#abuela flores
shesthespinstersimmer · 10 months
Fiesta (7)
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LUPE: Come on, Joc!
JOCELYN: Really??
LUPE: Of course! We always celebrate our birthdays together!
THALLI: Ok ven a comer - we got so much food, y'all!
ABUELA: Q, where you going with that plate?
Q: Going to see if Mercedes is hungry.
ABUELA: Good boy.
MAEVE: My head is spinning - why is everyone in your family so attractive? I haven't met that one; who are they?
MERCEDES: That one? That one's about to be my husband.
MAEVE: Go 'head, girl.
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Eddie: Ana, I'm sorry I didn’t answer your text last night. I was too focused on this amazing telenovela on Netflix. Ana: I didn’t peg you as a telenovela watcher. Buck: You didn’t peg him at all. That’s why you broke up.
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elena of avalor + text posts (pt 1)
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carp-lore · 8 months
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
Inspired by something I saw once but can't find again
Bruno: You know, if you keep your fish in such a small bowl, it's probably going to die. Bruno: If you keep eating all that candy, you'll get fat. Bruno: Hey, you have a bald spot. Alma: You know, mijo, maybe you should try to be a bit more tactful when telling people about your visions.... Bruno: Oh, a vision? I haven't had one in ages.
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locitapurplepink · 11 months
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Elena reunites with Isabel and her grandparents
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elenaomifan · 11 months
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Daily Elenaomi #25 [s1ep2, "Model Sister"]. Originally posted on /r/elenaomi before it was deleted.
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gadsgikklesen · 2 years
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diazisms · 2 months
thinking about eddie diaz and how being latino is so so integral to his being it literally colors every aspect of who he is. being mexican is so important to him. consciously in the sense that he watches telenovelas with chris to keep their spanish up and in the sense that he misses abuela’s tamales but also in the back of his mind where he’s not even thinking about it. in the way he pronounces ana flores and marisol, in the way his son is named christopher — a saint —, in the catholic school he grew up going to, in the machismo he is unlearning and unlearning and unlearning. he’s latino when he’s proud of it and when he isn’t. when being mexican means spices and laughter and big, extended families. when being latino means years worth of hurt from a dad who got a pass for being absent, from a mom who never saw him as man enough, as good enough. his name is edmundo diaz and he is a texan, mexican, latino man and it impacts absolutely everything about who he is as a character. i love him so much.
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prosperdemeter2 · 3 months
WIP Wednesday - dad, tell me your story
When Chris first arrived back in Texas, he didn't talk to his dad. It wasn't a personal thing, really, and Chris told himself that his dad wouldn't be mad at him (wouldn't even really be disappointed, which was so much worse, somehow), so he tried not to feel bad at it. Besides, maybe his dad deserved some quiet. Maybe he deserved Christopher’s anger - it had to go somewhere and if he wasn't mad at his dad, then who was he mad at? His dead mom? What kind of kid was mad at their dead mom? 
But being mad felt like stale candy about an hour into the drive to Texas, and Chris partially wanted to kindly ask Abuela and Abuelo to drive him back to California, please. And then his dad texted, quick and short. 
>> Let me know when you get there. 
And Chris had wanted to throw his phone in his face and slam the door on him all over again. 
Once, during quarantine when his dad was dating Miss-you-can-call-me-Ana-now Flores and Chris had been so mad at him for forgetting his mom that he ran away, Buck had told him that being angry was okay. That it wasn't a base emotion, whatever that meant, and one day they would have to figure out what that emotion was, but being angry for that amount of time was fine and healthy, even. Chris still didn't know what base emotion meant, but he had long since accepted that Buck didn't actually know everything, and maybe he made that up too. Just like he had made up that he was on Christopher’s side, and not his dad’s. Buck was a bit stupid, anyway, sometimes. 
And then Chris shook his head at himself. It was his dad he was mad at, not Buck, who was trying to do what he always did and fix things for the two of them. He wondered if his dad told him all of it - honesty is important, Chris. I won’t lie to you if you don't lie to me - and what Buck’s reaction was. He hoped he yelled at him. Hoped he told him how stupid and mean and narcissistic it was. 
That was what Abuela said it was, anyway. Narcissistic. 
Abuelo didn't really say anything about it. 
Chris didn't talk to his dad, but his dad still texted him every single morning, night and afternoon. Just a simple, three word message. 
>> I love you.
He wished he would give it up. Would stop saying it. Would just stop. Abuela agreed, anyway. “You need your time,” she said at the kitchen table. “I'll tell him to leave you alone for now.” 
His dad never left him alone. Chris almost told her to forget about it, that dad would never stop texting him even if he really had to, but Abuela didn't and his dad didn't stop texting and, once every few days, Buck texted too and those, Chris answered because he wasn't mad at Buck, he was mad at dad, and being mad at dad was different from wanting him dead and Buck watched his back when Chris couldn't. Buck was stupid sometimes, but dad was dumb when Chris wasn't around to keep his head on straight. 
