#ace cosgrove
xnoodleheadx · 8 months
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ikoarts · 6 months
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September 2022 Art
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1, 2, 3, 4 - 05/09/2022 : drawing Ru in various styles, somewhat x laika puppet style, cosgrove hall (esque) puppet style, ace attorney, then invader zim. I still have such a soft spot for the laika Ru, shes so cute... when will they make a film about her life...
5, 6 - 09/09/2022 : toni is a spectre ghost who taunts u. how spooky of her. also toni n ru but little shop hehe.. alhamdulillah toni will be eaten by a plant soon
7, 8, 9, 10 - 10/09/2022 : rip to queen liz. happy for u or soz that happened idc. caspian is my resident anglophobe (im litrally english). also moar rurus, ofc, i never stop drawing her, my autistic muse...
11, 12, 13 - 13/09/2022 : i held a OC tournament thing around this time which was good fun, so i did a couple doodles for that, Phoebe was sweeping the competition which was funny like yall got beaten by a fucking baby,, also wren being wren, he beat noah in the vote. also i drew a lemmy
14 - 15/09/2022 : my deltarune MTT AU!!!! one of my aus i get funny about coz i love it a lot and ive had it for ages like since the ch3 teasers dropped but theres way more popular and newer versions of the same concept....... forever stuck between not wanting to be a big artist at all but at the same time getting stuck on my ideas being overshadowed by similar ones by more popular artists.......... (no hate to them im just mental)
ANYWAY he rocks, i liked the idea of him goin crazy sicko mode and being the antagonist, or, secondary to a greater power, hehe.... only coz hes in a form way more affirming in the dark world, so REFUSES to give it up, u will pry his trans joy from his cold dead ghost hands
15 - 16/09/2022 : horse. she is horse
16 - 23/09/2022 : was thinkin of my koopa ocs again so did a super quick doodle of Vermillia (lemmy & iggy's mam x)
17, 18 - 30/09/2022 : first one i cant believe i never uploaded since its a polished digital piece?? anyway i saw a cool shirt and wanted to draw Ru in it, also a doodle of Alice bc i was redesigning her, way happier with this hairstyle on her
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aceofwhump · 1 year
Hi Ace, i really like your gifs!
I'm humbly asking if you would be inclined to gif a bit of Law&Order whump? Season 22 Episode 21, where Det. Cosgrove get's shot and collapses?He is kind of badass in that scene and the complete opposite in the hospital scene after that. Almost spilled my tea.
Aw thanks!!
I am HAPPY to gif that for you!! I havent watched a single episode of Law & Order but now that Jeffrey Donovan is in it that might change lol. And I am always happy to gif Jeffrey Donovan whump!! If there's any more from L&W you want giffed I'll happily make it! This whump was so good! And there's a hospital part! And the sling he wears in court! Ahh! And that run on adrenaline until collapsing moment was fast but sooo good. I've made you a few sets. They are in the queue :)
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ahedderick · 1 year
Being Frank 2
This post would be TOO long, so I’m breaking it up into two parts. Frank continues:
   “The next project was to get timber for the floor joists. Where I got most of it for the subfloor and the joists was from the power line that was put through. The trees were cut down and left lay. I didn’t have a truck to haul these logs, but there was a 1952 Chevy two ton with the motor shot. I went to Saccos salvage and got a motor out of a Chevy that was wrecked. It fit in the truck and I used that to haul the logs to the sawmill in Palo Alto. It was twenty dollars a thousand board feet to have them sawed. I worked by myself logging. I drug the logs down and backed the truck into a ditch. I played out cables across the bed and used the tractor to winch the logs up in the bed; that was how I loaded them by myself. I had excess lumber after milling. Mike C. approached me to take down a silo and he put it up at his house. It was forty feet high. I had to take all the excess lumber and build a wooden scaffolding inside the silo. I got paid 500 dollars and I hired two guys who were tree trimmers to help. They were used to working high in the air. It took me two days to master myself to go all the way to the top of it. In those days I was afraid of heights! Everything had to go in those manholes and they’re not big! You put a round of scaffolding around every six feet. That’s how I got more seed money to build the house. I had no deadline and that was key. You can eat an elephant one bite at a time. It was a labor of love. 
   Now I began my hunt for other materials, wherever I could get them. After the trees from the farm, I bought a stone ranch house up on Brown Ave that was going to be demolished for Interstate 68. It was on a concrete slab and all stone exterior. I paid 100 dollars for it. All I wanted was the stone, rafters, paneling, 2x4 studding, and  bathroom fixtures. I sold the windows, doors, and roof to a friend of mine who was building on Oliver Belt Rd for $100. So I got my money back on that deal. I hauled all that stone and material out here on that old truck, loading and unloading by hand. The basement of this house was studded out with the 2x4s and the paneling from that house. The bathtub was square and had two seats in it. The fireplace insert came from that house. I did have an old man, Elsy C., help me haul the stone. The stone for the planter came from Costello Construction, which was located on Valley Street, and I purchased other building material for the meat shop at the same time. The planter here, Max, laid that for me. He was a mason.
    I was deer hunting over at the Gordon farm, now Hemmis, and found that big stone out front to the left. The one downstairs over the fireplace came from Cosgrove’s farm when I was plowing. There are some fossil stones on the patio that came from Wills Mountain. All the stone windowsills and lintels came from a building on Bedford street that was a tombstone company. When they were being demolished, I was able to get all the windowsills. I saved a pile of money on that! The stone slabs approaching the porch came from the parklet next to Times News when they were renovating. I bought all the cement I needed to lay the block and stone for 15 dollars from the B&O railroad damaged freight depot. Their freight agent was Tom R. One corner of the freight car got damp and I removed all the cement and cleaned the car out. When I was using the cement I had to take a window screen and put it over a 50 gallon drum. I had to screen all the cement so there wouldn’t be lumps in it.
