#academia will drive me mad
midnightsmonks · 9 months
Just got out of my night class and I hope I get stabbed in the parking lot
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brokendownhearse · 1 year
working in research definitely gives people this sense of mystique about what you do, until they overhear you whingeing about how your new field (psychology) has way more salami slicing than your old field (neuroscience) and you have to give them a horror deep-dive into how academia works.
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polaroidcats · 1 year
okay I can't find my original post from a month ago but remember when my boss gave me an unedited book chapter without a single reference and was like "pls do the bibliography just based on the last names and dates in the text, we never wrote down any of the references lol"? well today my colleague who also worked on that chapter (and who was my LAST HOPE of a hidden folder or word doc or Endnote file or SOMETHING) is back from her holiday and confirmed that they never wrote down any references because all the 70+ texts they reference were "texts they know by heart anyways and don't need to write down" and when I kindly asked her to look over the biblioraphy aka the alphabetical list I have complied of Last Names and Years and give me some hints, she could tell me what maybe 10 of the references were so that means I officially have to start my treasure hunt for all the lost references no one remembers. SO. MUCH. FUN.
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Pictures of Westminster Abbey seem to be the equivalent of Amanita Muscaria in fungi art but for the "gothic architecture" / "dark academia" vibe.
Both are well known because of how beautiful they are, but I am begging for people to realise there are other buildings and cooler mushrooms.
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rvieskie · 2 months
girls just wanna have fun an academic year with a ridiculously small class that might be considered essentially a cult in a field that’s tragically pretentious and consists of only the best of the best - the elite in their particular field where everyone is hot, evil and gay, everyone fucks everyone but they all hate eachother and hurt eachother yet are bound together with this inexplicable need and entanglement up in eachother, someone prophecized to die, power and knowledge driving each of them to a state of madness, found family in a sense but the family is fucked up and the chemistry and connection between all of them is so bright that it might burn all of them alive and they’d be happy to burn because this was the precipice they were reaching for anyways, so much power and so much obsession and so much passion and mania with the academia and even more so eachother and they fuck eachother up and fix eachother all at once and ohmygod GIVE ME IT
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blkkizzat · 4 days
Mmm prof sukuna is just...yummy. I can't even.
But since we're doing this, Prof Gojo. He teaches theoretical physics. Your major required you to take it. So you do, your senior year of undergrad. But you're an experimental physics kinda person. So you argue with him day and night. So it surprises you when you're a grad student that he seeks you out to bounce ideas off of. He invites you to join a collaboration. He introduces you to people. This man is not your advisor, but he's always creating an opportunity for you. Eventually, your going to dinner meetings with him and several other professors from the department. You're surprised to learn they ALL think you're his girlfriend. And he doesn't deny it. In fact, he just smirks and changes the subject. Now no matter who you deny it to, they all just say that you don't have to pretend and that it's not that weird. Except now, no one asks you out. Because they all think you're taken. You ask Satoru to clear things up and he just says to let it pass. The more you deny it, the worse it'll get. Eventually, eventually, you just give up and hang around him like normal. You're getting good opportunities out of it and he's a really good friend. Even if he is a theoretical physicist. But it all changes after you defend your dissertation. He comes and listens and afterward takes you for ice cream, and he kisses you. he tells you he was waiting until you weren't a student anymore. You're flabbergasted. And a little mad cause you barely get laid for two and a half years cause everyone you met on campus thought you were dating this man and time off campus was rare. But fear not cause you decide to get even. You demand he make up for all 30 months you went without.
Side note: geto is def an English prof right? And Nanami is math?
- 🧠
🧠 nonny! pookies you eating with these! also prof geto is most def english, philosophy or anthro 100% and I can totally see prof nanami as math or he might be a dr on the md track and be your like attending when ur a resident kdhfkshfa.
prof gojo is really cute. i like how he played the long game and waited. i was surprised cause i didnt think he'd have it in him to do it but it make sense he could here if everyone thought you were dating already lefhdsdlkfhudslkfh. lmfao watch he's like fanning the flames himself behind your back.
ahhh wait i can't leave out my husband... even though i do NOT see him as an academic lmfao at all. buuuut WALK WITH ME HERE... professor toji of sports medicine.
prof toji happened to fall into the role more than anything. a former olympian he has over a dozen gold metals, the highest ever for a single person in japan and the first person to ever participate—let alone win in multiple categories. his physical prowess is a wonder to modern science and its purely his obsession with to being at his physical peak that drives him into academia so he could learn more about his body after being disillusioned with 'incompetent' personal trainers and physical therapist, taking his care into his own hands. prof toji now retired was practically begged to come to the university to teach. he teaches one class but mostly heads sports medicine at a university with a medical center where he trains and conditions sports athletes—you happen to be his TA/assistant, a former promising gymnast olympian but sidelined due to a wrist that never healed right. Toji is annoyed by you at first, brash disposition and a widower, he's not very personable at all. but one day you happen to be with him when his nanny has an emergency and drops a young 5 year old megumi off at his offices early. prof toji has to evaluate the swimmers in 20 minutes and it be too dangerous to take him to the pools, so you offer to watch him and toji, while skeptical has no choice but to let you. prof toji is quite shocked upon his return to find you in the aerobics area and megumi actually laughing—you taught him summersaults and he can almost do a cartwheel without falling over. he hasn't seen him laugh like that since his mom passed. prof toji feels indebted to you now and he hates that so he offers to take a look at your wrist even though you say theres 'nothing that can be done' which prof toji scoffs at. It takes a minor surgery and almost a year of physical therapy, strict diet and training regimine at his directive but your wrist actually heals!
fast forward 2 years and you are actually at the olympics! a bit older for the category but due to the immaculate physical therapy and training from prof toji you manage to get gold by mere fractions of points! taking it from the current champion of the last 3 years! prof toji is the first one to catch your eye when your scores are announced and when you flew into his arms out of gratitude he couldn't help the passionate kissed that followed as he literally kissed you for the first time in front of the whole world!
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zzeraphilm · 4 months
Written in the Stars
Angst - Regulus Black x F!Reader Word count: 1,163 I've been quite busy with work lately, sorry for the short one shot!
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Before the summer of 1979, Regulus Black had a decently average school life. The boy found solitude in the Astronomy tower north of the castle. Far from other students and yet was drawn to one particular witch. Y/N L/N was unlike any other wizard at the school. What she lacked in social prowess, she bloomed in intimate confessions. The pair found themselves forever intertwined, always in the same class, always sat next to each other, always in the library at the same time every week. It was only a matter of time until they their time beyond academia branched into bi-weekly escapades in the Astronomy tower. At first, Regulus found it to be a hindrance to his peaceful hobby. But overtime, he craved Y/N’s presence at the mere sight of a telescope. He could feel his skin come out in hives when they were a part, he could not breathe the air that she did not exhale. In her regular outlandish character, Y/N stuck to him like glue the moment they both step foot in the tower. Their silent haven, where the heavens and stars above were their only witness. 
Tracking the stars and journeys of the planets were a veil for these evenings, both sat shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, fingers interlaced as they gaze above at the open sunset. A beautiful scene unlike any other, that would only bloom by their love. 
Y/N knew of Regulus’ dangers and tormenting life, the walls in his mind that he had built from steel and brick would only come down for her. She was determined to be his pillar, his guiding light. He was determined to never harm her, to always protect her no matter the cost. 
