#about how to train or maintain a dog especially a dog with a coat like that. i hear that dog groomers hate doodles bc theyre
makedamnsvre · 7 months
these places banning bully breeds of dogs bc theyre sooo scawy when really they should be banning doodles
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crystallinestars · 5 months
If They Were Your Pet Cat (Part 3)
This won the poll, so here is part 3. My HCs on what Gepard, Ratio, Dan Heng, and Sampo would be like as your pet cat.
I don't know what I'm doing anymore
Links to previous parts:
Part 1 (Genshin)
Part 2 (Aventurine, Argenti, Jing Yuan)
🛡️ Norwegian Forest cat
🛡️ Gepard is the most dog-like cat you have ever met. Much like a dog, he sees you off when you leave your house, and greets you when you return. He enjoys playing fetch more than chasing after a string, since it fetch gives him more of a workout. He’s also easy to train to perform tricks since he understands and obeys commands quickly. If you wanted, you could bring him to cat agility tournaments and do fairly well in the competition.
🛡️ He is incredibly loyal to you. While he’s welcoming and accepting of your loved ones and lets them pet him, he only listens to you. He doesn’t obey their commands the way he does yours. He might comply if your relative gave him an order to come here, but won’t do tricks and such for them. If you tell him to come here, roll over, play dead, etc… Gepard will comply without hesitation. He’s that trusting and loyal towards you.
🛡️ While to you Gepard appears harmless, in reality, he’s a force to be reckoned with, even for a house cat. If he sees you welcome someone into your home, he assumes the person is important to you, so he welcomes them in turn, albeit with some initial suspicion. That’s why he’s so accepting of your loved ones. However, if someone enters uninvited, especially if it’s someone he doesn’t know, Gepard won’t hesitate to growl and threaten the person to leave. His fur stands on end to make him look larger, and his teeth and claws are bared, showing that he means business. It’s usually enough to discourage anyone from trespassing. If not, then he’ll alert you with a loud yowl if you’re home, or go in for an attack. Furthermore, if someone makes you uncomfortable in your own home, Gepard senses your discomfort and is immediately at your side, ready to attack if the other person tries anything. He has no reservations about using his claws and teeth for the sake of protecting his owner.
🛡️ Due to his long and thick coat, Gepard requires regular grooming. Based on the somber expression on his cute little muzzle, you can tell he doesn’t enjoy being bathed and groomed, but he soldiers through it without struggle or complaint. As mentioned previously, he’s very loyal and trusting of you, so he understands that what you’re doing to him is not dangerous and is for his own benefit. Giving him praise about how much of a good boy he’s being, seems to help warm him up to the process.
🛡️ While he’s not a huge fan of being pet, but if you spend some time gently petting his head or brushing his fur, he will relax and accept the attention. He purrs and kneads at whatever is under him, clearly enjoying the experience. You try to give him gentle pets as a reward for waiting for you to come home and keeping watch of the house, and it works to deepen your bond with him.
🛡️ He’s vocal when with you. Gepard often communicates with you via chirps and low meows, using them as a means of calling you over for something. When you leave something cooking on the stove and forget about it, Gepard smells smoke and meows at you to come over and take care of it. If you haven’t unloaded the washing machine for a while, he calls on you to let you know its done. He just wants to help his owner stay on track.
🛡️ Once the two of you settle into a daily routine, Gepard expects you to maintain it. He’ll be unhappy if the pattern is broken. If you oversleep, Gepard is there to wake you up. He’ll meow and walk all over you until you get up and feed him. It’s great for when you sleep past you alarm since it prevents you from being late to work/school, but it’s not so fun on the weekends… Similarly, Gepard expects you to go to bed at the same time every night. He’s used to going to bed together with you, so if you stay up late, he’ll sit nearby and glare at you, tail twitching in dissatisfaction. If you don’t get his hint to abandon everything and head to bed already, then he’ll quietly meow to get your attention.
📘 Is a Bengal
📘 Ratio is an extremely intelligent cat, but he has a nasty attitude. He’s very prideful and stubborn, and despite your attempts to discipline and train him, he refuses to bend to your will. If anything, you’re the one bending to his. He’s not a troublemaker, but if you piss him off enough, Ratio can resort to knocking items off shelves or swatting at your face (with claws retracted, thankfully) in retaliation. If you scold him for his behaviour, he simply glares at you with his ears flattened to his head and tail flicking, as if daring you to say more. Everything about his body language screams he will swat you in the face if you say another word.
📘 If he messes up big time, such as breaking something important or accidentally nicking you with his claws, then Ratio accepts the scolding with a guilty expression. The flicking of his tail indicates he’s not happy to sit through your verbal lashing, but he’s smart enough to understand that what he did was bad for you. Despite his prideful attitude, the feline doesn’t want to cause you too much trouble, or so you like to think.
📘 You find out that Ratio is unusually intelligent for a cat soon after adopting him. He enjoys playing with cat toys that serve as a puzzle he must solve to get a treat. Ratio also observed how you open doors, and devised his own methods of opening them despite not having hands. He also likes to sit beside you on the bed or desk when you read books, in particular textbooks. As a cat, there’s no way he knows how to read, but you frequently catch him staring intently at the pages. It’s a mystery as to what is going through his mind during those moments, but it sometimes unnerves you how he seems to be studying the images. Aside from books, Ratio also enjoys watching TV, especially if it’s a documentary where he can observe various animals. He’s smart enough to know that what’s on TV is not in real life. If you bring something new home, Ratio takes time to thoroughly sniff and inspect whatever that something may be. He’s very curious and enjoys interacting with new things. That said, he also requires a lot of exercise. He’s a large and muscular cat for his breed, and requires ample space and playtime to run around and burn off excess energy.
📘 Despite being a cat, Ratio considers himself your equal, if not your superior. Back when you first got him, you had placed some cat food into a bowl on the floor for him while you sat at the table to eat. Ratio had expressed a clear dislike for this arrangement, climbing onto the table and angrily meowing at you. You expect him to eat kibble off the floor like a common cat, while you eat a freshly cooked meal at the table? Absolutely not. Know your place, human. After several consecutive sessions like that where he angrily yowled at you for constantly shooing him off the table, Ratio now eats at the table with you. He always waits to eat together with you, so if you skip on a meal or are late to eat, he’ll make his dissatisfaction with you known.
📘 On the topic of food, Ratio dislikes eating cheap cat food. He likes healthier cat food brands which usually end up being more expensive, but he especially likes it if you cook his meal yourself. Some cooked chicken, fish, or seafood make him a very happy cat. He’s a spoiled cat.
📘 Ratio dislikes loud noises, so if you have noisy guests over, he will usually hide. He developed a habit of sticking his head inside a small paper bag you had lying around, and wearing it on his head until the guests leave. You’re unsure if he’s trying to block out the noise or trying to hide, but one thing for certain is that he becomes very upset if you remove the paper bag from his head. The bag must stay.
📘 Ratio typically isn’t into being pet or cuddled, so such occasions with him are rare. He does, however, enjoy it when you scratch under his chin. He tends to close his eyes and purr when you lightly scratch under his chin. Another time he allows you to touch him freely is during baths. Ratio is probably the first cat you’ve ever met that loves baths. He seems to always be eager to hop into the tub and soak in the warm water. He lets you clean his body without complaint, seeming to enjoy the pampering. He’s patient while you dry and brush him, but he expects you to do a good job of grooming his fur. If you’re gentle enough with the brush, he might lean into it and purr in enjoyment.
Dan Heng:
🐉 Is a Dragon Li (I had to)
🐉 Dan Heng is a reserved cat. He prefers to spend time alone, away from the chatter and activity of people. You can often find him sitting by a window, pensively staring outside at the world beyond the glass. You can only wonder what he’s thinking about with such a somber expression. What kind of troubles do cats have on their minds?
🐉 If you have guests over, then Dan Heng hides. He dislikes crowds and loud noises, you’ve noticed. It’s rare for him to come out of hiding to meet guests. If he does, he tends to keep his distance and peers over the corner at whoever you have invited. Once his curiosity has been sated, he’ll leave without interacting with your guest at all.
🐉 Dan Heng is pretty antisocial, but he’s more amicable around you. While he doesn’t humor your guests when they try to play with him, when you’re the one dangling the cat toys or laser, Dan Heng engages in play with you. He also lets you get away with more than you think. He tolerates it when you play with his paws or rub his belly, even though he doesn’t actually like it. You’re also the only one he allows to pick him up.
🐉 Despite purchasing him a cat bed, Dan Heng doesn’t sleep in it. He acts a bit awkward around it, as if not knowing if it’s for him or not. He prefers to sleep on the floor, usually on a comfy rug. With some time and patience, you can coax him to sleep on your bed but know that he won’t snuggle up to you. Dan Heng will keep some distance between you and will lay at your feet. Even then, he’ll only lay on your bed if you’re settling in to sleep. During the day, he still naps on the floor.
🐉 Sometimes, you notice Dan Heng’s legs twitch and ears flatten when he sleeps, his fur standing on end as if he were terrified of something in his dreams. You’re uncertain if cats can have bad dreams, but Dan Heng’s reaction makes you think he’s having a nightmare. He seems dazed when he wakes from such episodes, and you wonder if he dreamed about something horrible from his days when he was a stray. You try to comfort him through these episodes by checking in on him and speaking gently, which seems to help calm him down. He follows you around for a bit after that, as if wanting to remain in your presence for a bit longer.
🐉 Despite how aloof Dan Heng is, you still know he cares about your well-being. If you’re having a bad day, he softens up to you. As if sensing your sadness, he comes out of hiding and remains by your side, sometimes even lying on your lap or chest. He allows you to pet and cuddle him if you need the comfort, and stays with you until you feel better. If you take medication, Dan Heng reminds you to take it on time if you forget.
🐉 Dan Heng keeps himself quite clean, and only needs an occasional bath and claw trim from you to keep him in perfect condition. He's surprisingly tolerant of baths. You thought he might struggle and run, but Dan Heng calmly handles the entire bathing process without so much as a peep. If you make fun of him for looking like a wet cat, Dan Heng will give you the most unamused look you’ve ever seen from a cat, and proceed to give you the cold shoulder for the rest of the day.
💣 Korat breed
💣 Cats are renowned for how quietly they walk, to the point their owners don’t hear them approach. It’s an amazing skill, yet somehow, Sampo manages to surpass the average cat in terms of stealth. While most cats still make noise when they accidentally knock something over when walking along cluttered surfaces or running around the house, Sampo doesn’t. He’s silent and careful about the way he moves, putting his feline brethren to shame. This skill of his comes at a detriment, however. You don’t hear him trail behind you when you do chores at home, and sometimes trip over him or step on his tail on accident. Sampo still hasn’t forgiven you for squashing his tail.
