#accurate scales with better pricing
sgiandubh · 9 months
Despair, much?
When you think you are a clever mole, but you end up telling more than you intended about yourself.
The receiver of this pearl of great price is not important at all. But I positively howled reading this supposedly accurate report from the trenches:
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Oh. Extending your collective obsession to this humble Tumblr abode, right?
Living rent free in overdriven, but candid minds never felt better, I have to say. Also, it would seem the coin finally dropped, as far as being new (no more Puffy shit? dommage, I was starting to get used to your repertoire) and there's progress on the 'well written' scale (sincerely fuck off, on this one).
You can stick your manipulation assumptions wherever brings you joy, duckie. Your logic doesn't hold: if I wanted to manipulate people, I'd curate more carefully those deduction skills that sometimes fail me (shrubbery, anyone?). And I'd definitely brush up my Svengali skit in a more convincing fashion.
And then you said something that compelled me to pay attention to your rant and chime in: 'power does things to people'.
Honey, unlike you, I know real power. I know what it is, I know how it's done, I know how it's bartered. I also know, first-hand, how it changes people for their worst ever impersonation and how it instantly vanishes forcing them to make endless amends to friends whenever they lose it.
I know power so well, I don't even own a TV, in Athens. I resolutely refuse to do so and am very happy with my laptop and my Netflix and Amazon subscriptions. I live and breathe power for at least ten hours every day, have done so for twenty years already and I have no need to drag it upstairs from my office, to my flat.
If I wanted power, I'd only have to go down to the Embassy's first floor, exactly twelve steps below the very place I am writing this post from. I wouldn't look for it on Tumblr, discussing the SC shenanigans with what you call 'gullible' comrades (this is not the Army) and who are, in reality, wonderful new friends.
I already knew you were ridiculous. Now I also know you are desperate for the attention you are never going to get. Trust me.
Oh, and: good luck with emptily asking yourselves about the shit I know and do not share. That's what's gnawing at you every single second and well, too bad.
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sleepytoycollection · 8 months
Funko FNAF 13.5in Freddy Figure Review
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Saw this bad boy at target's and made an impulse decision. 😎 The retail price is $32.99, but thanks to a target circle coupon I got him for $25, which ain't half bad.
So for the hell of it, here's my review of the 13.5in Freddy Fazbear doll.
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Currently there are only two characters available, Freddy and Bonnie. I hope they make make a Chica and Foxy in this size as well, as it'd be cool to have the main four as a set.
Box art is pretty simple, and kinda bland, mostly recycling game images.
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The inside box art is just the office from Fnaf 2, which is not the game this version of Freddy appears in. The Freddy on the front of the box is the wrong version too; I'm not sure why Funko always wants to use Fnaf 2 images on the merch. This isn't the only time they've done this.
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Here's the big guy out of the box. He's pretty solid, and has a good weight to him.
His mike is his only accessory, and the hat isn't removable. It had a tough time getting him to hold the mike, as he doesn't have enough space in his paw for it. The mike itself is hollow, and I had to squish it in. You can tell it's squished too, and it bothers me.
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He's technically got 14 pts of articulation, a ball joint at his neck, joints at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, and even his jaw moves! But good luck getting him posed because those joints were SUPER stiff. It felt like, well, wrestling a bear heh.
I wasn't sure they were supposed to move at first, but I looked at another review and yes, they are.
Also, many of them don't go super far anyway. I don't mind too much as I don't expect an anamatronic to have a full range of movements, and it's enough to give him some personality when taking photos.
But they are wayyyyy too stiff. If they were a struggle for me, I imagine a kid would really be having a hard time getting him to move.
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Here's a Midge for scale.
Freddy's the perfect size to fit in with the dollies, which is the main reason I wanted him. It's just so fun to combine my interests.
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Speaking of combinations, here's big Fred with lil' Fred.
As you can see, it's pretty much the same sculpt, just enlarged. Looking at them together, I wish they had altered the fur texture a little for big Fred. It looks kinda off at this scale, like he has the texture of an orange instead of fleece.
Also, little Freddy has much more accurate coloring and better detailed paint. Might give big Fred a good black wash and dry brushing to match.
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...But at least big Fred doesn't fall apart.
My lil' Fred is from the first wave of figures, and he is constantly falling to pieces whenever I handle him. I don't know if Funko ever fixed this issue with later figures, but I don't often handle them because of this.
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So what's the verdict?
I like him a lot actually. There are a few annoyances, but this is exactly the kind of figure I really wanted at the height of my 2015-17 Fnaf phase. Plus he's super sturdy, mostly game accurate, and I bet a lot of kids will want him and Bonnie for Christmas.
Hopefully we'll get Chica and Foxy in this size too, maybe even Springtrap.
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claypigeonpottery · 6 months
Commission Slot List
Please see my price list for approximate prices, as well as examples of the shapes/sizes of pieces I can make
Commissions are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis
I reserve the right to refuse any commission
Please send me a private message to arrange a commission—not an Ask (you can also email me at [email protected] but I am more responsive here)
and I’m still accepting dibs on my unfired original pieces
I will make copies of my existing pieces, or work with you to create something new
I can make a close copy of my own work, or I can change the colour and carving choices
If it’s a new work, I will send you pictures of the sketch for your approval
Large scale revisions can only be made during the sketching phase. Literally. Once it’s carved, there’s very little I can do to change it.
Small additions or adjustments can be done right after the piece is carved, when I send you pictures, that is the time to mention anything you want changed.
Please be detailed in your description and send reference pictures if possible 
I don’t charge extra for original pieces, despite sketching time
If you ask for a commission when the slot is closed, I have one waitlist slot for each type of commission. If the waitlist slot is open, I can put you on it after getting some details about your commission to confirm that it’s one I would be willing to take. 
If you ask for a commission when the waitlist is closed, I'll ask you to message me again once the slot is open again.
I will do my best to give you an accurate timeline for when I will start your commission and when it will be completed.
I take 20% of the cost of the piece before starting
You are responsible for shipping cost, on top of the cost of the piece (I can estimate shipping cost for you, but it won’t be exact until the piece is ready to ship)
I do all my transactions through Paypal invoices
All my prices are in CAD
Prices vary depending on size of the piece, the style of decorating, and the amount of detail 
Commissions can take as long as six months, depending on piece size and kiln schedules
I will do my best to keep you updated about your piece’s status and approximate timeline, but if you have questions feel free to message me
If there’s a problem with the piece (warping, a flaw in the glaze, no longer food-safe, etc), I will either lower the price or remake it, if you choose
I reserve the right to refuse to remake a broken or flawed piece, but I will refund your deposit
Once the piece is finished, you have two weeks to arrange payment and shipping. If you communicate with me about needing longer and give me a specific date, I will hold it for you until that date. After that (and a couple reminders) I will make it available for other people to buy. I can’t hold pottery for people indefinitely
If you want a piece by a specific date, I will charge an extra $20 if I successfully get it to you on time, since it’ll mean juggling kiln time with other potters and coordinating with the studio’s kiln tech. I cannot guarantee that it will be done by a specific date, I work with a shared kiln and don’t always have access. The farther out you order it, the better.
make portraits of people or animals
make prose or poetry into pottery 
make memes into pottery
depict nudity or sex
depict blood, death, or gore
depict original characters
depict fan art
copy another artist’s work without the permission of that artist
I will keep you updated with an approximate timeline and do my absolute best to get it to you in a reasonable timeframe, but…
Please remember that pottery is a slow process. 
