#absolutely overjoyed that this guy got to just be a massive nerd for a little bit <333
bread-cat-luna · 2 months
I watched Thanks To Them and couldn't not draw him <3
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starkerparkerpony · 5 years
AU where Tony (44-45 y/o) meets an aged up (23-24 y/o) Peter after Civil War, Tony is broken up with Pepper and all kinds of sorry for himself. Peter is a ESU graduate and currently has an internship with Oscorp and is a photographer for the Daily Bugle he is also spiderman and therefore perpetually exhausted and has very little patience.
(It's been a while since I wrote something, please consider reblogging)
I scold because I stan
Tony was starting to get sick of himself.
The self hatred and self pity were starting to crescendo, which was shedding a lot of light on how he got to and where Tony currently was in his life.
Spangle's betrayal shouldn't have hurt as much as it did.
The breakup with Pepper shouldn't have been as painful as it was.
He shouldn't miss the team as much as he did.
Vision injuring Rhodey shouldn't have felt like a personal failure but it did.
Speaking of personal failures, the accords shouldn't have scattered more than half of the planet's protectors in the wind all while labeling them 'war criminals' but they had.
And Tony was sick of himself because his centrally heated penthouse shouldn't be haunted by a Serbian cold but it was.
Because his heartbeat shouldn't feel like someone trying to jackhammer the arc reactor into his sternum sometimes... but it did.
So he decided to go out because his inner 'self hatred' voice was starting to sound too much like his father and that was about the last straw for Tony.
A baseball cap, coat and muffler later, Tony Stark was roaming the streets of New York but then it was too fucking cold for that so he quickly ducked into a cozy looking Irish pub.
He quickly scanned the place for a place to sit, it was pretty packed except for a booth which was occupied by one person who had their head down on the table and appeared to be, best case scenario, dozing off or worst case scenario, passed out.
Appropriate company for the kind of evening he was having he thought to himself as he made his way to the booth.
A waiter came to take his order and Tony took it upon himself to order a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. If he was gonna get hammered in a public place against all good sense then atleast he was gonna do it with some company... even if said company was seemingly unconscious.
When the waiter put down the glasses, his boothmate woke up. And Tony was confronted with a gorgeous guy with stunning brown eyes, he was sporting a rather sizable shiner over his left one but it did absolutely nothing to detract from his attractiveness.
"Jesus Christ... are you actually Tony Stark? Or am I hallucinating?" The guy asked quietly.
"I was hoping you wouldn't recognize me." Tony wrinkled his nose as he admitted.
"That's either a scathing comment on your perception of the general public's intellect or humility which absolutely does not go with the reputation that precedes you," the guy scoffed.
Huh... he's sharp and quick Tony thought.
"A little bit of both. The hat usually, miraculously works." Tony explained
"Don't judge me but I've had an entire wall dedicated to your face ever since your first Rolling Stone cover... the hat wasn't gonna work on me."
"That's a lot to unpack from a stranger"
"I'm Peter Parker."
"You know who I am."
Peter's face split into an overjoyed smile when Tony said that. It was a ridiculous 'only in New York' kinda thing to find yourself in the same booth as Iron Man in your local pub and Peter really needed this after the day he'd had. He was still completely terrified that at any moment Tony would accuse him of being Spiderman and make him sign the accords but he was also gonna let himself relax and enjoy meeting his hero a little.
"I'm not a billionaire expert but shouldn't you be drinking at a much upper scale place than this?" As amazed as he was, Peter was also perplexed by Tony's presence in the pub.
"There's a lot about me that absolutely does not go with the reputation that precedes me. You just admitted to me that you have a wall dedicated to my face and then brushed past it like it was nothing..." Tony said, incredulous.
"You're pretty, you're an amazing scientist, you build robots and are a superhero because of a badass armour you made that can fly. I'm a nerd and bisexual, it's is nothing, just nature basically," Peter waved him off as he started to pour the whiskey for them.
Surprisingly enough Tony's cheeks were a little flushed by the time Peter looked up, which made him think that maybe there isn't much accurate about the reputation that precedes Tony Stark.
"Hmm... who did that to your face?" Tony asked about the shiner Peter was sporting.
