#about my social security number and my parents credit card information
i can write 10000 investigation essays a 10000 times for school but if i ever have to go through questions like ''do you consider yourself [blank]'' or ''how do you say people would describe you'' im gonna do something, probably not good
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs "Help Desks”
Sweet blessed gods, if people are going to try to phase out and or cheap out on phone helpdesk staff for the sake of their bottom line, they could at least do it competently. I’ve been using automated phone trees of one type or another for a long time, since the days when “hold the line while we transfer you to an operator” meant “some people are still using a rotary dial phone”, and it’s amazing to me how they get smarter and yet somehow more ridiculous every time I turn around.
There’s a thing I’ve been dealing with at the behest of my parentals regarding my state pension. Basically, over here, your state pension is based on your National Insurance contributions, and you have to have 35 years of full National Insurance contributions before you can get your full state pension. Thing is, because I worked as a temp a lot, there are a lot of years when I didn’t make a full contribution, and there weren’t National Insurance credits available for a lot of reasons. (It doesn’t help that I was allowed and in fact encouraged to use a temporary National Insurance number for years and it doesn’t look like those years count towards my state pension now, even though I paid above the odds those years. Ugh.) Now, theoretically, if everything goes to plan, I should be able to claim my full state pension because I’ve got fifteen years of full contributions as of this tax year and I’m not due to claim my state pension until 2044. Or later, because they might change the laws on that again; wouldn’t put it past the government as is. Anyway, point is, I should be fine. But it’s possible I won’t be fine, because I am, after all, disabled. Also, let’s face it - my luck with jobs has been made of dogshit for ... well, most of my life, if you think about it. My luck’s holding so far but shit does happen, often, and often to me. So anyway, the point of all this is that you’re allowed to make voluntary contributions towards your state pension for the last five years that a full contribution wasn’t made. My parentals intend to make that voluntary contribution to take five years’ worth of pressure off my quest for a full state pension. Which is nice of them.
Now, if they just didn’t make it so damn complicated to give them money in that way, that’d be great.
They tell you to go to the website and follow the instructions to pay online or by direct debit. They don’t tell you that you need an 18-digit reference number until the box requesting one is staring you in the face. You actually have to go to ancillary information sources (non-HMRC help sites) just to find out how to get that 18-digit reference number they’re apparently so hot for. There are apparently two options for getting one: write to them and wait two weeks while they send one back by post, or call.
However, their automated voice-recognition phone tree piece of bullshit does not understand the difference between National Insurance reference number and National Insurance number. There is a difference. One you get given on a card so you can write it down on tax documents (like a social security number); the other is a very specific number used only by HMRC internally to deal with voluntary National Insurance contributions. However, the automated phone tree does not recognise this difference, so giving it the key phrase “National Insurance reference number” is useless. So is “voluntary National Insurance contributions”, and similar phrases. It’s not that the automated phone tree doesn’t understand it to a point; it just doesn’t recognise it as something I literally need to speak to a human being to sort out. Thus it just says, “Our lines are busy, look up the information online, good-bye”, and hangs up. No option to ask to speak to an advisor, nothing. Just “Check our website; bye. *clik*”
It took awhile, but I finally figured out how to actually speak with a human being in this instance. Every time it repeated the Google-perfect phrase I gave it and asked, “Is that correct?” ... I said “no”. Even if it technically was. See, at that point, deliberately playing obtuse is the only way to go, and even then it was a nightmare. First they just let me try again - “Is this correct?” “No.” Then it suggested some key phrases I could give it as search terms. I picked one that sounded close-ish but no cigar - “Is this correct?” “No.” Then it gave me even simpler verbal options that really did sound like basic Google search terms - “Is this correct?” “No.” Finally, they gave me a number menu, and at the end of that list was “To speak to an advisor, press 4″. They went all the way around the houses to make it as hard as possible to speak to a human being, because every one of the options I was given in the first three tries were designed to point you at the website and hang up on you. I know because I tried them on and off for a fair bit of last week.
Then I spent over an hour on hold. I can’t blame them that much because we are coming on to tax season but especially when you consider how hard that phone tree works to shunt all callers to the website ... fucking hell. All of that for an eventual conversation with a pleasant lady who asked a couple of questions, seemed grateful I had all the information she wanted to hand, and dealt with the whole thing in three minutes.
Don’t even get me started on the power company. On one hand, it’s a little easier to get to the “please hold for an advisor” stage. Not much, but a little. On the other hand, I’m pretty sure they outsource most if not all of their call center and web help staff overseas. Leaving aside the whole “You’re just outsourcing this work overseas so you can get a service while drastically underpaying your staff ... more than you can get away with here, anyway” problem, the other issue there is that if you’re providing call centre services to a company that does business in an English-speaking country ... it might be good if you at the very least made sure the staff providing the services can actually speak English to a reasonable degree. It’s hard to say that without worrying that I’m judging these people for not speaking English, but I swear I’m not judging. I don’t expect them to speak English because I’m fairly sure they’re not in England, or in any other country that speaks English as its first language, come to that. This is bad enough when it’s the web chat help system, where it’s pretty obvious that the person at the other end just copy-pasted your question into a FAQ search and then copy-pasted the result back to you without necessarily knowing what it said; it’s worse when it’s a human being and you need three tries for what effectively boils down to “I want to check my balance” but is a bit more complicated than that.
I’m sure that companies were wetting themselves in sheer joy when technology allowed for the automation of something vaguely resembling a help desk. Thing is, as my brother-from-another-mother says, computers are just very fast idiots. They will do exactly what you tell them, and only exactly what you tell them, and if your request deviates even a little from their parameters of what a request looks like, they will throw a fit. As for outsourcing overseas ... like I said, I don’t blame the people on the other end of the phone or web chat who don’t speak English very well. I blame the people who hire them on at ludicrously low pay and horrific hours and then setting them up for hours of abuse from customers who are a lot less polite than I am about their understandable inability to speak fluent English when they live in a country that doesn’t.
I think this pisses me off to a greater degree than usual these days because of a certain piece of rhetoric regarding jobs and people in this country doing them since the fucking Brexit referendum. They yell about “foreigners taking our jobs” while throwing ones that would actually be perfect for people in this country on a work-from-home basis - for the disabled, carers for small children or vulnerable adults, even for second jobs that wouldn’t require even more time spent on commuting - at places with fewer employment rights and minimum wage laws, which only results in a worse service and more stressed staff. If the xenophobes in this country don’t want “foreigners taking our jobs”, maybe they should demand that we stop throwing 'our jobs’ at ‘foreigners’ in a massively exploitative model that does nothing but fatten the profit margins of the CEOs. And also maybe don’t throw it at computers that require a certain specificity to function in a helpful way, when help desks are generally called by people who don’t have specifics - THAT IS WHY THEY ARE CALLING FOR HELP.
I mean, I think a lot of this boils down to “stop using technology to exploit people in the name of The Great God ECONOMY, you shitheads”, but with specific examples and a lot of frustration.
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santana2k · 2 years
Big Data - Legal Side
After watching The Legal Side of Big Data, I have learned something things that both businesses and consumers should be aware of when using big data.
Businesses, Beware
Big data can be very helpful to businesses in advertising and especially in larger companies, it helps in keeping all customer data in one place. Unfortunately, big data does have some cons. The biggest one is when businesses systems get hacked. This reminds me of when my parents credit card information as well as many others was taken because of a "breach" in the data systems at a midwestern grocery store chain. This is bad for business then they can get into some legal issues. The best way for businesses to prevent this is to prepare for these issues before they happen.
Consumers, Beware
Consumers are also at risk when it comes to Big Data. Now most people don't really think about it, but companies are constantly updating information about each consumer. Think about all the information that multiple websites have just because you ordered one thing from them. They have your credit card number, address, email address, phone number, your web searches, etc. It is so easy now for companies to obtain information about consumers through big data. The best way for consumers to protect their information is to be aware of the companies they are giving business to (that including using apps and sites).
Influence of Business Models
The best way I can example how business models influence data gathering is how he checkout process works at my job. All of our cashiers are trained to increase our "email capture" which is getting customer's emails so we can send them promos and coupons. We also try to increase our sales by getting customers to order items at the cash register from online incase we don't have it in their size or color they want. We even offer free shipping if they order in store. Lastly, we encourage them to apply for our store credit card to get discounts and benefits at our store and for all future purchases. After all that we have now have the customer's email, phone number, home address, and social security information.
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marleahsblogs · 3 years
✨ Internet Safety ✨
For our generation today, the internet is probably the safest place to be in. People can be whoever they want, express whatever they want, and enjoy themselves however they want. I must admit, I would also say that I couldn’t live without the internet. Internet is just the solution to every problem, right? Now, we can even earn money in the comfort of our rooms with the help of the internet. Should we spend hours travelling just to buy stuff? Nah, we got the internet! With just several clicks we can already make an order and just wait on our couch to receive it. Oh no, COVID-19 ruled the world! No worries, we are backed up by the internet. Online classes, online transactions, online dating. You name it. The internet is there for us, or is it? Is it our safe haven?
