#abt himi me
himi-wiz · 1 year
Chuuya for bingo! <3
(And Dazai, if you want to.)
Definitely don't know you anon. And therefore I can lie about it but here we go:
Dazai —
Interesting lad in the most atrocious manner possible. Admittedly I still needed to read the novels but I think Dazai is an odd character which I've never quite gotten completely even from the start of my initial bsd phase at 2014-2015. Now I'm as old as him (which is bizarre to think about) and I get what's going on, I still don't think I'll ever quite grasp what's in his head. He has this apathy and intelligence I will never take hold of as someone who understands that I am extremely an ordinary individual and chooses to remain so — being oblivious and normal — for fear that I would turn out to be as isolated as he is.
I think it's terrifying.
To be too smart and think too much of yourself, to realise you're never going to be normal for you will always reason a way out of your greatest passions and your worst nightmares. And therefore you never truly fear anything nor could you truly love something wholeheartedly either. How could you when you can't trust in anything?
I am fond of the irl author, Mr. Dazai Osamu's dedication to his work of No Longer Human which I did read through ages ago and encounter some memorable quotes. But it's only rather recently I was able to fully comprehend the sheer terror it brings as the protagonist Yozo elaborates on the despair of understanding one's role in life is inevitably meaningless, akin to an insect realising its doom to fall prey to fate in a web full of lies.
Whenever I was asked what I wanted my first impulse was to answer "Nothing." The thought went through my mind that it didn't make any difference, that nothing was going to make me happy.
— No Longer Human, Dazai Ozamu
And I only have pity for such a being that is unable to unlearn that despair or at the very least, be able to stop, condense and move forward with these thoughts and live with them.
Our BSD Dazai however is given a chance to do so unlike Yozo thanks to Odasaku and it brings a fond affection to see him trying his best. I hope he does find his way and learns to enjoy the difficult journey stumbling around in life. But at the same time, it'll be foolish of me to presume just because he's moving towards the light, Dazai's darkness and general sense of dissatisfaction with people and life would change.
Dazai is not kind, he is not gentle, he's inconsiderate, deplorable, utterly wretched nuisance of a man who can and will use you if he decides it's worthwhile for him to do so, otherwise he has little interest in you even if he can sees through all your struggles and how he could help you, he wouldn't, certainly not intuitively desire so.
And I much prefer that viewpoint for it's more remarkable that Dazai is choosing when he does good. And how he's actively trying to be the side that reaches out to someone else and be there for them. To let himself be tied to people he feels isolated from and be vulnerable enough to take bets and place his trust on the Armed Detective Agency (and Chuuya and Akutagawa) so he could save lives he honestly doesn't care much for. How fascinating.
And so when fans do brush that darkness aside, I can be mildly peeved. But hey, it's still valid and okay to have some fun with just comfort and softness of just wishing happiness for a character you like. It can hard to decipher these layers if you don't know where to look too. Or perhaps am I reading too deep into this? Who knows. Asagiri sure has a way of writing nuances like these and it's so delightful to unpack them.
I still don't understand Dazai on a fundamental level.
That is more of my fault as I am someone who both emotionally and socially impaired so much that I use myself as a medium to "empathise" with people. I merely mimick emotions — like I don't feel sad if someone lost a loved one, I 'force' myself to feel bad if I am that person, I play out the scenario of losing something precious to me and I take that sadness to apply it to the person.
That's how I can predict people well enough, aside from those who are far too passionate in an ideal or passion I can't understand like Kunikida, those who learn to hate everything, and those who comprehend the reasons why they hate and shift to a complete apathy, able to pinpoint all the ways they're wrong — ways they don't fit, they aren't human enough, but are ultimately far too timid and cowardly to work on why they are outsiders and maintain a distance for it's far safer this way.
Dazai is still that person who's terrified of attachment and rejection, still struggling to believe in people more than he trusts his mind and vision of the world around him. And he appears to be doing his best, so perhaps I would fall in love with his character a little more when I finish rereading No Longer Human, the dark era stuff and other bsd side stories.
For now let's see how he'll end up.
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I refuse to elaborate on him.
Suffer anon.
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noname-nonartist · 5 months
Thank you @olasketches for the Tag! ^w^/
1. are you named after anyone?
