#absolutely FUCKIN FUMIN
rexscanonwife · 7 months
y'know generally my life is pretty dang good but I'll tell you what's not fucking good. bureaucracy.
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bellaxgiornata · 8 months
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I Can't Lose You [part two]
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Fem!Reader Word Count: 2.5k
Summary (slightly updated now): The night doesn't go as planned after being tasked by Amanda to seduce a rival drug lord in order to seal the deal for claim to more territory for the Kinsellas. When Michael finds out from his brother what happened, he's not happy with you for following Amanda's orders. Not only is he determined to get revenge on Titan, but he's even more determined to finally get the pair of you out of his family's business.
Warnings/tags: 18+; light angst, overprotective Mikey, love confession, smut
a/n: So this one shot turned into a short mini series. Who would've thought? Feedback is always appreciated! The first part and following parts can be found here.
Tag List: @danzer8705 @shouldbestudying41 @kmc1989 @ebathory997 @mattkinsella @shiorimakibawrites @wkndwlff @pinkratts @lazyxsquirrel @1988-fiend @stilldreaming666 @will-delete-this-later-probably @yarrystyleeza (kept everyone from the first one so if you'd like to be added or removed please let me know!)
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Renewed rage was coursing white hot through Michael’s veins as he stopped before the front door of Amanda and Jimmy’s house. As soon as he’d made his way down your drive after that enlightening conversation with you–one that he had been very reluctant to leave–and saw their house at the end of the street, Michael had seen red. Immediately he’d become pissed off all over again at what Amanda had set you up to do tonight. It had been far beyond out of line for her to order you to do what she had, and he had every intention of making sure Amanda damn well knew that. 
She’d never try to whore you out again for a job when he was done with her.
Raising a fist, he began to furiously and rapidly bang against the door, his knuckles stinging from the impact. He didn’t let up with his pounding, either. He stood on their front porch taking out some of his fury on the heavy wooden door until he heard the click of the lock in between slams of his fist. Only then did he stop, his shoulders heaving with his sharp, frenzied breaths as his brother swung the door open. The expression on Jimmy’s face as he eyed Michael’s livid one made it apparent that he wasn’t remotely surprised by his visit.
“Wondered what took ya so damn long to show up,” Jimmy said plainly. “Figured you’d be here fumin’ at some point after I told ya what happened.”
“Went to see if she was alrigh’ first since ya said she was hurt,” Michael grunted out, roughly pushing past his brother and making his way inside. “Can’t fuckin’ believe ya went along with that shite plan. Absolutely fuckin’ ridiculous.”
“Figured ya knew what was goin’ on tonight,” Jimmy replied, closing the door after his brother. “Amanda never said otherwise.”
Michael spun on his heel, his jaw clenching. “I'd have never agreed to that and ya both know it. Now Amanda’s goin’ to reap the consequences of her actions,” he grit out. “‘Cause ‘m’not lettin’ this fuckin’ slide. So where the fuck is she?”
“She’s just–”
“I’m right here, Michael,” Amanda said, cutting her husband off as she sauntered out of the kitchen, her heels clicking along the floor with each step. “And there’s no need for all the hostility.”
Michael’s eyes narrowed at the sight of her, his back straightening. The flat and uninterested look on her face had his temper flaring even more. She looked as if she couldn't have cared remotely about the danger she had put you in this evening or the way you'd been hurt. That had the corner of his left eye twitching as he glared dangerously back at her across the entryway. 
He certainly wasn't going to leave until he made her understand what a huge mistake she'd made this evening.
“No need?” he ground out, taking a threatening step towards her. “Are ya fuckin’ jokin’, Amanda?”
Amanda’s own eyes narrowed to slits in return, her arms crossing over her chest as she kicked a hip out. “I sent her out on a job, Mikey,” she replied firmly. “‘Cause that’s what she does for this family. Jobs that need to be done. Same as anyone else. And we needed that northern expansion, ya already know that. We’ve got more product than we can push in the territory we already run. We need more buyers if we're goin’ to be bringin’ in any more cash.”