   The steel beam needed to run the entire 48 foot length of the house. Moore farm was having a sale where the current AC College is. I bought a two steel beams there that would cover the length and hauled them on the old Chevy. I also bought a stack of pine 2x10s. The beams were over the top of the truck and 5 or 10 feet out in front. I put a flag on the longer piece and hauled it on Sunday morning when there was no traffic. I put the beam on a wagon and brought it around to the back of the house with the tractor. I had pipes on the wall and slid the ends on one at a time. I worked each end over to the center and set it by myself. Next thing was to set the floor joists. I used sidecut boards on a diagonal for the subfloor. All oak! The diagonal boards add to the strength.
   Over to the garage: the garage door came from a house in the Dingle where I was able to salvage many items. The structural steel supporting the roof/patio I set by myself with an old Dodge truck with a telephone pole on it. The header was steel, and came out of the B&O freight station on George Street. The other major steel beams came from the demolished Sears building that stood where the Holiday Inn parking lot now is. The next steel was 30ft long coal mine rails that came from Abe Feldstein’s salvage yard in LaVale. The corrugated metal decking that the concrete was poured on came from a B&O derailment at Swanton. Some of the same corrugated metal was used on the barn roof. 
Interviewer: Well, Frank, did you get anything from West Virginia?
Frank: Hell no, they didn’t have anything to throw away!
   The posts on the patio were originally pipes that I welded plates on the end of. The 6 inch steel beam that goes across the center was also salvage from a building. In later years when the Bowman’s addition flood program began, I salvaged some ornamental aluminum posts from a house behind Hartman’s Store. They weren’t long enough, so I cut the short ones and spliced them into the long ones. The ceiling joists for the patio were the 2x8s from the stone house I tore down on the I68 right-of-way. The patio step stringers were two pieces of timber from the B&O freight station. The two posts that are on the stairway came from the old German Brewery and the handrail, redwood, came from the farmhouse (Old George’s porch). All the rafters and ceiling joists for the house portion were salvaged from the loading dock at the B&O freight. All the plywood on the roof was from a ‘fire sale.’ The rail car overheated and the floor caught fire; the smoke damage to the plywood was severe enough that they couldn’t sell it. I paid 75 cents a sheet. 
   Downstairs there’s one room I didn’t finish. All the ceiling was salvaged drywall that had been damaged by forklifts at Valley Lumber. I had an Amish man swirl the ceiling down there. On the other side downstairs the ceiling was finished by tile that came out of the Woodmen of the World building, along with that maple cover over the planter. It was previously a banister at Woodmen of the World. The bedroom downstairs was finished with mismatched paneling from Valley Lumber. The interior of the closet was lined with leather-type paneling that came out of B&O. 
   My uncle Charles built these cabinets in the kitchen out of birch plywood. He was a finish carpenter. He also trimmed out all the oak trim doorways and baseboard in the house. The front doorway was custom built by Slim (Cecil), neighbors down the road here, and Don, from my sketch. The two birch doors, front and basement, solid core, I bought from the B&O freight claim agent Tom for 15$. The sidelights on the front door I bought from Bernie G. in Frostburg. The outside hanging light was from a yard sale for $5. It had a sidearm on it, but I figured I could adapt it to hang on a chain. The inside light there on the steps came from Westons department store. 
   There were many people who helped me build. We traded labor. Floyd, a carpenter, helped me frame; we traded labor. The stonework was crafted by Hayes Albert Northcraft, a WWI veteran. Elsy was the mudmixer. I was at this time working 7 days a week at the Kelly. Hayes laid all the stonework and this fireplace for $1,400 with no time in it for job completion. I had a dump truck with scaffolding I’d drive around the house and we’d throw the stone in the bed of the truck, then hoist it up on the scaffolding for him to pick out what he wanted. I was to move the scaffolding every day after he was finished. One time I missed it and he was laying the stone under the bay window. He left a divot in the stonework because I didn’t move the heavy timbers for him. That’s a forever reminder that I didn’t do my duty. Hank P., whom I worked with at the Kelly, was a part-time cement finisher. He’s the one who placed the penny in the front stoop. 
  Well, that was a long story. It seemed like I had all the time in the world in those days, and lots of energy. You might ask when I finally finished the house. I don’t think I ever have! In fact, this year (2016) I reclaimed the large plate glass windows from the solarium at Roy Roger’s restaurant when they tore it down and I’m using them to put a sun room on the back of the house. It’ll have a hot tub when I’m finished, and also the washer and dryer. So, you see, it remains a work in progress to this day.
  My note: Frank, like my parents, was born slightly before WWII and lived in this area all his life. Members of the “Silent Generation” are getting fewer these days. I had my doubts about committing to this project, but now I’m very glad I did.
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i have finally found the time to watch through the entirety of a court of fey and flowers and it has left me clawing the walls
a few thoughts, here and below the cut:
aabria is honestly one of my favorite gms to watch work. like, literally watch, i am 95% podcasts for my actual play media, but the visual elements of her games (esp. her npc facial expressions & acting choices) are so compelling. every damn time wuvvy looked at rue i died.
never not gonna be impressed with how smoothly this team integrated dnd combat & magic & skill checks with the good society framework to make a compelling, weighty, primarily social game. the unique tokens! (the significance to burning them!) the many pvp insight/deception checks over sighs and glances!!
brennan being an eternal gm is a crime, hob is The Most Character
like, picture me taking that character art of hob, printing it out, folding it up, and eating it. love him.
he’s a self-loathing emotionally obtuse plothound who claims to be bad with words but gives The Most Austen-style heart-wrenchingly vulnerable speeches. who else is doing it like him.
