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Sigo rodando sin rumbo , paso a paso cual vagabundo , nunca aprendí a vivir , jamas entendí este mundo.
Aún no conozco París, aun veo el cielo gris, los más cercano a amsterdam que he estado a sido probando hach1...s.
Aún no puedo emprender el vuelo, sigo gateando, sin rumbo ni duelo, sigo revolcandome en el suelo, por perseguir el sueño casi acabo preso, me salvé , aunque ahora no cargue un peso, extraño viejos tiempos, que pasaron, y el que era yo hace muchos años , se ha marchado, todavía sigo con mi encendedor y mi vieja pipa en el bolsillo, pero detesto el olor a cigarrillo, ya no mendigo cariño , aveces la.soledad golpea pero me.aguanto , aunque no cese la.angustia aunque no cese el llanto, y mis cicatrices me recuerdan a diario que el amar tiene un precio muy alto.
Aprendí a las malas , luego de tantas caídas, ya no volvió la paz ni las sonrisas el tiempo corrió de prisa , se va llevando mi juventud, y aveces ni me importa , soy como un Ángel caído que cojea paso a paso mientras arrastra sus alas rotas.
Planeo con ansias y desdén mi último día, si esque si no me visita antes, yo igual conozco la salida, da igual si por una gran caida o una sobredosis de sustancias prohibidas, mientras tanto sigo resistiendo, probando lo amargo del fracaso, anhelando llegar a la dulce gloria , contando en palabras confusas un poco de mi historia.
Trato de sonreír pero mi mente me lo impide, el corazón roto como cristales, pero aún latiendo sigue, algunos vicios los acarrie a mi presente, me ayudan a soportar la ausencia de paz que me persigue constantemente ,cual cazador a su débil presa, ataca al cuello sin piedad y ya caído me empieza a destrozar.
Aún siento que la herida está abierta y aveces no deja de sangrar, me abraza la pena y me acaricia el vértigo de la existencia, y yo me.muerdo fuertemente los labios y a la vida le pido clemencia.
Tengo muchos defectos ,muchas carencias, los errores del ayer me atormentan, no encuentro un camino por donde transitar, me hallo en el valle sombrío fumando un poco , no dejo de escribir para no volverme loco.
Un sorbo de licor barato, ya no alcanza para el vino, como el pueblo una de puro, ya no corre por mi garganta trago fino, se esfumaron de repente esos aires de grandeza, aterrizar fue duro, poner los pies sobre la tierra , soñando con tener millones , pero acabe en una patrulla con dos detenciones.
El sueño me alivia por horas, aunque a menudo el insomnio me visita y me devora, mis cicatrices cuentan muchas historias y trajines a los que sobreviví, cuanto tuve que luchar para resistir, la soga estuvo muchas veces cerca de mi cuello, mirandome al espejo, respirando mi veneno, aveces quiero volver al pasado y que todo esto solo fuese un maldit..0 sueño.
-Paul T Carrillo.
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NFT- Road to Commando 0002
Today has been a very studious day. I got into the nooks and crannies of a lot within the new digital space. I mean, we’re talking: Ethereum, blockchain basics, how miners get rewards, crypto-wallets, and a lot more. This field is absurdly huge. It is ridiculously huge. It would take about a year to develop a decent understanding of all things crypto, but the truth is I need to jump in NOW! NFT’s, web3 communities, and DeFi are all interesting matters I want to get into. I realized that I needed to get some kind of blockchain certification and java programming in my toolset, but that’s later down the road. I need to see which wallets I should get (especially for NFTs) for the time being.
I recently watched a youtube video under the channel “The Bitcoin Express,” Homeboy explained how NFT’s are more than just awesome profile pictures or social status...they are the next generation of entertainment and media companies. That completely changed the way I see this market! In all honesty, it makes sense now why Nike would jump on board. Soon, we’ll have Netflix, Disney, HBO, and other big corporations jumping into the NFT space. The craziest part is that it’s still in the early early stages of development, but I have a feeling it can only go up from here. Of course, it can’t go “straight-up”...nothing in this world goes up without a few bumps in the making. Who knows how the legislation will affect digital assets in the future.