Michael’s hands clenched into fists at his sides, his knuckles still stinging from where he’d pounded them against the door. It was taking all of his willpower not to start taking swings at Amanda with all the anger burning inside of him. But he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t imagining knocking that smug look off of her face at her words. Because she’d willingly put you in danger all for the sake of a chance at making more money.
Your safety was non-negotiable in this business when it came to Michael. Amanda had always known that. It was something that had always pissed her off, causing her jealousy to flare up whenever he brought it up during meetings, putting his foot down on jobs she'd try to send you on that he knew wouldn't be safe. Ones he took instead. Yet she often tried to find ways to poke at that by putting you in situations he didn’t agree with but couldn't rightly counter. All because she was jealous that he’d been in love with you for all of these years and not her, leaving her to ‘settle’ for Jimmy instead. And thankfully nothing serious had ever happened from her bullshit schemes–until now. 
“We need the expansion, yeah,” Michael agreed, tone low and venomous, “but that wasn’t how we were talkin’ ‘bout gettin’ it. Ya already know that, Amanda. Ya went behind my back and set this up yourself.”
“Because we had a last minute meetin’ practically fall in our lap!” Amanda snapped, throwing her hands out wide in exasperation. “What would ya have wanted me to do, Michael? Let the opportunity to negotiate slip between my damn fingers? Is that it?”
“I expect ya to make the right fuckin’ call!” he roared back. “Ya should’ve sent me in to negotiate! That was the plan all along! I was supposed to handle Titan– not her!”
Amanda rolled her eyes, scoffing loudly as she did. That only further pissed him off, his teeth grinding together as the corner of his eye began to twitch faster. The control he had on his rage was beginning to slip with every word that came out of her mouth.
“Ya were unavailable ‘cause ya were with Anna earlier today,” Amanda shot back. “I needed someone right then–and it needed to be a Kinsella or someone damn near close. Titan would’ve never negotiated with anyone too low rankin’ in the business. And we both know Viking is too hot-headed to handle negotiations. Your brother here isn't much for it, either.”
“Hey!” Jimmy cried out, offended. “That’s a load of shite, Amanda, and you know it!”
Her head darted in her husband’s direction, her eyes cold as she snapped at him. “Stay outta this, Jimmy.”
Michael noticed the way his brother’s composure changed, his body tensing at her order. Though it wasn’t a surprise to him when he said nothing further, quietly seething across the room instead. Jimmy usually always backed down to Amanda, which was partly how she wound up in the position she was in now. Especially because Michael wanted to get you and himself out of the business; running it was the last thing he’d ever want.
“Then why’d ya send her in like a cheap fuckin’ whore, Amanda?” Michael growled, taking another threatening step towards her. “How was that a good fuckin’ plan? Ya could've sent her there just to make a deal, plain and simple. Ya know she’s smart.”
“Come off it, Michael,” Amanda shot in distaste. “It's practically common knowledge that the Titan loves his pussy. I didn’t ask her to fuck him, I only asked her to show interest. Get him comfortable enough so he'd fold to our demands easier.”
“Yeah?” Michael asked, his voice low as he stalked steadily towards her. 
He caught the slight flicker of fear that briefly flashed in her eyes at his approach.
A part of him delighted in the sight of it after what she'd done to you–what she'd let happen to you. Something that never should have happened. 
Good , he thought, lip curling back into a sneer. You damn well know what I'm capable of. You should be afraid after what you knowingly did tonight.
“If that was the case,” he continued evenly, aware of her arms crossing back over her chest, her own shoulders squaring as she tried to hide the growing fear in her eyes at his continued advance, “then ya could've dressed in that short little dress and pushed your tits into his face yourself, Amanda. Should've played the role o’ whore all on your own if ya want the expansion so badly. Ya claim you’re a Kinsella, yeah?”
Amanda stumbled a step backwards as Michael neared, lowering his face down to hers. Her back hit the wall though, leaving her stuck trying to hold onto the facade of strength while he towered over her. 
