#about molim originals
@humantrampoline85 replied to your post: I was playing around with this awesome writing...
Porn is shockingly exciting to write. I always thought it’d be scary and awful, but no, it’s pretty goddamn fun!
Oh my god yes, ‘85. Yes it is. Especially if there are some great dynamics between the characters. It makes for such an amazing round of porn for both the writer and the characters. I haven’t written porn in so long. This is a great way to spend a Monday night.
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langscollector · 6 years
Croatian slang
As requested, I am making a post about slang we use in Croatia. Hope you’ll like it <3
There’s no particular order to this. Most of the slang is based on what we say in eastern part of the land. Y’all can’t blame me  However the majority would be understood across the whole Croatia
Slang - meaning in Croatian - translation in English
Trac - Tramvaj - Tram Bic/ bajs - Bicikl - Bike Trenđa - Trenerka - Jogging suit Gimba - Gimnazija - Gymnasium Slamboš - Sladoled - Ice cream Pija - Pijaca (tržnica) - Market Žurka - Zabava - Party Čaga - Dance - ples Cener - 10 kuna - 10 kunas Cvike - Naočale - (Sun)glasses Kinta - Novac - Money *used only when you’re short of money Komp - Kompjuter (računalo) - Computer Nogoš - Nogomet - Football Slasta - Slastičarnica - Pastry shop Škemba - Trbuh - Stomach/ Belly *used only when you want to express that you have more belly “fat” than you’d like; or if you express yourself/ someone else not having any (having abs/ flat stomach (so this is NOT used to say whether your stomach hurts, for ex.) Benza - Benzinska (postaja) - Gas station Beštek - Pribor za jelo - Cutlery Rođoš/ Ročkas- Rođendan - Birthday Mek - McDonalds Drito - Ravno - Straight Dezić - Dezodorans - Deodorant Krimić - Krimi serija/ film/ knjiga - Crimi tv series/ movie/ book Čvimba - Bubuljica - Pimple Dvoguza - 2L piva - 2L of beer  Nula bodova - Literally/ absolutely nothing Pljuska - Šamar - Slap in the face Brija - Stage when 2 people are kind of and low key together, but not officialy. Brija is the period after making out with someone and before the actual relationship. Fotić - Fotoaparat - Camera Žestica - Beverages with higher percent of alcohol in it. Ex. Whiskey, Tequila  Kupanac - Kupanje - Swimming Brutala - Nešto jako dobro - Something really good/ awesome Cajke - Pop- folk, balkanska glazba s elementima narodne glazbe; slično glazbi koja se zove “Chalga” u Bugarskoj - Pop- folk, Balkan’s music with elements of “folk” music; similar to “Chalga” music in Bulgaria Ex. majority of the songs from this channel  Cirka - Otprilike - Cca Faks - Fakultet - University/ College Fotka - Fotografija - Picture Hića - Hitno - Urgently Oriđiđi - Original - Original Pirs - Piercing Pliz - Molim te - Please Sića - Sitan novac/ Kovanice - Coins Tekma - Utakmica - (Sport-) match  Zuja - Stage of not being sober and before getting wasted Sluške - Slušalice - Headphones Bruka - Sramota - Embarassment NOUNS related to people: Butra - A girl Lega - A guy Legica - A girl *the previous 3 slang terms are specific for the town Osijek Frajer - (used for male only; very often sarcastic) when someone got groomed, when someone is sorrounded by a lot of beautiful women, when someone does something good, etc.. Penzić - Penzioner - Retiree/ pensioner Dobrica - Netko tko je dobra osoba - Someone who’s a a good person Alkos - Alkoholičar - An alcoholic Raska - Razrednica - Class mistress Lik - Basically any male Cinkaroš - A person who blows the whistle Bracika/ Brale/ Buraz - Brate - Brother Luzer - Loser VERBS: Kontati - Razumijeti/ Shvatiti - To understand Čagati - Plesati - To dance Ići pjehe - Ići pješke - Go on foot Lapiti / Zujiti- Dosađivati se - To be bored Laprdati - Pričati besmislice - To talk nonsense Spičkati - Potrošiti puno novaca -To spend a lot of money  Riknuti/ crknuti - Umrijeti - To die Skompati se - Postati prijatelj s nekim - Become friends with someone Naroljati se - Napiti se - To get wasted Bacati hejt/ hejtati - Mrziti nešto - To (lowkey) hate something Bariti - Pokazivati osobi da ti se sviđa - To show the person that you like him/ her (more in a sexual context) Zabrijati - To make out Brukati se - Sramotiti se - To embarass yourself Biti u banani - Imati problem - To have a problem Cinkati - Blow the whistle Cmizdriti - Plakati - To cry (in an annoying way; used often for young spoiled children who, along with crying, start screaming and making some gestures) Nacugati se - Napiti se - To get wasted Nacrtati se (lit. to draw yourself) - Pojaviti se - To appear
ZAGREB’S SLANG  Dragi purgeri, if I’m wrong about about any slang term, please correct me :) The slang terms above are used in Slavonia for sure. I’m not sure about Zagreb, but the majority is. The following terms though, aren’t common in Slavonia so I put them under the title “Zagreb’s slang”.