Once I build the piece, it has to dry for a few days up to a couple weeks before it’s ready to carve. And once it’s been carved, it can take a couple months to be fully dry, especially if it’s a large piece.
Drying pottery slowly prevents warping and cracking, so it can’t be rushed, and if a piece goes into the kiln before it’s fully dry, it will explode. Any moisture in the clay will rapidly expand as it turns to steam and literally blow the piece apart. 
And, unfortunately, with a shared kiln, sometimes the schedule just doesn’t allow me to fire for a couple weeks. 
Thanks for reading, I appreciate it!
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mariacallous · 6 months
Every conflict provides unique insights into strategy, tactics, technology, intelligence, and other factors that are vital to security. Perhaps most importantly, conflicts test the adaptability and learning capabilities of institutions: Good security establishments improve after a conflict, while bad ones make the same mistakes again and again.
Israel’s history shows both tendencies. In June 1967, the Israeli military triumphed over the combined forces of Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria in one of the most crushing victories in modern history. From this victory, Israel learned that its air force was superior to those of its Arab foes, that its tank formations could punch through enemy lines with ease, and that its intelligence would accurately reveal enemy plans and intentions. The Israeli military proceeded to strip its armored divisions of infantry, artillery, and supporting arms, while its intelligence services mirror-imaged Arab armies, assuming they would not attack until they could gain air superiority and otherwise fight Israel on its own terms.
All this proved disastrous in the first weeks of October 1973, when the armies of Egypt and Syria broke through Israeli lines and threatened to go deep into Israel in a surprise attack. Israel’s unsupported armored forces took huge losses in tanks, while Egypt used effective air defenses to counter the Israeli Air Force, not gaining air superiority of its own but neutralizing that of Israel.
After weeks of hard fighting, Israel eventually prevailed and—as the shock of the surprise wore off—totally transformed its security establishment. Failure proved a good teacher. Israel improved its intelligence and early-warning methods, reserve mobilization system, doctrine for using tanks, military relationship with the United States, homefront preparedness, and other essentials. From the 1973 disaster emerged one of the most formidable militaries and intelligence services in the world.
The Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attack was perhaps a worse military and intelligence failure for Israel than the 1973 invasion, with around 1,200 Israelis dying, often brutally, as a result. Israeli intelligence detected but dismissed the plot, Hamas efficiently overcame the much-touted barrier along the Israel-Gaza border meant to pen it in, Israel’s vaunted military forces proved unable to respond quickly, and other basics of Israel’s containment of Hamas failed.
In December, I took part in a trip to Israel—organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies—where we met with a range of security and political officials, all of whom cited lessons from Oct. 7 to explain what Israel should, and should not, do next. Let’s consider six I heard during my visit that seem logical on the surface but do not hold up under close scrutiny. As my assessment of these six supposed lessons suggests, the answer is not a need to radically change course, but rather an unsatisfying “do better.”
Deterrence Doesn’t Work
Since Hamas took control of Gaza in 2007, Israel has tried to deter the group as well as other adversaries, notably the Lebanese Hezbollah, using the threat of force or limited strikes to convince them that the price of any attack would be too high. For 16 years, this worked to an extent, with only brief eruptions of conflict that killed a small number of Israelis (though often far more Palestinians), before the situation returned to a version of the status quo ante. Israelis assumed that Hamas leaders were in a box and recognized that a full-scale assault on Israel would be disastrous for Palestinians in Gaza, their own hold on power, and their ability to provide economically for Palestinians in Gaza—and would fail to boot. Hamas’s all-out assault on Oct. 7 seemed to show that deterrence is a mistake. As one Israeli security official told me, “Deterrence is something that lasts until the other side is ready for war.”
Yet deterrence often does work, and in any event Israel simply has too many foes (Iran, Hezbollah, and the Houthis in Yemen, among others) to be fighting on all fronts all the time. Successful deterrence has allowed Israel to avoid multiple wars, and it appears to be working with Hezbollah right now. Hezbollah avoided joining Hamas in an all-out strike on Oct.7 and seems to be carefully calibrating its attacks to show solidarity with Hamas while avoiding a massive war because it fears Israeli punishment.
You Cannot Rely on Intelligence
Since its creation, Israel has relied heavily on its intelligence services to provide warning about an adversary’s capabilities and intentions, enabling Israel to shift from adversary to adversary without overstretching its resources. Intelligence failed disastrously on Oct. 7. This occurred despite Israeli intelligence intercepting Hamas’s battle plan more than a year in advance as well as numerous tactical warning signs that senior Israeli military officials ignored.
From this experience it is tempting to simply assume the worst case about an adversary’s capabilities and intentions to avoid being caught unprepared. Doing so, however, inevitably inflates the threat, requiring far more defense spending and, in the Israeli case, a larger, more prolonged call-up of reserves, which the country can ill afford. In addition, not trusting intelligence creates incentives for Israel to launch preventive wars against groups like Hezbollah, particularly if Israel also believes deterrence does not work, because Israel might worry that Hezbollah could attack at any time. A misguided attack on the group could lead to all-out war in the region.
Defenses Don’t Work
Israel built a 40-mile so-called smart fence around Gaza, decked out with cameras, radars, and sensors. This was meant to both stop large-scale Hamas attacks and provide warning if Hamas was gathering its forces. This, too, failed on Oct. 7.
Defenses, of course, did work for many years. Hamas, which used to send numerous suicide bombers into Israel, was largely unable to penetrate the border from Gaza for years, in large part due to the fence. In fact, Hamas had to plan for several years and conduct a massive operation to overcome the defenses, not an easy task and one that should have been identified, and disrupted, by Israeli intelligence.
Defenses by themselves are never sufficient. They must be backed up by intelligence and a rapid-response capability, making any breach less consequential for Israel and potentially disastrous for Hamas. Indeed, had Israel been able to scramble a small number of attack helicopters to Gaza quickly as the assault force was breaching the fence, Hamas would have suffered huge losses.
Israel’s Greatest Threat Is External
Both the number of deaths on Oct. 7 and the horrific brutality of the attacks shocked Israel, with many of those I met declaring the crisis existential. As dangerous as Hamas showed itself to be, however, the deaths of 1,200 people on Oct. 7—and scores more of Israelis in the war so far—are a fraction of the almost 10 million people who live in Israel. In contrast to past wars with powerful Arab states like Egypt, Hamas has no chance of conquering Israel, or even a small part of its territory.
The bigger danger to Israel as a democratic state is internal. Before Oct. 7, Israel was rife with divisions, including tension between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, between Jews in general and the large Israeli Arab population, between religious and secular Jews, and between right-wing and left-wing Israelis. The Netanyahu government made all this far worse, creating a coalition with right-wing extremists and proposing legislation that would roll back judicial independence, among other controversial measures.
One of the only silver linings of Oct. 7 is that Israelis have come together, with Israeli Arab leaders denouncing Hamas, Haredi men who once shunned military service volunteering for the Israel Defense Forces, and secular civil society groups that overnight went from protesting the government to organizing support for those displaced after Oct. 7 and for Israeli soldiers.
Yet this domestic cohesiveness could soon unravel. All of these tensions could easily resurface, jeopardizing Israel’s stability and even posing a threat to its democratic character. Israel’s high court has struck down a controversial proposal to reduce judicial independence that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu put forward early in 2023, which had led to massive protests. Netanyahu himself is already playing politics with the Oct. 7 attack, implicitly saying his critics were responsible for past waves of Palestinian terrorism and jeopardizing the support of the Biden administration by rebuffing U.S. calls for peace talks in the long term. Indeed, if the government is going to ask Israelis to serve in reserves and make economic sacrifices in the name of fighting Hamas, it needs to ensure that its actions are linked to strategic necessity, not politics.
