#abt the way that even when you act in ways that feel cruel and ugly and hostile to people who don't know your story you can still be good
vindixta · 1 year
of all my ocs ronnie is absolutely one of the ones that i have put the most of myself into in terms of mannerisms and image, like obvs i wasn't attacked in a slasher-movie esque scenario but a lot of the ways she deals with her trauma is directly pulled from my own, the way she addresses it and recovers is my way of finding peace and closure, even if it seems toxic or unhealthy (i do not endorse unhealthy coping mechanisms by the way. do as i say not as i do.) she is very cathartic to write and think about to me idk i just love her a whole lot :)
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quidfree · 2 years
Weird question: In both Papenathy and Todobaku, who would notice first if their partner got replaced/possessed by an imposter (presumably with malicious intentions) and how?
this is sooooo fun as a q actually but i could go on abt it forever bc IT DEPENDS ON CONTEXT. so im trying to be very restrained here and just go w the overall most likely outcomes. but know that i am so into this hypothetical mwah
this took me some vacillating bc we get several canon bits where richard thinks he has everything figured out and then francis yanks the rug out from under him / turns out to have a better read on richard than richard has on him. BUT because richard is marginally less self involved i think he has to take the win here bc francis literally didn’t even notice his being shot while in the same room as him.
HOW richard would figure it out is actually the difficult bit here. bc francis can be sneaky / cruel / manipulative as setting demands so none of that would be ooc per se. i think either the ominous impostor just overdoes it personality wise (à la fanon francis lol) and is like, too flirty or too clingy or too whatever and richard gets hives, or it’s one of those minute detail things. like the impostor actually is a very studied copycat and there’s nothing overt, and every mistake just feels like normal human weirdness, but then in some intensely specific situation fake francis does something like use a shoehorn when francis always slips his shoes on with a finger to the heel, or henry goes on one of his grammatical monologues and instead of shooting richard a speaking look from across the room francis isn’t even listening and richard just gets this sudden screaming alarm bell ringing in the back of his head. his way of testing the theory is by having someone call francis and see if he lunges for the phone or not.
if this is in established couple territory itd be easier bc theyre more in tune. lots of more little things to pick up. especially the uglies theyve gotten used to working around. fake francis doesn’t cover his abused wrists enough or doesn’t steal richard’s well-worn hampden shirt for bedclothes sometimes or doesn’t press down on the well-healed bullet scar with gentle cruelty.
also if francis is the one who clocks an impostor i feel like it’d be comically fast for a really petty reason. like fake richard being too normal. or actually straight! “oh i could tell it wasn’t you right away he was entirely unattracted to me”
this is tougher on who would notice first bc they both very well could. i guess again it depends on how good the impostor is at acting like them. bc i feel like katsuki would be the underrated victor at detecting shouto acting just a fraction off, but if the impostor is really good then probably fake shouto would be harder to read and so shouto would call it on fake katsuki first.
how they figure it out depends on if the impostor is good, again. in their case i assume it’s a villain w a quirk type situation (doesn’t toga literally shapeshift) so if it’s a sloppy impression i expect they catch on within like five minutes of entering a room and waste no time in attacking the impostor as everyone else there protests in shock. afterwards when people ask how they knew so fast theyre just like… “todoroki would NEVER coordinate his shirt and his shoes that well.” or “i smiled at bakugou when i walked in and he smiled back. it was like a nightmare.” PR tries to run with a heartwarming friendship narrative despite these quotes.
if the villain is better than that, as above, the noticing is in the subtleties, and bc theyre both ptsd-laden hypervigilant professional superheroes who have been fighting together since long before they were friends i think maybe it’d be out in the field that they’d catch on. shouto stands next to a bakugou who doesn’t roll his shoulders just-so before locking into his gauntlets and immediately goes silently hyperfocused, just waiting for the next slip-up to confirm his gut feeling. katsuki watches a todoroki pull a combo move starting from the wrong side and does the same.
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t4tpumpkinduo · 2 years
okay. listen to me. to an extent, i support and agree, and i can be understanding on the base appeal and i can go so far to meet halfway and say maybe i kind of like it sometimes maybe. but to act like the fandom's treatment of everyone involved hasn't deeply soured me on it would be 👍a lie.
first off, i feel like it's the klance of the dsmp lmao. ppl more obsessed w a sharply to the left idealized version of something rather than what's actually on screen, and it's kind of almost insulting to me, because there IS so much there to be enjoyed and explored and unpacked, and yet its squandered bcs people just can't stop being fucking insane and weird abt it and that leads well into my point abt ppl being insane and weird abt cee wilbur ill get to that right now actually.
ive mentioned before that i really really despise the woobification of wilbur in the fan base and that deffo doesn't change in tntduo spaces, if anything it's worse. i feel like people are very eager to scrub away his flaws and agency to make him very palatable, more easy to defend and consume instead of accepting the complexity that their guy kinda sucks bad and that's OKAY 👍 he's deeply hurt and complicated and painfully human, and he's understandable i fucking feel for the guy i really do, but he's also. he can also be very very selfish, and very cruel, and very quick to hurt others in a pursuit to feel good about himself and only himself and it isn't. okay. and he does this a lot w quackity.
wilbur isn't nice to q. he doesn't seem to particularly respect him, not really see him as an "equal" and ESPECIALLY not originally, and while he does come around a bit more, he still puts q on a weird pedestal that q bristles at more than people like to think. and in that tntduo haze, along w that specific brand of wilbur soot apologism, people brush right past those kinda flaws and just. ugh.
one good example of this is the fanbase general consensus of "omggg look at nikis birthday party 😻 look at their romance!!" like wilbur didn't spend the latter half of that calling q worthless and only good to be looked at (something quackity explicitly goes over and over hey fellas can you please not do that to me if i don't ask for it. please.) and the schlatt's bitch isms and then pulling a long ass PURPOSEFUL powerplay where q had to practically beg him to calm down and listen and not blow up manburg, if he could please just give him a chance to talk to schlatt, and niki in the bg of her own party clamoring for wilbur to look at Her abt it please talk to Her abt it and him flatly ignoring her to fuck around w q. but yeah true love♡♡ yeah im sure q walked away from that one incredibly smitten.
or another great example, the way all of hitting on 16 tends to be treated. this interesting conflicting story that shows quackity DOES like parts of wilburs back and forths, he clearly does care abt him, he is clearly having a degree of fun, and just like before wilbur can't stop taking it too far, and people ignoring all of it for ship fodder like thats not a good chunk of the story 😭 the scene where q went "sit down wilbur." and wilbur listening being treated as some fucking weird sexual thing, like it's not quackity coldly shutting down wilbur after he spent 10 minutes calling him stupid and ugly and worthless and then making fun of his scar, q making it a POINT to shut it down and that he's Done w this conversation and then calling wilbur pathetic for it, and wilbur explicitly scrambling over himself because he knew he crossed another line. but lmao yeah true love 👍i too love when my suitors purposely go out of their way to say the most vile shit to me imaginable and then get upset when i go cut that shit out.
even the later scene w tubbo is a great example, their physical fight, it being treated as some ohh it's it SEXY when q pushes wil into a wall like the man isn't genuinely fucking furious at tubbo being put in such danger again be SERIOUS and for WHY. so wilbur can kill his horse for no fucking reason because he "messed w him" BY DOING WHATTTT 😭😭😭 imagine his plan went through and he kills ossium and q is left standing there behind the glass oh real romantic id swoon. girl i would KILL HIM ‼️
and also uhh the fact a lot of tntduors are like plain racist to q can i say that. 👍 can i say that. sorry for being upset abt it.
i have more points too, the way karlnapity or pumpkinduo will be treated in regards to it n again those two have heavy flaws 😬!! im aware!!! i am aware and acknowledge, but to flanderize and criticize both those relationships, to the point of Making Shit Up to make tntduo look better in comparison and then replicating those v critiques within that space because you think it's hot. well be serious is the thing :heart_hands:
anyways, despite my critiques i do find it enjoyable on occasion, i do think it can be so interesting and snappy and (sorry) kismises like in the sense of a rivalry w GENUINE respect and acknowledgement, that push to be better that rush to improve and also gay sex and then maybe...gay love? 😳 but for that to be possible the respect has to become more undeniable it HAS to be both ways and consistent and i feel like more often that not it just isn't the case. and the fandom stuff i have mentioned. pissed me the fuck off forever.
7.5/10 ssorry sorry sso srry don't look at me
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wof-reworked · 3 years
open invitation to talk about qinterwatcher? should've been our canon ot3 if tui wasn't a coward /hj
I used to think of Qinterwatcher as a bit of a cop-out (fandom has this weird tendency to create polyam ships not for the chemistry of the characters but just to avoid actually committing to a ship, with the added level of esp. when it's two male chars/one female char because they've heard or came to the conclusion that "ignoring female characters for mlm ships is bad" but still really ship the two men so just chuck her in there to feel better about it), but I kept thinking about it and I feel like the dynamic is incomplete without Moon???
