hitmeupaep · 1 year
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i remember exactly where i was
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zodiyack · 1 year
honestly messing with spirits good or bad is such a bad idea, they've been here longer than we have, they know probably way more than we think they know, and you don't want some nasty one(s) stuck around you or your house like that would nope me out. I don't like rats or any rodent-esp animals they give me the heebie jeebies and just gross me out and even the thought of a spirit like that gives me the same grossed out feeling vermin gives me. I don't even find solace in experts on this because the spirit is literally always gonna be one up its always gonna have one over, ✨ I hope you stop feeling sick and whatever it is just leaves you alone, sending well wishes and good vibes via tumblr ✨
Thank you! Honestly though, I think I figured out what it is
So context: My room was my dad's before he passed on, so my room has A LOT of positive energy protecting me. The stuff in the "negative corner" is shit my ex gave me and multiple friends said that they felt bad energy as in something positive disliked something in that corner but that there was something REALLY negative around my room stemming from my sibling's room. I fear that it lingers on some of their belongings that they're storing in my room. I like good spirits for spiritual help, but my house is unfortunately full of negative energy all over minus my father's ashes and abuela's portrait
Moral of the story: don't keep your toxic absve ex's belongings?
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phatphatport · 1 month
Egg and hen kids
One hsbn, wfe
Can dvrce if she wus absve without taking any thing from a man
Normalise aromantic, aromantic and raise a chld like amb hrd
His share bl
Dnt know other house, no crme, crt, can chec id
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yutofia · 3 months
Simply put, Ruben isn’t Ruben without his tits so it’s gotta be high up
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nnn-lll-nnn · 11 months
you’re my tumblr crush, pookie bear 😽😽😽
</>#№Warhanmer5 th#!s js Assassin, SEAD over.¿/></>
</>Assassi#+ this js Wahramm4x, a№#, DEADẞ s out.</>
</>Grid to SuptpeSs; ; ;Juliet Kilo 5-3-5-2-1-6, Grid to Mark Juliet Kilo 5-2-1-2-7-8 over.</>
</>gRid yo Suppress; Julietk ETTEKILO 5-Tree-5-2-1-6, Bhab+¹?ßk;[`[%[wjnA##; ⁵-2-1-2-7-⁸Oq7t outqqqnttt####</>
</>SA6 GaingulM noanN-standard -1 to -20 then +5 to +50, marked smOke on the deck 4 rounds H.E.V.T., C.A.S. T.O.T. 7-0 OvHyner.</>
</>SA6 Gainful, Non-Standard, -1 to -20, then +5 to +50, marked smoke on yhe delc, 4 rounfs H.E.V.T., C.A.S. T.O.T. 7-0,, out.</>
</>M.T.O. Bravo five guns two rounds H.E.V.T., Kilo obe round one guns smoke on the cedK, DEAS cA.S. T.K.Ŧ 7-0 Target Number::Hotel Foxtrot 560772195, over.</>
</>Message to Observer; Bravo, 5 guns 2 rounds H.E.V.T., Kilo one round 1 gun smoke on yhe deCk, S.E.A.D. C.A.S. T.O.T. 7-0, Target Number; Hotel Foxtrot 560772195, out.</>
.#(+2⁷(_>192('!!cavha :"±£✓{¥×~{;*b✓¢™<°<™
</>hOverlors tFAC this is Assassin, over.</>
</>Assassin this is Overlord FAC, send your traffic over.</>
</>Be advised we have a visual on hostile enemy air defence networks, requesting some helpsHelos to provide some Close-in-Fire Support and accomplIsh,,Z xvyhn Some SEAD, how copy so far over?</>
</>sOlid copy on all, send pisitioN over.</>
</>Roger, grids to follow; jUliet Kilo 535216, over.</>
</>Solid copy, Juliet Kilo 535216,Ovrrlord FAC, standby ASssassin...</>
</>Overlord, this is Viper 2-1, flight oshW bzhjià:¢, orbiting east of MSR Juba, tree clicks, at angLrs ten, ordinance to followV;###$$$#######, hiw cOpy dbsbarfvfr over?</>
</>Solid xopy, /break/, be advised I have AssasiN on the ground requesting some SEAD at map Gridß Jukiey Kilo y535216, /break/, I need yiu 5i o u push to IP Whiskey, and engage, how coog?</>
</>oVerlord this is Vioer, rogerS I cop6, we copy all, pusbung to IP WHiskey en route to grid {{JK535216}}, to peovide Assassi nN with their SEAD CAS, out. out.</>
</>aSsassin this is Overlord FAC, You have Viper-2-1, flight of two +°№((£[ at Angles tahdngen, pushing to IP wHiskey, how vooy?</>
</>oVerlord FAC this is Assassin, solid copy on all, out.</>
</>vIper 2-1 ghis is Assassin, standby for avail flYing information...</>
</></><<vIper standing by ... Absv....</>
</>TOT 7-0, SWAD, Non-#5@ndard, -1 to -20 then +5 to +50, gun taRget liNe 053, immA talk you on, over.</>
</>wArhammer this is Assassin, good effect, all targets suprpessed, record this Target end of mission. Over.</>
</>Assassin this is Warhammer, good effect, all targets suppressed, record this target end of mission outm.</>
0 notes
emotionalsupportrp · 1 year
(oh whoops part of it got cut off when I pasted absvs my b)
“I thought you were great,” he says sincerely, his expression souring at the mention of Shizuka. “Yeah, she seems like an incredibly tough opponent.”