“Better yet,” he continued quietly, every ounce of anger still very apparent in his words as he invaded her space, “ya could've fucked him yourself. Could’ve let him put his fuckin’ hands all over ya. Why not make him fold to your demands by suckin’ his cock all on your own instead of sendin’ someone else to do it? Shoulda gotten your own hands fuckin’ dirty for once.”
“I’m married, Michael,” she weakly shot back. 
A bitter, humorless laugh slipped out of him immediately. Out of all the excuses she could have used, that was the one she was going to go with? 
“Your marriage is barely hangin’ by a thread,” Michael retorted. “And your vows sure as shit never stopped ya from fuckin’ ‘round before. It’s ‘cause ya don’t have the goddamn nerve for this business. Ya sit here in your house bossin’ the rest o’ us ‘round, doin’ your biddin’ and playin’ innocent housewife. But the truth is ya don’t really have the stomach for this. Not when it really matters. Ya never fuckin’ did.” 
Amanda scoffed, shaking her head. “That’s bullshit, Michael. I don’t do the jobs ‘cause that’s what the rest o’ ya are for.”
Blind fury shot through Michael at her words. Without hesitation, his right hand flew forwards until his palm slammed forcefully against the wall mere inches from Amanda’s head. Satisfaction flooded Michael as she visibly flinched in response, her eyes flying just over his shoulder. No doubt looking to Jimmy for help. But Michael knew his brother well enough. He wasn’t going to say a goddamn thing. He wasn’t going to intervene. 
“We do not and have never issued orders for our associates to fuck anyone, Amanda,” Michael growled viciously. “Or to even give someone very dangerous like the Titan that fuckin’ idea only to put our associates in the position where they would either have to or face the fuckin’ consequences of embarrassin’ someone so powerful.” His hand slammed loudly against the wall in his rage and Amanda once again flinched. “Ya damn well knew what was goin’ to happen when ya asked her to do that tonight!”
“Well she–she works for me, Michael,” Amanda countered. “She’s mine to send out as I see fit. She could’ve–”
“YOU DO NOT OWN HER!” Michael roared, ramming his fist into the wall beside her head for emphasis and watching as she shrunk before him. His entire body felt like it was burning with his fury now. “And ya will never send her on a job like that again! Am I fuckin’ clear , Amanda?”
“Ya aren’t the one in charge, Michael!” Amanda fired back.
Furious, Michael pushed off of the wall and took a few steps back, turning and maneuvering around Jimmy who was watching him in silent curiosity. Reaching up, he grabbed onto the long, decorative mirror hanging on the wall beside the front door. Effortlessly he removed it from the hooks before turning back around and throwing it forward. It smashed on the floor just beside Amanda’s feet shattering loudly as glass spilled forth and clattered all over the floor next to her designer heels. 
His glare returned to her shocked face, his own set firm as a hand rose to cover her mouth. He needed to make her understand that she’d crossed a line. She needed to know she couldn’t fuck with you like she thought she could. That she didn't hold the kind of power she thought she did.
“Let's get one thing straight. Fuckin’ a Kinsella doesn’t make ya one,” he ground out. “I could throw ya from this business just as easily as that goddamn mirror, Amanda. Step out o’ line with her one more time like that, and I promise ya, no one’ll be listenin’ to a fuckin’ word ya say anymore. Am I clear ?”
“Fine,” Amanda bit out between her teeth.
“Don’t fuckin’ test me on this again,” he warned, pointing a threatening finger at her. “Ya won’t like what happens if ya do, I can promise ya that.”
Michael turned, focusing on his brother who’d remained silent throughout most of the confrontation. There was still one other issue that needed to be dealt with while he was here. Judging by the look of resignation that washed over Jimmy’s face, he already knew what was coming.
“This won’t go unanswered,” Michael told his brother. “O’Brien can’t go beatin’ our associates and gettin’ away with it. Ya know that, brother.”
“Aye,” Jimmy muttered, nodding his head. “Figured you’d be sayin’ that.”
“We are not startin’ a war with him!” Amanda cried out. “That’s the last thing we need right now!”