Qinter was my first big ship in wings of fire, and I love it dearly and think it stands well on its own two feet tbh. Sometimes though I feel like Qinter works better in fanon that it does drawing strictly off canon??? Like Qibli and Winter have this sort of uncomfortable vibe sometimes of both of them hitting the other a little too close to home/both of them hurting the other person without realizing it. Moon feels like a needed middle ground of that, she sort of softens both of them in necessary ways that mean they can actually function as a unit and in return they take care of her too
Also like idk Moon deserves to get two boyfriends too !! like I talk shit abt her but like I think her and Qibli's dynamic is really sweet, and I think her and Winter, if Winter sorted out his shit, could have a really good dynamic as well. They were written to be in a love triangle, the writing for Moon/Qibli and Moon/Winter is already there. Like they hype her up so intensely and care abt her so much, they don't work with her individually but as a unit they work great.
Anyway I just think they work together so nicely !!! A little layered cake of dragons who love each other !!!! I just feel like their dynamic is two of them ganging up on the other to destroy them, either with love or with cruel mischief. I just think each combination of this ship works well and together they become one unstoppable unit. It's 3 dragons who have needed love piling it onto each other in spades because they don't want them to feel unloved ever again man ;0;
And like canonically they all admire the others so much,,,, I can't describe it any other way other than that scene in Howl's moving castle where they're in the flowers and Sophie describes herself as plain/ugly and without hesitation he's like "-But Sophie, you're beautiful," or w/e, like that specific brand of bewilderment, not trying to appease her or disagree with her but being completely taken aback that she even thinks that because it's so fundamentally wrong to him, like the reaction of someone being told gravity isn't real or the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Like Sophie being beautiful is one of the core rules of reality. That's the Qinterwatcher dynamic babey !!!! Each of them has such a strange perception of themselves that is so entirely at odds with how the others perceive them, and they're just constantly cycling out who's Howl and who's Sophie.
But they also bring each other down to earth too !! None of them are like- scared of the others, if that makes sense?? Like part of what bugs me abt Cleril is the weird power dynamics at play- Clay is scared that if he does something wrong, Peril will do something dangerous (Winterwatcher also treads this line too tbh, again they'd have to sort this out for this ship to work, including in the context of Qinterwatcher). But like- Qibli has never been afraid to tell Winter his true feelings/thoughts, and vice versa. The same goes for Moon/Qibli too for that matter, heck, that's the whole resolution of darkness of dragons is Moon going "lol are you serious, no you're not a bad person you idiot" while Qibli looks guilty. And I think Moon does call out Winter when it's needed, like she's not some innocent wilting flower, she will defend herself and Winter needs that reminder that his actions have consequences and he's not actually that cool or better than anyone else. They check each other so well, and again that's why they need the others! Qibli and Moon together are able to tell off Winter, Qibli and Winter understand Moon/her problems, and Winter/Moon both stop Qibli from spiraling into himself. A necessary balancing act !!!
I just also can't stop picturing them sharing their interests with each other too like none of these dragons are neurotypical I'm sorry you'd better believe Winter and Qibli are there with Moon in the library reading a million weird old scrolls and having a competition on who can find the funniest, or Qibli and Moon bringing Winter food for his scavengers and providing what information they know.
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
tbh... we have absolutely FAILED ppl with ea/ting disor.ders so fucking unimaginably bad, especially the visibly underweight ones. and we are still failing them to this day by avoiding valuable education out of discomfort and demonization. its genuinely appalling sometimes, to see just how Dangerously ignorant ppl are about this shit. bros listen 2 me rn. you are not a doctor, and you are Not going cure an ed with your almost laughably ignorant and malicious ‘reverse psychology’ bit where you call someone an ugly skeleton knocking on deaths door whos body needs to be banned from instagram forever, because you’re just ‘so scared theyre gonna die’ or w/e so you can legit pretend they dont exist, holy fucking Shit dude. that shame-and-shun tactic is so unbelievably dangerous. like, if you knew Anything REAL abt these disorders or frankly any mental health issues and cared enough to apply that then you would understand how thats just... pure cruelty. im sorry to be blunt but yeah this isnt a joke, it needs to be said that you are easily going to KILL SOMEONE with that kind of unfiltered uneducated IGNORANCE. it is inexcusably selfish, harmful, and ableist behavior, we have to stop this already.
imo there’s a Lot to be said about the toxicity spiral thats become the pro recovery movement and how much it rejects and speaks over the people its Supposed to support, becoming more about ‘anti symptoms’ than pro anything, but if you are gonna understand Anything new today at least learn this;;; hating yourself at unhealthy is Never ever going to be the key to loving yourself at healthy. being ashamed of yourself FOR being unhealthy, will NOT make you healthier, it’ll make you worse every time. im not tryna be mean but honestly how the actual FUCK do yalls brains work, it is SO wildly damaging to let yourself perpetuate this type of mindset, and then still claim pro recovery or w/e like recovery doesnt have to start at unhealthy??? like itll just happen overnight??? like that’ll help??? like if ppl catch you displaying symptoms of the disorder you LITERALLY HAVE, you arent allowed to talk abt it in any form without intense open negativity towards it and yourself, so ppl know ur definitely totally against it tho and not enabling urself, bc if you dont talk abt ur shame and embarrassment for it that means you arent recovering and need a mob after you??? thats how you think people are gonna get better????
ffs dont try to viciously shame yourself out of bad habits and treat your disorders like taboo, respect and love yourself wholly, the good and the bad, if you want to form better habits!!! ppl NEED to be encouraged to love themselves at unhealthy if they ever want to improve. you are not going to accidentally make them worse by not constantly shaming all their ‘flaws’, they are not MADE of ‘flaws’. by showing support for the mentally ill, you are not fucking supporting their ‘symptoms’, you are a supporting THE FUCKING PERSON EXPERIENCING THEM. and you DESPERATELY NEED TO DO THAT!! there is MORE TO THEM than their symptoms! there are things to COMPLIMENT them on besides their body! its gotten to this point that like. ppl are actually Afraid of just being nice to ppl with eds. they dont even wanna treat them like Humans outside of their disorder, all they see is a disorder. everyone is just SO afraid of ‘enabling’ them by not being vocally against their symptoms that they avoid them like the plague and dont even try to build them up, which is what they fucking need more than anything dude!! 
ppl think refusing to ever let an underweight person feel pretty or love their body where they are at is what they need and will force them to recover, or they think giving them goals like ‘you’ll be so much happier with a bigger body’ and ‘keep going one day you wont look so sick’ is at all different than their own internal dialogue, when the Truth (that people need to fucking know by now!), is that shame with mental health is incredibly dangerous, eds are diverse but theyre most often rooted in starvation as a form of self harm from an unwavering self hatred and feeling of failure or lack of control, one they already have deeply ingrained and will usually feel at Any Size, which is why so many feel unsatisfied and keep going and going till they die. the answer to this problem isnt gonna be inflicting more fucking self hate or pressure. thats gasoline on a fire. you cannot just try and. UNO REVERSE CARD THE ~RULES~ OF THEIR FUCKING MENTAL DISORDER and expect RECOVERY... oh my god dude, please, id laugh out loud if this wasnt so malicious.
listen, if you wanna help, like actually Care about Helping the way you claim the root of your attitude is, you need to make that person feel like they can love themselves, not try to make them ‘realize’ how ‘bad’ they are and how uncomfortable and scared they make you and how Not Allowed their behavior is, bc 1. body dysmorphia is a delusion,,, denial is a common association with addictive/self destructive behaviors,,,, you are going about it wrong if thats the first thing you try to accomplish, and 2. whether you like it or not ‘bad’ is gonna be your first checkpoint! who would be motivated to get better when all you’re doing is giving them an already failing grade and pushing them back??? 
you’re all just... so paralyzed by ignorant fear every time you interact with someone with an ed bc you are so fucking detached from it as a concept, but you wont LEARN how to BEHAVE AROUND THESE PPL! LIKE! and then you claim you act this way ‘because you care'. ok then why do you feel like you dont have to listen or learn??? why dont you see these tactics as needlessly cruel when its explained??? bc oh you cant ‘’’’’trust’’’’ ppl with eds to tell You how to help Them, right??? they’re probably lying, you know better than them ofc. smhhh, every other mental illness community gets to speak for themselves to the ppl without their experiences and therefore the ability to hurt them, sure, but not the sneaky ed people, they created pr.0/a.na/, (the ONLY existing space for encouraging mentally ill ppl in self destructive behaviors, obviously), so they dont know what they need, they have to be Told by Normal people bc their irrational brains are Just Too Broken. (/s)............ like.............?? it is Sooo fuckin prejudiced and disgusting tbh. we gotta do better than this. 