Pretty sure I’m not.
2. when was the last time you cried?
Hmm… I suppose when I accidentally ate my food when it was still too hot so I burned my tongue and my eyes was tearing up from the pain lol~
3. do you have kids?
Ha! No~
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
I mean… technically I did play a few sports for P.E class when I was in Middle/High school… um. But outside of that. Nahhhhh.
5. do you use sarcasm?
I would say sometimes if I wanna try to be funny =v=;
6. what's the first thing you notice abt someone?
Like in person? Umm… I guess their facial expression? I dunno. ¯\_(•-•)_/¯
7. eye color?
They are a really dark brown. Like a looks-black-at-first-until-the-sunlight-hits-and-ya-see-the-brown type of dark brown.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I’m a total wuss when it comes to horror movies O~O;
9. any talents?
Umm… I suppose I’m pretty decent at drawing? Oh. I’m pretty decent at rhythm games too I guess :oc
10. where were you born?
The Pacific Northwest of the… United States. :’)
11. hobbies?
I draw. I sometimes play video games. Umm… that’s it I think? •3•;
12. any pets?
I have two cats! :Dc
13. height?
5’1” or like… around 155 cm… =3=;
14. favorite school subject?
I would probably go with Arts. Since the other subjects didn’t really interest me, with the occasional interesting topics within it, but overall. I was meh with them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15. dream job?
“I have no dream job, I do not dream of labour.” —James Baldwin
That was fun! Thanks again for tagging me! Now it’s time for me to tag others!
Again, no pressure if ya don’t wanna do it! ^w^/
@himi-wiz, @melodiclune, @wrathofnature, @sabrondabrainrot, @bewwy, @tinyballerinadancer1, @hxhhasmysoul, @mentallyillcaterpillar, @thedemonreblogs, @blizzardream, @wassup-zdravey, @charcoalson
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tantai-jin · 10 months
thouttes abt the boy and the heron
informal summary of some of my impressions and interpretations now that i've watched the film twice and want to put some of this into words... more like assorted notes than an essay with a refined theme or thesis. obv some spoilers ahead
p much the biggest impression i had after my first watch was that this film felt a lot sadder than many of the other studio ghibli a/o miyazaki films, and i think i pinned down some of the reasons better after a second viewing. main examples of this to me were
prominence of death in the story/worldbuilding
dreamlike elements were generally more unsettling and lonely rather than whimsical
protagonist's relative solemness
the finality of goodbyes and endings
want to expand on all of these a bit -- be warned that i will have some comparisons w other ghibli films, but since i have not watched all of them super recently and there are a couple i haven't watched (from up on poppy hill, porco rosso) my comparisons may not be that accurate. but i'm not writing an academic essay here, so bleh. for me, the point of comparison here is not to say which story did what better but to look at some similar elements and see how they evolved to serve this story. anyway!
prominence of death in the story/worldbuilding
i think actually the majority of ghibli protagonists have to deal with death intimately -- they may be orphans or have a parent who passed away or is on the verge of it. i think the difference in this movie is that mahito is still grieving for his mother in a more obvious (to the audience) way with his dreams, and then he enters another world through the tower that is "mostly" filled with the dead. kiriko and himi are not dead, but they seem to be more "liminal" than say natsuko or mahito -- younger versions of the people that mahito knows, around in this other world for a very long time, perhaps as long as they can remember, taking care of the warawara who will eventually become the living in the world(s) "above". it's not really clear (to me) if this is THE underworld or afterlife -- although it's filled with the dead, to me it felt like it was just a possible location, one of many possibilities. but then again it also hosts The Stone, which floats above a little island covered in blocks that are made of stones for tombs and tainted with malice. the source of power (and arguably life) rests directly above one representation/connection to death. i don't have a full thesis here but i am chewing on the thought
i thought it was really interesting that the dead did not have the power to kill in this world, and kiriko and himi seem to be the only people apart from the tower master who have powers (kiriko with that wand of fire) + the dead and warawara have to rely on kiriko for the fish catches. anyway i think death itself felt more prominent to me in this film bc mahito was always feeling the absence of his mother and then sunk into a world of death, even if death was not the only thing in that world.
