#about : aika usui
nepoupdates · 2 years
okay, sylvia & chamber. i have a list of my favorite couples, care to give your honest opinions about these parings ? lari & knox, lulu & sofia, toby & tayo, ace & percy, ace & paige, paige & harlowe, hunter & safiye, josie & cami, teagan & elias and aika & james. do you ship any of these ? if not, who would you rather see together ?
 your  definition  of  couple  greatly  differs  from  mine  since  some  of  them  aren't  technically  together  .  but  fine  .  chamber's  a  little  busy  so  you're  only  getting  my  opinions  on  the  matter  .  read  more  under  the  cut  .   ( @lcrissas , @nepohtism , @racingfm , @flowcrbcds , @daydreamsfm , @delicatlueur , @concertaes , @paigeisms , @harlcwes , @bittcrfms , @safiyez , @teagvns , @strawbaieri , @jmesisms )
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lari  &  knox  :  they're  hot  together  ,  i'll  give  you  that  .  one  is  a  successful,  career-driven  person  and  the  other  is  just  ...  a  man  .  you  want  the  truth  ?  they're  a  couple  that's  better  off  not  being  together  .  not  just  for  the  sake  of  everyone  but  for  each  other  .  after  the  whole  valentine's  day  fiasco  ,  i  think  lari  deserves  better  .  #freelari  .
lulu  &  sofia  :  they're  cute  .  i  already  said  they  have  potential  and  i  don't  like  repeating  myself  .  as  chamber's  mentioned  ,  sofia's  far  better  suited  for  lulu  than  bel  .  i  ,  myself  ,  have  to  agree  .
toby  &  tayo  :  good  for  them  ,  i  guess  ?  is  this  really  news  ,  though  ?  i  thought  they'd  been  dating  for  a  while  and  FINALLY  decided  to  let  the  public  in  on  their  little  secret  .
ace  &  percy  :  i  do  not  care  .  this  whole  '  will  they  ?  won't  they  ?  '  gets  old  .  ace  gets  around  and  percy  ?  does  anyone  actually  know  anything  about  percy  ?  you  know  ,  other  than  the  fact  that  there  is  clearly  something  going  on  between  her  and  ace  .
ace  &  paige  :  they  don't  even  feel  like  a  couple  .  you  know  how  i  say  monogamy  is  dead  on  the  upper  east  side  ?  ace  and  paige  are  what  i  mean  .  there  is  nothing  serious  about  these  two  and  it's  VERY  clear  .
paige  &  harlowe  :  i  could  get  behind  this  .  harlowe  seems  like  the  type  to  balance  out  paige  .  i  know  they've  been  spending  a  lot  of  time  with  one  another  so  only  time  can  tell  .  paige  is  a  wildcard  so  harlowe  needs  to  watch  out  .
hunter  &  safiye  :  at  the  risk  of  repeating  myself  ,  safiye  run  .  you're  far  too  pretty  to  add  stress  to  your  plate  in  the  form  of  a  man  .  i  ship  hunter  with  therapy  and  safiye  with  anyone  that's  not  hunter  .
josie  &  cami  :  risky  .  from  a  purely  physical  standpoint  ?  they'd  look  good  together  .  however  ,  it's  a  little  too  awkward  for  me  considering  cami  dated  josie's  COUSIN  at  one  point  in  time  .  but  i  guess  if  cami  wants  to  keep  it  in  the  familly  ...  
teagan  &  elias  :  there's  nothing  i  love  more  than  a  woman  insulting  a  man  to  humble  him  .  they  could  work  .  i  think  they'd  look  good  as  a  couple  but  i  am  standing  FIRM  that  teagan  ,  rosalind  and  josie  would  make  a  great  throuple  .  as  for  elias  ?  i'm  going  to  need  him  to  stop  falling  in  love  with  his  close  friends  .  thanks  .
aika  &  james  :  if  aika  is  looking  for  a  pretty  face  and  dedication  then  i  think  it  works  .  they  kinda  give  me  golden  retriever  and  black  cat  energy  but  maybe  that  has  to  do  with  james'  personality  making  everyone  seem  like  a  black  cat  in  comparison  .  i  ship  it  purely  on  the  basis  that  they  will  be  the  LEAST  dramatic  couple  on  this  list  .
