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guardian-angle22 · 4 days ago
What happened with Wyatt?
[reference to my liveblog post here]
Wyatt answered a 9-1-1 call in which he tried to save someone being attacked by a gang in their home. He talked them through getting out of the house but the caller was then stabbed outside while on the phone with Wyatt.
Carlos and Soup Man showed up to Wyatt's place of work to talk to him while he was on his lunch break, requesting to listen to the 9-1-1 phone call off the record, against policy. When Wyatt refused, stating it need to go through proper channels, Carlos lowkey manipulated him into doing it anyway by appealing to Wyatt's emotions about having lost someone on a call for the first time. He said, "I know how you feel. You keep questioning yourself. All you want to do is take it back, but you can't. All you can do is make it right." which convinced him to show them the phone call.
Later, once the SWAT team swarmed in and killed the man responsible for the stabbing, Carlos tells Wyatt that he "made it right." because the man was dead.
... Wyatt had nothing he needed to take back or "make right" because he did not do anything wrong on that phone call and was in no way responsible for that man's death. And manipulating both people and the rules to get around proper warrants was not righteous or "making something right." It was just copganda once again rearing its head because ~doesn't he deserve justice? so we can do whatever we want to get that, right? and if you aren't helping us do it then you aren't supporting justice for this poor man.~
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bibescribe · 16 days ago
everything is romantic
felipe otaño x reader
n/a: pequenininho (pra compensar o possĂ­vel delay do smut do enzo đŸ€ )
fluff ✚
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“acabou de vez”
pipe recebeu a mensagem Ă s 21h da noite de um domingo e te ligou imediatamente, sua voz parecia presa na garganta, nĂŁo parecia que tinha chorado mas conseguia ouvir seu desolamento.
- ele disse que nosso relacionamento nĂŁo era o que ele queria no momento. - vocĂȘ repetiu as palavras que seu namorado tinha escrito na mensagem recebida mais cedo, seu coração parecia bater mais devagar, o mundo inteiro se movendo em slow motion, parecia que o universo estava tentando acalentar seu coração partido.
- ele disse isso
 por mensagem? mas vocĂȘs saĂ­ram ontem. - pipe respondeu no outro lado da linha, tinha passado inĂșmeras tardes te aconselhando, te ouvindo quando vocĂȘ reclamava e puxando sua orelha quando era necessĂĄrio, nunca te disse mas sabia que o seu relacionamento nĂŁo tinha futuro, sentia que seu namorado era imaturo e que nĂŁo dava atenção aos seus sentimentos, mas seu amor era tĂŁo puro, seus olhos brilhavam tanto quando falava dele, otaño nĂŁo tinha coragem de te tirar da caverna.
- pois Ă©, eu nĂŁo sei o que fazer, eu nĂŁo sei o que pensar, eu achava que tava tudo indo bem. - vocĂȘ estava endurecida, nenhuma lĂĄgrima saĂ­a, estava em estado de choque.
- coloca um casaco, eu tÎ indo te buscar, vou pedir o carro do meu pai. - felipe disse jå se levantando indo até a sala onde o pai se encontrava e fazendo sinal para as chaves do carro.
- pipe, eu nĂŁo quero falar sobre, eu nĂŁo quero pensar sobre. - vocĂȘ disse com uma voz frĂĄgil que quebrou o coração do argentino, vocĂȘ sempre era forte e radiante, odiava seu ex por ter te deixado tĂŁo vulnerĂĄvel, o odiava por nĂŁo ter coragem de olhar nos seus olhos e dizer que acabou.
- nĂŁo vamos falar dele, a gente nem precisa falar, mas vocĂȘ precisa de ar. - o moreno entrou no carro e deu a partida, em direção Ă  sua casa.
“estou aqui” a mensagem lia, vocĂȘ desceu, um moletom grosso cobrindo seu pijama, encontrou felipe na calçada e entrou no carro sem dizer nada, o homem iniciou a jornada.
seguiram em um silĂȘncio tenso, vocĂȘ se sentia com 10 anos, frĂĄgil e vulnerĂĄvel ao mundo, nĂŁo sabia o que pensar, nĂŁo sabia o que sentir, raiva? Ăłdio mortal? seu ego tambĂ©m estava destruĂ­do, tanto esforço, tanto amor pra nada.
felipe seguiu, saíram da parte central da cidade e foram por uma estrada com årvores nos dois lados da rodovia, o cheiro era diferente, cheiro de limpo, de natureza, otaño serpenteava pelo asfalto, controlando o carro manualmente pela estrada sinuosa.
- nĂŁo sei como vocĂȘ consegue fazer isso, eu dirijo super mal. - vocĂȘ comentou, tentando levantar o clima.
- é só marcar que eu te dou umas aulas de reforço. - o outro respondeu sorrindo levemente.
- eu odeio dirigir, vocĂȘ sabe. - a conversa teve fim mas o ambiente entre vocĂȘs estava mais leve, vocĂȘ estava com um amigo, se lembrou.
- olha lĂĄ. - pipe fez sinal com a cabeça para a direção de um outdoor com a foto de jesus, nĂŁo tinha nada escrito, realmente sĂł a foto de jesus, vocĂȘs dois riram levemente da imagem inusitada, vocĂȘ percebeu que pipe usava chinelos enquanto dirigia.
- isso aĂ­ nĂŁo Ă© crime? tipo, dirigir com chinelos e tal. - vocĂȘ perguntou, o mais velho olhou pros prĂłprios pĂ©s como se acabasse de perceber que estava com os calçados.
- sĂł Ă© crime se alguĂ©m pegar a gente. - ambos riram, um homem idoso em uma motocicleta com uma caveira no guidĂŁo passou e buzinou para vocĂȘs, era bronzeado e cheio de tatuagens, a noite estava tendo muitos personagens um tanto irreverentes.
chegaram ao seu destino, que vocĂȘ percebeu que era a casa de praia que a famĂ­lia de felipe fazia festas Ă s vezes, lembrou tambĂ©m que era a 2 horas da cidade de vocĂȘs, nĂŁo podia acreditar que passou tanto tempo, tanto tempo desde que teve seu coração partido, entraram na casa e se deitaram no chĂŁo, perto do sofĂĄ.