I would like to take the time to see what my next steps are. For one, I need cash(lol), but more importantly, I want to jump into the NFT community. I am just not sure where to start. I researched the tools, but I would rather get acquainted with what’s popping, where everyone is setting their eyes toward. What’s funny, what’s interesting, what’s mundane. This is where I want to be. There is a couple of youtube channels that I currently follow, but everyone says you need to look at Twitter. Twitter is fast, youtube is slow but condenses information that is pretty. Maybe I need to research how Twitter works and how I can make it enjoyable because, as of right now...it’s the most f’n boring platform I have ever come across. It’s talking out loud into a void and hoping someone says something??? Where is the joy in that?
Oh, now that I think about it. You know what’s fucked up...NFT TOOLS. For the love of God almighty, they are so powerful!!!! They are costly, but the amount of decision-making leverage is absurd. I wonder if people worry about how they can compete. Then again, I should only worry if I were a whale, but that is just my hot take. Whenever I think of whales, I remember that little “.io” games people used to play where you start as a blob and eat your way to become the most enormous blob in the game...good game.
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Oh yes, Pepa seeing someone threaten her daughter and even though she has gone through hell (I'd imagine her hair is already short here) she gets the adrenaline rush and gets all glowing eyes and ends the battle in the blink of an eye but it all drained the last of her energy and after the adrenaline passes she just falls to the ground limp but she actually doesn't fall to the ground because Mariano catches her (I'd imagine Julieta already healed everyone with her glowing eyes so Félix and Agutín are not on deaths door but they are still super tired so Félix wouldn't have the strength to catch his wife) and Félix is so relieved that Mariano was there and now they slowly walk back to Casita with Luis acarrying her mother who is awake but can't walk due to fatigue and what she went through and Isabela made a kind of cart thing to carry Bruno who is half conscious because of all the visions and Mariano carrying a knocked out Pepa
Oh yes yes. I don’t have much to add here but very much just badass moments followed by the calm and tired walk home, where the finally all collapse together in a pile to go to sleep under the safety and security of casita.
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ycuns replied to your post: anyone wanna talk about cody ko reading smut about...
SAME i wish there was resources of him tbh
#ycuns#he literally made a video about how 'comedy' videos aren't comedy videos and went deep into it#like he knows the limit i love him#sorry i got acarried away in the tags JHWBSKJN
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Medical Data Entry
{ Thousands of file folders in storage with new instances being added {each time aevery time awhenever awhen a} new patient enters into the system Most {will notwon'tis not going towill not likely} need {any type ofany kind ofany sort ofalmost any} {the experiencethe knowledgethe abilitythe feeling}; as providing {that you knowyou knowyou are awareyou are sure that} {how you canthe best way toways totips on how to} type to & communicate {through thewith thefrom theover the} internet, {you areyou'reyou might beyou happen to be} good As private payers follow suit, {the number ofthe amount ofthe quantity ofthe volume of} uncollectable encounters {will increaseincreasesincreaseraises}, impacting current profitability models and increasing future cost for treatment Well, {the newthe brand newthe newestthe modern} tax imposed on {these companiesthese businessesthese firmsthese lenders} by Obamacare reduces that {investment capitalinvestment financebusiness growth capital} {and willand canand definately willand may} slow invention Smaller healthcare organizations and {small topromising small toup-and-coming small to} {medium sizedmedium-sizedmid-sized} businesses {have thepossess thehold thecontain the} largest risk; however, the threat isn't hackers, instead {the professionalsthe expertsthe prosthe dog pros} {who arewho'rethat arewho will be} being trusted with confidential {information oninfo onfacts aboutinformation about} devices {while notwhilst notwithoutalthough it is not} having correct training or repercussion {are atare inhave reachedare near} fault The BPM will