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Comforting Hugs
Rating: Everyone Word count: 784 Fandom: A3! Pairing: Masumi Usui Genre: Fluff Aika was feeling kinda down and wanted some Masumi headcanons, so I decided to write a small thingy to make her feel better! It might not be the best, but I hope you like it! __________________________________________________________
Masumi was the first to notice that something was wrong with her, how couldn’t he notice when he was the only one who was always noticing the small things about her? Every little thing she did, was a thing he burned into his mind, there was no doubt he would notice it.
She was sitting down, looking at her phone with a dull expression on her face. It almost seemed as if she wanted to cry but she was holding back. The people around them were talking, laughing, probably sharing some small stories about what happened on their days.
He silently got up and sat down next to the girl, but she didn’t look up at him until he took the phone out of her hand. “What do you want, Masumi?” he could tell by her voice that she was annoyed but trying her best to sound as sweet and careless as she always did.
He couldn’t really remember whose little sister she was or if she was even related to one of them, he had completely forgotten about it when he heard that he was his age or a year younger. Unlike with his beloved director, there was nothing that get in the way of this relationship.
Masumi didn’t say a word, he just smiled slightly and took her hand, guiding her away from the group that was too invested in the conversation to notice. Outside, the weather seemed to agree with her feelings; although it was a beautiful Spring night, it was raining. The black haired boy squeezed her hand a little and she looked up at him, he was smiling. “Do you trust me?” he asked, making her look as confused as ever. A look that, he thought, was adorable on her face.
“What are you talking about?” she tried to pry the answer out of him, but got nothing at all. “Do you trust me or not?” he questioned her again, this time she silently nodded with a scared look on her face as she waited for him to do something.
He took a few deep breaths, as if preparing himself for what he was about to do and then, then he pulled her to him and began to run. She screamed a little and seemed to be laughing happily as the cold water drops fell on top of her head. She wanted to go back, but Masumi wouldn’t let her go. He didn’t let go of her until they reached the door of the room he shared with Tsuzuru.
Once he was in front of the door, he opened it and hurried her inside. Both of them sighed in relief as the door closed behind him as they stood in the middle of the room, almost drenched. 
Immediately, Masumi went to look for some towels. Wordlessly, he gently put one of them on top of her head and guided her to the sofa, where they sat down for a long while before one of them began to talk.
“What was all of that about?” her voice was as soft as silk in his ears. And, since he never heard her voice so clearly and close to him he was sure, he never in his life heard something as beautiful as that. He wanted to keep hearing her talk no matter what.
“You were sad, so I wanted to talk to you… Maybe make you feel happier… what happened? Who hurt you? Let me know and I’ll hurt them.” although his voice was gentle and his cheeks red in embarrassing, she could notice that, deep down, he was angry. “I… I’d rather not talk about it.” she whispered and looked down at her lap. He took her hand again, trying to comfort her. “Then… what can I do to make you smile?” he pouted in frustration. She shook her head repeatedly, she clearly didn’t want to talk about it.
He kept silent, trying to think of a way to make her feel better. Suddenly, it hit him like a bucket of cold water. He had heard Muku talking about it with Kazunari whenever the discussed the mangas the pink haired boy lent to the older guy.
He extended his arm and let it rest on her shoulders. She looked at him with a surprised expression on her face, he blushed even more, but never looked away from her. Once he was sure she wouldn’t turn him away, he brought her close and hugged her tightly.
He could feel how she stopped breathing for a second, surprise at how daring he was being. But she brought her arms around him in a much needed hug anyways. 
A small smile found its place on her face. "Thank you, Masumi." she whispered. 
"You're welcome, Aika."
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