“Regulus, do you think you could, leave Grimmauld Place? Like your brother?” The H/C haired witch mumbled. These conversations were always met with a blank stare, the discussion of his heritage was met with destain from her partner. 
“You know it’s not that easy. That bastard ran off because he had a choice, I don’t.”
“Maybe… You could choose me. My mother won’t mind another mouth to feed, really! She loves to cook! She always makes like twelve times the recommended portion sizes! You could come with me next week, when we go back to London. My dad will drive us!” Y/N rambled, trying to ease the tense air between them. Regulus only delicately rubbed the back of her hand, his breathing steadied at the touch of Y/N skin. 
“…Perhaps mon cœur. But there’s too much expected of me this year, now that Sirius is gone. The pride and nobility of the Black family lies upon my shoulders.” 
Y/N was never fond of how her partner spoke so formally around her, the extension of his upbringing bled even into his everyday behaviour. She just wanted him to relax around her. Because to her, Regulus was not the spare turned heir. They weren’t even wizards in her eyes. Just two kids in love who want to spend every waking hour together. 
“I know that, but what I’m trying to say is that, I’m always here for you Reg!” She turns her head to face him, his eyes slightly widened like a deer in headlights, she grips his hand with both of her own, the veins along his boney hands were pumping his blue blood rapidly, she could taste his anxieties. 
“I just don’t want to hurt you.” 
“Then hurt me. Reggie, I’m not the delicate doll you think me to be. I am here for you. Because I want you. If it means I get hurt just for being with you then so be it. Because you are who I care about and love. Screw those mad preaching twats, I just want you.” He did not need to speak, Y/N knew him from the way he breathes, speaks and walks. She knows, all that Regulus had to do was come to her.
Before nightfall, the two kissed a goodnight blessing and parted ways to their respected houses. Despite his standing as a Slytherin in Hogwarts, Y/N did not care for the stares from his fellow green scaled classmates. But Regulus Black was not one for social rejection. He had kept his relationship with Y/N as discreetly as he can, only ever brushing his hand against hers for a millisecond whenever they passed in the halls. He made sure that their meetings could easily be read as merely coincidence. But the cunning snakes of his house were not foolish. They know how to plot and scheme in secret. To them, Regulus was obvious and they hated how he reeked of Y/N’s perfume every time he stepped foot in the common room. He would persistently deny that he ever cared for what others thought of him, he knew that he mustn’t tarnish the Black name. Toujours pur. Since Sirius’ excommunication from the family, he represents the family name in Hogwarts. He is to carry his family’s reputation for the future of the wizarding world. He knew the weight that he must carry. 
But Y/N was everything he ever wanted, and everything that his family hated. She was a Gryffindor, she lacked any class or etiquette, and most of all, she was muggle born. He cursed the stars for shining their light towards her, he did not wish to have a beacon of light, he had finally accepted that anchor that ties him to the darkness. Yet there she was, a beam of hope that was merely inches away from his grasp. If he could only reach out, maybe this summer he could escape his destiny. 
That night before he could even shut his eyes, a familiar owl perched on the distant window sill of the dungeon. A letter flew down from the crack of the window, and landed in front of him, the parchment was coarse, his name scribbled on with black ink and the recognisable stamp from his home. The Black sigil only meant one thing. Upon opening it, there was nothing else written on it other than the words:
You will leave for home tomorrow morning. 
Before he could say his goodbyes, he wrote his final letter to Y/N L/N. 
Mon cœur, This arrangement has been the pleasure of a lifetime. But we are still from different worlds. Do not come for me, do not reach out to me.  I will always be grateful for what we had.  Je t’aime, jusqu’à mon dernier souffle.  R.
Regulus did not take the Hogwarts Express back to London with Y/N like they had planned. Regulus Black’s destiny did not lie in his hands, he couldn’t grasp whatever life rope Y/N L/N dangled in front of him. Regulus Black knew that the stars only charted towards his sinful fate. Regulus Black never got to board the Hogwarts Express ever again. 
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alovesongtheywrote · 11 months
♥ Summary:  I'M SO SORRY. in this chapter of nightmare academia, spencer gets what he deserves and then some. [Prof!Spencer Reid x GN-Prof!Reader]
♥ Warnings: the reader is VERY mean to spencer- i mean, he definitely deserves some of it but oh my god, the reader is almost homicidal. mentions of maeve, a side character's shitty ex is following them, sadness, anger, angst
♥ A/N: i just want to point out, i think the reader was in the right with their argument in the last chapter. anyway, fun fact- some of the Fun Names the reader calls reid are references to the tin can bros production, "the solve it squad." neat :D
♥ Word Count: 3812, a few dozen of which came from @mxcheese
Series Masterlist
Spencer felt like absolute shit- and he should have.  He’d been a massive fucking dick to you and for what?  He'd taken the objectively wrong side in that argument, and for what? To protect himself from future grief?  To protect himself from the guilt of moving on from Maeve?  He’d succeeded.  He’d driven you away.  Maybe that was for the best, but god did it not feel worth it.
He’d hurt you.  He’d done it on purpose.  He’d gone for your insecurities, for the things he knew would hurt you the most.  He tore at your weak spots like a feral dog, and he regretted it the moment the words left his mouth.
He watched you drive away.  He watched as your car got smaller and smaller until he couldn’t see it anymore.  Then, he buried his face in his hands and tried not to scream.  He stood out there in the cold on the side of the street until Morgan came to get him.
Morgan didn’t ask what had happened.  He already knew Reid had done something stupid.
“My advice, kid?” Morgan said as he dropped Reid off later that evening, “Call them.  Apologize to them.  Solve whatever issues you have, because someone like that doesn’t come around every day.”
Spencer sighed, “Look, I know you want me to sleep with them, or whatever, but that isn't going to happen.  It was never going to happen.”
“This isn’t about sleeping with them.  This is about being a good person.  I’ll see you around, kid.”
Like that, Morgan was gone, and Reid was alone.  He didn’t call you.  He didn’t apologize.  He just curled up in his bed and let himself decompose.  He told himself he was giving you space.  He was letting you process things.  Really, he was letting his own guilt swallow him.  He was drowning in bedsheets and sorrow, and he didn’t care about coming up for air.
When he went into work on Monday, you were nowhere to be found.  This was normal.  You didn’t hold any classes on Mondays.  Still, you had left things behind for him before- missing mugs, cans of creamed spinach, locks on all his cabinet doors.  That Monday, there was nothing.  There were no traces of you left behind.  You were haunting him.
He stopped by your office.  Obviously, you weren’t there.  The door was locked tight.  Reid still found himself trying to open it, trying to get into the small room that held so many parts of you inside of it.  You were haunting it.  You were haunting him.  
When he returned to his own office, he knocked his copy of Pride and Prejudice off the shelf.  He’d annotated it, reading it along with the articles you’d written on the topic.  He loved the way your mind worked.  He loved a lot of things about you.  And what had he done?  He’d hurt you.  On purpose.  And now, you were fucking haunting him.
And by the time his final class rolled around, Reid had resolved to do something about it.
You, on the other hand, were doing pretty good.  True, you had sobbed your eyes out as you’d pulled away from the bar.  The second Reid was out of sight, you had actually pulled over, deciding it wasn’t safe enough for you to drive in your emotionally volatile state.
You didn’t want to be upset about it.  You weren’t upset about what you had said.  You were right.  Kate Callahan had made some majorly fucked up jokes.  You had every goddamned right to be mad about that.