dreamlike elements were generally more unsettling and lonely rather than whimsical
this movie felt a lot more liminal and generally "dreamy" to me, and while a lot of ghibli films are known for their whimsy and cute elements i felt that this one leaned a lot harder into creatures or sensations that were less pleasant. ofc i don't think it's the first one to do this -- off the top of my head, princess mononoke, spirited away, and HMC all definitely depict some "unsettling" stuff like gushing blood, goo, creatures or people melting, and so on. but in those works i feel like there are also a lot of beautiful or cute and whimsical creatures or moments to balance that out a bit, whereas in the boy and the heron it seems to happen less or it Feels less (to me) bc the unsettling parts have greater impact (to me) than the ~beauty~. the heron is beautiful and graceful at a distance, and then it follows him from window to window, interrupts his sleep, flies directly at him like an attack. you have the serene pond by mahito's house in his original world, and then there are the mobs of fish and frogs chanting at mahito and almost smothering him. you have the cutie warawara, and then some of them are eaten or go up in flames. you have the beautiful structures and gardens of himi's home and The Tower, and then you have the unsettling murderous parakeets in them. maybe the point is that they are all "tainted" or somewhat balanced like this.
also, the loneliness. again, not unique to this film, but i felt the presence of it more heavily, especially visually. in mahito's house in the countryside, most of the rooms are quite bare, save for natsuko's bedroom with its ornate wallpaper and carpet. mahito's room is quite sparse apart from the books on his desk. once we get into the sea world, it's wide and relatively empty -- an uninterrupted expanse of sea, eventually dotted with small islands, but those little islands are quite sparse too, mostly filled with trees. the lines of sailboats on the horizon, "none of which are real," as if they're all optical illusions. the rowboats powered by the dead, all of the rowers onboard appearing exactly the same with no way to differentiate one from another. inside the tower and near it, there are also these "bare" spaces -- that very illusion-like space of those arches, where you have to cross that empty and silent expanse from darkness into the blinding light that leads into the paradise-like garden. the island where The Stone is, just a hill covered in stones and grass growing over top. the delivery room, which is dark and bare apart from the mobile with the rotating paper strips. so much of it felt isolated and quiet in a lonely way to me.
to tie in with that last part, i think the music also felt generally more sparse and solemn than other ghibli osts, and i'm sure it was intentional. i've been listening to the ost for the past two-ish weeks and my impressions are that there's generally "less" orchestration and a lot more isolated piano sound. a lot of that piano is slow/drawn out and there's not as many chords, and the chords that Are there are simpler (maybe only two or three notes). there's a lot of intentional dissonance, both in piano parts And the parts with more instruments -- isolated piano is more obvious, but i can definitely hear it in the strings. it's hard to explain more than that without like, showing examples of specific clips or sheet music lmao but i think it definitely contributes to the overall moods of loneliness, somber tones, and unsettling vibes. like when you know you're having a really weird dream but can't wake up from it.
protagonist's relative solemness
most ghibli protags are precocious and have a greater sense of responsibility than the average child/teenager their age, but i really felt it with mahito. the sequence of him briefly in school was so interesting -- i really like how there was no dialogue in it and it was just music, bc the conversations didn't really matter when mahito was going to purposely isolate himself/make it so that he didn't have to go back and attempt to make friends there. mahito does have moments where he shows strong emotions: grief abt his mother, anger when the grey heron "disrespects" her honor with the illusion of her, more anger when he sees the warawara being burned, determination when he tries to get natsuko out of the delivery room. but in general those seemed like short bursts between longer stretches where he felt much more solemn and accepting of the current circumstances. when in the sea world, his curiosity about it felt restrained or maybe even limited -- he was there to find natsuko and nearly everything else was less of a priority. even when he decided to accept natsuko as his mother, it felt almost like he knew it was his fate and he simply had to go along with it without any other passionate conviction. he didn't seem to care about finding his own path or realizing any dreams for his future. i don't think this is a bad thing, but it was a different tone than i was used to for most ghibli films.