(seriously, if you’ve got regency media recs with hob-alike MCs I Want Them)
i am imagining some bonkers child creation magic — like, cabbage patch If You Want One It Will Grow stuff, genetics and gametes need not be involved stuff — that gives hob and rue an enormous passel of kids to love on and Treat Right, including at least one Owl With Bug Wings and two or three Literal Bears.
also picturing atla level confusion when the first one of those bears comes along. “just a bear?” “not a bugbear, not an owlbear, not a bugowlbear. just a bear.” “…this kid is weird.” “yeah, but we’re gonna love them like mad anyway right?” “oh yeah, of course, i’m just saying!”
deeply shocked andhera was able to sit through that detect thoughts at the tailor shop scene without blurting out SOMETHING, given his tendencies towards blurting out everything in other moments.
but like. imagine.
hob: the k stands for knickolas!!
rue: i love him.
andhera: oh shit, for real?! you love him for real??
disastrous. andhera fails to keep his mouth shut, four wounded two dead. (rip buddy, you were a real one)
otoh. now i’m imagining a fun little trivia game at rue’s nearlywed shower with questions like “where did they meet” and “who asked whom” that give them an excuse to retell all of these cute stories about their relationship, and one question is “when did rue first realize they loved hob?”
the answer is supposed to be after they danced all night at the masquerade, because rue thinks it’s fine to lie a little for the Romance of it all, but andhera’s like “oh, i remember that! it was when hob told them what the k in k.p. stands for!”
and he’s very :D satisfied with himself for winning his team a point! not noticing rue and hob’s very complex face journeys as they silently have a Conversation about this.
most shocking moment for me, a person who saw a fair number of acofaf gifs on my dash last fall: chirp marriage & child reveal, no question. the cast around her reacting is also very good, but the twist in itself was honestly so unexpected! and it works fantastically to give the lords of the wing motivation to join the larger plot on Our Heroes’ Side, i thought that was very smartly done.
and last but not least, a fun fact!
I did not realize this until the ap episode where omar confirmed ace andhera, but my first dnd character was basically a mash-up of andhera and rue.
like. they were an ace paladin poorly faking charm and coolness, using a normative appearance (“imagine a combination of chris hemsworth and chris evans”) as a facade a scared, nonnormative creature hid behind— unfortunately my BINX-alike PC friend died early in the campaign, and the plot took priority over character exploration. but still: same hat!
also: me now, looking back at that character: [miranda cosgrove ‘interesting’ meme with the nonbinary flag superimposed]
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Something I thought about last night is why does hardly anyone get starstruck by Vil in Night Raven? The only time something like that has ever happened was Cater trying to ask him out because he's hot and for clout. Most of the time everyone is completely indifferent to that, but that doesn't make sense. People, even those who are indifferent to the show Vil acted on or hate him, would have much more of a reaction just because he's a famous person that they grew up with. It would be like Miranda Cosgrove or Ariana Grande went to the same school as someone back when they were still childstars at Nick. It would be something that would stick out a lot more and would be hard to get used to. That aspect could've been integrated into the story a lot better. Then again, the same could be said about Leona to a lesser extent as well.
Part of that might be because we're lead to believe that students like Ruggie, Deuce, or Ace that come from more "common" backgrounds are supposed to be a rarity at NRC. That most of the students who attend come from prestigious to wealthy families. Even so far as Ace and Deuce to instantly assume Epel is rich when he receives a shipment of juice from home.
So it's kind of a "what's another celebrity?" Deal or "what's another prince?"
Another reason might be arrogance/intimidation. Most students might think "well all made it to the same school so they can't br any better then me" and so students only tend to make a big deal if they want something like Azul or Cater. Or they're the other way where they think they have no right to try and talk so someone like that and so they avoid doing it.
A third possible option might be how long they've been at the school. We've seen that while Leona and Vil are both open about their status, the try to not draw attention to it either. Vil because he wants to earn what he gets and Leona due to believe the title is empty since he isn't the heir. So third and second years are already over the idea of going to school with princes and celebrities like them because they are students too, while first years are the ones left to gawk until Vil or Leona eventually does something to shut them down.
I'll admit not wanting to deal with coming up with dialog for NPC's or otherwise is probably the biggest reason but there can be logic too.... I doubt it got used but I can happen. I mean I've never gone to school with a celebrity (or even stood in line for a picture cause anxiety always said no) but I'm sure some people have and would have better insight.
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dangerjamtart · 2 years
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It has been so hot lately. I imagine that to maintain and protect the lovely white shade of his fur, our Amazing and Fantastic Ace must take drastic measures. But Penfold has his back. :3 As long as he gets to have an extra flake in his 99 when the man comes round. Danger Mouse & Penfold @ Cosgrove Hall Productions
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ninja-muse · 2 years
2022 Release TBR - updated
My original list was getting full of cross-outs, so here is my mid-year update!
