Get To Know Me: Elements Edition
This is a tag game I found that I wanted to start up again! So here we go!
Rules: bold what applies to you and italicize your aspirations
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm• I want to travel the world • I sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit dinners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colours not words
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humour is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of the mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
Seems like I’m more of an air and earth gal! lol so here are the tags: @tis-i-the-frenchiest-fri, @thepursuitoflaziness, @transmxsc, @tragicbrownlesbian, @moon-attuned-atlas, @bi-disasters-cuz-girls, @sjwcoded, and @crushing-velvet. No pressure to participate if you don’t want to, though.
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jarjarbinxguy · 6 years
Mesa tagged!
My muy palo @mrs--binks has tagged me! Like her, I’ve never been tagged. So here’s alittle about me!
Nicknames: binxdude, binxguy, benji (my real name) I don’t have a lot of nicknames really.
Height: 5 11’
Orientation: straight. But gungansexual for a jarjar (and maybe a few others. I love gungans)
Nationality: nabooian
Favorite fruit: blueberries and strawberry’s! I love berries. And red grapes
Favorite season: fall, I love the colors and campfires. And the pumpkin pies. Fall is perfect
Favorite flower: orchids, any orchid. I love their cool petals
Favorite scent: vanilla, or the smell after a rainfall. Also bakery’s. I like a lot of smells
Favorite color: blue, sky blue.
Favorite animal: any reptile. I really like reptiles, and amphibians for obvious reasons
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate by far, with marshmallows. But I also drink coffee sometimes in early mornings, but I like it sweet.
Average hours of sleep: on workdays 6-7 hours, but I usually sleep in on weekends to about 8-9 hours. I’m a heavy sleeper.
Cat or dog person: doggos, they are the best and I’m not allergic to them like cats.
Favorite fictional character: i think we all know
Number of blankets: one blanket, one sheet in summer. But I’m winter it’s one blanket, and electric blanket, and two sheets. Winters are cold.
Dream trip: I wanna travel to Scandinavia and see my ancestral homeland. And to Germany, I’d love to go to Germany
Blog created: I think in 2015, but became active this year when I found the JJB community.
Number of followers: 14, I don’t expect this account to blow up, but it makes me feel better that people share my interest in jar jar.
Random fact: I’m an avid outdoorsman. I like to hunt and fish. Also I know the lyrics to ever 80s song ever. And I love art, art I can appreciate. Specially jar jar art.
I don’t really know who to tag except my muy palo, but she already did it so it’s open to anyone. I think that’s is how it works. I’m new to this Okeday! Thanks for reading!
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weighting4me · 7 years
The News
So epic fail me, I totally meant to write this post a few days ago and life got a bit in the way. So here it is, my previously promised BIG NEWS post:
So as many of you will know (but if you didn't it's all good) for the approximately the last 3.5 years I have been dealing with the court system to make things right for Little Miss and myself, making sure that her dad has no access to either of us. Well y'all.... IT IS FINALLY OVER!!!!
I didn't post much in February first because I was dealing with the anxiety of the pending hearing, the anxiety of the hearing, the waiting for over a week after the hearing for the decision, and then the come down relief of the anxiety being resolved.
Now it has been 2 weeks, though my way in didn't show a loss, it did hold steady. And maintenance means that I didn't over eat from the stress or in celebration- both of which is progress for me.
Also I have in the last couple of months found my joy of performing again and am loving being in a musical again.
I have found some awesome new friends to play D&D online with every week- which is something I have developed a passion for and embraced over the last year.
Y'all my stress levels are down, I am sleeping better, and I am finally really figuring out and embracing me.
So that's the news, sorry for the long post. I hope you all are well!
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wanderlust-pixels · 7 years
1.What's your favorite color? 2. What's your favorite music? 3. What do you do outside of rping/sims?
First fave color is purple! almost all shades except Neon colors!  I listen to all kinds of music except the screaming stuff and try to avoid songs that degrade women. Outside of RP and sims I like to read, do escape rooms, nap, eat baked goods and travel!!