the finality of goodbyes and endings
again, certainly not the first time something has literally crumbled or been destroyed in a ghibli film: the forest in princess mononoke, howl's moving castle falling apart, the existing ravaged/poisoned world in nausicaa. however, i think the scale of it was much wider here: instead of an important structure or one contained place, the original stone was shattered and that whole world collapsed completely into space/time so that the pieces could not be rebuilt. the ending still has some hope - mahito chooses to return to this world so that he can be with his family and friends. but seeing how worlds could be built with two handfuls of building blocks and be knocked down just as easily, and then watching all of it shatter before his eyes? watching the (probably) only remaining version of his mother go through the door to another world separate from his own? a bigger loss to experience, imo. if the stone was destroyed and the tower collapsed, there's no other way to even try to get back to that portal space and other worlds (not that mahito would actually try to). that's the point, and despite knowing that, it still feels like a heavier blow to me that All Possibility is truly gone. unless another similar stone falls from the sky i guess lol, but the point is that it would never be the same.
as one friend put it, this felt like a goodbye from miyazaki. the possibility for a perfectly harmonious and peaceful world does not exist; those in power will seek to destroy what they cannot control and there may be no coming back from it; perhaps you must accept that you must live in a world of atrocities.
and one last thing i wanted to talk abt even tho this is so long already: symbolism regarding suffering & critique of society
not at all surprising that this film too shows some effects of war, but that was not the biggest impression of Suffering that i got from it. three main examples for me: the pelicans, the parakeets, and the building block stones.
pelicans: brought to this world by the tower master himself, unable to eat most of the fish in the sea, forced to eat the warawara to survive. doing something that others consider terrible bc they have to in order to live. no matter how they try to escape, they can only fly so high and it's not enough. birds that forget how to fly and/or are (symbolically) chained/caged to one place (there is prob more to be said abt how there are so many birds in this movie and they're all fucked up in a way but i don't have the thoughts/words to expand on it).
parakeets: normally(?) considered cute but kind of grotesque in this story, at least in the sea world. often moving in units like soldiers or as if an assembly line, mechanically and identically, having not much purpose other than guarding their territory, identifying and eating outsiders/intruders (the living??). seem to be kind of stupid -- can be tricked very easily. they unanimously celebrate their king, a parakeet that looks more like an eagle bc of his coloring.
speaking of which: the king himself, insisting on punishing transgressors even though they haven't done any tangible damage, holding rules/the current system in greater esteem than the situation in reality. claims to do everything for the good of his kingdom/people but haphazardly tries to seize control and build a new world himself when mahito won't do it. on the one hand, it makes sense that he would get mad that an outsider (mahito) has so much control over and responsibility of his people, rather than the parakeets taking care of themselves. but then he decides he'd rather destroy everything rather than rebuild? he does not wield his power responsibly here, and in the end he also has to escape. i feel like i'm barely scratching the surface of the potential commentary about this, and i definitely am not being precise enough with my wording. but it's not a very subtle allusion being made in the film haha
and then, the little stones! first, it's interesting that supposedly an entire world comes into being and continuously exists because of a couple pieces balancing on each other. perhaps more ironic that they resemble children's toys, simple shapes, but then are made out of the same material intended for tombstones. precariously stacked to make a new world, and they have to be rebalanced -- always shaped by someone's actions, not just something that stands on its own.
a whole mound/small island of them tainted with malice, and above them floats the ~divine~ stone, source of all power. mahito won't touch them, so the tower master searches through space to find pure ones. even stones untouched by malice cannot create a purely harmonious and peaceful world because the creator/master will always have some malice on their hands, some stain that makes them imperfect. he does have one piece with him when he returns to his original world -- sign of potential for building something new in the future, even if it's just in his own world? or is it just a momento of everything he experienced?
anyway. phew. how to end this. there are def some things i still don't understand fully - why natsuko was in the delivery room/why she felt like she had to have her baby in this world; what exactly made mahito decide to accept natsuko as his mother; the tomb behind the gate that said "those who seek my knowledge will die." there's probably more but i can't think of it right now. maybe an eventual rewatch in the future will unveil more for me! but i do think the mystery is part of the fun and part of the intention. it's hard to understand every facet of a dream.
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demonir · 5 months
No, there's nothing problematic. Just wondering because he's the evolution of the kid with the big hat Tommy.
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name a more iconic duo you cant/j
Idk what it was abt him and kumamon but little child me was obsessed, I genuinely don't remember a lot about him but episodes with him made me the happiest
also he's got like???? ski boots????