💣 He's a very intelligent and mischievous cat. Sure, he can do tricks in exchange for treats like a dog, but his intelligence goes far beyond that. Back when you first got him, there was a time when you were having dinner and Sampo came up to you and started to rub himself against your legs. He was very responsive when you leaned down to pet him, purring up a storm as you cooed at him. You were so engrossed with how cute and affectionate Sampo was acting, that you didn’t mind when he climbed up onto your lap for more affection. That was your mistake. While you were distracted with petting him, the furry scoundrel took the opportunity to snatch some food off your plate and made a run for it.
💣 He tried to use the same trick on you again, but it didn’t work a second time. However, he uses it fairly often on your guests. Despite your warning to not fall for his false charms, Sampo always manages to win your guests over and then unceremoniously yoinks their food from their plates when they least expect it. He has now been banned from the dining area when guests are over.
💣 Sampo has proven his cunning in other ways, too. Since the same tactic doesn’t work on you twice, the little furball devised another plan. He learned that you respond very effectively to his calls of distress, and so now when you have a meal, he goes into another room in the house and yowls in the most pitiful manner you have ever heard. His distressed meows make you abandon your food in favor of searching for your cat, concerned that something might be wrong with him. While you’re busy searching for him, Sampo slinks past you to where you were eating. By the time you come back after a fruitless search, you discover that half your food has gone missing.
💣 Sampo’s antics don’t end there. Once when you came home, you found your pantry raided and fridge open and emptied. The culprit was none other than your feline fiend of a pet—Sampo. You can’t fathom how, but he figured out how to open the fridge, among other types of doors. Of course, you gave him the scolding of a lifetime. He immediately started begging for your forgiveness by rubbing against your legs and staring at you with his big, green eyes as if begging you to not be angry at little ol’ Sampo. Despite sucking up to you, Sampo continued to steal food from the pantry, but in smaller quantities this time to not get caught. You still caught him in the act, though, and now have locks on all your cabinets and fridge to keep him out.
💣 Aside from food theft and manipulation, Sampo also has a habit of collecting various knickknacks around the house. He squirrels away anything that catches his fancy and that isn’t securely stored away where he can’t get into. He keeps his “treasures” in a small nook where he suspects you won’t find them, such as under your bed, behind the couch, or in a cluttered spot inside the closet. You only discover his secret stash when you do a deep cleaning of your home. There, in the dusty corner, are your missing hair ties, jewelry, candy wrappers, random string and other junk that you lost track of long ago. Sampo will be very upset if you confiscate these items.
💣 You can’t force Sampo to do something he doesn’t want. If you want bathe him and he hears the water running in the tub, he vanishes without a trace. If it’s time to go to the vet and he sees you get out the cat carrier, he disappears like smoke. He’s right next to you one moment, and then gone the next. No amount of “pspsps” or cat treats will coax him out of hiding. You can even turn the entire place upside down and still not find him.
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fazafras-pizza · 1 year
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CW: Violence, blood, moving images
The restaurant was still, the only movement coming from the dust particles in the dim moonlight that crept in through the windows. Air had stagnated for days after the power had been shut off, and the musty scent of forgotten pizza and parties lingered with old metal that, if you didn’t know better, smelled more like the iron of blood than real iron.
Amidst the stillness, the animatronics were motionless on the stage, having been shut off for as long as the rest of the power had been, frozen in positions as if ready to come to life and perform at any moment. As if, perhaps in the darkness, they were waiting to. Even hoping to. But they couldn't move unless someone flipped a switch (or, perhaps, with enough sheer willpower of their own. Who was to say?)
Yet, no movement came. Instead, they stood staring ahead to the darkness, bodies grime coated patchwork where patches could even have been made. Ramshackled robots, really. (Maybe when you’re the originals, every part of you has to be replaced over the years until the only thing original about you is your soul.)
Beyond the parking lot outside the doors was the city’s main road, the hum of passing cars only barely audible through the busted seal around the frames that let the spiders and sound through. Certain sounds, though began to grow ever so slightly louder. First were distant sirens, the other was clearly of someone’s footsteps. Quick, frantic, and running.
A shadow slammed into the glass before yanking on the handles. The door opened, having never been properly locked in the first place and for not being well maintained enough to make sure brute force wasn’t an option, and so the shadow slipped in, spinning himself around so his back was to the stage and his eyes were out to the road. When the lights of red and blue were beginning to grow more visible in the distance outside, he ran from the main stage to a room only he and a handful of others familiar with the location would know.
The lights poured over the buildings down the street and the sirens no longer needed the crack in the doors to get their point across -- it was loud enough they’d pierce through anything they’d have to.
It still would take them time to reach the parking lot itself, much less the building, and so the mysterious being clad in shadows had time to find the perfect space to hide. One only someone familiar with it would think of.
And so he crept out of where he had run and commandeered a spot on the stage amongst the animatronics. Perhaps it would have been a bold move to do so as himself, but doing so as just another rabbit amidst the other mascots was far more logical, especially as he took on his own read-to-perform stance, holding himself in place like a trained professional.
The lights grew closer. The sirens were louder.
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The doors flew open and dozens of police officers flooded through, weapons raised and flashlights bright, casting dark shadows from the animatronics and their fabricated guest across the walls. Shouts barked over the sirens as they darted in and out of rooms, down hallways, under the stage, busting through locked doors and out back entrances.
At the tail end of the throng were a pair that were not out of place in the restaurant, but looked far out of place amongst the authorities. Yet, they held far more than they did over the situation, whether anyone else knew it or not.
The eyes of the imposter twitched despite himself.
Holloway and Ms. Valencia watched the cops crawl over every corner like dogs. But no matter how fervent their search was, they didn’t know to sniff out a rabbit.
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Eventually, the fervor died down, half the officers heading out to patrol the area in case their target had gotten out while the others stayed behind to continue searching the building. Holloway and Ms. Valencia remained, standing in the middle of the empty checkered tile floor beyond the stage, backs to the silent performance.
“And you’re sure this is the way he would’ve come?” an officer asked Ms. Valencia.
“Of course I am,” she replied, “but maybe he knew that.”
Another officer ascended the steps to the stage, flashlight bathing the bionic bodies in washed out light, draining the color from vibrant to nothingness. He shone it over the golden guest, with the only thing to cross his face being sarcastic bemusement.
“These guys really went downhill here at the end, huh?” he said. Ms. Valencia and Holloway turned to look up at him, neither hinting of any surprise at what they were seeing.
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“Not one of our most popular locations,” Ms. Valencia replied.
“Not in these conditions, that’s for sure,” the officer laughed, shining his flashlight this way and that to look over the restaurant as he left the stage, “like, man, this place should’ve been condemned.”
“On the verge of it,” she said.
Other officers emerged from the back halls and service rooms, declaring an ‘all-clear’.
“He’s not here, Ms. Valencia,” the head officer stated, “and if he was, he got out.”
“Well you don’t need my permission to get out and go after him,” she told him, “get you and your boys out of here and figure out where he went. We’ve got to fix up that busted door, anyway -- we’ll call you if he decides to show up after all.”
Their exit was in a trickle compared to the flood of before, leaving behind the standing stones of Holloway and Ms. Valencia, watching them leave. When the final of the cars took their lights with them, the two pulled flashlights from their pockets and shone them up onto the golden rabbit onstage.
“You think you’re so clever, William,” Ms. Valencia grumbled.
The rabbit dropped his pose and shook his head.
“Still protecting me after all these years, Erica,” William replied.
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“What can I say: I’m sentimental,” she said, the venom laced sarcasm dripping from her voice.
“You can’t deny it. You’ve set so much up for me already,” he replied with a flick of his hand to address their surroundings, “this place isn’t up to your standards of quality. And this suit?”
“It was always yours.”
“Hm,” he hummed, glancing over himself, “yes, but the upkeep on it is lacking -- but you knew that. You knew it would be like this, that’s why you left it for me in the safe room. I assume your lackey there did that bit for you.”
Holloway gave him no response.
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“You were never the mechanical one for the industry, that was Henry and I. You were just the business,” William continued, “but this place wasn’t for business; you wouldn’t run it like this -- you couldn’t run it like this. You wouldn’t be able to stand actually letting a location like this get this bad. No, this was all deliberate, wasn’t it? You wanted there to be somewhere this suit wouldn’t look out of place just so I could hide once again. They’ve been getting so close to me, and you knew the only way to make sure I could disappear again would be to hide me right under everyone’s noses. And I must admit,” he turned to look over the animatronics around him for a moment before turning back to her, “the call backs to my old days are such a touch--”
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“Oh for crying out loud, shut up!" Ms. Valencia groaned and rolled her eyes. “Shut up shut up shut up--!”
William sneered. “Oh you always do this. You always ruin my moment--”
“You don’t deserve a moment because you deserve to die,” she snapped.
“--this is why I divorced you--”
“--no, this is why I divorced you--”
“--I’m the one that got an attorney first--”
“--and I’m the one who served you papers first!”
“You always have to have the last word, don’t you?” William growled.
“Yes I do!” Ms. Valencia shouted with her teeth beared. Yet, the anger receded back to a simmer and she controlled herself, standing as straight and composed as before. “But this time--”
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“--I’m letting someone else have it,” she finished.
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Bonnie attacked, possessed by rage inhuman. The anger swelled and he drove his guitar heavily into Williams neck right at the base of the head of the suit. The impact cracked the frame and sent the spring locks out of place and into his body with a rusty SNAP! that nearly drowned out his scream. His cries grew quickly garbled in the blood draining into his lungs from where the locks sprung forth, not helped by Bonnie continuing to bash his guitar into William's back over and over, driving him onto his knees. Bonnie cleaved the guitar into his side, throwing him down onto his back against the stage floor and sending shrapnel from the guitar's heavy shattering frame through the air.
As he again began to slam his guitar down upon golden suit that cracked like William’s body within, his friends behind him tried desperately to bring their own functions back online to stop him. They contorted and twitched with far more erratic movements than Bonnie had when he tested his own. But of course, their goal was not to ambush like his had been -- concern acts more immediate than revenge.
Cacophony. That is all the air became. Metal upon metal, electric sparking alive, vicious screeches drowned in static and blood.
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Ms. Valencia stared at the immobile body of William amidst the coffin he built for himself. Rotted and battered. Much more than he deserved.
Bonnie continued to fight against the other animatronics who struggled to hold him. In their haste, the finer parts of their motor functions were still needing proper connection while Bonnie had brought online everything he needed to kill William. His strength was in droves while theirs still needed rebooting, and so the three together still were hardly enough as he slipped in and out of their collective grasp.
Ms. Valencia approached William.
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“Holloway,” she began, “put him in the truck.”
