#about astarion and tav exploring their sexuality together and having sex
erlkonigstochter · 1 year
Man, I need to stop delving into the Astarion tag. First it was people trying to invalidate Astarion’s pansexuality, then it was this rabid hatred of ace or celibate headcanons, as if he has to have sex eventually in order to have a happy relationship, because that’s the only thing that can prove he’s healed I guess? Anyone, ace or not, can decide that they are happier not having sex. It doesn’t mean they failed and it’s really gross to see this demand of sex from anyone with even a slightly complicated relationship with sex.
Now I’m seen a concerning number of posts that completely wipe away the fact that he is polyamorous. There’s this focus on how attractive jealousy or possessiveness can be, probably because of the ascended vamp route, but Astarion sounds so incredibly happy and excited for a protagonist who wants to start seeing Halsin as well, and I think it’s huge that he can grow to trust Tav with that. But polyamory isn’t afforded the same respect as other orientations, so it seems to get trampled completely in favor of whatever angsty or sexy story people want to tell. You can still do that without completely erasing his identity! Respect his polyamory as much as you do his pansexuality! There are so few poly characters in video games as is
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detectiveneve · 1 year
Please,,,, please more rambles about astarion and him healing and his slowly changing relationship with (-tav-) Sex and intimacy and choice and-
Okay gonna talk about the Grave Scene. this scene truly lives in my head rent free. I've been rewatching it a few times and every way it plays out is so touching. Especially the way he.. hmm... expresses himself here? There's such earnestness to him that frankly is unimaginable to the person we met in act 1. He really went from being both so sly & yet obviously lying ("[you trusted me...] an objectively stupid thing to do.") to someone who admits and lists the way Tav makes him... feel.... SAFE? and held? and I understand why it's not something a lot of people focus on but I actually am so heart-touched by how complex and intricate his journey to reclaiming sex and desire is at the end of this conversation. None of it is gratuitous. None of it is for show. The blending of the nonsexual intimacy, and openness (the grabbing of the hands, the showing of the grave, the raw admittance of so much vulnerable material he gives to Tav; all things he would never have even CONCEIVED of offering up in even act 2.)
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("I've been dead in the ground for long enough. It's time to try living again." ... "With everything that life has to offer.")
It's an extremely nuanced and thoughtful approach to an SA survivor rediscovering & reclaiming what they want to make of their desires, their sexuality, in the aftermath of what was done to their bodies without their consent. It's so thoughtful & beautiful imo. Finally here at his grave, he tells Tav that they're someone he feels safe & accepted with, & he can experience intimacy on both sides with someone who has put forth the effort, the time, the willingness to learn and wait and watch and care for his own desires in a manner no one else EVER has.
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("I feel safe with you. Seen. And whatever the future holds for me, I don't want to lose that.")
It REALLY... gets me in the heart here. It doesn't avoid the difficulties of sexuality in the aftermath of abuse, and it ultimately shows one individual's journey toward reclamation and reconciliation with autonomy on their own terms. That's so vital here, that he reaches out, chooses to make the step forward, HIS choice. There's no lingering gratuitously on the trauma, if that makes sense? the descriptions and vulnerability are raw; Tav is grounding person here, Tav gives him room to speak. The true balance of intimacy in verbalizing his feelings, intimacy in being close physically with Tav, intimacy in discerning for himself what he desires, intimacy in accepting touch, contact, affection, togetherness. It's all so... [BITES INTO FIST SCREAMING]. And the ending. Where he and Tav get to set off on another adventure. Get to explore who they are truly now, with each other, without any higher powers looming over and putting a yoke around their necks. I'm personally partial to the "finding a way for you to be in the sun," ending myself but all of them are just ... so delightful. He really SHINES in a way that exceeded my expectations so completely in act 3. he went from totally closed off and locked away and unaware of how to navigate his own personal relationships, no idea what a "relationship," even was, no idea how to express boundary or unravel his complicated ideas and feelings around his body, what it was forced to do for Cazador, to:
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("For nearly two centuries I stalked the streets like a ghost while the person I was lay here, dead and buried. Now I need to figure out who I am. What I want.")
also laying a flower on his grave and all he says is "cute." but there's such a minor moment of tenderness there. I weep I wept I will weep.