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child me saw this and was like HOLY CRAAAAAAAAAAP
anyways enough ramble, thank you for telling me the name of the hat guy and the digimon I will be storing these in my brain forever and ever 👍honestly tommy is such a fitting name like yeah that guy is totally a tommy
Just looked up the wiki and apparently his jp name is tomoki himi which is hilarious to me because it does weirdly sound like tommy, whoever made the choice for his dub name had a huge brain
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specialneedz · 3 months
every time i text himi feel like he does not give a shit about me and is bitching abt me in his server but i text him Anyway
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vaugarde · 2 years
god why were pokemon fans so weird about hugh wanting to save his sister’s purrloin under the guise of “its not even HIS purrloin why does he give a shit”. fellas is it weird to be angry that a bunch of grown ass adults stole your 4 year old sister’s pet, told her she was an awful abuser, and most likely traumatized her in the process.  
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reddowind · 2 years
I'm curious abt the wives reaction when they get pregnant, and their husbands reaction. and who do you think that have the stronger genes between the couples?
ooohh sounds interesting, okay!
I have a Headcanon that whenever Kaede gets pregnant, she maybe would be surprised at her third (or more) pregnant but still.. she would be happy overload, Shuichi's reaction would be same too (and ugly crying). Even IF she and Shuichi had children more than 3... I'm sure they can handle it, because as parents they're really synchronized with each other and totally chill type parents that makes them can handle all of their children. 😊👌
Time to add another fun fact of this AU! Kaito and Maki decided that they wouldn't having any children, just being a happy couple were enough for them. This idea was brought by Maki and Kaito was totally fine with it because he knew about... Maki's past. Until this happened... When Saimatsu's first daughter came to the world, Ayame Saihara. Shuichi often to ask for Kaito and (especially) Maki's help for assist Kaede to taking care of Ayame.
Maki who was dislikes children became addicted and love Ayame, claimed that she was the first children that Maki ever likes. Before married, Maki really often to help Kaede. Even to the point that Kaede also often to go visit Maki's orphanage and bring Ayame with her. because of how much often Maki help Kaede, Maki and Ayame grew really close till she died.
Ah, yes. This starting to get oot. Let's go back to the topic. Before getting married, Maki told Kaito that she wants to have a child. Just A CHILD. Means only want to have one child, no more. So when Maki discovered that she's pregnant (with Kaima inside) for the first time, she was happy, but also worried that her presence might be harm for her child because of her past.
Kaito on other side, was overjoyed with the announcement and many lift hugs for his wife. He also comfort Maki that everything will be fine. When Maki pregnant with Keiji and Mako, she was happy too.. but kinda mad at Kaito (especially when she discovered that she's pregnant.. for the third time) yeah, you know what when they decided for not having more than one child.
Kokichi : "Himi-chaaann!! When we're get married let's make 10 or more children!! So our household will be really fun!!"
Himiko : "Nyeh, no thanks. Having 1 or 2 children are already enough for us. Kokichi, behaving you from being chaotic it's tiring already. And do you want me to behaving OUR 10 CHILDREN from being chaotic? I'll be dead for sure"
When Himiko discovered that she's pregnant for the first time, she was happy (at the smaller scale then Kaede) and Kokichi made a really unexpected reaction, that he was cried. Saying that "Finally... I have a real family..." though after he said that, He interspersed his "happy crying" with his jokes. Yes typical Kokichi.
But when he discovered that Himiko is pregnant for the second time...
Kokichi : "Wanna make more child after this lil' one born? 😄✨✨"
Himiko : "Say that again or you'll be sleep outside tonight, dear husband... 😊💢"
And... about genes!
Lemme be honest, I'm really not sure like if Kaede's genes is "stronger" than Shuichi's or Kaito's genes is "stronger" than Maki's etc..
Because first, let's see another danganronpa fankids besides mine. Shall we? Each of the fankids have different ideas, designs, characteristics, and etc. Like.. the most of my Kaimaki's fankids looks like Maki the most so that prove that her genes are "stronger" than Kaito's. But how about other creator's? Does their fankids also looks like Maki the most? Or Kaito the most? So whose genes is stronger? The answer is.. who knows? I totally not sure about it.