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airysunfierymoonx · 7 years
10 Fun Facts About Me!
I love almost anything with Blueberry! (Blueberry Tea, Blueberry Pie, Blueberry Donuts, Muffins, Blueberry Pancakes!)
My favorite celebrities are Ryan Gosling & Ian Somerhalder!
I actually wear glasses. I only wear them when I leave the house.
I almost died when I was 13 years old. I wouldn't be here today if I wasn't taken to the ER.
I've never been to a concert yet!
My favorite exotic animals are: Fox, Monkey, Seahorses and Chameleon.
My birthdate is 6/14 and weighed 6 lbs and 14 oz when I was born.
I love to draw. Whether it's by pencil, oil pastels or simply just coloring. I soon want to learn how to do digital drawing!
My family I live with are mostly Virgos. The others are Taurus & Aries.
I own 3 Tarot Decks and own 3 Oracle decks.
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I was tagged by the AMAZING @stylesdimplefeelings to do the 9 selfie challenge.
I tag YOU! If you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged hehe
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parrisshadam · 7 years
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personal moodboard; tagged by the lovely @noxclara  💜💜 (i’m tagging anyone who see’s this and wants to do it! like even if we’re not mutuals, you wanna do a moodboard? you’re tagged! and you can totally tag me in it i wanna seee!) 
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mjemimaco-blog · 8 years
March | 3 of 31
20 Facts About Me
1. I have a doraphia. I don’t touch animal fur or skin, no matter how adorbs they are. In short, I am not a pet lover but I do not hate animals though. 2. I am not a sweet tooth. I don’t get tempted by looking at those colorful and mouth-watering sweets. I would only like to take pictures of them. 3. I couldn’t go out of the house without applying body lotion, regardless if I did my brows or not. 4. I barely watch television and I think Abs-cbn’s ASAP is boring, as well as the other network’s similar show. I hate the commercials and the sound of the TV. Also, I only watch reality shows except PBB. But sometimes I do, like for one minute or two. 5. I have pairs of shoes I bought but never worn. I think they need to be given away so other people could use it. Or maybe I’d sell them for cheap prices. 6. I don’t like cold drinks, even cold water. So I don’t drink softdrinks and liquors. Well, except for fresh milk and Chuckie. 7. One of my dream jobs is to work with Candy Magazine. Something that involves writing articles. 8. I sleep with too many pillows and use all of it. 9. I had a baby sister for 6 years. She has joined our Creator in the year 2000. 10. I don’t know how to swim but I can float, like after a hundred tries and concentration to the highest level. 11. Hello Kitty is my first and forever favorite character, though I still wonder why the cat doesn’t have a mouth. 12. I am an HRM graduate and don’t know how to cook without a recipe. It’s not something to be proud of, I know. Just gimme time. 13. I couldn’t sleep without a blanket. 14. I am not afraid to try extreme rides. 15. I don’t like men with abs. I prefer chubby ones. Well, obviously, as you can see with my boyfriend. But of course, there’s always an exception. I still get a crush onto some guys who aren’t fluffy. Just no abs please.  16. I love arts and crafts. Everything DIY. In fact I have a little sideline business. I cater invitation cards/letters for all occasions and also giveaways. 17. I am a bookworm. I prefer reading books than party all night. 18. I am fond of cute stuffs, especially if they are pink, white, or gold. Those are my favorite colors actually.  19. I love to travel for free. Lol. Who doesn’t want to? Really, it’s my best way to unwind. I like long rides. 20. I crave for shrimps everyday and I know it’s not good.
NOTE: This is in random order.
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jarjarbinxguy · 6 years
I will protect and defend jar jar binks till the very day I die!
Inspired by this
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weighting4me · 7 years
Tag Time
Ok so I was actually tagged twice for this by @claire-bears-healthy-living because she tagged this blog and my blog (@arrogers2 ). Sorry it took me so long to do this.