Michael’s head whipped over his shoulder in her direction, his eyes shooting her a dark glare that had her mouth closing. “Ya don’t have a damn say in this one, Amanda. Keep your damn mouth shut,” he ordered. His attention returned back to Jimmy who was standing there waiting for him to continue. “I’m takin’ him down for what he did to her. Are ya with me or not, brother?”
Jimmy’s eyes fell down to his feet, a hand running over his beard as he mulled over the question for a moment. Gradually he nodded again, his gaze slowly returning to meet Michael’s. 
“Yeah,” he replied. “‘Course I’m with ya, brother. We’ll take him down and find a way to take his territory with it, one way or another.”
“Good,” Michael stated, ignoring the way Amanda was clearly fuming from across the entryway. “We’ll figure out the details later. Just need to know ya have my back on this.”
“I always got your back, brother,” Jimmy assured him. “Ya know that.”
Michael stepped towards him, reaching a hand out and appreciatively clapping his brother on the shoulder. His anger was still there, burning inside of him, but he was grateful for Jimmy right now. At least he could be counted on and trusted, even if he wished he’d put a bullet in the Titan’s head the moment he tried to lay a finger on you earlier. That’s what he would’ve done.
“Ya headin’ back over there?” Jimmy asked. “To her place?”
“Yeah,” Michael replied, ignoring the irritated huff Amanda let out. “Had to come over here and deal with this mess first. Which I…really didn’t want to do after talkin’ with her. Apparently she’s felt the same way all this time and I’ve just been…blind to it.”
Jimmy sent his brother a small smile, clapping him on the shoulder with a hand in return. “‘Bout damn time ya fools took your heads outta your asses,” he teased. “Go on then,” he said, gesturing his head towards the door. “Go get your girl, Mikey.”
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Baku x reader - watches reader WHOOP ASS during training or in battle and relizes hes fallen for them.
baku gives me vibes of ass beating couple lmfao
PAKJSJNDND yeah watch how he falls in love with the most violent display of rage like "girl you speaking my language rn fr fr 😩"
Your resident power couple <3
And now ive got a name for this ficlet gosh im just so smart 😩
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Bakugo x Violent!Reader - Speaking my language
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You're halfway through a particularly testing battle with todoroki, his eyes staring straight into your soul as he freezes every boulder you throw his way, putting a stop to any of your attacks before they can even get close. You can't even use your quirk to move the ground below him because he's just skating around on his ice like a fucking Disney Princess!
"Hey, Elsa, maybe if you stopped being a fucking coward, this match wouldn't be so boring for you! Stop skating! This isnt mother-fucking Winter Wonderland!!"
Your cussing only entices laughter from the bakusquad and frosty the snowman doesnt even pay you any damn attention whatsoever. He is starting to get on your last nerve.
Usually you're a more agreeable person, more of a doormat than anything because you don't like the thought of driving people away with boundaries, so it makes absolutely no sense when you snap and start cussing at the poor guy when all he's doing is fighting you under the instruction of Aizawa Sensei.
All of your classmates in 1-A are confused and a little scared, iida and izuku horrified by your sudden change in mood.
But you can't help but be absolutely infuriated as this bastard prances around in front of you like you're not even here! It's so frustrating and within barely half a minute you're absolutely fumin, red in the face and eyes narrowed in a glare that could pierce iron.
"You... You asshole! Absolute dickmuncher- you can suck my dick you fuckin' tide-pod looking ass, donkey feet lookin' ass, white crocs wearing, big-toe sucking, 'let it go' looking ass fuckface! DIE!"
In a blind rage, you throw every last insult you have at his face, along with a barrage of boulders made from the fighting ring you're supposed to be actually fighting on instead of using it for ammo.
Kirishima, Mina and Denki have just choked on their snorts and died together, meanwhile Izuku, Iida hide their faces in embarrassment and disappointment. Bakugou, however, has hearts in his eyes and a light blush on his face when he hears the string of curses and the powerful barrage of earth and rock, courtesy of your quirk, which had stunned the poor boy and allowed enough time for you to make a wild dash towards Todoroki and knock him out cold before he regain his bearings.