We have put so much trust in the internet, but we didn’t know it can also be our biggest predator. Online transactions were fun until you got scammed and lost all your money. Online dating them feel loved until the person they were talking to is a catfish. Streaming online made him famous and rich, until his account got hacked. And there are still millions of stories out there that should awake us from believing that the internet is the safest thing in the world.
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Below are some possible dangers you could encounter online.
1. Cyberbullying
I’m sure many of you have heard of this. But even though we are fully aware of it, it is still one of the major problems until now. As we casually scroll in our social media feeds, it is already normal for us to see people making fun of or “bashing” other people. It became so prevalent that we could call it a normal thing. According to UNICEF (2019), one in three young people has said that they have been a victim of cyberbullying and that it affected almost half of the Filipino children aged 13-17. We need to know that even a single word like “tanga” or “bobo” we see in our social media platforms and online gaming worlds could affect or traumatize us greatly.
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2. Data Being Stolen
Some people nowadays are getting better at doing this. They can steal your money from your accounts, apply for a loan or credit card using your name, or sell your information to an online criminal as well. The hidden website is packed with criminals who purchase and sell stolen personal data. If your data is stolen, you can experience spam attacks. But most of these data thefts try to steal sensitive information, such as your credit card or personal information to commit identity theft.
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3. Exposure to Inappropriate Material
Another risk especially for children and teenagers are exposure to inappropriate materials that are sexual, hateful, or violent. The chance and probability for children to look at anything inappropriate rely on how much they do online as they get more active online at a younger age. Whether it's a free-time graphic pop-up commercial, children's cartoon characters in adult circumstances or a self-harm forum, an innocent search might expose these children to contents that make them feel puzzled and angry. Some of the inappropriate content includes pornographic material, content containing swearing, sites that encourage racism, violence, terrorism, or even suicide, sexism sites, or gambling sites, and so on.
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Based on my own experiences, here are some tips I would like to share to you to look after your privacy and secure your internet safety:
1. Keep your software up-to-date
Not only will you get a better program experience, but you will also be able to iron out your security issues. But the reason why you must keep it updated is that hackers are fast enough to become aware of certain software’s vulnerabilities, thus could harm your computer system and personal data. If you avoid doing these updates, you are bound to face persistent bugs, data loss, malware infection, and of course security issues.
2. Update your passwords
Why do we need to constantly change our passwords? So that we can reduce the risk of other people having access to our accounts, thus corrupt our personal data. Using strong passwords is necessary for us to prove our identity in our accounts, websites, or our computer itself (Wright, 2021). My tip in creating passwords is random characters with a symbol, number, and at least one capital letter. The reason for this is that using weak passwords, such as patterns of letters and numbers, or simply your name and some important date you know can cause hackers to guess and open your account, hence impersonate you to commit fraud and other crimes.
3. Use two-factor authorization
Familiar with this term? Yes, a two-factor authorization (2FA) is an extra step to keep your accounts more secure and avoid getting hacked by others. One of the most common 2FA methods is one-time codes sent through SMS or email, authenticator apps such as Google Authenticator, and security keys such as U2F tokens (Drozhzhin, 2018). This one for me is the best 2FA authorization because only your private key will confirm your login. If someone will try to log in to your account with the wrong security key, they will not be granted access to your account. So, there you go. A series of two-factor authorizations that will secure your accounts the best way possible. You’re welcome!
4. Be careful what you click on
Have you heard of phishers? They are attackers that send a fraudulent message designed to trick and victimize us into revealing sensitive information to them. As scary as it sounds, we need to be aware of what we click on to avoid experiencing this. Phishing is usually done in an email when they get your email address from somewhere. These phishers try to create a fake website to trick you into typing in your personal information. It’s much easier for them to hack our accounts this way. To avoid this, you can check the URL’s legitimacy by using the Google Transparency Report or simply avoid suspicious emails which require your personal information. Think before you click!
5. Back-up your data
Data back-up and recovery has many advantages. Some of these are protecting and saving your data, provides ease of management, ensures accurate information of your data, quick access to data, scalability, and such (Becker, 2021). There are many other ways to back up your data, but here’s a simple way to manually back up your data in your phone is to open your phone’s settings app, tap system and click backup or search backup in your settings app, then tap back-up now. It’s that simple.
6. Set up notifications for your most important bank accounts
As online bank account holders, it is our responsibility to making sure our accounts are protected. Online accounts are one of the easy targets of hackers to whisk away our money with just a couple of keystrokes. To safeguard our online banking, we may choose an industrial-standard security bank or credit union that utilizes text or e-mail warnings avoids the use of public Wi-Fi access and periodically changes your password.
7. Protect your personal information
This might be difficult for those who like to express themselves on social media, but we must protect our personal identity to avoid any sort of online threats. To protect our identity, we must limit the amount of personal information we share or provide. We shouldn't share or provide this information online: exact home address, your place and schedules of classes or work, birthday, cellphone number, and most importantly our passwords or account information. Another tip is to write down in a small notebook all your passwords and keep them safe in a secure place away from your computer.
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8. Use parental controls and stay present
With the pandemic going on right now, parents should be extra careful of what their children see and hear about themselves and who they encounter on the internet. To protect your children from internet risks, talk to them frequently, utilize tools to safeguard them and watch out for their work. Monitor the time of your child, especially the younger ones, about when and how long they stay online. Keep your computer at a central location in your house, where it's easy to watch what your children do and look at online. You may configure them for mobile devices to forget Wi-Fi passcodes for your kids not to go online without knowledge. Review privacy and location settings, parental control and use secure browsers, apps, search engines and YouTube search settings. Lastly, limit camera and video to prevent your children from accidentally taking photos or videos of themselves or others.
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The internet does not usually hurt us unless we react to suspect material and websites. The first reason you don't know what you're doing is because of internet damage. Secondly, you may react or click on links such as appealing advertisements, infected software and communications when you have other forces. To ensure internet safety, just remember those tips above and these three things: secure your network, be responsible, and make the internet child-safe.
Becker, D. (2021). 6 Advantages of Data Backup and Recovery. IT Central Station. Retrieved from https://www.itcentralstation.com/articles/6-advantages-of-data-backup-and-recovery
Drozhzhin, A. (2018). SMS-based two-factor authentication is not safe — consider these alternative 2FA methods instead. Kaspersky Daily. Retrieved from https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/2fa-practical-guide/24219/
Wright, J. (2021). Why Is it Important to Change Your Password? Small Business Chron. Retrieved from https://smallbusiness.chron.com/
Online bullying remains prevalent in the Philippines, other countries (2019). Unicef Philippines. Retrieved from https://www.unicef.org/philippines/press-releases/online-bullying-remains-prevalent-philippines-other-countries
25 Best Internet Safety Tips for Every Situation (2021). The Neeva Team. Retrieved from https://neeva.com/learn/25-best-internet-safety-tips-for-every-situation
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ayonde · 4 years
My journey beyond MBA into Canada (Blog#10)
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After graduation we went to Orlando to see Disney/Universal. That trip burned a hole in my pocket. Washington DC was the last leg and luckily the museums in DC are free to public unlike New York. We survived on McDonald's for couple of days as I simply ran out of money.
Signing bonus was a new concept. I had assumed that I would get that money the moment I accept the offer letter. Only to realize that I would actually get it 45 days after joining. I was running dangerously low on cash so I requested Cartesian to give me 50% of my signing bonus upfront which they trustingly did.
Location: Cartesian also gave me options for my location. Boston was too far up north and cold. Philadelphia was tough. New York was costly. Washington DC has nice summer and I was familiar with Northern Virginia due to its proximity to Williamsburg. So I selected DC.
My friend Vipul helped me get a lease at his apartment complex in Herndon, VA. My wife joined me in US to join me while rest of my family left for India. Doing grocery was a problem. Walking to the store and carrying big bags was too laborious. Ever since I drove Chris’s car I wanted to buy a Subaru Forester but as I had no credit history and my income hasn’t come yet no one was ready to give me auto loan. I approached Bank of America but they declined – even though I showed my offer letter with salary information they wouldn’t lend me a single cent unless I agree for 20% APR.
Once again, Vipul introduced me to Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU). DCU gave me the full $20,000 at competitive 2.29% APR. I searched online to shortlist few cars. Hilariously changed 3 buses and a Metro with my wife and traveled to Manassas, VA to buy my Forester. Now I could reach places within minutes – such a big relief!
2015: Luckily my first project was with Time Warner Cable and their office was a mile away from my apartment. I would come back home to have lunch or walk to office. 
Life was good. 
It became better as I got news from Larry that USCIS cleared my RFE and my H1-B was approved. Huge sigh of relief! The H1-B came into effect in October. I noticed that my take home pay decreased as now I had to pay into Social Security and Medicare.