- vocĂȘ realmente nĂŁo quer falar sobre? - o homem perguntou.
eu nĂŁo quero pensar, eu nĂŁo quero sentir, eu sĂł quero ficar aqui, parada. - vocĂȘ respondeu e o argentino obedeceu.
nĂŁo demorou atĂ© que vocĂȘ caĂ­sse no sono no ombro de otaño, que quando percebeu te levantou e te colocou no sofĂĄ, estava com medo de te levar atĂ© o quarto e acabar te acordando, pegou um lençol branco com detalhes em renda e lhe cobriu, depois deitou no chĂŁo e com os olhos indo do teto atĂ© vocĂȘ, foi pego pelo sono tambĂ©m.
vocĂȘ despertou apĂłs uma noite de pesadelos, sonhou com seu ex nos braços de outra, sonhou com os momentos que tinha vivido com ele, sonhou com as brigas, sonhou com felipe sorrindo para ti numa praia, pipe era o menino mais doce do mundo, tentava manter uma pose de malandro desapegado mas nĂŁo conseguia, era seu amigo desde que conseguia se lembrar, vocĂȘ o chamava de pĂŁozinho de queijo por ele ser branco e ter algumas pintinhas marrons no corpo, ele nĂŁo captava bem o apelido mas gostava de ter algo que os aproximava, algo sĂł entre vocĂȘs dois.
felipe foi o primeiro de seus amigos a descobrir seu namoro, pegou vocĂȘs dois tomando sorvete e arrancou a verdade de vocĂȘ, mas ele descobriria de qualquer jeito, sua felicidade e seu amor nĂŁo cabiam no peito, ia compartilhar tudo com felipe uma hora ou outra, otaño tambĂ©m sabia disso, sabia que tipo de pessoa vocĂȘ era quando amava, era o que mais admirava em vocĂȘ, sua devoção, seu amor incondicional, vocĂȘ nĂŁo amava de qualquer jeito, sua alma e seu coração eram da outra pessoa, por isso a raiva de otaño quando soube do tĂ©rmino, pessoas que amam como vocĂȘ sĂŁo raras no mundo, o amor nĂŁo Ă© garantido, amor puro como seu, muito menos, sempre pensou que se ele tivesse a chance de ser o alvo do seu amor, colocaria uma maçã na cabeça e nĂŁo teria problema em se declarar sua vĂ­tima, a sua flecha tinha mel e chocolate, suas mĂŁos eram algodĂŁo, seu olhos eram estrelas brilhando com adoração, seu amor era uma benção que poucas pessoas na vida tem a chance de receber.
felipe acordou mas nĂŁo percebeu que vocĂȘ tambĂ©m tinha despertado, se levantou lentamente e pegou as chaves do carro, dirigindo atĂ© uma vendinha que tinha prĂłxima Ă  casa, voltou com bebidas quase neon, nĂŁo muito saudĂĄvel ou apropriado como primeiras bebidas da manhĂŁ, mas o coração partido nĂŁo liga pra isso.
- vamos pra praia, bebita? - o argentino perguntou chegando em casa e vendo que vocĂȘ jĂĄ estava acordada, vocĂȘ se virou e fez que sim com a cabeça.
a praia era prĂłxima o suficiente para ir caminhando, foram em silĂȘncio novamente, agora confortĂĄvel e carinhoso, vocĂȘ tinha se encarregado de pegar umas cangas antes de sair, e as colocou na areia para se sentar ao lado de felipe.
bebiam em paz enquanto observavam a paisagem, uma famĂ­lia que parecia composta de pais, filhos e avĂłs passou por vocĂȘs, o pai levantou a criança pra que ela conseguisse pegar um limĂŁo no limoeiro mais alto da praia.
- eu nĂŁo consigo deixar de me culpar. - vocĂȘ começou, quebrando seu voto de silĂȘncio sobre o tĂ©rmino.
- nĂŁo Ă© sua culpa, e eu nĂŁo digo isso sĂł por ser seu amigo. - pipe respondeu, achando absurdo que vocĂȘ teve seu coração partido e que ainda se culpava por isso.
- eu achei que tava tudo indo bem, eu achei que meu amor era suficiente, eu achei que se tivesse algum problema ele me diria, ou ele tentaria resolver, ele desistiu e me jogou aos cĂŁes tĂŁo fĂĄcil, eu tenho tanto pouco valor assim? Ă© tĂŁo fĂĄcil assim me jogar de escanteio? - pipe se cansou da conversa e se virou pra vocĂȘ, pegando seu rosto entre as mĂŁos.
- vocĂȘ vai encontrar outra pessoa, pode ter certeza, nĂŁo vai ser difĂ­cil encontrar alguĂ©m que te ame, vocĂȘ Ă© a pessoa mais amĂĄvel que eu conheço, se ele nĂŁo reconhece isso talvez ele seja incompetente em te amar, vocĂȘ vai se apaixonar de novo e de novo e de novo e de novo, vocĂȘ Ă© uma amante nata, vocĂȘ amou esses drinks horrĂ­veis que eu comprei, vocĂȘ amou aquela famĂ­lia que passou agora, vocĂȘ amou esses limoeiros, vocĂȘ amou o lençol branco que foi seu cobertor essa noite, vocĂȘ amou aquela placa com jesus, vocĂȘ amou atĂ© aquele velho com as tatuagens, vocĂȘ vai amar tanto na sua vida, e vocĂȘ vai amar com todo o seu coração porque essa Ă© a pessoa que vocĂȘ Ă©, vocĂȘ deveria ter orgulho do amor que vocĂȘ Ă© capaz de dar ao mundo, esse amor sem medo, sem egoĂ­smo, vocĂȘ tĂĄ cercada de amor.
as palavras de pipe alcançaram seu coração e sua alma, ainda teria muito tempo para se recuperar, mas olhando a praia, olhando as ĂĄrvores e olhando seu melhor amigo ao seu lado, vocĂȘ se sentiu afogada em amor, vocĂȘ se apaixonava em tempo real, tudo era romĂąntico.