"Umm... a girl was getting mugged, I tried to play hero, you should see the other guy as the saying goes" Peter shrugged.
"Wow good for you... could've ended badly though." Tony's chest was unexpectedly and rather worryingly tight hearing about the danger Peter had been in.
"I know... I lost a loved one to a mugging gone wrong but the girl needed help, I didn't really have a choice."
It was like hearing those words was the straw that broke the camel's back for Tony. Because he completely understood what Peter meant. Tony never really felt like he had a choice either and whether or not Peter was ready to have a lot of information about the Avengers and his 'face wall' buddy Iron Man's wretched life choices, he was gonna be vented at like there was no tomorrow. Because Stark men don't go to therapy, they drink and speak very fast at unsuspecting civilians.
So Tony talked and Peter listened, about how the star spangled man with a plan is a fucking douchebag, how fucking hurt he felt that Nat, Clint and Wanda would still choose him over Tony, how he hasn't been able to look Rhodey in the eye since Germany and probably never will be, how easily things fell apart with Pepper even after he tried so hard, how the winter soldier fucking killed his mom and fucking spangles hid it from him, how he probably deserved it because that poor kid that got killed in Sokovia because of him... and as Tony talked he also drank so he was feeling pretty buzzed by the time he was done talking thankfully Peter was drinking right along with him.
It wasn't really a conversation, rather Iron Man just venting to him... he did notice a pattern though, everything Tony complained about, he tied up the line of thought with ultimately blaming himself for it.
Peter had always felt a certain kinship with the guy... but this man telling him how helpless his power had made him to the massive responsibility that came along with it, hit too close to home.
"Are you always this self loathe-y or is this just a today thing?" Peter asked when Tony stopped talking
"What? I don't... what?"
"Buddy... Captain America, if he really did to you what you say he did... then who gives a shit? He's an asshole. And I'm not even a supporter of the accords but even I think that the Rogues could have handled it in a better way...
No seriously, there's way more enhanced folks in this country than just the Avengers, some of them are minors, there's a dude in Hells Kitchen who is gonna sue the government and the UN so that the registration thing is scrapped, Charles Xavier and his team are even collaborating on the lawsuit.
Those people could have really used Captain America with them on this but he was too busy playing Rambo and violating other countries' sovereignty and beating the living shit out of Iron Man apparently.
I mean for a genius, you're a dumbass because you let the people who once tried to nuke Manhattan convince you that you're more dangerous than they are but you had 'dead-kid-in-Sokovia' guilt. So I get it but c'mon cut yourself some slack."
Tony was a bit flabbergasted by the kid's performance.
"Of course you'd say it... you stick my pictures on your wall," Tony grumbled
"Oh hell no! You will not use my stan status against me. I know exactly how problematic my fav is. I know your family made their fortune selling weapons and not just to the US Military and I know you only gave a crap about the under the table dealing with terrorists when they threatened your life but I'm sorry Mr. Stark if you deny yourself the credit for learning from your mistakes then every human everywhere is going straight to hell.
Intellicrops prevented famines... the arc reactor technology is saving the planet from global warming...
I saw that video of Helena Cho with those acid attack victims in India and openly weeped in a Starbucks...
You really did privatize world peace... there's a reason the biggest threat to us now is "evil aliens" you know... cause' what the fuck chance does ISIS have against War Machine? Even that Mandarin thing turned out to be a hoax.
I have 3 patents because of my Maria Stark Foundation grant and I didn't even get the MIT-full funding ones... one day one of those kids is going to cure cancer and it's going to be because of you.
So of course I'll defend you man... but you don't seem to realize that any decent person would." Peter was pretty pleased with himself after that and shot Tony an eyebrow raise as if daring him to disagree.
"I got nothing."
"Of course you don't." Peter grinned.
Maybe Tony had just isolated himself too much from people who didn't consider him a complete and utter asshole.
But with Peter it didn't even feel like praise... it was like the guy was scolding him for being too mean to himself.
It felt nice nonetheless.
Before Tony had even recovered from Peter's glorious rant, the younger guy handed him a business card with the words "Daily Bugle" embossed on it.