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shesthespinstersimmer · 10 months
Fiesta (6)
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CARMEN: You good, Abuela? You sure you don't wanna sit down?
ABUELA: Tequila, then cake!
CARMEN: I heard that.
THALLI: Ok y'all! Time for cake! Lupe & Es, let's go!
ISAMAR: Feliz Cumpleanos !
VETTE: Go 'head, Es!
ESMERALDA: Ven aqui, Señora Fernanda!
LUPE: (Laughs) ¡Bien hecho!
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undertale-deal-love · 6 months
Redesigns…!/ ¡Rediseños! ✨
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¡Hola a todos!
¿Cuantos años pasaron…? ¿Uno, dos…? Ah no, fueron 4 años de dejar muerto este blog.
Bueno, no importa realmente.
Vengo con una determinación enorme de querer desahogar mis ideas de fanchilds con este Au, el cual he llamado "Undertale: Deal Love"
Las historias de Suri y de Nylon han cambiado bastante.
Así que la información que había dado sobre que Frisk era madre de ambos, queda completamente descanonizada.
Ambos son hijos de humanas diferentes y sin relación con Frisk.
Frisk es la embajadora de los Monstruos actualmente. Tía de Suri y madrina de Nylon. No esta mucho en la ciudad por su trabajo, el cual la mantiene ocupada viajando para seguir propagando la paz entre monstruos y humanos en todo el mundo.
Nylon es hijo único de Sans, vive con el y su Tio Papyrus en una casa parecida a la que tenian en el subsuelo, solo que con 3 cuartos y un poco más amplia.
Suri tambien es hija única de Asriel. Vive junto a sus padres en una linda casa con jardín. Tienen como vecina a Toriel, su abuela. Y Asgore vive un poco más en el centro de la ciudad debido a su negocio de flores.
Asgore y Toriel siguen separados pero mantienen buena relación por su hijo y su familia.
De la madre de Nylon, solo puedo decir que lo de ella y Sans no funciono, así que se mudo de ciudad.
Y de la madre de Suri, ella conocio a Asriel en la Universidad, se enamoraron, se casaron y viven como una familia feliz.
Pronto revelare más información. Y si ustedes gustan ¡Pueden hacer preguntas!
Las contestare con gusto.
Sin nada más que decir ¡Gracias por leer!
Hello everyone!
How many years have passed…? One two…? Oh no, it was 4 years of leaving this blog dead.
Well, it doesn't really matter.
I come with a huge determination to want to vent my fanchild ideas with this Au, which I have called "Undertale: Deal Love"
Suri and Nylon's stories have changed a lot.
So the information he had given about Frisk being their mother is completely decanonized.
They are both children of different humans and unrelated to Frisk.
Frisk is currently the ambassador of the Monsters. Suri's aunt and Nylon's godmother. She's not in the city much because of her job, which keeps her busy traveling to continue spreading peace between monsters and humans around the world.
Nylon is the only son of Sans, he lives with him and his Uncle Papyrus in a house similar to the one they had in the basement, only with 3 rooms and a little larger.
Suri is also Asriel's only child. He lives with his parents in a nice house with a garden. They have Toriel, their grandmother, as a neighbor. And Asgore lives a little more downtown because of his flower business.
Asgore and Toriel are still separated but maintain a good relationship for their son and family.
About Nylon's mother, I can only say that her and Sans didn't work out, so she moved to another city.
And Suri's mother, she met Asriel at the University, they fell in love, got married and live as a happy family.
I will reveal more information soon. And if you like, you can ask questions!
I will answer them with pleasure.
With nothing more to say, thank you for reading!
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For silenced: Is anyone going to try to stop Dolores?
Dolores is halted in her action. It gives her a moment to breathe and for her temper to cool, as her eyes find the source. Mirabel’s hand gripping onto her arm. Her primita is panting (as quietly as she can), clearly out of breath from chased after her on such little legs, but trying to keep calm and internally plead with Dolores.
They’ve done this before.
Staring each other down until the other gives in? That has happened a lot. It comes with being intellectual equals and awfully stubborn, the adults use to say. But more specifically, in relation to the miracle and her gift, Mirabel once caught her on her way to blow out the candle.
It couldn’t have been too long after Camilo’s ceremony, where his role of being an entertainer came to fruition and suddenly noise increased tenfold in Encanto. She had tried to do her best to deal with it. She’d adapt in time. That’s what they said, that’s what they promised her. But each minute, each hour, each day, each week, proved them to be nothing but excuses. This wasn’t something a child could bear.