Levat - Similar to idiot Fakat- Zaista - Really Mamlaz - Similar to idiot Skulirati se - Smiriti se -To chill out/ To relax  Sprehati/ Uvaljivati spiku - Zavoditi - To charm Zatreskati se - Zaljubiti se - To fall in love Dofurati - Doći - To come Pošorati se - Potući se - To fight Muljati - Lagati - To lie There are many more, but I’m not sure if they are used so I’m not going to add them. However, my fellow Croatians (especially Dalmatians), add more !!
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Write for 365 Info
Since I’ve been doing this for a couple of days, I thought I’d go ahead and make an official post about it. As the title suggests, I’m going to be posting something everyday for 365 days. I’m excited to be doing this with the lovely @my-one-love-is-music, so head over to MOLIM’s page and follow if you want double the wonderful daily content! It’s going to be a challenge, but we’ve totally got this!
So, that brings me to a question for all of you wonderful people out there! At the current moment, I’ve got two snippets I could post for the day. If I end up with multiple things I could post, would you all like a chance to pick what’ll be posted that day? Everything will end up posted eventually, but I’d love for you all to have invovlement in this challenge as well!
That brings me to the final thing on my list to discuss. I’d love to use this challenge as a way to grow and explore as a writer. I’ve already thought of a couple of things I’d like to try at some point, like writing horror and something original. If you’ve got a suggestion for something I should try, feel free to send me a message and I’ll take it into consideration!
This is going to be such a wonderful experience and I’m grateful for all the support I’ve already recieved! Here’s to a wonderful year!
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khalilhumam · 4 years
Remembering the heartbreaking words of Yugoslavia's war-struck ‘Lost Generation’
Register at https://mignation.com The Only Social Network for Migrants. #Immigration, #Migration, #Mignation ---
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/remembering-the-heartbreaking-words-of-yugoslavias-war-struck-lost-generation/
Remembering the heartbreaking words of Yugoslavia's war-struck ‘Lost Generation’
Histories written by warmongers tend to omit the war's human costs
Photo of Yugoslav People's Army conscript from Bosnia and Herzegovina Bahrudin Kaletović, screencap from Yutel video from 1991. Source: Wikipedia, Fair Use.
The interview is as haunting today as it was 29 years ago, perhaps even more so. A despondent, scrawny, dark-eyed 19-year-old dressed in army camouflages speaks to a journalist from Yutel, a short-lived Yugoslav newscaster known for its relatively impartial coverage, as he takes cover from enemy forces. Except he doesn't really know why they are his enemies.
They are, like, trying to secede, and we are, like, trying to stop them…You know the drill, bro, you've been in the army, you know how it is. You must do what you are told. No officers have died, only my friends…
Bahrudin Kaletović was a conscript in the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA). His frank interview, free of the jingoism that was pervading the various parts of Yugoslavia as it began to splinter in the early 1990s, made him a symbol of the “lost generation” that had the severe misfortune of being “fighting age” at that time. Kaletović's words were recently remembered in a Facebook post written by Bosnian journalist and philosophy professor Dragan Bursać marking the interview's anniversary. The June 28 post earned over 4,100 reactions, including 329 shares. “It seems to me that Bahrudin is more alive today than many of our contemporaries,” wrote Bursać, noting the distrust that continues to characterize citizens’ relationships with national leaderships in former Yugoslav republics three decades on.
Less said, the better
Mainstream media in the Balkan region tend to avoid revisiting the hows and whys of the wars that caused the breakup of Yugoslavia. The damage done to then-teenage conscripts, whose youth was sacrificed at the altar of nationalism rarely features in national conversations. This is possibly because many of the architects of those wars and their direct descendants are still powerful today. Kaletović fought on the Yugoslav side (JNA) in the “Ten-Day War” that finalized the process of Slovenian secession from the Yugoslav federation. It resulted in the killing of 44 JNA soldiers and 19 members of the Slovenian Territorial Defense (TO) and police, as well as 19 civilians. Nearly 5,000 JNA service-members were captured by the Slovenian forces, most of them conscripts who surrendered en masse because they did not want to fight. This pattern was repeated during the subsequent wars in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, when Macedonian conscripts, officers and cadets surrendered to local forces before making a high-risk journey home via routes patrolled by JNA and Serbian police, or else circumventing them via Hungary and other neighboring countries. Kaletović's interview was republished on YouTube by the Serbian fact-checking service Istinomer in 2011, as part of a report on the 20-year anniversary of the start of the war. That article describes the origins of the union-wide protest movement led by mothers of the stranded conscripts, including an incident when parents ‘occupied’ the Serbian Parliament for a day, and then traveled to Slovenia to continue the protests. While the young soldier's words remain an indelible part of the history of the Yugoslav wars, few people outside of modern-day Bosnia and Herzegovina knew what happened to him afterwards. As journalist Bursać disclosed in his post:
Bahrudin survived the war and all its traps, survived being taken as prisoner of war twice, he survived the front line, but 21 years ago he died in a traffic accident, on the road to his home in Tuzla. He was traveling to visit his family and his newly born son.