You also had every right to be pissed at what Reid said to you.  He had been so incredibly cruel, hitting you where he knew it would hurt most.  He’d called out your deepest insecurities.  He’d called you stupid, told you you were right to be insecure, and insulted your academic work in the span of five minutes.  You had every reason to hit the motherfucker with your car.
So why were you crying?  
Once you’d calmed yourself down enough to drive again, you headed straight to the nearest convenience store.  You had wine at home, and you weren’t going back to your apartment until you had enough ice cream on hand to kill a man.  
Maybe that’s what you would do.  Fuck pranks, you would just murder Reid by way of ice cream.  You weren’t sure how you would do that, but you wanted to.
You spent the rest of your night the way most people in your situation would- getting wine drunk, consuming ice cream, and watching terrible movies until you fell asleep.  Honestly, it wasn’t the worst way to spend an evening.  By the end of it, you felt significantly less shitty- you still felt stupid.  You would probably always feel stupid now that someone had looked at your deepest insecurities and confirmed them.  You felt better, though.  That was all you could ask for.
The next morning, you took some aspirin and threw yourself into your volunteer work- GEDs baby, GEDs all around.  While you wouldn’t teach in person until Monday, the weekend gave you ample time to answer emails from students, look over papers, and provide support to your students.  
Really, the job wasn’t too difficult.  You always got strange looks when you told people that you tutored former inmates out of the community center.  Honestly, it wasn’t that big a deal.  You just helped people learn in ways that actually worked for them.  Some people were visual learners, some were auditory learners.  Some preferred to analyze James Baldwin over Jane Austin, and others learned better when you described the plot of Pride and Prejudice as if it were a personal drama.  People really took to it when you called Darcy a pretty boy asshole with a secret heart of gold.  
By the end of your time with them, most of your students were ready to get their GEDs.  Those who weren’t came back to you for more help.  In other words, you were a good fucking teacher, even if you couldn’t see it.  
When Monday finally rolled around, you were ready to go.  You spent the day helping people achieve their full potential, watching people find new understandings of both themselves and their work.  You were happy.  You were content.  And Reid hadn’t called.  
You tried your best not to care.  He was a former Fed who thought he was in the right.  You shouldn’t care about him.  Still, it was a difficult task to pretend you weren’t a tiny bit hurt that he hadn’t reached out to talk to you.
And it was a task that became much easier when two of your former students popped in that evening, massive grins plastered across their faces.
“Hey, Dr. (L/N), guess who got GED-ed!!”
The community center was an older building, still suffering from the pink coat of paint the government had smothered it with in the 90s.  Since then, an update to the plumbing had been the only other remodelling the place had seen.
Spencer thought it was incredibly fitting that you spent your time off there.  Of course you spent your time off in a run-down community center helping people learn things.  You were awfully passionate about that.
He stood outside the building, in the parking lot, leaning against his car.  The sun had just slipped beyond the horizon, leaving the sky a dark blue before true darkness set in.  The lights from the building before him danced off the wet pavement.
Honestly, Spencer felt a little bit like a creep, watching people come and go.  He was trying to build up the courage to go and face you.  He would need it.  He knew there was no chance that you would see his face and instantly forgive him.  Honestly, it was more likely that you would throw something at him, and he would take it, because he fucked up and that’s what he deserved.
Spencer steeled himself, finally taking a step towards the community center when he felt something.  Someone was watching him.  He knew that feeling- the distorted tingling sensation of eyes on him.  He looked around.  The voyeur had to be around somewhere. 
He was right.  A few parking spots away, in a new-looking white car with a small dent near the passenger’s side door, a man sat staring at him.  Reid locked eyes with the guy, staring at him until finally, the man in the car turned the key in the ignition.  He didn’t break eye contact until he absolutely had to.
Spencer was thoroughly unsettled.
Oh well.  He had a job to do, and that job was apologizing to you.  (Besides, if this boy was capable of listening to his instincts, he wouldn’t have been kidnapped that one time.  He also wouldn’t have broken your heart.  Reid gets too much credit for being smart, I’m not gonna lie.)
He crossed the parking lot in a few strides and pushed open the doors.  The woman at the front desk had a smile on her face, and when he asked for you, she pointed him in your direction without question.
The lights in the hallway were fluorescent.  He wondered if you hated them.  He wondered if you brought lamps to whatever room you worked in.  It would sound crazy if it was anyone else, but you had sent a typewriter to his classes until he let his students use laptops.  You absolutely could take a lamp to your classes.  With you, Spencer didn’t know what to expect.
The door to your classroom was open.  He could see you smiling, a plastic cup in your hand.  You were talking to someone.  Your smile met your eyes.  
“Seriously, this is fucking amazing and I’m so proud of you both.  You should be proud of yourselves!”
Someone laughed, a woman, “Look at us.  Official accomplishments on official paper.  The last time I had one of those, I was getting out of prison.”
“The last time you had what, an accomplishment?” Another voice- a man’s voice- asked.
“No.  An official paper with my name on it.  Y’know, I’m pretty sure some of those prison dudes thought my name was fake.  Every time they had to read my full name, they would say it out loud- what’s so weird about Missy Marie?”
“Literally nothing.  Your name is excellent.  Don’t take it personally, prison guards are just like that.  I have beef with most of the guards I’ve met, I’ll be honest,” you gestured with your cup.
“I can’t imagine why,” the man replied.  Spencer could hear the guy’s smile in his voice.  He could see the smile on yours as you playfully smacked someone in the room.
“It’s because they suck!  It’s fine, though.  One day, they’ll have to call you Dr. Missy Marie.  Then they’ll be sorry.”
“Doc, do you know how much I’d have to pay to become a doctor?  I’m not interested in worrying about student loans for the rest of my life.”
“Fair enough- you could do it, though.  You’re a hard worker, you’re smart, and you have a brain for analysis.  And hey, most places have scholarships, awards, bursaries- I have a list of them if you ever want to look into it.”
The woman paused.  When she spoke again, her voice was a little quieter, but still confident, “I’ll think about it.”
A smile split across your face, blinding and bright, “Excellent.”
You were clearly at a high point- enjoying your night with your students, your friends.  Realization struck Spencer like lighting.  He never should have come here.  He should leave you alone- you were doing fine.  You didn’t need his apology right now.  You didn’t need the foul memory of what he’d said to you disrupting your evening.
He took a step back- and of course, you heard him, looked up, and scowled.  Your smile dropped from your face so fast, Spencer almost wondered if he had imagined it.
“(L/N), is everything okay?” the man asked.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, Frank.  It’s just that fucking Fed.”
“Shit, the Feds are here!?”
“No, no, just that professor I told you about.”
“Ah.  That professor.”
You rolled your eyes and stood, placing your cup on the desk behind you and heading towards the door- towards Spencer.
“I’ll be right back.  Sit tight, guys.”
You shut the door behind you.  Then, you turned to face Spencer.
He didn’t know what to say.  You had never looked at him like this before- with such contempt.  Sure, you didn’t like him.  You didn’t like him for most of the time you’d known him.  But you’d never looked at him like he was a waste of space, a waste of your time.
“Just where do you get off?” you asked, voice low and heavy with rage, “You couldn’t wait until I came back to work to insult me?  You just had to come to my other job?  Well, go for it asshole.  I’m here.  Do your worst.”
Spencer remained silent, his lips parted slightly as he stared at you.  There was something broken in his expression, and even though he didn’t intend to do it, the motherfucker was hitting you with puppy-dog eyes.  