Holloway obeyed, and with a surprising strength, was able to lift William’s broken body off the stage onto a cart left out on the main floor, leading it off down a hall to a back entrance. Ms. Valencia remained, first watching after him, then turning to the animatronics onstage. Bonnie had stopped fighting his friends, though they held their grip on him as his body lurched with the motion of the heavy breaths of someone who needed them, perhaps done instinctually from the memories of the soul within him.
“Why in the world was Mr. Afton here?” Chica asked.
“He was always supposed to come here. That was the point of this place -- why I brought you all out here specifically.” Ms. Valencia replied. “Look -- this place was never supposed to be a success, he was right about that. I don’t let my locations get this bad, but I needed it to be sufficiently run down so he’d think he could hide here.”
“What in the world would you do that for?!” Freddy asked.
Ms. Valencia simply motioned the the stage where blood pooled and dripped over the side. “Exactly that.”
The animatronics stared at her.
“I thought it’d be more satisfying for someone William killed to kill him back. And I knew one of you--” she looked at Bonnie, “would be a lot more keen on it than the others.
“We knew he was in the area, but we couldn’t get him to come out and show himself, so we had to give him a reason to leave whatever bunker he’s been hiding in by giving him a place to go. When we tracked him down, I knew this place would have to get shut down for a long enough time he’d know nobody would be here.”
“Who’s ‘we’?” Foxy asked.
“Me and Holloway,” she said as Holloway returned to her side, pulling off his blood coated gloves and stashing them away within inner coat pockets, “he’s a private eye I hired to track William down. I’ve had him undercover here just in case William decided to jump the gun on my plans.”
“Holloway’s a detective?!” Chica asked.
“Ex-detective,” Holloway responded, “I work on my own now.”
“I couldn’t have someone actually in the force do this,” Ms. Valencia added, “there’s too many hoops to jump through when all you’re planning to do is kill a man. I couldn’t risk anyone delaying it or screwing it up, so I needed as few people as possible -- so I hope you’ll forgive me for not explaining the plan. I only called in that squadron to herd William here.”
An electric click sounded as Bonnie finally reconnected his voice box.
“What are you doing with his body?” he asked.
“Burning it,” she replied, “according to Henry, that’s the only way to make sure his soul doesn’t connect to the suit.” She paused. “And the only way to make sure it leaves if it does.”
The animatronics stared at her, though only Bonnie nodded.
“So what’s going to happen to us now that we've accomplished your ridiculous plan?” Freddy asked.
“Storage. At least until I can get all the parts I need to get you guys like new again. I’m not getting rid of you all, but it might be a while before you’re out and about,” she said.
“You promise? You’re not just going to burn us, too, when we can't fight back?” Freddy questioned.
“After this? I’ll keep you guys around as long as you want. I owe you that much for killing a child killer. If I could give you all bodies in place of his, I’d do that, too.” She shrugged. “But I can’t build things. I’ve got a team who does that.”
Foxy eyed her. “You’ll really fix us up?”
“I’m going to make sure they do such a good job you’re not going to even remember what it’s like to be in disrepair.”
Again, the stared at her, eyes glowing in the darkness, but in time they seemed to relax. She gave them a final nod and took her leave through the dilapidation. Holloway, though, lingered for a moment.
“You all know I never hated you, right?” he asked. “But sometimes, you sure didn’t make my job easy.”
Bonnie slipped himself out of the hold of his friends, but they gave no resistance this time. He brushed himself off. Freddy watched, then shook his head.
“You didn’t make ours much easier either,” Freddy said.
Holloway shrugged. “Fair enough.”
Holloway left the animatronics to collect themselves and prepare for their removal in the morning. He’d be back himself before then to ensure any trace of William’s blood was gone, lest someone start asking questions. But first, there was a bonfire to be built.
Yet as he exited the building, it appeared that would itself be for a different night. Because he found Ms. Valencia staring in blank horror and defeat at the empty bed of Holloway’s truck, the tailgate ripped down and a trail of blood going, going, and then vanish across the parking lot.
Ms. Valencia stood by as her workers take down what could be salvaged from the restaurant. Decorative panels, signs, fixtures -- anything that just needed a polish or could be sold in auction as memorabilia. Drawings that were posted up along halls and in offices (that the animatronics hadn’t taken down to keep for themselves) were packed away if they weren’t showing similar age to the long gone kids who drew them. Anything that could be repurposed for other locations were handled with the upmost amount of care, and what could be better repurposed than the animatronics themselves?
She watched the technicians run through their process of shutting them off totally so they didn’t accidentally ‘come alive’ on the ride to the robotics facility (they said it like a joke, but these people were low level in the job title hierarchy -- she wasn’t going to explain to them it wasn’t funny.) She heard them remark on the awful state their bodies were in, that the wear and tear might call for such an overhaul that it might be easier to scrap them.
“If I hear word of any part of these animatronics being scrapped,” she ordered, “I’ll make sure you’re the next one that is.”
They stopped complaining about the robots’ states after that.
She continued to watch as they packed them each in one piece within the crates all marked ‘FRAGILE’ that may have held true for the mechanical parts but not the grip of the souls within the machines.
All she could really hope was they wouldn’t be stubborn enough to wake up again. She told them to take the time to rest, but there was no telling if ghosts were willing to sleep when given the chance, especially for as long as she feared it might take. There was only so much of the budget she could square away for an upgrade like they needed.
Eventually, he returned to her Mitsubishi and watched the crates get rolled into the shipping truck. In the passenger seat besides her was someone who couldn’t be shut off -- he was too connected to himself.
“Will they be okay?” Fredbear asked.
“Yeah,” Ms. Valencia replied, “they’ll be fine. They’ll just be away for a while.”
He turned to her. “What about me? Am I not going with them?”
Ms. Valencia shook her head. “No, kiddo. You’re going to be staying with me for a bit.”
“With you?”
“If that’s not a problem.”
He hesitated, then shrugged. “I don’t think it would be.”
Ms. Valencia nodded. As the shutter was pulled down on the truck outside the restaurant, she turned the car’s key in its ignition.
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jeanjane · 9 days
Why Professional Pet Grooming Is Worth the Investment
Pet owners want the best for their furry friends, and one aspect of pet care that often gets overlooked is professional grooming. Whether you own a dog or a cat, grooming plays a vital role in your pet's overall health and well-being. While some pet owners prefer to groom their pets at home, professional grooming services offer numerous benefits that make the investment worthwhile. In this article, we will explore the reasons why professional pet grooming is a valuable investment and why it should be part of your pet care routine.
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The Importance of Regular Pet Grooming
Enhancing Your Pet’s Health
Regular pet grooming is essential for maintaining your pet's physical health. Groomers are trained to spot potential health problems like skin conditions, parasites, or abnormal growths that you might miss. By addressing these issues early on, you can prevent serious health problems from developing.
For instance, dogs and cats with long fur are prone to matting, which can lead to skin infections and discomfort. A professional dog grooming or cat grooming session ensures that your pet's coat is kept in prime condition, reducing the risk of such complications. Groomers also take care of trimming nails, which is crucial for preventing joint pain and issues related to overgrown nails.
Promoting Better Hygiene
Grooming is not just about making your pet look pretty; it’s about promoting good hygiene. Regular baths, ear cleaning, and teeth brushing help to remove dirt, bacteria, and unpleasant odors. Cat grooming services, for example, are particularly beneficial for long-haired breeds, which may struggle to keep themselves clean.
Additionally, professional grooming ensures that your pet's fur is cleaned and conditioned using high-quality products designed for their specific skin type. This can significantly reduce the risk of skin irritation, dryness, or allergies.
Improving Your Pet’s Comfort
Grooming isn't just about aesthetics—it's about comfort. A matted coat, overgrown nails, or dirty ears can cause significant discomfort for your pet. By investing in professional grooming, you ensure that your pet is free from such discomforts. Groomers are skilled at detangling knots and ensuring that your pet’s coat remains manageable and clean.
In addition to physical comfort, dog grooming services often include massages and gentle handling, which can help your dog relax and feel pampered. This kind of care goes a long way in improving your pet's overall emotional well-being.
Why Professional Grooming is Better Than DIY
Access to Professional Tools and Products
One of the key reasons to opt for professional grooming over DIY is the access to specialized tools and products. Professional groomers use high-quality clippers, brushes, and shampoos tailored to your pet’s specific needs. Whether your pet has sensitive skin or requires a specific coat treatment, professional groomers have the expertise and resources to ensure optimal care.
Home grooming tools may not be as effective or safe, leading to incomplete grooming or even injury. For example, trimming a dog’s nails without the right tools or technique can cause bleeding or pain, making your pet fearful of future grooming sessions.
Expertise and Experience
Professional groomers have extensive experience handling different breeds and temperaments. Whether you have a nervous cat or an excitable dog, groomers know how to handle each pet calmly and efficiently. Their training allows them to manage the grooming process with minimal stress to your pet.
For dog grooming, this expertise is particularly important, especially for breeds with unique grooming requirements like Poodles or Shih Tzus. Similarly, cat grooming can be tricky, as cats are often more resistant to handling. A professional groomer knows how to keep your cat calm and ensure a safe and efficient grooming session.
Grooming for Specific Breeds
Different breeds have different grooming needs, and professionals are trained to cater to those unique requirements. For example, a professional dog groomer will know exactly how to groom a Golden Retriever to enhance its natural coat, while a cat groomer will understand the grooming needs of a Persian cat with its long, luxurious fur.
Professional grooming ensures that breed-specific grooming standards are met, keeping your pet looking and feeling their best. They will also know when to use specialized products like de-shedding tools or medicated shampoos based on your pet’s individual needs.
Additional Services and Benefits of Pet Grooming
Pet Day Care and Grooming Packages
Many grooming salons offer packages that include pet day care services. This is a great way to take care of multiple aspects of your pet's well-being in one go. While your dog or cat is being groomed, they can also enjoy playtime and socialization with other pets. This is particularly useful for pets that suffer from separation anxiety, as it provides them with a stimulating environment while you’re away.
Pet grooming combined with pet day care is not only convenient but also enhances your pet’s physical and emotional health. They get to exercise, socialize, and come home looking fresh and clean.
Groomers Can Recommend the Best Pet Products
In addition to grooming services, professional groomers often offer valuable advice on pet care products. Whether it's selecting the best dog food for your pet's dietary needs or choosing durable dog toys and cat toys that are safe and engaging, groomers can guide you in making the right choices for your pet.
Many grooming salons also stock premium pet care products, so you can conveniently purchase items like shampoos, brushes, and even dog food or cat toys after your grooming session.
Groomers Notice Early Signs of Health Issues
Professional groomers are trained to spot early signs of health issues, which might go unnoticed by pet owners. From lumps and bumps to dental problems and skin conditions, groomers often notice subtle changes in your pet’s body that could indicate a larger health issue. Early detection of these problems can lead to timely medical intervention, saving you from costly vet bills down the road.