Because each of the fankids creator certainly have their own opinion or headcanons about it, including mine of course. So... absolutely, from their headcanons and opinions.. they create their own fankid based on it, right?
For example, A's Saimatsu's oldest fankids are twins because they identified it like that. Meanwhile the B's Saimatsu's oldest fankids is male, because they have a headcanon that Saimatsu's first kids totally would be a boy because of their opinions and hcs also they identified it so. In other words, the fankids designs and the characteristics are totally different to each other.
So if you're asking me about.. whose genes are stronger.. it's.. confusing. Because what I said earlier, each of other creators have their own opinions and headcanons and based on it, they make their own fankids. That's it. I hope it won't confuse y'all... Thanks!
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himi-wiz · 1 year
Bram and Nikolai for the bingo, if you wanna do it?
Hihii and yep ended up picking it up. Was surprised people would ask and took a double take at the ask kek
In all seriousness, an excellent character and I really enjoyed the fanart and jazz on him, he's sure got a way of charming the audience and standing out in very very few scenes and I'm curious how he'll end up. Though not too certain on community making him too fluffy along with Fyodor, he's deranged and violently so because he wants to and whilst I do believe he does feel guilt about the consequences, it isn't enough to override the fact he does enjoy torturing people to get their reactions. (Poor, poor Sigma). Not too bothered by it tho, just not my cup of tea to oversimplify the clown to his most visible traits but hey, to each their own fun!
All in all, a fascinating creature but one that'll cost me too much brain cells to decipher and I'm horrified by how much I understand his actions when I do a tamer version of sticking to a persona I wholeheartedly perform to. One day I will dive deeper into him but today is not the day.
That said here are some Nikolai artist recommendations:
[Artists on Tumblr I enjoy]
- @/creantzy
- @/destructive-delight
- @/soupyhands
[Fanfics — Mostly Fyolai whoops]
- a means to an end and a foregone conclusion by ao3 maidoutfitsandguns
- wholesomeish fyolai oneshots by ao3 maidoutfitsandguns
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Manga Spoilers at your risk!
Bram — bit of bsd spoilers for him but I think he's lovely, I just went: Adopt him and let him be happy when I saw his interactions with Aya yes.
I didn't expect to, cause I did not predict his appearance at all. I mean vampirism? Really Asagiri-sensei? But ended up adoring his character. He's so tired and done with life but he's manages to be precious www
That said yet another character that is trapped under the confines of someone's control in bsd and used as a weapon. But this time it is openly shown how he's used as a weapon and this is against his will compared to some other characters who are complicit in letting people use them.
I am super curious as to how his story will end because unfortunately not looking too pretty rip
I haven't read or seen any new stuff with Bram but do let me know when there's any!
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bbysamu · 4 years
I love megumi so freaking much but laying down right now and just thinkin abt how i lowkey ship him with nobara 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 or when he fought hanami alongside maki, they both look so cool and hot together too wtf 😩🤦🏻‍♀️ or is it just me ?? 🤔☹
*highkey ships megumi w self
WHO ARE YOU? AND WHY ARE YOU SO WONDERFUL TO SLIDE INTO MY MAILBOX TO DISCUSS PRETTY BOY MEGUMI WITH ME? (thank you, thank you. I am literally always down, 24/7 to discuss himi) 
He is such hubby material, I don’t blame you for self-shipping Megumi (that’s my self-ship too hehe) 
I low-key ship him more with Maki than Nobara (bc I jus can’t see Nobara with either Itadori or Megumi). You’re so right though, that scene where Maki and Megumi fought Hanami together was so aesthetically pleasing. 
Although, I high-key ship him with you (and me in different universes)  😏
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cielospeaks · 4 years
v happy to put out this guda5 event review!