You wanted to smack those eyes right out of his fucking skull.  You were a little worried, during your ice cream and alcohol binge, that you would cry again upon seeing Reid’s face.  You were worried that you would see his pretty boy face and fold like something that folds easily.  You were terrified that you would just forgive him even though he didn’t deserve to be forgiven.
Clearly, that didn’t happen.
“I- I’m sorry,” he stuttered out.  You were unmoved.  Fucker couldn’t even apologize to you without tripping over his words.
“Fuck your sorry.  Get the fuck out of my classroom.”
“We’re not-” Reid cut himself off, “Look, I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I want you to know that I was wrong.  I made a mistake, and I’m sorry.  You didn’t deserve that- any of it, and you were right.”
You glared at him for a second.  He was correct about a few things- he didn’t deserve your forgiveness.  He was in the wrong, you were right, and you didn’t deserve anything he said to you that night.
You still wanted to smack him.
So you did.
You smacked his arm with the sleeve of your sweater.  Then you smacked him with the other sleeve of your sweater.  He didn’t even raise a hand to defend himself, it was kinda pathetic.
“Fuck you,” you said with a smack, “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, go die.”
“Yeah, that’s fair,” he whispered, keeping his voice so quiet that only you could hear him- and he had the AUDACITY to sound somewhat affectionate.  He was staring down with a look, one that would have told you he cared if you didn’t know better.  But you did.  You knew better, and Reid didn’t care about you.  Fucker.
“No.  No, Reid, what’s fair is me saying you’re a sad little fuck who went right for my deepest insecurities without a second thought like a damn child.  What’s fair is me calling you out for using your psychoanalytical bullshit to keep others away.  Like you’re scared of getting close to people.  What do you think is gonna happen, Reid?  Do you think people will stay, even if you treat them like garbage?”
He parted his lips to answer, but you didn’t give him a fraction of a chance.
“What’s fair is me informing you that they won’t.  When you treat people like garbage, they leave, and then you die alone, and what’s fair is me asking you to go die in a ditch so I never have to see your stupid fucking face again.”
That motherfucker looked so hurt and so guilty and you kind of wondered if you took it too far at the end there.  You carried on as if you weren’t wondering that, as if you didn’t feel bad about the kicked-puppy expression on his face.
“What’s fair is me telling you any of that shit.  But I won’t.  Because even though I’m just a stupid academic, I’m still a better person than you.”
You half expected him to fight you on it.  You expected him to protest, or correct your grammar, or do something stupid.  He didn’t.  He just nodded in understanding, like he agreed with you.  He looked at the floor, presumably in shame, and he said nothing.
You stood there, in that hallway illuminated by those terrible fucking fluorescents.  The buzz of those goddamned lights filled the air, mixing with the sound of your breathing.  You wondered if Reid could hear your heartbeat from where he stood.  You decided you didn’t care.
The silence grew to be too much.  Your throat was full of unspoken insults.  Your skin cackled with the electricity of everything you wanted to say- with everything you wanted to do.  
“Do you have anything else to say to me?”
Reid flinched at the sound of your voice.  He wouldn’t look you in the eye, not that you tried to make him.  He started to respond when Sheryl, the community center receptionist, came rushing down the hall.
“Dr. (L/N)- I think that white car is back.”
Immediately your expression shifted from one of anger to one of fear.  You were worried, and if you were worried, then Reid was worried.
“Fuck-” you took a step towards the woman from the front desk, “Is it him?”
“I didn’t see the plate number.”
You sucked in a breath through your teeth.
“Is it a newer model?  Dent in the passenger side door?”  Spencer asked.  When Sheryl nodded, Spencer repeated the entire plate number.
You looked at him with a mixture of confusion and contempt, but you didn’t waste any time on him.  
“Shit,” you growled, turning quickly to open the door, “Missy, do you have anyone to walk you back to your car?”
“We took the bus-”
“Cool.  You aren’t taking the bus home, I’ll give you a ride.  I’ll give you both rides.”
“What’s going on, doc?”
You sighed, hands flexing and curling to fists at your sides, “Jason’s outside.”
“What’s going on?” Reid asked, his brows furrowed as his voice filled with concern, “Do you need help?”
“It’s none of your business, Reid.”
The door opened behind you, and Reid finally got a look at the people you’d been talking to.  The woman, Missy, was on the skinny side with light brown skin and long black hair.  The man behind her, Frank, was big and bulky- in other words, he had muscles for days.  His dark hair had been cropped short, but he was clearly working on growing it out.  Both Missy and Frank looked at Reid with a mix of curiosity and disappointment.
“That’s him, doc?”
You looked between Missy and Reid quickly- when you spoke, your words came even faster, “Yeah.  That’s him, that’s the shit-licking asshole Fed.”
Sheryl covered her mouth with her hand, muffling her gasp at your apparent audacity.
“Sorry,” you apologized, though the apology was clearly addressed to Sheryl and not to Reid, “That’s the fucking Fed.”
Reid shook off the insult.  Missy and Frank both frowned.  The former leaned towards you, whispering in your ear (though Reid could still hear her.)
“That’s not what you said last week.”
You rolled your eyes and gestured at the hallway, towards the exit, “Come on, guys.  Let’s go.”
“(Y/N), if someone on the property is a threat to you-”
You turned on him, eyes flashing as your lips curled into a sneer, “If you tell me to call the fucking cops, I swear to god.”
Reid paused, trying to pretend he wasn’t about to suggest that exact thing, “I- I was going to ask if I could walk you out.”
Frank looked unimpressed, unsure if Reid could actually do anything against a threat.  Missy seemed more sure of his skills.  You wanted Reid to fuck off.
“I have a taser.”  
Missy leaned forward towards you.  She nudged your arm and whispered, “Hey, safety in numbers.”  Again, her voice was loud enough for Reid to hear.
You sighed, shutting your eyes and groaning out a, “Fine.  He can come.”
Missy smiled at Reid, and he gave her one of those awkward closed-lip grins in return.  You were not charmed by this, but Missy was- at least a little bit.
You headed down the hallway, not stopping to wait for the others until you got to the front door.  When you looked out into the parking lot, you couldn’t see Jason’s car.  That didn’t mean he wasn’t waiting out there.  
You nodded at Sheryl as she returned to the front desk before looking back at the group.  Missy had tucked herself between Reid and Frank- and you couldn’t blame her, honestly.  Her asshole ex was out there, and Frank was buff as hell, and Reid was, at the very least, tall.  You couldn’t stand Reid right now, but you knew, at the very least, that he would try to keep Missy safe.
The trip to your car was uneventful.  Missy and Frank slid into the back seat.  You and Reid were left standing outside the vehicle, exposed and in the open.
You didn’t look at each other.  As you reached for the door handle, Reid stopped you, opening his stupid mouth again.
“I’m sorry.”
You kept your eyes on the car, “I know.”
“I was wrong.”
“I know.”
He paused.  Silence fell.  You coughed.
“Can I have my mugs back?”
“Go fuck yourself.”
Missy pushed open her car door.  She said nothing, but she did give you a pointed look.  You visibly sighed, slumping over the driver’s side door until your chin could rest on the roof.
“Fine,” you hissed, “Come to my office if you want them back.  End of the day.  Don’t come a minute sooner or I’ll stab you to death with mug shards.”
You pulled over your car door.  He told you to drive safely.  You wanted to drive over him.  You didn’t.  You drove out of the parking lot and down the street in silence.