Palestinian Suffering Doesn’t Matter for Israel
More than 20,000 Palestinians in Gaza have died, many of them children, since Oct. 7. Palestinians in the West Bank, too, have suffered, with several hundred casualties since the Hamas attack. As one security official told me after discussing the rape and brutality that accompanied the Oct. 7 assault, “You won’t find one Israeli who cares [about Palestinian lives].” Another noted that no one thought the workers from Gaza allowed into Israel would “rape our daughters.” The Israeli military had loose rules of engagement in Gaza, which it recently tightened under U.S. pressure, according to a report. Israel justifies the civilian casualties as militarily necessary for its goal of destroying Hamas and its military infrastructure. Thus, it has targeted Hamas tunnels even if this meant collapsing the buildings built over them.
In addition to the human cost, the Palestinian civilian deaths undermine Israel’s international reputation and key diplomatic relationships. A number of European leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron, offered Israel unconditional support after Oct . 7 but now are criticizing Israel for the deaths of Palestinian civilians and are supporting U.N. resolutions for a cease-fire. Arab states that made peace with Israel have not broken relations, but their criticism of civilian deaths has increased, largely due to the outrage of their own publics. Most consequentially, the Biden administration has criticized the deaths of civilians, with important Democratic constituencies particularly critical of U.S. President Joe Biden for his strong support of Israel.
Continued high levels of civilian casualties risk jeopardizing U.S. financial and military support for Israel. Israelis might argue that even if they reduce casualties in their operations and allow in more humanitarian aid, they will be hated in some circles. But it is better to be hated less. This reduces support for groups like Hamas, and it decreases international pressure on Israel.
Palestinian Leaders Cannot Be Trusted to Make Peace
For many Israelis, Oct. 7 was the brutal culmination of a pattern of Palestinian duplicity. In their eyes, the eruption of violence in the Second Intifada in 2000 showed the peace talks of the 1990s were a sham. Similarly, many Israelis believe that their 2005 withdrawal from Gaza led to the Hamas takeover there, and the result of giving up territory was rockets and mortar attacks, not peace. Oct. 7, far worse than any of these, occurred at a time when the Israeli government believed Hamas was in a box and that it was negotiating with Israel over work permits because it recognized that it could not successfully attack Israel. In addition to these specific incidents, Netanyahu has blamed Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas and his administration for radicalizing Palestinian society.
Yet Abbas and other PA leaders have repeatedly embraced peace talks, and they would say that expanded settlements, unpunished settler pogroms in the West Bank that took place before Oct. 7, and Israel’s facilitation of support for Hamas showed Israel was acting in bad faith. They have also repeatedly acted against Hamas in the West Bank and otherwise fought terrorism there.
In reality, Palestinian leaders are responding to political incentives and strategic opportunities. Some, like Hamas leader Yehia Sinwar, clearly were duplicitous as they feigned modest intentions while preparing for war. Others, like Abbas, are weak leaders but have consistently embraced negotiations over violence even as negotiations stalled and Arab states made peace with Israel while largely ignoring the Palestinians.
The unsatisfying lesson from Oct. 7 is that Israelis must simply do better in many traditional policy areas rather than jettison useful strategic approaches and give in to the understandable anger gripping the country. Israeli intelligence must learn the lessons of its failure on Oct. 7 in order to provide more effective warning, while the country must also strengthen defenses—without relying on them completely. Deterrence can hold, but assumptions regarding adversary capabilities and intentions must be checked repeatedly. Perhaps most importantly, Israelis must ease their military campaign to reduce Palestinian civilian casualties and allow far more aid into Gaza and embrace, rather than reject, peace negotiations with the PA. None of this will be easy, but all of these steps are necessary for Israel to be secure in the long term.
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azure--gunslinger · 3 months
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Was very excited to try the kitzconcept vf-1 series. Read whatever reviews I could find and the negatives I found I was either ok with or didn't think the comparisons being made were fair.
Saw several folk compare it to a something that costs triple, well yeah I'd expect that one to be better.
Some compared it to a transformer which aside from the 1982 toys, they've never been made by any company as a toy but as a "collectible"
Which has been the problem in my opinion with macross toys in general. The companies and Fandom seem to have this absolute obsession with everything being as close to the line art as possible to the detriment of something I can fly around my living room.
Personally I just want something I can transform reasonably quickly, that doesn't require any parts removal or swapping to transform. (and doesn't cost hundreds of dollars for a single unit)
With all of that in mind and the price of kitzconcept on sale I thought this would be a good avenue, and it would have been... If the leg didn't snap off when turning it into fighter mode for the first time. Looks like a very thin plastic peg is all that holds it on and that snapped.
I have some hi metal r, but I think for what I paid there's too many compromises, as again I hate parts swapping.
Someone please just give me a reasonably accurate macross jet that's built like a transformer.
Bandai please bring back or just slightly update the old 1/55 scale toys.
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 8 months
Lego Ideas Green Hill Zone
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I love this set so much but I have to be real with myself, these rings are not good at all. The context of their existence justifies them, why make a new ring piece for one singular pretty cheap set when there's already something close enough. And to be fair from enough of a distance you can hardly even tell what's wrong with them. But get up close and the scale is off and they bend inwards cause they're like life rings for water I think and the stud they connect to breaks the shape and just. They're not good. The end.
Lego Sonic theme rings
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These ones are included with many sets in the actual Sonic line, and in being a new element designed to look closer to actual rings, they're pretty faithful. The shape is broken by the stud connection but I think the effect still works better than the previous set so it's no biggy. Only real complaint past that is I think they could stand to be just a little bit thicker, to match a bit closer to how rings are usually shaped in the games.
Some cheap Green Hill play set thing I got for Christmas
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I wanna say this has basically the same shape as the previous one but I think they're slightly thicker and thus more game accurate? Colour is a bit more dull and you can't tell from this image but these are actually not a consistent thickness in 3D space but that's not a huge deal I don't think, they look convincing enough for the price point and the shape isn't broken by necessary Lego things.
Sonic Nendoroid
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Holy FUCK I'm going to ejaculate. These are perfect in every single way. The shape is like 1:1. The colours look fanciful. That immaculate shine. This thing is so fucking convincing that I'm worried if I touch it I'll assimilate it into my being until I get hit. They have outdone themselves.
End of post.
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shieldkeeper · 10 months
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Writing Prompt: Clear Word Count: 959 Frostbite AU
This fine Seer has had plenty a vision since the beginnings of his tale. What strong beginnings too! For his lot was of the liege’s son. The reigning leader of his tribe, this clan whom claimed the southern shores as their homeland. Compared to the icy and snowy norths, the shoreline had managed something of a ‘warm’ temperature if one could call it such. Warmer than any other land that has slowly but surely escaped the frostbite of the ice calamity.
From birth was he marked with the celestial ink of their tribe’s cerulean blue hues. From then onwards did that tattoo spiral and form into the signs of a natural born oracle in the making. As a child, oft did he foretell random happenings—menial things. Such as something that would occur the very next day or in a few weeks’ time. When they would know themselves to go lacking in food sources or gaining in harvests. Or which maiden in the village would be next to give birth. Which days would give rain or sunlight.
Those foretellings dwindled over time. If only because certain visions need not warrant an announcement. That and… word would undoubtedly spread the more accurate his prophecies came to be. Seers and Oracles weren’t always exact in their days’ time. Most were seen as false prophets. Scammers out of what little other tribes have in hopes for better fortune. Very few were seen as credible sources—even more so that the few who could be trusted, their visions were not so easy to decipher.