I felt that this system was unfair. As foreign national working in US I was a non-resident alien but for tax purposes I was a resident alien. I could not benefit from SSN or Medicare but I had to contribute into those programs. Additionally, every time I exit US, I had to get my passport stamped and answer lot of questions at port of entry. Cartesian also had to file paperwork to USCIS whenever I changed apartments as my address of residence was listed in my petition.
2016: Having money felt great but my wife couldn’t work in US. We thought of starting a family but I wanted her to earn and be financially independent. I thought “If I can come to US and get work after US education, my wife and sister can do that as well”. We put our family plans on hold. Raising kids would mean a gap of 5+ years for my wife which could prove insurmountable in rejoining workforce.
She liked William & Mary’s Masters of Accounting. She enrolled in Northern Virginia Community College to get prerequisite credits. My wife and sister took the GMAT/TOEFL and applied to schools.
My wife got admits from George Mason, American University and W&M. My sister got admits from CUNY Baruch, Fordham, Johns Hopkins, American and Bentley for Masters in Marketing Analytics. Even though CUNY was 1/3rd the cost of Fordham and Johns Hopkins is a huge brand name, I advised my sister to enroll in Fordham as it is STEM certified. STEM allows international students to be eligible for 2 years of extended OPT in addition to the initial 1. This provides 3 years to find an employer who would file for H-1B.
For obvious reasons, my wife selected W&M. Since I could work from home, I decided to move back to Williamsburg to lower our living cost and be together. I did not have sufficient money for my wife’s education. Luckily I learned about Mpower Finance. They provided $25,000 without collateral at 11.99% APR both to my wife and my sister. This was a game changer. I took a personal loan from DCU for the remainder amount. I paid my sister’s monthly rent in NYC. By fall both enrolled in their respective schools. I asked Cartesian to apply for my Green Card (GC) but they asked to revisit in 2017
2017: I visited India in Oct and that’s when my mother fell and broke her shoulder. It became clear to me that I need to live together with my parents. I asked Cartesian again for GC but they refused to apply. To be fair I still had another year on my H-1B and could renew it for 3 more years. Usually companies exhaust 6 years of H-1B before sponsoring for GC. The problem is that USCIS puts a cap on number of GC applications per country. Which means that India with a population of 1.3 Billion gets the same number of GC slots as Lithuania – a country of 3 million. This cap puts a wait time of 10 to 15 years for Indians and Chinese to get GC in best case estimate. Worst case puts the waiting period at 45 years!
Even if I received GC, I still couldn’t stay with my parents. I started exploring other options and learned about Canadian Permanent Residency. My wife and I applied to Canada’s point based PR. During application I got to know another Indian applicant. He was 38 years old, had two kids. Worked in US on H-1B for 7 years. (2 renewals + 1 extended year) His company exploited him and gave him $138,000 while his American coworkers made $200,000+ He couldn’t leave his job as his company was filing for his GC, because of his age he scored less points in the Canadian PR process. He was in a pickle.
I decided I didn’t want to be in his shoes after 5 years. By mid-2017, my wife faced rejections at interviews due to companies unwilling to sponsor H-1B. Luckily she contacted Tim who owns La Tienda at Toano, VA and is a W&M Alumni. They hired her for a yearlong internship during the course of her OPT. My sister also found a job at NYC but the hours were killing her. Rampant racism existed in her company. English Hons fresh out of school American citizens are fast tracked into Managers while  Indian employees who had considerable experience in SPSS, SAS etc. and had a MS in Marketing / Analytics were made to work at grassroots. I decided to leave US when my wife’s internship and her OPT would conclude in July 2018. By December we had received our Canadian PR.
I owed my parents $80,000 for my MBA. I had little money saved. So I decided to buy a property in India. I would pay the mortgage on it and my parents would rent it out. The rent would provide them additional income to support cost of living.
2018: I was bleeding money from all ends – rent, auto loan, mortgage, education loan and taxes. Additionally, I couldn’t plan for retirement or invest in a property while in US.
Since both of us were earning and our cost of living was low. I decided to use snowball effect. First, paid off my wife’s education loan by making lump sum payments every month. That freed up the money going towards that loan. We used that additional money and attacked the next – auto loan was now repaid. Only mortgage remained as we moved to Canada in July 2018.
In September my H-1B expired. I resigned from Cartesian as a full-time employee and rejoined as independent contractor. This worked in my favour as I was able to get a 20% hike. I was promoted to Manager. I did not miss forgoing benefits like medical etc. as those are provided in Canada under universal healthcare.
We setup base in Toronto and my wife landed a job soon. We used the snowball effect once more to pay off my mortgage in India. After 4 years or so I recouped my Return on Investment on my MBA.
2019/2020: I was debt free and started saving money. Paying rent in the Greater Toronto Area was expensive and paying the same amount in mortgage made more sense. We bought a house and started a family. My sister also applied for her PR and joined us. I applied for my parent’s Super Visa – which allowed them to stay up to 2 years in Canada at each entry. After 6 long years we all were together again.
In conclusion, I feel lucky that I was able to successfully use my MBA to transition into consulting, change geography and attain higher purchasing power.
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mikepemulis · 5 years
hows abouts giving a brief overview of your ocs 👀👀👀
So I’m gonna put this under a read more cause there is A Lot.
I’m gonna separate this into two sections cause I’ve got like two projects/stories/whatevers I’m working on. A few months ago I made some posts about a different story that I was working on but that had some Serious Structural Problems and needs to be reworked, so it’s currently on the back burner. 
The first batch of OCs are from a story that I’m working on that will ideally become a novel. The project is called “The Unexplained Migratory Patterns of the Whooping Crane.” 
The main character is a 15-year-old girl named Oliver Lakely. Oliver is a sarcastic, quick-witted loner who has a really hard time fitting in with the other people in her town. She loves animals, music, and books. She’s cynical and artistic and really, really lonely. She’s also a psychic and her mother is a ghost. 
The other main character in TUMPotWC is 14-year-old Whyatt “Budgie” Kipling, nickname courtesy of his dyed bright green hair. Budgie moves in next to (but like country next to so quite a ways away) Oliver. He’s from London and his mother has been temporarily relocated to Oliver’s town to study the anomalous population of whooping cranes that have been nesting in this town for the last ten years. Budgie is a geeky, easy going kid. He loves to explore and is courageous to the point of being foolhardy. He knows that he’s weird, but is comfortable with it. 
Other characters include Miles and Siobhan Lakely, Oliver’s parents. Miles is psychic as well. He is a big tragic artist archetype. Plays the piano and has a lot of anger issues. Oliver’s relationship with him is a big part of the story. Siobhan is a ghost. She died when Oliver was 5 and has been manifesting in their house ever since. They also have a cat named Kyle he’s sentient and likes jazz. 
These next children are from a project that is less fleshed out than TUMPotWC. It’s called “Pine Grove Stop & Go” and would ideally be a podded cast. It centers around a gas station off of the highway in Pine Grove, Wyoming, a one-stoplight town on the way to the Grand Tetons in the year 1997. The Pine Grove Stop & Go is a hotbed for supernatural activity, to the point that it is a bit of an urban legend. The story starts a month after one of the employees, Myla Heigel, is found dead behind the corner. Her death is ruled a suicide, but another one of the employees, Sophie “Lance” Lansing knows that isn’t true. 
Lance is the main character of the story. She’s 19. Anti-authoritarian, a flannel lesbian. Bit of a stoner. Super intelligent but hates school and organized education in general. Loves books and film. Cynical and sarcastic, comes off quite prickly but once she warms up to people she’s a total softie. All about that Repression TM. Has a whole thing later on where she becomes obsessed with a tape recorder to the point of near insanity but she generally gets better. ADHD.
Moving on. Noah Meredith. 19 as well. Conspiracy theorist. Gets a job at PGS&G to try and investigate Myla’s death. Super big nerd, diaster bisexual, the epitome of “bigfoot is real and we tenderly caressed each other one night behind the Arby's.” Not great at interacting with people asks A Lot of Questions WIth Little Regard for Politeness. Autistic icon. Really funny, loves campy sci-fi, secretly a bastard. At first he and Lance clash like crazy but eventually they get on like a house on fire. 
Seth Weiss. 17 years old. Burnout stoner. Likes to skateboard and makes dumb jokes. Crouching moron, hidden badass. Thinks that Lance is the coolest person in the world. Super gay but hasn’t figured it out yet. Sweet and genuine and kind of naive. Secretly Big Magic (He hasn’t figured that out yet either). Sees weird shit all the time but explains it away as either none of his business or a bad trip. Me, to Seth: my sweet boy let me show you the world. 
Lily Walker. 22 years old. The assistant manager at the PGS&G and *very* proud of it. Refuses to believe any weird shit. Always has a smile on her face but is like this close to just fucking losing it. The mom friend. Thinks she’s the token straight until she realizes that this is the kind of story where no one is straight and whoops she’s like hella bi. “Aren’t you tired of being nice? Do you ever just wanna go apeshit?”