And it’s not something a child should have to bear either. Most children, those who are fortunate or unfortunate enough to not be born Madrigals, have no gifts. No blessings or need for such responsibilities. Having a miracle was not a normal thing and perhaps, for the first time, Dolores was at an age where she fully understood that. Perhaps that’s why she tried to blow the candle out at the time. She doesn’t quite remember now.
The days before Mirabel’s ceremony seem like dreams. They could be real, they are real, but it doesn’t feel like it.
The adults were busy in the garden at the time, entertained by Camilo’s impressions of them. Isabela was sat in front of Abuela, who carefully braided pink flowers into her hair, and Luisa was helping her father not get his fingers caught in one of the foldable chairs.
Dolores tiptoed her way quietly through Casita, hands clasped in prayer - asking that God, in his kindness, would grant her this one blessing. Let her blow out the magical candle and lose her gift. Let her be free of this burden.
No sooner had she reached for the doorknob of Abuela’s door, had Mirabel suddenly grasped her hand. Smiling, the almost-five-year-old was giggling with excitement about having learnt the “C” scale on the piano and if Dolores would be kind enough to listen, to see if she was any good like her or Tío Agustín.
If Mirabel had appeared only a second later, she would have gotten in and been able to make things right. Hell, she would have saved her cousin all the trouble of her gift ceremony going wrong in a few weeks time. But God had decided not to let her do this. She was bitter. Every chance she had was always ruined, similarly.
And now… she has her chance.
Mirabel, for her part, doesn’t say a word, just stares imploringly.
By this point, the rest of the family have also appeared, gathered amongst the crowd of townspeople. Camilo and Isabela are still floating nearby each other, Luisa a step or so behind them. Abuela looks apologetic to the silent voices asking for her to help them. Tío Bruno looks to be mouthing “sorry” to Señora Pezmuerto and Padre Flores, which might be ironic giving their history. Antonio has been entrusted to the care of Tía Julieta and Tío Agustín, allowing her parents to once again try to reach her.
Mirabel presses her thumb gently against the pulse point in Dolores’ wrist, refocusing her attention on her. Grounding her.
Where’s your mind at, Lola?
I don’t know… Strange. I don’t like it. Everything is so silent.
It is quiet.
…For now.
I don’t think it counts when nothing has the choice to be quiet, incapable of noise.
I never got a choice. They never gave me a choice.
I know. I’m sorry.
It’s not your fault. You didn’t either.
But we have one now. Long overdue but it’s here.
I don’t.
You do. Think about your choices, you won’t gain anything this way. You admitted yourself the forced silence is uncomfortable.
I… I can’t take that risk of trusting them again.
I know it’s hard, but I will help you through it, I promise. Dolores, you can do it.
There’s a rattle through the crowd. Like an itch in the back of her brain, her ear, that needs to be scratched. They need to be silent.
Her little cousin glances around, panicked, when she starts to hear it. She looks like she’s internally praying for them to be quiet too - how wonderful that she can make that happen for the both of them!
Don’t think about them. I know they are frustrating; but don’t silence them.
No. I can’t.
Dolores, no, please—
I can’t and won’t stop. This is my gift, I will use it however I see fit. I can finally hear, now that they’ve stopped talking. I can finally hear me!
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carp-lore · 9 months
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lostoneshq · 11 days
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A família Madrigal não estava no Mundo das Histórias antes da chegada dos perdidos. Assim como Remy e Linguini, Hércules e Megara, e os regentes de Quebra-Nozes, eles chegaram "do nada" para o resto dos habitantes, mas acreditam terem estado sempre aqui. A versão deles da história após o felizes para sempre é que moravam em uma aldeia isolada no reino de Final State, que acabou não sendo afetada pela maldição de Adam, já que tinham a magia dos Madrigal para protegerem-nos. Vieram para o Reino dos Perdidos junto com Chapeuzinho Vermelho e a Bela e a Fera, e trouxeram junto a notória Casita.
Nós não falamos sobre os ladrões de poderes… 🎶
Não preciso explicar a história inteira dos Madrigal; tenho certeza que você conhece essa família, a casa mágica deles, e a vela que lhes concedeu poderes por multigerações. Também tenho certeza que você se lembra de como a casa caiu e Mirabel salvou o dia com o poder do amor… Meio entediante, né? É uma história latina, você acaba sentindo falta de um drama de novela no meio…
Então, para essa história, nós focaremos nos ladrões de poderes.
Os poderes da família Madrigal sempre despertaram inveja na vila. Claro, poderiam até dizer que os admiravam porque faziam a vila prosperar, e o sentimento até era genuíno, principalmente entre os mais velhos… mas quem entre os mais novos não se sentiria um lixo perto deles? Se até Mirabel se sentia, o que sobrava para o garoto da construção, ou a menina que vendia flores, que tinham que competir com Luísa e sua superforça e Isabela e suas flores que cresciam ao redor dela com mágica?