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exsanguidus · 1 year
cw: nsfw, sexual trauma
Astarion has no idea that sex is supposed to actually feel pleasurable for him, too. He mentions in game:
"I have bedded thousands of people. Half of them I barely remember. Most of them didn't even grant me temporary bliss."
To put it plainly, he rarely ever finished. And, those few moments he did, it was literally just his body reacting to physical stimulation rather than him actually enjoying the deed.
He was never allowed to experience sex in a way that would be fulfilling for him. It was always meant to fulfill his target, which is exactly why he took on a servicing role and anticipated his target's every sexual need and sexual fantasy. Even if he wasn't physically attracted to them or even remotely in the mood.
Which, more often than not (especially after the first decade), he wasn't ever in the mood or attracted to his targets because he couldn't afford that luxury. It was a numbers game to Cazador, and Astarion had to provide or be punished for his failure to.
For that reason, he learned to be more efficient a lover - not just to get the deed done well, but as quickly as possible. He even learns how to pretend that he is enjoying it, to pretend he also reaches a climax like his target.
When Astarion propositions Tav and the two spend an intimate night together, he doesn't finish. He doesn't even bother trying because his goal is to use sex to manipulate Tav into bonding with him as a way for him to have more protection. He pretends, however, just as he has many times over the century.
The second time he propositions Tav during the party, he allows himself to explore just a little. Perhaps its the jovial spirit that affected him. Perhaps curiosity. Perhaps just because he wanted to test himself. He still doesn't finish because the disassociation takes over, and he still has it in his mind he's only being intimate with Tav as a transaction; therefore, he can't afford to mess it up.
By ceasing sexual activity with Tav when he comes to the realization that he actually cares about Tav and wants more than to be seen as a sexual object, he allows himself time to learn how to be genuine and real non-sexuallly.
This is extremely important for him because he does want to be able to provide sex to Tav in a way that is genuine and real, because he believes they deserve it and would want to be able to fulfill that need for Tav.
This is why he waits until he takes Tav to the graveyard. After he's able to get closure by killing Cazador and after he and Tav spent so long building up trust and non-sexual intimacy.
He's able to obtain bliss then. Not just the bliss of feeling seen, heard, and cared for, but also the bliss of experiencing sex as being pleasurable for himself as equally as his partner.
Mind you, that's not going to suddenly make him actually some sex-depraved fiend. He's never actually going to be. He'll learn to enjoy it for the connection and intimacy it can provide with Tav, but it won't be his end-all, be-all.
It'd just be an additional benefit to their relationship. And, if anything, he'd be far more into flirting and foreplay than actual sex. And only because he'd find enjoyment in giving Tav bliss moreso than finding some for himself, because he's allowed to perform and service on his terms and allowed to say no with full confidence that his autonomy will be respected.
He'd gain bliss just knowing that Tav is having their needs met, being able to be present with them, being vulnerable together, and the constant communication they would have during the act itself (that would be extremely important to him, as he'd want Tav to know he's enjoying himself in his own way even if he doesn't finish all the time, be it because he chooses not to or he just can't at that particular time).
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cassieuncaged · 10 months
Exploration - Part 1 (Astarion x Ilwyn)
1 of 3
Summary: “What in the hells is this?” suppressing a moan, his eyes darted up to find a glorious sight. His lover supped at the elixir in an unfamiliar desperation, rosy droplets running down a round chin and racing across the hollow of her throat.
“Pheromone infused wine,” she hummed, adjusting the robe that already revealed one bare shoulder. “The vendor assured me it’s a natural aphrodisiac.”
TW: non-explicit sexual content, mentions of past abuse, dissociation, language, etc.