Myla Heigel. R.I.P. queen. Was 20 when she kicked it. She’s like dead but also like ????. Big Dyke Energy. One of those people who smiles at you and gives you tea and then only after they’ve left have you realized that you gave them your social security number and credit card information. Walks up with her sundress and sandals and also like a crossbow. Super curious, could out-conspiracy Noah. Was investigating the weirdness behind the PGS&G before she died. Had a weird habit of recording everything on her tape recorder, which Lance picks up after Myla dies. 
Yeah those are all my kids I love them all and love talking about them and I’m sorry this was so long but also like you’ve met me so is it really surprising?
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godrics · 6 years
the quiet ones
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pairing lee jeno x gender neutral reader
summary 89 + jeno. “I noticed.”
genre & theme fluff
warnings none
It was always the quiet ones, you realized. The ones who sat back and watched everything unfold in front of them, the ones who you forgot was sitting there. They were the ones that saw and heard everything. Kind of scary, you think.
How much did they know? How much did they have over everyone’s heads? One small piece of information that could ruin someone’s life?
Jeno was the one who made you realize, but definitely not in the way you think.
Health class got really boring sometimes, especially since none of your very few friends were in the same period as you. Of course, Jaemin had to take hospitality because Renjun was also taking it.
Your teacher was calling out partners for this “Baby Project” thing where you and someone else would pretend to be the parents of this toy baby(which, was something you used to play with when you were younger) for a week. If either of you dropped the baby, it would immediately start crying, and your teacher would know, and then it was up to you to figure out how to calm it down so you didn’t lose points on your final grade.
“Y/N,” you look up to see your teacher peering down at the paper in her hands, and she says, “And Jeno. You two are partners for this project,” she gestures to the toy babies on the desk next to her, “Come get one and move to sit by each other.”
You nod and the two of you stand up, your eyes glancing towards him. The two of you never really interacted before, mostly because you had your friends and he has his, and he always sat in the back while you sat in the front, mostly because of your bad eye sight and you also tended to get distracted while in the back of the room.
Jeno moves his things to the empty seat next to you while you walk up to the desk and grab the first one at the edge, quickly walking back to your seat so you’re not being watched anymore. God, you hate people watching you.
“Hi,” Jeno greets and you glance over at him, sending him a small smile.
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The next three days, the two of you have switched up with spending time with the toy baby, but for the last four days, the two of you would also have to spend time together as ‘parents’ and taking care of the baby.
“She didn’t spread this project out evenly,” Jeno mutters to you as the two of you sat at a park, the two of you sitting in the swings, swaying lightly. You two had previously switched numbers the day of the project being announced, and had decided to name your ‘baby’ Pudding. Don’t ask, you were just eating it at the time.
“I know,” you sigh, “It’s kind of bothering me with the uneven days, should’ve at least had it going on for two weeks, or something.”
He nods, glancing over at you, where you were holding Pudding in your arms, swaying lightly. “Y/N,” he says your name softly, and your head turns to look at him, the sunset light hitting your eyes and you squint to avoid being blinded, “Since we’re parents-” you snicker at that, making him smile, “-I think I should know more than just your name, you’re in my Health class, and your phone number.”
You hum in reply, and then say, “Same goes for you, Lee Jeno,” and grin at him again, “What do you want to know?”
The word ‘everything’ forms onto his lips, but they don’t get past. Instead he sighs, squinting up at the sky, “What you want to be when we’re older, favorite food, credit card number, expiration date, and three numbers on the back, and the last four digits of your social security number, favorite and or best class in school, do you actually want any children, things like that.”
You let out a loud loud, and it startles Pudding in your hands, the toy starting to let out loud cries. You immediately quieten down, and shush the toy as you rock it in your arms, trying your best to make sure you don’t fail this project for both you and Jeno.
“Sorry,” you sheepishly tell Jeno when the toy stops crying, “That was just funny.”
“Really?” He muses, “My friends always say I’m not funny.”
“They’re just playing around,” you smile, “You’re funny, they just like teasing you. I see them laughing at your jokes.”
“Or maybe they’re laughing at me,” he smirks at you but quickly goes back to the previous topic, “So, I need those answers.”
“Okay, I’m... I’m actually not too sure on what I want to be when I’m older, I haven’t really decided yet,” you sigh, “My parents always say I should decide soon and not wait till the last minute, uh, my favorite food is pizza, yeah, I know. My favorite class is Coach Jaehyun’s class, but my best class is English. I’m really good at writing, but I don’t think anyone actually notices, and honestly, maybe just one kid, but nothing too much, you know?”
Jeno nods, taking in your answers and then turns to you, “You didn’t answer my other questions.“
You let out a quiet laugh, “I’d have to kill you after.”
“It’d be a pleasure to be killed by you,” he snickers, and then there’s a grin from you, and then silence. The two of you watch the sun set in front of you, watching the sun go further down until only a slither was left and Jeno’s sighing, capturing your attention.
“What’s that loud sigh for?” You ask, glancing over at him.
Jeno says, “I noticed.”
Your eyebrows furrow, “What- Oh,” you laugh nervously, glancing down at Pudding in your arms.
“I see how happy writing makes you, you’re always writing in that book of yours whenever I see you,” he adds on, “And I kind of sneak a peek at your grades whenever Ms. G hands back our essays, they’re always higher than a 90.”
You smile shyly, “Thanks... That, that actually means a lot to me, Jeno.”
Jeno grins back at you, and his smile makes your heart stutter but you have to ask, “If you’ve always noticed, why not come talk to me then?”
“Uh,” he shakes his head, his hair falling into his eyes before he sweeps it out of the way, “I don’t know, I’m shy, I guess.”
“Really?” Your eyebrows raise, “That’s not what it looks like whenever you’re with your friends.”
“That’s different!” He protests, but he’s smiling, “They’re my friends.
“And I’m not?” You’re teasing him now, and your grin lets him know that, too.
“Not back then,” Jeno shakes his head, “But... But now you are, so now I don’t have to be shy with you anymore.”
You hum in reply, smiling as you look back to where the sun once was, and now it was just dark all over, “It’s always the quiet ones that surprise you.”
“I guess,” he says and follows your eyes, “It’s getting late, that thing will probably start crying if we’re out any later, come on, it’s your turn for tonight so I’ll walk you home.”
“You get to hold Pudding, though.”
“Pudding... Pudding,” he shakes his head. “I seriously hope you will not name your future kid Pudding.”
“I wasn’t going to, but now that you said that I’m thinking about it, and you’ll be the godfather.”
“Oh dear God.”
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lawinformation · 6 years
Getting Ready for Divorce in 2017 in Texas: Part Two of a Two Part Series
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On the off chance that you have require a best reasonable Texas Divorce Law encounter, Getting Ready for Divorce in 2017 in Texas: Part Two of a Two Part Series with the immense procedure!
Spring Divorce Lawyer: This blog post is second in an installment of two articles intended to provide some assistance to people who are planning for a divorce in the near future. Part One of the series provided advice in regard to subjects ranging from:
finances to organizational techniques to your health. In Part Two we will discuss additional pieces of advice in regard to your finances as well as strategic decision-making techniques that will stand to benefit you both now and later in your divorce.
Houston Divorce Lawyer: This is a piece of advice that isn’t hard to implement, but it can be tedious. However- if you care about your security and want peace of mind when it comes to your life I would recommend you follow it.
Most of us have two or even one password that we use for bank account access, email and other online applications.
If you plan on filing for a divorce it is possible that your spouse (now your soon to be ex-spouse) may consider your private information to be fair game in terms of access. It is a smart decision to change passwords to your:
online accounts banks retirement accounts social media, etc. My advice would be to not use the tried and true method of “dog name plus sequential numbers” as your password either.
Use a random assortment of numbers, letters and symbols and create a new password for each website you need access to.
Divorce Lawyer in Houston: How will you remember all those passwords, you may be asking? It would not hurt to create a new email address (one your spouse does not know about) to store information and communicate with your Texas divorce lawyer on.
If you and your spouse have email addresses or cell phones that allow mutual access “to the cloud” it would make sense to remove any sensitive information you have in the cloud and to store it in a separate account.
That’s not to say that your spouse can never get access to it (if, for instance, she was to serve you with discovery during the divorce) but it offers you a more secure location to proceed from.
Divorce Attorney Houston: A lot of us have credit cards that bear our name only but that our spouse is an authorized user of. An authorized user means that the person designated as such can use the card for purchases but is not responsible to the lender for the debts.
If this seems like a “having your cake and eating it to” type set up that’s because it is. Once you have hired a Houston divorce attorney and your divorce is imminent it is a good idea to remove your spouse as an authorized user on any credit card.
Additionally, it would serve you well to request a copy of your credit score and credit history at the outset of your Texas divorce. There are ways to make this request that doesn’t cost you any money and the benefit to doing so can be enormous.
For instance, many clients at the Law Office of Bryan Fagan have come to learn that your spouse had been using their name and credit to take out loans, open up credit card accounts and do other financial activity with their knowledge.