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friesitas · 2 years ago
random memes biosđŸ€ 
me odeia porque sou lindo kkkk bjs gata
desculpa se minha beleza te incomoda 😘
pobres? nada contra, mas longe de mim kkkjđŸ˜˜đŸŒ·
eu por exemplo, sou rica e linda
nao gostei do seu argumento apague
chama o ibama, a burra ta solta
viver estĂĄ me matando
mesmo sem motivos eu sorreio...
bora estudar pq eu nasci gostosa e nĂŁo rica
Bangchan avisa que vai ter militĂąncia mais tarde
nem gay nem hetero nem bi apenas do rock
ta rindo pq? contei alguma piada?
oxe cadĂȘ a Netflix que a gente ia assistir?
o q e iscola
seus argumentos nao foram bons o suficiente pra me fazer mudar de ideia
me olho no espelho e penso: sĂł falta miar
bom dia acabou meu sono de princesa
vou te mandar o boleto cobrando a internet que gastei pra ler essa merda q vc escreveu
hate= inveja que vc nao temkkk
vc ganha quanto pra se humilhar dessa forma na internet?
e se eu tivesse depressao?
other account: @fuckito
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creads · 6 months ago
kkkkkk omg que azar, camii!!!! tenta agr @/lxvesiicck
que seja bom p vc
tenho observaçÔes sobreâ˜đŸ»(e ignorem o fato dele gemer em inglĂȘs tipo affs que saco mas dos criadores WTF IS A KILOMETER đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾🍕🍟🩅🩅🩅 vem aĂ­ o ÂżQUE CARAJOS ÉS UN MILE? đŸŒźđŸ’ƒđŸŒŻâšœïžđŸ‡§đŸ‡·đŸ‡šđŸ‡±đŸ‡šđŸ‡żđŸ‡ČđŸ‡œđŸ‡ŠđŸ‡·đŸ‡”đŸ‡Ș
simon ex ficante que nĂŁo te superou e quando vocĂȘ tĂĄ na cama de outro te manda uma mensagem perguntando se vocĂȘ tĂĄ sozinha, e quando vocĂȘ diz “o que vocĂȘ quer simon?” pq vsf mlk (na intenção de infernizar a vida desse homem) ele diz pra vocĂȘ ir pro banheiro e vocĂȘ vai neah e fodase que o outro tĂĄ na cama. e quando vocĂȘ vai vĂȘ o “gravando ĂĄudio
” por um minuto ali em cima e fica tipo caralho o que esse homem quer? e quando recebe o ĂĄudio. đŸ’„đŸ’„đŸ’„đŸ’€đŸ’€âš°ïžâš°ïžâš°ïž esqueça tudo pq enquanto vocĂȘ tĂĄ ouvindo vĂȘ que ele manda “me manda sua localização, vou te pegar aí” e vocĂȘ MANDA vey pq ele acabou de mandar um ĂĄudio falando putaria e gemendo seu nome entĂŁo como Ă© que vocĂȘ nĂŁo vai????? tipo Ă© impossĂ­vel nĂŁo querer dar pra ele agora. e vocĂȘ dĂĄ uma desculpa esparramada falando que seu cachorro tĂĄ passando mal e que sua mĂŁe tĂĄ indo te buscar, mas quando a sua “mĂŁe” chega com as janelas fechadas e com um funk estralando o seu ficantezinho fica tipo ⁉ mas vocĂȘ nĂŁo poderia ligar menos pq em menos de 5 minutos o simon para em uma rua vazia e te chupa no banco de trĂĄs e depois de te fazer gozar com a lĂ­ngua sĂł do jeito que ele sabe te come de quatro enquanto puxa seu cabelo pra colar suas costas no peito dele de um jeito que ele consiga gemer e falar putaria agora no seu ouvidinho đŸŒčđŸŒčđŸŒč❀✚✚✚
pipezinho ou matias friends to fuckers levando uma sentada no sofĂĄ do seu apartamento depois de terem fumado um đŸŒč sĂł isso mesmo
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wosoluver · 3 months ago
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Acabou a paraolimpíadas, terminamos em 5° no quadro de medalhas, batemos nosso próprio recorde de medalhas, quebramos vårios recordes prévios e entregamos muito talento e carisma como sempre! Muito orgulho dos nossos atletas.
Queria que tivéssemos a oportunidade de acompanha-los de pertinho, como nas olimpíadas. Uma pena, uma perda de chance de exaltar e inspirar mais brasileiros. Espero na próxima edição não termos que lidar com o fato que somente uma emissora tem direito as transmissÔes e ainda tem a cara de pau de passa-las na tv fechada.
Mas quero que o foco desse post seja o fato do orgulho e gratidĂŁo que sinto por eles, e que Ă© dever de todos nĂłs, lutar pelo respeito que merecem.
Vamo Brasil! đŸ‡§đŸ‡·đŸ’šđŸ’›đŸ’™
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(sim su cortei o logo do sportv đŸ€ )
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illarian-rambling · 7 months ago
Thanks for the tag @tildeathiwillwrite!
Vaguely Summarized Wip Tag
Rules: summarize your WIP in 15 2-5 word bullet points (as if you were trying to summarize it in 15 seconds)
Aw balls, I'm really bad at summaries, but I'll give Mortal God a shot
đŸ€  It's the magic wild west!
đŸŠŸ Robot, but maybe not
đŸ•”â€â™‚ïž ACAB applies to detectives
🚉 Steampunk because it has trains
📚 Library time!
⏰ Some minor time shenanigans
đŸȘ„ Unethical magic
⚙ Welcome to the Saw Trap Dimension
🩭 Seal god
🏩 Therapy time :)
đŸ•¶ Cue Mission Impossible theme on kazoo
🗡 Abrupt halt to Mission Impossible theme
đŸ€– Bigger, badder robot
đŸ”„ Power of friendship and this bomb
đŸ—ș Vacation time!
I'll tag @buffythevampirelover @rkmoon @persnickety-peahen @bloodmoonloveletter and open tag :)
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starmanskywalker · 2 years ago
knowing me, knowing you ‱ anakin skywalker x reader
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ayyyyy here's the wip i was talking about !! đŸ€  synopsis: modern!au, cop!au. you and Anakin are assigned a mission that forces you both to come to terms with the past.
first of all: acab. second of all: everything i know about police hierarchy, guns or laws is what i learned from brooklyn nine nine and wikihow lol please take this for what it is: filth with (confused) feelings ❀
as always, +18 only. and my askbox is always open for new prompts.
tags: exhibitionism, drug use (not by the main characters), shootings, violence, unethical + totally unrealistic shooting lessons, tough breakups, undercover cops doing very shady things, this doesn’t have the happiest of endings, i kinda miss songfics and you can tell by this work
word count: 4.821
You nervously fiddle with the fragile fabric of the flimsy, short shiny dress you wear under your oversized fake fur coat as your Uber drives to the nefarious destination of that night’s mission. You notice the driver shoots you some glances as if to coyly tell you he knew what your job was, when in reality, you knew he didn’t know shit.
The anticipation that bubbled in your stomach had nothing to do with the place you were about to go or the people you were eventually supposed to arrest, but instead it had to do with who was supposed to arrest these people alongside you. Captain Windu was quite kind not to assign any missions for the both of you since the incident, but according to him, no other profiles fit the assignment as well as you and Detective Skywalker’s.
