened doc! But it'll have to wait. We've got a patient!
Bleed: Hey! You're... Jimmy?!
Jimmy: Doc... Help me! They... Someone sent a exterminator on me! I...
Bleed: He's in a bad way! We need to get going here!
After surgery
Bleed: He'll pull through. But that was a attempted murder!
Bleed: who's doing this?! And what happened at The Old Hospital?! What happened with YOU?!
Alan: I... I will explain what i can, Bleed. But for now... It looks like we have another patient.
Bleed: Ahhhhhh! Doc, you cant just leave me hanging like this! I want to know right now!
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alyjojo · 1 year ago
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The Person On Your Mind in January 🏔️ 2024 - Capricorn
Whole of their energy towards Capricorn: 7 Wands
Feelings: 9 Pentacles
Intentions: Ace of Swords
Actions: 6 Cups, The Sun rev & Knight of Swords
They’re angry with you, not just anger though, they feel like they have to defend themselves where you’re concerned. Either your literal Judgment of them or theirs of you, could be something that was communicated coldly, unemotionally, King of Swords isn’t mean but he’s not the warmest King of the bunch either. This could also be saying they’re defensive over you coming back around, or making amends, 4 Cups & Death. Either you didn’t care it ended in the first place or they didn’t, but it ended, so why go back? Their feelings are strange. They feel like you’re secure financially, in single energy, but you don’t deal with your own Devil energy, essentially that you’re toxic and don’t face or own up to your own bs. Queen of Swords at the bottom, could be an ex. She who knows the truth, they feel like they’re onto you. They could also be avoiding sex, very specific, but Ace of Wands is under the Queen, and this energy can be very sneaky but they put it on you. Continuing under the deck, 4 Cups & Knight of Cups. So very little intimacy, just want sex, feels blah, they see you as kinda selfish and not interested in love. Or - was. This could also show anger, you don’t care how they feel - per them, is what they’ve said? Whew. This could all be switched too.
The intention is to profess their love for you, or yours for them, 2 Cups. Something is imbalanced, one person feels like their love is genuine love and the other person is…not as invested, perfectly fine without them, like why are we wasting our time then? Both are showing up as intellectually matched air signs, or ex’s, but I get the King is probably that way all of the time, whereas the Queen just matches that energy, because 2 Cups, soulmates, divine matches, etc. Yes they are one for you, but can it not be Swords? Where is the emotion in this connection?
In action, they’re thinking of times in the past where they’ve probably tried, and gotten their head bitten off in response, or they feel like they’ve already said everything there is to say and they’re just beating a dead horse at this point. Or they don’t know what your problem is because you don’t talk, or they think you don’t care. Based on something that’s been said before - Knight of Swords. Harshly. Maybe it’s always been this way and they didn’t see it, they definitely have no confidence or faith that this could have a new beginning - The Fool. They feel like there’s no point. Is there love, yes, but it’s like stonewall city between you two.
Their side:
- You hurt me first.
- Shy 🙈
Your side:
- Mama’s Boy / Daddy’s Girl
- Obsessed with YOU 😳
Possible signs:
Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio & Libra
If you’re dealing with:
8 Wands is either really fast communication, like a barrage of text messages all coming in at once, or it’s fast movement. Taking action in a situation immediately and moving really fast with it, in some cases this may be long distance travel as well. The issues may be communication itself, both with this person and others where more difficult cards exist. How this applies differs for everyone.
Aries - healing from struggles they may not have been open about before, they could be talking more about this with you now
Taurus - has a great idea or a passion for something they want to do, but may not be happy with the circumstances, cost, or price - could be having to wait & not happy about it
Gemini - you’re not the only egg they’re into, they’ve got their flirty hands in a few baskets
Cancer - not coming around because of something shocking or unexpected that’s happened, but wants to reunite with you
Leo - wants to spenddd the money, is saving but can’t figure out for what, or why it’s necessary, money is burning a hole in their pocket, maybe it’s okay to indulge a little?