Below is a full transcript of the legendary interview. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7G4tmYFjET8]
Reporter: Šta kaže, jeli znate sve podatke, protiv koga se borite i sve to? Kaletović: Ma otkud znam. Samo znam da pucaju na nas, ništa više. Reporter: Ne znate ko puca? Kaletović: Pucaju teritorijalci. Ko bi drugi? Reporter: A znate li zbog čega se vodi ovaj rat, ova bitka? Kaletović: Ma otkud znam… Kolko ja kužim, oni kao hoće da se odcijepljuju, mi im kao ne damo. U stvari mi samo hoćemo da se vratimo u kasarne, ništa više. Reporter: Šta Vi mislite, šta dalje? Kako dalje? Borite se, ili… Kaletović: Šta ima da mislim, samo živ da ostanem. Jebem ti sunce… Znaš, care, bio si u vojsci, znaš kako je. Šta ti kaže, radiš. A nijedan oficir nije poginuo, sve moji jarani poginuli…. Reporter: Kolko je tvojih drugova poginulo, znaš li danas? Kaletović: Danas trojica. Reporter: Nijedan oficir? Kaletović: Nijedan oficir… Reporter: …na vatrenom položaju? Kaletović: …ma šta ne zna gde mi je glava. Nemam pojma, gde se nalazim, koji je dan, kolko ima… Ja ništa ne znam. Ludnica živa. Nikad u životu, ja da pucam u nekog il neko u mene da puca. Gdje to može? To ne može nikako. Ja ne znam stvarno ovo, samo živ da ostanem molim Boga, ništa više. Samo živ da ostanem, majke mi. Reporter: Kolko imaš godina? Kaletović: Devetnaest… Reporter: Kako se zoveš? Kaletović: Bahrudin. Reporter: Koliko je poginulo vojnika? Kaletović: Četvorica svega dosad. Reporter: Ovdje, na ovom terenu? Kaletović: Ne ovdje trojica. Jutros trojica poginulo. Dvojica jutros, dvojica. Pa i onaj treći što je bio ranjen – umro. Pa umro! Pa da! Reporter: Kakvo je stanje u jedinici, kako je? Kaletović: Šta ja znam… Šta da Vam kažem. Svi molimo Boga da se ovo završi jednom da se vratimo svojim kućama. Ja ne znam … stara sad. Samo staroj da kažem da sam živ i zdrav, ako Bog da da ću se vratiti. Ništa više, eto. Samo to. Reporter: Želimo ti mnogo sreće. Kaletović: Hvala! Kažem apelujte preko svih medija, televizije, novina, radija, sve… Da se ovo smiri. Da nas povuku. Oni kažu da mi nećemo da se povučemo. Evo mi ginemo da se povučemo u kasarnu, da se vrate, da nas puste. Reporter: A gdje je Vaša kasarna? Kaletović: U Karlovcu.
Reporter: What can you say, do you have all the data, against whom you are fighting and all that? Kaletović: How should I know. I only know they are shooting at us, nothing more. Reporter: You don't know who's shooting? Kaletović: Territorial Defense members are shooting. Who else? Reporter: And do you know why this war, why this battle is taking place? Kaletović: How should I know… As far as I can tell, they are, like, trying to secede, and we are, like, trying to stop them. In fact the only thing we want is to return to our barracks, nothing more. Reporter: What do you think, what next? How next? You'd fight, or… Kaletović: I have nothing to think about but how to stay alive. Screw this… You know the drill, bro, you've been in the army, you know how it is. You must do what you are told. No officers have died, only my friends… Reporter: How many of your comrades have died today, do you know? Kaletović: Three today. Reporter: And no officers? Kaletović: No officers… Reporter: …in the line of fire? Kaletović: …how do I know, I don't know where my head is. I have no clue, I don't know where I am, what day it is, how many… I know nothing. Total madhouse. Never in my life [did I imagine] I would shoot at someone or that someone would shoot at me. How can this be? It's not right. I really don't know about all this, I just pray to God to stay alive, nothing more. Just to stay alive, I swear on my mothers’ life. Reporter: How old are you? Kaletović: Nineteen… Reporter: What is your name? Kaletović: Bahrudin. Reporter: How  many soldiers died? Kaletović: Total of four so far. Reporter: Here, in this area? Kaletović: No, here three. This morning we had three deaths. Two were shot this morning,  two. And then, the guy who was wounded, he also died. Yes, died! For sure! Reporter: What is the situation in your unit? Kaletović: I have no clue… What to tell you. We all just pray to God for this to be finally over so we can go back to our homes. I don't know… my mom. Just to tell my mom that I'm alive and well, and that God willing I will return. Nothing more. Just  that. Reporter: We wish you the best of luck. Kaletović: Thanks! I tell you, appeal through all the media, TV, newspapers, radio, all of them… To calm this down. To withdraw us. They say we refuse to step down. Here we are dying to be withdrawn to our barrracks, to return us, to release us. Reporter: And where are your barracks? Kaletović: In Karlovac [Croatia].