"Don't hold my gossip rag workplace against me... it's easy money and I'm only doing it till Norman Osbourne starts paying me for the work I already do for him." Peter shrugged
"You're with Oscorp? What do you do? Why not SI?" If he had scored an internship with Oscorp and a grant from his own foundation then he must be good enough for SI.
"I'm R&D chemical engineering and I'm not at SI because your recruiters are assholes who demand 3 years experience for a beginner position..." said Peter matter of factly.
"You should apply with us again." Tony insisted, the guy had 3 patents and very sharp, after tonight the least Tony could do was get him a job.
"You should call me." Peter countered
"I- wait are you hitting on me?" And much to Tony's chagrin, he found himself blushing again.
"Yeah duh Mr. Stark."
"I'm old enough to be your father." Tony sputtered and that hurt to admit.
"And I have insane daddy issues- you'll love me. I'm not even gonna ask you for a selfie... you don't look your best right now but definitely call me." Peter winked as he started to leave.
"You're fucking negging me?!" said Tony looking up at the ballsy kid as he slid out of the booth.
"Hey you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Gandhi said that." The kid called over his shoulder as he walked away.
"Gandhi absolutely did not say that Peter." Tony yelled back.
God he was gonna call the guy.
Read part 2 here, part 3 here
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goldenchildkatsuki · 7 years
 Day 4 of @kacchako-week : Stars
Summary: Uraraka takes her telescope to the roof of the dorm and plans on stargazing but she gets interrupted by a restless Bakugou.
Writers Note: I recommend listening to the album “I.” from the band Cigarettes After Sex, especially the song: Starry Eyes. Now, here's my fic for the fourth day of Kacchako Week 2018. Enjoy.
Word count: 3.260
Beta Reader: @wishgnee
AO3 link: (x)
Uraraka pulled at the sleeves of her sweater, tightly holding on to the fabric, keeping it from crawling away from her knuckles. Her fingers were starting to cramp up from the cold after having to set up the telescope for so long. She was reaching the last steps of her preparation as she put an eye to the eyepiece and started turning to tiny knob to focus on the top of light pole.
“That looks perfect.”
She lifted her head and pulled away her flushed fingers, backing away like it could fall apart any second.
Letting go of the breath she was holding in, Uraraka just wanted this to go right so badly. She had been saving for a telescope ever since middle school. Living on her own and having the bare minimum, it was hard to put money aside.
On her sixteenth birthday her parents surprised her with a telescope, a rather expensive one as well. They had added books on stars and constellations and happily flipped through them for her, showing off how much information they contained.
Now, Uraraka wished she had been more excited when receiving her gift. Only being able to think about how much of burden it must have been to pay it off and for her parents to travel so far, she was unable to say much. Seeing her parents so overjoyed about it all, made her think about how it was probably more impolite for her to deny it after all their efforts they made than actually accepting the gift.
She hadn’t seen her parents smile so wide then when she tried turning the knobs on the telescope. Who was she to make their smiles drop by denying the gift? After realizing this she had thanked them more times than needed and let the joy take her over.
Uraraka could finally be closer to the stars.
Only a few adjustments and she could be one on one with them. She would genuinely know what she was talking about when she said the stars were beautiful. She could know in depth talk people’s ears off about constellations.
If only her hands weren’t frozen. A few twist and turns on a couple of knobs and she would be ready to go. Uraraka pulled the ropes of her hoodie to tighten the hood, chills going over her spine because of what a difference that made. She breathed warm air in her hands and rubbed them together.
With wobbly knees she approached the telescope and put her eye on the finder scope. She tried to contain her shaking so she could see properly. Biting down, helped considerably and allowed her to move onto centering the light pole. With an eye closed she started moving the scope further to the right. Her eyes started straining easily and the image became blurry.
Uraraka groaned, lifted her head and starting rubbing her eyes. A loud bang broke the complete silence of the night. Uraraka’s heart jumped directly in her throat, heartrate going from zero to a million miles a second. She turned around and her elbow hit the telescope, making it face the complete opposite direction. With a fist still in one eye and a blurry other eye she stumbled forwards.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. I’ll pack up right away. I wasn’t sure if this counted as going out after curfew, either way I shouldn’t have been here so late, that’s absolutely no excu-“
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
Uraraka blinked and took a couple of steps forward.