Some by Virtue Fall - Alexandra Rowland (fantasy) - January 25 🏳️‍🌈 self-published? probably not going to happen
Carolina Built - Kianna Alexander (historical fiction) - February 22 BIPOC
When We Were Birds - Ayanna Llord Banwo (fabulism) - March 15 BIPOC
Comeuppance Served Cold - Marion Deeds (historical fantasy) - March 22
Ripple - Jim Cosgrove (true crime) - April 5
Persians - Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones (history) - April 12
Rosebud - Paul Cornell (science fiction) - April 26
Not Good for Maidens - Tori Bovalino (YA fantasy) - May 3
Seasonal Fears - Seanan McGuire (contemporary fantasy) - May 3
The Fairy Tellers - Nicholas Jubber (history/travel) - May 3
Siren Queen - Nghi Vo (historical fantasy) - May 10 BIPOC 🏳️‍🌈
Uncommon Charm - Kat Weaver and Emily Bergslien (historical fantasy) - May 17
A Lady for a Duke - Alexis Hall (historical romance) - May 24 🏳️‍🌈
Downton Shabby - Hopwood Dupree (memoir) - May 31
The Peacekeeper - B.L. Blanchard (alternate history) - June 1 BIPOC
The Rise and Reign of the Mammals - Steve Brusatte (science) - June 7
Garden of Earthly Bodies - Sally Oliver (fiction) - June 7
The Grief of Stones - Katherine Addison (fantasy) - June 14 🏳️‍🌈
Hot Moon - Alan Smale (alternate history) - June 14
A Mirror Mended - Alix Harrow (fantasy) - June 14 🏳️‍🌈
A Taste of Gold and Iron - Alexandra Rowland (fantasy) - June 21 🏳️‍🌈  BIPOC
Epically Earnest - Molly Horan (YA romance) - June 21 🏳️‍🌈
Rogues - Patrick Radden Keefe (true crime) - June 28
What Moves the Dead - T. Kingfisher (horror) - July 12
The Half Life of Valery K - Natasha Pulley (historical fantasy) - July 26 🏳️‍🌈
Mint Chocolate Murder - Meri Allen (cozy mystery) - July 26
A Half-Built Garden - Ruthanna Emrys (science fiction) - July 26
Don’t Fear the Reaper - Stephen Graham Jones (horror) - August 2  BIPOC moved to February
High Times in the Low Parliament - Kelly Robson (historical fantasy) - August 9 🏳️‍🌈 🇨🇦
The Oleander Sword - Tasha Suri (fantasy) - August 16 🏳️‍🌈 BIPOC DNF
Love in the Time of Serial Killers - Alicia Thompson (romance) - August 16
Babel - R.F. Kuang (historical fantasy) - August 23 BIPOC
Be the Serpent - Seanan McGuire (urban fantasy) - September 6
The House With the Golden Door - Elodie Harper (historical fiction) - September 6
The Marriage Portrait - Maggie O’Farrell (historical fiction) - September 6
Aces Wild - Amanda DeWitt (young adult) - September 6 🏳️‍🌈
Notorious Sorcerer - Davinia Evans (fantasy) - September 13
A Death in Door Country - Annelise Ryan (cozy mystery) September 13
The Book Hater’s Book Club - Gretchen Anthony (fiction) - September 13
The Collectors - Philip Pullman (fantasy) - September 20
Terry Pratchett - Rob Wilkins (biography) - September 29
Warrior of the Wind - Suyi Davies Okungbowa (fantasy) - October 4 BIPOC moved to February
Cold Case BC - Eve Lazarus (true crime) - October 11
The River of Silver - S.A. Chakraborty (historical fantasy) - October 11 BIPOC
When the Angels Left the Old Country - Sacha Lamb (historical fantasy) - October 18 🏳️‍🌈
Into the Windwracked Wilds - A. Deborah Baker (fantasy) - October 25
A Restless Truth -  Freya Marske (historical fantasy) - November 1 🏳️‍🌈
The World We Make - J.K. Jemisin (contemporary fantasy) - November 1 🏳️‍🌈 BIPOC
Tread of Angels - Rebecca Roanhorse (historical fantasy) - November 15
Remainders of the Day - Shaun Bythell (memoir) - November 29
The Water Outlaws - S.L. Huang (fantasy) - date unknown 🏳️‍🌈 BIPOC moved to 2023
This is (still) fine.
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california-112 · 3 months
Talk Week: Meet The Character Monday
Introduce us to one of your characters!
This week, I'll be taking @amaralionelli's challenge to share a little more about my main writing project at the moment! It's grown to over 146,000 words, and is split into three (four?) major sections. The stories are meant to be a happy medium between realism and fantasy, and the genre is historical fiction. There are than sixty original characters, but the character that you'll be meeting today is our main character: 'Red' Cosgrove.
As an officer in the RAF during and after the second world war, Red has a great many adventures. He becomes an 'ace' fighter pilot; performs many and colourful odd jobs whilst recuperating from injuries; is shot down twice over enemy territory, the second time becoming a prisoner of war for a year and a half. In the post-war period, he converts to jet fighters, trains to be and then becomes a test-pilot, converts to instructing in Germany, moves to the diplomatic corps, and later adopts a son. This project is basically his life story, and I'm having a massive amount of fun with it.
I celebrated his hundredth birthday in this post a few months ago, but let me add some colour to that wonderful illustration by friend V. Blond hair with the occasional ginger strand, brown eyes, fair but lightly tanned skin, as well as a red cotton bandana which he wears almost constantly, and particularly when flying (it came after the nickname- his first name is Redknapp). He is tall for his age, and very lightly built, particularly after his time as a PoW.