define {for thefor thatfor yourto the} organization EXACTLY how {information isdetails arefacts areinfo is} received, processed, cleansed, stored, shared and accessed}. { And how {can youare you able tois it possible tocould you} stop {the insurancethe insurance coveragethe insurance policythe insurance plan} carriers from invading your privacy {or at leastor at bestor otherwiseat least} limit {the amount ofthe quantity ofhow muchthe volume of} knowledge {they havethey'vethey've gotthey have got} on you The impact of bad data {has aincludes afeatures acarries a} cause and effect relationship {that isthat'swhich isthat is certainly} pervasive {in thewithin theinside theinside} financial landscape1 Healthcare {has recentlyhasrecently} been {moving towardon your journey tosoon on your way} the cloud to secure its confidential knowledge, however {this can bethis is oftenthis could bethis is} presumably {because ofdue toas a result ofas a consequence of} government laws {just like thesimilar to thejust as thethe same as the} HIPAA Security Rule The average cost {to buildto constructto createto develop} space utilized for Health Services is $65 per square foot, or $975,000 total The hierarchy of Healthcare Data Interchange Corporation is {broken downdividedseparatedcategorised} into several subcomponents or subsidiary companies {managing abuilding aowning aoperating a} very integrated circuit {of knowledgeof dataof informationof info} acquisition This includes {both theboththethe two} medical devices {used byutilized byemployed byutilised by} the medical personnel {to obtainto acquireto haveto get} and {evaluate theassess themeasure theappraise the} medical data and treat {a patientsomeonean individualthe patient} {and theand also theas well as thealong with the} healthcare data management systems {needed torequired tonecessary tohad to} track those results so patient care is tracked effectively both {during thethroughout thethrough thein the} patient's stay {in thewithin theinside theinside} hospital and afterward as well}.
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clinical data entry
{ Thousands of file folders in storage with new instances being added {each time aevery time awhenever awhen a} new patient enters into the system Most {will notwon'tis not going towill not likely} need {any type ofany kind ofany sort ofalmost any} {the experiencethe knowledgethe abilitythe feeling}; as providing {that you knowyou knowyou are awareyou are sure that} {how you canthe best way toways totips on how to} type to & communicate {through thewith thefrom theover the} internet, {you areyou'reyou might beyou happen to be} good As private payers follow suit, {the number ofthe amount ofthe quantity ofthe volume of} uncollectable encounters {will increaseincreasesincreaseraises}, impacting current profitability models and increasing future cost for treatment Well, {the newthe brand newthe newestthe modern} tax imposed on {these companiesthese businessesthese firmsthese lenders} by Obamacare reduces that {investment capitalinvestment financebusiness growth capital} {and willand canand definately willand may} slow invention Smaller healthcare organizations and {small topromising small toup-and-coming small to} {medium sizedmedium-sizedmid-sized} businesses {have thepossess thehold thecontain the} largest risk; however, the threat isn't hackers, instead {the professionalsthe expertsthe prosthe dog pros} {who arewho'rethat arewho will be} being trusted with confidential {information oninfo onfacts aboutinformation about} devices {while notwhilst notwithoutalthough it is not} having correct training or repercussion {are atare inhave reachedare near} fault The BPM will define {for thefor thatfor yourto the} organization EXACTLY how {information isdetails arefacts areinfo is} received, processed, cleansed, stored, shared and accessed}. { And how {can youare you able tois it possible tocould you} stop {the insurancethe insurance coveragethe insurance policythe insurance plan} carriers from invading your privacy {or at leastor at bestor otherwiseat least} limit {the amount ofthe quantity ofhow muchthe volume of} knowledge {they havethey'vethey've gotthey have got} on you The impact of bad data {has aincludes afeatures acarries a} cause and effect relationship {that isthat'swhich isthat is certainly} pervasive {in thewithin theinside theinside} financial landscape1 Healthcare {has recentlyhasrecently} been {moving towardon your journey tosoon on your way} the cloud to secure its confidential knowledge, however {this can bethis