Yet young Garen’s was always so crystal clear. His visions playing in his head as though he were there to live the tale. How awful it was an experience when most recent dream to date played out in the coming of another calamity! A burden that only he alone foretold.
As though the very skies had caught fire, what one might think a sunset burned a far brighter red than he had ever seen before in his lifetime. Comets raining down upon the lands as scaley winged creatures tearing the grounds asunder. A nightmare in and of itself.
When next he woke… he knew immediately what must be done. A prophecy was to be made—he would deny the fate of which he had witnessed.
“Harken onto me. For I come bearing a tale that must be told.  Sung far and wide for a call to arms. Legends of renown join side by side. Skies will burn crimson. Raining fire and steel. Flesh against scales. A revelation of calamitous grandeur. If left unmatched, the lands shall be razed. Our lives at great stake. The future uncertain thereon.”
Thus was his song and dance as he traveled the continent over. Visiting each and every tribe and clan that he could find in search of strong warriors who would aid the cause in defying his vision. Not alone either! The first of his travels was to be accompanied by his younger brother Holou, duty-bound and determined to ensure his elder brother found his footing in his venture.
Oft were they met with hostility. Suspicions. Why would they dare to offer their strongest able-bodied warriors to some unknown threat? How would this Seer pay the price should he fail and his comrades fail? Was this all a scheme to kill off their strongest and raid their villages?
Be that as it may, Garen did manage to convince a number of the warriors regardless of their clan’s feelings. Many of them were looking for a challenge in fact! How could they ever call themselves the legends of their tribes if they were to cower down when a battle presented itself? They wished to witness this so called prophecy for themselves.
When that day came to pass at long last—it was but a singular day later from when they had all arrived at the place of destination. A night’s worth of rest and celebration both before and after that calamitous day. Just as Garen had foretold, the skies bled red as fire reigned down from an alien-like machine. Filled to the brim with draconic looking creatures hellbent on destroying their lives as they cast down upon them in raging fire.
They managed to hold out and best their lot. Victory at hand and songs of praises for each and every one of them. The warriors would return home with heads held high and many a tale to bring back with them!
Save for two.
Vision having come to pass as it always did, Garen had some… uncertainties. Worries enough that pressed him further northward. As though answering a call that his role was not yet complete despite having done just as he felt necessary.
There he would find a hidden… City? Village? Made out of pipes and unbendable metals. That which they so easily entered but would not so easily escape its grasps once caught. Partners in crime captured for their antics as they so forcefully entered this brave new frontier.
…From then on did a new vision take claim upon the Seer in his dreams. A vision that was not so easy to decipher into words, nor did it give any particular comforts. Garen did his utmost best to scribe it out upon song.
“Hark! Slumber no more as the elements stir. Aroused by fire and calamity the earth breaks free of her icy prisons. Dawn of a new age betwixt known and unknowns. Write anew your future and gorge in the realm's joyous splendor! For unbound do the eikons walk. Unshaken pacts upon wayward contracts. Dance to their tune and ye shall know your fate. Travel... Roam... Learn... Ware Beyond new horizons marks the shadows of the yester suns. Pay tribute else flesh stolen asunder.”
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latestfinanceblog · 2 months
Haanuwise Reveals:7 Benefits of Outsourcing Market Research
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In today's fast-paced business environment, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. To make informed decisions and drive growth, companies need accurate market insights. However, conducting comprehensive market research in-house can be resource-intensive and time-consuming. This is where outsourcing market research services can be a game-changer. Companies like Haanuwise offer specialized expertise and resources to help businesses navigate the complexities of the market landscape. Here are seven key advantages of outsourcing market research services:
Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing market research services can significantly reduce costs compared to maintaining an in-house research team. With outsourcing, businesses can avoid expenses related to hiring, training, and retaining specialized staff. Additionally, outsourcing providers like Haanuwise often operate in regions with lower labor costs, offering competitive pricing without compromising on quality.
Access to Specialized Expertise: Market research encompasses various methodologies and techniques, from quantitative surveys to qualitative focus groups. Outsourcing allows businesses to tap into the specialized expertise of professionals who are well-versed in these methodologies. Companies like Haanuwise employ experienced researchers who understand industry best practices and can deliver valuable insights tailored to specific business needs.
Scalability and Flexibility: Market research needs can fluctuate depending on business cycles, product launches, or market shifts. Outsourcing provides scalability and flexibility, allowing companies to scale up or down their research efforts as needed. Whether it's a one-time project or ongoing support, outsourcing partners like Haanuwise can adapt to changing requirements and timelines efficiently.
Time Savings: Time is of the essence in today's competitive landscape. Outsourcing market research services frees up valuable time for internal teams to focus on core business activities. By leveraging the expertise of outsourcing providers like Haanuwise, businesses can expedite the research process without compromising quality, enabling faster decision-making and go-to-market strategies.
Access to Advanced Technologies: Keeping pace with the latest market research technologies and tools can be challenging for internal teams. Outsourcing partners like Haanuwise invest in state-of-the-art technologies and platforms to enhance research capabilities and deliver actionable insights. From data analytics software to survey tools, outsourcing providers leverage advanced technologies to streamline the research process and drive better outcomes.
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Confidentiality and Data Security: Market research often involves sensitive information and proprietary data. Outsourcing partners like Haanuwise prioritize confidentiality and data security, implementing robust protocols and safeguards to protect client information. From secure data transmission to compliance with privacy regulations, outsourcing providers adhere to stringent standards to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of research data.
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deazmonius · 1 year
Continuing with the Magic Knights Rayearth models today completed and present the next model Windom, the Rune Spirit of Air. Piloted by Fuu Hououji. While personally was not my favorite character or mech from the series, still important to have as part of the complete set.
The model over all was a easy build over all, again came with a pre painted face and sword this time the model is mostly color accurate to the show, needing only the tips the fingers to be painted silver to be a hundred % accurate to its art. The kit does come with some silver stickers to put behind some of the gems which really helps them pop, however in this instance I did opt to just pain the areas silver instead while not a reflective as the foil still gives a good overall finish behind the gems still helping them catch the light. The build difficulty/time is on par with a HG 1/144 scale Gundam of simulator complexity, though it’s a 1/100 scale in total size.
The parts fit snuggly and easily together. With the joint again being all hard plastic with mostly smooth movement that hold in place well. That said their are a couple points that I think could have utilized better part design. The first is the base wing mounts they are hook and eye connections at the base of back so only offer side to side movement. I feel a ball and socket joint would have been better for a wider range of motion. The next part are the hip armor skirts. While they used a ball and socket at the waist, the connection to the armor was another hook and socket which made it awkward to get in to a position and I think needlessly restricted movement of the parts. Lastly the feet, much like with the Rune God, prior the feet are really restricted in the movement, mostly in the forward direction. Which makes it difficult to get to stand on its own with out making it lean forward awkwardly from the hips/waist to counter balance the wings in the back. Basically requiring a base for it to be upright in almost any pose. I think if the golden portion of the ankle was allowed to move even just up and down that would have helped. I expect similar with the remaining two models. That said as a saving grace, the head has much better range of then the Rune God, and all the other joints and points of motion are good and work very well.
The wind effects in this photo, are a separate kit that that you can get for about $9.00 from Good Smile Co. and and each of the three sections come in three parts with the assembly instructions on the back of the box. They where also easy to assemble, with snug fittings and have decent balance not tipping over too easily. And definitely add a nice look to Windom, so I am glad I picked them up and also got the ones for the remaining two. Sadly I couldn’t find similar for the rune god, but I think the translucent sword and angle wings make it sand out just fine.