< p class='gv-rss-footer'>Written by Filip Stojanovski · comments (0) Donate · Share this: twitter facebook reddit
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I know I haven’t been super consistent on here as of late, but I’m working hard on a romance novel I hope y’all will get to enjoy one day <3
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First Part. Second Part.
The Darkness hung around George for the next week. Usually it would disappear after a couple days, but he hadn’t felt like this in years. Not since the year following the Incident. But he’d pulled himself out of that and had found his sense of joy again.
There was no reason he couldn’t do that again, right?
But each day seemed more impossible than the last. Happiness seemed further and further out of his reach and no matter how hard he tried he just never seemed close enough to wrap his fingers around it.
He found it harder to find the meaning in schoolwork and what he’d spent the past years studying. There was no motivation to keep at it, but if he didn’t do his work, then he didn’t know what he’d do.
So, he sat down at his computer and read and wrote papers. Darkness hovered over his shoulder. When it got bored, it lounged on his bed or picked through his things. On days when he was really lucky, Darkness would curl up under his covers and nap, giving George a little break. Those were the days it was easier to get things done.
Those were also the days when he felt like his behavior was ridiculous and childish. There wasn’t anything physically stopping him from going out to the living room to hang with his friends. There wasn’t anything keeping him chained to the bed so he couldn’t join the Mario Kart battles on the couch.
Except for the gap he felt he’d created over the past few days. Aside from one small comment he’d said to his roommates, he hadn’t engaged in an actual conversation. He wasn’t sure if they noticed how he hadn’t been speaking, but each missed conversation and failure to use his voice built up and towered over him.
It was a wall he couldn’t climb over and didn’t have the tools to dismantle, leaving him isolated with Darkness as his only companion.
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Here it is. My last drabble after an entire year of writing. If you want some mood music, check this out. And I thought I’d do something a little fun and unique for this last one.
Molim sighed and tapped their finger against their chin. They paced around their living room, staring at where their computer was resting on their desk, waiting for them to put their fingers to the keys and create something new. The cursor was blinking at them, mocking them for the challenge they’d so foolishly started a year ago.
A post and ficlet every day had seemed like so little at first. They’d thought it to be a challenge they wouldn’t have any trouble completing. Sure, the idea was grand and momentous, but they always went overboard when it came to writing fic, so this wasn’t out of the ordinary. It would just be another series of writing.
But after being in the midst of it all? After months spent writing new drabbles and coming up with new ideas to keep things fresh and exciting? After panicked nights and weekends if a drabble accidentally got deleted right before posting, or they thought they were losing all sense of creative capacity, they were starting to understand just what they’d gotten themself into.
They ran a hand through their hair, fingers scratching through their shaved undercut. The top strands were getting too long. They’d need to get it cut soon. They shook their head, there would be time for that later, there was something else that needed to be done first.
They smiled, the vague strand of an idea coming to them. A spark that could lead to something great if it was nurtured and crafted just right.
They hurried over to their desk and sat down, pulling their legs up to sit cross-legged on the seat and get comfortable as they prepared to settle in and write.
This next post needed to be amazing and exciting. It needed to pull their readers into yet another new world and tale Molim was weaving at the tips of their fingers. They’d covered so many different ships and tropes over the year. Most of their posts had been jaytim, but sheith was also big on their list. They’d even broached into Birdflash for the first time and had a few drabbles about Winterhawk. And of course, they had some fun posting original works as well to test the waters for the hell of it.
They smiled. Their tropes had been all over the place. They’d finished the fix-it fic The Nearly Dead Adventures of Tim Drake, posting that one and several other jaytim and sheith on AO3 because of popular demand. And it helped to keep the chapters in one place for any readers who wanted to return to it later or keep up with updates.
They’d tackled the barista au, the werewolf au, and even went along with a mermaid au during the entirety of May which later came back to life from a different angle involving Birdflash. They dabbled in amnesia fic and a frat boy and punk boy college au. And of course the pastel and punk au that every fandom needed. There’d been some angst, but most of it was happy, keeping things light as the year continued and lives fluctuated. As Molim’s life fluctuated and changed.
Molim had told many stories so far, but there were so many more they wanted to write and share and give to the people around them and their readers. Stories brought people together and writing was something they never tired of.
Molim tapped their index fingers on the keys of their laptop. The motion wasn’t hard enough to press the key and make a letter appear, but it gave them a moment to think as the words and ideas slowly became concrete in their mind, begging to be put on the page and crafted into something beautiful.