Virgo - has very good news, either with work or the family, being recognized publicly or even honored for something, they’re celebrating 🥳
Libra - angry that there’s any competition, whether at work separate from you, or if you’re dating around, they want your full attention 💯
Scorpio - newly single & finally ready to mingle, they probably haven’t said anything until they were ready, but they are now
Sagittarius - hiding a personal win or victory behind a facade of “generosity”, or acting kind and gracious but it’s actually a dig at you, there’s something snide about this person
Capricorn - could be getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant very quickly or unexpectedly, with someone new, or they barely know, there’s a one night stand energy with that - others are moving swiftly towards growth & maturity, away from any immature bs
Aquarius - manifested some sneaky bs in the past, they were strategically manipulative, or you were, King of Cups rev comes out with the Queen & 6 Cups - they’ve moved on from it, or are addressing it
Pisces - would rather be alone than constantly worried about instability, or keeping to themselves for this reason, or you are
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anyathefandom · 2 years ago
So here are my thoughts on Monday's episode😌:
The minute marshall and Spencer made eye contact she immediately tried to get out of there😂
There goes my cute demonic baby!🥰
Why can't the writers understand that if their not going to give Esme consequences for her crimes then at least let her feel guilty for hurting these people instead of her trying to skirt them blame all the time.🙄 I won't like her more but I would've been like "Well at least she feels remorse 🥴"
Not Esme saying karmas a bitch. Like please tell me these writers don't think Esme being surrounded by people she doesn't trust is the karma she deserves.🥴
So now they got Joss finally admitting they don't know each other like that beyond fucking. Yeah them writers be reading them tweets.😂
Okay what we're not going to do is this "old Esme" crap because their legit the same person. She still is as whiny and terrible at taking responsibility as ever.🤷
Why tf do they have Liz talking about facing no consequences when Esme's ass is the poster child for not facing any.🥴
Sidenote: it just feels like these writers are trolling us and it's not cute.😒
These Spencer and Marshall scenes are hitting. No notes. 10/10. Might fuck around and become a marshall stan.🤭
Now Cameron Steven Webber why the fuck would you tell that girl about the plan🤦
Got all my faves acting stupid around this girl.😩 Like I would say William kind of did us a solid by ducking out but we all know now that he's coming back this summer so we already know their probably going to still purse the casme route and were about to witness our boy acting extra wild about this girl.🥴
Sick of the words "Baby brother"🙃
Esme's whining again about how she can't go back in time to undo it all and I'm sitting here going "Girl things would be simpler for you if you'd just apologize to people and stop being annoyed that they don't fuck with you for good reason 🤷"
Cam is bringing up the parallel's between Franco and Esme and yeah their definitely still going to do casme when he comes back.🤦
That kiss got Trina spinning. Whew I can practically see the cartoon birds flying around her head.😂
I rather joss be off screen getting horny from talking about sonny then see her trying to soothe her guilty conscience about how she fucked over cam. Like girl just shut up talking about the break up unless you ready to tell the full tale of what really happened.🙃
Cameron with Esme at the beginning of the episode: 😈 demon time is a go!!!
Cameron at the end: *Feels the spirit of his mama take hold of him* Hmm what if I try to connect to this troubled soul 🤔
And they got Esme talking about she was starting to like him. Yeah casme is coming.🙈 That baby is going to be Ace Webber soon😭
Extra bitter still that casme is tainted for me because the chem is still there.😩
He done invited this girl to the party. Boy....the fact this party is going to be all about Esme instead of cam .🤦
In summary: Josslyn stop talking about the break up like girl even cam ain't bringing that shit up, Cam will be cool for the summer but we ain't safe from Casme, Liz will always be loved by me so fuck that talk about consequences especially when Esme and those blondes be skating, I might be part of the marshall fan club now, and Sprina are finally an "Us".🥰
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sublightsleeper · 2 years ago
🌸 Five comfort characters, five tags 🌸
Tagged by the lovely @blizzardsuplex!
1.) Tony Stark. (MCU) - My ride or die, the reason I came to tumblr and the reason I started my ao3. Probably my favorite character of all time, especially the RDJ version of him though I like some of the comics runs. He’s got all my favorite traits: sluttiness, daddy issues and substance abuse problems.
2.) Amethar Rocks (Dimension 20, A Crown of Candy) - Listen, I love everything Lou Wilson has ever done at an actual play table. Kingston Brown can step on me. I want to make Fabian a sandwich, and Eursolon is incredible. But Amethar was the character I fell the most in love with. He’s fifth in line, he’s never meant to be king. He can’t even read! He tries so hard to be a good father and labors under the incredible weight of responsibility.
3.) Jon Moxley (AEW, FCW, Indies) - Whew boy I have been reading and writing Mox fics since the FCW days. His feud with Regal back then hit me so hard. He’s just such a raw, hypnotic promo that it’s impossible not to love this raw nerve of a man. (Of course this includes Ambrose and Shield fic.)
4.) Ted Lasso (Ted Lasso) - He’s soft. He’s sweet. He’s sad. His accent kind of sounds like mine. It’s nice to have a character who is always looking out for other people and striving to do the right thing. Out of this list, he’s the one character I would aspire to be.