Bullshit. You knew this was Mace’s way of making you overcome by force whichever discomfort still left by your and Anakin’s breakup and putting a halt to the fruitless and neverending bickering sponsored by the precinct’s once dream couple every time someone paired you in anything together. Since you two parted ways, work life with Skywalker became unbearable to the point you considered asking Mace for a move, something Obi-Wan, your precinct’s sergeant, vehemently discouraged you to. You eventually gave in and stayed, colleagues eventually learning not to put you in the same room except in full-team briefings, but you could tell Mace was tired - no, exhausted - of dealing with whatever was going on between you.
The script’s fairly simple: you, the new girl at the Zygerria nightclub, will catch Lars' - Anakin’s - attention, who will try to negotiate with your target (who goes by Jango Fett, according to the investigation) for a night with you using a shit ton of state-owned cocaine as his hand in the deal. Of course this was far from a one night only operation because Lars had to earn their trust, and so did you. You got in your best shape in years, actually learned to pole dance, do a mean routine to N.E.R.D’s “Hypnotize U” and survive inside of a very female-unfriendly place/business; all while reporting your progress to Obi-Wan at the end of the day.
Again: the fact that this night was decisive for the sting didn’t bother you at all. This was far from your first rodeo and your reputation in the precinct preceded you. The fact that it relied so much on you getting that intimate with Anakin after all that you’ve been through is what does.
Seeing him still emotionally and physically hurt, despite the many months that passed since your relationship ended. You haven’t fucked anyone else since (which definitely wasn’t his case, judging by how cozy he was with Detective Amidala lately), and you felt like it genuinely ruined you in the matters of romance and flirting. Not that you were particularly good at it from the start, but loving Anakin was easy, inevitable. You weren’t actively searching for it, or anything really, yet he found you and struck you like lightning; leaving permanent bolt-shaped burns in your skin as the electricity and warmth gave place to resentment and mutual isolation the moment you realized you had totally different perspectives for your futures and Anakin was selfish and petulant as a child.
The car arrives at Zygerria. You take a deep breath and exit the car unceremoniously, after tipping the driver generously even if he wasn’t the warmest - that’s precisely what you needed on a night like this. You arrive way more quietly than you usually do, attributing your slight change of demeanor for your closest girls and bartenders to a bad breakup.
Which was kinda the truth, to be honest.
You store your purse and coat in one of the lockers before fixing your makeup in order to look irresistible for the men and occasional women that occupied the nightclub’s lounge - or perhaps for the one man in particular you hoped that night was as hard for as it was for you. The fabric barely covering your skin, despite being very light and allowing the wind to blow all over your body, accentuated your curves beautifully and bore within its confines the promise of showing more than it should every step you took. 
As you walk around the lounge, you gently and charmingly dodge eager bystanders, their touches and their beckonings as you look for Lars. You wonder what he smells like tonight - his “special evenings” perfume, maybe? The one that penetrated your skin and your senses like a tattoo every morning you woke up by his side? 
How is that in any way an important question to ask yourself, anyway?
After spending the time you did with the other girls, you can’t help but think of how much of a lovestruck, abandoned-by-her-businessman-lover stripper vibe you’re giving out through your behavior. But you were a woman on a mission. Literally. You look for him furtively and in every corner of the room your eyes can reach.
The moment your eyes reach his you can notice him getting steadily into the character. You’ve met many Anakins throughout your personal and professional life, having not met Lars yet makes the pit inside your stomach grow a few inches wider in anxiety. You stride towards the bar and ask for a Moscow Mule in order to calm your nerves as he walks towards you.
What killed you a bit too about doing this with him again was the fact that Anakin was so fun to work with in operations like these. He tried new accents all the time and succeeded in using them, he was always experimenting with makeup, wigs
 he was a master of disguises and you could always tell this was an aspect of the job he particularly enjoyed. This time, though, he was barefaced expect for the fact he covered the scar that crossed his eyes; he opted for a shorter, clean-cut haircut that, paired with a very fucking expensive and precisely tailored designer suit he was wearing, exuded power and money to every other human being that got the opportunity to shoot him a look, which every other girl did take. 
Before they could have the chance to swarm him like moths, he reaches you with that smirk of his, which you felt wasn’t exactly real. This thought shouldn’t cause you the pain it still does. “Hey, darling.” Slight Scandinavian accent. Of course, Lars is a very Scandinavian name. His voice was slightly deeper than you remembered. Needless to say, it’s been a while since you heard his voice given that you’ve grown distant, choosing silence over animosity as the circumstances surrounding you gave you exactly what you thought you needed: space. You couldn’t tell if he deepened his voice on purpose for this role or if his cigarette habit came with a vengeance since you broke up with him. “Haven’t seen you here before.”
“Hey,” you did your best to keep up with him. You were no Viola Davis, but you did your best. “How’s your night going, Mr
“Sjöberg. Lars Sjöberg.” He takes your hand in his and places a gentle kiss in it. You can feel time freeze and sparks fly around your characters. “To be honest with you, I think I could use better company to spend it with. You seem just perfect. What's your name?”
“I’m Mel.”
“Short for Melanie?”
“The word for honey in many languages, actually.”
“I see.” He chuckles. After he asks the bartender for a glass of whiskey, he whispers in your ear: “I know you taste just as sweet.”
You blush furiously at his choice of words, especially his picking of “I know you taste just as sweet” over “I guess you taste just as sweet” in a scenario like this, and you can swear that for the first time in years you could hear his accent falter in the middle of a mission. It was just for the authenticity of your reaction, you remind yourself. Thankfully the Moscow Mule arrives just in time for you to swallow some large gulps before you answer your fellow detective: “Our club overlooks a lot of things, Mr. Sjöberg. But in order to find out how I taste, you gotta see how I move, first. And reward me generously for it.”
The distance between your bodies becomes smaller too quickly for you to register precisely how, and you now feel his warm breath on your neck. “I’ll take whatever you're willing to give me”, he mumbles, before leaving the naughtiest and most discreet of kisses in your skin. “I’ll do whatever you want.”
Shit. You almost forgot how smooth Anakin could be sometimes. You down the rest of that liquid courage before your perfectly manicured nails trace his chest seductively:  “Want to go somewhere more private?”
Anakin’s legs are splayed wide over the lavish, purple sofa of the VIP room alcove. He holds his drink firmly with one hand as the other rests in his thigh; his expression enigmatic while you give him a lap dance to Chloe x Halle’s “Ungodly Hour”. You adjust your choreography to surreptitiously communicate with him, your moving body dangerously close to his. He swallows thickly at the proximity.