Their smile widened as they entered the number at the top of the post. So many days and posts and now number three-six-five. This post was a year in the making. Everything was culminating at this point in their life. They scratched their head, sweeping the hair out of their eyes before moving the cursor down to the body of the post to start to write.
The words came slowly at first, forming in their brain before they moved down to their fingertips and were poured onto the page. After the first couple of sentences, they hit the ‘Enter’ key and moved to the second paragraph.
Things came faster, the words slowly beginning to spin around Molim as they continued to write. Their ideas became stronger, life given to the words and the characters as they came to life on the page, ready to be released into the world to offer new meaning and experience.
The characters’ hearts beat in time with Molim’s, their emotions shared between them as they both experienced fear, loss, happiness, excitement, and...love. They shared friendships and romance and family and the best and worst parts of life as they lived a thousand different lives and experienced it all at once.
Light poured from Molim’s fingers as they continued to write. The light of life that made the characters and the stories larger and bigger than the pixelated letters and words that were confined to one small tumblr post.
The story grew, a world of its own that housed people who were very much as real as the author and readers themselves as they shared and lived those lives and experienced things that might not have happened to them otherwise.
Molim sat back as the last sentence was completed. Despite the outpouring of words and care and emotion, they didn’t feel any less empty. Instead, they felt bolstered, stronger because of what they’d crafted and had the chance to share with the rest of the world.
Each post had touched lives that Molim wouldn’t have met otherwise. Their project had become bigger than their own being and no matter how they finished it, they knew that there was nothing that could begin to encompass or pay back the joy, fear, tears, and love that had been experienced during the past year.
There was nothing Molim could write that could even begin to communicate how much their reader’s responses meant to them and how much bigger this felt than their small five foot three inch person.
They became aware of their beating heart in their chest as they reached the bottom of the post, reading the words once more. They placed a hand over their heart and felt overwhelming pride and joy at what they’d done.
They reached out, sliding their finger on the smooth surface of their laptop’s track pad--careful not to accidentally delete the whole post like that one mistake they’d make a few months into the project--and hovered the cursor over the blue button in the bottom corner.
Molim let out a breath and hit ‘Post,’ letting the story be taken from them yet again and sent out into the wide expanse beyond their home. They sat back in their chair, eyes falling shut as everything they’d worked for finally came to a close.
This wasn’t the end, though. Just the end of one chapter. What would come next was uncertain. Gone was the security of knowing that whatever happened, this project would be there, but uncertainty could still be exciting and joyful.
This chapter had already encompassed the beginning and end of a relationship, a graduation, many professional jobs, a move, a funeral, the birth of new friendships and the end of old ones, and many coming outs.
The next chapter would no doubt hold just as many, if not more, surprises.
And it was time for Molim to turn the page.
If you enjoy my work, please reblog or consider buying me a ko-fi!
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It Takes Two ch. 5
Super psyched for this chapter!!!
Also on AO3!
Tim yawned as his alarm blared in his ear. He flung his hand around to turn it off and smacked the table. He hit the edge of his phone and launched it into his face because that was his life.
“Son of a bitch!” Tim gasped, clutching at his nose. His alarm was still screaming at him from where it landed on his pillow. He flailed around in bed as the pain slowly faded and the sound of his ringtone drowned out his alarm.
He reached for it and answered without looking at the caller ID.
“Hewwo?” he asked, voiced muffled by his hands.
“What the hell are you doing this early in the morning? I didn’t ask for a wakeup call! Damn, what did you do?” Jason spat over the phone.
“I di-in’t dowit on purpose!” he objected. “M’ phone ‘it me in the face.”
“Well can you not do that? And what’s wrong with your voice?”
“Shut it!” Tim hissed, taking his hands from his nose. He sat up and picked up his phone. “And I told you, I didn’t do it on purpose. I was just trying to turn off my alarm not launch a cellular attack on my nose.”
“Well it’s too early! Why are you up so early and not sleeping?!” he asked.
Tim rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “I need to do more research on Robert Anderson. We’re not just going to magically track him down. There is still work involved. Or have you forgotten?”
“I haven’t forgotten. But you could’ve slept in a little longer. At least until you’re not in danger of hurting yourself by turning off your alarm.”
“It’s too late, I’m already awake and now I need to fill my veins with coffee. You can go back to sleep all you like, but I have work to do.” He shuffled out of the bedroom and toward his kitchen.
“You’re going to kill yourself doing this one day,” Jason grumbled. “And it’s too late. You’ve woken me up past the point of going back to sleep.”
Tim snorted as he started the coffee pot. “I highly doubt that. I’m sure you have impeccable napping abilities and will be able to pass out again as soon as you hang up.”
“That may be true, but who knows what other trouble you’re going to get in now that you’re awake? I’d rather not get woken up as rudely as I just was.”
