#about me?
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secularprolifeconspectus · 3 months ago
I'm a bisexual cis woman, and the very reason I began speaking out against abortion was because I saw how fellow women, my friends that I love, were being lied to about and harmed by abortion. I have two extensive posts, one on how being pro-life is feminist, and one on how abortion exploits women. I love women, literally, and that's why I could no longer remain silent on this issue. Women deserve better than to be the mothers of murdered children. I dream of a world beyond violence, and I have radical hope that it is possible.
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marionvonwolfstadt · 1 month ago
I know I've been dead-ish when it comes to posting fic but let's just say that December was one of the worst months of my existence (even in comparison to hospital days lol) and January was just exams and passing every subject. I'm almost over with uni, and then I'd finally have some free time for my social life and myself.
I somewhat feel guilty for not writing more but it doesn't mean that I didn't come up with new things and how to develop the older ones that I started. My mind yearns to sit down and write but I need to be patient for a little while.
If you have any questions about my WIPs or anything else you're welcome in my ask box and for now, in the meantime, I have only one question for you: How would you like to read a Max/Seb fic?
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yeenapolitan · 9 months ago
Who’s your favorite oc?
Someone I have had for years but never talked about, my true sona fr
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eynnwwyjth · 2 years ago
Okie, um... I decided to make something for myself. I was inspired by azulashengrottospiano and her Auburn lore. So, I attempted to make one for myself, too. I don't know if i did it right though so im a lil nervous. AndI will admit some of this is a tiny bit embarrassing, so please be kind.
Anyways here is some Faye lore:
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allsystmsred · 1 year ago
I was tagged by @mxsovereign; thank you <3
last song: silent stranger by Against the Current
favourite color: black. (but if that doesn't count; purple <3)
currently watching: scrubs (yes, again)
last movie: venom - let there be carnage
currently reading: no_coincidence by Rafal Kosik
sweet/spicy/savory: savory
relationship status: taken <3 (not by oryx)
current obsession: destiny 2, bg3, cyberpunk
the last thing I googled: celty sturluson
currently working on: setting boundaries, making friends <3
tagging: @oseamonkeyo @sleepyserena @vesswastaken @katsigian @hagfishslime @boileddogchicken @yeahdragon @alucarda1977 (only if you want to do this - no pressure obviously <3)
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sexynetra · 1 year ago
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I’ll be real I do not think this description is accurate, you will have to ask the people who know me who aren’t me <3333
Anyways! Here’s the details for the tag game <3
1. Do this uquiz
2. Make a moodboard based on your results
3. Pick a song that goes with it
4. Enjoy and pass along!
I was tagged by the one true love of my existence, @thecollectionsof , thank you for the tag my beloved Gi <3
I’m gonna tag @sweetlikesunflowersandhoney @adoordelano @aqpippin @themetaluna and @goodemethyd (sorry if any of y’all have already been tagged, have fun!!!)
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wolgerrswraith · 8 months ago
Writerly Questionaire
Tagged by @winglesswriter for this writer questionnaire. I'll do my best to answer them!
About Me
When did you first start writing ?
Probably around 9 or 10. Terrible little stories I did in stapled together pages that have been lost to time. I tried to write "seriously" in my late teens. A lot of that is also lost, but what got kept shows some promise.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
No, not really. I'm big into YA/fantasy these days, so a lot of what I write falls into the fantasy or YA genre as well. Not everything, but a lot of it.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
I consider Holly Black, Madeleine Roux, and Stephen King my biggest inspirations, but I don't try to copy them. I wouldn't compare my work to them, either, but I'd like to think a little Holly Black gets into my writing sometimes.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
Nothing too special, unfortunately. Just my usual desk with my pc. I need to dust it, probably.
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
It happens at random sometimes. I'll have an idea, and the story comes into being from it. My novella was inspired by a DVD cover, for example. (Not the film itself, though, just the art.) Other times an idea sticks in my mind from a book or film, and I work it into something original. An entire story I wrote once was based off a single moment in Crimson Peak, for example.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Absolutely not.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Broken homes, unflattering parental figures, and found families keep cropping up. I'd say it's surprising, but at this point I just accept it as the way my writing goes.
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
I like all my characters, but my favorite is always my elf guy, Lestrain. I need to actually put him into stories more often, but I default to him in games if I need to make an avatar, and currently the most chaotic Sims playthrough to ever exist stars him.
Which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
Wolgerr (who is sometimes human), and Jonah (usually human). They're both down to earth, modern types who don't judge a lot and try to get along with people.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Scarlett, mostly because I made her the biggest bitch to ever live (for story reasons!). She'd pick too many fights for me to ever like her.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
Honestly? Accidents. Almost all of them. A prime example is Lestrain, which came from a rewatch of Interview With the Vampire. Lestat somehow morphed into a disgraced prince, who then morphed into a man who loved too freely and got banished off the throne for it. The elf bit was for fun. And the amazing hair.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
A lot of bisexuals. And sassy assholes. Wouldn't know why that keeps happening!