Meet and greet over! If you've any questions, I'd love to chat! :)
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joslincox · 4 months
Songs Used in Ozzy & Drix (Season 1)
Home With Hector
Tik Tok - Ke$ha
I Want You to Want Me - KSM
Girl-Crazy - LMNT
Follow Me Now - Jason Gleed
Human Fly - The Cramps
God Is A DJ - P!NK
Dancing With Myself - Billy Idol
I Wonder - Diffuser
Should I Stay Or Should I Go - The Clash
Cupid's Chokehold - Gym Class Heroes
Juliet - LMNT
Ms. Jackson - Outkast
Ultimate - Lindsay Lohan
Don't Mess With My Man - Nivea
These Boots Are Made For Walkin' - Geri Haiwell
DJ Got Us Falling In Love - Usher
Dynamite - Taio Cruz
Hello - Mindless Behavior
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
Pieces of Me - Ashlee Simpson
Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
Don't Stop The Music - Rihanna
Permission to Party - KSM
We Belong Together - Mariah Carey
Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera
Miracles Happen - Myra
One In A Million - Aaliyah
Basketball - Bow Wow
Go Figure - Everlife
Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins
My Own Worst Enemy - Lit
Beat It - Michael Jackson
Basket Case - Green Day
So Bring It On - The Cheetah Girls
Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor
Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) - Kelly Clarkson
Irreplaceable - Beyoncé
You're The Best - Joe "Bean" Esposito
Come Clean - Hilary Duff
Secret Agent Man - Johnny Rivers
Keep It Undercover - Zendaya
Missing U - Robyn
A Lousy Haircut
Strut - The Cheetah Girls
Solo Star - Solange
Beauty Queen - Lash
Hair - Lady Gaga
Oh, My Dog
Who Let The Dogs Out - Baha Men
Bounce - System Of A Down
Bow Wow (That's My Name) - Lil Bow Wow
Hound Dog - Elvis Presley
Puppy Love - Lil Bow Wow
Street Up
Jenny From The Block - Jennifer Lopez
Welcome to The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Drop It Like It's Hot - Snoop Dogg
Get Low - Lil John & The East Side Boyz
Back In Black -AC/DC
Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones
Bloody Mary - Lady Gaga
Goo Goo Muck - The Cramps
Back to Black - Amy Winehouse
Gas of Doom
About You Now - Miranda Cosgrove
All I Want is Everything - Victoria Justice
When There's Smoke
Cigarette Duet - Princess Chelsea
The Globfather
Summer Is Not Hot - Selena Gomez And The Scene
Pon De Replay - Rihanna
Don't Eat Stuff Off The Sidewalk - The Cramps
Boombastic - Shaggy
Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride - Mark Keali'i
So Sick - Ne-Yo
Beyond The Sea - Bobby Darin
If It's Lovin' What You Want - Rihanna
Cancer - My Chemical Romance
Starships - Nicki Minaj
California Gurls - Katy Perry
Ozzy Jr.
Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N Roses
Always Be My Baby - Mariah Carey
Welcome to My Life - Simple Plan
American Idiot - Green Day
Drama Queen (That Girl) - Lindsay Lohan
So Yesterday - Hilary Duff
The In Crowd - Mitchel Musso
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Flavor Of The Weak - American Hi-Fi
Genie In A Bottle - Christina Aguilera
Distracted - KSM
Take Me Away - Lash
Rip Her To Shreds - Taryn 24
I Can't Hardly Stand It - The Cramps
Number One - Ginger Fox
How Bad Can I Be - Ed Helms
Mean Gurl - Gina Rene
Rumors - Lindsay Lohan
I'm Just A Kid - Simple Plan
The Art Of Losing - American Hi-Fi
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
Tangled Up in Me - Skye Sweetnam
Run This Town - Jay-Z, Kanye West and Rihanna
She's So Mean - Matchboy T
Me Vs. The World - Halo Friendlies
Get Out - Mitchel Musso
Royals - Lorde
Sugar Shock
Sugar Rush - AKB48
Sugar, We're Going Down - Fall Out Boy
I Want Candy - Cory Simpson
Candy - Mandy Moore
Goodies - Ciara
Sell Me Candy - Rihanna
Candy Shop - 50 Cent
Lolipop (Candyman) - Aqua
The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani
The Dream Factory
Sleep - My Chemical Romance
Thriller - Michael Jackson
Someone's Watching Me - Hilary Duff
Rockin' Bones - The Cramps
Sweet Dreams - Eurythmics
Remains of The Day
The Monster - Eminem and Rihanna
Problem (The Monster Remix) - Becky G and Will.i.am
Ghost of You And Me - BBMAK
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
The Ghost of You - My Chemical Romance
Ghost of You - Selena Gomez And The Scene
What Dreams Are Made Of - Hilary Duff
Friends On The Other Side - Keith David
House of Wolves - My Chemical Romance
Calling All The Monsters - China Anne McClain
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wrongtime-sexyman · 1 year
Welcome to the Wrongtime Tumblr Sexyman Tournament! This is dedicated to all those characters that could have been a Tumblr Sexymen if Tumblr had been around.
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First round begins soon!
Blade vs Sam Beckett
The Mask vs Action Dexter
Dean vs Skelator
Judge Doom vs Ace Ventura
Mike Cosgrove vs Professor Utonium
Fry vs Kahn
Austin Powers vs Silver Surfer
Hercule vs Cassim
Riff Raff vs Captain Pollution
Weasel vs David Xanitos
Agent J vs Dr Claw
Willy Wonka vs Scar
Dark Claw vs Dr Evil
Professor Membrane vs Alex
Hades vs Bill
Old Bruce Wayne vs Thrax
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wonder-is · 7 years
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"Platinum Golddigger" by Ace Cosgrove http://spoti.fi/2zGOkK0
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Two of my favorite witnesses in this game. Their comic routine was a delight. Did anyone else - say, someone from the 80′s or 90′s, who might’ve watched the occasional British cartoon - immediately get reminded of Victor and Hugo (or their original versions from Duckula)? Their entire aesthetic and bit reminded me so heavily of those characters that I’m seriously wondering whether the translator picked up on the similarity and skewed their dialogued in that direction somewhat. Either way, that direction is intensely fun, and they make even better “comically inept crooks” characters than the Skulkins did in the previous game. I suppose I should do some photo explorations of The Great Ace Attorney. Even given that it’s a compilation (and that it was evidently designed as a single game before being split up), Great Ace Attorney 2 is panning out to be significantly better than GAA 1. Not that the first one is bad, exactly, but its not paced well and its cases aren’t as engaging to play as a result, whereas the second game has more of a handle on how the mysteries and stories will progress. Both games, however, have some of the best characters in the series imo - either because they’re so endearing, so heartwarming, or just so fun as these two are.