Professional Grooming Contributes to a Happier Pet
Reducing Anxiety and Stress
Regular professional grooming helps pets get accustomed to the process, which reduces anxiety over time. Dogs and cats that are groomed regularly tend to be calmer during the sessions, making the experience more pleasant for both the pet and the owner. This routine grooming can reduce stress levels and make your pet more comfortable in different environments, such as during vet visits or when interacting with strangers.
Strengthening the Bond Between You and Your Pet
Investing in pet grooming also strengthens the bond between you and your pet. A clean, well-groomed pet feels more comfortable and is more likely to engage in play and cuddle sessions. Additionally, knowing that your pet is well-groomed gives you peace of mind, allowing you to focus on spending quality time with them rather than worrying about their hygiene or health.
In summary, professional pet grooming is much more than a luxury; it's an essential part of responsible pet care. From improving your pet’s health and hygiene to reducing stress and discomfort, professional grooming offers numerous benefits that make it worth the investment. Whether you’re considering dog grooming, cat grooming, or a full-service grooming and pet day care package, your pet will reap the rewards of regular grooming sessions.
Not only does grooming enhance your pet’s physical appearance, but it also contributes to their overall well-being. The expertise, tools, and products that professional groomers provide are invaluable, ensuring that your pet remains happy, healthy, and looking their best. So, the next time you think about skipping a grooming appointment, remember that it’s an investment in your pet’s happiness and longevity.
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Buying a Klee Kai Puppy: What You Need to Know
The Klee Kai, often referred to as a "miniature Husky," is an energetic and intelligent dog breed known for its striking resemblance to the Alaskan Husky but in a smaller package. This relatively new breed has been growing in popularity due to its charming looks, compact size, and active, affectionate nature. If you’re considering Buy Klee Kai Puppy, it’s essential to understand what makes this breed unique and how to prepare for welcoming one into your home.
What is a Klee Kai?
The Klee Kai breed originated in Alaska in the 1970s, developed by Linda Spurlin to create a smaller version of the Alaskan Husky. The name “Klee Kai” comes from an Inuit term meaning "small dog," which is fitting for this compact, agile breed. While they share many physical similarities with Huskies, Klee Kais are distinct in terms of temperament and care needs.
There are three size categories for Klee Kais: toy (up to 13 inches), miniature (13-15 inches), and standard (15-17 inches). Despite their smaller stature, these dogs have plenty of energy and need ample exercise to keep them healthy and happy. Their thick, double coat requires regular grooming, especially during shedding seasons.
Temperament and Personality
Klee Kais are known for being affectionate, loyal, and intelligent, but they can also be cautious around strangers. This makes them excellent watchdogs, although their size makes them less suited for protection duties. Klee Kais are usually reserved and sometimes aloof with unfamiliar people, so early socialization is crucial to ensuring they grow into well-rounded adult dogs.
They are playful, energetic dogs, but they can also be independent and have a high prey drive, which means they may chase smaller animals if not properly trained. Mental stimulation and regular physical activity are essential to prevent boredom, which could lead to destructive behavior.
Choosing a Reputable Breeder
When Klee Kai Puppies, finding a reputable breeder is key to ensuring you get a healthy dog with a good temperament. Unfortunately, due to the breed's rising popularity, some breeders may prioritize profit over the well-being of the dogs. To avoid this, make sure the breeder follows ethical practices, including health screenings for genetic conditions common in the breed, like patellar luxation and heart problems.
A good breeder will also provide proper documentation, offer a health guarantee, and allow you to meet the puppy's parents. Visiting the breeder’s facility and asking questions about the puppy’s upbringing, socialization, and health history is highly recommended.
Preparing for Your Klee Kai Puppy
Before bringing your new puppy home, you’ll need to prepare your living space. Klee Kais are active dogs that thrive in homes where they can run and play, so ensure you have enough room for your new pet. Additionally, investing in durable toys, food bowls, a comfortable bed, and grooming tools will make the transition smoother.
Training should begin early, as Klee Kais can be independent and stubborn. Using positive reinforcement techniques can help you establish a strong bond with your dog and ensure they understand the rules of your home. Due to their intelligence, Klee Kais can quickly learn commands, but consistency is key.
Health and Lifespan
Klee Kais are generally healthy dogs with a lifespan of 12 to 16 years, but like all breeds, they can be prone to certain health issues. Regular veterinary visits, a healthy diet, and adequate exercise are essential for maintaining their overall health.
Be aware of common conditions such as hip dysplasia, eye problems, and hypothyroidism. Your breeder should provide you with health clearances to verify that the puppy’s parents were tested and cleared for these conditions.
Final Thoughts
Buying a Klee Kai puppy can be a rewarding experience if you’re well-prepared and knowledgeable about the breed. These small but energetic dogs make excellent companions for active individuals or families. However, they require time, attention, and proper training to thrive.
By choosing a reputable breeder, preparing your home, and understanding the specific needs of the Klee Kai, you’ll set the stage for a happy, lifelong relationship with your new puppy.
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faunapetservices · 2 months
How to Take Care of Pets: A Comprehensive Guide by Fauna Pet Services
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Pets bring immense joy and companionship into our lives. Whether you have a playful puppy, a curious kitten, a chirpy bird, or a delightful hamster, ensuring their well-being is a priority. At Fauna Pet Services, we understand the love and care that pets need to thrive. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to take care of your pets.
1. Proper Nutrition
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Dogs and Cats
High-Quality Food: Invest in high-quality pet food tailored to the age, size, and health of your pet.
Regular Feeding Schedule: Maintain a consistent feeding schedule to regulate their metabolism.
Hydration: Ensure fresh water is always available.
Balanced Diet: Provide a mix of seeds, pellets, fruits, and vegetables.
Clean Water: Change the water daily to prevent bacterial growth.
Small Mammals (Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, etc.)
Specialized Food: Feed them species-specific pellets and fresh vegetables.
Chew Toys: Provide chew toys to help maintain dental health.
2. Regular Exercise
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Daily Walks: Regular walks are essential for physical and mental stimulation.
Playtime: Engage in interactive play to keep them active and happy.
Indoor Activities: Use toys and climbing structures to keep them entertained.
Scratching Posts: Provide scratching posts to maintain their claws.
Small Pets
Exercise Wheels: Ensure hamsters and other small pets have exercise wheels.
Play Areas: Create safe play areas for them to explore.
3. Grooming
Bathing: Bathe your dog regularly with pet-safe shampoo.
Brushing: Brush their coat to remove loose fur and prevent matting.
Nail Trimming: Keep their nails trimmed to avoid discomfort and injuries.
Brushing: Regularly brush their fur, especially if they have long hair.
Nail Care: Trim their nails or provide scratching posts to manage nail length.
Feather Care: Ensure their feathers are clean and free from mites.
Beak and Nail Maintenance: Provide cuttlebones or mineral blocks for beak health and regular nail trims.
4. Veterinary Care
Regular Check-Ups: Schedule annual or bi-annual vet visits for preventive care.
Vaccinations: Keep vaccinations up to date to protect against diseases.
Parasite Control: Use flea, tick, and worm preventatives as recommended by your vet.
5. Training and Socialization
Basic Commands: Teach basic commands like sit, stay, and come for better control and safety.
Socialization: Expose them to different environments, people, and other pets to build confidence.
Litter Training: Ensure they are properly trained to use the litter box.
Positive Reinforcement: Use treats and praise to encourage good behavior.
6. Safe Environment
Home Safety
Pet-Proofing: Remove hazards like toxic plants, chemicals, and small objects that can be swallowed.
Comfortable Spaces: Provide comfortable bedding and quiet areas for rest.
Outdoor Safety
Supervision: Supervise pets when they are outside to protect them from dangers.
Identification: Use collars with ID tags and consider microchipping for easy identification.
7. Love and Attention
Quality Time: Spend quality time with your pets to strengthen your bond.
Affection: Show them love and affection to make them feel secure and happy.
At Fauna Pet Services, we offer a range of services to help you take the best care of your pets. From professional grooming and training to boarding and walking, our team is dedicated to ensuring your pets are healthy and happy. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in providing the best care for your furry, feathered, or scaly friends.
Taking care of pets requires dedication, but the rewards are immeasurable. Follow these guidelines to ensure your pets lead a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. For any additional assistance or services, trust Fauna Pet Services to be your partner in pet care.
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born-again-pet-salon · 3 months
Finding the Perfect Grooming Salon for Your Pet in Trabuco Canyon, CA
When it comes to our furry friends, we want nothing but the best. This is especially true when it comes to grooming. Proper grooming is not just about maintaining your dog's appearance; it plays a crucial role in their overall health and well-being. In Trabuco Canyon, CA, pet grooming salons are dedicated to providing top-notch services to ensure your pet looks great and feels comfortable. This article explores the benefits of professional grooming, what to look for in a grooming salon, and highlights some of the best options available in Trabuco Canyon.
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The Importance of Professional Grooming
Grooming is an essential aspect of pet care that goes beyond just keeping your dog clean. Regular grooming helps prevent a host of health issues, including skin infections, matting, and parasites. It also allows groomers to check for any abnormalities such as lumps, bumps, or ear infections, which can be addressed early on.
Professional groomers are trained to handle dogs of all sizes and temperaments. They use specialized tools and techniques to ensure that your pet is groomed safely and efficiently. For instance, they know how to trim a dog's nails without cutting too close to the quick, which can cause pain and bleeding. They also have the expertise to handle breed-specific grooming requirements, ensuring that your pet's coat is maintained in the best possible condition.
What to Look for in a Grooming Salon
Choosing the right grooming salon for your pet can be daunting, but there are several key factors to consider:
Cleanliness and Hygiene: A reputable grooming salon should be clean and well-maintained. The grooming area should be free of dirt and hair, and tools should be sanitized between uses to prevent the spread of infections.
Qualified Staff: Look for salons with certified groomers who have undergone professional training. They should be knowledgeable about different breeds and their specific grooming needs.
Services Offered: Ensure the salon offers a range of services, from basic grooming to specialized treatments like flea baths, de-shedding, and teeth cleaning.
Handling Techniques: It's important to choose a salon where the staff handles pets gently and with care. They should be patient and know how to calm anxious or nervous dogs.
Customer Reviews: Check online reviews and ask for recommendations from other pet owners. Positive feedback from satisfied customers is a good indicator of the salon's quality.
Pricing: While you don't want to skimp on quality, it's also important to find a grooming salon that offers reasonable pricing. Compare rates from different salons to find one that fits your budget.
Finding the right grooming salon for your pet is essential to ensure their health and happiness. In Trabuco Canyon, CA, there are several excellent options to choose from, each offering a range of services to cater to your pet's needs. Whether you’re looking for a simple bath and brush or a full grooming package, these salons are equipped to provide top-notch care for your furry friend. By considering factors such as cleanliness, qualified staff, and customer reviews, you can find the perfect grooming salon to keep your pet looking and feeling their best.