eds are almost completely left out of communities for mental health these days. its seriously so disappointing. if you ACTUALLY ‘care’, then ok you need to swallow your pride and do better, you need to Listen and not let your personal discomforts (genuine triggers excluded!) with their appearance or behaviors get in the way of how humanized and committed your decent treatment of their disorder is. tbr, sometimes you arent just ‘concerned’ about a person, sometimes how you go about your feelings is rooted in your inner urge to validate your own discomforts with them, which means it might end up more about you than about them, which hurts them. i mean for the love of god, these ppl are not ‘irresponsible’ for existing around others with their ~unhealthy bodies~, they are not a walking trigger and cant be treated like one, they arent contagious, they will not benefit mentally from hearing you say you think they should be physically banned from posting selfies or w/e, that isolation WONT prevent eds from ~~~spreading~~~ and will severely harm the person in question, you are not making a heroic decision to try and bully them away to ‘save’ others from ever being around them or save them from being around an “enabling” (supportive recovery/not shameful) community. you are not ‘fixing’ them by making them hate their underweight bodies. you’re LITERALLY just ignorant and prejudiced and ableist, your ideas are actually Very harmful, you are not a savior, you are making it worse, plain and simple. Please just start doing better already, its kind of a life or death situation here
#tw eating disorder ment// /#long post// /#tldr;;; hey guess what guys. you know what you should do if you think you see a body check??#compliment em. just avoid the topic of their weight/size/etc or their disorder (even to encourage them to recover. dont start there)#literally pm them and tell them you like their hair. their clothes. their voice. their personality. their art. their username. ANYTHING#that HUMANIZES THEM AS A PERSON OUTSIDE THEIR DISORDER#and BUILDS FOUNDATIONS FOR SELF LOVE!!!!!#/UNCONDITIONAL/ SELF LOVE that reminds them their value lies in MORE THAN THEIR BODY TYPE#that is so unfathomably fuckign IMPORTANTTTTT YOU GUYYYYS DONT UNDERSTAND I#literally please at the very least if u arent comfy with that just stop . Insulting. underweight bodies. that is literally.#'''enabling''' their habits. u have to be literally impossibly ignorant to think that wont make them worse. so. fuck you#if you actually 'care' abt these suffering ppl the way you claim uhhh improve your behavior after hearing all the flaws with it pointed out#puhlease#?#instead of just. sticking the r3xies in the corner and saying 'it makes me uncomfy so if i cant see it it doesnt matter'#like why tf do ppl assume so much of this is about 'attention' or rather positive attention for self destruction#and therefor ANY ATTENTION AT ALL must be bad and shunning is the right answer. like????#bro just. put in literally an ounce of effort here and give them the right KIND of attention which is easy to figure out if ur educated.#godddddddduhh#yes im sorry but the mentally ill slowly dying ppl DO require your attention actually. if ppl are in danger 'for attention' its uh.#more important that you just. dont ignore that and figure out the most nuanced responses Later actually#yall just dont want the responsibility on you if you say the wrong thing and im sorry but to an extent thats just... kinda... selfish#they need ya buddy you dont have to be bffs with every single one of em but you could just like. treat em like a person at least shruugg#all im asking is that yall educate yourselves a little better and stop this horrible shit
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papers4me · 4 years
fellow fruba friend here! What are your expectations on what each of the four main characters will achieve or gain at the end?
hi fellow furuba friend! by the main four, I suppose you mean yuki, kyo , tohru & shigure! All the traumatized characters in furuba deserve all the best & everything good given to them. They are all genuinely broken souls & I love them all. However, not everybody will actually be given everything for realistic reasons.
(1)-I’ll start with the easiest: Yuki. Yuki’s wish was stated so early in SE01, ep12 & ever since things have been moving so straight forward towards his goal: discovering his own self, finding friends who accept him w/o a mask & finding love. As Se02 is heavily focused on him, he got all that & more. it is very clear that the writer has decided that Yuki is the character that will get everything:
He opened his lid, faced akito & his fears & started laughing more.
He is shedding his mask & the prince persona.
He realized his familial feelings to tohru.
He accepts & supports tohru/kyo as couple & doesn’t feel envy/sadness.
He faced his mother calmly & decided his future. Altho he doesn’t need her any more, it is clear that he is civil with her & doesn’t blame her. She thinks of him as a tool that helps her glows & I’m sure she views his success as part of her & in the future, she’ll proudly say that’s my son if he was brought as a topic in any social gathering. My point is, given yuki’s stance to forgive the past, he won’t cut ties with her.
He completely forgiven his brother & is proud of him publicly.
He got a friend who is a mix of the two person yuki envies the most : kyo & aya. Also, kakeru is very designed to fit yuki in every way, so even if yuki never got anymore friends, kakeru is the one for life.
Altho yuki’s story could still be good without romantic love in canon as it can be hinted as sth he’ll get once he’s in college, he is getting a romantic love now with someone who doesn’t pity him nor admires him, sees the real him. Someone whom yuki can be a “tohru” to her & “support” her & be a “kyo” to her in the same way he’s been observing kyo & envying him for being the only one to see the real tohru. Yuki will be the only one to see the real machi.
What more can I say...What more can the writer give yuki.. I’ve been thinking hard... but I duno...perhaps sth to do with kyo & their views of each other.
I’ll leave number #10 open cuz I’m sure there’s more the writer will give him..but I duno regarding which character...um... shigure? The writer has been impersonating yuki so much in Se02 & giving us direct lessons thro his voice as much as I wish she tones it down as this disrupts the flow of a story, making yuki speaks on behalf of other characters whose voice has been blocked, it also doesn’t trust the viewers/readers to “learn the lesson” without directly given to them. So I’m positive 100% there will be more yuki telling us learned lessons us especially after critical moments similar to some of SE02 big eps.
(2)-Kyo: Kyo is always given one ep of inner thoughts per season. However, each ep is big & so influential for both his character development & the story’s plot as a whole. His thoughts were essentially blocked at first for mystery reasons due to his involvement with kyoko but ever since Se02, ep9 it was exposed that he knows her, it’s now blocked for building the “climax” reasons. However, the writer is skilled in writing kyo as a character that is easily read, someone who doesn’t know how to act, so you can decipher his feelings from his actions. I don’t mind him not giving inner thoughts if his actions can replace that & communicate his feelingsto the viewers  which is so well-done with kyo but badly done with tohru,(but more on tohru later). what I expect for kyo... it is hard to say!!! It depends on how the writer will solve kyoko’s damned “ I won’t forgive you” words!!! Cuz i see this as one of the most difficult plot twists & obstacles. Kyo’s issues are different from yuki. It isn’t abt self discovery, warmth, or finding friendship or love. It is abt having a right to live, guilt & believing that he isn’t harmful, kyo knows that there are few ppl who loves him but to him these few ppl are the most important ppl in the world, he doesn’t want to hurt them. His life experiences has taught him that his loved ones always end up dying in his place. he carries immense guilt & self-loath. So what to expect... i duno.. Moreover, kyo being the opposite of yuki, so I don’t think he’ll be given everything even if he, just like yuki, deserves everything good. There are things in kyo’s life that cannot be fixed.
Kyo will for sure open his lid, but it will be ugly cuz he’ll have to confess abt his mom’s suicide & him witnessing/being involved in kyoko’s death. He’ll have to tell tohru kyoko’s devastating words & her last painful moments. I duno what to expect beside pain!!!!
“forgiveness/ or lack of ” is kyo’s theme!! will tohru forgive him?? I duno! I find it hard to believe tohru-my-mom-is-my-idol” will do that unless sth changes. But It really doesn’t matter if tohru does or doesn’t, cuz kyo himself will NEVER forgive himself!! There’s comfort in being punished. ppl with genuine hearts & conscious, don’t like escaping punishment for their wrong deeds. If kyo believes truly that he’s at fault somehow, he’ll want to be punished.  
Kyo has stated that “ I won’t take anything away from you anymore” thinking abt tohru. He has given up on her cuz he believes he took her mom from her. His thought process is very realistic & his actions are very logical & matches his trauma, so I don’t know where this will lead to.. I know the writer won’t be cruel with him more than his story already is, but it is so complicated!!!! He can’t accept tohru’s love!! she shouldn’t!!
Unlike yuki’s mother, kyo’s father refuses anything regarding kyo & doesn’t even consider him human. He pushes forward for his imprisonment. I don’t see the writer giving kyo’s father the tiny redemption moment she gave yuki’s mom. Nothing will make kyo’s dad be proud of kyo as he considers kyo to be the cause of all his misfortune. Kyo’s dad is the person kyo shouldn’t & mustn't become. However, kyo got another father who truly loves him & is already proud of him. I love that the writer didn’t cut off kyo’s attachment to his bio dad simply caz he got shisho. Kyo’s dad is a huge reason of why kyo is traumatized. it is not the curse itself. it is the toxic broken home. Every toxic thought in kyo’s mind is imprinted there since early age intentionally by his dad & unintentionally by his mom. So how do I expect kyo will overcome his mom’s gohst & his dad’s demon? I duno too! T_T. ..XD.
his mom & kyoko are dead. If kyo believes he’s the reason...how he’ll ask forgiveness?? I love the theme of dealing with broken things that can’t be fixed. The writer will forever be one of my best authors if she convinced me that she can handle such tough theme.