WC: 1.4 K
A/N: yoooo, I haven't written smut in awhile and decided to add to the mountain of Astarion x Tav work their already is, lol. So have some Ilstarion fanfic (smut begins next chapter)
Memories were complicated, often tainting how one viewed many facets of present life.
At least that was how Astarion regarded his own. Two hundred years had soured his outlook on many things as life was slowly reclaimed. Autonomy, individuality, sex. All were concepts he’d attempted to regain in the months after the brain fell yet struggled with greatly.
Who he was still remained a mystery, what he wanted, how he felt…The vampire spawn felt like he was shrouded by invisible fog, attempting to live an entirely new life. One regaled in the shadows once more, despite the fact that he had company now.
He was grateful to not navigate the unknowns alone, his sorceress lover still firmly planted by his side. Ilwyn was understanding in many ways others wouldn’t be, a flower emerging from the muddiness of her own past trauma. Not to mention how young she was for an elf, still learning many things about herself as he was himself.
“I’ll be right here, my sweet star.”
She’d cooed into his ear one night after a particularly bad nightmare had destroyed his trance. Her body was warm, the scent of honeysuckle permeating her skin and bed clothes after a soothing bath. No one had ever held him like that, soothing and sweet until his rigid body began to relax against her. To be loved was to be seen, or so he had learned.
Wynnie was endlessly patient and understanding, allowing him to make choices for himself and to allow space when it was needed. Sometimes, the vampire spawn needed to clear his head, to feel the cool kiss of night tickle his cheeks and tousle his curls. If blood still pulsed beneath his skin. He was positive he’d be red as the fruit of a sun melon, leaning over the wrought iron barrier of the balcony.
How their innocent touches quickly became heated, motions filled with unbridled passion. How he felt himself drift away as Ilwyn lay spread out in nothing but slinky small clothes, her hand drifting to his breeches…
He deigned to be filled thoughts of his lover, to drown in her visage for hours, molding her body against his own in a passionate exchange, kissing and licking and nipping. Yet, the young elf carefully rolled them over so he lay with his back upon the down feathered mattress. Dismounting herself, Wynnie rubbed firm circles into a broad shoulder as Astarion’s ashen brows knit in confusion.
They were together, melding into one another so naturally and deliciously. Yet, allowing ruby eyes to shutter once had transported him into the hallows of Szarr palace, stretched across crushed satin as sure lips collided with curve of a stranger’s neck. A blonde woman, a man with bronzed skin, it never mattered who shared that damned bed.
Sex was a means to an end. Always.
Fingers would wrestle with his belt, frantically unlacing his breeches as their pleasure was pursued. And Astarion let it happen, allowing unfamiliar hands wrap around his icy length as dark eyes glazed over. There had been pleasure at first. But that was before the consequences had settled into the folds of his mind.
He was bait.
It seemed that only three months hadn’t been long enough to adjust centuries old habits.
“Stay with me, love,” warm fingers danced across his tensed bicep, noticing how pallid flesh was goose pimpled. She’d never realized that was even possible for the undead. “I’m right here.”
Words became difficult to express as his breathing steadied, arms wrapping around her torso. Astarion rested his cheek against a freckled tummy, radiating in her warmth. He craved her though found himself drifting away like a corpse in the sea. Tears began to well in ruby eyes, wincing as his withered heart hardened in his chest.
“How about we crawl back into our night clothes?” Ilwyn began, fingers tracing the ridges of the scars carved into his back. “I’ll fetch a bottle of your favorite red and we can read that book of elvish poetry we found.”
“I don’t want you to think…” his words trailed out, cold puffs of air tickling her belly. Those muscular arms wrapped around her middle as the sorceress gently shushed him. Even without the tadpole, she could practically read his mind. “You’re gorgeous. I want to be buried you in, truly. I have to…relearn.”
“I understand. We’ll take all the time that you need.” Blunt nails gently scraped against his scalp, tousling soft curls that soothed him.