Source; https://bornagainpetsalon.blogspot.com/2024/07/finding-perfect-grooming-salon-for-your.html 
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thuzyblog · 9 months
The Havanese Dog Breed: Your Ultimate Guide to a Delightful Companion
Introduction: Discovering the Allure of the Havanese Dog Breed
Navigating the diverse world of dog breeds is akin to exploring a captivating tapestry, each strand contributing unique qualities. Within this rich tapestry, the Havanese, affectionately known as "Havies," stands out, capturing the hearts of dog enthusiasts. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the origins, traits, care essentials, and more about the enchanting Havanese breed.
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Origins and General Information
The Havanese, deeply ingrained in Cuba's vibrant history since the 18th century, emerges as a small-sized canine celebrated for its undeniable charm. As part of the esteemed Bichon family, alongside breeds like the Bichon Frise and Maltese, these dogs graced the palaces of Havana, earning their distinctive name.
About Havanese
Appearance: Weighing between 7 to 13 pounds and standing at 8.5 to 11.5 inches tall, Havanese dogs showcase a silky, multicolored coat, boasting shades of white, cream, fawn, and black.
Characteristics: Renowned for their cheerful and sociable nature, Havanese dogs exhibit a distinctive "springy" step, endearing them to families and dog enthusiasts globally.
Popularity: The Havanese's delightful personality and striking appearance have garnered a strong following worldwide.
Temperament: Exhibiting a friendly and sociable demeanor, Havanese dogs thrive in family settings, showcasing compatibility with children, other dogs, and even strangers.
Lifespan: With an average lifespan of 13 to 15 years, Havanese proves to be a long-lived breed.
Coat Color: Showcasing a spectrum of colors, from solid to multi-colored, Havanese coats feature variations of white, cream, black, chocolate, and silver.
Mixed or Original Breed: The Havanese proudly stands as an original breed, boasting a well-documented history spanning centuries.
How to Take Care of a Havanese
Ensuring the well-being of your Havanese begins with proper nutrition:
High-Quality Dog Food: Opt for dog food specifically tailored to small breeds, prioritizing real meat over fillers like corn and soy.
Proper Portions: Avoid overfeeding by consulting your vet to determine suitable portion sizes based on age, activity level, and size.
Fresh Water: Maintain optimal hydration with a constant supply of clean water.
Crafting an environment conducive to your Havanese's happiness involves:
Secure Space: Safeguard your living area, especially for curious puppies, by implementing vital fencing measures for their safety.
Comfortable Sleeping Area: Provide a cozy sleeping spot, such as a soft bed or crate adorned with a warm blanket.
Toys and Mental Stimulation: Stimulate their intelligence with engaging toys and puzzles for a content and active pet.
Take Care Method
Ensuring your Havanese's happiness is centered around quality time together:
Engage in activities like playing fetch, going for walks, or simply lounging together.
Maintaining their elegant appearance requires a consistent grooming routine:
Brushing: Daily brushing with a soft-bristle or slicker brush prevents tangles and keeps their fur in top condition.
Bathing: Bathe your Havanese every few weeks using gentle dog shampoo, ensuring thorough drying afterward.
Face Clean Up: Pay special attention to facial hair, using a damp cloth to clean their face, especially after meals.
Nail Check: Regularly trim their nails to prevent overgrowth or seek professional assistance if needed.
How to Prepare for a Havanese’s Life
Preparing for a happy life with your Havanese involves:
Patience, consistency, and love are the key ingredients to raising a well-behaved companion.
Ensure the right food, environment, toys, training plan, and socialization opportunities are in place.
Essential equipment includes a collar, leash, food and water bowls, grooming supplies, a comfortable bed or crate, and an array of toys for mental stimulation.
Common Health Issues
Be vigilant about potential health issues:
Regular vet check-ups and a balanced diet help prevent common issues like dental problems, hip dysplasia, and luxating patellas.
Prioritize essential vaccinations:
Essential vaccinations for rabies, distemper, and parvovirus are crucial; consult your vet for a tailored vaccination schedule.
How to Buy/Adopt a Havanese
Locations of Popularity: Havanese are particularly popular in the United States, Canada, and various European nations.
Average Price: Prices may vary, but on average, expect to pay between $1,000 to $2,500.
Adoption Communities: Explore reputable rescue organizations on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, such as Rescue Inc. in the US.
Conclusion: Embracing a Life with Your Charming Havanese Companion
In conclusion, the Havanese is not just a pet; it's a delightful and adaptable companion that can seamlessly integrate into your family. By providing the right care, environment, and love, you open the door to many joyous years with your charming Havanese. Whether you're considering adoption or purchase, thorough research and selecting a reputable breeder or rescue organization are crucial for ensuring a healthy and content furry friend.
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kellieblog · 9 months
The Havanese Dog Breed: Your Complete Guide to a Charming Companion
Introduction: Unveiling the Charms of the Havanese Dog Breed
The realm of dog breeds is a captivating tapestry, each strand contributing unique qualities. Among these, the Havanese, affectionately known as "Havies," has won the hearts of dog enthusiasts. This comprehensive guide explores the origins, traits, care requirements, and more about the enchanting Havanese breed.
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Origins and General Information
The Havanese, rooted in the vibrant history of Cuba since the 18th century, is a small-sized dog celebrated for its charm. Belonging to the Bichon family, alongside breeds like the Bichon Frise and Maltese, these dogs adorned the palaces of Havana, earning their name.
About Havanese
Appearance: Weighing 7 to 13 pounds and standing 8.5 to 11.5 inches tall, Havanese dogs boast a silky, multicolored coat, including shades of white, cream, fawn, and black.
Characteristics: Known for their cheerful and sociable nature, Havanese dogs have a distinctive "springy" step, endearing them to families and dog enthusiasts globally.
Popularity: Their delightful personalities and striking appearance have earned Havanese dogs a strong following worldwide.
Temperament: Friendly and sociable, Havanese dogs thrive in family settings, displaying compatibility with children, other dogs, and even strangers.
Lifespan: With an average lifespan of 13 to 15 years, Havanese are a long-lived breed.
Coat Color: Exhibiting a range of colors, from solid to multi-colored, Havanese coats feature variations of white, cream, black, chocolate, and silver.
Mixed or Original Breed: The Havanese is an original breed with a well-documented history spanning centuries.
How to Take Care of a Havanese
Ensure your Havanese's well-being through proper nutrition:
High-Quality Dog Food: Opt for dog food tailored to small breeds, prioritizing real meat over fillers like corn and soy.
Proper Portions: Avoid overfeeding; consult your vet to determine suitable portion sizes based on age, activity level, and size.
Fresh Water: Maintain proper hydration with a constant supply of clean water.
Create a conducive environment for your Havanese's happiness:
Secure Space: Safeguard your living area, especially for puppies prone to exploration. Fencing is vital for their safety.
Comfortable Sleeping Area: Offer a cozy sleeping spot, such as a soft bed or crate with a warm blanket.
Toys and Mental Stimulation: Stimulate their intelligence with engaging toys and puzzles.
Take Care Method
Ensure your Havanese's happiness through quality time:
Spend time playing fetch, going for walks, or lounging together.
Maintain their elegant appearance with a regular grooming routine:
Brushing: Daily brushing prevents tangles, using a soft-bristle or slicker brush.
Bathing: Bathe every few weeks using gentle dog shampoo, ensuring thorough drying.
Face Clean Up: Pay attention to facial hair, cleaning it with a damp cloth after meals.
Nail Check: Trim nails regularly or seek professional assistance.
How to Prepare for a Havanese’s Life
Three essential sentences for a happy Havanese life:
Patience, consistency, and love are key to raising a well-behaved Havanese.
Ensure you have the right food, environment, toys, training plan, and socialization opportunities.
Essential equipment includes a collar, leash, food and water bowls, grooming supplies, a comfortable bed or crate, and plenty of toys.
Common Health Issues
Be aware of potential health issues:
Dental problems, hip dysplasia, and luxating patellas are common; regular vet check-ups and a balanced diet help prevent these issues.
Prioritize essential vaccinations:
Rabies, distemper, and parvovirus vaccinations are crucial; consult your vet for a tailored vaccination schedule.
How to Buy/Adopt a Havanese
Locations of Popularity: Havanese are popular in the United States, Canada, and various European nations.
Average Price: Prices vary, but on average, expect to pay between $1,000 to $2,500.
Adoption Communities: Consider reputable rescue organizations on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, such as Rescue Inc. in the US.
Conclusion: Embracing a Life with Your Charming Havanese Companion
In conclusion, the Havanese is a delightful and adaptable breed that can make an excellent addition to your family. By providing them with the right care, environment, and love, you can enjoy many happy years with your charming companion. If you’re considering bringing a Havanese into your life, whether through adoption or purchase, make sure to do your research and choose a reputable breeder or rescue organization for a healthy and happy furry friend.
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The Ultimate Guide to Pet Grooming Services in Leeds
Regarding pet grooming services in Leeds, plenty of options exist to pamper your furry friend. The choices are endless, from traditional grooming salons to mobile groomers that come right to your doorstep. But how do you know which is your beloved pet's ultimate choice?
One factor to consider is a grooming service's level of expertise and experience. Look for establishments with certified groomers who have a passion for animals and stay up to date with the latest grooming techniques. This way, you can ensure that your pet will receive top-notch care.
Another important aspect to evaluate is the range of services a grooming service offers. While basic services like bathing and brushing are essential, consider additional offerings such as nail trimming, ear cleaning, and teeth brushing. 
Some places even offer special treatments like hot oil massages or facial scrubs! By selecting a service that provides a comprehensive range of treatments, you can give your pet the full spa-like experience they deserve.
Why grooming is important for your pet
Pet Grooming Service is not just about making your pet look neat. It plays a crucial role in their overall well-being and health. Regular grooming sessions allow owners to physically examine their pets, checking for any abnormalities or issues that may go unnoticed. By properly grooming your pet, you can detect early signs of diseases such as skin infections, ticks, or fleas.
Moreover, grooming helps in maintaining a clean and healthy coat. Regular brushing removes dead hair, distributes natural oils to keep the fur shiny and healthy, and prevents tangles or matting. 
For dogs specifically, grooming also reduces shedding, which can be a boon for those with allergies. Additionally, regular nail trimming prevents overgrowth, which is uncomfortable and can lead to painful injuries if left unattended.
Furthermore, grooming sessions serve as bonding opportunities between owners and their pets. The gentle touch during brushing or bathing can help build trust while providing a calming effect on both parties involved. 
It is also important to note that professional pet groomers play a vital role by providing expert care tailored to each animal's needs. Whether it's nail trimming or breed-specific haircuts, seeking professional services ensures that your beloved companion receives the best care tailored to them.