In closing I still say the over all it’s definitely not a bad kit, and if a Rayearth fan and or a fan of the air spirit totally worth picking up if you can. I am going give it a 3.5 out of 5 mainly because it can’t stand on its own due to the feet issues. The model can get picked up directly from Good Smile Company’s website for about $30 plus shipping if it’s in stock still. Though I have seen other prices ranging all the way upward of $60 from third parties.
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sellgoldncr · 4 months
How To Sell Gold For Cash: A Comprehensive Guide
Assessing Your Gold
Before selling your gold for cash, it's essential to assess its value accurately. Determine the purity of your gold items by checking for hallmarks or conducting a purity test. Weigh your gold using a scale to calculate its total weight. Understanding the purity and weight of your gold will help you determine its market value.
When preparing to Sell Gold for cash, the first step is to assess the value of your gold items accurately. This involves determining the purity and weight of your gold, as these factors play a crucial role in determining its market value.
One way to assess the purity of your gold is to look for hallmarks or stamps on your gold jewelry or coins. These markings indicate the karatage or purity of the gold, with common hallmarks including 24K, 18K, 14K, and 10K. If your gold items are not stamped with a hallmark, you can use a gold testing kit to determine their purity accurately.
In addition to assessing purity, it's essential to weigh your gold items using a digital scale. Gold is typically measured in troy ounces, grams, or pennyweights, so amake sure your scale is calibrated to the appropriate unit of measurement. Once you have determined the weight of your gold, you can calculate its total value based on the current market price of gold.
Researching Current Market Prices
Before selling your gold, research current market prices to ensure you get a fair deal. Gold prices fluctuate daily based on supply and demand dynamics, economic conditions, and geopolitical factors. Use reliable sources such as financial news websites or precious metal market indices to track gold prices in real-time.
One of the most crucial steps in selling gold for cash is researching current market prices to ensure you receive a fair offer. Gold prices fluctuate constantly due to various factors, including changes in supply and demand, economic indicators, and geopolitical events. Therefore, it's essential to stay informed about the latest developments in the gold market before selling your gold items.
There are several ways to research current gold prices. One option is to use online resources such as financial news websites, precious metal market indices, or mobile apps that provide real-time updates on gold prices. These platforms offer valuable insights into gold price trends and allow you to track price movements over time.
Another option is to consult with reputable gold dealers or pawnshops in your area to inquire about current buying prices. While local dealers may offer slightly lower prices compared to online buyers, they can provide personalized service and immediate cash payment for your gold items.
By researching current market prices through multiple sources, you can gain a better understanding of the fair value of your gold and negotiate confidently with Gold Buyer when selling your gold for cash.
Choosing A Reputable Gold Buyer
When selling gold for cash, it's crucial to choose a reputable buyer to ensure a smooth and fair transaction. Look for buyers who are licensed, experienced, and transparent about their pricing policies. Avoid dealing with buyers who pressure you to sell or offer prices significantly below market value.
Selecting a reputable buyer is essential when selling gold for cash to ensure a fair and secure transaction. With numerous buyers available, it's crucial to conduct thorough research and choose a buyer who is licensed, experienced, and trustworthy.
One way to identify reputable Gold Buyers is to check for certifications or accreditations from recognized industry organizations. Look for buyers who are members of associations such as the Jewelers of America or the Better Business Bureau, as these organizations uphold strict standards of ethical conduct and customer service.
Additionally, consider reading online reviews and testimonials from past customers to gauge the reputation of potential buyers. Positive reviews and high ratings are indicators of a buyer's reliability and professionalism, while negative reviews may signal red flags such as hidden fees or poor customer service.
Transparency is another essential factor to consider when choosing a gold buyer to get high Cash For Gold. Look for buyers who provide clear and detailed information about their pricing policies, including how they calculate gold prices based on purity and weight. Avoid buyers who are vague or evasive about their pricing methods, as this may indicate dishonesty or unethical practices.
Furthermore, it's essential to compare offers from multiple buyers to ensure you receive a competitive price for your gold items. Obtain quotes from different buyers and carefully evaluate each offer based on factors such as price, reputation, and convenience. Keep in mind that the highest offer may not always be the best option if it comes from an untrustworthy buyer.
By choosing a reputable buyer who offers fair prices and transparent policies, you can sell your gold for cash with confidence and peace of mind.
Preparing Your Gold For Sale
Before selling your gold for cash, take steps to prepare your gold items for inspection and evaluation. Clean your gold jewelry or coins using a mild soap and water solution to remove dirt and debris. Store your gold items securely in a protective case or pouch to prevent damage during transportation.
Preparing your gold for sale is an essential step in the selling process that can help you maximize the value of your gold items and ensure a smooth transaction. Before presenting your gold items to potential buyers, take the time to clean and organize them to make a positive impression and facilitate the evaluation process.
Start by cleaning your gold jewelry or coins using a mild soap and water solution. Gently scrub the surface of your gold items with a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt, oil, or tarnish that may have accumulated over time. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage the finish of your gold and diminish its value.
Once your gold items are clean and dry, inspect them carefully for any signs of damage or wear. Look for scratches, dents, or missing stones that may affect the overall value of your gold. If necessary, consider having your gold items professionally repaired or restored to enhance their appearance and marketability.
After cleaning and inspecting your gold items, store them securely in a protective case or pouch to prevent damage during transportation. Avoid mixing your gold items with other jewelry or valuables, as this can increase the risk of loss or damage. Instead, keep your gold items separate and label them accordingly to ensure they remain safe and secure until they are ready to be sold.
By taking the time to prepare your gold for sale, you can present your items in the best possible condition and increase their appeal to potential buyers. Additionally, thorough preparation demonstrates your commitment to transparency and professionalism, which can help build trust and confidence with buyers during the selling process.
Negotiating The Sale
When selling your Gold For Cash, don't be afraid to negotiate with buyers to get the best possible price for your items. Be prepared to walk away if you're not satisfied with the offer and consider seeking quotes from other buyers to leverage your bargaining position.
Negotiating the sale of your gold is an essential aspect of the selling process that can significantly impact the outcome of the transaction. By approaching negotiations strategically and confidently, you can maximize the value of your gold items and secure a fair price for your investment.
One key strategy in negotiating the sale of your gold is to be well-informed about current market prices and the value of your gold items. Conduct thorough research and obtain quotes from multiple buyers to establish a baseline for comparison and gauge the competitiveness of each offer. Armed with this information, you can negotiate from a position of strength and confidently assert the value of your gold to potential buyers.
When negotiating with Jewelry Buyers, be prepared to advocate for your interests and articulate the reasons why your gold is worth a certain price. Highlight any unique features or attributes of your gold items that may increase their value, such as rare designs, historical significance, or exceptional craftsmanship. By showcasing the inherent value of your gold, you can justify your asking price and persuade buyers to offer a higher price for your items.
Additionally, don't be afraid to walk away from a negotiation if you're not satisfied with the offer. Remember that you have the right to sell your gold on your own terms and shouldn't feel pressured to accept an offer that doesn't meet your expectations. Consider seeking quotes from other buyers to leverage your bargaining position and explore alternative selling options if necessary.
Throughout the negotiation process, maintain professionalism and courtesy when interacting with buyers, even if negotiations become challenging or contentious. By fostering a positive and constructive dialogue, you can increase the likelihood of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement and completing the sale successfully.
