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inspirehorizon · 3 months ago
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Cosmic Trails
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abstract-breeze · 6 months ago
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Celestial Whirl and Daze This abstract artwork features a cosmic scene filled with vibrant hues of blue, pink, and orange, suggesting swirling nebulae and distant stars. The interplay of colors creates a sense of depth and mystery, evoking the vastness of space and the beauty of the universe.
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stomach17-ai-imagery · 1 year ago
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Having converted his human memories to machine code some millennia ago, Thomas eventually chose an interstellar starship for a body. In truth, the outdoors was static featureless void sprinkled with stars, so he had taken to creating companions to share conversation with, which wasn't bad, except he was always pretty sure what they were going to say and…. well, the interior of the ship was getting kinda crowded…
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cannavidente · 5 years ago
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[en] These are some shots of the smoke simulations I'm working on for the nebula, the puffy version was the first one I did and is meant to be the base of it, I'm gonna compose the other ones on top in photoshop. But now that I see them all together I'm not so sure that the shader for the first one is right 😬, what do you think? Which one do you like the most? Please let me know in the comments, it helps a lot🙂 - - [es] Estas so algunas tomas de la simulación de humo que estoy haciendo para la nebulosa, la primera que hice es la versión más "rellena" por así decirlo y va a ser la base sobre la que voy a componer el resto. Aunque ahora que las veo juntas no estoy seguro si sea la textura correcta 😬, que opinan? Cual les gusta más? Díganme que opinan en los comentarios, me ayudaría mucho ☺️ - - - #nebula #space #spacecloud #colorcloud #spacecolors #waves #spacewaves #nebulous #nebulosa #deepsky #astrography #cosmos #crazyclouds #cloudscape #galaxies #spacetoday #shapes #abstractclouds #abstractspace #fumefx #vrayrender #render #diseñocolombia #psychedelicclouds #colorwaves (at Bogotá, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B451D1wHlG7/?igshid=1q3dylqtf7vr
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recycledodds · 3 years ago
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Stunning new piece I acquired of Blythe Mariano’s @2geminicrafts titled “Abstract Space” I absolutely love it! 😍 Find more on Enchanted Artisans Facebook art auction page! #iigeminicrafts #calligraphy #calligraphyart #supportlocalartists #supportlocal #acrylicpainting #acrylicpaint #abstractspace #abstractart #calligraffiti #enchantmentartisans @enchantmentartisans https://www.instagram.com/p/CeyzeDHujFP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dailymusemaniac · 3 years ago
mysterious  universe
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gorkemdykel · 5 years ago
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Bugüm display duvarımda " Bir Hobi Olarak Alışveriş III". Kahve içerken dalıyoruz bu ipek yolu alemine. Bu seri, tarihler boyu el değiştiren mallar, Ipek Yolu, Fenikeliler, alışveriş kültürü ve günümüz tüketim toplumu üzerine. "Shopping As a Favourite Pastime III 100x100 cm Acrylic on canvas 2018 #GorkemDikel #gorkemdikelstudio #abstractspace #artistsupportpledge #historicalspace #history #fenicians #feniciancity #shoppingmall #peopleinaction #geometricspace #architecturalpainting #abstractpainting (Erenköy, Kadıköy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZXhIbgHJG/?igshid=1qk0hw7wr3kfl
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davidsomervilleart-blog · 7 years ago
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Figure in an Abstract Space #newpainting by @davidsomervilleart #davidsomervilleart @davidsomervillemixedmedia #davidsomervillemixedmedia #figureinanabstractspace #abstractspace #painting #mystudio #shoreditch #oldstreet #eastlondon #london #frome #somerset #art #artist #fineart #figure #figurative #figurativeart #figurativepainting #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #contemporarypainting #creative #creativity #paintingoftheday
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jroddherz · 6 years ago
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J Roddherz- Sad Melodies (@djeduardoalba Remix) [Abstract Space Records] on Immersion Radio 011 mixed by  @phuturephil.. Listen Here: http://bit.ly/2x2vJYq #jroddherz #eduardoalba #phuturephil #sadmelodies #abstractspace #immersionradio #podcast #techhouse #electronicmusic #musicaelectronica #musica #music https://www.instagram.com/p/By721HWgrYB/?igshid=174qg351eqgc8
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susannebegertart-blog · 7 years ago
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New little abstract space #abstractart #abstract #abstractpainting#painting #artstudio#instaart#artistlife #abstractspace#space #originalart#acrylpainting#acryl#oilpaintingart #painter#artlover
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abstract-breeze · 7 months ago
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Ethereal Whispers of Infinity This abstract artwork features a cosmic scene with swirling dark hues, hints of turquoise and coral, and shimmering golden specks reminiscent of stars. Fluid shapes blend seamlessly, creating an impression of depth and movement, evoking a sense of wonder and the vastness of space.
