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swtechspecs · 2 months ago
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The Great Heep (Abominor Droid)
Source: The New Essential Guide to Droids (Del Rey, 2006)
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gahmah-raan · 1 year ago
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This is my art summary for 2023.
I made a lot more pieces than I did last year, and I gained some new tools to work with near the end.
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babygirlvanitas · 2 years ago
Aberrant adj. Deviating from what is normal or accepted. [latin: related to *err]
Aberration n. 1 aberrant behaviour; moral or mental lapse. 2 biol. Deviation from a normal type. 3 distortion of an image because of a defect in a lens or mirror. 4 astron. Apparent displacement of a celestial body.
Abet v. (-tt-) (usu. In aid and abet) encourage or assist (an offender or offence). [french: related to *ad-, *bait]
Abeyance n. (usu. Prec. By in, into) temporary disuse. [french: related to *ad-, beer gape]
Abhor v. (-rr-) detest; regard with disgust. [latin: related to *horror
Abhorrence n. Disgust; detestation.
Abhorrent adj. (often foll. By to) disgusting or hateful.
Abide v. (-ding; past abided or rarely abode) 1 (usu. In neg.) Tolerate, endure (can't abide him). 2 (foll. By by) a act in accordance with (abide by the rules). B keep (a promise). 3 archaic remain, continue. [old english a- intensive prefix, *bide]
Abiding adj. Enduring, permanent.
Ability n. (pl. -ies) 1 (often foll. By to + infin.) Capacity or power. 2 cleverness, talent. [french: related to *able]
-ability suffix forming nouns of quality from, or corresponding to, adjectives in -able.
Ab initio adv. From the beginning. [latin]
Abject adj. Miserable, wretched; degraded; despicable.  abjection n. [latin jacio -ject- throw]
Abjure v. (-ring) renounce on oath (an opinion, cause, etc.).  abjuration n. [latin juro swear]
Ablative gram. —n. Case (in latin) of nouns and pronouns indicating an agent, instrument, or location. —adj. Of or in the ablative. [latin ablatus taken away]
Ablaze predic. Adj. & adv. 1 on fire. 2 glittering, glowing. 3 greatly excited.
Able adj. (abler, ablest) 1 (often foll. By to + infin.; used esp. In is able, will be able, etc., replacing tenses of can) having the capacity or power (not able to come). 2 talented, clever.  ably adv. [latin habilis]
-able suffix forming adjectives meaning: 1 that may or must be (eatable; payable). 2 that can be made the subject of (dutiable; objectionable). 3 relevant to or in accordance with (fashionable; seasonable). [latin -abilis]
Able-bodied adj. Fit, healthy.
Able-bodied seaman n. Ordinary trained seaman.
Ablution n. (usu. In pl.) 1 ceremonial washing of the hands, sacred vessels, etc. 2 colloq. A ordinary bodily washing. B place for this. [latin ablutio from luo lut- wash]
-ably suffix forming adverbs corresponding to adjectives in -able.
Abm abbr. Anti-ballistic missile.
Abnegate v. (-ting) give up or renounce (a pleasure or right etc.). [latin nego deny]
Abnegation n. Denial; renunciation of a doctrine.
Abnormal adj. Deviating from the norm; exceptional.  abnormality n. (pl. -ies). Abnormally adv. [french: related to *anomalous]
Abo (also abo) austral. Slang usu. Offens. —n. (pl. -s) aboriginal. —adj. Aboriginal. [abbreviation]
Aboard adv. & prep. On or into (a ship, aircraft, etc.). [from *a2]
Abode1 n. Dwelling-place. [related to *abide]
Abode2 see *abide.
Abolish v. Put an end to (esp. A custom or institution). [latin aboleo destroy]
Abolition n. Abolishing or being abolished.  abolitionist n.
A-bomb n. = *atomic bomb. [a for *atomic]
Abominable adj. 1 detestable, loathsome. 2 colloq. Very unpleasant (abominable weather).  abominably adv. [latin abominor deprecate]
Abominable snowman n. Supposed manlike or bearlike himalayan animal; yeti.