is oftenthis could bethis is} presumably {because ofdue toas a result ofas a consequence of} government laws {just like thesimilar to thejust as thethe same as the} HIPAA Security Rule The average cost {to buildto constructto createto develop} space utilized for Health Services is $65 per square foot, or $975,000 total The hierarchy of Healthcare Data Interchange Corporation is {broken downdividedseparatedcategorised} into several subcomponents or subsidiary companies {managing abuilding aowning aoperating a} very integrated circuit {of knowledgeof dataof informationof info} acquisition This includes {both theboththethe two} medical devices {used byutilized byemployed byutilised by} the medical personnel {to obtainto acquireto haveto get} and {evaluate theassess themeasure theappraise the} medical data and treat {a patientsomeonean individualthe patient} {and theand also theas well as thealong with the} healthcare data management systems {needed torequired tonecessary tohad to} track those results so patient care is tracked effectively both {during thethroughout thethrough thein the} patient's stay {in thewithin theinside theinside} hospital and afterward as well}. clinical data entry
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Not to say geguri is acarrying, but geguri is carrying
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11/18/2018 Horoscope
Aries: There’s something broken in you and it isn’t getting better and you aren’t even sure if you want it to get better because it might be all that you have left. You hate the pity you feel in the shadow people’s gaze, but it’s better than no gazes at all.
Taurus: The world has moved around you and that’s gotten ugly, so you lock Tinap in the house, pick a direction, and just run. You have too many legs and you aren’t moving like anything natural, but your skirt is flaring out behind you and the wind weaves through your hair. You go anywhere and nowhere.
Gemini: You drive straight. You make no turns, you stay on the highway, and you just keep going. You go through the city, through what seems like a million traffic lights. Out of the city, past the diner, into the forest. The trees press closer and closer together, and you pass through where it feels almost like walls, and you pass through as the trees thin. You leave the forest and you. You pass the diner. The city is in the distance. You have an immediate thought that this is some flagrant bullshit.
Cancer: You don’t know whether you want to see Ridali, or not. It’s terrible. You think you’re going to do something stupid.
Leo: You grab the guy by the arm and drag him into a nearby alleyway. That probably looked incredibly suspicious, but Fira’s playing it off to the tourists as a local custom and the actual locals trust and respect you enough to assume you know what you’re doing.
Virgo: Over a home-cooked meal that you’re fairly certain your sister pulled out of her ass (considering that the only non-baking food you had in you house was condiments and frozen pre-cooked things), you comment that you’re really glad she came, and she asks what else was she supposed to do, abandon you? She laughs and you join in a beat after, and if you feel like crying, well, it’s been a long day.
Libra: You call Hickory. You barely register his groggy voice on the other end of the line before you’re asking what, exactly, would it take for magicals to have full rights as citizens and sentient people. You think you hear him fall out of his bed, but you are burning alive in rage that has become a constant heavy ball in your chest, and you will make things different, you swear it.
Scorpio: It’s strange. We live and we die and we fight and we fuck and all that stuff, and nature acarries on around us. Theres birds in the park and they’re gonna sing wheather its the best day of your life or the worst, and i don’t know whether to find that beautiful or horrible. maybe both.
Sagittarius: You don’t mention it to the priest. You don’t think you need to. You think he might know, and you think maybe his dark robes blowing slightly hasn’t always been wind.
Capricorn: It’s strange. You’ve played this role before, the wanderer, the traveler, moving from town to town like you’re blown by the wind, but it’s never felt quite this... real until now. Well, you guess it is real now. It’s a lot more terrifying, and a lot more exhilarating than just playing the role. You stick your head out the window of the guys truck, (and the script never let you do this,) which makes them laugh at you, but you’re having the time of your life.