Behind you, Frank let out a long, slow whistle.
“So,” Missy tapped her fingers against the window, “Your attitude towards him changed.”
“Did it?  I didn’t notice.”
“It did, doc,” Frank picked up where Missy left off, “Last week you liked him.”
“I did not like him.  I despised him.”
“No, you despise him now.  Last week you were trying to get his attention.”
“I was not!” your cheeks caught fire, “If I wanted his attention I would have it.”
“Doc,” Missy laughed, “You do have his attention.”
And she wasn’t wrong.  You certainly had the attention of one Spencer Reid.
♥ Tags: @icarusignite, @usuallyunlikelyfox, @maraudersforlife2005, @fictionalcomforts, @morgthemagpie
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cafeinama · 2 months
writing fic during waiting periods of collecting data has me thinking of research grad school fic au that i absolutely wont write bc fic is escapism for me and i dont do natural sciences
haymitch is grumpy PI whose lab space is physically falling apart out of disuse and he's never in his office and he never reads your emails or drafts but he's somehow real good at finding funding for you if you manage to survive 5-6yrs under his (lack of) care
katniss has all this knowledge she's learned from both sides of her family that goes against the euro-centric scientific literature and it angers her that she needs to write papers and find evidence to "convince" people that what she knows is real. she knows these woods like they're a part of her (and they are) and she needs to provide statistically sound evidence of her woods? all haymitch does is shrug and tell her to go out and prove things if she's so sure of them.
peeta i'm not sure how he would fit still. i see him being a respite from academia to katniss and someone she doesn't have to prove anything to in terms of what she knows. but i also see him getting into the lab because "idk bro i needed an elective class and then i took another one and somehow now i'm here?" so he doesnt have the same type of drive katniss has, so of course it drives her mad that he actually does everything well and that he's so much better than her at communicating the science even without considering he's of course people listen to him as a white attractive man
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ravelintherain · 9 months
Your needs, My needs | A Lestappen series
What are you willing to do to make things work?
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Words: 13,303 (and couting)
Works: 3 (and counting)
Read it here xxx
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Hold me in your arms (Part 1) — 3,9 K
After realising how bad the 2023 championship was going, Charles Leclerc was planning to just rot in his bed before flying home after the Spa Circuit. However, pilots made him partying with Max Verstappen, alcohol and old songs that remind him of something he would rather pretend to forget every time he looked into his bright blue eyes.
There is still a trace of body paint (Part 2) — 4,2 K
Spa 2023. What could both drivers do to each other to the point of not holding themselves back from their own intrusive thoughts of taking each other to the bed?
Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc discovered the world of desiring each other’s body more than they could ever imagine it.
You are too good to be true (why do we make the simplest things so hard?) (Part 3) — 5,1 K
Far and away from everything and everyone they know; Charles Leclerc and Max Verstappen discover love and their own fragility together in the rural Netherlands during the 2023 summer break.
Part 4 — here
All parts are written so they can be read individually without losing the understanding of each story, but overall reading is recommended for a better comprehension.
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Author's notes
Hello, I go by Ravel online. I'm a 23yo male and inclined to be a tifosi so bad as I'm a swiftie.
After being dragged to this madness (hot men driving fast cars) by a dearly friend of mine, I found people like me (who turn everything gay). Then, suddely, I was overwhelmed by Lestappen on my Tiktok. Now, we are here.
It's been a while since I've written fanfiction and stories in general to the public eye. In English is even worse, since it's my first time since my graduation I write somethig so complex in English. It's been an experience!
Then, I decided to come back to Tumblr. I loved Tumblr when I was growing up, so it's like coming back home (this was a world of madness back then, is it still?).
I love music and Taylor Swift. Also to study, dark academia, poetry, sociology and politics (rosso corsa!) .
See y'all around,
Live Love Laugh Lestappen.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
I'm feeling much better and thus, the brainrot has returned to full strength. I hope that this brightens up your day and makes it suck a little bit less. ❤
I know I said that Sky has light academia vibes, but I have been staring at luwvy's drawing of modern!Sky for way too long and come to the conclusion that my guy deserves pastel sweaters and sweater vests. He can be both because I said so.
In addition to that, he and Sun have cute homework dates that mostly involve both of them slowly losing their minds over the papers they have to write and sharing snacks. It's sickeningly sweet and Legend always rolls his eyes, but he's a hypocrite because he hangs out with Ravio and does the exact same thing.
Malon drops Time off and picks him up in their pickup truck. He can drive, he just doesn't like doing it and parallel parking is hard.
Wild and Flora live together. They also have a thing going on, but no one's said anything about it yet because they not sure what that thing is and if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Wild is actually the chill one in the relationship and packs their lunches.
Hyrule was in a weird situationship/love triangle with Dawn & Aurora that sort of imploded, and now they're all on weird terms with each other. He's kind of ghosted them since that happened because he's been having a sexuality crisis ever since. (He also forgets to text/call people when he's not off the grid, but he's embarrassed to admit that he might have a problem.)
No one's mad about anything that happened, it's just super awkward to find out you're the reason why someone's questioning if they're straight or not, and one of your family members was also sort of involved. The girls are working on it.
...I might be accidentally developing a plot for this. I'm going to come back to this after I finish up one or two of my WIPs and hash things out.
and he’s so real for that, i don’t like city parking so whenever I have to go down there I usually ask a friend to drive me 😭
Hyrule just dropping off the grid or forgetting he HAS a phone is so him and I love it. I’m just imagine him having his sexuality crisis in the middle of a forest, sitting on a rock and frowning at bugs as they pass
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edwinspaynes · 9 months
Okay sooo this is a weird ask but I was curious. I love both TID and TLH and was wondering... why do you like TLH so much more? I really enjoy both just in different ways and I'm interested in what might have tipped the scale for you.
I mean, I don't want people to get it in their heads that I don't love TID, because I do. TID always will have a special place in my heart, even if I prefer TLH. My love for TLH is a positive thing about TLH, not a flaw in TID.
That being said, here's why TLH hits different:
Matthew, Alastair, Thomas, Cordelia, Grace, and Christopher.
But for real, the characters. In TID, I absolutely love Tessa and Will, but while I like all the side characters, I don't feel the all-consuming 'I'd take a bullet for you' feeling for any of them. In TLH, I would take a bullet for 6 full characters and like/am interested in almost everyone else. So like, I have a much more widespread stake, and I find them more interesting.
The character dynamics. I don't just mean the ships, though Thomastair & Jordelia & Gracetopher are imo complete perfection. I mean the entire group's dynamic. All of them are neurodivergent. All of them have unique ways of relating with everyone around them, and the relationships they build are a fascinating web. Like, if you throw Lucie in a room with Thomas or Grace, she becomes immediately interesting even if I don't really like her much; Anna's dynamics with Matthew and Cordelia are enchanting even if she frustrates me sometimes. All the characters have their place and they all have such an intricate and enticing web connecting them together.
The miscommunication. I know this is why everyone gets mad at TLH, but... you have to ask why. Why are these miscommunications happening, psychologically? What makes these characters tick at the frequencies required to make them miscommunicate like this? In my opinion, every TLH character is to some degree sympathetic in their miscommunications; they all have valid reasons for lying and concealing the truth. What's driving them?