“If I promise not to intentionally hurt myself will that put you at ease?”
“Nope!” Jason answered cheerfully.
“Why not?”
“Because you end up doing lots of things even if you don’t do them on purpose. I’m surprised you haven’t been locked in a padded room for your own safety yet. I for sure would’ve thought that Dick would’ve attempted that at some point.”
“Who says they haven’t tried?” Tim asked, grinning.
“Wait…have they really? Wait…do I even want to know the answer to that?”
“I don’t know? Do you?” Tim pulled down a clean mug and threw in a spoonful of sugar and splash of creamer as the pot finished.
“I’m not sure if I’d like the answer or not,” Jason mused.
“You probably wouldn’t,” Tim said, taking a sip of his coffee and sighing happily. Now he could really get to work. The caffeine hadn’t kicked in yet, but the fact that he knew it was coming was going to make everything easier. He sat down on his couch and powered up his laptop, setting his coffee on one side of his computer and he put his phone on speaker before setting it on the other side.
“You’re about to start ignoring me in favor of working, aren’t you?” Jason asked.
“Now what makes you think that?” Tim asked innocently.
“Because I can hear the sounds of you tapping away on your computer and that means your research has begun.” He sighed and it crackled through the speaker. “Have fun looking up information about our new favorite person. Let me know what you find. And don’t try to hurt yourself. I’d rather limit the amount of rude awakenings I have to deal with from you.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t speak too soon.”
“Speak too soon? I haven’t once accidentally hurt myself since we’ve had this link!”
“Yes, well…” Tim grumbled because he couldn’t very well argue Jason’s point.
Jason snickered. “I’ll let you get back to this all important research that you’re quickly going to become obsessed with. Text me if you find anything. And don’t hurt yourself.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tim muttered, ending the call before Jason could say anything else.
He pulled up the website for the new hospital that had been built when the old one was shut down. He hacked into the system quickly, finding few safeguards this time around. It looked like they didn’t expect many people to come looking through their records, but common criminals usually didn’t spend time hacking into hospital databases. And those who wanted to actually get into the hospitals did so for other reasons and didn’t waste time when they could just go in with a gun and get their way.
Tim pulled up the employee records, bypassing the added level of security put in front of them and got in easily. Unlike his experience with the last hospital, there was nothing hidden in the interface that was trying to hack him back to get his location and personal information. Not that Tim was going to let them get in that easily even if they did.
“So they obviously didn’t transfer the program to this new place,” he said, voice barely a whisper.
It made sense since it was deemed a failure at the last hospital. The people who had funded it probably didn’t want to experience a similar scandal or didn’t want to have to deal with the level of secrecy around the patients that they’d had to set up before. It would’ve been more risky operating in the new hospital with the size of it and the influx of patients and employees that were brought in. More questions would’ve been asked. There would’ve been a bigger chance of someone stumbling into something that they weren’t supposed to know anything about and leaking confidential information if they couldn’t be stopped.
Tim scrolled through the employee records, quickly scanning the names and already suspecting what he would find there. Or what he wouldn’t find there. Rather than having to scroll through each employee name, he was able to search through the entirety of the records. He typed in ‘Robert Anderson’ and wasn’t surprised when nothing came back on him.
He leaned back against the couch to give himself a minute to think. He hadn’t known if Anderson had actually made the transfer to the new hospital when he’d started gathering information. That had merely been an assumption on his part. One that seemed foolish at that point with everything else that they’d learned.
Tim opened the file that he’d saved of the records from the original hospital. He scrolled through them, but still couldn’t find his file even with the new name.
“What the fuck?” he growled. He was sorely tempted to throw his computer across the room. And then he was horrified that he’d even allowed himself to have that thought.
“Okay, okay,” Tim said, trying to calm himself down. “So his file isn’t listed in the hospital records. I can work around that, no big deal. I just have to get a little more creative which shouldn’t be a problem because I’m fucking Tim Drake and I can do whatever the hell I want because no firewall can stop me and now I sound like a complete idiot talking to myself. Jesus, what is going on with me?!”
He ran a hand through his hair roughly. “At least I can content myself with the fact that there’s no one here to witness this… That would just be embarrassing. Jason would probably never let this one go. It would just give him more of a basis for why I should be locked in a padded room and never let out.”
Tim drummed his fingers on the tabletop and sighed. “I guess the least I can do is start with a generic search for this guy. Maybe I’ll get lucky and actually stumble upon something without having to do much legwork.”
He opened a new tab and pulled up a search engine before quickly typing in Anderson’s name. The results were a little slow to load and Tim took the chance to get up from his spot and refill his mug with more coffee. When he sat back down, he took a sip and started scrolling through the results.
Several Facebook pages had been brought up, along with Twitter profiles and LinkedIn pages. There was even a news article, but it was a recent post about some high school athlete that was definitely not relevant to what he was looking for unless their scientist had somehow managed to de-age himself or really was some sort of young genius with a penchant for crime. But he doubted that since he would’ve had to deal with the parents of the patients and that would raise more questions on their part.