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc
Cliche as it is, all my main characters have actor "face claims" to help me visualize. I'm at the point I see the claims when writing my characters, so I guess it worked.
My Writing
What's your reason for writing?
Mental health. Life is hard, sometimes I need to write about pretty elf people fucking up the patriarchy.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
I don't get as many comments as I'd like (it's too hard for someone to post feedback apparently) but I'm always glad to see my stories are interesting, and even funny (when they're supposed to be).
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
I'd like to think people read my work and think "Wow! This guy is super nuts and this plot is ridiculous! I must finish it!"
But seriously, I'd just like someone to think the story is good enough to finish reading.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think my dialogue comes across well. Banter, jokes, gentle jabs between friends. (Not pillow talk, though... don't ask!)
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Dialogue and weirdness. Combining elements that don't feel like they'd work but somehow do, with people who can banter with the best of them.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
That it's awful, and everything I write is trash can worthy. Because  intrusive thoughts are real, and hard to ignore.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Probably. Someone would have to.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it's a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I attempt to put a little thought into what other people might want to read, but I'm also writing a novella with samurai teaming with elves to fight dragons because I like those things. And because no one can stop me.
Tagging @aintgonnatakethis @fortunatetragedy
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elilelibeli · 11 months ago
Thank you lovely @a-pine-cone for giving me a reason to ramble hehe (also i am so late but hectic week)
Favorite song at the moment: Intolewd by Matt Maltese, Caroline & only angel by Harry styles (these songs are my favorite always) and obv Rebel Rebel by David Bowie (a life long favorite, as soon as I listened to it that was it for me) anything by Hozier i am hyper-fixating always
Current Obsession: Formula 1 (although this transcends time, this is lifelong and permanent) iOT & self driving vehicles (internet of things: like smart houses, smart systems in general, this sadly is a woman in tech household :(), ted talks, Ireland, making digital collages/scrapes, rings
Celebrity crush: RUBY CRUZ, KIZZY EDGELL, AYO EDEBIRI, Tom holland (loyal since 2017 🙏🏼)
Favorite food and drink: Burgers and Wraps (anytype any way get in my bellyyyyy), spinach& spring onion& spring garlic omelette, Georgian food obv obsession grew cause i really missed it while living abroad (i know i might be biased and everything cause I am from here but pls try geo food it’s so so good)
Place where I’d like to live: London (I know but like lemme dream) Copenhagen, maybe Berlin?
Hobbies: Hanging out with my friends (is this an activity? idc it’s my favorite thing to do), reading, reposting tik toks (i provided unmatched humor and content thank you very much), film photography (this is a new one!!), MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES and tv shows (always always always), swimming and dancing in my room at 3am when i should be sleeping
umm i haven’t been on here for a good week so i don’t who has done this at this point but no pressure tags as always: @ecstarry @bellaxisworld @staringathesunbabe @moonymiel and obv whoever else wants to talk about their things, pls do it :))
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eccentricmya · 1 year ago
I'm tech savvy in the way that I know how cmd works, I can do regedits and best of all, restart the device to solve basic bugs.
But I'm not tech savvy in the way that I'd know how to use insta or twt, or worst of all, tiktok!
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amysteryspot · 1 year ago
Hey Ari, I’m wondering what you’re looking fwd to most in the new year? Anything fun you’d like to try?
Hey Lee! Well, that’s a really good question. I think I’m looking forward to traveling more and knowing new places.
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secularprolifeconspectus · 1 year ago
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Fetuses are people, abortion is murder, and I am one of the radical left extremists of your nightmares. This week I did an Opportunity Rescue with the "grandfather" of Rescue, John Cavanaugh-O'Keefe, a fellow leftist.
When I said "abortion is murder and I'm going to act like it," I meant I'm dead serious that I'll nonviolently invade killing clinics in order to offer mothers roses with a helpline attached.
And I'll invade yours next.
Rescue puts our bodies between the harmdoers and their victims, even if only temporarily. Rescue is message and resistance. Rescue is rational and radical. Rescue is sacrifice. Rescue is nonviolence. Rescue saves lives. Rescue is love.
Solidarity with the preborn forever.
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noramsblog · 1 year ago
hey random questions. when you draw do you face the screen head on? or are you at an angle? for example, do you draw at a desk or on your bed?
Hello! I draw on my phone so I'm usually on my bed trying not to throw my phone out of frustration lol
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yeenapolitan · 8 months ago
I love when my dad drops random lore like how he’s a Operation Desert Storm Veteran (The Gulf War) that served in Iraq
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eynnwwyjth · 2 years ago
Your goal is to vote for which one you think is the lie
Anyways I just thought this would be fun.
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honeylemonbutte · 2 years ago
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Was tagged by @snail-of-fire for the 9 fav shows game and had to think really hard. I don't watch a lot of TV to be honest and I don't think any of these shows are going to be a surprise!
no pressure but if you want to @magiciansvoyage @kairelite @honeypeabrain @manonamora-if (of course ignore this if you're busy or don't feel like)
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