He slides into the car and jumps a little when the stereo starts blasting, but he huffs a laugh a second later.
“Shit, that’ll wake you up,” he murmurs as he looks around the car, smiling at the little doodads he spies. “So, ya like mermaids?”
- 🔥
I smile crookedly before pulling out my phone to connect the Bluetooth, "Sorry. I need my music to be louder than my thoughts."
I throw on my Sleep Token playlist, then start down the long driveway.
“Oh, yeah, I kinda have a thing for them,” I murmur, failing to mention that I was a whack job who swam around in a tail from time to time.
"So, are you close with your parents?" I ask, also looking to get to know him better.
0 notes
yixinchun · 1 year
《山水朦朧意》古箏演奏純音樂,唯美動聽,提高機體免疫力 | 心靈音樂 | 冥想音樂 | 舒緩助眠音樂 | 禪修音樂 | 禪修調心 心地寬了,路就寬了。世上,沒有走不通的路,只有想不通的人。無數的歷練之後,慢慢懂得,花開必有花落,月圓也會有月缺,雲聚必有云散,日出也會有日落。痛過了,增一份從容,傻過了,增一分智慧,哭過了,增一分沉靜,笑過了,增一分豁達。心無雜念,慈悲為懷,走過了,就過了,每天的陽光很好。 不要錯過更多好聽的純音樂 敬請>按贊>分享>訂閱+小鈴鐺 感謝您的支持! 訂閱【一心純音樂】頻道請按這裡>http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjqin69ZXpnG2DGiG4oLeqA #純音樂 #心靈音樂 #輕音樂 #古典音樂 #放鬆音樂 via YouTube https://youtu.be/ABSV-nywOIY
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hauntedotherworld · 2 years
he called me heartless tday lmao hilarious coming frm him . hes the defintion of heartless,he ****** inncnt ppl and he has never changed all these yrs later . he is an absve n evil mfr and i stand up against him thats why he despises me so, idc id rather be killed than be with this family
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A Bellarke Secret Valentines for @diyozas . A little angstier than I originally planned but I think it goes with the lyrics! I hope you like it ♡
Do whatever you need to do (to make yourself whole again)
Bellamy has been in love with Clarke for a while. He can’t say exactly when he realised because her friendship has always been such a huge part of his life. The natural transgression is for him to fall in love with her. Or at least, that’s how he feels.
They’d gone to school together since they were seven and nine. Clarke had pushed him over one day when she thought he was the one being mean to Jasper and Monty. But it wasn’t him and when she found out, she’d actually come and apologised, which had been a huge deal to nine-year-old Bellamy. He would have been too scared to apologise to someone two years older than him.
They hadn’t become friends immediately after that. It wasn’t until three years later when Bellamy had seen Dax and Mbege trying to snatch her sketchbook off her. He’d stepped in, using his middle school status to scare them off.
The friendship had grown as they grew. Until now at twenty-five and twenty-seven, they’re as close as they’ve ever been. She’s the one who was there for him when he lost his mother and had to raise his fourteen-year-old sister. She’d been there every time he didn’t know how to handle something with her. She’d been the one to convince him to put himself through college once Octavia finished high school. She’d been there for him every time he’s needed her.
Clarke is his best friend, full of life and happiness and fun. She’s been his saving grace on so many occasions and he doesn’t even know what he’d have done without her. They live together, they spend all their time together, he almost felt like they were inevitable.
Until Clarke started going down a path he can’t agree with. He loves her, so much, but seeing her self destruct the way she is terrifies him. And he doesn’t know how to help her. She won’t let him.
Finish on AO3 here!
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dimelotv · 4 years
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▶️🎶 Otilia – Bilionera (Vesim Ipek Remix 2020) New video 2020🔥❤️️ Otilia - Bilionera (Vesim Ipek Remix 2020) New video 2020 ❤️️ Otilia new english spanish reggaeton songs deep house dance music bass boosted remixes ... source
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chaos-coming · 3 years
The usa acts like ab ab*sive father no i will not elaborate
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duarteegreenbriar · 5 years
Cardan's last words ever to Balekin were that Jude won't leave Cardan's side. Yeah I think of this alot.
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whimsyprinx · 4 years
The other day a customer was like “!!! Are you from the Midwest!?!” And I was like “nope! :D” And she was like “you sound so much like you are :0” and I was like “I was born and raised here but I’ve heard that I don’t sound like I’m from here from family and other people a lot” and I just remembered that and need to look up what a midwestern accent sounds like because I googled it while at work and the first result was something about how midwestern accents are the worst
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outcast-thingz · 2 years
Oh my gawd, I was look on Etsy in my recommended and they had these stickers called "Cow Pals" it was so cute! Different little cows, strawberry, orange, blueberry, etc.
Absvs but in my head i saw cow pals and said "Zhu, Zhu, Zhu Pals! Zhu, Zhu, Zhu pals" IT'S ZOO NOT ZHU
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osdd-1bitch · 3 years
was reading a book abt a ladys absve ex husband but she was...so ableist...like girl that is not even how the aspd symptom sheet works u can just give him a full fcking 40/40???? higher than actual serial k1llers?????
also so many buzzwords that mean nothing. look ik it was a cpmfort to dx him but uh Gross. y fill 70% of ur book w bullsht abt mental disorders n hate on low empathy ppl for ages?? like???? ik he was a total pos but holy sht
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musicmakesyousmart · 4 years
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