“Gods,” he hummed, large hand gliding to rest on the curve of one hip, “You’re too good for me.”
“Let’s get dressed, my sweet.” A kiss was pressed against the crown of his head as the woman gently slid away, slipping her a periwinkle chemise over shorn ginger waves before his tunic was tossed across the bed, “I’ll warm the kettle and check on Scratch.”
“That sounds lovely,” he sighed, slipping his stitched tunic back on, “Then I’ll read you all the poetry I can find.”
He didn’t wait for an answer before thrusting himself onto bare feet, scrabbling against hard wood before the stairs begin to softly creek. That was how he found himself settled upon their balcony, nestled outside the city and overlooking the sea. The more time spent in the wilds, the more of an appreciation for nature he’d developed.
Sometimes he understood Halsin’s virtues more and more.
The night enveloped him, fresh air lapping at the tip of his nose to remind him that he was alive. In some capacity at least. He’d leave for the Underdark tomorrow at dusk while his lover ventured to Waterdeep. The wizard swore he’d an answer to their search for the sun. Astarion doubted the man’s abilities but didn’t question that of Ilwyn’s.
If there was a way, she’d find it.
And he hoped he could recover himself along with the sun.
Tonight had been his plan to do that, to get lost in Ilwyn as he craved, doting on every curve and divot of that beautiful body he adored. Though that didn’t stop his focus from slipping, his presence sliding into the cracks of existence as the means to escape.
He needed time, they both knew that. Though it didn’t quell his racing or thoughts or the cascade of tears falling down ruddy cheeks below in the kitchen. Astarion swallowed hard, pointed ears picking up on little whimpers from below before he’d slinked downstairs himself.
The kettle hung above a raging fire, steam puffing out of the ceramic stem as Ilwyn sat curled upon the floor, idling rubbing Scratch’s ears while she wept. The mutt’s head popped up when the vampire appeared, ears equally alert.
Lithe fingers unhooked the teapot from it’s perch, settling it upon the table. A freckled face was buried in white fur, refusing to look upon her lover as he sank to his knees. It was his turn to be of comfort, cool hand running down the length of a freckled arm.
“It’s nothing to do with you,” his own voice wavers, thick with emotion as she shivers beneath him. “I love you more than anything on the very face of Toril.”
“I know that,” Wynnie sniffled, sitting up as she allowed her fingers to twine with his own. “I only wish I could help more. Could be more healing.”
“Healing comes in time, I’m afraid.” A smooth thumb circled her knuckle for a moment before he tugged her into his arms, “But hells, I don’t want you to think for one second that it has anything to do with you.”
“What if I found a way to…entice you?” she pulled back, brushing a stray curl from the brow that arched upward. “To keep you grounded.”
“That’s rather appealing.” He growls playfully, though slightly apprehensive. He’s open to suggestions but equally nervous. “What have you in mind?”
“I, erm, I’m not sure,” she admits bashfully, nuzzling into the crook of his neck, “But maybe while I’m gone-”
“If you bring this up to Gale I’ll smite the three of us,” he sneered, nervous at what such a comment could possibly mean. The wizard hadn’t any a right to hear of what happened in their bed chambers.
“I meant in Waterdeep,” the blush emblazoned across full cheeks burned against his skin. “Maybe I’ll peruse a boutique or apothecary.”
“Ahh,” then Astarion was scooping her into his lap, cradling the small elf against his chest. “Whatever it is, let's not think of now. Instead, let's enjoy each other as we are.”
For the rest of the night, they basked in the other’s innocent company, though the gears in Ilwyn’s mind had begun to grind.
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teamdilf · 10 months
I mean the obvious one is Adrien but I’d really like to hear your HC Thots on Astarion pls you’ve got me a little obsessed 🥺👉👈
Your wish is my command!