I feel like I’m repeating I duno a lot, but yeah kyo’s story could go so many directions!!!! but I have trust that wherever it goes, it will be as satisfying as yuki’s. The writer has chosen to put kyo’s behind for epic climatic showdown, it will be thrilling, painful, dramatic & so satisfying. kyo will not be furuba’s tragic ending, the writer showed she prefers ’s optimistic & positive paths despite the trauma. Besides, kyo is tied to tohru, no way such kind soul will be crushed twice by losing her mom & her first love.
(3)-Tohru: The female protagonist with everything individual & personal abt her pushed until Se03 with the most minor foreshadowing & the most trivial symbolism. lol..She doesn’t have eps of inner thoughts abt her own issues like yuki & she doesn’t have big influential eps abt her like kyo... what did she have so I can predict: (a) the nightmare which tells us tohru is still grieving her mom’s loss & (b) the little flashbacks where it shows sth bad traumatized her when she was a baby & it involves her mom locking her? or sth. (c) tohru telling rin that she has things she can’t give up. I don’t have predictions for tohru. I have wishes. I want her to want things for herself. screw the curse, the sohma’s issues, the mom-tohru, the savior-tohru, the supporting-tohru. All that is typical tropes done many times already. Give me a unique female protag who can be kind, but is hurt by her own kindness, someone so altruistic & realizes that I can choose my self first!!! it is okay to be first for once!! Give me someone who even after showing the world I’m okay & optimistic is NOT okay & optimistic but is actually scared & lonely despite all the love surrounding her by the ppl she “saved”. a female protag pursuing her OWN happiness shrewdly but kindly in the most epic combination! This is the tohru I want. how she’ll decide to forgive kyo? I duno. I’ll cheer if she did & I’ll cheer if she didn’t. both situations suit tohru’s mindset.
(4)-Shigure:big giant I duno...lol.. I need to understand this dude first!! He’s the most intriguing. 
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monomonomagines · 5 years
hey there! if it's okay, would I be able to request a similar thing as one of your recent posts with the V3 characters being taunted abt their s/o's death except it's for the v3 girls with a fem s/o? and otherwise p much the same if that's okay?? thank you!!!! yall are great!!!!
Thanks so much for requesting this. I’m sure since you read the last one of these I did, you know I can’t go into too much detail about gore/blood but I’ll still try my hardest! I’ve been working harder to make all of these imagines better written so I hope you enjoy this and if not please feel free to tell me where I goofed so that I can fix it up. Also for anyone that isn’t familiar with the previous version I did of this request with the V3 boys you can find it here.
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Kaede dreaded those awful announcements more than anything.
Whenever another body was found so was another murderer, both being the very people she knew to be her friends.
It was too much for her most of the time but she was determined to remain positive. As long as you were with her, she had nothing to worry about.
That’s what she thought at least until she entered the Gym and realized she couldn’t pick you out from the crowd.
She felt her heart suddenly sink but before she could even confirm her suspicions Shuichi pulled her by the arm to drag her aside.
He didn’t want her to have to see the horrible state your body was left in but even as he told her of what happened she couldn’t believe it, not until she saw it with her own two eyes.
When she did see you though, with your lifeless eyes crumpled on the floor like some forgotten rag doll with the murder weapon next to you she knew.
She knew but she couldn’t accept it at all.
The whole investigation she’s trying her hardest to still help Shuichi and during the class trial, she’s staying fairly strong.
However, that all comes crashing down as soon as the murderer is cornered by the two and begins to mock you.
Kaede couldn’t believe her ears but she definitely heard them mock the way that you didn’t even see them coming, the way that you thought of them as a mere friend passing when you saw them, and how you simply fell to the floor lifeless without even knowing what happened.
Kaede had discerned with Shuichi that the cause of death was instantaneous and was a result of blunt force trauma but she still didn’t want to hear about your suffering at all.
You were always so kind and for someone to betray your trust like that was just unacceptable!
She’d push Shuichi to finish things off as tears streamed down her cheeks but she couldn’t bring herself to watch the execution at all.
She knows you wouldn’t have wanted this but she had no choice but to do this for your sake and everyone else’s. That murderer had to pay for their crimes!
Kirumi had taken a while to dedicate herself to one person but now that she had, she had never been happier.
That’s why she was prepared to investigate as soon as she heard the Body Discovery Announcement with you and your remaining friends.
However, when she opened your lab only to find you hung up like some oversized ornament with the murder weapon laying below your dangling body she was in total shock.
She still wasn’t prepared to have someone like you and she wasn’t prepared at all for you to be taken out of her life.
She was normally so calm and so composed but just like when she had fallen in love with you she had only been able to fall to her knees and begin to wail like a child.
Everyone was shocked but no one dared to disturb her, not even Kokichi.
This was such a rare explosion of emotion from the Ultimate Maid and all of them knew it wasn’t a good idea to make things worse.
That is everyone other than the murderer.
As soon as there were a few pieces of incriminating evidence used against them they immediately turned to try to rile up Kirumi, telling her about how you cried for her to save you, how even as you died you were spouting nonsense about how she’d get them even if you didn’t make it, and most of all how she failed to do either.
Unbeknownst to them though, Kirumi had no tears left to shed. She was only filled with ice-cold rage.
Her expression didn’t change but her eyes certainly glared daggers at them.
She was ready to end this and if she had to she’d do it herself.
Kirumi brought things to a swift end, putting together the pieces without even investigating herself.
She thought she’d feel relieved but even as the execution played she felt sadder than she ever had before. This wouldn’t bring you back, nothing could.
Angie was rather carefree even when it came to the Killing Games so when the Body Discovery Announcement reared it’s ugly head she barely paid it any mind.
This just meant that she’d go spend more time with you, get through another Class Trial guided by Atua, and then she could go back to the dorms to hang out with you.
She expected you to already be there as you normally were a lot quicker about these things yet something was odd.
The place of crime was your room somehow?
She merely thought it coincidence at first but when she saw everyone but you crowded around the outside of your dorm she knew something was amiss.
Before anyone could stop her, she pushed her way through, calling for you.
However, once she saw you, she realized that you weren’t going to respond anytime soon.
There you lay on your bed as though you were just sleeping, the only difference on you being some blood on your hands.
She wasn’t ready to comprehend the intricacies of your murder though.
All she could comprehend was that she was back to being the world’s loneliest girl and that you’d never return to her.
Surprisingly she wasn’t emotional at all. No, instead her normally aglow face just held a strangely foreign downcast look.
It was so unusual for Angie to not be her usual smiling self but even when it was time to begin the Trial itself she still just stood in her place with that same expression on her face.
It was all she had done during the investigation. No one had heard a word from her within the entire Trial even.
That is until the murderer had dared to mock her.
She couldn’t feel anything but sadness and anger swirling inside her despite her lack of expression.
She didn’t retort at all she knew that you probably would’ve called for her.
She knew you’d believe in her to the last minute just as much as she believed in Atua but what use was it when those beliefs weren’t granted?
She knew she had to end this so finally acting like her old self she put on a smile urging Shuichi to finish things up.
She didn’t watch the execution at all she just would wait until she could return to her room before she could wail and scream at the heavens to give you back.
Like Angie, Tenko can get carried away with her own interests.
She always cares if she loses a friend (including degenerate males even) but she doesn’t always help out the most during the investigation process.
Again not because she doesn’t care but rather because she has her priorities, priorities which happened to be you.
Because of dating you she’d be stuck to you like glue most of the time. That and you were what was always on her mind even in this awful Killing Game.
So when that blasted Announcement played itself she knew she would be needed. You were probably scared without her there to protect you.
She quickly sprinted to the Dining Hall, prepared to be a source of comfort for you in these trying times when her eyes didn’t spot you.
Huh? That’s odd. Perhaps she had just missed you?
She kept scanning all the standing students gathered around, not even bothering to look at the body until it sank in.
You weren’t here so that could only mean one thing. That body she saw sprawled out in the corner was none other than you.
Tenko always had trouble being a bit overemotional but this just made things worse.
She was equally angry and sad and she really couldn’t pick between crying over you and threatening the others even when they had to touch your body for the investigation.
She impeded the investigation more than helped it but no one wanted to blame her for that.
You two were so close, she always made sure everyone knew it too so for someone to do this was just plain cruel.
And that couldn’t have been more true.
The murderer just had to add insult to injury by mocking her about how you cried out for her, that she’d protect you because she swore to, and how you still died with the foolish hope that she would come in time.
It was too much for her and if not for Gonta holding her back they might’ve had another murder on their hands.
Tenko would push Shuichi to finish things, not being much help herself this time around.
She wouldn’t watch the execution but she wouldn’t be quite the same afterwards. Compared to Angie, she isn’t good at faking going back to her old self and wouldn’t seem like it until a good while had passed.
Then she’d decide to keep living on for you! Even if she couldn’t have protected your body, she’d protect your memory for sure!
Miu had made some basic walkie talkie like devices for you and her to keep in touch but you hadn’t been picking up.