Tim slowly sifted through the social media profiles and was nearly ready to give up before he delved too deep. Where white vans were the bane of every detective’s existence on the street, generic social media profiles were the bane of every detective’s existence when working to find someone online. He didn’t know how those people on Catfish did it. Well he did, but they had something more to go on. He’d like to see them try and track down some weird evil scientist on the internet.
Tim stared at the third Twitter page on his screen, not really seeing it as his mind worked. He was trying to decide whether or not the guy they were looking for would be honest, or somewhat honest, about his profession online. And if he would even have a social media profile. Him and Jason knew next to nothing about their guy and had no tells on any of his habits. They didn’t even know if he was married or if he had kids.
He was really regretting not grilling Elena more about Anderson. Although, due to the level of secrecy that they were all operating under, she probably wouldn’t have any of the answers that they were looking for and they didn’t exactly have it narrowed down to a few people where they could justify having her go through photos with her to try and ID him.
Tim grabbed his phone from the table while he used his other hand to navigate to the DMV website. He sent a quick text to Jason before he started to bypass their system again to search for any driving records that might exist.
Tim: I’ve got nothing concrete on Anderson. There was no employee file from the hospital and there are too many social media profiles to even narrow it down and that’s assuming he made one in some form or fashion.
He searched for the good ol’ doctor in the system and wasn’t surprised by how many names popped up. He didn’t think he’d ever understand the popularity of the name. Especially in Gotham. Why couldn’t they get lucky for once and have to look for someone who has a totally unique name? That wasn’t an alias anyway.
Tim exited out of the DMV website with a shake of his head. His phone vibrated and he checked the reply that Jason sent.
Jason: Of course that’s just our luck. Why can’t these guys be easy to track for once????
Tim: You took the words right out of my mouth.
Jason: Whatever. I can ask around on the streets tonight after I take down this gang that’s been making trouble.
Tim: Need any backup?
Jason: Nah, I’ve dealt with these guys before and as soon as the blood starts flowing and bones start breaking, they turn tail and run. Shouldn’t be a big deal.
Tim: Got it.
Tim: That sounds like some parody of Smash Mouth. ‘Well the blood starts flowing and the bones start breaking…’
Jason: I’m not sure that I will ever understand you…
Tim: Whatever.
He set his phone to the side and closed out of all of his files. There wasn’t much more that he’d be able to do until they had some info on where to find Anderson. And they still needed to shut down the trafficking ring that he was involved in. And he definitely wasn’t about to find anything about that on the internet. It looked like him and Jason were in for a lot of footwork on patrol.
“Red Robin.”
Tim paused before retracting the cable for his grapple gun. He turned to face Bruce who was standing on the rooftop, hidden in shadow as was his practice.
“Batman,” he said, nodding before putting his grapple back in his belt. “Is there something that you need?”
“Have you managed to shut down that trafficking ring yet?”
“Red Hood and I are working on it. We’re both going to see what anyone on the streets might know about it, but tracking them down again might take a while since they know that we’re watching. We’ll take care of it, don’t worry.”
He nodded. “Try and get that cleared up as quickly as possible.”
“We will. It shouldn’t take too long-“ Tim gasped and clutched his side when the most intense pain crashed through him. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to breathe through what felt like was his side being ripped open.
“Red Robin!” Bruce exclaimed, hurrying over to grab onto his shoulder. “Red Robin, what happened? What’s wrong?”
Tim opened and closed his mouth, trying to get the words out. He knew something had happened to Jason. He just didn’t know what. He had to find him. He had to make sure that he was okay and that he wasn’t bleeding out in some alleyway because if what he was feeling was anything to go by, then Jason was probably experiencing something so much worse.
“I…he…” he gasped.
“Who? Who did this? Red Robin?”
A second wave of pain crashed over him. His body felt like it was being crushed under a building. Tim clutched his head as he fell to his knees, despite Bruce’s efforts to keep him on his feet. His vision wavered and he was worried that he was going to pass out, but he knew that he had to find Jason first. He had to make sure that he wasn’t hurt too badly and that he was alive.
He tried to open his mouth again to speak and explain the situation but as soon as he did, he felt bile rise up in his throat and he just barely managed to turn his body away in time to keep from vomiting all over Bruce’s boots.
“We need to get you back to the Cave,” Bruce said urgently. He tried pulling Tim to his feet but he just shook his head.
“No,” he gasped. The pain wasn’t subsiding and he wasn’t quite ready to admit that that worried him. A lot.
“What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I have to find him.”
“Find who?”
“Jason,” he said, swallowing around another wave of nausea. “He’s in trouble. I have to find him. He might be dying. He might already be dead.”
“Names, Red Robin. How do you know he’s in trouble?” Bruce asked.
“Later. I need to find him first. He’s in trouble,” he said again.