In conclusion, negotiating the sale of your gold requires careful preparation, strategic planning, and assertive communication. By following these tips and approaching negotiations with confidence and professionalism, you can optimize the value of your gold items and secure a favorable outcome for your investment.
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girl4music · 2 years
Yeah, I agree with Sarah Catherine. I love Jules but Jules got some flaws and fuckboying is one of them. Do fuckboys not get horny during the day? Are they the equivalent of sexual vampires? Unclear. But while their sole goal is sex, apparently they don’t want it that badly. (But, also they do! The fuckboy paradox!)
Jules be thirsty for more than just blood. I love it. I love when gender stereotypes just go out the fucking window when it comes to proper WLW representation. You know you love to see a GIRL actually be a fuckboy. And as if that varsity jacket she borrowed off Ben wasn’t indication enough that this player personality was representative of Jules’ character. I just think Cal is the first girl that made her commit. Likewise Jules is the first girl that made Cal commit.
I need people to understand that Juliette and Calliope are a queer version of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet are the equivalent of horny teenagers that rush into a relationship because they want to fuck. Romeo is the original fuckboy and Juliet is the original play hard to get but would drop her panties in a moment’s notice for Romeo only. Their feelings are real and true but it’s a young and naive love. Neither of them know what they’re really doing. Neither of them really ever think things through. They’re just risking it all to be together because they can’t keep their minds and hands off of each other. Their characters start off the non-committed type but they find a need to commit to each other because the connection they share is so striking and enticing. They learn to be better people through the influence of being in each other’s lives.
Tell me that’s not how they write Jules and Cal. Tell me that’s not how Sarah Catherine and Imani play their respective characters. The only difference is because it’s a queer love story, both of them are Romeo and Juliet. Both of them hold traits of both. So what ‘First Kill’ is doing is ‘Romeo and Juliet’ but adapting it for a modern paradigm and audience. Because gender stereotypes are a thing of the past. Today a girl can be a fuckboy AND play hard to get. These gender stereotypes and roles assigned to specific genders simply just do not exist anymore and ‘First Kill’ is fixing a lot of the shit young adult romance stories had wrong with it due to this. It’s not only subverting done-to-death harmful tropes. It’s also fixing disrespectful gender stereotypes and roles.
By making parallels to Romeo and Juliet and the Twilight Saga, ‘First Kill’ is balancing the scales between what is typically depicted of “men” and what is typically depicted of “women” in a teen romance. I am here for Jules the fuckboy and Cal the play hard to get. I am also here for Cal the confident dominant top and Jules the socially awkward bottom because these completely contradictory personality traits are mutually inclusive in the depiction of a whole ass woman. Women are horny. Women are insecure. Women never say sorry but also say sorry too much. Women have so many dimensions to them that they’re a million contradictions at once and none of it is ever “wrong” for women to be. And when it comes to love between two women, it’s just as flawed and abusive and simultaneously as valid and loving as the love between two men or a man and woman can be.
When I say ‘First Kill’ is proper WLW representation… what I mean is that the love story is an accurate one! Why is it accurate? Because these gay girls are whole ass women that are down so bad for each other that they’re such idiots and their whole world will pay the price for them deciding to give it a shot and risk it all. That is the star-crossed lovers story they’re telling. So the fandom needs to understand that their ship is not going to be smooth-sailing but it will keep sailing on regardless of whatever obstacles are put in it’s way. And it will take time and hard work but it will fix itself. It will reassemble all its parts after the storm passes. As all well-written and well-performed romances do whether they be WLW or MLM or MLW or ENBY. It’s about time TV made representation equally balanced.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Your metas are always worth the wait and people need to remember that we all have lives and can't be expected to be 100% online all the time! Also if you happen to find out where Natalia's dress is from, I would be elated. Until I saw the price tag of course lol.
With that being said, I have been so intrigued about why Buck ends up stepping up if that's what is happening in the episode so I wanted to get your thoughts. I don't want anyone thinking I want him to step up over Hen and I think this is only happening because A. Chimney is hurt and can't take over, and B. If the spoiler pics are accurate, it looks like Hen is trying to take care of Eddie. So what makes Buck the one to end up giving orders, if that's happening?
Hey Nonnie
Thank you for the kind words they mean a lot to me. I've just posted my meta, so I hope you enjoy reading it!
I can in fact help you out with Natalia's dress - its by a label called Reformation (side note - this is the same label that makes the dress Vanessa wears to the non date with Eddie) and various outlets stock it, it comes in at a cool £245 or $278 - this is the link to net-a-porter who stock it in this pattern (which is last seasons) you can go to the reformation website where they have it in various other colours and patterns. https://www.net-a-porter.com/en-gb/shop/product/reformation/clothing/midi-dresses/baxley-floral-print-crepe-de-chine-midi-dress/1647597300686238
As for BUck stepping up well we know a little more now from the 5 second promo we've had and the likelihood is that Buck and Ravi might be the only ones not in immediate danger from the 118, which would necessitate Buck stepping up - something he would do to save his family. The thing is, all of us with braincells know that Buck would never be chosen as captain over Hen or Chimney and that isn't what this is. Buck stepping up in the middle of a disaster, when the rest of the 118 have been taken out in some way is just a firefighter stepping up to do what is needed in the moment. Yes Buck will learn from the experience and get to show the skills he has which will help him be a good captain one day in the future, and I'm sure his stepping up here will likely play a part in him knowing himself better - knowing what he wants better etc, but it is not for one minute about Buck being ready to be captain now, or being ready to be captain over Hen or Chim.
We should also remember we've seen Buck step up before - this isn't anything new its just on a larger scale and in a scenario when the rest of his team need his help. we saw Buck step up in season 5 - with the woman who fell down the mine shaft in the finale - Bobby stepped aside to see to the kids and Buck was the one who took charge of the rescue operation - that wasn't about him stepping over Hen or Chim, it was about him being the one with the skills needed in that situation and it allowed the writers to set up this seasons arc about Buck finding himself and what he wants his future to look like. There are several other examples, but they are no different to Hen or Chim taking charge when their individual skills are the ones that will allow for successful rescues, this new one for Buck is ultimately no different.
Hopefully this makes sense!
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feltpool · 1 year
I had planned to post more about this as I built it, but dealing with a sick cat ate up a lot of my time and enthusiasm so I didn’t.
But lately I have mostly been building this behemoth:
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Look at his ‘lil leggies
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And feets! (They’re SO solid and heavy)
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And terrible lighting his big long legs - 17 inches from floor to top, like the supermodel that he is.
(Ignore that I could no longer photograph him lying on his back because his feet are too weighty to support that - AT-AT’s just aren’t designed to lie on their backs kicking their feet. Who knew?, and that his knees are pointing in the wrong direction here because I lost track of which end was the front in the excitement of playing with the adjustable leg positioning. The white handled tool between his feet is the leg adjustment screwdriver)
Somewhere amongst the hundreds of tiny blue technic pins that hold all those outer facade plates on there are some holes where there shouldn’t be, because I have 2 more pins leftover than I should have. But unless something actually falls off I’m not about to go back through the build to find out where I managed to leave them out.
And onto the ‘body’
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Some really nice, neat design work going on here to get the right shaping angle for the body without looking awkward and also being really secure.
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The top floor locks down with a simple, if fiddly, bit of design which holds it in place securely without adding bulk.
Jo, Flo, and Ho get to just sit there while the build happens around them. They know better than to ask questions.
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Flexible and adjustable neck added.
Not a minifigure useable tunnel unfortunately, but it supports the weight of the ‘head’ while remaining flexible and moveable, which is pretty damn impressive tbh!
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Shapely butt too.
