#ace hnkna
moonlit-sweet-dreams · 9 months
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🎀- Originally started as Ace in a plague doctor style mask, but it ended up more masquerade-esque than the traditional style I started with. Still fun nonetheless!
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hnknafan2016 · 8 months
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I can't related to horror stories where it's like, 'My wife started acting crazy, isn't that so scary?' Because I would support my wife no matter what. I would love my crazy wife.
- Ace, probably
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pandapyaar · 2 years
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some silly ace & alice doodles I did last week. they are the couple of besties ever
sorry I know these are their "old" designs (since they've changed with spade) and I've always messed up ace's coat since I was 13. old habits die hard!
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The ack........
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pilotoftheseas · 1 year
Sakura Con Ace
Got to wear Ace to Sakura Con this year, it was so fun to finally get to go! And two people actually recognized what I was, I wasn’t expecting anyone to honestly🥹. I forgot to bring my undershirt for him though, so I had to wear my friends black v-neck backwards, but it worked alright! Here’s a photo dump
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The wind helped me be very anime cool-guy here, I want to edit it into a cooler background. More photos under the cut!✨ 
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Goofball ones 😜
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i can accept him, he's innocent im the jury
Ace lovers where yall at come out of the hiding psps i have food for you
Warning: yandere behaviors, many mentions of blood and description of it, inflicting injuries and wounds, sadism, ace
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Everything is red. Since when? You don't remember. One thing for sure you always acknowledge is the fact that every of your days—no matter the time—always have been colored red. The color follows you without a fail, tainting your vision of normalcy.
It doesn't help that the sunset looks more piercing with the red hue taking mostly, engulfing the sky.
Slash, cut, stab, tear; various ways and things tumbling down to the same outcome. The kind of red that's distressing.
He sighs, not out of exhaustion but disappointment. “Ah~ they're so easy to be defeated, I feel like it's not becoming a productive training anymore. If they want to keep coming, don't you think they should put up more of a good fight?”
For the Knight of Hearts, red is dulled to the point he doesn't even think of it as a color anymore, doesn't feel the blood that sticks to him, doesn't smell the metallic scent wafting over in the once crisp air of the woods when it's clear to you as day and suffocates you where you stand before him right now. They're all just part of him that has existed long before you even came around; you being the only audience of his doesn't change the number of people he cut down, instead... they just keep increasing by the day somehow.
His glinting eyes in which the red sucks you in as if you just stared into the abyss itself, accompanied by the red outfit he almost always wears—you have to practically accept he's like the embodiment of red itself. A fresh smile which lures you in to a false reassuring sense of security, passionate touches that arouse your quickened heartbeats; a warm red that he is embracing you with like you're fragile. At the same time the alarming warmth can drastically take a turn setting off the alarm bells in your head anytime but the moment you realize, he may already have drawn out blood from you. Spilling and trickling down, that he basks in all its glory of your colorful upset reactions to his action. He couldn't ask for more besides being the reason of your everything—more so your pain and doubts—it's only fair when he just loves you that much.
For now, you may be not one of them whose red have been gouged out, splattering and spraying the ground or everywhere else instantly with no mercy. Before they faceplant to the earth, motion and lifeless, you're starting to think maybe they weren't alive from the very beginning as to comfort the reality you're in. But the red... serves as the living yet raw prove.
The Knight of Hearts hums in contemplation as his hand holds your face. “Red suits you better, don't you agree?” he tilts his head, wiping off the blood off your cheek with his fingers—alas, only smudging it more in red. It wasn't a question, it was a clear statement. If you were to say otherwise... that would be the very last unwise choice you pick.
You're the red and always have been one with the color.
And to Ace, red matters the most to him when you're caked in it like the abstract art piece he always admires.
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venyasum · 1 year
An ordinary day in Wonderland
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Ace shows that this is normal for Wonderland (especially in relation to Joker)
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tryingberryhard · 2 years
Happy Valentines to Azureflame who is not on Tumblr I am so sorry to the person I tagged!!!
Golly gee willickers I hope I tagged the right person
I have a little thing for you! Going off of your prompt: Ace giving Julius chocolates. I tried to draw this but hoh boi was that not working, so a ficlet it is. I'm hoping sometime I can actually draw a little segment of this as well, I think the atmosphere of it would be cute! If that works out in the future, I will be sure to tag you in it <3
For now, I offer this! Thanks for the great prompts, I had a lot of fun with this.
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Julius didn't flinch when Ace slammed his door open.