I also really like the emphasis on human trauma. Alastair and Cordelia grew up in an abusive home; Grace's mom was also horribly abusive to her. All three characters cope with that. Alastair deals with an abusive partner who groomed him. Matthew deals with PTSD and addiction, and he needs to confront that (and does so). James has to cope with some really horrible sexual trauma and does so in a very realistic way. Thomas deals with grief in an underrepresented way (taking the form of action). There's a lot.
I think by this point you're getting that I just really love the TLH cast. It's character-driven. TID's more plotty and the characters (to me) feel a bit less fleshed out, even if they're wonderful.
Belial is an extremely cool villain. I love how erratic and inhuman he is. Mortmain is boring AF despite his rich backstory. He just has all the personality of overcooked pasta.
I'm a much bigger fan of light academia than dark academia. Give me spring sunshine! Flowers! Spinny dresses! Picnics! Sledding parties! Balls! Gorgeous outfits!
I'll also admit it's just nice to see the weird, cringe, neurodivergent queer friend group save the world for once.
I just genuinely think Cassie grew as a writer in the past several years, and the prose of TLH is better than that of TID. I do think that TID is a better-plotted and better-paced series, but I don't think the writing style is as good. This is a hats-off to Cassie.
The end of TID is distressing and grim, and reminds me that like, good things don't last. By contrast, I really like the end of TLH, it's the exact kind of ending I like: open-ended and hopeful.
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violexides · 2 months
always vote blue people are about to drive me insane i mean neurodivergent. instead of making up fake leftists to be mad at or non-americans to condescend by painstakingly explaining the basics of electoral politics like you are the only person who has ever understood what voting means, consider actually making your vote fucking matter by not immediately throwing yourself at kamala harris on your knees and instead putting political pressure on her to better her policies. like i don't know why you think leftists are running around in meadows making daisy chains right now considering that you're too busy self-consoling that now that we have kamala harris everything is going to be fine; leftists (including those intending to vote in this next election! including me!) are currently busy trying to actually make politicians realize that they should be incentivized into not committing genocide instead of like, squints at smudged ink in palm. If We Don't Vote Blue The Big Bad Will Take Us. as being like the end all of y'all politics. there's going to be a big bad next year there always will be, are you interested in actually making it clear what you want your representatives to do or are you just going to fling votes at them and say nothing because oh no, if we talk about harris being kind of a piece of shit then she's going to Lose Votes. baby she has more in her campaign pockets in the literal DAYS since she announced her candidacy run than half of the gofundmes for Gaza have. she's going to be fucking fine even if you don't BRAT her. maybe go out into the streets for once in your goddamn life instead of acting like leftists don't understand how politics work because blue or red we're the ones getting expelled suspended arrested. us alongside the marginalized folk that democrats are never going to be bothered to care about if we don't make them. i'm glad you're sleeping easy thinking harris is going to save every marginalized person in this country but maybe consider actually settling for less than "maybe people in Gaza won't keep dying under her american presidency". and actually start making demands. you guys are fucking insufferable. if you really need someone to talk at maybe call a representative of yours, i don't know.
disclaimer before you kill me i'm voting in the next election i study political science and beyond academia i'm invested in politics in ways that i'm not going to talk about on a non encrypted site.
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shoto-chann · 2 years
The Christmas Spirit
My Hero Academia
Lee: Bakugo
Ler: Mina, Kaminari
Description: The Christmas party with Class 1A is as lively as ever! Except Bakugo, being the Grinch of the class, refuses to get into the Christmas spirit and wear a Santa outfit. Mina makes it her mission to get the grumpy Grinch into the Christmas spirit, but she'll need a little bit of help.
*Contains swearing and death threats
Requested by @queenofcreatures14
Christmas in Class 1A is never boring. Sato was making and baking away in the kitchen, Momo making the eggnog for everyone, and everyone singing Christmas carols. Yep, Christmas was festive for this class and everyone was in the Christmas spirit.
Well, almost everyone...
Bakugo was just standing, even more grumpier than usual, behind a couch. He kept muttering under his breath about how he hated this holiday. He was so into taking crap about Christmas, he wasn't aware of Mina and Kaminari, two of his classmates, sneaking up behind him with a Santa outfit. Mina was about three inches away before Bakugo looked back and saw her. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Bakugo said screaming louder than usual. Mina quickly hid the outfit behind her. "What are you talking about?" She said, acting like nothing happened. "STAY AWAY FROM ME OR I'LL KILL YOU!" Bakugo stormed off in another direction, angrily muttering about how much he hated this damn holiday. Mina sighed. She was so close. "Hey, we have many other opportunities to try." Kaminari said. "We'll definitely get him next time."
They didn't get it the next time. Or the next next time. Or the eight other next times. Actually, they kinda lost count when they got to four. Bakugo was just too damn stubborn to put the Santa outfit on. It was driving them insane. It was so bad they got frustrated and gave up. "What is wrong with that guy? He's being such a Grinch!" Kaminari complained. "He needs to get into the Christmas spirit one way or another." Mina sighed and plopped down on the couch while the others were in the kitchen, waiting for the arrival of their guests. Kaminari and Mina sat there thinking about how they could make Bakugo wear the Santa outfit when someone opened on the door. The door opened, and Aizawa poked his head in. "Hey. Did the party already start?" Someone had entered the room, dressed in a Santa outfit. "Eri Claus!" Everyone ran up to Eri and complimented her. Everyone except the Grinch.
That was the last straw for Kaminari. "Bakugo, what's wrong with you?" "What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?!" Mina began sneaking up behind him again. "You're acting like such a Grinch, man! Live it up a bit. Get into the Christmas spirit." "If you say one more thing about that damn-" Mina managed to get the Santa hat on Bakugo. "WHAT THE HELL, PINKY?!" Mina managed to avoid getting smacked my Bakugo and his fist. "TOUCH ME AGAIN AND YOU BOTH DIE!" Bakugo stormed off, still wearing the Santa hat. Jirou and Hunter happened to walk by as Bakugo bumped into them. "Merry Christmas, Bakugo!" Hunter said. "Die, dumbass!" Bakugo yelled. Jirou rolled her eyes and walked to Mina and Kaminari. "What's his deal?" Jirou asked. "He's being such a Grinch." Hunter backed up. "He's just mad because it's Christmas." Jirou smirked. "So, he's still gonna act moody?" Mina turned to Jirou. "What do you mean?" Jirou looked at Mina. "Wanna know how to get him to do what you want?" Kaminari jumped. "Yeah, that's be great! So what do you have to do?" "And how do you know that?" Hunter asked. Jirou smirked. "Well, it all started with Midoriya telling me a story..."
Bakugo was pouting in a corner with the hat in his hand. "Stupid holiday. Why does everyone love it so much?" At that moment, Mina walked up to Bakugo with her arms crossed. "Hey, Mr. Grinch." "What?!" Kaminari jumped from behind and tackled him to the ground. He pinned Bakugo and wasted no time in tickling his sides while Mina scribbled his stomach. "WHahahahat ahare dohOhohohOHohoing?!" "You're smart. You figure it out." Kaminari said. "You have been acting like a jerk all night. And it's time you got into the Christmas spirit. So wear the Santa outfit!" Mina jammed her thumb in Bakugo's belly button, causing him to scream and thrash violently. It wasn't like Mina to get mad at anyone (besides mineta, but he's gone now, and she's glad). So for her to be mad at someone was something no one wanted to see.
"STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT, DAHAHAHAMN IHIHIHIT!" Bakugo screamed when Mina found her way to his armpits. "Hey Kami, do you hear something?" Mina said, acting as if there wasn't a screaming laughing blonde at her mercy. "No, I don't here anything, Mina." "IHI'LL KIHIHIHIHILL YOHOHOU!" "Don't threaten us, man. You're in no position to make death threats." Chargebolt said as he crept towards his ribs and used his quirk to send his all to famous tickle shocks all over the explosive blonde's ribs. "NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! LEHEHEHET MEHEHE GOHOHOHOHOHOHO, MOHOHORON!" "Only if you promise to wear the Santa outfit." "GOHOHO DIHIHIHIE!" At this point, everyone in Class 1A and 1B was witnessing Bakugo being tickled. Some were cheering, some were ignoring the entire thing, and some were worried about Mina and Kaminari after Bakugo was free. "Man, I wonder who is screaming like a girl." Mina teased. "SHUHUHUT UHUHUP, PIHIHINKY!" Mina ignored him as she dug harder into his armpits. Meanwhile, Kaminari dug into his thighs. Bakugo started kicking wildly. "STAHAHAHAP THAHAHAT*snort* DUHUHUNCE FAHAHACE!" Both classes awed at that. "Man, why didn't you tell me you're ticklish, Bakubro?" Kirishima asked. "Probably because he wasn't not manly enough to tell you." Tetsutetsu replied. They fistbumped and chest bumped. "I'm definitely using this against him." Kirishima laughed as he joined Kaminari and Mina tickle Bakugo by going for his thighs.
After five minutes, Bakugo still refused to give in. Kaminari and Mina were getting impatient. "Come on, bro! Just wear the Santa outfit! It's not that hard!" "IHIHI WOHOULD RAHAHATHER DIHIHIHIE!" Mina smirked. "Then die you will!" Jirou decided to help. "Go for his feet and neck! Those drive him crazy!" Mina and Kaminari stopped to let him breathe and got into position while Kirishima stayed at his thighs. Bakugo lost his attention to his lers and focused on Jirou. "You're...the one that...told them... weren't you?" Jirou shrugged. "Maybe I was." "You little-GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOT FAHAHAHAIR! STAHAHAHAP THAHAHAT!" Bakugo's laughter was much higher and his thrashing and kicking more violent than ever. "Man, you have some extremely ticklish feet, Kacchan!" Kaminari said in his Midoriya impression. "I don't sound like that. Do I sound like that!" Deku asked Uraraka, who just shrugged.
Eri came in to witness what has happening. "What's going on?" She asked innocently. "Oh, Mina and Kami are tickling Bakugo." Uraraka replied. Eri nodded. "Does it hurt?" "No not at all." Tsu said. Bakugo screamed. "OHOHOKAY! I GIHIHIVE!" "So you'll wear the Santa outfit?" Mina asked. "YEHEHEHES! I WIHIHILL! PLEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT!" Kaminari grinned. "And you'll also be nice to everyone for three months without snapping?" "YEHEHEHES!" "And you'll help me with my homework?" Kaminari asked. "YEHEHEHES!" "And you'll do all of my chores, bro?" Kirishima chimed in. "YEHEHEHES! JUHUHST STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP TIHIHICKLING MEHEHE! I GIHIHIVE!" Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina stopped. Bakugo curled up into a ball to breathed and get away from them. "Well, Bakubro, let's see how you look in that Santa outfit."
Bakugo cursed his stupid ticklishness. He was now in a full Santa outfit sitting among his classmates and eating some of Sato's Christmas cookies. Only this time, he had a slight smile. Despite his pleading and threats, he found it sorta nice that he got that attention from his friends (although he would never admit that). He thought maybe the party wouldn't be so bad. "Hey, Bakubro! Midoriya and Todoroki wanna talk to you" Kirishima called. Bakugo sighed. Of course, with his luck, he couldn't have nice things.
Thank you @queenofcreatures14 for this lovely request. If you have any ideas for fics or headcannons, send an ask or send a dm and I'll get to work on it.
That's all for now. Until next time,
❄️🔥 shoto-chann 🔥❄️ out
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queen-of-the-nerdlords · 11 months
WIP Title Game!
Thank you to the amazing @seidraikiri for tagging me! Sorry it took me so long!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(If I tagged you, you don't have to do this, I'm just scrambling for people I know lmao)
Blue Exorcist
Cake By the Ocean (Mephisto/Rin)
Chintzy (MephiRin) (Mephisto/Rin)
MephiRin - A/B/O Fic (Mephisto/Rin)
MephiRin Soulmate RP with fren (Mephisto/Rin)
Ocean Blue (Suguro/Rin)
CUPID (Visual Novel)
Promises of Forever (Rosa/Catherine)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Oyasumi (Sayori/Protag)
DRAMAtical Murder
Calming Serenade (Akushima/Aoba)
allmate human daycare au (multiple)
Immer Sie (Clear/Akushima)
Happy Sugar Life
Sugar and Spice and-
Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto
Undermine (Atsushi/Sakamoto)
I Saw Autumn Leave (Ib/Garry)
It Means Friendship
Misao (Game)
Ignorance Is Your New Best Friend (Kudoh/Misao)
SohTano Family AU (Sohta/Takano)
Mad Father
Journal Entries within the Drevis Manor
The Words I Want To Say (Ogre/Aya)
My Hero Academia
"Me and Mr. Wolf" Gift for Seidraikiri (Aizawa/Deku)
Sunflowers (Chapter 2 lmao)
OFF (Mortis Ghost)
Love Me Dead (Judge/Japhet)
RP Starter (OC)
Pub Encounter
Cocktail and Lovers' Night (OC/Soichiro)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Again & Again (Madoka/Homura)
i need not one thing more (Madoka/Everyone)
If Our Hearts Were Iron and Our Bodies Steel (Kyousuke/Sayaka)
though it's the end of the world; don't blame yourself (Madoka/Homura)
Samurai Jack
Jaku Soulmate AU (Jack/Aku)
Steven Universe
Cantarella (Pearl/Rose)
The Stanley Parable
Dread (Stanley/Narrator)
Unmarked Stone (Stanley/Narrator)
Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Masochism Tango (Idate/Samekichi)
she's got blue eyes like the sea (femslash Samekichi/Wadanohara)
Yandere Simulator
Rotten Girl, Grotesque Romance (not finishing this lol)
Yuri!! On Ice
Cantarella (Yuuri/Viktor)
And Away We Go (OC/Homestuck/Adventure Time/The Sims)
Much Ado About Invading (ZaDR/TaGR/OC)
Painting of Evil/Servant of Evil (Ib/The Evillious Series)
The Memory That Would Never Be Remembered (Ib/Garry)
Thorn (Aoba/Toue)
We Are Number One (Skyrim Dragonspeak)
and tons more because I've had 3 phones and 4 computers shit the bed and die and I'm not that great about backing up files I make on the fly. I'm sure if I restored one of the broken hard drives I have, we could find more.
@abby-something, @reaperlight, @thebeingofeverything, @oragamiartist, @thatkinkyboi, @rainbowrowell, @yaoihands, @grievousgl0ry, @urami1080, @still-life-of-thick-ass, @president-homewrecker, @double--blind, @slowly-backs-away, @cinnamoloves,
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ouchmaster6000 · 1 day
About Me:
Age: Legal, but sometimes wish I was a shota in an Oneshota hentai. 
Gender: Incubus Subby Boy
Sex: Rough and Pelvis-Shattering please.