Story- 9/10. only putting as 9/10 bc technically i dont like that they use only avenger and not archer nobu (like. she exists. tho tbh its mostly my gripes w avenger nobu as a whole character on a lot of levels) however it doesnt detract that much from the story. the story was really fantastic! it was bizarre, but also knew when to take things seriously, and i think it fleshed everyone out a lot which was nice (i do like katsu in funnier roles as well, but for a story abt familial ties and katsu kinda... growing to stand up for himself without his big sister a more serious tone was much better). the antagonists got nice arcs and are def in the same category as other guda npcs that “gosh i wish you were playable”. the memes abt serizawa’s strategy to attack on a weekday and stuff were funny also. anyways pretty top tier! def my favorite story of gudaguda events so far. i loved the relationship between katsu and himichans brother (and the ending between them made me even more hyped abt katsu servant, tho i wish he and himichan had lines together), and izous role especially in the event! he really shone and he deserved it so much, im so proud of him!
Free servant- n/a (counting katsu as gacha). no free servant, but unlike something like saber wars 2 it wasnt fucking bullshit. see gacha area
Gacha servant- 11/10. it gets this high a rating bc the whole gacha was excellent. the ces were nice, the characters were amazing! and it used the fp gacha awesomely also, by means of katsu! limited 1 star is rough, but w farming friend points in the event and 1 stars being easy enough to summon id say its easier than mori or izou, who are limited 3 stars. and as far as the quartz gacha i was so happy to see himiko added! at first i was scared bc i was watching the announcement w no sound but had a bad feeling the 5 star would be himi (and that id be sad not to roll her) but then she came home like... after 60 quartz! bless her heart. and hajime mightve eaten more but he came home easily enough too! thank you both so much ;w;
Event gameplay- 7/10. like summer the gameplay was fine enough, i like the easier clear events (tho it is satisfying to clear a “tough” boss with a good strategy, like rulerteam, for hard level events). himiko absolutely slays at everything! the bosses weren’t too hard but were satisfying. raids arent my favorite thing but i prefer them to like... the cf event last year. the farming was sweet, i kept thinking of the “its a farm” line and the first summer event, it was a nice nostalgic throwback. also katsu and himichans lines for picking up the farming stuff are nice.
Other- 8/10. ok first thing first, the okita costume was like. A+++++ tier. i know its only a small appearance change but she looks so good! not that her usual outfits arent good, its just like! idk maybe just the novelty but its a good look for her! and the animation up + hiji strengthening was a nice gift too! (i know that was before but still). again, npcs were wonderful and i was happy to see them, and bless them implementing katsu as playable, it gives me hope ;w; kinda sad that besides shibata in flashbacks the other npcs were absent (and heck, mori barely got any screentime either ;n; ) my theory is that odd number gudagudas are focused on okita/bakumatsu/shinsengumi and even numbers are focused on nobu/sengoku. we’ll see next year if thats correct, and if so it could mean our old buddies akechi/shibata/maxwell might get another crack at being servants (maybe even our two new friends from this one as well, but idk). it would be funny if we got a weird jttw crossover w wukong and guest appearance from xuanzang, but that might just be too out there lol.
oh and i forgot to mention abt myroom! it was nice! honestly the event (and maybe partly the sheer novelty that i barely know anything abt yamatai era) revived that feeling i had initially abt “im so excited to set off on a history adventure!” w go and other such games/series. i think this song sums it up. the music was also very nice!
Overall- 9/10.
as far as gudaguda events this one is by far the best imo. katsu becoming playable, and both the story and characters being solid. no free 4 star is a bit sad, but im much more glad katsu is a 1 star (he gets sweet outfits!). sure his np would prolly be different if he was a 4 star but it fits his character as it is (tho im never using it unless i can give him guts ;w; ). himiko, one of my most desired servants, also is added and thats awesome! hajime chan is very cute also and im super happy to see him in the game. ofc being a gudaguda event it introduces new characters and promptly confines them to npc heck, but.... katsu exists so... there’s hope? i esp feel for shibata and serizawa, they deserve to be playable so bad.
for reference, id say the shishou event was a solid 6/10. decent gameplay, not quite as fun to see the lineups as the previous years (i liked how in the loud king events they were introduced like... wrestling teams or something) but the gameplay was largely the same and i loved the misty scotland castle setting (if it wasnt obvious by my happy abundant macbeth references). shishous bunny suit is cute but i dont have her, nor any plans (i like summer shishou just fine), and as a character i like her better than the loud kings, but it just felt... more fitting? i guess? with the event structure. but either way, not a bad event by a long way. the loud king fest events arent my favorite as a whole, so thats mostly why its not higher.
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