Different types of pet grooming services are available
Regarding pet grooming services, a wide range of options are available for our furry friends. From basic baths and haircuts to luxurious spa treatments, there is something for every dog in Leeds. 
Mobile grooming is another type of pet grooming service that has been gaining popularity lately. With this convenient option, a fully equipped groomer comes directly to your doorstep in Leeds, eliminating the need to transport your dog anywhere. 
Mobile groomers offer a range of services, including bathing, trimming nails, and cleaning ears and teeth, all in the comfort of your home. This option can be especially beneficial for dogs who get anxious when taken out of their familiar surroundings or those with mobility issues.
For those looking to pamper their pets even more, luxury spas and salons dedicated solely to pet care are also available in Leeds. These establishments provide top-notch services such as aromatherapy baths with organic products and therapeutic massages tailored specifically for our four-legged companions. 
One popular service is professional dog groomers in Leeds, where trained experts use their expertise to ensure your pup looks and feels their best. These groomers know how to handle even the most nervous dogs, making the process stress-free for both the pet and the owner.
In addition to the usual grooming practices like haircuts and nail trims, these high-end facilities often have additional amenities like exclusive play areas or even specialized relaxation sessions designed to ensure that your furry friend receives the royal treatment they deserve.
Different types of pet grooming services are available
When it comes to pet grooming services, the options are endless. From basic baths to elaborate makeovers, there is something for every furry friend in Leeds. One popular type of pet grooming service is the standard bath and brush. 
This usually includes a thorough cleaning with pet-friendly shampoo and conditioner, followed by brushing to remove tangles or loose hair. Many groomers also offer additional services such as nail trimming and ear cleaning as part of this package.
For those pets with longer coats, a full groom may be required. This involves all the steps of a bath and brush but also includes trimming or shaping the fur using scissors or clippers. To create a neat and polished look, the groomer will carefully work on areas that need special attention, such as the face, paws, and tail. 
Some pet owners opt for creative grooming, which involves dyeing their pets' fur in unique colors or adding decorative accessories like bows or ribbons.
Another increasingly popular trend is mobile pet grooming services, where professional groomers come directly to your doorstep in specially equipped vans. This option offers convenience for busy pet owners who may need more time to take their pets to a salon or prefer their furry friends to be groomed in familiar surroundings. 
Mobile grooming services often include everything from baths and trims to specialized treatments like de-shedding or flea treatments right at your doorstep.
In conclusion, pet grooming in Leeds is about more than just maintaining the aesthetic appeal of our furry friends. It goes beyond that to enhance their overall health and well-being. The grooming process allows us to bond with our pets deeper as we give them the care and attention they deserve. 
Regular grooming sessions also help detect any underlying health issues, such as skin infections or parasites, early, ensuring prompt treatment and prevention of further complications.
Moreover, professional pet groomers in Leeds bring a wealth of expertise. They are skilled in handling different breeds, each with its unique set of requirements.
From understanding specific coat types to employing appropriate tools and techniques, these experts ensure your pet receives the best possible care during every session. 
By entrusting your beloved companion to professionals who prioritize their comfort and safety, you can rest assured knowing they will be pampered from head to toe.
So don't hesitate – to give your pet the love it deserves by seeking a reliable pet salon in Leeds for all their grooming needs! 
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petsinthecitynz · 1 year
Diy Dog Grooming: Pamper Your Dog at Home
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Are you tired of taking your dog to the groomer for a fortune every time? Stop worrying! This DIY dog grooming guide will show you how to make your pet look great at home. From basic brushing to complex pawdicures, we have all the tips you need to pamper your dog. Grab your grooming products and get ready to channel your inner diva for DIY puppy elegance!
What You Need to Groom Your Dog at Home
Grooming your dog at home saves money and bonds you with him. Gather the necessary equipment and supplies before starting. The essentials for DIY dog grooming:
1. Brushes and combs: Your dog's coat type determines what you require. Slicker brushes remove knots in long-haired dogs, while bristle brushes perform best in short-haired dogs.
2. Nail clippers stop your dog's nails from growing too long and sharp. Buy high-quality dog nail clippers.
3. Shampoo and conditioner: Keep dogs' skin clean and healthy using a gentle, hypoallergenic shampoo. Dog conditioner may be needed, especially for longer-haired breeds.
4. Towels or blow dryer: Dry your dog thoroughly after bath time with towels or a low-heat blow dryer.
5. Ear cleaner and cotton balls: Cleaning your dog's ears regularly prevents infections and keeps them healthy.
6. Dental hygiene products: Remember the teeth! Check out dog toothbrushes, toothpaste, and vet-recommended dental chews.
If you're unsure about a product or technique for your pet, consult a groomer or doctor.
Grooming Your Dog at Home
Home grooming may be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It saves time and money and deepens your pet attachment. Let's begin DIY dog grooming!
First, gather all the tools before starting. A dog brush or comb for your pup's coat type, pet-friendly shampoo and conditioner, nail clippers or a grinder, ear cleaning solution, and dog-specific toothbrushes are needed.
Brush your dog's fur gently to remove tangles and matting. It maintains their coat looking good and distributes natural oils for healthy skin.
Next: bathing! Lather them with coat-type-specific shampoo in lukewarm water. To completely remove soap from their fur, rinse well.
Nail trimming follows bathing. Cutting too close to the quick, the sensitive portion inside the nail, can cause discomfort and bleeding. Consult a groomer or vet if unsure.
Remember those ears! Use a vet-recommended ear-cleaning solution to gently remove dirt and debris.
Dogs need dental hygiene too! Regular tooth brushing prevents plaque and bad breath. Use specific dog toothpaste to slowly get them used to brushing.
Grooming your dog at home requires patience. Give them sweets and breaks as required. Between grooming visits, bond with them while keeping them clean and happy!
Dog Training Science: How to Train Like a Pro
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Training your dog goes beyond training them sit and stay. It's a chance to bond with your pet and stimulate your mind. Did you know dog training is scientific?
Positive reinforcement is important in dog training in Auckland. This includes rewarding your dog for excellent behaviour rather than punishing them. Praise, treats, or playtime should be given to your dog for obeying commands or being calm. This emphasizes excellent behaviour's value.
Training success also requires consistency. Establishing clear rules and expectations from the start is important because dogs love routines. Consistency helps dogs grasp expectations, avoiding frustration.
Communicating with dogs during training requires understanding their body language. Dogs show their emotions through posture, facial expressions, and tail movements. Pay attention to these signs to measure their comfort or stress during training.
Timing is crucial to dog training success. Short-attention span dogs live in the moment. Thus, fast feedback and correction of desired and unwanted behaviours are essential.
Dog training requires patience and commitment for long-term results. Rome wasn't constructed overnight. Consistent practice will benefit you and your dog.
You can teach new skills faster and deepen your bond by using these scientific ideas in dog training! So grab those snacks and prepare to workout professionally!
Dog Travel: How to Choose the Best Portable Kennel
Travelling with a pet is fun and demanding. Choose the ideal portable dog kennel for safety and comfort on the road.
Choosing travel dog kennels in Auckland involves various criteria. It should be strong and safe for your dog. Choose sturdy, lightweight materials for transport.
Size matters! Your dog should have room to stand, turn, and lie down without cramping. First measure your dog to get the right fit.
Also, airflow keeps your pet cool and comfortable on long excursions. Choose a kennel with mesh panels or vents for airflow.
Remember to include handles or wheels to make carrying or rolling the kennel around airports or other travel places easier.
Consider all these factors while choosing a portable dog kennel to ensure your pet's safe and stress-free trip every time!
Remember: DIY grooming saves money, develops your bond with your pet, and keeps them healthy and happy. Grab those grooming supplies today and treat your dog at home!
After seeing how easy it is to groom your dog at home, let's train! Understanding training science will help them reach their full potential, whether it's teaching basic commands or complex skills like rolling over or playing dead!
Be empowered with knowledge about positive reinforcement tactics employing treats, praise, clickers, or verbal cues. With patience and persistence, who knows? Your dog might be an obedience superstar!
Always consult skilled trainers and breed specialists on temperament and trainability. Most importantly, enjoy teaching your pet—it can be informative and gratifying for both of you!
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dirtydogsspa · 1 year
5 Hard Truths About Your Full-Service Dog Grooming and How To Face Them
Dog grooming is an essential part of responsible pet ownership. It not only keeps your furry friend looking and smelling fresh but also contributes to their overall health and well-being. Many dog owners opt for full-service dog grooming, which includes a range of services like bathing, brushing, nail trimming, and more. However, there are some hard truths about this seemingly straightforward task that every dog owner should be aware of. In this blog, we'll explore five of these truths and provide guidance on how to face them.
1. Grooming Can Be Stressful for Your Dog
While many dogs enjoy being pampered, grooming can be a stressful experience for some. The unfamiliar surroundings, the sound of clippers, and the touch of a stranger can all lead to anxiety in dogs. It's essential to be aware of your dog's comfort level and choose a groomer who understands canine behavior and knows how to minimize stress during the grooming process.
Select a reputable groomer with experience in handling anxious dogs.
Gradually introduce your dog to grooming activities at home to desensitize them.
Communicate with the groomer about any specific fears or concerns your dog may have.
2. Not All Groomers Are Created Equal
Not all dog groomers have the same level of expertise and commitment to their work. Some may lack proper training or experience, which can result in subpar grooming outcomes or even accidents. It's crucial to do your research and choose a reputable and qualified groomer who prioritizes the safety and well-being of your pet.
Check for certifications and training in a potential groomer's background.
Read online reviews and ask for recommendations from fellow dog owners.
Visit the grooming facility and talk to the groomer in person to assess their professionalism and commitment.
3. Grooming Costs Can Add Up Quickly
Dog grooming supplies wake Forest can be expensive, especially if your dog requires frequent grooming sessions or has specific needs. The cost can be a significant consideration for many pet owners, and it's essential to budget accordingly and be prepared for the financial commitment.
Research grooming prices in your area to find a service that fits your budget.
Consider investing in quality grooming tools for at-home maintenance between professional sessions.
Discuss pricing options and packages with your chosen groomer to find the best value for your money.
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4. Regular Grooming Is Essential for Health
Grooming is not just about aesthetics; it's about maintaining your dog's health. Regular grooming helps prevent issues like matting, skin infections, and parasites. Ignoring grooming needs can lead to discomfort and health problems for your pet.:
Create a grooming schedule based on your dog's breed, coat type, and specific needs.
Educate yourself on basic at-home grooming techniques to supplement professional care.
Prioritize your dog's health and well-being by making grooming a routine part of their care.
5. Your Dog's Behavior Impacts Grooming
Your dog's behavior plays a significant role in the grooming experience. Aggressive or uncooperative dogs can pose challenges for both the groomer and the owner. It's essential to address any behavioral issues and work on training to ensure a smoother grooming process.
