#accordingly though Frog does just think of them as the kids and her platonic besties
TBH my NG+ of Stormblood has mostly reminded me that in Frogverse, Lyse has the hardest time of it because by mid Stormblood, she, Frog and Alisaie hug constantly, having formed the tightest little mean girls squad of the Resistance who are always hyping each other up and whispering together and conspiring to get Yugiri to sit with them at lunch etc, but Lyse is the exact height that if Frog hugged her, her boobs gently rest on Lyse's head, and Lyse is Too Gay to handle this. I also think Alisaie has a big gay crush on Lyse she's not handling well, along with her inevitable long-term crush on Frog, all of which is pushing her to rather reckless heights to impress the older girls who she's trying to measure up to both in all the canon ways she's pushing herself but also in the psychosexual lesbian drama way.
And meanwhile in this time, Frog is mostly just staring moodily out of windows thinking about how it never would have worked with Hilda but the fact she's now dating Joye is still gutting and maybe she should just stop levelling machinist entirely before her heart is stomped flat.
Like, it's peak stupid gay drama hours and everyone is just pining. Honestly, G'raha's intervention in the story couldn't have come sooner. If he'd raptured Frog pre-Doma Castle she might have thanked him regardless of the geopolitical danger.
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