She assumed you were just ignoring her or sleeping or some shit so at first, she was just anticipating you to send a message back.
However, more and more time passed and there was no word back.
She had begun to grow a bit worried by then so she decided to go by your dorm but even when she knocked there was no answer.
The only other option was the dining hall then! She quickly made her way over to the hall but something on the way stopped her.
Because of being in such a hurry she had tripped over something but when she looked down to see that it was a literal arm she couldn’t help but let out a shriek.
Soon all the others came running and as soon as they did that terrifying Announcement played.
At first, Miu was confused, but as she looked a little further beyond the arm she had tripped over she knew why you didn’t answer her.
She couldn’t look as they looked over your body, all she could do was dejectedly pick up your walkie talkie laying next to you.
Both of her newest favorite things were now in pieces and she didn’t even know how to react.
Throughout the investigation, she’d be rather angry impeding more than helping like Tenko.
However, that anger wouldn’t subside even in the Class Trial.
The whole time she kept both walkie talkies in hand ready to incriminate the asshole that killed her lover in a heartbeat.
In fact, she was so angry that even when the killer began to mock her she didn’t get meek like normal at all.
She didn’t care if you tried to call her with the walkie talkie or if you screamed or whatever. What she cared about was getting rid of the asshole that stole you from her!
She’d actually somehow wrap up a Class Trial herself, surprising everyone there.
But when the execution played she was more focused on fiddling with that walkie talkie. She had made it so that it wasn’t just like any old one. She could still get your chat logs if she fixed yours.
And once she did she’d just sit and listen to the sound of your voice. Now all those, “I love yous” and “Good mornings or nights” felt so long ago.
Himiko was normally woken up by you so that she didn’t have to worry about getting up herself but weirdly enough that awful Announcement woke her instead.
It wasn’t like you to just suddenly not come to wake her up so she made her way towards the crime scene in the pool rather leisurely.
She didn’t feel hurried at all until she saw something that caught her eye in the pool.
Was that you?
She couldn’t comprehend it and even though she was always so relaxed she couldn’t help but feel panicked.
How was this happening? This was really happening, right?
Himiko felt her legs give out underneath her, falling to the ground in a small heap as she looked on in horror.
She couldn’t cry or scream, all she could was look on in a terrified stupor.
By the time she felt even slightly more balanced the whole investigation had gone by.
As far as she was concerned the investigation was a total blur but as soon as the Trial began she had some newfound anger.
She was demanding answers even before Shuichi had a certain suspect pinned and even then her questioning only grew in ferocity.
She wasn’t backing down at least not until that awful murderer mocked you.
That was a whole other story. She couldn’t believe that she didn’t hear you calling for help, that you believed in her even then, and that you died with such faith in her never being realized.
She felt awful and before she knew it she was a crying screaming mess.
She wanted this to end. She needed Shuichi to finish this for her. She was too weak to do this even with her magic.
After the Trial, she’s still just a sobbing mess. Tenko would have to take her back to her room, trying to comfort her.
But she doesn’t want to come out of her room again. You’re not there so what’s the point?
She’ll be down for a good while but with her friends encouraging her she’ll try to follow Tenko’s example, living to honor the memories of you she held in her heart.
Tsumugi was used to eating breakfast with you in the morning so when you never came to the Dining Hall she immediately began to worry.
She’d run out before she even registered that her legs were moving towards your dorm.
She’d knock and knock but you wouldn’t respond and that’s when she knew something wasn’t right.
Running out to check whatever rooms she knew were nearby, she never expected to find you by the top of the stairs on the second floor.
Who could’ve done this!? She was overwhelmed by the sudden sight that all she could do was fall to her knees as a few tears began to trickle down.
She had to call for the rest of your friends, she knew she did but she didn’t want to acknowledge that this was really happening.
Even though her voice felt like it barely came out she was able to yell loud enough for a few others to come, signaling that terrible Announcement.
She was far too shaken up for the investigation and she wasn’t any better in the trial.
That’s why when the murderer began to mock her everyone was sure it was going to break her. 
Instead, though, she looked very angry.
She didn’t ask to hear about how you screamed for help or how the life left your eyes. She only cared about delivering the final blow to this scumbag.
Even after the Trial is over though she can’t look anyone in the eye. She just feels so lost without you that she ends up being rather distant.
She’ll make a lot more cosplays to try to cope but she just ends up making all of your favorite characters even when you can’t wear their outfits.
Maki was used to losing people that she cared for.
That’s why she expected something like this to happen. She just didn’t know it’d happen so soon.
It was only last night when the two of you spoke. She had warned you to be careful, to not get yourself killed and you promised that you wouldn’t.
She didn’t know why but the fact that promise was broken only made that ache her heart worse.
She didn’t express anything even when the Announcement played after everyone showed up to the Gym.
She could tell what was going on. You were the only one not here so it had to be you laying in a puddle of your own blood there.
You were such an idiot. You promised her and now here you were.
As much as she wanted to avenge you, she knew she couldn’t kill to get back at your killer. She needed to do this right and that’s why she’s stepping up for the investigation.
She knew everything there was about murder obviously and she was going to use it to her advantage.
It was this very knowledge that helped incriminate the brute that killed you but they didn’t want to give up hurting others apparently.
Maki wasn’t too fazed when the killer mocked her but when they talked about how you cried out for her, an assassin of all people she was beyond mad.
How dare they talk about you like that!
She makes sure there’s a swift finish to that trial and she watches that execution with cold eyes.
She wasn’t happy to see another classmate of hers die but she was more concerned about one thing.
How could they look so scared to die? How scared were you with her not there to save you?
It all just left a bad taste in her mouth. It was worse than failing a mission. She had allowed herself to get close to someone and for what?
She was all alone in the world again.
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treppenwitzzarc · 4 years
5, 7, 9
5. what is the most difficult thing about writing your current muse?
i'm going w ishtar bc. i want to. and i'd say it's?? her creepiness / the curse. like. she is loveable but not really loved. she is mean but not evil. she's ruthless but not necessarily cruel. and i lowkey have a hard time finding the balance. like. she's not the worst, but she acts in a way that is so very easy to interpret as Bad, and that's why people are so easily convinced she is cursed and evil. 
so when writing her, i don't want people to immediately decide their muse is going to be friends with her (unless we like. plotted it out or talked abt it ooc), because that's not the case, most are either scared of her or, yknow, wary or suspicious of her. and ishtar doesn't really have friends. but at the same time, it's hard to write her that way because. if people see her like that, it's because they immediately assume she's not. a full person. she's some. abstract evil birthed to kill & destroy. and i Cannot write her like that bc she is a person, and while she has maaaaany flaws, she's still worthy of being loved. so yea. thats the biggest challenge w her.
7. who was the very first muse you ever wrote?
so i started rp in french and we basically only play ocs, but !! my first real tumblr muse was bela talbot, from supernatural. i love her sm and i still write her rn, even if i'm. not as invested as i used to be.
9. do you write fanfiction, or have you in the past?
avshs ok so. i do write fanfiction sometimes. its like. smol one-shots when i have Too Many feelings about a scene or a show. i'm. never sharing it with anyone bc its really ugly and i only use fanfic as a way to purge all the random emotions i have. but yea. i also wrote hp fanfiction in french when i was in highschool. im not proud bc it was. very bad.  
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Wow Dany stans really can’t step back for two seconds to realize the lessons GRRM wanted them to learn from supporting a tyrant all these years & honestly this is what scares me about society & people in general...
Context matters. But it does not justify her actions. And sure there’s a lot of other characters who have done shitty things & have their own reasons. But their actions aren’t justified either.
The main difference is that the Starks have a code. They follow this code (for the most part) in killing people, and believe in a justice that isn’t just their own. And if they act outside this, they don’t try to pass it off as some new revolutionary way of thinking that is somehow just because they want it to be. Dany instead believes in herself. If she thinks something is just, it is. She creates her own justice and doesn’t own up to what’s wrong. And that’s not okay.
She may have done a better job of this early on, but more and more throughout the series she’s gone away from following advice, adhering to moral standards, and trying to appease others. She more and more does what she wants when she wants to. She adopts this sense of entitlement & fire and blood mantra where everything she does is okay bc she is BORN to rule on the Iron Throne. And that’s just a completely misled and wrong way of thinking that I don’t think anyone on the show has truly shared besides Viserys, Khal Drogo (and maybe other khals) & Aerys. Like Varys said when you start believing in your own destiny that’s super dangerous. She buys into herself as a savior & that clouds her judgment. It’s not that Dany was never moral or never understood this. It’s that she CHOSE to go down the path of creating and believing in her own justice. And that is a dark path that leads to tyranny. There are consequences for that.
But make no mistake, she always had the makings of a tyrant. She was always leading up to this. She could have made different choices and gone down a lighter path & maybe because of all her life experience and trauma that was too hard for her. But that still doesn’t justify choosing the dark path. It gives us empathy but it doesn’t make it okay. That is super important to understand. She committed genocide. Flat out. On purpose when she didn’t need to. And you know what? she thought about doing it like 3x. Before she ever did.