Abominate v. (-ting) detest, loathe.  abomination n. [latin: related to *abominable]
Aboriginal —adj. 1 indigenous, inhabiting a land from the earliest times, esp. Before the arrival of colonists. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) of australian aborigines. —n. 1 aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) aboriginal inhabitant of australia. [latin: related to *origin]
Aborigine n. (usu. In pl.) 1 aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aborigine) aboriginal inhabitant of australia.
Usage when referring to the people, aboriginal is preferred for the singular form and aborigines for the plural, although aboriginals is also acceptable.
Abort v. 1 miscarry. 2 a effect abortion of (a foetus). B effect abortion in (a mother). 3 end or cause (a project etc.) To end before completion. [latin orior be born]
Abortion n. 1 natural or (esp.) Induced expulsion of a foetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently. 2 stunted or deformed creature or thing. 3 failed project or action.  abortionist n. Aboriginal —adj. 1 indigenous, inhabiting a land from the earliest times, esp. Before the arrival of colonists. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) of australian aborigines. —n. 1 aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) aboriginal inhabitant of australia. [latin: related to *origin]
Aborigine n. (usu. In pl.) 1 aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aborigine) aboriginal inhabitant of australia.
Usage when referring to the people, aboriginal is preferred for the singular form and aborigines for the plural, although aboriginals is also acceptable.
Abort v. 1 miscarry. 2 a effect abortion of (a foetus). B effect abortion in (a mother). 3 end or cause (a project etc.) To end before completion. [latin orior be born]
Abortion n. 1 natural or (esp.) Induced expulsion of a foetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently. 2 stunted or deformed creature or thing. 3 failed project or action.  abortionist n.
Abortive adj. Fruitless, unsuccessful.
Abound v. 1 be plentiful. 2 (foll. By in, with) be rich; teem. [latin unda wave]
About —prep. 1 a on the subject of (a book about birds). B relating to (glad about it). C in relation to (symmetry about a plane). 2 at a time near to (about six). 3 a in, round (walked about the town; a scarf about her neck). B all round from a centre (look about you). 4 at points in (strewn about the house). 5 carried with (no money about me). 6 occupied with (about her business). —adv. 1 a approximately (about ten miles). B colloq. In an understatement (just about had enough). 2 nearby (a lot of flu about). 3 in every direction (look about). 4 on the move; in action (out and about). 5 in rotation or succession (turn and turn about).  be about (or all about) colloq. Have as its essential nature (life is all about having fun). Be about to be on the point of (was about to laugh). [old english]
About-face n. & int. = *about-turn, about turn.
About-turn —n. 1 turn made so as to face the opposite direction. 2 change of opinion or policy etc. —int. (about turn) mil. Command to make an about-turn.
Above —prep. 1 over; on the top of; higher than; over the surface of (head above water; above the din). 2 more than (above twenty people). 3 higher in rank, importance, etc., than. 4 a too great or good for (not above cheating). B beyond the reach of (above my understanding; above suspicion). —adv. 1 at or to a higher point; overhead (the floor above; the sky above). 2 earlier on a page or in a book (as noted above). —adj. Preceding (the above argument). —n. (prec. By the) preceding text (the above shows).  above all most of all, more than anything else. Above oneself conceited, arrogant. [old english: related to *a2]
Above-board adj. & adv. Without concealment; open or openly.
Abracadabra —int. Supposedly magic word used in conjuring. —n. Spell or charm. [latin from greek]
Abrade v. (-ding) scrape or wear away (skin, rock, etc.) By rubbing. [latin rado scrape]
Abrasion n. 1 scraping or wearing away (of skin, rock, etc.). 2 resulting damaged area.
Abrasive —adj. 1 a tending to rub or graze. B capable of polishing by rubbing or grinding. 2 harsh or hurtful in manner. —n. Abrasive substance.
Abreast adv. 1 side by side and facing the same way. 2 (foll. By of) up to date.
Abridge v. (-ging) shorten (a book, film, etc.).  abridgement n. [latin: related to *abbreviate]
Abroad adv. 1 in or to a foreign country or countries. 2 widely (scatter abroad). 3 in circulation (rumour abroad).