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princelymlm · 5 years
Gotta Be LGBT+
This is a list of just some of the LGBT+ content out there. Anything on this list was contains LGBT+ characters or was made by LGBT+ creators. All entries on this list were sent in by followers and have not been confirmed by the mod. (Entries with ‘rep not given’ next to them mean that the suggestion did not include what kind of representation is in the content)
Put everything under the cut since this list started getting really long
They Both Die At The End - Adam Silvera (mlm)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire-Saénz (mlm)
Symptoms of Being Human (genderfluid)
Lily and Dunkin - Donna Gephart (trans/trans woman)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid (wlw/bi)
The Gentleman’s Guide To Vice and Virtue - Mackenzie Lee (mlm/gay/bi)
Been Here All Along - Sandy Hall (gay/bi)
History Is All You Left Me - Adam Silvera (mlm/gay)
Blue Is The Warmest Color - Julie Maroh (wlw/bi/lesbian)
Mask of Shadows - Linsey Miller (bi/genderfluid)
Once and Future - Cori McCarthy (wlw/mlm/gay/bi/nonbinary)
Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda - Beck Albertalli (mlm/gay)
Leah on the Offbeat - Becky Albertalli (wlw/bi)
Grasshopper Jungle - Andrew Smith (questioning/mlm)
The Rest of Us Just Live Here - Patrick Ness (mlm/gay)
Flying Tips For Flightless Birds - Kelly McCaughrain (mlm/gay)
I’ll Give You The Sun - Jandy Nelson (mlm)
Point Pleasant - Jen Archer Wood (mlm) 
True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys - Gerard Way (mlm/wlw)
The Wayfarers Series - Becky Chambers (wlw/aro/trans man/nonbinary/genderfluid)
Vesuvius Club - Mark Gatiss (bi)
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller (mlm)
Radio Silence - Alice Oseman (bi/mlm/demi/gay/pan/wlw/lesbian)
Of Fire and Stars - Audrey Coulthurst (wlw/lesbian)
Magnus Chase Series - Rick Riordan (genderfluid)
Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (gay)
This Is Kind of An Epic Love Story - Kheyrn Callender (mlm/wlw)
Gracefully Grayson - Ami Polonsky (trans woman)
If I Was Your Girl - Meredith Russon (trans woman)
Call Me By Your Name - Andre Aciman (mlm)
Red, White, and Royal Blue - Casey McQuinston (mlm)
I Wish You All The Best - Mason Deaver (nonbinary)
Dreadnaught + Sovereign - April Daniels (wlw/trans woman)
The Art of Being Normal - Lisa Williamson (trans)
The Gone Series - Michael Grant (mlm/wlw)
One Of Us Is Lying - Karen McManus (mlm)
Six Of Crows - Leigh Bardugo (mlm)
Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo (rep not given)
The Last Sun - Author Not Provided (rep not given)
Romeo and/or Juliet - Ryan North (rep not given)
American Gods - Neil Gaiman (mlm/gay/bi) 
The Mage Wars Series - Mercedes Lackey (gay)
Scott Pilgrim vs The World - Bryan Lee O’Malley (mlm/gay/wlw)
Boyfriends With Girlfriends - Alex Sánchez (mlm/wlw/bi/gay)
Will Grayson, Will Grayson - David Levithan & John Green (mlm)
This Is Where It Ends -Marieke Nijkamp (lesbian/wlw)
Carry On - Rainbow Rowell (mlm)
Stranger Than Fanfiction - Chris Colfer (mlm/trans man/gay)
The Reader Trilogy (The Reader, The Speaker, The Storyteller) - Traci Chee (mlm/wlw/nonbinary)
I Was Born For This - Alice Oseman (trans)
Heartstopper - Alice Oseman (mlm)
The Broken Earth Trilogy - MK Jemisin (trans woman/poly/pan/mlm
A Boy Worth Knowing - Jennifer Cosgrove (mlm/bi/gay)
The Rifter - Author Not Provided (mlm)
Snapdragon - Author Not Provided (wlw/ trans woman)
The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon (wlw/lesbian/mlm/gay)
Tipping the Velvet - Sarah Waters (wlw/lesbian)
Fingersmith - Sarah Waters (wlw/lesbian)
The Paying Guests - Sarah Waters (wlw/lesbian)
I Am J - Cris Beam (trans man)
Little And Lion - Brandy Colbert (bi)
Autoboyography - Christina Lauren (bi)
Felix Ever After - Kacen Callender (trans)
Birthday - Meredith Russo (trans)
Stay Gold - Tobly McSmith (trans)
You Should See Me In A Crown - Leah Johnson (lesbian)
Girls of Paper and Fire - Natasha Ngan (lesbian)
The Henna Wars - Adiba Jaigirdar (lesbian)
Let's Talk About Love - Claire Kann (ace)
The Lady's Guide To Petticoats and Piracy - Mackenzi Lee (ace/aro)
The Vanishers' Place - Aliette De Bodard (wlw)
Ash - Malinda Lo (wlw/bi)
The Little Homo Sapiens Scientist - S. L. Huang (wlw)
Everfair - Nisi Shawl (wlw)
Dread Nation: Risse Up - Justina Ireland (wlw/bi/ace)