“Where did you place your gun?” He whispers, one finger gently moving a lock of your hair out of the way in order for Lars to get a better look at your glimmering chest.
“Precisely where I’ll need it to be when we’re there. I know this place from the inside out by now.”
His unoccupied hand traces your waist and your back in a featherlight caress. You shiver at the familiarity of it. “Good. I don’t feel like making a spectacle of Jango’s arrest tonight. Ideally, everything will happen very swiftly.”
“Oh, it’ll be a spectacle from start to finish, Mr. Sjöberg. Specially if we fuck it up. How many briefings did you miss in order to spend more time with Amidala?” You ask him with a bit more venom than necessary – your entire question didn’t have the necessity to be made, actually. You just let it out out of spite. 
In order to distance yourself from his touch but also make sure you weren’t being heard, you peek out of the alcove. No burly men in sight. You take a deep breath before returning to your routine.
Anakin dodges the question and your unnecessary (?) bitterness. “What do you mean we can’t make it discreet?”
You huff in annoyance at his lack of preparation. “We can, but I told you plenty of times that Jango's room is full of his own bugs from the floor to the roof. We’ll face an entire army if we’re not cautious enough, and we’ll have to entertain him in order to get what we need.” 
“Do we even have the backup for this?”
“Of course we do! Plenty! Do you think I’m an idiot? And do you even remember what we’re supposed to do to get him to do what we want?”
It’s true what they say about breakups: you tend to only remember the nicer things in your relationship whenever the yearning hits. Well, you were just reminded of one thing that was deeply annoying about Anakin and working with him: he was too sure of himself to stick or pay attention to plans. His silence is the answer you need. “Fuck, Anakin.” Your face wrinkles in irritation. “The moment we go there and you make your bid for me, he’ll probably ask me to give you a trial. We’ll then give him something to look at - he’s a perv. He’ll love that.” 
You sit on his lap and unabashedly grind against him to the rhythm of the song - knowing he’s unable to do anything about it, that’s the best way you can find to get your revenge on his recklessness all while teasing what’ll come further in the night. And it’s surprisingly on character too. 
The breath that rushes from Lars is a sharp one; you can see how his pupils dilate, hear the pattern shift in his breathing. He palms your hips in order to keep the movement steady. “Just like that.” You moan, already disarmingly wet by the indirect and clothed friction of his already rock-hard cock against your pulsating clit. “He’ll turn all systems off because he’ll want the sights and
 and sounds all to himself,” you explain, both of your bodies quickly overtaken by the desire you two still have for each other. “And he’ll excuse his men from the room.”
“How do you know that?” He groans and you feel his grip on your hips tighten.
“I just do,” you limit yourself to answer. “Unlike some, I do my research.”
And just before you get to the point of no return, one of Jango’s henchmen arrive to pull off the brakes in your interaction, making you briskly get off Anakin’s lap. Skywalker tries to hide his crystal clear excitement at having you on top of him after so long. “Sir, sorry to interrupt, but if you want to play, you’ll have to pay.”
“‘f course,” he answers, trying to recompose himself. “I do want her for a night, Rex. Can we arrange that?”
“Always, sir.”
“Good to see you again, friend.” Jango Fett greets Lars with a wide smile on his face and an enthusiastic handshake. Judging by how reserved Fett usually was, you deduce Anakin did a great job at making Jango warm up to him. Or, like many men in this world who only love women in a certain kind of way, he was only able to show true affection for other men.
He takes his seat behind the lush marble table now separating him and his “Swedish” acquaintance. Anakin follows, taking the seat in front of him while you stand still in one of the corners of the [stereotypically, really] opulent room, close to where Rex and Cody also stood. You’re glad that on your way to Fett’s “office” you got to fetch your coat again, because it was eerily cold too. “So you’re interested in my new girl.”
You found it fascinating how he talked about you as if you weren’t even there. Lars takes a good look at you as if to make his point even more clearer. “Very.” 
Jango’s eyebrows raise in amusement. He thinks you got lucky. “Well, I do work with the finest product this city has to offer. Rates might be a little higher than you’d expect them to be. What price can you pay for exclusivity?”
Lars pushes a small bag of cocaine in Jango’s direction. “Purest you’ll ever come across.”
Jango opens the bag, collecting a small sample with a nearby key and snorting it with the precision of a pro. Judging by how hard it hits him, Lars is definitely telling the truth. “Shit. That’s fucking diamond.” Fett wipes his nose, stunned, leaning back against the chair with a sigh. “How did you get it?”
“I have my contacts.”
“How much?”
“88 pounds.”
“Don’t fucking play me. Just like that? All with me in mind?”
“I’ve had my eyes on Mel for a while.” Anakin beckons you to sit on his lap, keeping his composure flawlessly intact at the slightest hint of Jango’s cocaine-fueled change of heart. You stride towards him and follow his unspoken command. “All with her in mind.”
“That’s fair. Fuck, she’s one lucky bitch.” Jango fills a cup with whiskey and downs it fast, not bothering to think too much. Perhaps Anakin’s signaling of complete confidence helped here. Jango could smell fear and anxiety - he bragged over and over about all the undercover cops he dodged or killed. “Show him what you can do, baby. You're worth it.”
“How can I prove to you I’m worth the investment, Mr. Sjöberg?” You ask Anakin, your voice deviantly silky. 
“How about we finish what we started down there?” His voice is raspy with need. “Hey, Fett, care to give us a little privacy? Your men, I mean. Too crowded.”
“C’mon, a trial’s a trial. These men have seen way more scandalous things.” Fett scoffs, the chemical hyper confidence doing wonders to his system. Anakin’s eyes quickly meet yours in worry. “Do you mind watching, boys?”
“Not at all, sir.” Cody replies, his tone scornful.
Welp, your thorough research just bite you beautifully in the ass. Anakin will probably give you hell for this.
“Is anyone else going to appear?” Anakin asks Jango, his hand caressing your leg while you see the gears in his head turning.
“Not unless you change your mind and want them to.”
“I don’t. Just to be sure.” Your colleague manhandles you so you can straddle him in front of the men. “C’mon baby. Think you can do this for me?”
“Of course. ‘s my job.” You reply, bending your knees slightly and straightening them again, rubbing up against the bulge in Skywalker’s pants, feeling your heart skip a couple of beats at the contact and at the fact that the three other men in the room are eyeing you just as hungrily as Anakin is.