All you saw was red suring that fight so you may have gone a little overboard but the littlw shit deserved it. How dare he inconvenience you like that. The nerve.
Todoroki lays knocked out in a crumpled heap on the floor while you stand over him, panting and glaring at him while sweat drips down your face from all the running you had to do to avoid his attacks.
Katsuki watches in a daze as you win the match against that asshole, getting up clumsily to follow you when you stumble and limp away with a sour expression.
He might be in love.
You just kicked IcyHot's ass in a way that was so raw and full of power just like he wanted to, and the explosions of dirt and sand and wind when your boulders crashed into Shouto's ice attracted his eyes and attention much like the violence in your combat style.
When he finally reached you and saw you limping up ahead of him he called out to you awkwardly, still being his usual tsundere self when he speaks.
"Hey!- uh-... i-... fuckin'... -you were good out there. Against that asshole IcyHot... he deserved the shit you knocked out of him..."
You look back in confusion at the sound of Bakugou's voice, wondering if mayne he was talking to someone else until he locks eyes with you, a faint blush at his cheeks. You couldnt control the way your stomach swirled and yoir chest felt constricted, Katsuki just came to fucking complement you. What the hell? Is this a dream?? Fuck yeah.
You smile up at him, laughing and aggreeing until you stagger a little, falling to your knees. The blonde clicks his tongue at you as you fall, hooking your arm around his shoulders and helping you walk ehile you wonder if this might be the beginning of a budding relationship, Katsukis mind wandering to the realisation that he's holding you and blushing a deep red.
"Tch. Come on, dumbass. Time to see recovery girl."
Ta daa! I hope this was long enough and was along the lines of what you wanted! Thank you sm for the request i thought it was really fun to write- especially when i just got to roast poor todoroki like sunday dinner 😭😭
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Also do not trust Speedy Bosh; it is the book of lies; to quote Dorothy Parker this is not a book to be tossed aside lightly; it should be hurled with force.
- it takes LONGER THAN THAT to boil potatoes for mashing, ASSHOLES. You can't just underestimate all the cooking times and call it speedy.
- you expect me to start with cooked puy lentils (BEWARE recipes with prerequisites in the main staples) and a food processor but you also expect me to make pesto substitute from scratch instead of getting it out of a jar, where are your NORMAL HUMAN PRIORITIES
- I was halfway through your LYING LIES shepherd's pie recipe before I realised you weren't expecting me to put this in an oven. Just assemble it like an IKEA bookcase and call it pie. A PIE MUST BE BAKED I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL.
- serves 4-8 WHAT, fuckin' GNOMES?!
- its name is stupid and it's extremely pink.
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fadeintoyou1993 · 3 years
ya know the "Does The Dog Die In It" website thing yall came up with. first week of web development ima develop a website thats called "Does Victoria Pedretti Die In It" cuz im absolutely fuckin fumin
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caram3lk1ng · 7 years
Hear me roar
Strident Faster than action the way mind anticipations and reactions My souls contract is denied the impact With youthful vibrance my last piece intact This denied my willful resolution Continuing my intellectual prostitution There is no communion when the common Goals ain't shared in unison Pedaling projects for conquests Instead of building our own institution I'm sick of us losing to our own conclusions Jump rabbit leap like I weep for your confusion Disillusioned that the hand that feeds even knows what the fuck he's doing I'm fumin kush perfuming no substations I'm your provider of clarity and absolution This is a wave wher I constantly remain This is my shame where I won't hide from my name I can be blamed for all the times when my life was on the line before i rewind I just ask you be kind for the story of mine is not one I'm inclined to believe This is the Beignin decline of my Desire To fight my natural instincts aside i I used to be faithless bout now I'm gracious Loose with my patience possibly thankless And short conversations it was endless As serious as a sentence gavel bang like shots boy it was reckless Because I got super powers when I hit the loudest of the loudest Anxiety release me I think I'll be her genie Grant any wish boy it's easy just to appease these Two Siamese queens tragedy calls and it's not that long before comedy needs me These words won't mislead the, I despise the twisted decline of our saturated free minds Join up with infinity, its not far fetched Bout out of reach from stars bet I will not be far if you require my arms to support you to go even farther This is a chance with no romance for fiction i can dance to and my imaginations