He stood opening the door of the fire escape the door handle bouncing against the wall it was being pushed against. The echo of the clanging making Uraraka feel more uneasy.
“You scared the crap out of me, I thought you were a teacher!”
Bakugou walked out the doorpost and zipped up his hoodie. “Do I look like a damn teacher?”
“Well no, but the way you swung the door open just made me feel like I was busted! Why would you even open a door like that? Everyone is sleeping you know?!”
Bakugou propped his hood up and buried his fists in his sweatpants. He gave the roof an once-over.
“Fucking hell, keep yelling and soon everyone won’t be.” He scoffed as he started walking over to her. “And it doesn’t seem like everyone’s asleep. You’re up.”
Uraraka slapped her hands in front of her mouth and made herself small. “So? So are you!” She hissed from behind her hands.
Bakugou walked right past her and picked a book off the ground and quickly flipped through it. “No need to get all defensive about it round face, I never thought I’d say this but I’m too tired to pick a fight right now.”
Uraraka batted her lashes. The adrenaline had left her body and now she had time to properly think about the situation. It was one of fewer times that Bakugou didn’t raise his voice, he really must be drained. Without the cursing Uraraka would have a hard time recognizing the low and grainy voice. She wondered what could be eating away at him at this time. She knew he wasn’t here to look at stars, that was for sure. Though looking so exhausted, why couldn’t he sleep?
Bakugou picked up another book and started flipping through that too, this time slower, actually reading a few bits. He nodded at the pages, raising his eyebrows occasionally.
“I didn’t know you were such a massive geek.” He mumbled.
In an instant Uraraka lost all sympathy she had built up for him. He couldn’t just waltz onto her spot, go through her things and insult her like that. The nerve the guy had was unbelievable.
“Why are you here Bakugou?”.
“None of your business. So what, you’re into planets and shit?” On to another book he went, now starting to read full pages.
Uraraka crossed her arms, getting annoyed. “Sorta. I’m more into stars. But why would I tell you that when you won’t even tell me what you’re doing here.”
Bakugou held the book closer to his face and started squinting against the pages. “First of all, you just answered me you nerd, and second of all; when I say it’s none of your business, then it’s none of your fucking business.”
Usually Uraraka would have been more patient with him, taking her time to figure him out but he was seriously rubbing her the way. There was no need for him to behave like that, regardless of what might he have on his mind now.
Uraraka picked her book out of his hands and clamped onto it. “Well, you don’t have any business being here, so if you would leave then that would be great, I’m trying to set up my telescope.”
She pushed past him and it slowly started sinking it that something wasn’t right. She put her eye on the finder scope and her heart sank. All she could see was complete darkness. She dropped her book and facepalmed with both hands.
Her elbow. Her fricking elbow made her telescope do a complete 180. Now she had to almost start from the beginning.
She turned to Bakugou, who was picking at his nails and yawning as he sat down on the cold ground.
“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Uraraka clenched her jaw.
No response.
“I’ve been here for more than an hour, trying to set up without my fingers freezing off. It took so much effort, and you ruined it!”
Bakugou sighed and flicked away dirt from under his nails.
“Sorry you got scared and ruined your stupid little science project.”
Uraraka dug her nails in the palms of her hands through the fabric of her hoodie. She swallowed, trying her hardest to fight back her tears, but they already started to fall down her cold cheeks.
“You just don’t care do you? You think you can say and do whatever you want without affecting people around you. Bakugou, you don’t always have to be such a jerk you know?”
Her eyes were burning and her neck was getting wet. Teeth clattering and sweaty palms. She didn’t think it was possible to get so angry at someone.
“Okay, fuck, I’m sorry. Genuinely.” Bakugou lifted himself off the ground and took her sleeve, he pulled at it, causing her to look him in the eye. “Stop crying will ya’, I said I’m sorry.”
Uraraka couldn’t hold herself from sobbing. Bakugou lifted her arm and made her wipe her tears with her own sleeve. It wasn’t the smoothest of actions. He made her poke herself in the eye, which made her laugh. He grinned and settled for drying her tears himself, wiping away tears under her eyes with his thumbs.