Invest time in training and socializing your dog to improve their behavior.
Communicate openly with your groomer about your dog's behavior and any specific concerns.
Consider seeking the help of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist if necessary.
In conclusion, full-service dog grooming is a crucial aspect of pet care, but it comes with its challenges and considerations. By being aware of these hard truths and taking proactive steps to address them, you can ensure that your dog's grooming experience is as positive and beneficial as possible. Remember that your dog's health and happiness are the ultimate goals, and finding the right groomer and approach will contribute to their overall well-being.
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How to Properly Groom Your Dog
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Pet grooming is an important part of your dog's health and wellness. Proper grooming can help reduce shedding, reduce skin infections, and protect your pet from parasites and other diseases. It also can allow you to identify and treat problems early, allowing you to treat your pet more efficiently.
Grooming can be a fun experience for your pet. Some animals like to be touched, while others can be nervous or uncomfortable. If your pet is prone to discomfort during grooming, it might be best to find a professional to help you. When choosing a groomer, be sure to choose someone friendly and patient.
Make sure to check your pets' ears. Ears should be clean, odor free, and free of any debris. Oftentimes, a dog's ears can become clogged with debris, which can be harmful to the dog. It would help if you also brushed your pet's ears since this can help remove any debris in the ears.
For your dog's coat, brush it at least twice a week. This will prevent tangles from forming and promote healthy hair growth. Brushing also helps distribute natural skin oils and remove dead skin. Check out this website at https://www.britannica.com/science/veterinary-medicine for more info about vets.
You should also regularly trim your pet's nails. Long nails can cause pain and discomfort. They can also affect your pet's posture and movement. Keeping your pet's nails short will help keep them healthy and avoid damage to your furniture.
Another thing to consider is how often you should bathe your dog. Usually, you should bathe your pet after pet grooming. To minimize the stress of the experience, try to make your pet feel comfortable in a bathtub or shower. A cold shower can chill your animal, so make sure to warm the water. Depending on the size of your pet, you might also want to use a handheld shower head or a lukewarm bath.
Before your groomer arrives, you should brush your pet. This will help to distribute natural oils in your dog's coat. Also, it can help to spot fleas, bald patches, and other issues.
Dog obedience program can be a bonding experience for both you and your pet. Be sure to communicate with your groomer about your preferences. Many groomers are happy to meet with you.
It is also a good idea to train your pet to be comfortable with grooming. When your pet is young, you can give it treats and touch it gently. Once it has reached adulthood, you can accompany it to a groomer for lessons. With repetition and praise, your pet will learn to trust you and be more willing to do the same.
Finally, it is a good idea to give your pet a massage. While it may not be as fun as grooming, a massage can help you build a relationship with your dog. Especially if you have a small pet.
By following these tips, you can groom your pet and maintain a healthy coat and skin.
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A Guide to Buying an Alaskan Klee Kai: What You Need to Know
The Alaskan Klee Kai, often dubbed the “miniature husky,” is a captivating breed known for its striking resemblance to the larger Alaskan Husky. With their wolf-like appearance, keen intelligence, and affectionate nature, these dogs have gained popularity among pet enthusiasts. However, Buy Alaskan Klee Kai requires careful consideration and thorough research. In this guide, we’ll explore what you need to know before bringing one of these charming companions into your home.
Understanding the Breed
The Alaskan Klee Kai is a relatively new breed, developed in the 1970s by Linda Spurlin in Alaska. She aimed to create a smaller version of the Alaskan Husky that would retain the breed’s spirited nature but be more suitable as a companion dog. The breed comes in three size categories: toy (up to 13 inches tall), miniature (13 to 15 inches tall), and standard (15 to 17 inches tall). They typically weigh between 5 to 22 pounds.
Despite their small size, Alaskan Klee Kais are energetic, intelligent, and sometimes reserved with strangers, making them excellent watchdogs. However, they are also known for their loyalty and affectionate behavior towards their families.
Finding a Reputable Breeder
When considering purchasing an Alaskan Klee Kai, finding a reputable breeder is crucial. A good breeder will prioritize the health and temperament of their dogs over profit. They should be willing to provide information about the puppy’s lineage, health clearances, and living conditions.
Ask the breeder about the parents’ health tests, including checks for hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, and eye disorders, which are common in the breed. Visiting the breeder’s facility, if possible, will give you insight into how the puppies are raised and socialized. A well-socialized Klee Kai will be more adaptable and easier to train.
Avoid purchasing from puppy mills or online sellers who offer no background information about the dog’s health or history. These sources often prioritize quantity over quality, leading to potential health and behavioral issues in the puppies.
The Cost of an Alaskan Klee Kai
The price of an Alaskan Klee Kai can vary significantly depending on factors like the breeder’s reputation, the puppy’s lineage, and the size category. On average, you can expect to pay between $1,500 to $3,000 for a puppy. Some top-tier breeders might charge even more, especially for puppies with champion bloodlines or rare coat colors.
In addition to the initial purchase price, consider the long-term costs associated with owning a dog, such as food, grooming, veterinary care, and training. Alaskan Klee Kais are generally healthy dogs, but regular vet check-ups and vaccinations are essential for maintaining their well-being.
Preparing for Your New Companion
Before bringing an Buy Alaskan Klee Kai Online home, ensure your living environment is suitable for this energetic breed. They thrive in homes with secure yards where they can play and burn off energy. Apartments are also suitable if you commit to regular exercise and mental stimulation for your dog.
Training is crucial for this intelligent breed. Enroll in puppy training classes to establish good behavior early on, and provide plenty of socialization opportunities to prevent shyness or anxiety around strangers.
Alaskan Klee Kais are known to be vocal, so be prepared for some barking or “talking.” Early training can help manage this trait, making them more suitable for different living environments.
The Alaskan Klee Kai is a wonderful breed for those who appreciate the beauty and intelligence of the Alaskan Husky but prefer a smaller, more manageable size. However, they require a dedicated owner who can provide ample exercise, training, and attention. By doing thorough research and finding a reputable breeder, you can ensure that your new companion will be a healthy, happy, and well-adjusted member of your family for years to come.
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Slasher OC: Decebal Avram Chirilă
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Full Name: Decebal Avram Chirilă
Nickname(s): Dacia, Dece, The Impaler, Vladislav, Tiger, Lynx, Dracula, Casanova
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Nationality: Romanian
Place of Birth: Bucharest, Romania
Current Location: Travels from country to country
Occupation: Former Romanian Soldier; Now Hitman
Languages: Romanian, English, German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Russian, Turkish
Height: 6'8
Weight: 240lbs
Body Type: Middle Bulky and Atheltic
Skin Color: Warm Beige
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Short on the sides and longer on top, wavy
Eye Color: Pale Grey, almost white, giving the impression he is blind
Face Claim: Stephen James
Clothing: He opts for comfortable clothing mostly because of his job as a hitman and because he is always on the run. He mostly goes with black T-shirts or shirts, a khaki army coat with many pockets, along with camo army pants again with many pockets and black combat boots. He has a long black scarf with the colors of the Romanian flag trimmed along that belonged to his father.
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Other features: He has many scars on his broad back and down his arms; his back's scars are covered by tattoos of an eagle and a grim reaper with two swords in an X shape. His has full sleeve tattoos down his arms, picturing all kind of nature scenarios from his country, mountains and wild animals and AK-47's on each forearm. His neck, chest and legs are also covered by tattoos along with his hands. This guy is all inked up. He also has a silver earing on his right ear. He also wears an eyepatch that is covering his scarred eye that he got from a fight with his brother Alexander, the scar mimiking the ones Alexander has, coming from his eyebrow down his eye and over his cheek.
Weapons: Twin Swords, Twin Guns, and throwing knives.
Murderous expertise
Brute strength
Skilled usage of weaponry
Skill in hand-to-hand combat
Cunning Nature
Driving expertise
Master tactician and strategist
Stealth mastery
Symbols: Here is the link to Decebal's symbols
Decebal was named after a Romanian king by his parents, father Apostol Chirilă, and his mother, Maria Stratulat of Moldovic heritage. They were a poor family that lived in Bucharest during the communist times, a hard period for them. Decebal's father, Apostol was one of the rebels that were against this form of a system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.
Because of this Apostol and Maria, along with their three years old son, Decebal, were dragged into the communistic jails where they were tortured in all kinds of ways from whipping to starvation to being chained into coldness.
Decebal tried to protect his parents even though he was a small child and the army warden that took care of the horrific jails was surprised by the child's braveness and he took him away from his parents, not before forcing him to watch how his parents were killed brutally.
During the rest of his childhood and teenage years, Decebal spent most of his life in the dark underground jail, training with the soldiers, doing hard work. Despite that, the warden thought Decebal about all kinds of languages, cultures, and history. 
'Just because you're a stray dog that doesn't mean you cannot learn to bark and bite.'
In his late teenage years as he grew into an adult man, he got more to the light outside, following the warden wherever he went and did was his so-called 'father' figure did; smoke, drink and got laid with all the ladies.
The warden's words during a drunken late-night:
'You know boy, you will do something big, much bigger than you can imagine. I saw how all these sluts looked at you... You make them fall into your arms like they are desperate whores.'
'Use everything you got; charms, brains, muscles. In this world, there are the ones that walk every inch of the ground as they own it and the ones that follow, all chained. Tell me, boy... Which one you are?'
One of the greatest abilities that Decebal earned during years in the darkness was that he got so used to it that now as an adult, he sees perfectly into the darkness, just like cats do. 
Some people called Decebal 'Lynx'; the moniker originates from the fact that Lynx has exceptional night vision, remarkable hearing, and incredible instincts. The spiritual lesson Lynx carries to you is a reminder to partake of quiet observance, remembering there’s more to the world than what’s accessible through the physical eyes and ears alone.
After communism fell down in Romania, Decebal still maintained the attitude he grew up around; being sadistic, cold, and cruel. People weren't too fond of his attitude; his habits including fighting and torturing people that opposed him, getting laid with other men's wives, strolling down the streets like he owned everything.
He disappeared from Romania when there was a reward on his head to be finally executed. The Romanian army was hot on his trail, turning against him, but he simply vanished.
He strolls from country to country, not having a definitive home and working as a rogue hitman to earn money and to survive.
After a brutal fight between him and his twin little brother, Alexander; the two brothers which resulted in both of them almost dead, they get on an agreement of peace between them, with the help of their third part, their little sister Nadia.
Family: His little brother Alexander Chirilă and his little sister Nadia Nikolina Chirilă
His favorite killing style:
He prefers a kill that will put on a good show, he will shot his victims in both their knees, then he will dismember them with his sharp twin swords.