This is good to know sooner rather than later because any debts incurred in your name to benefit another person should not be your responsibility. However- if you only become aware of the debt after the divorce is completed it will be much more difficult to address this situation.
Houston Divorce Lawyers: If you are married it is likely that your spouse is the person named as a beneficiary on financial assets ranging from life insurance policies to investment accounts. Assuming that you do not want your soon to be ex-spouse to inherit these items upon your passing away, it is a good practice to review any documents that name your spouse as the beneficiary and to update those immediately.
The same concept applies to your Will. If you have a Will it is likely that your spouse stands to inherit much of your estate from you whenever the time is that you pass away.
Update your will to reflect the desired recipients of property and assets that you will own after the divorce is finalized. If you do not have a Will our advice is to have one drafted. This is important because if you die without a Will before the divorce is finalized your spouse stands to inherit most of your estate.
I will take this opportunity to note that the attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan are able to assist clients with the drafting of their Wills. If this is a service you are interested in do not hesitate to contact our office today to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys to learn more about the process and to get the ball rolling.
Family Law Attorney Houston: Like most parents, you probably have concerns regarding your children as you begin to contemplate a divorce. Worrying, however, does not accomplish anything. Planning does.
Take steps to put a plan into action for getting what you want in a custody arrangement for your children. It is not enough to believe you are the “better parent” or that your spouse is “unfit” in some particular way. Building a case for custody is no different than building a case for anything else. Planning your testimony, collecting relevant documents and communicating your objectives to your divorce attorney are critical to achieving a desired outcome in regard to child custody during a divorce.
Houston Divorce Attorney: While no person (attorneys included) can guarantee a particular result in a divorce case, you can give yourself a leg up by preparing well in advance and choosing an attorney that can act as an effective advocate for you. The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan represent clients throughout southeast Texas and are prepared to help you as well.
We hope that this series of articles on pre-divorce advice was helpful to you. A divorce is difficult enough, no matter the circumstances. Please contact our office with any questions and to learn more about our Houston divorce attorneys and how we can assist you and your family during this difficult time ... Continue Reading
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houstontexaslawinfo · 6 years
15 Quick Tips Regarding Filing for Divorce in Texas
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If you want to related guideline confidentiality Divorce Law experience, So you can better suggestions- 15 Quick Tips Regarding Filing for Divorce in Texas.
Houston Family Law Lawyer: The next step after hiring a divorce lawyer, is to initiate a divorce in Texas by filing for divorce. A Texas divorce filings often includes the following two documents:
1. An Original Petition for Divorce is always filed and 2. Sometimes a Temporary Restraining Order
The person who files for divorce first is called the Petitioner and the person who is served with the petition is called the respondent.
Family Lawyers in Houston: The purpose of the petition is to give notice to the family court and your ex what you are asking for. This petition is a simple document that names the husband and wife and any children of the marriage and states that the petitioner, is seeking a divorce and the reason for the divorce.
The petitioner must pay a filing fee to the court, usually around $300. The filing of the petition begins the mandatory 60-day waiting period before the parties may divorce.
The Original Petition for Divorce is not a court order and does not establish anything legally. It is merely a request from the petitioner to the Court that they wish to have the marriage dissolved.
The petition may also be asking for other things from the court. The Original Petition for Divorce will general include the following basic information:
1. Personal information about both parties: full names, last the 3 number of the Social Security Number, Last 3 numbers of driver’s license, and service address of respondent. 2. Date of marriage 3. Date of Separation 4. Grounds for Divorce such as that the “the marriage has become insupportable because of a discord or conflict of personalities that destroys the legitimate ends of the marriage relationship” with “no reasonable prospect of reconciliation” 5. One or both spouses has been domiciled in Texas for at least 6 months and a resident of the county for the last 90 days. 6. Personal information about all minor children born to or adopted by the couple and whether they have property. 7. What kind of Orders you are asking the Court to make in regards to the children as to rights and duties, visitation, and child support. 8. Information about whether the wife is pregnant or not 9. Information regarding assets and debts, including marital and separate property. 10. Statement of what assets should be given to which spouse (bank accounts, real property, household furnishings, retirement accounts, vehicles, etc.). 11. Information about the debts incurred during the marriage and which spouse should be obligated to pay each debt. 12. Request for spousal maintenance if you are seeking spousal support 13. Has a protective order been sought or is one in place
Family Law Attorneys Houston: A Texas divorce petition must also allege a ground or basis for the divorce. It is one of the elements of a divorce lawsuit. If you do not allege a ground then a Judge cannot grant you a divorce.
Texas is a no-fault divorce state and most Original Petition’s for Divorce will simply state that the marriage has become “insupportable.” In other words, the divorce is occurring because the Petitioner wants a divorce.
A divorce petition may also allege grounds for divorce such cruelty or maybe adultery. Such bad acts can serve as a basis for asking the Court for a disproportionate division of property.
Houston Family Law Lawyers: Many people come into my office and announce to me that Texas is a “50-50” state. This is not true. Your typical divorce petition will say something like, “in a manner that the Court deems just and right, as provided by law.” “Equal” is not a word that is used. In many case the division of community property will be divided in a 50-50 split.
However, a 60-40 split is not unheard of, depending on the circumstances. Some divorce petitions will request a disproportionate division. The petition will go on to list various laundry list of reasons for the unequal split.
Family Law Lawyer Houston: Next, the typical divorce petition will identify your children and request the court to enter orders for their conservatorship and support.
Most Original Petitions for Divorce will plead that you and your spouse should be named joint managing conservators and that either your spouse or you should be named the “primary” parent.
In some cases, it may make sense to plead for sole managing conservator. This is mostly seen in cases where there are allegations of child abuse or neglect. Often these allegations will be supported with an affidavit describing why access to the children should be restricted.
Kingwood Divorce Attorney: Many times, an Original Petition for Divorce will include a request for:
1. temporary restraining order and 2. temporary orders after a hearing
A divorce in Texas cannot be finalized for at least 60 days after the date of filing and, if there are points of disagreement between you and your spouse, the process can drag on for months, even a year! Temporary orders establish a “holding pattern” while your divorce.
Here are some things you can expect to be covered at a hearing on divorce temporary orders:
1. Exclusive possession of the family home, automobiles and 2. other marital property; 3. Payment of bills and living expenses; 4. Conservatorship of the children; 5. Parenting time with the children; 6. Support of the children; 7. Drug testing; 8. Psychological evaluations; and, 9. Appointment of any other expert deemed necessary by the court.
If you are going to court for a temporary orders hearing, it is important to be prepared. It is not uncommon for a divorce case to drag on for several months. If that is your case, you may be living under those temporary orders a long time.
The Woodlands Divorce Attorney: Most Texas Original Petitions for Divorce will also conclude with a request that the opposing party pay all attorneys’ fees incurred.
Generally, unless there is a clear income disparity between you and your spouse, you each will pay your own attorneys’ fees and court cost. However, if there is a disparity in income, courts will sometimes “equalize” attorneys’ fees at the temporary orders hearing.
Examples of a disparity of income include:
1. One party in control of the family finances or if 2. One party has raided the joint bank account and left the other party with no money
Spring Divorce Lawyers: As mentioned earlier sometimes filed with the Original Petition for Divorce is a request for the court to issue a mutual temporary restraining order (TRO) without a hearing to facilitate maintaining the status quo until the spouses can reach an agreement or until there can be a hearing for Temporary Orders.
Generally, these requests are made in counties do not have Standing Orders. Standing Orders are Orders that automatically go into place after a divorce or family law case is filed. Generally, they include similar provisions as temporary restraining orders.
Divorce Lawyer in Spring TX: In most divorce cases, a standard temporary restraining order will be granted if it is requested by one or both spouses. There will be hearing date in which you are to appear in court. The purpose of this hearing date is to give you and your ex a chance to be heard before the court makes an order regarding Temporary Orders that will be in place for the duration of the divorce.
Temporary restraining orders are good 14 days once issued by the court and then it expires by operation of law. A TRO can be extended for another 14 days if requested by one of the parties. The idea of a temporary restraining order is to maintain the status quo until the temporary orders are in effect.
Spring TX Divorce Lawyer: As mentioned earlier the Original Petition for Divorce is not a court order but merely a request from the Court on what the Petitioner is Asking for.
If the Petitioner has asked for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in their petition. Then A judge may grant their request if the Petitioner has also filed a proposed Temporary Restraining Order along with their request.
The rule is that for every motion or request there is an order. In this case the Original Petition for Divorce is the motion and the Temporary Restraining Order would be the Order. Much later down the road the Final Decree will also be the Order based on the Original Petition for Divorce.
A TRO is an order that has the full weight and authority of the divorce court behind it. If a party to the divorce violates a TRO, the court can hold that person in contempt of court. That may mean a fine, having the pleadings truck, and possible jail time.