“There. Better, kinda.”
Uraraka was surprised at how easily she accepted his touch. The thick and ragged skin were kind to her soft and plum skin and felt inviting. Bakugou wasn’t actually the kind of person that seemed to be fond of physical contact. He never leaned on anyone, he never put a hand on a shoulder, he even refuses to shake hands after a match.
She felt his thumbs linger at the corners of her eyes. She pulled her face out his hand before he could retract his hands.
“I accept your apology.”
Uraraka pushed the telescope back to its original position. She didn’t want to pack up and go to bed. The next clear night was later in the month, and she would finish what she started.
Every fiber in her being made it impossible for her to move away from the telescope, but if her mood was ruined, if her entire heart wasn’t poured into it, why not wait? A few weeks would mean nothing when the perfect night was there.
“You could let me help you.”
Bakugou adjusted the tripod and the scope. Handling it with more care than she’d seen him handle anything. He put an eye to the eyepiece, his fingers wavered above the turning knobs.
“What inanimate object were you using to set up?”
Uraraka gawked at him.
“My dad had a telescope that I used when I was a kid alright? Don’t even think about fucking telling anyone or you won’t be alive to tell the tale.”
“Noted.” Uraraka went to stand next to him and pointed at the light pole she used for setting up. He took a quick glance and started focusing the scope. Without any additional turns, he switched over to the finding scope and started focusing the image.
Uraraka had practiced the steps before starazing many times, but never had she ever been able to do it as fast as Bakugou did. She was jealous of how confident he was looking when doing it as well. He was a perfectionist but he never seemed to think twice about he had already done. And he didn’t have to. It was amazing seeing the child prodigy at work.
Bakugou went back and forth between the eyepiece and the finder scope. Eventually he backed away from it.
“It’s pretty much done now.”
She didn’t intend to let Bakugou do all the work, the set up was part of the experience after all, but he was essentially doing her a huge favor and in the end it wouldn’t be something to get angry about.
Like a big weight had been lifted of his shoulder he sat down on the concrete again and went through Uraraka’s bag. He handed her the right eye piece and then picked up the book Uraraka had dropped and continued where he left of reading.
“This piece is for looking at planets, if you wanted to do that.”
Uraraka put the piece in the pocket of her hoodie and asked: “Don’t you want to come and see?”
Bakugou brought the book closer to his face again, trying not to strain his eyes in the dark.
“God no, almost got a damn headache from all that focusing.”
She couldn’t blame him, he came here to calm down and to be able to fall asleep.
Before Uraraka started gazing she kicked against her bag. “There’s a flashlight in there, probably handy if you don’t want a headache.” Her eye went to the eyepiece.
In the corner of her eye she could see a white light appearing. She herself had been able to read the books with not that much difficulty, but unlike Bakugou, she didn’t have bad eyesight. He had been trying to hide the fact that he couldn’t see properly. One time she had caught him wearing his glasses, he was sitting alone reading in the yard, thinking everyone had gone out. As she went back because she forgot her wallet she had seen him. His face had never looked so relaxed.
As she smiled to herself thinking about his relaxed face she started her long awaited one on one.
The first proper look she had, took her breath away. With one look they were as close as she could possibly get to them. She questioned how it was possible how much brighter and more fascinating they looked compared to staring at them with the naked eye.
She had never fallen in love before but when she did she wanted it to feel like this. That’s when she would know she wanted to give her heart to someone special. Someone equal to a star. Someone to could take her breath away, make her feel content and at ease, make her feel one of the purest forms of happiness she had ever felt.
Every feeling that was buried deep under, feelings she didn’t know she was able to feel, had been pulled out of her. The gentlest pull, like how Bakugou pulled her sleeve.
Bakugou hadn’t said a single word since he had started reading. Normally he would have by now. He would have definitely said something about the gasping she did every other minute. Either making fun of her for geeking out so much or telling her to keep it down because he was reading.
But not a word. He respectfully let Uraraka in her moment, audibly admiring the sky as much as she pleased. He didn’t seem to mind her company and neither did she.
“What’s your star sign again?” Uraraka whispered as if she didn’t want to shoo away the stars.