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual, and, in theory, fine with open relationships, group sex, etc, but it's not something he's explored in my universe as of yet. I'm tempted to bring in Petra's clown ex-boyfriend for a chapter or one shot - Astarion has mocked Petra about dating a clown for years, but he meets the man and is like, "oh shit, he's really hot" and has to abandon a years-long tradition of mockery because they invite the man into their bed for a night. 😂
Gender Headcanon: Cis man
A ship I have with said character: In my universe I ship him with my Tav, Petra, but I love the idea of him with Karlach, Wyll or Gale as well. I've seen some fanart and comics featuring him with Halsin too, which is a pairing I could see working.
A BROTP I have with said character: I like the idea of he and Jaheira becoming friends. I have a headcanon that Astarion is intimidated by Jaheira - she does at one point admit to killing a vampire spawn in an especially ruthless fashion, so in my universe, he doesn't share with her where he lives, because he's honestly a little scared of her. But, they wind up having a talk at one point and find common ground and friendship.
A NOTP I have with said character: I haven't seen it much, admittedly, but I don't see him and Shadowheart together, personally. But I write them as having a bit of an antagonistic relationship. They're friends and would throw hands for one another without hesitation, but Shadowheart has a lot of opinions about Astarion's moral compass and Astarion doesn't have much patience for it.
A random headcanon: Before he was turned, the man was obsessed with coffee. Like, super expensive espresso setup in his home sort of obsessed. He can't remember this, unfortunately, but does suspect he must have liked coffee because it's one of the few foods/drinks he genuinely enjoys the smell of, and he makes coffee for Petra most afternoons after the two of them wake up. The fact that he's instinctually really good at making it (especially given that he's a disaster in the kitchen in most other respects) lends weight to this suspicion of his too.
General Opinion over said character: I love him to death. Love him. One thing I really try to balance in my writing is his morality - he's not a good person in the standard respects, but he does love deeply and protects those who are important to him. But he's bloodthirsty, snarky, and an asshole. Because I'm me, in my writing, I tend to be really comfortable writing his smartass side and he and Petra have a relationship that's really heavy on banter. It's tough for them to have a serious conversation - for a lot of reasons.
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forcedhesitation · 7 months
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After my last post I decided to sit down and rank all the possible companion pairs. here is the tierlist, should you wish to fill it out yourself.
This is a "ship" chart, but it's important to clarify that I am interested in how the dynamic works overall, not just romantically. I am very invested in how the stories of different characters overlap, and how they could mesh together to change both people involved. so the more interesting I find an individual character, the more likely they are to be higher in the chart.
How interesting I find characters also usually translates to my desire (or lack thereof) to draw them. So my likeliness to draw a pairing is the scale I used to describe each tier, rather than a nebulous "S," "B", or "F." This way, I feel it is better understood exactly why each pair is placed where it is.
Once again, sorry to those who enjoy miss SH. I do not hate her, I just do not find her to be an especially compelling character. I like the voice acting for her, but I don't care for her design, and I feel any element of her story is simply better explored in those of other characters.
*Special Exception 1: I have to split this pair off specifically, because I've thoroughly disparaged it in the past, based on erroneous judgments of halsin's character. when I first played the game, I locked myself out of a lot of Act 2 dialogue with him, which meant I missed the parts of his character that I do find interesting. I will say, it does still deeply bother me how much of his character revolves around sating the sexual desire players might have for him. I also hate that, as far as I'm aware, he can only acknowledge the player's relationship with astarion in the context of having sex. But after spending an entire campaign playing the game correctly, trying to learn as much about halsin as I could, and thus romancing him, so that I could properly judge him, I have grown attached to my rewritten version of him. so I'm not so much fond of the star/halsin pair as it is in game, as I am of that dynamic in the context of corydalis' campaign.