One of the unique things regarding Temporary Restraining Orders is that they are issued ex parte, or without prior notice to you. Also, divorce courts require no proof to issue such orders and, provided it is in proper form, a temporary restraining order will be issued automatically by the divorce court, no questions asked.
Spring Divorce Lawyer: Some questions I get asked regarding a TRO include:
1. Can I sleep at home tonight? 2. Can I talk to my spouse? 3. Can I use my credit card? 4. Can I see my kids? 5. Can my kids stay with me? 6. Can I hire a lawyer?
A temporary restraining order is not a protective order this is a common misconception. Generally, a temporary restraining order it has more to do with maintaining the status quo and in most cases not to keep an individual from being around another individual or location.
A temporary restraining order is serious; you should review the order with a divorce attorney to help you understand exactly what you can and ca not do once you have been served with a restraining order.
Houston Divorce Lawyer: A typical Texas divorce temporary restraining order general restricts activity regarding:
1. Conduct Regarding your children 2. Conduct Regarding Property 3. Preserves Documents
Your conduct towards your spouse and your kids:
1. Do not use foul language when talking with your spouse, don’t harass her with e-mails, phone calls or text messages. 2. Do not threaten him with bodily harm. 3. Do not threaten your spouse with doing something that’s just stupid. 4. Do not withdraw your kids from school or daycare. 5. Do not hide your kids from your spouse. 6. Do not move off with your children. 7. Do not say bad things to your children about the other parent.
Your conduct towards your property:
1. Do not sell any marital property. 2. Do not alter any important documents. 3. Do not give away property to your mother. 4. Do not cash out your retirement, money market or stock accounts 5. Do not cancel your spouse from health insurance coverage 6. Do not spend money on anything other than:
Your duty to preserve documents:
1. Do not alter or dispose of financial records. 2. Do not intercept mail that isn’t yours. 3. Do not wipe your computer hard drive clean.
Temporary Restraining Orders Allow
Even with a TRO in place you are in most cases allowed to:
1. You may talk to your spouse in a civil and constructive manner. 2. You may spend time with your children and even keep them in your care. 3. You are allowed to spend money related to your business, your living expenses, and your attorneys’ fees. 4. You may hire a divorce attorney … Continue Reading
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uniquedazetheorist · 3 years
Safety Tips For Technology Use
The best way to avoid exposing yourself or your child to potentially unwanted information or materials online is to play it safe. There are a number of safety tips for technology use, including not giving out your last name or phone number online. By following these guidelines, you can protect your family and personal information. Here are a few more tips: (1) don't let your children use automatic password saves. When prompted, click "Don't save my password."
Don't use public computers. Even if friendcalib  your computer is on a public network, you can still be monitored. Using a public computer will make you more likely to feel protected. This can also prevent your child from downloading malicious software and spyware. Another helpful technology safety tip is to regularly update your operating system. If your computer is up-to-date, you won't have to worry about malware and other problems.
Always stay vigilant when your child is online. While apps have become more important in our daily lives, basic internet safety rules haven't changed. You still need to avoid sharing personal information, as these details can be easily obtained by hackers. This information can be used to gain access to your bank account or credit card information. Inappropriate surfing can lead to embarrassing personal images or comments or mixing up with people you don't want to be.
If you're using the internet with your kids, monitor their activities. You can use online security suites and apps to keep your children safe. By carefully monitoring your child's internet use, you can make sure your child is utilizing the resources available to him or her safely. You can also help your kids get the most out of their online experience, while preventing them from harming themselves and others. There are several other ways to keep your family safe online.
These safety tips for technology use are very useful and can help you stay safe. They are easy to follow and will help protect you and your family. The Internet is full of risks and is a great place to learn, but it is also a place where hackers can attack your personal information. The risks of unsafe surfing are enormous, and it's not worth risking your safety. By taking these precautions, you can ensure that your family's safety online.
In addition to these safety tips for technology use, you should regularly back up your files and use antivirus software to protect your computer. You should also make sure that your home wireless network is password-protected and changing the password regularly. By practicing these techniques, you can prevent hackers from accessing your personal information and credit card numbers. The internet is a powerful tool, but you should remain aware of the risks. Take care when using technology.
There are many ways to protect your children from cybercriminals online. Keeping up with updates on your computer and mobile device are essential. Ensure that your children's computer has the latest security features. By keeping up with the latest technologies, you can protect your kids' privacy. There are several benefits to these safety tips for technology use. While you might be tempted to indulge in the latest games and social media, you can also be sure that they are being safe.
While the internet is a powerful tool for our everyday lives, it is still not free of risks. While apps and websites have become more important than ever, some of the basics of internet safety remain unchanged. Most hackers are still seeking your personal information so that they can access your bank account and credit cards. Besides, unsafe surfing may result in revealing private information or images, which may be embarrassing. In the end, it can cause a lot of problems.
The most important safety tip for technology use is to monitor your child's online activity. Regardless of your age, a parent should keep an eye on their child's computer and internet usage. While children can benefit from technology, they should be aware of the risks associated with it. Providing a safe environment will help them stay safer and be more secure. When a parent or guardian watches over their children, they can help prevent cybercrime.
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theaveragecash · 3 years
How to Apply for Belk Credit Card - Ultimate Guide 2021
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Belk is a popular department store known for its wide variety of items, from apparel to home goods. In addition to the excellent products they offer, Belk also offers a credit card that can make your shopping experience even better. If you're a Belk shopper, you may be interested in applying for the Belk credit card. This article will give you all the information you need about the Belk credit card and how to apply for it.
What are the requirements for getting a Belk credit card?
You must be 18 years or older to apply for the Belk credit card. Customers under 21 must either have an income of $2,000 per month or provide parental permission. You must also be an existing Belk customer. You can apply for the Belk credit card in-store or online if you are not. If your application is approved, you will collect your credit card within 7 to 10 business days of approval. Once you receive your Belk credit card, be sure to activate it. To do so, call the activation number on the back of your card.
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How do I apply for the Belk credit card?
You must be 18 years of age and a Belk shopper to apply. - Belk Credit Card Application Process, The first step to the application process is to visit www.belkcredit.com and click on "Apply Now" in the top right corner of your screen. A drop-down list will appear with options for credit cards, which you can then select. - You will next be asked to give personal information, such as your name, address, and Social Security number. You will also be required to provide employment and financial information. - Once you have filled out the application, click on "Submit." Your application will be examined, and you will be informed of the decision within minutes. The Belk credit card application process is simple and takes just a few minutes to complete. You can apply online or in-store, and you will receive a decision within minutes. Another Way To Apply For Belk Credit Card In addition to the online application, you can also apply for a Belk credit card in-store. To do so, visit your nearest Belk store and ask a sales associate for an application. The associate will help you fill out the application and submit it for approval.
Belk Credit Card Benefits
When you apply for the Belk credit card, you will be given various benefits that do shopping at Belk even easier. The main benefit is earning rewards on purchases made with your credit card. You'll earn 5 points for every $1 spent in Belk stores and 1 point for every $1 spent anywhere else. These points can be used to increase your savings when shopping at Belk or anywhere else, as points are worth 1¢ each, and you get a 5% discount off eligible items purchased with your card. Additional benefits include: - No annual fee - Special discounted pricing on Belk merchandise - Fraud protection - 24/7 U.S.-based customer service - Zero liability policy The Belk credit card offers a variety of benefits that you can take advantage of when shopping at Belk or anywhere else.
Customer Service
If you have any questions about your Belk credit card or need help with anything related to your account, you can call customer service at 1-855-235-7587. Representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help you with any issue.
The Belk credit card is a great way to get the most out of your shopping experience. You can earn rewards on every purchase you make and take advantage of special discounts and benefits. If you have any issues or need help with your account, customer service is available 24/7 to assist you. Apply for a Belk credit card today to get started.
FAQs - Belk Credit Card
How long does it take to receive my Belk credit card? If your application is confirmed, you will receive your credit card within 7 to 10 business days of approval. What is the Belk credit card activation number? The activation number for the Belk credit card is 1-855-235-7587. How do I use my Belk credit card rewards? Your Belk credit card rewards can be used to get a 5% discount on eligible items purchased with your card. Points are worth 1¢ each. Can I use my Belk credit card at other stores? Yes, you can use your Belk credit card at any store that accepts Visa. Can I use my Belk credit card to get cashback? No, the Belk credit card cannot be used for cash advances. Read the full article
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megan-dwyer-blog1 · 6 years
Privacy, Schmivacy...right?
I listened to an interesting lecture by Anthony Sherratt recently about how privacy is changing throughout the development of new technologies and digitization. He focused on whether we have the right to be forgotten and whether we have the right to erase things that we don’t want to have online anymore.
While listening, I started to wonder to myself: do I actually care about what I share or even how secure my data is? Do I take any precautions to ensure I’m engaging safely? How much am I willing to risk because of how safe I feel on the internet? More importantly - does anyone care?