As you sway your hips experimentally against his cock, the proximity allows him to feel you brought the best kind of protection with you inside your coat: your gun. A little more confident with the change of plans he’s designing in his head, he mutters, expecting you to understand where he’s getting at while his fingers coyly caress the weapon hidden in your hips: “Don’t be shy. Rex and Cody are probably wishing you took care of them.”
Jango chuckles. You answer, in a very low whisper. “Would you let me take care of them while you and Jango watch?” You indeed get where he’s getting at. 
“Sharing is caring. Think you really could do it?” Anakin felt himself growing harder in his own pants with each roll of your hips and he couldn’t deny that even though the real implication was that you were about to shoot these two men, the fantasy of seeing you ruined by them wasn’t one Anakin was completely against, but that’s something he’d keep to himself to his grave. The fact that you were doing this right now, and in front of such dangerous people nonetheless, was already too much to process. 
“Yes. But I want to give them a show first.” Understanding that you indeed needed them to be distracted - and this was a golden opportunity to give in to some of your most reprehensible kinks, too, because why not? - you press your face into his neck while he holds your hips tightly. This was all the incentive Skywalker needed to keep going.
Earnestly, you keep rolling his hips over and over again back into the bulge in Anakin’s pants, eliciting escalating moans from him. He motions for you to stop your movements and before you can reach the small gun you have on you, he asks you: “May I?” Motioning to move your very delicate panties away from your core.
He wanted to fuck you in front of them before the arrest took place. Claim his territory.
He was having way too much fun with this. And fuck it - so were you. 
“Anything you want, Lars.”
You help him to free his dick from its fabric confines without leaving him completely naked from the waist down - your big ass coat sizeable enough to conceal his reallocation of his gun - and you tremble above him as he drags the tip of his cock against your pussy. “Fett, fuck, can everyone listen and see what’s going on here? Now that I mind.” He feigns worry. 
Shit. The bugs. You were so drunk with lust you almost forgot about them. So hypocritical of you.
“No, Lars.” Anakin notices Fett pressing some buttons and he hopes he turned his microphones and cameras off. “Sorry about that. Go on. No one but us can see or hear you now.”
“Thank you. Three's already a crowd.” Skywalker sighs, basking at the sight of the trail of wetness leaving your fingers as you accommodate him a little better inside of you. You lowered yourself on his cock pornographically, a very indecent moan escaping from your lips as a result of you two finally joining in one. Anakin shoos you. He missed seeing himself disappear in your welcoming, dripping cunt; you took him so well even after all this time.
Your lips freeze in a silent ‘O’ and your eyebrows tighten as you adjust to his considerable size once again. “You’re so fucking tight, princess. Take your time.” His lips hover over yours in a silent promise of a kiss as he turns a loose strand of your hair away from your face in a gentle gesture. You reach his mouth, fulfilling it, and after a lustful swirling of tongues that leave you lightheaded, you bite his lower lip playfully as you slowly start to ride him and the uncomfortable stretch gradually gives place to mind-numbing pleasure.
“Fuck, Mr. Sjöberg,” you sigh, pleasure heightened at the sight of Rex and Cody palming themselves to the vision unfolding in front of them. “You feel so good.” And God knows you truly meant it. After he teases you just enough for you to remember his size, both of his hands cup your asscheeks so he can fuck you deeper and properly, making you gasp at the adjustment of pace. You bury his face in your neck once again so you keep yourself from getting too loud at the heavenly invasion his cock is bestowing on you.
Your nails press against his tanned skin in a quiet plea to just keep going. While you feel the grasp you have in the situation is slipping away, you couldn’t have asked for a better way to lose control. “Listen,” he struggles to whisper between ragged breaths as your walls stimulate him for all he’s worth. “I wanna try something. Put your hand back where it was, love.”
“Okay,” you answer, a bit unsure of what he’s trying to do while you wrap your fingers around your gun again. It’s hard to think clearly when you’re as cockdrunk as you are. You could even be afraid that Jango and his cronies would be suspicious of the dialogue between you and Anakin, but given how concentrated they were in how your bodies clashed against each other in a desperate pursuit for release, you doubted they were going to do something about it. “Alright.”
“Remember our practice in California?” He lowers his whisper even more in order to make sure he’s not being heard clearly; for them to think his words are sweet nothings only as he buries himself inside of you again and again. It couldn’t be further from reality. “Put it to good use in 5
Ah yes, the time you and Anakin got sent to arrest Asajj Ventress.
You missed 12 shots before you got lucky enough to get your hands on her. She was your first higher profile arrest, though far from being your brightest. 
Anakin, still your boyfriend at the time, promised he would rent a shooting range for an entire weekend just for the two of you. You felt a bit humiliated at first, but you knew it was necessary; he was the kindest at suggesting it and making his promise come true too, which made it easier for you to accept.
” You’re scared shitless of the fact that you aren't able to do much more than take him, moaning out every time he pushes into you again. Whining at the loss of him when he pulls back. How the fuck were you supposed to incapacitate Rex and Cody?
“The most important thing along with being steady is to focus regardless of what’s going on around you or with you. Allow me to demonstrate.”
Of course there was a reason he wanted the range just to have the two of you in it. 
Anakin Skywalker slowly worked your pants and panties down your thighs, spreading small kisses over feverish, eager flesh. By the time he had you trembling in anticipation and unable to keep his eyes off his, and before he buried his face between your legs, he gave you a devilish smirk. “Eyes up. I need you to be focused.”
” You tried hard to piece two and two together while feeling the wetness between your thighs and hearing the sweet slick sounds of his cock moving so easily inside you.
You obey, sighing at the subsequent contact of his tongue and talented lips against your soaked cunt. His movements were experimental, unhurried yet immensely powerful. A drop of sweat slid down your face as you picked up your gun, keeping your finger outside the trigger guard, extended straight and flat on the side of the guard. “Ready,” he croaks between drags of his tongue against your most sensitive spot. You hold your weapon in the firing-ready position, nodding to yourself in reassurance.
” Heat and the musky, spicy scent that is pure Anakin surrounds your senses. Pressing against your chest and filling your nose while his filthy words fill your ears like an overwhelmingly good version of white noise.
“Steady,” His warm and wide hands grasped at your asscheeks as he kept laving over your clit just fast enough to bring you steadily closer to climax, making your legs part even wider and your attention become even more split between the entity kneeled below you and the targets in front of you. You were unashamedly whining at the stimulation, resisting the painfully strong urge to close your eyes and let go. But you wouldn’t and couldn’t let him down.