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peinture-abstraite · 7 years ago
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2018-03-22 22/7 = 3.142857 142857 142857 ... Idea / Curated by Alexander Fraser 28.09.2017 – 08.04.2018 192 prints of stripe are chosen and presented together on a huge wall. There is one print for each day of the exhibition at Museum Ritter. The choice of the prints and their sequence is not accidental or subjective, but instead arrived at by using the digits in the decimal expansion of the fraction 22/7, an old approximation to π. 22/7 = 3.142857 142857 142857 ... The group of six digits after the decimal point repeats an infinite number of times. Each digit is used to determine the choice of print: a print with one single distinctive stripe in a particular colour corresponds to the number “1”, and one with four stripes in a certain colour to “4”, and so on. 22/7 defines a sequence that works in a subtle way that is not obvious when first seen. Wear on each day between September 28th and April 4th the corresponding T-shirt according to the sequence. Visualize on your daily portraits the number of the day (1,4,2,8,5,7) in any way you wish. #tshirt #stripe #abstractspace #smveckan #1 (på/i Skellefteå Skidstadion)
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gpaller · 7 years ago
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@jsa.la #mypainting #detail #lamiapittura #painting #upclosepainting #colors #overlays #paintingspace #abstractspace #colorspace #gridspace #bandsofcolor #overlappingcolors #transparency #transparencies #spazio #astratto #abstraktekunst (at June Street Architecture)
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kanvaesthetic · 3 years ago
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'THE FREE SOUL' 12"x16" Mixed media on paper "Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul." ~ Wassily Kandinsky . . #coloraesthetic #colorinspiration #colorworld #artaesthetic #aesthetic #artworld #globalartnetwork #artinspiration #mixedmediaartist #indianarts #coloraesthetics #aestheticartist #abstractcolors #mixedmediacanvas #artinspirations #abstractartistsoninstagram #artistworldly #artweinspire #indianarts #indianartistscommunity #milanartinstitute #artinspiredbynature #natureinspiredartist #artworksonpaper #colourinspirations #abstractstilllife #abstractspace #artistsoul #indianartcommunity #kanvaesthetic https://www.instagram.com/p/CQYxUeVBo5v/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gorkemdykel · 5 years ago
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'Ruby II', Collection of @EnderBulgun, Çeşme, 2020 Cevherin yaratıcı ışığının ömür boyu sıcak bir berraklık vermesi dileğiyle... #GorkemDikel #Abstractpainting #contemporaryart #geometricspace #gemstonepainting #gemstoneseries #enderbulgun #enderyazganbulgun #izmirekonomiuniversitesi #artcollection #artcollector #rubyart #ruby #gems #hiddengems #gemsinhumansoul #energystone #abstractspace #timeandspace #shineonyoucrazydiamond #crystal #crystalclear (Çeşme) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD04Kbcgh7Q/?igshid=jwp2vdt62rm7
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abstract-breeze · 6 months ago
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Galactic Reverie This abstract artwork features a dynamic interplay of vibrant circles and streaks, evoking a cosmic atmosphere. Deep purples, blues, and whites blend to suggest movement and depth, creating an impression of galaxies. The arrangement conveys a sense of wonder and infinite possibilities.
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