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Obviously being a millennial, I grew up with my parents constantly telling me how unsafe the internet is, how images you upload will last forever and you can never delete them, how your future employer will see you. I grew up with parents very much afraid of the internet, and constantly reminding me of such - and yet here I am. I have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, two Tumblr accounts, LinkedIn and whatever other websites I signed up to in the past *cough cough MySpace.* I’ve never questioned uploading a picture, never hesitated to re-post something that I felt aligned with my political views and never stopped myself from doing anything on the internet because of fear of judgement or consequences.
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Unfortunately, those very behaviours have actually cost people their jobs. This article written by People Magazine discusses a number of people who were fired as a result of their posts on social media. 
“A former colleague of mine posted about how he was going to use up all his sick leave then quit. He posted it at 9 a.m., and was told he didn’t have a job at 11 a.m,” one person reported. 
"I was younger and an idiot. I posted something on Facebook about wanting to go home and play The Sims so I could create [telecommunications store I worked for] on it and then slowly kill off all the customers. I was working a late night shift in a mall and forgot our new coworker had added me on Facebook days before,” another person admitted. 
One terrible situation was also revealed. 
“I work in a hospital and there was a police shooting in my area a couple of years ago. Multiple officers were brought into our ER. One officer was DOA and a number of idiot hospital employees posted condolences on their Facebook pages with the name of the officer before the family was officially informed. Seven or eight employees were rightfully fired for that one.” 
Some of the morals involved in these instances end up a little murky. How do you balance someone trying to make a lighthearted joke over genuine intent to harm? Or the innocence of sharing a condolence post on social media, unbeknownst to you that the family were unaware?  
Sometimes - it has actually helped find employees that don’t align with the companies values. 
“Guy at my company got sacked for putting a Facebook status along the lines of ‘f-ng immigrants, I hate them’ not realizing both his bosses (also owners of the company) were second generation immigrants from India. They started the company from scratch and now employ 30 people. They pay for full gym membership, healthcare, and generous pension for all the staff, which he had to say goodbye to when he was fired.” 
Predictably, it has also resulted in horrible people using their authority and access to perpetuate outdated ideals. 
“I posted a blog post on MySpace in 2005 that got me discharged from the Army. I indicated I had romantic feelings for a female and that I had acted on those feelings (I am also female). My sergeant suspected I was involved with this woman so she looked me up on MySpace, saw the blog post, and 3 months later, I was discharged for ‘homosexual conduct.'” 
At what point does having a plethora of access to people’s information become a hindrance? Is there a line crossed when someone is fired because of their private social media accounts?
Even further than my mere assumption of having no accountability for my actions on the internet, I’ve shared countless private details such as my home address, my tax file number, my superannuation, my age, weight, banking details and almost every other imaginable thing that I wouldn’t dream of sharing with a stranger in real life. 
For instance, I’ve previously been shopping for flights on Skyscanner before, found great ones, clicked to book them and been redirected to another website that I’ve never used before, clicked to confirm my booking and been redirected AGAIN and then put through my credit card details. I then waited multiple hours for a confirmation email even though my money, that was in the thousands, was taken immediately. I didn’t once, in the entire transaction, stop to question whether it was safe. I just assumed if it was affiliated with Skyscanner - then it must be safe. I didn’t question how the actual airline would find my booking considering I booked through a completely different website. When the time came to actually catch my flight, it was a breeze. They had all my information, including my seat and baggage requests and I boarded the plane. Does this show my naivety or does this show how evolved the internet has become that this was a safe practice for me to engage in? 
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So were my parents too paranoid? Is the internet safe? Should I hesitate more than I do at sharing all my information online? There’s clearly consequences for the exact behaviours that I’m constantly engaging in, so at what point does it change from mere naivety to genuine unsafe, risky or inappropriate practices? I’ve honestly never considered it, but I think in this new digital age, having control over your social media and online privacy is one of the few things we can do to protect ourselves. 
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Moreover, will I be the same with my children? Will it be about the internet still or will something new and foreign appear that my children start to use that I am onerously informed is unsafe, and then have the same difficult and almost outdated opinion of it? I guess we’ll have to wait and see. 
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American Immigration System
Government, Current Events
I'm an immigration lawyer. I know that many of my Facebook friends, who are good and intelligent people, honestly have questions like the following: Why don't all these immigrants just become legal, and do they get all kinds of public benefits?
I hope you'll read what I wrote here in the spirit in which it was intended, which is to cut through the BS (from poorly-informed but loud voices on both the left and right) and simply provide correct information so that people can decide for themselves what is right and best.
I recently wrote the comment below to a Facebook story from a local news channel, about a teacher here in Colorado Springs who has DACA.
******************************************************** To several of the commenters on this thread – first, I want to acknowledge that asking why people don’t just become citizens, or whether people without legal status can get public benefits that U.S citizens cannot, are legitimate questions. If they are asked in good faith, no one should mind you asking them.
Therefore, let me answer your questions. Please know that I am well-informed on these topics, as an immigration lawyer for the past 8 years, the past six of those in Colorado, and currently the Director of Family Immigration Services at Catholic Charities of Central Colorado (most of you know us best as the organization that runs the Marian House soup kitchen). You may verify those statements by entering my bar number (44591) on the Supreme Court of Colorado website (http://www.coloradosupremecourt.com/Search/AttSearch.asp) or viewing our Catholic Charities website (https://www.ccharitiescc.org/).
First, as to why young people who have DACA haven’t just become citizens:
To become a U.S. citizen (other than by birth), one must first become a Lawful Permanent Resident (“green card” holder). Only after five years as a Permanent Resident can you apply to become a citizen. Thus, the obvious next question: how does a person become a Permanent Resident? There are three primary options to do so:
1) Family-based petitions. This means that a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident parent, spouse, adult child, or sibling files a “petition” for you. Depending on the category that you fall into, the wait will be anywhere from 1 – 22 years (yep) before you can use that petition to take the next step – applying to become a Permanent Resident (background checks, medical exam, more fees, etc.). That works for people living outside the U.S., but for those who have been here, it may not be possible if they entered the U.S. illegally, even if they were minor children when they did so.
2) Employment-based petitions. A U.S. employer can similarly sponsor you, but generally only if you are in a profession requiring an advanced degree or unique skills (doctors, software engineers, world-class athletes to coach professional sports teams, etc.). Even then, the potential employer must generally also prove that they made good-faith efforts to hire a U.S. citizen for the position, but no qualified applicants applied.
3) Diversity visa lottery. Every year, the U.S. government selects 50,000 people worldwide who enter a lottery and pass background checks to come to the U.S. as Permanent Residents. This lottery, however, is only available to people from countries that traditionally send few people to the US – so, for example, people from countries such as Mexico, the Philippines, China, Guatemala, India, El Salvador, and other countries that send larger numbers of immigrants to the U.S. do not have this option.
Extra note: The current Administration has actively sought to eliminate or dramatically limit Options #1 and #3. The new term being used in the attempted re-branding of Option #1, family-based immigration, which has been the basic principle of U.S. immigration law for over a century, is “chain migration”. If those two options are in fact eliminated or curtailed, legal immigration to the U.S. will be significantly reduced.
The KEY POINT to all of the above: If you do not qualify for one of these 3 options, then there is no “line” to get into to legally become a Permanent Resident and eventually a U.S. citizen. So, if you are not fortunate enough to have, say, a U.S. citizen spouse or a graduate degree in computer science, you very likely can never become a citizen of the United States.
Second, one commenter above asked why President Obama, when he established DACA in 2012, did not just create a path to citizenship for these young people at that time. The answer: earlier that year, Congress had for the 11th year in a row failed to pass the Dream Act, which would have done exactly that. The President acting through his authority as head of the Executive Branch cannot create a path to Lawful Permanent Residency (and eventual US citizenship). Only a law, passed by Congress and then signed by the President, can accomplish that. So President Obama on June 15, 2012 created the more limited DACA program through Executive Action – which is why President Trump, as the new President, was able to end the program, also without an act of Congress, last fall.
Finally, as to the question of immigrants receiving public benefits, only a U.S. citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident (green card holder) can receive almost all types of public benefit – including Medicaid, Medicare, SSI disability, Social Security payments for seniors, TANF, and food stamps. The irony: most undocumented immigrants work under made-up Social Security numbers and so receive a paycheck from which Social Security, federal income taxes, and state income taxes are withheld, and of course they pay the same local sales and property taxes as anyone else through retail purchases, pass-through costs of apartment leases, etc. Same of course goes for the 800,000 current DACA recipients, who are authorized to legally work in the U.S. But none of those employees, despite paying IN to the system, will ever receive those public benefits listed above, that are paid for by the money withheld from their paychecks. So they are propping up our federal and state government entitlement programs because they pay in but won’t ever take out.
The following are the public benefits that undocumented immigrants can receive in United States:
1) Public education for children in grades K-12. This was definitively established by a 1982 Supreme Court case, Plyler v. Doe. The Supreme Court in its reasoning explicitly stated that it would not serve the overall public good of the U.S. to leave many thousands of children uneducated.