plague through but I will amaze you Focus in abundance tired of reluctancy Sitting uncomfortable weighting in front of these eyes which invest in these charms To lead the charge blazing it's an understatement what Mary does for my Ancients This ain't about me I think I'm too selfish in times when I should remind them of all of the times when We were just softly prayin we would just make it I appreciate when hall had my back Don't let the story go wasted Follow with the answer as a chaser History can't ever be erased but now it's a race to change the what you thought you saw for your own safety This is what amazes half of hall is tasteless even my silver tongue goes numb in the face of y'all who have disgraced us I'll come back from the dead just for your head there's no shame in being famous for cryin your eyes out while you exclaim that Singularity that devinates with disparity it's a rarity just to parody the insanity if we all can understand each other apparently Why not fly by and wave high as we come to collide on this ride I'm excited you might just like this appetite of my eyes bigger than my stomach so kind of i share in this fire delicacy I've prepared to refine our two minds into weapons of a different kind with fortress of Character so I'll be preparing you just to rummage around the ocean of fate and seal the tombs of the few who pursue what we do with no clue of who's who like we cool but so are you so why don't you show us what you knew but then news of those shoes we walked through had been too what's it to you I've anticlimacticly anticipated this move and it too is through snooZin you lose to my bruised ego as fragile as i am I'm stil the man and that's a good outlook but my email is overlooked so they shook when I'm hook like and sinker Calling bugs bunny out we some stinkers and it's a camera shot of slow motion with the sphincter on these idiots with two fingers up because it don't even enter the mind until I say I shitted on each piece of your older self consider your self dealt with all these other lose jacks and king cards I'm no ace or instrunction card im retarded when I'm too smart to recharge your enlarged state of capacity when I'm sure it's declining rapidly how do you say after me in Japanese I'm so caught in my confusion what's a guy to do when All the other people think you losin but your mind is fused with so much ado about nktnjng Get grip take this chip it's a flip side to be grinding im finding it's not my type of febreeze that I feed into pain it d be fine if I remember my name who am I to be just won of them this is my group in my benefit this is mine who am I To pretend were just friends (Huhu ) I'm tryna win Grammys I don't even want that shit fuckin handed to me So much work to do Mother fucka it's time for the curfew of the all these old imposters I cook this flamin on lobster eating like monsters I don give a fuck whose on the roster I am sure I'm bout to decimate your entire posture Just to be clear it's your stance on the chance that you thought that you knew me I'm blue cheese to these rancho rice niggas o I don't know your size niggas Watch out for that stereotypical Chinese supplies You surmise I surprise your too kind if I let you go and you wouldn't even remind me of your shortcomings I've got to much at stake when I (Like it til I own it1) I'm just tryin to get you to notice me Your body to me is poetry Reincarnations or carnations fall around my lenses I can't quit pretending your just still my friend if You decide that I should be respected This is too much for my heart and I think that I'm pretty smart and You make me fuckin retarded I have to be so honest This response to you is alarming I think that my molecules rip apart when I chance lose my partne That's how this got started you told me I had your heart then I Told you I felt didn't feel the same way too but you held on since I ain't never been so charmed with
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illissos · 7 years
there's a bungalow estate next to my house and the old people and my neighbours rent garages. we've been told that the garages have been sold by the council to a housing company so they can build on it. last night, without warning, they put leaflets through these old people's letterboxes tellin them that the site was getting closed off today. Today. no prior warning. the people renting these garages are old. they cant organise to get it cleaned out overnight and they have no where else to store their stuff/cars. they cant clear it themselves. no one has had any warning and it took my da going to the council himself (absolutely fumin as well) to get them to extend the eviction notice to 20 days. fuckin tory britain
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sadlazzle · 5 years
srry but im still absolutely fumin tht some cunt poured cooking oil on my baby boy. my beautiful ginger baby. how fucking dare they. honestly i swear if i ever EVER find the cunt who did it i will hav their fuckin head for it
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