5.) Aerith Gainsborough - (Final Fantasy VII) I may aspire to be a Ted Lasso but I spent my teens and now my adulthood wishing I could be Aerith. She’s beautiful, she takes no shit. She’s full of love, she’ll hit a man with a chair. She dies to save the world, she lives to protect her friends.
tagging: @itookyoudown @fourtacosandaburrito @smoking-ace @wildglitterwolf
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ofstarsandskies · 1 month ago
Sylvain skips over to give Ludger a little kiss on the cheek. "Look at how well you're doing. So smart! Maybe you should kiss some sense into me." And he ruffles his hair, not exactly deadly serious. Just happy for Ludger's grade.
@mamoritxi || Sylvain coming to comfort da boi
"Whew... I didn't think I'd pass!"
Ludger almost melted into his seat as Professor Eisner handed back his certification exam for the Wyvern Rider class. Julius helped him train in riding flying mounts before the big day, but training and actually performing under pressure to succeed are two different beasts. Though with these marks, he could take to the skies with his trusty wyvern partner! Just gotta watch out for bow users...
"Hm?" Look at that: Sylvain's here too. Was he always here or did he just walk in? Ludger was so focused on not cracking underneath the pressure, he tuned out reality! But the look on Sylvain's face wasn't one of upset feelings, so if he did ignore him, he must've not minded.
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Once they were close, Sylvain pecked his cheek and offered congrats on his success in his own Sylvain-esque way. "I-I don't think kisses work like that..." Ludger bumbles his words at first, though just as quick he's getting up on his tiptoes to kiss Sylvain back (on the cheek-- Nii-sans are watching). "--But I remember reading that good luck kisses are real enough. Hope that one helps you ace your next exam!"
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bulltruearchive · 4 years ago
chris  :  yea  my  dad  broke  a  beer  bottle  over  my  head  &  broke  my  wrist  so  im  scared  of  him his  brother  richard,  who  broke  his  arm  in  2  places  so  badly  he  needed  a  steel  plate  put  into  his  arm,  &  who  beat  his  face  up  so  much  he  was  bleeding  from  his  ears  :  👁👄👁
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beavesaintmarie · 7 years ago
 ahhh i realize i haven’t made a trip update on here at all. i have been with twitter as much as i can but yeah i’ve been neglecting my tumble 
so everything is going great and we’re having such an incredible time.. and i think i’m even more in love than i was before, and i didn’t think that was possible. it’s been a perfect anniversary trip! 
but.....of course there was a little drama. so if you want the tea. it’s under the cut lol: 
soooooo a group of some super obnoxious dudebros recently moved into the suite next to ours and they were like making hella noise at like 3:30 am while we we sleeping. all of them clearly drunk as fuck. 
two of them got into some kinda scuffle too cause i heard one threaten to pound the other's ass into dust.....either that or there was some super kinky shit going on in there and i totally misread the situation.
buuut Liam and I decided to get back at them by making our own noise. i mean we haven't been fucking that much (well for us anyways lol) cause we've been so tired from all the stuff we've been doing. so when we're in bed we're actually sleeping for once lol
so to get back at those douchenozzles next door we protest boned.....loudly. we boned on principle but once we get into it..............well let's just say the principle of the matter was quickly forgotten but now in a post-orgasmic haze im not hearing anything from that side of the wall at all. it's silent. and im like holy shit.........we just gave those guys a free show D:
so now im about to make that noise complaint i shoulda made in the beginning (LIKE CECILIA WOULDA DONE). before they get the chance to make a noise complaint about us.
IN MY QUEST FOR REVENGE, I ENDED UP PLAYING MYSELF. (liam don't care he's gone back to sleep- laid and happy...........im the one out here involved in a probably-mostly-in-my-head-hotel melodrama.)
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twistmusings · 2 years ago
hello!! if your requests are still open, i have to pick your brain on the debate of the century- which characters do you think are ass men and which are tits guys? 👁 (or maybe a secret sinister 3rd thing) (thighs)
Which characters prefer tits, ass, or mayhaps thighs?
CW: Use of the word "titty" but not intended to describe the gender of their partner. Still, in case the word may be triggering I just wanted to give a heads up.
Note: All characters are portrayed as being in their mid to late twenties!
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Riddle Rosehearts
I feel like Riddle will never ever admit to it, but probably thighs.
He would love to lay his head on someone's thighs.
Stockings turn him on more than he would like to admit. If someone has on stockings with something that is cut high enough that he can see the gap of skin between their clothes and their stockings he's going to be in a lot of inner turmoil about it. He honestly might tell them to change their outfit because he's trying very hard not to look like a fucking pervert because he keeps glancing at them.