I know this is gonna lead to BUT WHAT ABT SANSA WHEN SHE DID THE THING— or when the Starks did this—
Yeah Sansa feeding Ramsey to his hounds alive. Pretty cruel. Context makes sense. Is it morally justifiable? No. The penalty for treason is death. But it shouldn’t have been like that. It was wrong. It felt right but it wasn’t. Why was there no consequence? Well Jon knew what she’d been through and it was a war-time transition. Still not justified. This darkness she displayed though was brought up, I think, in her talk of giving away the ancestral homes of the traitorous families. To which Jon showed mercy and contradicted her, bringing back a sense of morality and code — something she later acknowledged was good.
Sansa holding a trial for Littlefinger in front of the entire court and having Arya execute him as an extension of herself? well that’s different than most of what Dany did. He got a trial. Bran KNEW what he did exactly. And the penalty for treason & murder is death. He betrayed her and her father and her mother. He murdered Aunt Lysa.
Ned executing a deserter from the Night’s Watch was hard for him. It was also just. Deserters are killed.
Jon killing the men who betrayed him. They literally held a coup and killed the lord commander of the Nights Watch. Also different. He literally came back to life and is the best witness ever. So like we didn’t see a trial... but do we need one? We KNOW. They all KNOW. They might’ve even had one. He’s Lord Commander and he passed the sentence himself. The punishment for their crimes Is death. That’s just according to their code. But He also killed a boy. Which obviously in our time wouldn’t be okay at all. It haunts him. We see that. He’s devastated that he’s had to do that.
Dany is also haunted when her dragon kills a little girl. She remembers the name and fears what her dragons can do. She even locks them up for a time... onLy to let them out again and embrace what they are. In the books she even forget the girls name signifying it’s no longer important to her. That’s similar to the sentiment she offers Sansa “what do dragons eat anyway — whatever they want.” That’s freaking forbidding af. When the dragons fly overhead, Dany literally smirks like a proud mom when people scream and scramble in fear of them.
Jon has literally admitted he never liked killing - he doesn’t like what he’s good at.
Also pls don’t bring up war to compare the terrible deeds Jon has done versus Dany. Yeah Jon killed people in an army to take back Winterfell. That’s battle and it’s different. He also tried to fight Ramsey one on one to spare bloodshed.
Jon killed wildlings. He killed Qhorin Halfhand. He did that to infiltrate the wildlings and for the betterment of the Night’s Watch and the entire realm. He also didn’t kill Ygritte (bc he didn’t see how she was guilty/evil) which got his brothers killed, and he wanted to kill Crastor (a perpetual incestual rapist and abuser) which would have also gotten his brothers killed. He made decisions based on his code - guarding the realms of men and stuff.
Arya’s list of revenge kills isn’t just either. It feels that way but it’s also just her creating her own justice instead of letting the code and laws do that for her. It feels good in the moment, but as she learns from the Hound it actually turns you into an ugly person with an ugly and doomed life. We aren’t met to watch Aryas journey and conclude that her revenge is okay. Similarly to Daenerys arc, we are meant to realize oh we’ve been rooting for something unfulfilling for her & she could live a much more healthy and normal life if she would turn away from this behavior. We can understand her actions because of context and even root for them at times, but it doesn’t justify them morally. Killing without a trial is still killing even if they’re a killer. Feeding someone’s sons to him is still so fucking cruel. Most importantly though she doesn’t justify her actions. She is okay with committing them, for sure, but she doesn’t try to tell others that she was right. She doesn’t try to pass off her cruelty for mercy or for justice.
Dany’s problem is she justifies her immoral choices as JUST. She tries to pass them off as right. Where some other characters (the more honorable and noble ones) would admit their wrongdoings.
But it’s pretty baffling how much y’all can’t just admit you were wrong to support her... the entire lesson you were supposed to learn is this is how tyrants rise to power. Slowly, deliberately, by doing things that seem good at the time. She sucked me in too & I believed in her until I rewatched the series 5x and saw her for what she is. I truly believe if you didn’t see it coming you’re either delusional or a casual watcher. I don’t actually know how you could be paying attention really well and be shocked. It’s very obvious she was going to go mad. It’s very obvious she was going to choose violence. It’s very obvious she was going to adopt the “fire and blood” motto. Like rewatching a couple times it hits you straight in the face.
This season was incredibly obvious as well and gave a lot of insight into her mind and descent to madness - everything was rushed this season and yet we spent so much time with her. Get the fuck over it and pay more attention next time. Because you have to vote and shit for real so you should be scared.
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amoonmermaid · 7 years
Girls night w/ DY || bC WhY nOt
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this came up while i was putting a sheet mask on????
idk i’m weird
lEt’S geT tHis SHit DoNe
so basically you had no girl friends, since all your friends were nct OBVS  since y’all were fetus y’know you all grew up together and shit like that
like Rosé was the only one she makes me so g a y
but smtms she’s like a dude 
so she was like your girl/boy friend
she’s so cute
oNE day, you were on your first class of the day, and she just did poof and you were like ???? where’s ma dud????
and she texted you like 10 mins after you noticed she did poof lol
“i got sick srry ma gurl”
“sick girls night???”
“nah, i don’t want you to get sick”
she’s so pure oml
aNd you were like aWWwW ilysm
but then wAiT what am i suposed to do tonight??? :((
and then you remembered you have like a bunch of lame boys locked in your basement
how come i forgot them :’))
like lit you had lunch w/ them????
what’s wrong with you my dude????
so you texted them
u: “HeLLooOooOO my beautiful dorks”
u: “girls night???”
ww: “nah”
ty: “no thx”
yt: “winwin said no, so no”
jh, jn, ti, tn, hc, mk: “naaaah”
dy: “sure, i’m bored af”
u: “:DDDD”
and then you texted doyoungie pv to tell him the details
nd he was like k i’ll get the snacks
he was pretty chill lol
even tho he had like a hUge crush on you OBVS
but u r dumb so u didn’t notice lmao
soOoO like at 8pm your door went kNockkKnOCk
nd ofc it was my lil bunny :’B nd he looked so cute in sweatpants and an oversized sweater and a beanie and like ugh
he’s soo cute ok????
when he entered your apartment he got the comfy and welcoming feeling everyone always had when they visited you
and he saw like the little fort you made with your blankets and stuff
“got something else planed rather than watching stupid romantic movies and eating until dawn?”
and he was confused?? and kinda pissed?? bc he thought you wanted to get his nails done and stuff like that lmao
AnD ofc you saw his expression and went “my smol lil bean, i’m not that cruel, i would never waste my nail polish on u”
“wow meanie”
after getting all comfy and getting all your face masks and like beauty products, dy started to look for a movie on netfleeex
and he looked so focused searching the movie you wanted to watch
like his brows were almost touching eachother  and his cheeks were puffed out
you were like wOw
“cute” you murmured under your breath
“hm? did you said smth?” he looked at you with the remote still on his hand and a confused look yet again
“dumb, i already saved it on my list” you took the control from his hand and moved away from him to hide the barely visible blush on your cheeks
now he was looking at you w heart eyes
like the way you always got away from anything that got you all flustered, he just found it really amusing and cute
and ofc he noticed you had smth for him
but he didn’t said anything bc he thought he would ruin it
but whatevs
when the movie started you were like “c’mere dumbface”
“what for?”
“face mask?”
so he moved closer to you, cross legged in front of eachother 
he was like :[ while you were looking for the right cream for his beautiful face
nd when you found it you went aHA! and immediately oppened the little that thing and pulled the hair tie from your wrist to remove the hair from his face
when his hair was out of sight almost lol you started rubbing the cream all over his face 
squishing his cheek in the process and making weird expresions in front of him bc he was being extrmly quiet like wth my boi
he couldn’t contain the bubbly laughter 
you were acting all dumb
just for him
and both of you were laughing and then doyoung was making weird faces with you
like let’s be dumb together
“okokokok let me finish with your ugly face then we can continue with this dumb session”
“k weirdo”
and then it was silent again
small grins on eachother’s face
and doyoung was looking directly into your eyes
like so intensely but with such softness
and when you noticed you stopped and looked at him all confused
“what’s wrong?”
he didn’t said a thing, he just cupped your face in his hand and kissed your forehead
he let his lips linger there for a while before pulling away
and you were so kjfdkjncsdjlabkjvsjdjs whATSGOINGONOMG
and he was looking at you with the biggest grin he’d ever shown
like i kissed you whatcha gonna do abt it
/blushing mess
you pushed him away and pulled your hoodie up, pulling it under your chin so now your face was out of sight and your burning cheeks were safely covered
giggles filled your ears and just when you were about to run away and take a flight to russia, a pair of long arms wrapped around your waist and suddenly you were pressed against his chest
the fresh aroma of his cologne filled your lungs while his chest vibrated with shy laughter
“i’m sorry, i won’t do it again”
you were so ready to cry bc iT WAS SO SOFT OML
when he let you go he was like k you can continue w your work, make me look handsome pls
you lit punched his face 
not a real punch
but his cheek was kinda red
and he was so??????? what tHE FUCK????