2) Emergency room services, but only to the point where the patient is considered “medically stable”, at which point he/she is released. These services are not free, however, as in my job I meet hundreds of immigrant families who sacrifice over years to slowly pay off high emergency room medical bills.
3) WIC assistance. This is for milk, food, etc, and available only to pregnant mothers. The rationale is that the children in the womb will be U.S. citizens when born, and therefore it is in the long-term economic best interests of the nation to ensure that they receive adequate prenatal nutrition to improve their chances of being productive citizens in the decades to come.
4) Assistance from police if they are the victim of a crime and call for help. To their credit, the vast majority of our Colorado Springs law enforcement officers take their duty to protect all people seriously. Chief Carey of the CSPD and Sheriff Elder of the EPCSO have made clear that their officers can’t do their most important job – keeping us safe by getting dangerous criminals off our streets – if a whole class of people (undocumented immigrants) is afraid to call 911 to report crimes that they witness or are victim to.
5) Assistance from a fire department. Rationale, besides the obvious moral one: If your house was next to that of an undocumented immigrant family, would you want the firefighters to let that house continue to burn, putting yours at risk of catching on fire too?
And that’s it. Those, to the best of my knowledge, are the only public benefits that an undocumented immigrant can receive in just about any part of the United States. As someone who directs a small office that works with hundreds of low-income immigrant families per year, know that when I see the precarious economic situation of many of these families, I'd help them access other benefits if they could. But they simply can't. Now, children of undocumented parents, born in the U.S., are U.S. citizens under the 14th Amendment (the one that declares that all human beings born on U.S. soil are citizens – this was passed immediately after the Civil War to forever end the legal argument that African Americans were not U.S. citizens). As such, those children can qualify for the same public benefits as any other U.S. citizen, if they qualify through economic need or disability. But their parents or undocumented siblings cannot.
I hope that this information has been useful to those willing to read through this long (for Facebook anyway) explanation. Please know that even this long summary leaves out a ton of detail -- there are tens of thousands of pages of statutes, regulations, internal federal agency procedures, and court decisions guiding how all of this is interpreted and implemented. But please take my word that I honestly believe that no detail I omitted for conciseness changes the basic points above. And I'd be happy to answer questions if you have them. Like I said, I don’t mind honest questions, and I believe that legitimate questions asked in good faith deserve well-informed, accurate answers. If all of us in the U.S. would be willing to actually listen to each others’ sincere concerns and do our best to answer each others’ questions, instead of just yelling at each other or retreating to our corners of the internet (left OR right) where everyone already agrees with us – well, I think we’d move our nation forward a lot more effectively.
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cashappcontact2021 · 3 years
How do I activate my Cash App Card
Way of How to Activate Cash Card – has introduced its own Physical debit Cash card before using you have to Activate your Cash card and that can be used just like any other bank debit card. The Cash Debit card is known as Cash Card and can be used to make payments, shop at merchants, or even withdraw cash from an ATM-like any traditional bank debit card.
The Debit Card is linked to the Cash App account so money is debited from your Cash App account ( How to Activate Cash Card ) and not from your Bank account.
However, to use a Cash App Debit Card you first need to request and order it on Cash App because you will not get it by default. Here we will discuss how to get a Cash App debit Card and Way of How to Activate Cash Card.
How to Order a Visa Debit Card on Cash App
If you don’t have a cash app debit card already, follow these 9 steps to order a Cash App card.
1.       Install the Cash App on your device. Then register your account on Cash App by following the steps given on this website.
2.       Now launch the Cash App on your mobile device.
3.       Click on the card icon located at the left bottom of the home screen.
4.       Now tap on the “Order” tab in green color.
5.       On the following page, you will be provided with the options to choose the color of your Cash Card. you can choose between white or black as of now
6.       The card can be Customize by the user on the app
7.       On the next page, you will be asked if you want your unique $Cashtag to appear on your Cash App card or not. Here you can also choose the option to add your signature or a customized drawing to appear on your card.
8.       On the following page, you will be asked to fill up your mailing address where your Cash Card must be delivered.
9.       Now here you will be asked to provide your first and last name that must be printed on your Cash App Card.
10.   On the next page, you have to provide your birth details. You can not request a Cash App Card if you are not at least 18 years of age.
11.   On the following page, you must provide the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.
12.   After clicking next, you will be shown a confirmation message. You need to confirm the details provided and then click on the continue tab.
13.   As you click on the Continue tab you will be redirected to the “Add Funds” page where you can add cash in your Cash App account that can be used with your Cash Card later.
It takes at least 10 business days for a Cash Card to be delivered to your mailing address.
Methods To Activate Cash Debit card
Most of the time people complain that “Cash App Card Won’t Activate”, and some also query about “How do I activate my Cash App Card.” But worry not, here you will get all the details on How to activate your debit card.
It is very simple and easy to do and can be done all by yourself. There are two ways to activate Cash App Card online.
Activate Your Card With QR Code
1. Launch the Cash App on your device.
2. Now tap on the Cash Card icon located at the bottom of the screen.
3. Now initiate the activation process by clicking on “Activate Cash Card”.
4. On the next page, you will have to scan the QR CODE printed on your Cash Card with the help of your mobile or device camera.
5. Keep focused on the QR Code until the camera has scanned the code properly and the Cash App has aligned successfully.
6. Once the scan process is successful, your Cash Card is ready to be used.
How to Activate Card Without QR Code
I can also activate my cash app card without scanning the QR code, To know how to follow these steps.
1.       Open the app on your device or mobile.
2.       Click on the Cash Card icon at the bottom of the home screen.
3.       Initiate the activation process by tapping on “Activate Cash Card”.
4.       Now click on the “Missing QR Code” and then select “Use CVV Instead.”
5.       On the next page, enter the CVV code and expiry date printed on your Cash Card. Click to confirm.
6.       You will get a confirmation message and your Cash App Card is ready to use.
What is QR Code
We all are familiar with the BAR code, the black strips on the price tag. QR code is an extension of the bar code. Scan code stands for Quick response code.
QR code contains information of the product and data for locator or identifier that redirects it towards parent source. QR codes can be optimized to be identified by certain applications.
Hurry!! Make a call on and get the required assistance and help from qualified professionals that you have been looking for.
Cash App Charges As Per The Type of Payment
Although certain transactions on the Cash App are free, other transactions are subject to a fee. So, if you are going to activate a cash app card, you must also gain knowledge of all the applicable fees and charges and the conditions where you need to pay charges.
The fee structure will help you to be ready in advance.
Type Of Payment
Charges Applicable
Personal payments (send/receive)
Free of cost
Business-related payments
2.75% charged from the beneficiary
Standard deposits
Free of cost
Immediate deposits
1.5% charged
Payments received from credit card
3% charged from the sender
 FAQ About Cash app Debit Card Activation
How Do I Activate My Cash debit Card?
There are two ways to activate your Cash App Card from the app itself. You can either activate your Cash App Card by scanning the QR code printed on your Cash Card or you can even activate it without the QR code.
If you have the QR code printed on your Cash Card then you can activate it by following these simple steps:
·         Click on the Cash Card tab on your Cash App home screen
·         Tap the Cash Card icon at the bottom of the screen.
·         Click on the Activate Cash Card to start the process.
·         Now click on OK when prompted by Cash App to use your camera.
·         Get the focus on the QR code of your Cash Card with your camera until it comes into focus
·         As soon as the scan is processed successfully, your Debit Cash Card is ready to use.
How DO I Activate My Cash App Card Without QR Code?
You can activate your Cash App Card even without having the QR code. To activate your Cash App Card without the QR code follow these steps:
·         Launch the app on your device or mobile.
·         Tap on the Cash Card icon on the bottom of the home screen.
·         Click on the Activate Cash Card to start the process.
·         Click on Help
·         Now tap on the “Missing QR Code” and then click on the “Use CVV Instead.”
·         Now enter the CVV code and expiry date printed on your Cash Card when asked on the next page.
·         Now your Cash App Card is ready to use.
How Do I Verify My Cash App Card Or How to Activate Cash Card?
It is very easy to verify your Cash App Card. You can verify it by using two methods. You can either verify your Cash Card by scanning the Qr code printed on your Card or you can verify it by entering the CVV code and expiry date printed on the Cash App Card you received.
Do You Have To Activate Your Cash app debit App Card?
Yes, you need to activate your Cash App Card in order to use it like any other bank debit card. To Activate your Cash App Card read the steps mentioned in the article above.
What Is Cash App Card Activation Number?
There is no such thing as Cash App Card Activation Number. To activate your Cash App Card you need to follow the steps written in the article above.
I Received My Cash App Card, It Says Activate The Card. Can I Do It Without Using QR Code?
Yes, you can activate your cash app card without using your phone camera with CVV. Just tap on the cash card icon then tap on “activate cash card” then tap on the missing QR code. Now enter the details and you are good to go.
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