Aquarius: You remember, you think you remember moving, moving around a lot. You don’t think you were in the same place for very long, she nods, says that you had just blown into town. You say that you think you had nothing to stop you from blowing away. And there was, there was an ache? In your chest? You think it felt, hollow, not the hollow nothingness you’re used to now (and that makes her suddenly very concerned), no, it hurt, it was a hurting hollow, and you didn’t know how to fill it, you didn’t know how to be loved, that’s what you had needed, love, and there was singing, singing from the desert, and the singing made the hollow not hurt, (and you couldn’t stop yourself from speaking if you tried, you’re mostly talking to yourself at this point, half-frantic, and Linda doesn’t know if she should stop you, or even if she could, you’re giving her the why she’s wanted all these years,) and so you followed the sound because it was sweet, you remember that sound, you heard it so many times since then, it had sung to you in unrepeatable notes, in love given an audible form, and you found it out there, weak and pitiful and singing something like love and. And. And you think. (And you pause, horrified yet not, skipping backwards in the barely-a-memory to delay the remembering.) It promised you something, it promised you that it’d love you, and you, oh you believed it, for it spoke in truth in words that made the air shake and shiver and filled that hollow space so well, and it asked, for just. One thing. (Linda worries for a minute that you’ve broken, there’s such a haunted look in your eye, that you won’t start speaking again.) You think. You think you sacrificed yourself.
Pisces: Pamina does help free you from your young bonds once she had her pictures. Jacob makes a little upset noise as you pull away, and you almost lie right back down and let him cuddle you, but Pamina shifts him so that he’s clinging to Rose and he sighs. That’s adorable. Pamina snaps a quick picture of that as well, and then the two of you quietly creep out of the bedroom.
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300+ TOP ECONOMIC BOTANY Interview Questions and Answers
ECONOMIC BOTANY Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. How does caffeine effect plant growth? Minerals like potassium are often found alongside caffeine when it occurs in plant sources like coffee beans, and that could help the plant grow faster. However, the caffeine itself would be unlikely to have any affect on the plant's rate of growth. I tested it and the plant grew at normal rate but the leaves were more wrinkly and browner 2. How do you determine if a molecule is polar or non-polar? A polar molecule is a molecule that has a net dipole moment due to its having unsymmetrical polar bonds. Two factors go into determining if a molecule is a polar. To determine if a molecule (or ion) is polar or non-polar, you must determine both factors. The polarity of the individual bonds in the molecule; The shape or geometry of the molecule 3. What is the difference between xylem and phloem? Both xylem and phloem are vascular tissues found in a plant. Xylem is a tubular structure, which is responsible for water transport from the roots towards all of the parts of the plant. Phloem is also a tubular structure, which, on the other hand, is responsible for the transportation of food and other nutrients needed by plant. 4. What is a burette and how is it used? A burette is a uniform-bore glass tube with fine gradations and a stopcock at the bottom, used especially in laboratory procedures for accurate fluid dispensing and measurement. The burette is commonly used in titrations to measure precisely how much liquid is used. A burette is simultaneously occupied by the presences of a liquid measuring and transferring this derailment. 5. What is a characteristic feature of acarrier protein in a plasma membrane? Carrier proteins are globular proteins which are specific it their action and thus regulate the entry and exit of particles into the cell. They help in the conduction of ionic substances and polar substances 6. What are living and nonliving reservoirs? Viruses are both living as well as non-living. They have reservoirs of genes. A single nucleotide is a unit of gene. Viral genes make use of host raw material (non-living elements/organic moieties/ water etc.,) including elements to synthesize organic molecules or macromolecules. Subsequently, viruses replicate themselves thereby reproduce within the living cells. On crystallization, they become non-living and can stay in this state for years until they enter again into a living host to multiply. Certain plant viruses are transmitted to the progeny through seeds. Viruses evolve as any other living being. Therefore, now virus names are written in italics like binomial/trinomial names similar to scientific name of any other living organism i.e. Tobacco mosaicvirus (read as italic). 7. What are analogies for centrioles? A Centriole is like a straw because they both are tubesthat let things get from one end to the other end. The centriole has a round look to it because it is made from nine triplets of microtubules that make a straw-like (as said above) look. 8. What is an analogy for a smooth endoplasmic reticulum? Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is like a manufacturing plant, like a factory, where proteins and lipids are made. This is also where things are packaged into boxed and sent off to different places. In the cell the smooth ER is a network of membrane bound bodies which lack ribosomes (the molecules used in protein synthesis) and its primary function is to modify, encapsulate and transport newly synthesized proteins and lipids which will be secreted or remain in the cytoplasm as membrane bound vesicles. The smooth ER can also be compared to a highway, or a protein and lipid highway, if you will. It is sometimes called the transitional ER because it contains exit sites from which transport vesicles carrying these proteins and lipids bud off for transport to the Golgi apparatus. It is usually prominent in cells that specialize in lipidmetabolism and synthesis. 9. Why do organisms live in certain places? Think of that, the temperature difference in the desert is huge. So in order to survive, the cactus plant reduces heat gain and heat loss as well as water loss. (E.g. narrow pin shaped leaves, long extensive roots) 10. Who created the two-part naming system used in biology? The scientific naming system that is used worldwide today was first devised by Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1737. He proposed a two-part naming system, which classifies every living organism with a string of Latin and Greek identifiers. Full names are devised starting with kingdom and extending downward through phylum, subphylum, class, order, family, genus and species. The two-part name, or binomial name, consists of the genus and species of the organism and used to prevent the confusion that may arise with common names.
ECONOMIC BOTANY Interview Questions 11. How does the odor of flower petals help pollination? The purpose of the perfume is to attract a pollinator - insect, bat, bird or whatever. The reward for the pollinator is a meal of nectar, which is produced by the flower. 12. What is an analogy for microtubules? Microtubules have two main functions in cells and in doing so act like a skeleton as well as like railroadtracks. Microtubules are the main structural component of the cytoskeleton in cells, which provides the cell with structure and rigidity and determines the shape of the cell. They also serve to transport vesicles and proteinswithin the cytoplasm through transport proteins called kinesins and dyneins, which act much like railroad cars. 13. What is an analogy for a smooth endoplasmic reticulum? Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is like a manufacturing plant, like a factory, where proteins and lipids are made. This is also where things are packaged into boxed and sent off to different places. In the cell the smooth ER is a network of membrane bound bodies which lack ribosomes (the molecules used in protein synthesis) and its primary function is to modify, encapsulate and transport newly synthesized proteins and lipids which will be secreted or remain in the cytoplasm as membrane bound vesicles. The smooth ER can also be compared to a highway, or a protein and lipid highway, if you will. It is sometimes called the transitional ER because it contains exit sites from which transport vesicles carrying these proteins and lipids bud off for transport to the Golgi apparatus. It is usually prominent in cells that specialize in lipid metabolism and synthesis. 14. What is the difference between an acid and a base? Base is any thing, which has a capability to abstract a proton. Using the simplest definition, an acid is something when added to water releases hydrogen ions (H+), also called protons. A base, or an alkali, is something that when added to water releases hydroxide (OH-) ions. The strength of a basic (or alkaline) or acidic solution is measured using the pH scale. A pH of 7 is perfectly pure neutral water (neither acidic nor basic), and pH below 7 is acidic, and a pH above 7 is basic. There is another definition, which says that an acid releases H+ and a bases remove H+ from water. Thisdefinition is a bit more general than the first one above. Note that releasing OH- is the same as removing H+. This is because when OH- mixes with H+, they form neutral H2O, and so for every OH- released, one H+ is removed by combining them into water. The final definition of an acid and base is the most general, but the hardest to understand conceptually, and it is not always taught in high school because of this. According to this definition, acids are electron pair acceptors, and bases are electron pair donors. 15. Why does DNA twist? If it did not twist, would you expect it to fit into the miniscule cell? As we all know, if we join all of the DNA molecules from a person's body end to end, we would get length three times the distance from the center of the earth to the sun! Therefore, DNA does not have a choice but to follow the super solenoid structure. This is also aided by the purine-pyrimidine linkages, to balance the weight of DNA components. Why pressing down on the cover slip does not remove excess water. Because of Newton's Third Law of Motion: Every action has an equal an opposite reaction and hydraulic pressure. When you press down on the cover slip, the water underneath it pushes back against you with the same force that you are pressing down on it. If you want to get the water to moveout from under the cover slip, you need to direct it to the side. One way to do this is to lift an edge and break the suction, then set it back down on one edge first to let the water run out, then press it down. This creates a side motion so the water does not push straight up into the cover slip, but pushes at an angle, which allows it to run out. ECONOMIC BOTANY Questions and Answers pdf Download :: Read the full article
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NFT- Road to Commando_0001
Ladies and Gentlemen. I had to hit the books today. I feel like I’m taking an accelerated crash course into NFT’s and I have barely scratched the surface.