“i hate you”
he went all :(((
“kiss me again, but do it properly”
once again he was cupping your face, caressing your cheekbones with his thumbs and looking into your eyes with the same softness as before
he kissed you with such tenderness and delicacy, his lips tasted like a mix of coffee and mint
the kiss was just perfect, it wasn’t intense, it was just perfect, slow and sweet
when y’all pulled away fInaLLY you turned into a giggling mess
he moved his hands down to your waist and pulled you even closer, nuzzling his nose in your hair with the soFTES smile ever
you were squished against his chest again, taking in his scent 
“you are mine now”
“i’m fine with it”
after that, random movies played on the tv but none of you were paying attention to it
y’all were busy cuddling and being mushy against the sofa, with a blanket spread over your legs and some pillows surrounding you
and that how y’all ended up snuggled next to eachother and dead-asleep
and the next morning Rosé came into your ap and was like “wASsUP Ma GuRl” all noisy and shit
nd when she saw like the trail of cheeto’s and m&m’s all the way to the living room she was like hMmmM
so she followed it and she saw dy and you cuddled together on the floor and she was like i called it ofc
and she took tons of photos and send the to the rest of nct
before she left she wrote a note on a post it and sticked it on doyoung’s forehead
“u r d e a d if u hurt her CAPISCE ?”
a few hours later you both woke up and were all lost and dy saw the post it and went all :((( bc he would never hurt you :(((
but after burning the note or idk?? just throw it away?? he brought you closer to his chest and stayed like that for like a min or two before pulling away and pamper your face w kisses aww :’)
omg that’s kinda long lmao
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noquirk-a · 7 years
ok anyway as i mentioned ... heres me talkin about deck’s relationships with other muses/charas bc im one big dickhead who never shuts up XD
   i’ll ... talk abt the most obvious one first. katsuki. specifically turtle’s katsuki bc i believe his is what i’ve talked with the most. it’s clear and obvious that deck despises him to the point he has a death wish against him, and most likely an EXTREMELY unhealthy obsession with him. but like, the obsession to do anything to put him down ... not even put him down like ‘ kill him ‘ but. at least crush his dreams. if anything, deck would rather cut off his hands or make him lose his quirk entirely just so he could feel what was it like to be it’s shoes. he wants ... to be above him. he wants him to experience karma and feel what he’s done to him. that’s a pretty common trope, i know, but considering what he’s ... done to him that’s all he actually wants. be it in a verse that he’s the hero or the villain, he doesn’t care. he’s going to find a way to fuck him up so bad that’ll have him end up underneath his foot as he crushes his hands with his foot, grinning like the damn cheshire cat, laughing softly as he goes ‘ who’s powerless now, kacchan? ‘
    even if ... katsuki would like. want deck to go back to heroism bc it feels so fucking wrong to have someone so determined to become a hero suddenly change his point of view. deck was literally one who would NEVER give up on his dreams and then suddenly he just. fell down. would he come to his senses and realize this? nah. if anything, he belives that he’s in the right mindset of having a perspective that it was society that was wrong. ( and ok, not being biased but somehow it is wrong 4 them to discriminate the quirkless like that. ) or maybe it’s just his pettiness not wanting to be in a side where he is right now. he’s no longer going to tolerate all the bullshit he’s thrown onto him, even if he asks penitence for that.
   another one is all might or toshinori. this is honestly where he ( all might ) has the biggest disadvantage and will realize he’s done the most foolish mistake. that being both underestimating deku and telling him the wrong mindset at first, AND telling him his weakness. deck, entering the league and getting in touch with afo, would definitely ask for like ... a stronger noumo similar to shi/garaki’s and fight him himself. i mean, not his bare hands ofc, but like through manipulating the noumo. the thing is he KNOWS his ultimate weakness and would often approach that. and at his exact downfall he’d be the one smiling, asking him if he remembers him, and like.. the ‘ i told you so ‘ or w/e attitude that shows that he was wrong on telling him that he couldn’t be a hero. he was strong as a villain ... so what more of him becoming an actual hero? he completely wasted it and crushed that dream of his. his confidence / hope is a deck of cards and his words are but a mere blow and he just. wants him to feel that that was one of his biggest mistakes tbh.
    herE’S ONE THAT IM SOOOOOOOOOOOO in love with bc it gives him a speck of humanity / little hope .. uraraka. there’s a seperate post for her find it in the tags but she... she’s literally the only star in deck’s empty night sky. almost. kind of. she’s supposed to be a hero and she IS a hero but the difference is she saw him as an equal at first and that’s something .. deck’s really thankful for. it’s plotted that she does a lot just to make him turn back / ‘ SAVE ‘ him to the point she could like .. die and still hope for him. that literally just puts him in a plethora of twist and turn of emotions bc like .. it’s. so. so fucking foreign to him, everything she’s doing. i can put this in a longer post but im JKSLFMSKJLFSKJFLM to him, she’s his hero for making him realize this. he may not give in that quickly or w/e, but she makes him realize something.
   then there’s ... deku. like, canon deku, not deck, bc like tbh i always llive for crossover universes / canon meeting au. it’s fascinating to me. anyway deck sees himself as like ... the BETTER version 4 some reason bc he sees it that he’s not ‘’blind’’ to society’s truth. he sees deku as someone who just ... gave in to that lie.i mean even in his verse where he DOES achieve all might’s quirk he realizes soon enough that this was all wrong ... why couldn’t he become a hero without a quirk? he sees him as like .. literally believing and accepting the fact that you should have a quirk before becoming a hero and tbh? he hates him for that, and envies him so much at the same time bc as most people say, ignorance is bliss, and he wishes he could’ve went through the same thing and be ignorant, too. but nah. he had to be the one ( or at least in his pov ) with ‘’eyes open’’ to how cruel / ugly society is. 
   ok then ... tooru aka @/vanishedstar. call it a coping thing or w/e but he projects himself to tooru bc they have similar background stories, difference is tooru was BORN with a quirk but taken from him and he’s full of love, whilst deck was born without and is just ... full of anger and wrath. he, like most people, sees him as nothing else but a stepping stone. bc like he can’t accomplish EVERYTHING alone, like alone in the literal sense so ofc he gets people as ‘ puppeteers ‘ them to follow his plan just so he could achieve his goal. since he’s already quirkless like him he trains him and teaches him how to fight physically and tells him w/e he knows. basically he molds him into someone like him, but like, the weaker version, bc he doesn’t want someone to outsmart him or run higher than him. think like ... a little student. or a little brother that he teaches idk XDD he’s always another proof / verification to his belief that people look on quirks, not the actual person. the fact that most ppl left him after he’s gone quirkless just seconds it tbh.
    ahmya. ... aka @/eyepsyche. this relationship is INCREDIBLY toxic and pure stockholm not going to lie. her quirk is EXTREMELY useful to him bc she can gather a lot of info and see a lot of things abt a person, and though deck can do that himself, she can gather so much more info for him and that just adds up to his knowledge. useful, right? she’s reluctant sometimes or at least at first, but deck REFUSES to let her go. and it’s not because he ... loves her or anything. he does’t have any feelings for her he just finds her very, very useful. think like an expensive knife or w/e that you’re not willing to lose. that expensive tech pen you keep in your case that other ppl might not see as much. ahmya, prior to meeting deck, was just a regular girl w/ no ‘purpose’ and deck gives her that .... the purpose being a huge stepping stone so he can accomplish what he must ^_^ SMSLGLS it’s incredibly disgusting of him tbh but he’s that desperate to finish what he wants to anyway and he has little to no care about others so what gives, right? he treats her like a pet, gives her constant validation that’s fake just so she could depend on him and all that. it’s pure ... nasty.but that honestly just shows his true nature of being a manipulative, toxic, selfish bastard.
   then there’s nooni aka @/creepquirk! much like ahmya and tooru, deck first saw nooni as the same thing : a pawn. a stepping stone. a little doll in his play that’ll help him reach what he wants. but there was just something about nooni that just ... opened somthing in him tbh. bc nooni was like, similar to deck in some ways, wanting to be a hero but society pushing you away. he stripped her off of that dream while she could still live it and dragged her to his own hell. but the thing was, somehow in the league, nooni ... still had that bit of hope of becoming a hero despite everything and tbh?? tbh?????????????? deck .. adores that. ofc he doesn’t show it on the outside bc hes a XDD tsundere bitch. no im kidding deck isn’t one to like be vulnerable or w/e but nooni was just so different to him bc she handles everything way better than him and this and that that just made him care deeply about her...n honestly? he regrets pulling/dragging her down and sometimes wish she couldve lived her dream instead and become that part he wish he could’ve become, but he finds himself unable to turn back despite being knee deep into everything while she still has a chance. tbh i cant put it all into words bc not even deck could, he’s that much of a mess that sometimes i can’t even decipher him bc he’s a complex chara tbh, but basically he just sees her as some kind of inspiration.