He pressed his tongue hard against your clit and dragged slowly upward, fingers digging into your butt to keep you skin tight close to him, and you came undone. 
To your utter befuddlement, the target dummy was never shot with such precision.
Just like Rex and Cody’s shoulders. Anakin just came deep inside of you while pointing his gun at a completely fucked up Jango, whose post-nut clarity hasn’t quite landed yet. “Jango Fett, you are now under arrest.” He uttered through heavy breaths, giving you a chaste kiss before you got off his lap and fixed yourself as much as you could in literal seconds. Your legs are still slightly trembling as you stride towards the injured men, cuffing them with cable ties you also hid in your coat after you kick their guns away. You throw one at Anakin so he finishes the job with his past acquaintance.
After he finishes reciting Jango’s Miranda Rights and listing all of the charges that led to his arrest, he tells the man, not taking his eyes off you: “You were right about one thing, actually. She’s sure worth it.”
The shared ride home is eerily quiet - just like the rest of the aftermath. You expected more bickering over the things that could’ve went wrong: ifs, buts, but nothing came.
And you hated that even more. But as fun as the mission was, there was no turning back to what you once had. Everyone probably thought that the fighting was just repressed desire to go back to each other’s arms, and maybe it was, but it was also a lot of unresolved pain that made you crystal clear that even though Anakin made you happy in so many ways, you were like a wishing well to his bolt of electricity, like Fiona Apple once wrote. 
The words to her song Werewolf echoed repeatedly in your head.
We could still support each other, all we gotta do is avoid each other. Nothing wrong when a song ends in the minor key.
“What did you do in order to earn their trust and admiration like that?” Anakin’s voice breaks after a considerable time of not using it. 
“What I had to do. Why do you care? We got the job done.” You answer apathetically.
He sighs, keeping any further words to himself.
“It was just a job.” He states, more in order to convince himself of that than to convince you. You feel like there’s more to come but you stop him dead in his tracks.
“It was just a job.” You answer in a reassuringly firm manner, grabbing your headphones and using sound to drown out the quiet.
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neodengekiko · 3 months ago
BAD NEWS📰 for all my followersâ€ŒïžđŸ˜§đŸ˜“ interpol đŸ€ đŸŒ has issued a warrant for my arrestđŸ˜šđŸ§‘â€âš–ïžto put me ON TRIAL at the hague‌⁉ đŸ°đŸ˜± they said my blog is too litđŸ”„đŸ’„, my fits are too cuteđŸ„°đŸ’˜ and my swagđŸ˜đŸ€™is 500x the legal limitâ€ŒïžđŸ„ŽđŸ˜­ but i refuse to go aliveâ€ŒïžđŸ˜”âœŠcause i got my followers backđŸ˜€â€Œïž #ACABđŸ”«đŸ·
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claudia-kishi · 2 years ago
wow. whoever asked Robert 2.0 about cop prop in elementary is a hero. that said his response was like any white person who doesn't believe acab would be but it's wild to see it actually addressed by one of their writers who wrote end of watch aka episode i skip every time bc of the propaganda đŸ€ 
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willowdizmaiscoisas · 1 year ago
NĂŁo revisado.
Autora original:@cyanidecandy
Tudo  em parĂȘnteses  sĂŁo sĂł a autora e o tradutor especulando,teorizando ou sendo engraçados(mas minhas notas tem asterisco!!)
Fit achou o trem bala feito por Dapper e Maxo e seguiu os trilhos
Richarlyson perdeu sua arma de algum jeito(ele realmente perdeu a arma ou o Cucurucho pegou ela?)
Bad fez outra maquina de XP-Bad e Dapper nĂŁo vĂŁo precisar farmer XP
Nao muito relevante mas o Dapper assiste as streams do Bad(Eu acho isso adorĂĄvel,especialmente na hora do Dapper.Achp que ele lembra o Bad das propagandas de vez em quando)
Dapper ainda estå chateado com Bobby por matar seu Bunfungus.Ah na verdade ele acabou de ser perdoado,esquece 
Bad,Dapper,Felps e Richarlyson tentaram  invocar o Osito nas masmorras do Foolish;eles falharam mesmo usando o Felps de sacrifício 
Tentaram no castelinho de årea do Leo e sacrificaram Foolish,também falhou
Bad finalmente conseguiu a banana do Foolish e depois devolveu 
Foolish continua escutando barulho de moto serra 
Bad canonicamente odeia lefties
Foolish e Felps começam a fazer uma eståtua do Osito e Bad chama eles de impostores
Cellbit logou sĂł pra resolver o ARG(tĂ­pico*)
Bad constrĂłi a estĂĄtua do Skeppy junto do Dapper
Tinham sons aleatórios de fundo enquanto Cellbit resolvia o ARG mas não tinha mais ninguém lå
Dapper quer um Skeppy selvagem para a fazenda
Cellbit chamou Bad e dapper para resolver um dos enigmas 
Dapper e Bad construĂ­ram um parquinho na escola
Tentei extrair o mĂĄximo que pude dessa live.Cellbit tĂĄ resolvendo o Ășltimo puzzle enquanto eu escrevo isso entĂŁo vamos dar por encerrado.
Sobre os ovos:
Leo 🌈:     ❀ ✔✔
Dapper đŸŽ©:     ❀❀ ✔✔
Tallulah đŸŽŒ:     ❀❀
Bobby đŸ€ :     ❀ ✔✔
Chayanne đŸ›Ąïž:     ❀ ✔
RamĂłn 💣:     ❀ ✔✔
Richarlyson âšœ:     ❀ ✔✔
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guardian-angle22 · 3 days ago
Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for putting your thoughts on the episode up even though you probably knew it'd be a ranger-heavy one. I kinda use your read on the episodes to gauge how much copaganda there is and if there are scenes I'll just outright be muting so from where I stand you always take one for the ACAB team when you do this 💛. So, to bring the mood up, what do you think the name of the four soup jr's are?? Keeping in mind Campbell's 4 most popular flavors are chicken noodle, tomato, cream of chicken, and cream of mushroom.
Oh, I'm glad that my liveblog musings are helpful! I should make a meter for each episode that gives my personal score of how much copganda is present... but I'd make it look like the drawing from Lilo & Stitch:
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(only I'd add a cowboy hat onto the drawing, obviously)
Now! as for Soup Jr.'s running around... all FOUR of them... phew. I think we should go with the soup made for children, and name them as follows:
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Now, we have imdb credits for at least one of these junior soups appearing in the next episode... not sure why only one but not all four? very curious indeed. also why are we seeing his child at all? even curious-er! Looking forward to seeing Soup Man and his Double Noodle child though, I guess.