A- Age: 30
B- Birthplace: Upstate (and I mean upstate) New York
C- Current time: 9:17 EST
D- Drink you had last: Raspberry Rosé seltzer water
E- Easiest person to talk to: my bff
F- Favorite Song: Ok so I have a ton of favorite songs, so picking one is hard. Pretty much anything by the Backstreet Boys. I think my current favorite jam is Road Less Traveled by Lauren Alaina
G- Grossest memory: sitting next to a guy who was chewing tobacco and spitting into a Pepsi bottle (I am gagging just typing this)
H- Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
I- In love?: that would be a no
J- Jealous of people: seeing as I am human, yes
L- Love at first sight or should I walk by again: umm good question
M- Middle name: Rae
N- Number of siblings: 2 younger
O- One wish: to win the lottery
P- Person you called last: a parent at work
Q- Question you are always asked: What do you mean you aren’t originally from here?
R- Reason to smile: my Little Miss Peanut Brittle (she’ll be 7 in just a few days)
S- Song you sang last: You Haven’t Seen The Last of Me by Cher from the Burlesque soundtrack
T- Time you woke up: 6 am
U- Underwear color: purple
V- Vacation destination: London
W- Worst habit: procrastination
X- X-Rays: most recently my knee
Y- Your favorite food: chocolate
Z- Zodiac sign: Cusp of Power (Aries/Taurus)
Thanks again for the tag @claire-bears-healthy-living !
I tag @mystoryfortheaudienceoftheworld @mybigfatfitlife @fitnessgeekandcoffeefreak @madisonrobingetsfit @mr-rubberlegz if you’ve already done this, sorry I missed it
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parrisshadam · 7 years
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tagged by the lovely @noxclara 😘😘 and i’m tagging @nachocity​@otabekacutletbowl @onelassieandherfandoms and @avenging-pendragons​ (and anyone else who sees this and wants a go!)💜
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First, I would like to thank and credit Stephanie Gonzalez (Facebook) and Melooonconvino for the beautiful art! Name: Ajanee Nickname: Nay or Nay Nay Gender: Female | She/her  Timezone: EST (-4) Age: 18 Birthday: September 28 Zodiac sign: Libra ♎ Race: African-American Occupation: A black, stressed out college student. (Nursing major) Favorite muse: I CAN’T REALLY PICK, BUT IF I MUST, IT HAS GOT TO BE AOI ASAHINA AND MY SELF-INSERT OC. Favorite genre: Adventure, action, fluff and horror. Personality type: INFP-T Introvert, intuitive, feeling, prospecting and turbulent. Basic version: I’m an introvert, but I’m kind of social as well? I would consider myself a huge dork, sassy and NOT a pushover Favorite show: Space Patrol Luluco, Kill la Kill, Magical Doremi, Magi Madoka Magica, Smile Precure.
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wanderlust-pixels · 7 years
Favorite: color, time of day, and type of music ^_^
2nd fave color is black tbh like its the best and goes with everything! I love late night - its generally have the most energy. And music, I like upbeat songs, songs that make me sing along or move to the beat.
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weighting4me · 8 years
About the Blogger
I have gotten a lot of new followers lately and I thought it might be time for a quick post about who I am as I haven't done one in a bit. So here's a brief run down:
My name is Abby. I am a 29 (soon to be 30 in April) year old single mom of a wonderful 6 year old. I refer to my daughter on here usually by calling her some variation of Little Miss- so that's what that means if you see it. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I had been doing better once I hit college, but after I graduated I ended up in a domestically violent relationship (for more on this read here). I got out of that relationship a bit over 5 years ago but still struggle with after effects including weight gain and depression. I have been doing Weight Watchers for the last 4 years and it has helped. I live in an out of the way small town in Maine, but was born and went to college in upstate New York and am still a New Yorker at heart. I have various hobbies and can be quite geeky. Also I am an Elementary School Secretary.
That's pretty much me in a nutshell. Oh and as this is not my primary blog if you see @arrogers2 commenting on your posts or following you- that is me.
Welcome to my world! Thanks for being here! My ask box is always open. Feel free to message me anytime!
Hope you are having a lovely day!
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