Abrogate v. (-ting) repeal, abolish (a law etc.).  abrogation n. [latin rogo propose a law]
Abrupt adj. 1 sudden, hasty (abrupt end). 2 (of manner etc.) Curt. 3 steep, precipitous.  abruptly adv. Abruptness n. [latin: related to *rupture]
Abscess n. (pl. Abscesses) swelling containing pus. [latin: related to *ab-, *cede] Abseil —v. Descend by using a doubled rope coiled round the body and fixed at a higher point. —n. Descent made by abseiling. [german ab down, seil rope]
Absence n. 1 being away. 2 time of this. 3 (foll. By of) lack of.  absence of mind inattentiveness. [latin absentia]
Absent —adj. 1 not present. 2 not existing; lacking. 3 inattentive. —v.refl. Go, or stay, away.  absently adv. (in sense 3 of adj.).
Absentee n. Person not present.
Absenteeism n. Absenting oneself from work or school etc., esp. Frequently or illicitly.
Absentee landlord n. One who lets a property while living elsewhere.
Absent-minded adj. Forgetful or inattentive.  absent-mindedly adv. Absent-mindedness n.
Absinth n. 1 wormwood. 2 (usu. Absinthe) aniseed-flavoured liqueur based on this. [french from latin]
Absolute —adj. 1 complete, utter (absolute bliss). 2 unconditional (absolute authority). 3 despotic (absolute monarch). 4 not relative or comparative (absolute standard). 5 gram. A (of a construction) syntactically independent of the rest of the sentence, as in dinner being over, we left the table. B (of an adjective or transitive verb) without an expressed noun or object (e.g. The deaf, guns kill). 6 (of a legal decree etc.) Final. —n. Philos. (prec. By the) that which can exist independently of anything else. [latin: related to *absolve]
Absolutely adv. 1 completely, utterly. 2 in an absolute sense (god exists absolutely). 3 colloq. (used in reply) quite so; yes.
Absolute majority n. Majority over all rivals combined.
Absolute pitch n. Ability to recognize or sound any given note.
Absolute temperature n. One measured from absolute zero.
Absolute zero n. Theoretical lowest possible temperature calculated as –273.15° c (or 0° k).
Absolution n. Formal forgiveness of sins.
Absolutism n. Principle or practice of absolute government.  absolutist n.
Absolve v. (-ving) (often foll. By from, of) set or pronounce free from blame or obligation etc. [latin: related to *solve]
Absorb v. 1 incorporate as part of itself or oneself. 2 take in, suck up (liquid, heat, knowledge, etc.). 3 reduce the effect or intensity of; deal easily with (an impact, sound, difficulty, etc.). 4 consume (resources etc.). 5 (often as absorbing adj.) Engross the attention of. [latin sorbeo suck in]
Absorbent —adj. Tending to absorb. —n. Absorbent substance or organ.
Absorption n. 1 absorbing or being absorbed. 2 mental engrossment.  absorptive adj.
Abstain v. 1 (usu. Foll. By from) refrain from indulging (abstained from smoking). 2 decline to vote. [latin teneo tent- hold]
Abstemious adj. Moderate or ascetic, esp. In eating and drinking.  abstemiously adv. [latin: related to *ab-, temetum strong drink]
Abstention n. Abstaining, esp. From voting. [latin: related to *abstain]
Abstinence n. Abstaining, esp. From food or alcohol.  abstinent adj. [french: related to *abstain]
Abstract —adj. 1 a of or existing in thought or theory rather than matter or practice; not concrete. B (of a word, esp. A noun) denoting a quality, condition, etc., not a concrete object. 2 (of art) achieving its effect by form and colour rather than by realism. —v. 1 (often foll. By from) extract, remove. 2 summarize. —n. 1 summary. 2 abstract work of art. 3 abstraction or abstract term. [latin: related to *tract1]
Abstracted adj. Inattentive, distracted.  abstractedly adv.
Abstraction n. 1 abstracting or taking away. 2 abstract or visionary idea. 3 abstract qualities (esp. In art). 4 absent-mindedness.
