#acacia stickmin
Henry Stickmin Bio
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BORN: New York City, America (August 27, 1992)
(Age: 28)
FAMILY: Brandon Stickmin, (father) Acacia Campbell Stickmin, (mother) Terrence Suave, (uncle) Sven Svensson (adoptive cousin)
Former kleptomaniac criminal, Henry Stickmin, now Government Agent, became well known for his kleptomaniac past. He is currently in a relationship with Charles Calvin.
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icilarastudios · 3 years
Straight ship is Konrad x jade ( I forgot the name but I’m pretty sure it’s that )
Henry and carol
Charles and Ellie
Dr v and Henry
I weirdly feel like you Dave and Rupert should be shipped-
That’s all :DDDDDD so like it or idk
Lol, I usually do the popular ships, except Copperight since i barely did it and I didn’t see a ship into is as much in OtT qwq
But, here’s what I ship so far in Henry Stickmin: Opposing the Threat;
Henry Stickmin x Charles Calvin (Stickvin)
Ellie Rose x Fan (Ellian)
Rupert Price x Dave Panpa (Panprice)
Sven Svensson x Burt Curtis (Curtison)
Reginald Copperbottom x Denise DelRay (Copperay)
Joseph Jo x Jacob Rose (Jacoph)
Tin Tintin x The Witch (Tintitch)
Dr. Vinschpinsilstien x Gadget Gabe (Vingabe)
Derek Stickman x Faker Stickman (characters belongs to @sonicboom10go who helps with the story)
Tirreny x Friend (characters belongs to @ask-tirreny-and-friend who helps with the story)
Brandon Stickmin x Acacia Campbell Stickmin
And Liah Lugo deserves to be alone >:D
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seriously, she was literally made to be a terrible person in OtT, so she ain’t gonna end up with someone
But thanks for the suggestions, @violetakacharles, of course I can’t say no to Dave x Rupert! :D
I also see the only ship you support is Rosevin, which I’m fine with! It’s because barely little people ship it, all I know who ships it right now is you and Grace Bowling from YouTube. I would try and suggest other ships too just if you want more people interested in your blog, but it’s just a suggestion nothing I’m forcing on, your choice :D
Even though I’m straight, I do like these ships, but also try to get some straight ships in too qwq
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icilarastudios · 3 years
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The Stickmin Family Tree
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