The Gilda Stories - Jewelle Gomez (wlw/lesbian)
The True Queen - Zen Cho (wlw)
The Devourers - Indra Das (genderfluid/bi)
We Set The Dark On Fire - Tehlor Kay Mejia (wlw)
Smoketown - Tenea D. Johnson (wlw/lesbian)
Falling In Love With Hominids - Nalo Hopkinson (wlw)
The Fox’s Tower and Other Tales - Yoon Ha Lee (nonbinary)
Her Body and Other Parties - Carmen Maria Machado (wlw)
Beneath the Citadel - Destiny Soria (mlm/gay/bi/ace)
Witchmark - C.L Polk (mlm/gay)
The Prey of Gods - Nicky Drayden (trans/bi)
An Unkindness of Ghosts - Rivers Solomon (wlw/trans/nonbinary/intersex)
The Root - Na’amen Gobert Tilahun (mlm/gay)
Gods & Monsters: Snake Eyes - Hillary Monohan (wlw)
Labyrinth Lost - Zoraida Cordova (wlw/bi)
The Winged Histories - Sofia Samatar (wlw)
The Weight of Stars - K. Ancrum (wlw)
Huntress - Malinda Lo (wlw)
Will Do Magic For Small Change - Andrea Hairston (bi/pan/nonbinary)
The Last Chronomancer - Reilyn J Hardy (aro/ace/genderfluid/lesbian)
A Taste of Honey - Kai Ashante Wilson (mlm/bi)
Deadline - Stephanie Ahn (wlw/lesbian)
The Read Threads of Fortune - JY Yang (wlw/bi)
Not Your Sidekick - C.B. Lee (wlw/bi)
Timekeeper - Tara Sim (mlm)
Ascension - Jacqueline Koyangi (wlw)
When The Moon Was Ours - Anna-Marie McLemore (trans)
Amberlough - Lara Elena Donnelly (mlm/gay)
The Perfect Assassin - K.A Doore (gay/ace/mlm)
Afterparty - Daryl Gregory (wlw/lesbian)
Borderline - Mishell Baker (wlw/bi)
The Cloud Roads - Martha Wells (bi)
An Accident of Stars - Foz Meadows (wlw/bi/aro/trans)
The Last 8 - Laura Pohl (aro/bi)
Failure to Communicate - Kaia Sonderby (wlw/bi)
The Luminous Dead - Caitlin Starling (wlw)
The Wrong Stars - Tim Pratt (wlw)
Full Fathom Five - Max Gladstone (trans)
A Memory Called Empire - Arkady Martine (wlw)
Silver In the Wood - Emily Tesh (mlm)
The Raven Tower - Ann Leckie (mlm/bi/trans)
Ariah - B.R. Sanders (mlm/bi/nonbinary)
The Raven and the Reindeer - T. Kingfisher (wlw)
Planetfall - Emma Newman (bi)
Black Wings Beating - Alex London (ace/gay/mlm)
The Scorpion Rule - Erin Bow (bi)
Inkmistress - Audrey Coulthurst (bi)
Into the Drowning Deep - Mira Grant (wlw/bi/lesbian)
Vengeful - V.E Schwab (ace)
Blackfish City - Sam J Miller (nonbinary)
Daughter of Mystery - Heather Rose Jones (wlw/lesbian)
Stranger Grace - Tessa Gratton (bi/pan)
The Brilliant Death - Amy Rose Capetta (nonbinary)
Chameleon Moon - RoAnna Sylver (wlw/trans/ace)
19 Love Stories - David Levithan (trans/queer)
It’s Not Like It’s A Secret - Author Not Given (wlw)
Picture Us In The Light - Author Not Given (mlm)
Two Can Keep A Secret - Author Not Given (mlm/bi)
Death Sets Sail - Author Not Given (wlw)
Becoming Dinah - Author Not Given (rep not provided)
Witch Wolf series - Winter Pennington (wlw, lesbian, bisexual)
Underrealm series - Garrett Robinson (wlw, mlm, nonbinary, trans man trans woman, trans, pansexual, bisexual)
A Cloak of Red - Brenna Gawain (wlw, lesbian)
 Blood Canticles - Naomi Clark (wlw)
Welcome to Night Vale (mlm/gay/wlw/nonbinary)
Dreamboy (mlm/gay)
Alice Isn’t Dead (wlw/lesbian)
The Penumbra Podcast (mlm/bi/genderfluid/nonbinary)
My Favorite Podcast (trans men)
Within the Wires (wlw)
The Adventure Zone (mlm/wlw/trans/gnc/nonbinary)
Limetown (wlw/lesbian)
Getting Curious With Jonathan Van Ness (nblm/nonbinary)
Friends at the Table (mlm/wlw/nonbinary)
LezHangOut (wlw)
Bright Sessions (mlm/demi/ace)
Queer As Fact (historical lgbt)
History Is Gay (historical lgbt)
Always Here (historical lgbt)
And That’s Why We Drink (nonbinary)
Magnus Archives (mlm/ace)
The Two Princes (mlm/gay/bi)
Girl-ish (trans women)
The Bright Sessions (gay/ace)
TV Shows/Movies/ETC
One Day At A Time (Remake) (wlw/lesbian/nonbinary)
Love, Simon (mlm/gay)
A Single Man (mlm/gay)
Brokeback Mountain (mlm/gay)
In The Flesh (mlm/gay)
Weekend (mlm)
RWBY (wlw/trans)
Jessica Jones (wlw/lesbian)
Critical Role (mlm/gay/bi/wlw/lesbian/nonbinary/genderfluid)
Pose (trans women/gay)
Schitt’s Creek (pan/mlm)
White Collar (wlw)
Lucifer (bi)
Umbrella Academy (mlm/wlw)
Call Me By Your Name (mlm)
Brooklyn Nine Nine (mlm/gay/bi)
Steven Universe (nonbinary)
Sailor Moon (wlw)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (wlw)
Sense8 (mlm/gay/wlw/lesbian/trans woman)
Doom Patrol (?/rep not given)
Good Omens (nonbinary)
Gentleman Jack (wlw)
American Gods (mlm/gay/bi/two-spirit)
Orange Is The New Black (wlw/trans)
Blue Is The Warmest Color (wlw)