Bruce brought up a hand to his cowl and Tim had to close his eyes to take steady breaths. If he was in this much pain, then he wasn’t sure he wanted to know what kind of shape Jason was in.
“Nightwing go find Red Hood. Red Robin and I have reason to believe that he’s in trouble. When you find him, bring him to the Cave. Red Robin will be there waiting for him.”
Tim shook his head. He knew that he couldn’t go and wait in the Cave. He had to find Jason. He couldn’t leave him alone.
“Let’s go, Red Robin. We need to get you to the Cave and have you looked over.”
Tim shook his head again. He needed to stand up, but his body felt so heavy. He didn’t know how he was going to move. “I have to go to him.”
“Nightwing is with him. He’s going to bring him to the Cave and you need to go, too.”
“No,” Tim said and struggled to his feet. His legs were shaky, but managed to hold after a minute. It was going to be slow going, but he knew that he could make it to Jason. He just needed to move. He took deep breaths as he stepped forward and straightened. The world moved beneath him and he felt himself fall, unable to do anything more than close his eyes and wait for the impact to come.
Tim felt himself slowly come to. He fought against the darkness and the fatigue. As awareness came back, he noticed how heavy his limbs felt. He’d never quite understood what people meant when they said they felt like they’d gotten hit by a bus, but he couldn’t think of a more apt description in that moment. He brought a hand up to clutch at his head when a throb went through it.
He blinked his eyes open and was met with impossibly bright lights and it took him a few seconds to get his vision to clear. When he did he found himself staring up at the ceiling of the Cave. He didn’t remember coming back there. He’d been talking to Bruce on patrol when-
Tim gasped and sat up, having to close his eyes as his vision swam from the sudden movement. He didn’t think that he should be feeling such intense side effects when he hadn’t been hurt, but they still didn’t know a great deal about how the connection worked. When it cleared he looked down and made to pull out the IV in his arm when a pair of hands stopped his actions.
“Woah, Tim! Calm down, little bro.”
He looked up and found Dick standing over me. He shook his head and made to pull it out again, but Dick stopped him. “I have to find Jason. He’s in trouble. He-“
“Tim, calm down. Jason’s fine. Well…he will be anyway. He was in pretty bad shape when I found him, but Alfred worked his magic and after a bit of time recuperating, he’ll be good as knew.”
Tim pulled against where Dick was still holding onto his hands. “Where is he? I have to see him! I have to…”
Dick’s smile had him trailing off in the middle of his sentence. “If you’ll look to your right, you’ll see he’s right there.”
He looked to the side and found Jason looking peaceful and asleep. The machines around him beeped and his chest rose softly with each breath. He could make out some scratches across his face, but couldn’t see much else with the hospital gown and blanket covering him.
Tim felt himself sag with relief at the sight, his fatigue making itself more apparent now that he wasn’t stressed. Jason was alive. As worried as he’d been the night before, he was going to be okay. They were both going to be okay.
Sensing that he wasn’t going to put up much of a fight anymore, Dick released his hands and stood back.
“He was unresponsive when I found him, but alive. If he’d been left alone too long he probably would’ve ended up dead. I’m surprised you knew that he was in trouble. I don’t think anyone would’ve known that something was wrong for a long time.”
Tim flushed and clutched at the blanket that was covering his legs. “Well, that’s…you see…I…”
“Yes, I would also like to know how exactly it was that you knew Jason was in trouble.”
Tim swallowed and looked up as Bruce walked over to him. He’d changed out of his uniform and Tim wondered how long he’d been out and how late in the morning it was for them all to be back at the Manor.
“Look, I don’t really know how to explain it. I guess I just had this hunch that something was wrong and that we needed to find him to make sure that he was okay...” Tim trailed off at the unimpressed look that Bruce was giving him and he cleared his throat before glancing away.
“You don’t really expect me to believe that, do you?” Bruce asked and crossed his arms. “Especially with how you reacted?”
“I…” Tim was at a loss for words. He didn’t know how to explain it without telling them what had happened.
His head whipped around at the sound of that familiar voice, even if it was a bit gravelly and tired. He looked at Jason’s tired eyes that were now open and looking at him.
“Babybird, I think it’s time that we come clean.”
Tim sighed and closed his eyes before nodding. “Okay.”
He turned back to look at Bruce and Dick. Bruce looked rather serious, not that that was any surprise. He was pretty much always serious and Dick had narrowed his eyes like he suspected something. Tim wasn’t sure if he was ready to know just what was going through his mind.
“There’s something that we have to tell you.”
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@drabblemeister replied to your post: @drabblemeister replied to your post ...
Does your original fall into a certain genre?
It would probably fall into New Adult since the characters are at university and George is obviously dealing with some heavy things. I say New Adult too, because my characters feel too old to me to be classified as being in the Young Adult genre since they’re not first-year university students. It’s not to say that there can’t be YA books that deal with mental health issues and what-not, but the ages of my characters, for me, place them in New Adult.
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