Ace Trappola
Ace is an ass man. He would like a lil something to put his hand on if he gives someone a hug.
And if they sit on his lap? Whew. 👌
Deuce Spade
Ass as well. They're just cute and round and fun to touch if he's allowed.
He's very subtle about it, so it's not something he seeks unless he's in private. If he's snuggling, though, he's probably either going to be the big spoon so he can pull them against him. Or if they're snuggling face to face or side to side he's probably going to rest a hand on a partner's buttcheek.
Trey Clover
Tits, though only by a little. He's good about not checking people out, but if you catch him staring at someone, you're probably going to catch him checking out their chest.
Cater Diamond
Please, god, a titty in his hand, PLEASE.
He also likes ass and legs but tits just hit different. They're so cute.
He absolutely is a menace about wanting them in his mouth if he's in bed with someone. He's got a tiny bit of an oral fixation and really likes the feeling of a nipple getting hard in his mouth.
Leona Kingscholar
Tits but less because of attraction reasons and more because they're comfy and warm and he wants to lay his head against them. He will adore using them as a napping spot, if someone lets him.
But if he can see a nipple through the fabric of their shirt it gets him a little riled up. If they're okay with it, he'll get a little handsy with them when he does notice it.
Ruggie Bucchi
Thighs 100%. He likes to go down on his partners and there's nothing quite so satisfying as feeling their thighs squeeze around his head when they're about to come.
He likes to leave marks on them too. Bites, hickeys, you name it. He likes seeing evidence that he's been there on his partners.
Jack Howl
Jack is a good boy and would never stoop to the level of objectifying someone by their body parts.
For real, he doesn't really have a preference, he likes them all. A titty in his hand, an ass on his lap, or an outfit that shows off their thighs, it's all just great. He's a little too moral bound to ever admit to checking them out.
Azul Ashengrotto
He's not as subtle about it as he thinks he is, but it's ass. He has gotten called out by Jade and Floyd both when they catch him checking out someone's ass.
What can he say? It's something unique to coming on land since human anatomy is so different from merfolk anatomy in so many ways. He just likes to look a little...
Jade Leech
Tummies. I realize this isn't an option. Jade does not care. He just thinks it's cute.
Also humans have belly buttons which is not something they have under the sea. It's cute! And they come in different shapes. It gives everyone character to their tummies.
I have said it and I will say it again, he is a big fan of plus sized tummies. He just thinks. They're cute and soft and he wants to lay his head on them. And maybe bite a little bit. (He is an eel, after all.)
Floyd Leech
He doesn't have a strong preference, really. Maybe thighs? But really he just kind of is into who he's into and he doesn't know exactly why he finds certain things attractive.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim doesn't have a strong preference either. People are just hot, so he likes it all.
He's easily flustered by showing his desire, though, so having someone encourage him to touch their butt, tits, thighs, anything will make him a lil shy.
Jamil Viper
Titties but closely followed by thighs.
His favorite is to hug his partner from behind and sneaking a hand up the front of their shirt to just hold a titty in his hand. If he's being a shithead, he also likes teasing just enough that one of their nipples is hard and ignore the other entirely so he can tease them about being able to see it through their shirt.
Vil Schoenheit
Thighs. (Or really, legs in general.) He thinks having shapely legs is one of the most attractive features on anyone, and he really likes the way that heels make legs look.
He loves to style looks for his partners if he will let them and you can best bet he's going to pick something to accentuate their legs.
Rook Hunt
I have said before that Rook is really into pretty much anything and that still stands here. He like them all, and his favorite is probably whatever his partner thinks is their best asset. He absolutely will hype them up and make them feel like a bad bitch regardless.
Epel Felmier
... Tits? Moreso he likes pectoral muscles since he's attracted to strength, so truthfully if he's checking someone out it's going to look like he's staring at their tits regardless.
Idia Shroud
Thighs. Of course butts and boobs are great too, but he's more likely to check out someones thighs than anything else.
If someone is wearing something to accentuate their thighs or there's a little dip where their stocking sits on their legs he's going to be sweaty as fuck.
Malleus Draconia
He's demi so he doesn't actively check people out most of the time. What he notices first is eyes, if that counts. He will complement people on their eyes pretty often.
He doesn't think about it actively, but tits for sure. It probably doesn't hit him unless they actually are pressed against him though.
For example, if he falls asleep against someone and they adjust so he's laying with his head against their shoulder with their chest pressed against his side he's gonna get a little flustered once he wakes up.
Sebek Zigvolt
Ass. Sebek is an absolute menace about checking out people's asses and, like with everything he does, he's really not subtle about it.