Os Ladrões de Poderes eram um grupo de cinco jovens gananciosos promissores que sentiam que mereciam os poderes dos Madrigal tanto — ou mais — quanto eles. Então quando a família do momento começou a ter dezenas de problemas internos, como a casa se despedaçando, Bruno Madrigal ressurgindo das cinzas, e os poderes ficando descontrolados… Os Ladrões viram a sua oportunidade. Esperaram o momento de maior fragilidade dos Madrigal e se tornaram amigos muito próximos da família. Um deles, o Romântico, fez juras de amor à Dolores; outra entregou à Mirabel sua lealdade como a Melhor Amiga que nunca a subestimaria; um se aproximou de Bruno e o ajudou a se reintegrar na cidade, sendo seu amigo e Ajudante; outra ajudava Luísa a carregar todo aquele peso metafórico dela, a Ouvinte dos seus desabafos; e uma virou a amiga Rebelde, tatuada e cheia de piercings, que Isabela precisava.
Claro que nenhuma dessas amizades ou juras de amor eram verdadeiras. Quando a casita se reestabeleceu e os Madrigal recuperaram os seus poderes, eles estavam lá para arquitetar o plano de roubarem a vela e tomarem os poderes da família para eles.
Começou com um ataque noturno.Romântico passava a noite com Dolores e Rebelde levava Isabela de volta para casa depois de irem à uma festa escondidas juntas. Eles não faziam isso porque queriam a companhia das Madrigal, e sim porque assim que elas pegaram no sono mais tarde que os outros e a casita descansou junto delas, eles foram até o quarto de Abuela e mataram-na.
Se a velha mulher era a primeira conexão dos Madrigal com seus poderes, então ela seria a primeira a ser eliminada.
No dia seguinte, a vila inteira entrou em luto pela morte de Abuela. Os Madrigal foram atrás de Bruno para que ele os explicasse como não havia previsto o ataque: poderia ter salvo Abuela! Mas Bruno não sabia. Ele estava confuso, não falava nada com nada, e não se lembrava nem do próprio nome. Envenenado por Ajudante, Bruno passava grande parte do dia inconsciente, incapaz de ter suas visões.
Assim, a primeira parte do plano fora um sucesso para os Ladrões de Poderes, no entanto, a segunda traria desafios… Abuela era a primeira conexão dos Madrigal com os poderes, mas Mirabel era a chama da vela; era ela que mantinha os Madrigal unidos e a casita prosperando. Melhor Amiga e Ouvinte teriam de aproveitar a fragilidade da família, então, e eliminá-la. As duas começaram a fazer a cabeça de Mirabel e Luísa uma contra a outra: Melhor Amiga insistia que era muito estranho que Abuela morrera na mesma noite em que tivera uma discussão com Luísa; e Ouvinte sussurrava no ouvido de Luísa como Mirabel ainda acreditava ser injustiçada por Abuela e os outros.
Talvez tivesse funcionado, as irmãs começaram a olhar torto uma para a outra, e Luísa até mesmo explodiu com Mirabel durante um dos primeiros jantares que a a família fazia sem Abuela, mas houve uma falha no plano dos Ladrões.
Romântico esquecera-se de tirar Dolores do caminho, e a Madrigal que escutava tudo constatou que havia algo errado e começou a ouvir para além das paredes da casa.
Os Ladrões de Poderes foram descobertos e isolados para sempre da cidade, mas o sentimento de que a família Madrigal estava quebrada nunca abandonou a casita. Bruno não se recuperou do envenenamento, Luísa e Mirabel nunca mais jantaram juntas, Isabela saía por noites sozinha e só voltava dias depois em um estado entorpecido, e Dolores foi incapaz de retalhar o coração quebrado.
Mirabel Madrigal (+25, -26)*
Luísa Madrigal (+25, -30)*
Isabela Madrigal (+25, -28)*
Dolores Madrigal (+25, -30)**
Camilo Madrigal (+25, -30)**
Bruno Madrigal (+45)*
Pepa Madrigal (+45)*
Félix Madrigal (+45)**
Mesmo não listados, Abuela e os pais de Mirabel podem ser aplicados também.
*permitidos apenas FCs latinos de origem hispânica, ou seja, FCs brasileiros não podem ser aplicados para personagens canon, mas para perdidos sim!
**deverá ser um FC negro, mesmo que não seja afrolatino.
Ladrão 1 (Romântico) (+25)
Ladra 2 (Melhor Amiga) (+25)
Ladrão 3 (Ajudante) (+25)
Ladra 4 (Ouvinte) (+25)
Ladra 5 (Rebelde) (+25)
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locitapurplepink · 11 months
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Taglist : @bigfrozensix , @animationfan3000 , @lieutenant-amuel , and anyone else who wants to vote.
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