Shameless (mlm/trans)
Euphoria (wlw/trans woman)
Modern Family (mlm/gay)
Daisy Brown ARG (wlw/lesbian)
Deadpool (pan)
Deadpool 2 (pan/wlw)
Alex Strangelove (mlm/gay)
Wynonna Earp (lesbian/gay/wlw)
She-Ra (wlw/mlm/gay/bi/lesbian/nonbinary/trans man)
SKAM (rep not provided)
Gotham (bi)
The Haunting of Hill House (wlw)
The Haunting of Bly Manor (wlw)
Kipo and the Wonderbeasts (mlm/gay/nonbinary)
Billie and Emma (wlw)
Carmen & Lola (wlw)
Carol (wlw)
Disobedience (wlw)
Elisa & Marcela (wlw)
Good Manners (wlw)
The Handmaiden (wlw)
Heart Beat Loud (wlw)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (wlw)
Rafiki (wlw)
Stranger Things (wlw)
Handsome Devil (mlm)
Pride (wlw/mlm)
The Prom (wlw/lesbian)
Be More Chill (mlm/bi)
Fun Home (wlw)
Spring Awakening (mlm)
A New Brain (mlm)
Falsettos (mlm/wlw)
Rent (mlm/wlw)
Firebringer (wlw/bi)
A Very Potter Musical (mlm/gay)
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals (wlw)
Bare: A Pop Opera (mlm)
Everybody’s Talking About Jaime (mlm/gay)
Yank! The Musical (mlm)
Octet (wlw)
Ghost Quartet (wlw)
Spies Are Forever (mlm/gay)
Willow: A New Musical (wlw)
Over And Out: A New Musical (nblw/nonbinary)
Video Games
Fallout: New Vegas (mlm/gay/wlw/lesbian)
When The Night Comes (mlm/nonbinary)
The Arcana (nonbinary)
Dream Daddy (mlm/gay/bi/pan/trans)
Dragon Age (mlm/wlw/gay/lesbian/trans/pan/bi)
Smile For Me (wlw)
Undertale (trans/nonbinary/wlw/mlm)
Monster Prom (nonbinary)
Cookie Run (nonbinary/mlm/wlw/bi/pan)
The Missing (wlw/trans woman)
Fable 2 & 3 (wlw/mlm)
Borderlands 2 (mlm/wlw/bi/gay/lesbian)
Gone Home (wlw)
Prey (wlw)
Dishonored 2 (nonbinary/wlw)
Deus Ex Mankind Divided System Rift (rep not given)
Assassins Creed Series (mlm/wlw/gay/lesbian/trans)
The Last of Us (wlw/lesbian) 
Mass Effect Series (mlm/wlw/gay/lesbian/bi)
Life Is Strange (wlw)
Overwatch (mlm/gay/wlw/lesbian)
Animal Crossing (pan)
Night In The Woods (pan/mlm/trans woman)
The Elder Scrolls (trans/wlw/lesbian)
Dreamfall Chapters (mlm/gay)
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (wlw)
In the Outer Worlds (wlw/ace)
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (mlm/wlw)
Fallout 4 (wlw/mlm)
Hades (mlm/bi)
Obviously this list is far from complete so feel free to add to it or let me know of anything else and I’ll edit the post to add it as long as you include the category it belongs to! Be sure to include what representation it has though otherwise I can’t add it!
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boobachu · 3 years
PROtip for Northwesterners from twitter
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PSA: if you are in the Pacific Northwest and either do not have air conditioning or have inadequate air conditioning, cover your windows with aluminum foil, shiny side out. cardboard on the inside if you can.
it looks like shit but it does keep the temperature lower and it's a super cheap solution. I did this a lot when I didn't have power in the summer in memphis.
Survivor of 25 Texas summers here to say that this really does work better than you expect. Do it on the west windows, and/or windows that face a large flat surface like water or pavement. Even if you have good AC, this will ease the load on your unit and on the power grid.Quote TweetKat Cosgrove
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Redneck air conditioners work also for small spaces.  5 gallon bucket with lid 3/4 full of ice.  Get a desk fan, cut a hole in the lid as big as fan, duct tape fan to lid.  Drill hole in side, duct tape dryer hose or ducting hose over hole.  Point air where you want
When ice melts, open lid.   Empty ice cube trays into sink or bag. Fill trays with water from bucket.  Refill bucket with ice.  Close lid.  Whole setup maybe costs $20-30 to make.  Will easily cool room.  Few cents an hour to run, especially if you recycle water.
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If you put it on the outside, it avoids trapping heat behind the glass. I've also used the foil/foam sheets for behind radiators to good effect, not sure if they're more a UK thing though. Anything to shade the window.
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I use the pink insulating foam they build houses with and it holds up a little longer than cardboard, if that helps
I’ve never had to do this, tho it seldom gets 115℉ down here
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