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machetemaiden27mcx · 10 months ago
Fuck the police fuckin ACAB bro leave my man aÄșone đŸ˜ŽđŸ€ đŸ˜Ą
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anarcho-sexual · 1 year ago
I love having memory issues cause I’ll write something somewhere & then forget what it says so I get to read my own writing for a second first time! It’s such a pleasant surprise & unexpectedly enjoyable part of forgetting shit all the time đŸ€ 
For example, I just read my bio on another site that I wrote like 3 weeks ago & haven’t looked at again until now. People joke about laughing at your own jokes but I genuinely believe I’m funny as all fuck, it’s like the one part of myself I’m truly and fully confident in. Which is such a motherfucking pleasurable & satisfactory experience, by the way. If you can find parts of yourself you can easily be proud of (if you struggle with that like me) it feels awesome! Anyway, my bio was freakin funny lol
I would put an excerpt here of it but I do not wish for someone to go search for my other accounts on other sites because i don’t wish to be harassed âœŒđŸŒ
It is mostly about trans rights, women’s rights, & queer rights though because I debate so many ppl about those things online & I’m done (I’m not done I’m never done when I say this lmao) so I just wrote the correct views on such matters & said that’s the one & only take that is valid lol. I know I sound like an arrogant fool, but I’m talkin like trans healthcare for example. The correct take is: the healthcare decisions of trans people are the concern of them, their doctor, & in the case of minors also their parents. No other view can be justified in my opinion.
Ooh I forgot to put antifa & acab in it. Glad I decided to share all this useless information with the zero people who will interact with this post so I was reminded of that matter. I don’t mean that anyone is obligated to interact with my posts cause of my feelings or some weird shit, I have no problem with no one interacting I just like to put my thoughts out there—get ‘em off my chest y’know? Sometimes it’s like putting radio waves out into space, looking for intelligent life.
Sweet diggity dawg! I need to learn when to shut the fuck up/stop writing! I just think like this it’s a constant stream of ideas & thoughts it doesn’t stop & sometimes some of it must come out somewhere soooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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nando161mando · 1 year ago
"we're not here to celebrate the police. acab means ALL.
But it really says a lot, that the people who have rallied in the streets during some of the worst police oppression in memory, people who have literally been shot at by these same police, were suddenly cheering them on as they forced you from their rally.
Whine as you might about how oppressed you are, there's plenty of footage of you having quiet a calm conversation with your handlers the police. Always being on your best behaviour, even as tim was hit in the face with pepperspray. 😂
Another fine example of the community you've been building. You're in danger? you're on your own. 🚼 Shame youse didn't bring any milk hey? đŸ„›đŸ„đŸ€ 
Try hiding in the nearby theatre next time. đŸ‘ŸđŸŽ„đŸ˜… That was a neat trick!" #BattleofThonbury
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#antifa #antifun
#vicpol #auspol
#nsn #eam
@AFAlt161 🐋
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iamleal · 1 year ago
[(+)] @cruzazul [(+)] #UnaFotoPorJornada
No te acabes nunca #Mazatlan đŸ€ 
#Jornada 8 🆚 @mazatlanfc (2-2) 🟰
#CruzAzul #Novena #LigaMx #LigaBbvaMX #Monterrey #NuevoLeon #Mexico #Septiembre #Regio #Norteño #OrgulloDeSerDelNorte #Leal #Reels #Shorts #Spotlight #Outfit #ReyDavid #ToxicidadFuera #MalaVibraFuera #ElRecodo #UnNorteñoEnMazatlan
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alexandremacieira · 2 years ago
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Quem acabou de fechar a primeira noite de ensaios na SapucaĂ­ foi ninguĂ©m mais, ninguĂ©m menos do que a primeira escola de samba do Brasil, a vermelha e branca, @gresestacio! đŸŽ” Seu enredo, “SĂŁo JoĂŁo, SĂŁo LuĂ­s, MaranhĂŁo! Acende a Fogueira do meu Coração!”, foi criação do carnavalesco @mauro_leit e tem como embaixadora a @thaynaraog. đŸ€  @thaynaraog Ă© natural da capital do MaranhĂŁo, SĂŁo LuĂ­s, onde se dĂĄ uma das principais festas de SĂŁo JoĂŁo do Brasil. As manifestaçÔes populares relacionadas vĂŁo desde o conhecimento e repasse de lendas sobre o perĂ­odo junino atĂ© festejos como Bumba Meu Boi que, por sua vez, Ă© subdividido em “sotaques” - cada um com seus ritmos, instrumentos e vestimentas. 📌 O intĂ©rprete da obra Ă© @alessandrotigana, e a Rainha de Bateria, @nathaliahino. A Ășltima alegoria do desfile contarĂĄ com a presença da influenciadora Thaynara, jĂĄ que terĂĄ como tema o “SĂŁo JoĂŁo da Thay”, um evento beneficente que a influenciadora promove em sua cidade natal. 📾 @alexandremacieira/ Riotur . . . Who just closed the first night of rehearsals at SapucaĂ­ was none other than the first samba school in Brazil, the red and white one, @gresestacio! đŸŽ” Its plot, “SĂŁo JoĂŁo, SĂŁo LuĂ­s, MaranhĂŁo! Light the Bonfire of my Heart!”, was created by carnival designer @mauro_leit and has @thaynaraog as its ambassador. đŸ€  @thaynaraog is from the capital of MaranhĂŁo, SĂŁo LuĂ­s, where one of the main parties of SĂŁo JoĂŁo do Brasil takes place. Related popular manifestations range from the knowledge and passing on of legends about the June period to celebrations like Bumba Meu Boi which, in turn, is subdivided into “accents” - each with its rhythms, instruments and clothing. 📌 The interpreter of the work is @alessandrotigana, and the Queen of Drums, @nathaliahino. The last allegory of the parade will feature the influencer Thaynara, as it will have as its theme “SĂŁo JoĂŁo da Thay”, a charity event that the influencer promotes in her hometown. #estaciodesa #estacio #centrorj #saojoao #saoluis #festajunina #bumbameuboi #sotaques #maranhĂŁo #influenciador #riodejaneiro #carnavalrio2023 #carnaval2023 #carnaval #samba #brazilianculture Reposted from @riotur.rio (em SambĂłdromo da MarquĂȘs de SapucaĂ­) https://www.instagram.com/p/CncbRhPOcOR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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