*Special Exception 2: after what happened with halsin, I feel it would be unfair to judge how interesting I might find minthara's relationship with most of the other companions, given that I've not yet had the opportunity to recruit her. despite this, I can safely say that I have no interest in whatever would likely play out between her any of the men, bar gale. gale is the exception because I've seen snippets of dialogue between them. I do not necessarily think they'd work together romantically, but again, it's more that the potential dynamic between them is interesting to me, regardless of the type of relationship they have. also, I do not categorise all other minthy x male companion pairs as bad because I am of the belief that she is not bisexual. I have faith that this game would make an effort to show us that she was a different identity, were she, because it already does a great job of affirming every other companion's bisexuality outside their potential relationship to the player. what I do not have faith in, however, is that minthy has as beautifully written a story as lae'zel does, where she learns to abandon the cruel and bigoted beliefs her society indoctrinated her to have. not when origin companions like wyll & karlach still lack material, and not when halsin's writing is as inconsistent as it is. I do not think that either halsin or minthy have, or will ever have, fully fleshed out narratives.
if you've interesting commentary about a particular pairing that you like, that you feel I might benefit from reading, do feel free to share it! even if I dislike a pairing, I am usually willing to read someone's thoughts about why they do find it interesting, granted it's not like...something utterly foul. I just ask you keep any commentary you choose to share to companion/companion pairs or companion/companion pairs in the context of polyamory with a tav/durge. NPC romance is another conversation.
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alpaca-clouds · 7 months
Smut 4 Smut | Creator Letter
Alright. For once I decided to try it with one of those "For Creator" letters to try and clarify a few things and just ramble a bit about my likes.
Let me start with my general likes and dislikes.
General Likes: Established relationship, Fluff (especially Family Fluff and Domestic stories), Hurt/Comfort, Healing from Trauma, Post-Canon, Hugs & Cuddling, Forehead Touches, Characters in friendly competition (for example in Sparing Matches or Board Games), Cooking, Characters travelling/hiking, Bathing/Washing, low-stake Sickfics (so like a character having a flu, nothing deadly), 5+1 things
General DNWs: Getting together, Pre-Relationship (for the romantic relationships), Soulmates, Reader-Insert, 2nd Person POV, Modern AUs, Non-Magic AUs, Omegaverse, Jealousy, Stories about Misunderstandings, Any Top/Bottom Clichés In Terms of Behavior
And maybe more importantly for this exchange, the Smut stuff.
Smut Likes: All the vanilla stuff (oral, anal, vaginal), One Character Taking Care of Their Partner(s) Needs, Bondage, Consensual BDSM, Femdom where it makes sense, Impact Play, Wax Play, Temperature Play, Prostate Milking, Forced Orgasm, Orgasm Control/Denial, Outdoor Sex, Bath Sex, Nipple Play, Exploring Each Other's Body, People Laughing During Sex, Clear Trust Between Characters
Smut DNWs: Omegaverse, Non-Con/Rape (unless otherwise mentioned for a specific ship), Dubcon, Age Play, Anything in Terms of Scat/Golden Showers and such, Pregnancy Kink, Slave Play, Gore, Mpreg, Scissoring
Generally it should just be said: I do love kink, especially all sorts of BDSM stuff, but I do not like it with all shippings, because some of the ships I read as being more vanilla people.
It also should be noted that there are some characters for which I even do not like certain vanilla things.
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So, while I do enjoy smut with Astarion, I do not wish for Astarion in this - with the exception of the crossover one. Specifically because I mainly ship him with my Tav and... I got just too attached to the dynamic with them.
Generally speaking I also would appreciate even with the other ships that you do not bring in any Tavs or Durges, unless it is just a vague mention of a male Tav.
Now, let me talk about the different ships in this:
Wyll/Karlach/Lae'zel/Shadowheart/Nocturn (and any variations of those characters): Now, I will once more get out my handy-dandy diagram of how I ship them.
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Basically, Wyll is only with Karlach romantically, and he also sexually only interested in her. While the ladies meanwhile are all over the place, though Lae'zel is a bit hold back on actually having something romantic going.