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Got the engine and the outer structural shaping done. There’s a lot of detail that goes into the engine for something that you can’t access very well once the exterior technic framework fits into place.
Seems like a bit of a shame. Ah well.
There’s a ladder running between the two floors, btw. Just in case you were curious.
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Now the head. Well, most of it at least (no side panels yet)
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Open it up and there are the people!
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It’s a tight space inside, but they can see where they’re going on their little screen.
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Now it has side panels and moveable weapons.
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And the outer armour is complete!
Lets lift the flaps (like on a toddler book) and see what’s underneath.
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Troopers on patrol. Busy guarding that one E-Web heavy repeating blaster.
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And snowspeeders on their storage racks, with the engine on the top floor
Technically you can also open the flap at the other end, but all you see is trooper seating and the end of the (non-functional) tunnel through the neck.
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Add on a dangly Luke Skywalker for the authentic ‘AT-AT on Hoth’ experience and this build is almost complete
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It just needs its sign
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Which doubles up as leg adjustment tool storage.
All I need now is a whole bunch of these:
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if I ever decide I want to fill my AT-AT with the full complement of 40 troopers and fill those empty snow speeder racks on the other side
But for now I’ve settled for 3 (on a buy 2 get 1 free deal)
This is a HUGE set. 6785 pieces (about 1/5 of that is connector pins), 6kg when complete, and standing 25 inches high (if all the legs are fully straightened out) so it comes with a hefty price tag.
(Well, it does when the store haven’t knocked a couple of hundred pounds off for May 4th and you have a whole lot of store vouchers. Husband only paid £34.99 for it cash wise. Total bargain! :D )
But is it worth it?
Yes. Absolutely worth it, this is an amazingly well designed Lego set with a fantastic amount of attention to detail. I can only imagine the time and effort it must have taken to get this set so accurate to the original in visual terms while also scaling it to fit the 40 troopers it’s supposed to be able to hold as well as having space for cargo and speeders.
The legs being able to support the weight of the build while still being positionable and not losing stability must have been a design nightmare all by itself.
The only real downside is working out where I’m going to keep him now he’s built
So why George?
Blame it on a childhood spent watching Looney Tunes cartoons and the message my husband left on my wedding anniversary present.
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What can I say? The name stuck. He’s George now.
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masterofrecords · 8 months
Angstober day 27: System Collapse
I probably spent way too much time making sure my sandhi were accurate in this one. Hooray to the one semester of Sanskrit I'd once taken - never thought it would come in useful.
The Flame of the Countless Deaths
The connection between the leylines is tentative, volatile. Hard as he tries, Kalidasa cannot fully feel the other locations, but it’s better than nothing.
Breathe in, breathe out. His heart beats in sync with the weak, dying magic of the world.
He is about to cease to exist. He is everywhere.
Keeping track of time is hard. There is no time where his mind is, and yet the time is everything now. Sounds of fighting reach him, and he isn’t sure if it is his brothers and sisters fighting at the Mrtyunamjvalah temple below, or if it’s echoes reaching him from across the world, the last cries seeping in through the unstable network.
It hardly matters.
The first seals are barely beginning to settle when the first interruption rocks the leyline.
Kalidasa frowns, breathing steady as he tries to pull closer, figure out where the disruption is coming from. One of the second seals comes with a delay, and with it, Qiao Xiu’s unusually terse voice in Kalidasa’s head, “Got off schedule, but we’re fine.”
And it is fine. The seals should be done simultaneously for them to be stable, but on the cosmic scale, some minutes are a minor issue. The disturbance caused by whatever happened on Qiao Xiu’s end dies down as the rituals continue, and Kalidasa keeps hoping. “Take care,” he replies, and listens to the silence once more.
Time passes through him. More hours, more seals, more fighting seemingly everywhere. The powers that don’t want their divinity sealed off are not going to let it go smoothly – those running the rituals were prepared for it, each group made precautions for it.
Some hid the sites, some set up traps, some placed guards. Below Kalidasa, surrounding the circle where the ritual is taking place, are the monks that do not expect to make it to sundown.
Kalidasa wonders – no, hopes that it will be enough.
After four seals have taken root, things go downhill.
“Hoards of demons,” Zamani’s voice follows the tidal wave of unstable magic. “We’ll try to get back on track.”
He isn’t sure why they report to him. There is nothing he can do, he cannot even send the word out without breaking his connection to the leyline. Perhaps, Kalidasa muses, they just want him not to worry, aware that he’s watching over them.
“Do your best,” is all he can think of replying.
Perhaps there is some comfort they gain from knowing he’s still there, for however much longer it might be.
To his sorrow, the leylines do not have the time to stabilize before the next big interruptions. With each seal, it seems, the price of mistakes becomes greater. “Man down. Will try to finish with eleven.”
The few words of comfort Kalidasa can give don’t seem at all sufficient.
He utters them anyway and watches in dismay as the perturbations grow stronger and stronger, no longer needing their missteps to feed themselves. Something is bound to crack, Kalidasa worries, but the fighting seems to have stopped for the most part.
The air is thick with death, and Kalidasa keeps repeating the same prayers for departed souls over and over again. It is all he can do.
Most have completed eight seals when another shock makes Kalidasa jerk, almost throwing him out of his trance. Something goes wrong, somewhere above and on the inside, and Kalidasa isn’t sure where it is in the real world, but he watches helplessly as the connection to one of the leylines breaks, sending ripples through the entire network.
He hadn’t realized before that there is noise in his ears, but it’s growing more and more uncomfortable to the point where he cannot easily ignore it. It is so loud that he almost misses the voice reaching for him through the void.
He barely recognizes Remi.
“I’m sorry,” is all he hears, and perhaps there was more to the message, but it’s gone, dissolved in static as waves of uncertainty wash over the leylines.
Four more seals to go.
The cut off leyline returns slowly, and he knows it’s Remi’s group giving it one more try, no matter how desperate the situation looks on their side. The rituals continue, exhaustion bleeding to Kalidasa instead of finesse as the hours of work take toll on everyone.
The rituals finish in an unsteady cacophony, a rough patch rather than neat embroidery on the fabric between the planes. Kalidasa feels each backlash and winces, knowing they mean more deaths he will probably never learn about.
His magic feels weaker and weaker as more leylines are cut off, but it’s not fully gone. The seals are still fluid, like unfinished stitches, but Kalidasa holds on to hope.
It’s the only thing he can do.
The people of Mrtyunamjvalah leave, knowing better than to disturb him. His own skin feels frayed, and Kalidasa wonders what is happening outside, but dares not open his eyes.
There is still time. There is still hope.
Whatever the outcome, he will be there to witness it.
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hirocimacruiser · 2 years
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Japanese Complete
Tommy kaira M20 & M30
Photos / Tatsuo Sakurai Text / Hitoshi Sezai
It greatly raises the potential of the commercial model and pursues the fun of driving. Moreover, it is not a so-called “illegal modification”, but a complete car that proudly passes the vehicle inspection. Such cars, which are commonplace in Europe, also exist in Japan. Tommykaira M20&30. It is extremely significant.
What is a sports car?
It's not that expensive is good, but there is nothing that money-rich Japan cannot afford. Cars are no exception, and Japanese are big customers for foreign car manufacturers. Even a domestic car costs 8 million yen NSX is flooded with reservations, sports cars
It is no longer a dream or aspiration.
At this point, the market is already saturated, and the overflowing desire is just a world of addiction. There is no such thing as high or bad quality when it comes to Japanese cars. In this situation, it is likely that a seller's market will emerge, or the idea that "the higher the price, the better." I think the time has come to develop a discerning eye on the buyer side.