What I studied in a nutshells
1. What twitter accounts to follow
2. Crypto terms
3. NFT’s that have crashed
4. NFT tools that you “basically” need
5. What are whales and how they affect the market.
I’ve yet to go into discord. I feel like this is going to be really important. I also need to check on getting a wallet and gaining access on open sea. The market is extremely volatile and NFT sales have dropped every month for the past few months. From my understanding, a lot of these projects are scams (fml) and they’re just quick flips with no substance, so you need to be careful with what you’re working with.
Personal note: The past few weeks have not been easy for me. I’ve gotten into a car accident, I got sick (smh), spent lots of money on things, and lost my bank account to a fraud scam...so yeah
Last night I was thinking how it would be neat to start some sort of e-service. The idea then expanded to some kind of Art and Technology company and finally I dreamed big on some kind of Enterprise. With the help of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and web3.0, this is highly possible. I know there is a service I can provide to this world and I know its through art. I don’t think it matters how you start as long as you just start and HEY I am starting!!! woo-hoo so coo.
I even had a name in mind, but I don’t wanna disclose it ;) hehehe. you don’t have to look too far... BUT THIS ENTERPRISE
It will compete with the likes of big names such as FB, Google, Apple, Governments, etc. Its going to be a little giant...kinda...maybe an actual giant who knows. but it will take art and technology to a whole new level. One where the average consumer will be the protagonist and have a say in art. One where art meets the way we structure cities, relationships, work, love, war. One where art is what HUMANS DO.
HUMANS...such an abstract idea. kinda like “Man”. I cant really picture “Man” per se, but I can picture “a man”. That is what I want to get at. this keeps coming to mind whenever I ponder art because the abstract concepts don’t have form in themselves rather it is always in the particular. AND THAT IS WHERE WE MUST LOOK TO AND LOVE.
I am rambling at this point. Please excuse the grammar errors. My grammarly add-in doesn’t work on Tumblr for some reason. Phewee.
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The Natural Way of Sustaining Good Brain Health
Did you know that even young and healthy individuals can have 'brain fog,' anda memory lapse? The happiest of individuals can have mood fluctuations or depression. Dementia and Alzheimer's are amongst other incapacitating diseases of the brain.
While they are reasons for worry, people can do things for protecting their healthy brains from decline. There’re several supplements and changes in lifestyle and diet for sustained and proper brain function.
Physical, as well as mental activity, is extremely vital for maintaininghealthy brain function. Physical activities that boost cardiovascular activity boosts the flow of blood to the brain and make brain capillaries denser and bigger. The result is boosted oxygen supply to the brain and thus enhances nutrient delivery and general cognitive ability.
Herbs can Promote Concentration
Several herbal Brain Function Supplements enhance cognitive function and guard the brain against degenerative effects. Some of them promote memory and concentration. The herb Bacopa enhances neurons & synaptic activity by repairing damage and improvement of nerve impulses. Ginkgo bilboa increases the flow of blood to the brain. It’s also a potent antioxidant that reduces cell damage due to free radicals.