I absolutely do read Shadowheart as submissive, Lae'zel as dominant (oaky, that is just canon), Karlach and Nocturn as switches, and Wyll as pretty vanilla.
Shippingwise I would love it, if the OT5 exists in the background, even if you focus on two or three of the characters. That would be super nice, because I just love the idea of them all being in a big happy polycule.
Astarion/Themberchaud: Okay, I have this long explanation of how I got to that quite random ship. tl;dr is simply that I find they have some super interesting parallels going on there. And I kinda find that sweet. Now, obviously, because Themberchaud in his dragonform is the BIGGEST of all the dragons, I gave him a smaller dragonborn form. See also this picture.
Now, with those two I have the following headcanons concerning sexuality:
Astarion is a bit awkward concerning sexuality stuff, because he has more trauma than anyone should frankly had. Hence he is actually fairly vanilla.
Meanwhile, Themberchaud is super awkward, because sex was never something on the menu for him (because he was the duergar's dragon slave and barely ever got to see another dragon in his life).
And with them I just love some sexual exploration stuff.
Alfira/Lakrissa: These two I find just super cute together. And I absolutely would love to read something about them exploring their sexuality together. I kinda like to imagine, that Alfira is more sexually experienced than Lakrissa based on the fact that she is a bard after all. She kinda knows what she likes, but also does not want to be too pushy. And I do read Alfira as a switch - and would not be surprised if she knew a bit of sex magic or something like that.
Again, I just think they are sweet together and would just absolutely love to read something about them. Also, definitely some "cunnilingus as the main events" would be super nice to read about.
Araj/Aurelia: Another crackship of mine. So let me quickly explain my headcanon there.
I wrote on this blog before, that I could see Araj being a super interesting character based on the fact that while she has grown up around drow culture, she has been away from it for so long. And the drop have a really super restrictive culture that is just not good for anyone. And I kinda like the idea that all she can think about is restorung her house, until she actually does it and finds that she actually would not enjoy going back to Menzoberranzan. So, on her way there she hears about how several thousand vampires have settled in the Underdark. And her curiosity (and kink) get the better of her. She just has to take a look. And, well... Once there she finds all those spawn created by Cazador, and finds them struggling. Because they are so hungry, and there is only so much they can drink in the Underdark. But... Well, Araj has focused her research on blood based alchemy. She does not help them out of the kindness of her heart, but because she just has a fucking vampire kink, and really just wants to do things with them. But she helps. And Aurelia ends up being the one to volunteer for the kink - and through that, the two start to grow closer.
With them I could see a ton of blood related kinks, obviously, also some experimentation involving alchemy would be fun.
Also some insecurity on the part of Aurelia, because just like Astarion she has tons of sexual trauma from things that Cazador did to her. She wants to own her sexuality, but it is harder than expected. I also would absolutely love them exploring some stuff in that regard and Araj being surprised that she totally has catched feelings somewhere on the way there.
Ansur/The Emperor | Ansur/Balduran: Okay, with them I could see several things. One: Something that takes place when Balduran was still Balduran (keep in mind: Balduran is actually a bad person, because he is basically a colonizing piece of shit). Two: After he has become the Emperor and Ansur is trying to save him. The Emperor then trying to woo him with his powers, just as he would woo Tav (or whatever player character you have chosen). Also absolutely would love "hate sex turning tender" for them. That would be so fun. :P
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Alright, my all-time favorite fandom. :D The Castlevania Netflix series. I love this show, I love the characters, and I love the kinky stuff you can get them to do.
Hector/Isaac: My OTP for this fandom and definitely one of my top ships overall! Part of that is their already quite kinky dynamic. The show makes it fairly clear in Hector's interactions with Lenore, that he is a submissive. And I just love to imagine Isaac as a careful dom.
Now, with them I really absolutely can see a lot of different kinks in terms of BDSM. Definitely Bondage and some Impact Play. Also some humiliation of sorts. That kinda stuff.