Uraraka hummed and fiddled at the knobs. “I’ve been able to find a couple so far. My own, my parent’s, but I can’t seem to find yours.”
Bakugou flipped through the pages of the second book he started reading. “Don’t tell me you barely studied these books?”
“What?! Of course I have! But it’s different seeing them in the sky than in a book.”
She heard Bakugou mumble things under his breath before turning off the flashlight and standing up. Uraraka backed away from the telescope, only then noticing how tired her eyes were getting. She buried the palms of her hands in her eyes and yawned.
“If I find my star sign in less than a minute you’re buying me lunch tomorrow.”
“You’re on.”
Bakugou started looking around the sky. It took him considerably longer than she expected. Gradually his tongue started slipping out of his mouth, giving away that it wasn’t as easy as he thought it was going to be.
“Found it.”
Under a minute, damn it.
Curiosity made Uraraka forget that the eyepiece wasn’t suitable for two people to look through and made her butt her head against Bakugou. He immediately stepped away from the telescope, instinctively not wanting to move the tripod. Uraraka stumbled forwards, not expecting him to move so quick. Before she could trip over her bag, Bakugou grabbed her by the shoulders and caught her.
After securing stability, Uraraka started to feel the pain. She felt the side of her head, which was pounding and feeling sore. Bakugou let go of her shoulders and firmly rubbed his forehead, wincing a little.
“You’re so lame.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Uraraka moaned. “How’s your head?”
Uraraka took Bakugou’s hand that was furiously trying to rub away the soreness and inspected the red spot it had left behind his spiky hair. She went to stand on her tiptoes, brushed the hair aside, and softly stroked the spot with her thumb.
Bakugou’s warm breath entered her hood, warming up her neck. His breath turned shaky and irregular. Uraraka landed back on her soles, having moved a couple of inches closer to his face.
His face had turned crimson as if he hadn’t hanging upside down on a monkeybar. Blank, wide eyes stared back at her. When meeting his eyes, they came to life, darting around, checking out her whole face.
Confused, Uraraka looked around, trying to understand what he was thinking. She noticed how she was still holding his hand, her small fingers wrapped around his red knuckles.
She got a better hold of his hand and squeezed. “You’re okay right?”
“I’m fine.” He stuttered, fingers twitching underneath her grasp.
Uraraka knew his head was okay. She asked if he was okay with this, touching him, holding onto him. It seemed like he answered to his double layered questioning, not having retract his hand yet.
She let her hands out of her sleeve and let their palms touch. It was exciting, to see how far he would let her go. She looked up at him, figuring out how he felt about the act. He had gotten used to the touch, now having stopped trembling and peering into her eyes.
To her surprise he pulled his hand back, only for him to take hers again and let their fingers intertwine, his pupils growing as big as the moon.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“I’m fine.” She smiled.
What was it about the guy that intrigued her so much? Why did she feel the need to figure him out, to explore him? Perhaps she wanted to get to know Bakugou better. The 2 am Bakugou that knew how to work a telescope, liked reading astronomy books and didn’t mind holding her hand. A version of Bakugou that undeniably made her heart race and made it hard to breathe.
Especially when he’s pulling her even closer.
Especially when he’s closing his eyes.
Especially when he’s leaning in.
She couldn’t breathe.
Uraraka closed her eyes, leaning back, trying to create a little more distance between them. Just a little more time to steady her breathing. He squeezed her hand to check up on her, she squeezed back.
She was ready to kiss a star.
The grandest of them all.
She felt her back push against the scope. She opened her eyes and loudly gasped. The telescope had moved and the tripod was unbalanced, losing all the preparations Bakugou had done.
Bakugou opened his eyes and looked at the telescope, then back to Uraraka. All she could do was laugh, it was really something that could only happen to her, twice on one night. Bakugou started chuckling after realizing that she wasn’t all that upset.
“That was your own fucking fault this time.”
“I know!”
Uraraka turned their hands and pecked the back of his hand.
“Thank you, for everything.”
“Shut up, will ya and thank me properly.”
Uraraka rolled her eyes and, stood on her toes again and let their lips touch. A supernova occurred inside of her. Exactly what she expected it to feel like.
“Thank you.” She smiled against his lips.
“Thank me more.”
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