Decebal has two paths of personality; the civilian one and the hitman one, that sometimes cross path depending on the situation at hand. In hi day to day life, he is a charming, handsome man, confident and sure of himself, but also having a modesty edge, just to draw people in closer, because he loves the attention, having a God-like complex.
Despite his childhood, he is a very educated man that speaks many languages, sometimes taking people by surprise, he can even put on fake accents. He also has vast knowledge about other countries history, mostly because that's what his 'father-figure' talked a lot about.
He is a flirt, he simply adores to make women swon by his charming looks and mysterious persona wherever he goes, people always wondering from where he comes. He knows how to sweet-talk people, being extremly manipulative. His looks; big and strong, in his eyes a flaming white glow.
You will rarely see Decebal without his charming smile or dark smirk that makes the ladies sigh and faint. He always puts on a winning attitude, knowing for creating many divorces along his travelings. 
Here goes his saying: 'If the female raised her tail, who I am to deny.'
He has a romantic side, after all he does speaks the romance languages, but it's highly influenced his his Casanova attitude.
He is blunt; this man will tell if you're damn gorgeous or if you're down-right ugly or stupid. He has no problem putting his opinions straight on the table.
His favorite drink: Țuică- is a traditional Romanian spirit that contains ~ 24–65% alcohol by volume (usually 40–55%), prepared only from plums.
His favorite food: Sarma is a dish of vine, cabbage, monk's rhubarb, kale or chard leaves rolled around a filling of grains, like bulgur or rice, minced meat, or both. It is found in the cuisines of the former Ottoman Empire from the Middle East to Southeastern Europe.
His scent: Decebal's scent could be described as a 'game of seduction' with an "exciting rush" of citrus and cool spice top notes. Pungent bergamot "bites" with freshness, revived by cardamom and lavender. Caviar gives a provocative and erotic touch “like a trickle of sweat on a man’s chiseled body.” Masculine and rough notes of tobacco and orris root facilitate the heat of the composition. He has that scent that could be described as smoky confidence irresistible to women.
Other Characteristics:
He is a very good dancer, especially traditional ones and he also knows singing. Attending important parties with his 'father-figure' he learned from the women how to dance and sing. The women basically made him such a charismatic man.
He is a heavy drinker and holds his alcohol like it's water; his moldovic genes showing off. 
He is more of a night person that a day one, mostly because of his very good nocturnal sight.
He is pretty much an Outlaw.
His accent sounds like italian, latin, but with a little bit of russian or another slavic accent. (That's how a Austrian woman described his accent one night)
He is a master at Poker. Another way he earns a lot of money is through poker and plus, he is a master cheater. FUN FACT HERE: He won a man's wife through poker for one night.
He is a sword swallower, bonus he has no gag reflex.
He also loves to smoke from his pipe.
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There lived a certain man in Romania long ago
He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow
Most people look at him with terror and with fear
But to Bucharest chicks he was such a lovely dear
He could preach the Bible like a preacher
Full of ecstasy and fire
But he also was the kind of teacher
Women would desire
Lover of the ROMANIAN queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Romania's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on
He ruled the Romanian land and never mind the Tsar
But the kazachok he danced really wunderbar
In all affairs of state he was the man to please
But he was real great when he had a girl to squeeze
For the queen he was no wheeler dealer
Though she'd heard the things he'd done
She believed he was a holy healer
Who would heal her son
Lover of the Romanian queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Romania's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on
(This is an interpretation of the song ‘Rasputin’ by Boney M, mostly because the song inspired me into creating him)
For power became known to more and more people
The demands to do something about this outrageous
Man became louder and louder
"This man's just got to go!" declared his enemies
But the ladies begged "Don't you try to do it, please"
No doubt this Decebal had lots of hidden charms
Though he was a brute they just fell into his arms
Then one night some men of higher standing
Set a trap, they're not to blame
"Come to visit us" they kept demanding
And he really came
Lover of the Romanian queen
They put some poison into his țuică
Romania's greatest love machine
He drank it all and said "I feel fine"
Lover of the Romanian queen
They didn't quit, they wanted his head
Romania's greatest love machine
[Spoken:] Oh, those Romanians...
But when his drinking and lusting and his hunger
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caravaggiosbrushes · 4 years
For the fic prompts, "quick, kiss me!" or "you weren't supposed to hear that!" for fitzier? I couldn't decide which to pick so I'm leaving that up to you 💜
I chose “Quick, kiss me!” ;-) Modern AU fitzier (my jam!!)
The end of the semester party is one of the celebrations Francis never looks forward to. He loves his job and likes most of his colleagues, but he already sees them every single day of the year, is it really necessary to be together even on one of their free nights? His idea of a great night is not exactly watching Little and Jopson courting each other with increasingly colourful drinks, like two animals of the gayest species, or Harry Peglar and John Bridgens being sickeningly perfect together, and it's most definitely not being forced to stay in the same room as Fitzjames for such a long period of time without interruption.
That's the worst part of this: for some reason, at every one of these bloody parties, Fitzjames looks his best. He always looks good and he bloody knows it, and Francis knows he knows it, which makes his blood boil with envy for both him and the people who have him.
This year is no exception. Fitzjames showed up wearing a long black coat, embroidered in golden thread, its cut sharp and elegant. Francis can tell it's high fashion just from the way the fabric melts on him and highlights his strong figure at the same time, as if it was designed exclusively for his body. And his pants— don’t even get him started on the pants. He's trying not to look in that direction.
It’s going to be a long night.
What is even worse, and absolutely incomprehensible to Francis, is that, for some reason, he and Fitzjames are now in decent terms. They’re not friends, not exactly, but if their colleagues would leave them alone in a room together, they wouldn't find them yelling at each other anymore, as it was until Francis finally got into rehab.
Now, the problem would be reversed: if he would be left alone in a room with Fitzjames, they would probably end up yelling at each other again, but because Francis would do something very stupid, like kiss him, or stay out loud how much he likes talking to Fitzjames every morning when he gets to his favourite Cafè right next to campus, and he knows Fitzjames will be there too, as if waiting for him.
So being in a dimme-light room with alcohol all around and a shining Fitzjames next to him is torture, but such a sweet one, especially since Fitzjames apparently decides he’s going to spend his entire night right here, talking to Francis and sipping his sugar free Coke, because “you don’t drink, I don’t drink. Don't worry Francis.”
Francis is trying to maintain his train of thoughts away from how beautiful Fitzjames looks with his hair tied up in a artfully messy bun, two locks of it cascading at the sides of his face, by teasing him about his outfit (“You look straight out one of those high fashion weird-looking runaways, where models have 3D copies of their heads as an accessory”, “Did you just say I could be a high fashion model? Oh my, I wonder what else you’ll say by the end of the night”) when suddenly, Fitzjames stops talking mid-sentence to stare in horror at something behind Francis.
“Fuck.” He says, with emphasis, “No, don't turn around!”
“What is it?” Francis asks, worried about the sudden change of mood. Fitzjames' brows are pinched, his mouth tight in a disappointed line with its corners turned downwards.
“Just keep talking to me," he says, urgently, still looking behind Francis, "say something funny."
“I can’t do it on command, I'm not a dog.”
Fitzjames snorts a laugh, "Dogs tell jokes on command?" Then he quickly shifts to the right, actually trying to hide behind Francis.
Him. One meter and God only knows how many centimeters of a man, with heeled boots and everything. Behind Francis.
"This is not working," Francis says, "What's going on? Are you losing another bet?"
(Fitzjames and Le Vesconte from the Media and Cinema department are always betting on this or that. Always.)
“Not a bet,” Fitzjames says, then smiles so tensely it's painful to watch. “It’s Graham.”
Oh, Graham. Right. The handsome, cool looking, professional baseball player, Graham Gore: Fitzjames’ most recent ex.
Francis hates being in the middle -quite literally as it is right now,- of other people’s business and he would normally run away from a situation like this, but Fitzjames looks deeply uncomfortable, all his usual nonchalance gone, so he can’t just leave him to himself like this.
“What can I do?” Francis asks.
“Keep talking with me, don’t turn around. If he sees me with someone else he won’t come here,” he doesn't sound so sure, “hopefully .”
“Things ended up badly between the two of you?”
“It wasn’t nice,” Fitzjames says, lowering his gaze, clearly embarrassed, “He cheated.”
“What?” How can someone in their right mind cheat on James Fitzjames? “That sucks. I’m sorry, James.”
“Yeah.” He weakly agrees, “whatever. I don’t want him to see me and think I’m still thinking about him. Because I’m not.”
“Right.” It feels a bit weird to be here talking about Fitzjames' ex boyfriend who cheated on him, with the man himself, but he's not going to abandon him if he needs help. “Talk to me and keep smiling like you always do, you know how to do that well.”
James gives him a somewhat hurted glance, “Right, you think I can do that exclusively.”
Oh no, not back at their usual bickering, please, not when Francis was actually trying to pay him a compliment.
“I meant that you're always nice and smile to everyone," he forces his voice to remain steady, "even to people who are not very nice to you."
Fitzjames actually stops obsessing over what's happening behind Francis and brings his attention back on him. They both know what Francis is referring to.
He shrugs easily, "It's not like I'm always right, either. Plus, smiling helps easing the tension for me as well."
He opens his mouth to offer a comment to that, like a normal person who knows how to interact with his hopeless crush would do, but his mind goes on its own.
"You look good when you smile.”
James fixes his eyes on him, looking equally shocked and delighted. His cheeks may actually have turned a bit red, but perhaps it's just the semi darkness of the bar.
“Thank you, Francis.”
“You know that, it's not like—”
“Oh fuck, he’s coming this way,” James interrupts him, eyes back over Francis' right shoulder, “Fuck, fuck, I don't want to see him, I'm not prepared.”
“Calm down, we can—”
“Oh shit,” Fitzjames hisses, and with one last, desperate glance behind Francis he whispers, “Quick, kiss me.”
Something absolutely out of this world happens: Fitzjames’ mouth is on Francis’.
It feels like it goes on for an hour, Francis feels everything: Fitzjames’ perfume, James’ lips -soft, made to be kissed,- Fitzjames’ big hands gently framing his face, not forcing him into the kiss, just caressing him; he can feel Fitzjames’ breathing against his upper lip and nose, the way his lips part slowly and how he waits for Francis to make the next move, leaving him a choice, which is to gently push his tongue on Fitzjames’ lips and feel him take a heavy breath in return. Fuck, he tastes so sweet, like Coke and himself, it's like drinking his scent.
Francis didn’t even notice he put both hands on Fitzjames’ hips, bringing him closer.
“Sorry.” Fitzjames whispers on his lips, once they part (barely). "I panicked."
“Would you like to panic some more?” Francis says, brushing his lips against his with every word, “At my place?”
Fitzjames does a little high pitched laugh, pure adrenaline and charm, and whispers, “Please.”
-james’ outfit
( send me a prompt and I’ll write you a short fic! )
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