He honestly loves a nice firm muscle butt. He just thinks it's attractive how much work it must have taken to build that muscle.
Lilia Vanrouge
A little tiny slight preference for tits but it's because he's pretty much always eye level to them. It's nice to just put his face on them because they're soft. Plus, depending on how he lays, he can hear their heartbeat and that's a super soothing sound to him.
He's a little shameless about it, so his partner might have to deal with him just nuzzling right up to their bosom in front of god and everybody. Not even in a sexual way, he just wants to snuggle.
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gh-0st-y · 2 years ago
Hello! Do you do multiple characters? If so can I ask for general dating headcanons for riddle, ace, and deuce? Thank you!
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— I'll be Lovin' you!
General Relationship Headcanons
content ; riddle, ace, deuce x gn!reader (separate)
tw : none !! hope you enjoy, dear ♡
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Riddle Rosehearts
• it was quite a sudden change for riddle - i mean, hed gone all his life, not a single relationship, with his mother practically breathing down his neck, rules upon rules - he..really wasnt prepared in the slightest
• but ever since dating you, and taking that leap?? oh, he wouldnt change a thing..
• whenever he sees you - in class looking out the window bored out of your mind, talking with your first year friend group, studying in the library, or sat by his side with a cup of tea in your hands? oh, he wishes he could look at you all day..he looks at you with so much adoration, he doesnt even realise hes staring, and his heart will swell - it feels like hes almost allergic and sick to this feeling, but the cure is you.
• he 100% lets you get away with a lot. favouritism much? but really, hed let you get away with..a lot, actually - with a light scolding, a hesitant ruffle of your hair, and a chuckle, he'll send you on your way - no punishment! but if it were anyone else (cough ace cough)? off with their head!!
• he always saves a slice of strawberry tart for you no matter what - and if theres no slice left for you? he'll share his - dont worry, he wont collar you for this.
• whenever hes stressed and students are getting on his nerves, he'll usually come to you for help on relaxing his nerves - just give him some cuddles and kisses, he'll be at tip-top shape in no time!
• hes always nervous to kiss you. no matter how many times youve kissed, he'll always get that cute blush that adorns his cheeks and reaches the tips of his ears, and he'll avert his eyes, hands growing clammy - hes so cute.
• he always tries not to get mad at you, but if he does? he'll apologise as fast as possible - hes trying his best, really! youll help him out, wont you? ♡
Ace Trappola
• oh what a menace - ace is always dragging you two into trouble, no matter where you go, and usually it includes deuce as well. hey, this is what you signed up for!
• but ace is hilarious - theres never a moment around him thats sad, with all the horrible jokes and pranks he makes, and his loudness, hes never a bore to be around - he'll always brighten up your day.
• need a good listener? ace is here! sure, he may not look it, but he listens intently to anything - so if you're upset and just need someone to hear you out? hes your guy! or perhaps you saw something you liked, but couldnt buy it - but whats this? a couple months later, the exact thing is in your hands, gifted by ace, who wears an embarrassed blush whilst handing it to you.
• surprisingly hes more mushy than he seems - he loves to have some kind of physical contact with you always. pinky locking, hand holding, arm linking, just a hand on your shoulder, putting a hand on the small of your back to guide you through the hallways, or resting his head against yours, the list goes on forever, he lives for it. it reminds him that youre real and he was able to date you. ace "arm wresting just to hold hands" trappola
• if youre one to be really open with your affections, whew - he loves it, but have mercy on the poor boy, his heart cant handle it, he looks like he might just combust if you keep at it. (dont stop, he loves it a lot (; )
Deuce Spade
• oh spare the poor boy - deuce never expected he could land someone as amazing as you, and considering you know about his past? lady luck is really on his side..
• he tries to treat you as often as he can - he may not be incredibly rich like some in school, but he knows partners like to recieve gifts. but sometimes, he'll ask trey to help him bake you some of your favourite treats, and he'll gift it to you with a wobbly smile and shaky hands. ♡
• he would protect you with his life - literally. hed do anything for you. hed walk through hell and back for you. if anything bad happened to you, hed never forgive himself. maybe thats why he sticks so close to you.
• hes so easily flustered..hes never been in a relationship, so you could surprise hug/kiss him? and hes ascending, heart palpitating, face red, body warm and shaky. hes stuttering out a 'why?' trying to hide his face, but he doesnt want you to stop ^^
• speaking of kisses..deuce always asks to kiss you before you kiss. no matter how many times youve done it, he still gets nervous and wants to make sure you do too. itll always start slow and hesitant, but as he gets comfy, itll become soft and full of love. sweet boy ♡
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