So, what I think is to say let's reconsider the sports car that was made seriously. All of the Japanese cars so far have been too well received by millions of people. Sports cars are no exception. Even the NSX has the characteristic that it can be used as a geta, and the first midship up until now was just a FF unit loaded on the back. With this, there is no way you can feel like a fan on the mountain pass.
Users who are not satisfied with their desires will naturally run towards making their own ideal cars. “Tuning” may be synonymous with sports cars for racers. However, even if it is a numb word for a racer, the reality is that it has not gained citizenship in the general public. Then, if you have a family and reason For those who think, the sports car becomes a green distant existence again. That's why I think he's clearing his mind by driving real sports cars and enthusiasts that are extraordinarily expensive. However, that would be like an old man at an agricultural cooperative who buys things duty-free for 30 years. I want you to be even more proud of your commitment to sports cars. We want you to be proud to drive a sports car, a Japanese sports car.
Two Tommykaira with a clear and accurate division have already been around for three years
I'm starting to build a Japanese sports car. As if to ridicule the overly weak maker system, the famous tuner Kikuo Kera aspired to create a true sports car based on Mr. Tomita's production. Then 90 years. Along with the model change of the base vehicle, the first generation M30 switched to the second generation. The M30, which has been further refined, has the personality and potential of a backyard builder, and has further improved its appeal.
As a pioneer of the "complete car", the finish is truly impressive. The unique appearance is more powerful than GT-R's blisters and large front and rear spoilers. Moreover, the M30 is recognized as an official model because it has gone through proper procedures as a backyard builder. In other words, although Tommykaira is small, it is recognized as a manufacturer, and a small amount of sports cars are produced and sold from there. A complete car is no longer a tuning car
Different, it is a fine category that represents Japanese sports cars. That's why the commitment to running is also noisy. Seeking good handling unique to FR, the base vehicle is 2L GTS-T Type M. And the engine is the RB26DETT with a scale of 2. Then, in pursuit of the goodness of the pickup unique to NA, it was converted to a non-turbo engine and then scaled up.
The heart is hot enough for the M30, which is extremely luxurious. The non-turbo RB26 exerts a large amount of torque unique to a large-displacement vehicle, and shakes its tightly packed body. Once the throttle is opened, the pleasant sound of the engine reverberates throughout the body, which has no play at all, and high-frequency vibrations are transmitted. The feeling of becoming one with the body every time you race is more than GT-R, and you can feel the excitement of a racing car. Due to the heavy weight of the engine, it was a bit front heavy on winding roads, but even so, the tail started to flow easily and it showed a powerful drift scene by making use of the large torque. The operation system and footwork are very direct, and you will not be bothered by this large body.
don't let
It's rude to call it a younger brother, but the M20 with a 2-liter turbo RB20DET has a much milder impression than the hard image of the M30. Starting with the weight of the engine, the suspension that matches the light weight of the vehicle has a softer touch than expected, and the roll speed is faster. Therefore, the attitude of the car can be changed easily, and anyone can enjoy sport-like driving. Although the feeling of torque is inferior to that of the M30, the engine with good elongation gets more lively the more you rev ​​it.
High output type. For a user whose duty is to always run at full throttle, this is an unexpected pleasure.
Comparing the two cars, even though they have the same FR, they have distinctly different personalities, and the M30 is completely European-oriented. After endlessly pursuing the goodness of the base, it is both hard and practical. The M20 is very Japanese, and its appeal is that it is easy to handle and appeals to everyone. It is, so to speak, an introduction to complete cars.
Tommykaira's techniques and aspirations, which make use of the individuality that can be said to be the charm of a sports car, are undoubtedly full of the spirit of a coachbuilder representing Japan. After that, how to cultivate the user's eye, and how to notice the existence of a true sports car. It depends on the uncle of the agricultural cooperative.
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sgt-spank · 1 year
How this works:
-Any Pre-Existing, "Owed"/Paid slots will get priority over these.
-No fees will be requested until at least the Sketch is complete.
-Full payment is to be sent after the sketch phase unless previously discussed.
-Tips are welcome and appreciated.
-I am a disabled artist with chronic pain. I ask that you be conscious of this when you commission me.
-My work time might be slower, but the less pressure I’m given to get something done, the more efficiently I can work to provide you with a piece that we are both proud of.
-Repeated attempts at pressuring me into completing your commission in a short span of time will result in a partial refund, and a block. (This does not apply to commissions taken with a deadline in mind.)
-I may choose to add a background or generally upgrade a slot, but backgrounds/upgrades CANNOT be requested unless previously discussed and paid for.
-Upon delivery of the sketch, if you cannot pay right away, but you intend to at a later date PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
-If I don't receive a response within 2 weeks, I will find a way to "recycle" the work I've done.
-If you do not pay, you will not receive the art you've requested, and it will not be posted online.
-If you have unpaid art, I will not start a new piece for you until the previous debt has been resolved.
-I will turn down any commission with subject matters or characters that I am not comfortable drawing.
-I reserve the right to turn down any commission at any time. (Including, but not limited to; commissions where the subject matter is not interesting or inspiring to me.)
-I reserve the right to charge extra in case of multiple revision requests.
- After the sketch has been completed and approved by the buyer, the only revisions allowed are revisions to colors during the painting process.
-In the case of me helping you design your OC, you MAY NOT use any of my designs in LARGE SCALE for-profit projects, such as videogames or films.
-You may not sell any design of mine for profit.
-You may not print my art or re-post my art on social media unless you’ve been given explicit permission.
-if the pose you request is complicated or specific, it will take longer to draw
-if you don't have a ref sheet, your character will take longer to draw
-full "artistic freedom" may take longer to draw, so it's better to give me some kind of starting-point for these. You may provide multiple ideas or themes and I'll come up with something from there.
-Please provide as much information and as accurate of reference as possible. If I don't have enough information to work with I will probably skip your slot.
[NO] I will NOT draw-------------------------------------------------------
-any character under 18, or who appears to be under 18.
-anything related to pregnancy.
-"SFW KINKS" like inflation, vore, etc
-guns, cars, complex electronic or mechanical devices. (but I CAN draw robots or cyborg parts)
-nazi bullshit
-military/police uniforms from the past 300 years
-portraits of REAL people, as in humans who exist in the real world, including content creators such as Markiplier, Game Grumps, etc etc etc. (human/humanish characters/OCs are fine)
-Have reference images available. If it's too text-heavy, I may turn down the slot!
-if a character has tattoos, please have stand-alone ref for those designs if you want them drawn accurately.
-if a character has runes/symbols PLEASE PROVIDE THEIR NAMES/MEANINGS with sources (if there are any)
-Do not send me IRL photographs of any NSFW subject unless given permission to do so.
-Avoid [sexist, racist, transphobic, homophobic] language in your descriptions
-If you do not speak fluent English, please let me know so I may better accommodate you.
Questions or concerns can be directed to:
(fastest response)
@sgt-spank on Tumblr
Bust/Waist up: $45
Full body: $55
Extra character is double the price
Bust/Waist up: $60
Full body: $75
Extra character is double the price
Flat Color:
Bust/Waist up: $80
Full body: $90
Extra character is double the price
Shaded Color:
Bust/Waist up: $100
Full body: $125
Extra character is double the price
Simple: $10
Complex: ***$50+
FURSONA’s: $20 extra per character tacked onto the base prices.
NSFW: +$10
Winged characters +$20
*** [About Background pricing.]
We will discuss the complexity of your chosen background, and I will give you a set price!
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