Something I would ask to be careful about, though, is the entire thing with anal sex. Because Isaac is a very religious Sufi, meaning he believes in the Qur'an. And the Qur'an is very clear on the fact that anal sex is a taboo. So I would prefer some more creative things for this shipping.
Morana/Striga: Those two I love as well - and there is way too little with them. They, too, are also canonically confirmed to be somewhat kinky. Or rather Morana is confirmed to be sadistic. And while I do not read Striga as necessarily masochistic, I absolutely can see her indulge Morana from time to time. Especially given the quick healing that vampires have.
Also absolutely love the idea of them playing around with Shibari and bondage!
I would absolutely love something with them early in their relationship experimenting with each other. I think that would be super cute. I am also a big sucker for some rather harsh BDSM play, while also being super tender with each other.
Something that should be noted here, too: I personally read Striga as trans and (due to the technological limitations of the time) also not at all transitioned. And this is a headcanon I am very attached to.
(Greta/)Trevor/Sypha/Alucard: Alright, the OT3/OT4. First thing I should note here is, that I feel that the level of kink is going to be very depedent on whether or not Alucard participates, because I personally do read him as fairly vanilla. Yes, I know, that goes against a lot of the "kinky vampire daddy" fantasies a lot of folks love, but I really... See him as a cinnamon roll doused in vanilla cream, alright?
Basically my kink headcanons for them are: Greta is very dominant and at least somewhat sadistic, she is also aromantic bisexual. Trevor is super submissive and masochistic, though he does not want to admit it. Sypha is a switch, but likes to be submissive as well. Alucard is demisexual and pretty darn vanilla. He enjoys having soft sex with Trevor and Sypha, but when kinky stuff happens, he mostly just watches and is fine with that.
But also, vanilla foursomes are super cute and I would enjoy reading them.
Abel/Original Male Characters: Okay, and then we get to the weird one... Look, I adore Abel. Yes, I am very aware that the Abel I am thinking off is very much a character existing mostly in my headcanon. However, I am a monsterfucker and absolutely can see him having hot sex with some dude. And if you wanna give him some monster genitalia, I am all there for it.
In my headcanon I pair him off with a male vampire with a superiority complex named Rüdiger, but this is nothing you need to take into consideration here.
Something I would love, though, is that I explained away the fact that our monstrous boy has no voicelines in either the game or the series, by him being actually mute. And I really like that idea.
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And then we have Mizrak and Olrox from Castlevania Nocturne. Ooooooooh boy. I adore them so much. Because, like, two non-white gay men? Fuck, yeah, I am so in with this. But also, they have this entire messed up dynamic going on between them. To put it differently: They are deliciously toxic. I love it!
Okay, but seriously: I do see Mizrak as kinda held back sexually, because his entire sexuality is probably defined by tons and tons of religious guilt. Mind you, this was the era of Christianity where they really turned harsh on homosexuality. Like, don't get me wrong: It was always a taboo, but not the least due to colonialism, they absolutely went against that stuff during this period. So, while I absolutely read Mizrak as gay, I also think he is dealing with tons of religious guilt over it. Like tons and tons of it. And even more he is going to feel guilty about being attracted to a vampire.
Meanwhile I do think that Olrox is a soft, albeit dominant lover. I am going to assume that in reality he is going to maybe push Mizrak's bondaries - but never step over them.
And speaking of bondaries: Like with Isaac, I think that Mizrak due to religious doctrine is going to consider anal sex a taboo and will not engage in it. While the bible is not as clear on this like the Qur'an, the church doctrine at the time said anal was taboo.
However... With this fandom I absolutely would also adore Mizrak post-season01 having guilt filled nightmares revolving around his issues with his religion, and also his relationship to Olrox. And once it comes to stuff happening in his dreams, all bets are off. Olrox being rapey? Absolutely could be something he dreams about. Some sacreligious stuff happening involving altars, churches, and religious artifacts? Absolutely. If you want to, you can go really weird on that end.
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