A Good Supplement for Brain Health
Brain Booster is an effective brain supplement. It improves Memory Concentration and brain function, increases attention span, and improves mood and reduces depression. It hasVitamins A and C, Magnesium,Calcium, Gingko Biloba Extract, Black Grapes Seeds extract, Gotu Kola, and more. It is available at a discounted rate on vitasave.ca.
Frankincense is Excellent for Brain Health
The use of Essential oils for their therapeutic properties in aromatherapy is well documented.Frankincense is an essential oil that is common in aromatherapy. Frankincense oil can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin. For optimal absorption, a mix of Frankincense and acarrier oil like Pure Jojoba Oil is applied on the skin.
It lessens stress and negative emotions and supports sleep and improves memory. For the right dosage, seek the advice of your GP.
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Talvez hoy quede como la mas falsa de todas pero ultimamente venia mirando para tras venia pensando en solo una persona que quise durante mucho tiempo y si era por mi soltaba todo el seguir a Jesús tendria que ser algo que me saque una sonrisa todos los dias pero venia muy cansada,venia oensando que tal si intento estar con tal persona?. Ayer le mande un mensaje a Marcelo por equivocasion y seguramente toda la iglesia lo sabe pero en fin, a veces uno se olvida de que el infierno existe o no quiere darle bola y simplemente lo ignora y prefiere hacer de este mundo otro estilo de vision, no fui la mejor, tengo muchas cosas que cambiar y si quien dice si talvez no me enamore y lo hago publico pero en fin perdi a una persona que realmente si queria aunque no era cristiano era una persona que me saco sonrisas asi como me banco en algunas situaciones mucho antes de llegar a la iglesia en donde me congrego, fue alguien que con aus abrazos me daba calma, y siemore me daba como "energia"para seguir adelante hasta que discutimos feo, no voy a negar que todavia me cuesta cambiar mi mal caracter porque justamente tengo poca paciencia, y siento que mi corazón lastimaron, uno puede fingir cuando esta ahi en la igle que todo esta bien o simplemente pasar el momento y sentirte bien cuando sentis el toque de Dios pero llegando a casa a la vuelta no hice mas que pensar en esa persona y sentirme de lo peor, y si capas me digan que soy una pecadora que como puedo amar el mundo y demas, a veces pienso que todavia me falta mucho por caminar y tener que dejar cosas que acarrie por mucho tiempo estando en el mundo son dificiles de dejar atras, creo que a veces pense es mas facil como era antes y talvez no..y como siempre hay alguien orando por mi cuando eh sentido que no lo meresco, no meresco nada de lo que hagan por mi.*
En fin aca les va una palabra de mi gran amiga: Perla.💕
Hijo mío, está atento a mi sabiduría, Y a mi inteligencia inclina tu oído,
Proverbios 5:1. Buen día, todo este capítulo trata de cómo debemos conducirnos con nuestro cuerpo en lo físico y lo sexual, y hay que leerlo todo, es la invitación más clara y realista a vivir en pureza y sin deslices. en el vers. 11 nos da la razón: para que no gimas al final y tu cuerpo se consuma. Joven.👀 Presta atención al concejo, sería más fácil para mí decirte que todo está bien, que si lo sentís y te hace feliz dale para adelante, pero no te estaría diciendo la VERDAD. He sido testigo de bellas vidas, que lo tenían todo para ser exitosos y le dieron rienda suelta a sus sentidos y los viernes derrumbarse en el dolor y la miseria😢. Estás a tiempo!!! Dios perdona y olvida, sana y restaura, acércate a sus razones y construye en Él tu felicidad y bendición. Te bendigo de todo corazón
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The development of makeup protects women from the horrifying horrific fire attacks!
The doctor invented a machete resistant to the burning fire, inspired by a victim who was attacked by a burning acid called Kitty Piper.
Dr Almas Ahmed, 32, says she spent the past decade designing a chemical that can be used in cosmetics to protect people from acid burns.
It also claims that the compound known as Acarrier, which can be placed in the base cream, has…
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