   then theres XDD villain todo who’s dead but idc i love their relationship. tbh they’re your typical little shits in love but like it’s not shown. todo and deck are similar in the way that they’re both wanting to get revenge on a particular someone ( his dad and for him katsu/all might ) so he can.. emphasize with him on that. maybe sometimes he even uses him bc lbr, todo is EXTREMELY powerful and clever for his age, but ofc that’s a hassle bc like i said, he’s intelligent, but not enough to the point he has to look down on deck due to being quirkless. he does at first but realizes he’s an excellent strageist so XDDDDDDDDD ok but anyway 2 the gay stuff bc todo is the most confusing person 2 deck ... he acts so kind to him and w/ the aforementioned 2 ura’s, kindness is so fucking foreign to him. maybe not his mom’s, but towards others he ... doesnt know how to handle it???????????????? and sometimes its just so soft and comforting that when it’s given to him he cant help but be addicted??????????????? is it love?? maybe?? maybe not????? love or is this just me desperately wanting affection from someone else?????????????????????? hm! who knwos ^_^ their rs is complicataed n? same.
    ok ( wheeze ) last one ... is mo. mortimer...morty.........or @/noricks........ maybe it’s bc they belong in different universes but like what rick wrote deck just ... sees himself as him. like they’re almost so painfully similar in terms of EVERYTHING except for some few parts. YA their backstories are different but it just ... leads them to the person who ends up sitting on the throne and acting like a god bc ‘’’ God was cruel to them ‘’’ . i went 2 recollection once and the speaker once said if you hate someone, it’s probably bc they remind you of yourself n i think? that just explains why he’ so aggressive towards him sometimes JSMGJS TMHSIMGHSLGKMSKLGM he . hates himself actually. deck i mean. he doesn’t .. he isn’t outwardly proud of what he’s become n bc mo reminds him of THAT it just irks him tbh. but at the same time he respects him bc???????????????? seriously who accomplishes all of this at the age of 14. he’s one of the or maybe the only person he actually respects other than all of the ppl he actually knows now. 
   i might edit this i jus wanna eat Fuck.
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
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sorry 4 long post ahead ;________; i am a mushy blob rn
hi !! here i am , idk what i’m doing?? but! what i do know is that i want to appreciate so many people on here that i’ve met for the past 4 months i have been active on this tumblr~ 
i wasn’t expecting to meet so many lovely n kind n sweet individuals but i am so so so grateful i did. thru got7, i was able to come back to writing which i have put out there on this account and have received so many positive feedback and support for already and to that thank you !! i still have so much to improve on, but my heart is filled with joy knowing other people are going with me on this journey ^^
thru got7, and this might sound v v cheesy but !! i was able to become more positive within myself. talking to amazing human beans on here, sharing the love we all have for got7 made me think more on the bright side of life and therefore act accordingly. i will be eternally grateful for this influence in my life.
with that being said !! here are some people who i’ve had amazing encounters with and hopefully will continue to make more memories with each other. they deserve all the love they receive on this site - and more!
@artistia ; ana, u’ve been nothing but sweet in our convos & i’m so glad you approached me first. may our talks continue to lighten up our days in the long run. @cchoiyoungjae ; tae, i’m so thankful u’ve accepted my (not-so) discreet invitations of talking thru ur asks! heh, thank you for putting up with my anxious ass n ofc trusting me with ur stories, may we continue to learn more from each other’s experiences in life. @nctsjeffery ; kay, you’ve always been such a sweetheart, bb. i appreciate ur kindness and ur beauty n continue being ur gorgeous self! i love u. @dsouls ; ate pia, thank u for trusting me that i can support u with life stuff, pls remember i’m always here for times when u need to release them feelings, ok? ^^ @arimity ; nyx! the short talks we’ve had have been so cute n adorable. stay that way, alright!! @noirahgase ; sky, i miss u !:( i hope u are doing well n i’m still thinking abt u. i have yet to finish two worlds bec my heart couldn’t take the last three episodes ToT @x2jae ; aubry, i love u!! i’m so so happy i met you on here, ur writing is amazing n ur whole person is too - i’m so excited for the adventures awaiting u in the near future!! @redgyeomie ; katy, u’re the most genuine person ever!! i’m glad for our purposeful conversations n i wouldn’t trade meeting u on here for anyth.  @ilysmbam ; jem, how GLAD i am for initiating a convo with u !!! i feel so happy getting to know u better now & u just keeping shining n glowing in my eyes. i love u n i can’t wait for u to own university!! @cuddly2jae ; jane, i know we haven’t talked a lot yet, but i am certain that will change overtime n i’m so excited for ur future as well!! remember i’m your ate n if anyone messes with u, they go thru me first, ha?  @yougjae ; cherry, ik we’ve only talked thru asks or whatnot, but i am still very appreciative of ur existence n am glad we are existing together here. i love u n if u ever ever need anyth at all, i’m a message away ^^ @2jaekisses ; maram!! ah, i love u n thank u for being sososo kind to me from the start with everything, as in everything!! ur kindness shines thru on this site n i’m blessed to have known you here.
to the networks who have accepted me, a massive thank u ;(((( without u, i wouldn’t have grown out of my shell on here and interact with anyone at all! @choiyoungjaenet ; @got7hyungnet ; @got7maknaelinenet ; @kreativewritersnet ; @got7snet
special mention to my irls @dead-meme-walking thx for tolerating the kpop on ur dash tavio heh n @reblogsalot my gf who wanted to be included here even tho she only goes on tumblr thirty minutes a day at school - when she’s lucky sdjhd love you.
ALSO!! to my cute kitty anon !!! i love u n pls believe me ur messages have always brightened up my days, always wishing u the best in life.
and to my mutuals, thank u!! for following a dork like me. i love seeing everyone on my dash and i try my hardest to interact with so many of you lovely human beans on here. keep smiling, my dears, keep saving this world from its cruel nature. 
✦ - loving u from afar, ilu always take care we don’t talk much but. i luv u. 💌 - messaged here n there along the way. luv u n keep spreading ur positivity.
@jbssi ✦  / @saltygot7 💌 / @ifyoudomv ✦  / @high-on-food 💌 / @softyugie ✦ / @jjbroject ✦ / @cyjsgirl ✦ / @peachjy ✦ / @melaninbam ✦ / @iloveujaebum ✦ / @gotday6 💌 / @teenymark ✦ / @arsjae ✦ / @yugy ✦ / @suqarjae 💌 / @softpinkyugyeom  💌 / @iloveyugy 💌  / @flight-logs ✦ / @ulttuan 💌 / @mumbleybummie 💌 / @cypherwang 💌  / @youngjace   ✦ / @vibetechs  💌 / @jinyoungslover 💌 / @jajajaebum 💌  / @blessjinyoung 💌 / @jackson-wang-tbh ✦ / @youngjaeded ✦ / @choiyoungjae 💌 / @ult2jae 💌 / @mintyugbam 💌 / @cyjyaa ✦ / @okjb  ✦ / @jelllybum ✦ / @sugarplumjae ✦ / @43hy ✦ / @chambaeq 💌  / @otteryj ✦  / @gyeomiekim ✦ / @byepink ✦ / @markeu-poo 💌 / @pbandj-hope ✦ / @markiepoohismysunshine ✦ / @rudeboywonho ✦ / @sugarplumjae ✦ / @guksuu ✦ / @ultcyjs ✦ / @smiley-jaebum ✦ / @royalkpop ✦ / @poeticyoungjae 💌  / @awkwardlyjin ✦ / @markiepoostudies ✦ / @doublebammie 💌 / @denimin ✦ / @monbeboo ✦ / @wang-thighs ✦ / @suburbiataehyung ✦ / @lightsunshine ✦ / @333olive333 ✦ / @hypetae ✦ / @uncooliscool ✦ / @got7ie ✦ / @banuan2kin ✦ / @lovelykth ✦ / @uhyn ✦ / @626mark ✦ / @gotchicken  ✦ heh
non mutuals therefore i am 2 shy 2 tag ;;;; but check em out they’re super hella rad so !!!
jinyoungslegs / bamsbutt / got7doubleb / smallchoi / pinkhoodiemark / artist-aroha / shouldveheldon /  binsblush / softjikookie / imjaebeomtrash / heybinnie / starrycranes / 1996yj / sanhapup / asterocky / binsmoon / m-yien / jingogi / taetaetuan / park9495 / markificent / the-princejinyoung / marksseunie / ungiis / bamslegs / kihyunswife / w-onpil / imeightout / jaebumsyoungjae / ethereal-youngjae / its-youngk / youngk93 / mkcyj / bamethyst / blackpink / officialjjproject / ukihyunnie / memento-moree / jjverse2 / jaechicken / kissbbom / parkjinyoungology / tuanpumpkins / mochimork / huggableyoungjae / leaderbum / jypnior
‘til the next one ^^ ~
i did the ‘cover’ thing myself n i’m so sorry if it’s uglie my hand was shaking i haven’t practiced my lettering in a while ;;; AND THE BIRDS....LET’S NOT TALK ABT THT.
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