He merely continued working as Ace sauntered over, carefully nudging a pin into the clock he had on hand. If he could just get a few more pieces in place, the clock would be practically finished—
"Julius~!" Ace sang out, leaning on the far side of the table. "Julius, I brought something for you."
"I should hope so," he didn't glance up from his work, instead poking through a pile of springs to find one of the right size. "You were meant to be here 17 time periods ago." Ace lit up at that, practically giggling as he casually shoved a pile of parts towards Julius.
"Don't - ugh." Julius made a half-effort to salvage the pile before giving up, pinching between his eyes. “Please Ace, I’m in the middle of working.” He watched as Ace slowly and deliberately slid a gear towards the edge of the table, not unlike a cat.
Julius caught the gear before it hit the ground.
“You’re happy to see me, aren’t you?” Ace had stretched across half the table at this point, the bag in his hands practically on display in front of Julius.
In fact, it likely was a display.  A very disruptive display, that had knocked Julius’ hand aside and knocked several parts askew in the clock he had been so diligently fixing.
“Ace…” Julius took a breath, finally turning his attention to his unshakeable nuisance, expression tense and, unfortunately, resigned. “I assume there is a good reason you could not just place those clocks in the box of broken clocks?” Ace’s expression turned mischievous for a moment before he stood back up, making his way to Julius’ side and leaning against the table beside him.
“I brought you a gift!” Ace proudly dropped the bag in front of Julius, who groaned as several bright pink heart-shaped chocolates spilled out onto his workspace. Ace chuckled at the reaction, waiting contentedly for Julius’ response.
“I don’t suppose you bought these in town…”
“Nope!” Ace grabbed one and unwrapped it, popping it into his mouth. “This one lady, she was headed to deliver these chocolates to someone. But she had been hiding her girlfriend’s clock,” he shrugged, and began stretching his arms out, “she was easy enough to kill. She wasn’t expecting it, I don’t think.”
Ace turned his mischievous expression to Julius, his face quickly brightening. “So, I got all this free chocolate!”
Julius began plucking the stray chocolates to drop them back in their bag, shaking his head. “It’s probably too sweet anyways, Ace.” Ace beamed in return, placing a second bag (that drooped with a much larger weight, the clanking of metal tipping Julius off that that was the delivery he had been expecting) out of Julius’ reach.
“Awww! C’mon Julius, you haven’t even tried one yet.” Ace pouted, moving closer into Julius’ space, who promptly tried shoving him away.
“And I don’t need to. I won’t like it, Ace.”
Ace laughed, grabbing another chocolate to unwrap. He held it up to Julius’ lips, tapping it against them once, twice—
Julius grabbed his wrist, pushing the treat away from his face as he grit out, “Ace, I’m not going to eat that—”
Ace wrapped his free arm around Julius’ shoulders, pulling him into an awkward side-hug carefully bordering on chokehold as he continued forcing the chocolate to Julius’ face, smile glowing.
“Ace—!” The chocolate was pushed into his mouth right as he shoved Ace off of his side, chewing remorsefully.
“Isn’t it yummy, Julius?”
Julius grabbed the bag with the rest of the chocolates, face perfectly controlled as he stood, placing the bag aside.
“You were late, Ace. Get going.”
Ace chuckled, finally making his way to the door. “I guess I should stop by the castle. I think I heard that Alice was headed that way!” Ace disappeared through the door, calling a quick “Be back soon!” before shutting it behind him.
Ace quickly changed his tune to pout again, glancing at the door with disinterest. “Ah, already? I just got here…”
Julius huffed out a breath as he began to try and restore his workspace to what it had been. “And you’ve made plenty a mess in that time. Get out, I have work to do.” Julius paused, thinking for a moment before continuing, “There are plenty of others you can cause problems for.” He turned to glower at him. “So long as it doesn’t cause me more work.”
Julius muttered a quiet, “Feel no need,” before sitting back down. He glanced at the bag of chocolates, taking it in for a moment before returning to his work.
The next time Alice visited the Clock Tower, she was surprised to find a bowl of cute heart-shaped chocolates on the counter. Julius shut her down before she could even ask about it.
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banderskrad · 5 months
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enemies to lovers
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malewifemammon · 8 months
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fun with mistranslations while watching @kamil-a stream tonight
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moonlit-sweet-dreams · 3 months
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I'm so in love with @kamil-a 's gender bend Ace design that I blacked out and spent the next 24 hours drawing this. So, here we are!! Hopefully I captured her well!
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hnknafan2016 · 6 days
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Julius: Why did you come here? Alice: If you've got a problem with it, tell Ace. He's the one who got lost.
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lunatis18 · 1 year
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kamil-a · 9 months
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girls at the ball...
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