Orientation: Femdom-sexual
Politics: Druella’s radical faction and the Monster Girl Supremacist Party
Favorite food: Pussy
Favorite color: Purple 
DNI if:
You are a bot.
That's it. 
As a general rule, I don't block people unless I suspect they are not actually a person. I think it's cowardly.
My Digimon Sideblog: @picodart
My Invader Zim Sideblog: @hideousspacebug
My Monster Girl Sideblog: @mamonoparadise
Anime / Manga I love: 
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Soul Eater, Kill la Kill, Death Note, Panty & stocking with Garterbelt, Digimon Adventure, Digimon Tamers, Digimon Frontier, Digimon Savers, Digimon Ghost Game, Future Diary, Deadman Wonderland, Shiki, Familiar of Zero, Re: Zero, Overlord, Rising of the Shield Hero, Mushoku Tensei, Akame Ga Kill, Chained Soldier, Blood+, Madoka Magica, Rosario + Vampire, Monster Musume, Is this a Zombie?, Nyaruko-san, MM!, Little Witch Academia, Magical Witch Punie-chan, Queen’s Blade, Senran Kagura, Valkyrie Drive, Franken Fran, Tomie, Uzumaki, Junji Ito Manga, Promised Neverland, Parasyte, Sankarea, Princess Resurrection, Plus-sized Elf, 12 Beast, Creature Girls, Interspecies Reviewers, Elder Sister-like One, Love in Hell, Prison School, Domina no Do!, Don’t Toy with Me Miss Nagatoro, Freezing,Machimaho, World’s End Harem, Sin: Seven Mortal Sins, Qwaser of Stigmata, High school DxD, Heaven’s Lost Property, Date a Live, Zombie Land Saga, Gushing Over Magical Girls, Mitsudome, Yondemasu Yo! Azazel-san, Redo of Healer, Vandread, Monster Girl Doctor, Kandagawa Jet Girls, Keijo!!!!!!!!, konosuba, Cautious Hero, Full Dive, Uncle from Another World, Akiba Maid war, Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan, Asobi Asobase, Darling in the FRANXX, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Manyu Hikenchou!, Dropkick on My Devil, Dorohedoro, Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun, Astarotte’s Toy, kodomo no Jikan, Fire Force, FLCL, Space Dandy, Hoozuki no Reitetsu, Detroit Metal City, Higurashi: When They Cry, Elfen Lied, Hell girl, Rozen Maiden, Magical Pokkan, My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog, Peter Grill & the Philosopher’s Time, Maken-Ki, Kanokon, Moetan, Uzamaid, Happy Sugar Life, Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, Miss Caretaker of Sunohara-sou, Gleipnir, BNA, SSSS. Gridman, Papillon Rose, Paradise of Innocence, Berserk, Monster Wrestling: Interspecies Combat Girls, Welcome to Succubus High, Boy Soprano, Mai-chan’s Daily Life, Koro Koro Soushi, Shiragasane
Cartoons I love: 
Invader Zim, Avatar, Legend of Korra, Venture Bros, Metalocalypse, Rick & Morty, South Park, Futurama, the Simpsons, Harley Quinn, Teen Titans, Young Justice, Batman: the Animated Series, Batman Beyond, The Batman, Green Lantern, X-Men: Evolution, X-Men the Animated Series, Spectacular Spider-Man, Spider-Man: the Animated Series, Courage the Cowardly Dog, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Evil con Carne, Xiaolin Showdown, PowerPuff Girls, AAAHH!!! Real Monsters, Kablam!, Action League Now, Ed Edd n Eddy, Codename: Kids Next Door, Angry Beavers, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Gravity Falls, Ren & Stimpy, Jimmy Neutron, Beetlejuice  
Live Action Shows I love:
Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, X-Files, The Lone Gunmen, Reaper, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Star Trek: the Next Generation, Dexter, Gotham, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Legion, The Gifted, Jessica Jones, Runaways
Movies (and movie series) I love:
Nightmare Before Christmas, Beetlejuice, Mars Attacks!, Sleepy Hollow, Sweeny Todd, Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhands, Frankenweenie, Coraline, Paranorman, Alien, Hellraiser, Nightbreed, The Thing, In the Mouth of Madness, Prince of Darkness, They Live, The Fly, Videodrome, The Brood, Dagon, From Beyond, Re-Animator, Call of Cthulhu, The Whisperer in Darkness,  Necronomicon, The Resurrected, The Void, The Mist, Event Horizon, Pandorum, Dark City, The Faculty, Trick r Treat, Cabin in the Woods, Return of the Living Dead, Army of Darkness, Marebito, Audition, Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl, Vampire Hunter D, 12 Monkeys, Brazil, Monty Python & the Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Pirates of the Caribbean, Men in Black, Galaxy Quest, Addams Family, Batman, Batman Returns, Dark Knight Trilogy, The Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Joker, X-Men, Deadpool, Spider-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor: Ragnarok
Comic Books I love:
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Squee!, I Feel Sick, Filler Bunny, Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl, Serenity Rose, Nightmares & Fairy Tales, Courtney Crumrin, Vampire Cheerleaders, Princess Lucinda, Witch Girls Adventures, Cthulhu Tales, Fall of Cthulhu,  Hack / Slash, Bomb Queen, X-Men, New Mutants, Excalibur, X-Statix, X-Force, Deadpool, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, Venom, Batman, Batgirl, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Birds of Prey, Secret Six, Suicide Squad, Teen Titans, Outsiders, Wonder Woman, Calvin & Hobbes, Pearls Before Swine, The Far Side
 Books I love:
Monster Girl Encyclopedia, Cthulhu Mythos, Books by H.P. Lovecraft, The Hellbound Heart, Cabal, Mr. B. Gone, Books by Clive Barker, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, D&D Novels, Greyhawk Novels, Forgotten Realms Novels, War of the Spider Queen, Magic the Gathering Novels, Warhammer 40k novels, Horus Heresy: Primarchs, Goosebumps
Book series I wanna read someday soon:
Horus Heresy (main series), Legend of Drizzt (Have only read comic adaptation)
Tabletop Games I love:
Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, Warhammer 40k, Magic the Gathering, Weiss Schwarz, Digimon, Pokemon
Video Games I love: 
Senran Kagura, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Digimon World 2, Pokemon, Disgaea, Skullgirls, Soul Calibur, Injustice, Marvel vs. Capcom, Darkstalkers, Blaz Blue, Guilty Gear, Baldur’s Gate 3, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, Warhammer: Rogue Trader, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Bioshock 2, Nightmare Ned, Goosebumps: Escape from Horrorland, Gal Gun, Femdom University, Breeders of the Nephelym, Monster Girl Island, Escalation, Dominatrix Simulator
Video Games I like the lore / setting / characters of, but still need to play / havent played much:
Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Resident Evil, Nier Automata, Valkyrie Drive, Kandagawa Jet Girls, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Digimon Survive, the rest of the Digimon World Games, a bunch of other Warhammer games.
Favorite Bands / Musical Artists:
Dethklok, Galaktikon, Lordi, Disturbed, Slipknot, Sorrowseed, Sinergy, Blackthorn, Creature Feature, Rufus Rex, Nightwish, Power Wolf, Patron Saint of Plagues, Tridevil, Voltaire, Stephen Lynch, Weird Al Yankovic, Gygax, String Storm, Abominable Intelligence, AmaLee, Ali Project, Necronomidol, BabyMetal, Myth & Roid, Yousei Teikoku, TeddyLoid, Kevin Manthei, Danny Elfman, Yasuharu Takanashi
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