Abstruse adj. Hard to understand, profound. [latin abstrudo -trus- conceal]
Absurd adj. Wildly illogical or inappropriate; ridiculous.  absurdity n. (pl. -ies). Absurdly adv. [latin: related to *surd]
Abta abbr. Association of british travel agents.
Abundance n. 1 plenty; more than enough; a lot. 2 wealth. [latin: related to *abound] Abundance n. 1 plenty; more than enough; a lot. 2 wealth. [latin: related to *abound]
Abundant adj. 1 plentiful. 2 (foll. By in) rich (abundant in fruit).  abundantly adv.
Abuse —v. (-sing) 1 use improperly, misuse. 2 insult verbally. 3 maltreat. —n. 1 misuse. 2 insulting language. 3 unjust or corrupt practice. 4 maltreatment (child abuse).  abuser n. [latin: related to *use]
Abusive adj. Insulting, offensive.  abusively adv.
Abut v. (-tt-) 1 (foll. By on) (of land) border on. 2 (foll. By on, against) (of a building) touch or lean upon (another). [anglo-latin butta strip of land: related to *butt1]
Abutment n. Lateral supporting structure of a bridge, arch, etc.
Abuzz adv. & adj. In a state of excitement or activity.
Abysmal adj. 1 colloq. Extremely bad (abysmal food). 2 profound, utter (abysmal ignorance).  abysmally adv. [latin: related to *abyss]
Abyss n. 1 deep chasm. 2 immeasurable depth (abyss of despair). [latin from greek, = bottomless]
Ac abbr. 1 (also ac) alternating current. 2 aircraftman.
Ac symb. Actinium.
A/c abbr. Account. [account current]
-ac suffix forming adjectives often (or only) used as nouns (cardiac; maniac). [latin -acus, greek -akos]
Acacia n. Tree with yellow or white flowers, esp. One yielding gum arabic. [latin from greek]
Academia n. The academic world; scholastic life.
Academic —adj. 1 scholarly, of learning. 2 of no practical relevance; theoretical. —n. Teacher or scholar in a university etc.  academically adv.
Academician n. Member of an academy. [french académicien]
Academy n. (pl. -ies) 1 place of specialized training (military academy). 2 (usu. Academy) society or institution of distinguished scholars, artists, scientists, etc. (royal academy). 3 scot. Secondary school. [greek akademeia the place in athens where plato taught]
Acanthus n. (pl. -thuses) 1 herbaceous plant with spiny leaves. 2 archit. Representation of its leaf. [latin from greek]
A cappella adj. & adv. (of choral music) unaccompanied. [italian, = in church style]
Acas abbr. Advisory, conciliation, and arbitration service.
Accede v. (-ding) (foll. By to) 1 take office, esp. As monarch. 2 assent or agree. [latin: related to *cede]
Accelerate v. (-ting) move or cause to move or happen more quickly.  acceleration n. [latin: related to *celerity]
Accelerator n. 1 device for increasing speed, esp. The pedal controlling the speed of a vehicle's engine. 2 physics apparatus for imparting high speeds to charged particles.
Accent —n. 1 particular (esp. Local or national) mode of pronunciation. 2 distinctive feature or emphasis (accent on speed). 3 prominence given to a syllable by stress or pitch. 4 mark on a letter or word to indicate pitch, stress, or vowel quality. —v. 1 emphasize (a word or syllable etc.). 2 write or print accents on (words etc.). 3 accentuate. [latin cantus song]
Accentuate v. (-ting) emphasize, make prominent.  accentuation n. [medieval latin: related to *accent]
Accept v. 1 (also absol.) Willingly receive (a thing offered). 2 (also absol.) Answer affirmatively (an offer etc.). 3 regard favourably; treat as welcome (felt accepted). 4 believe, receive (an opinion, explanation, etc.) As adequate or valid. 5 take as suitable (does accept cheques). 6 undertake (an office or duty). [latin capio take]
Acceptable adj. 1 worth accepting, welcome. 2 tolerable.  acceptability n. Acceptably adv. [french: related to *accept]
Acceptance n. 1 willingness to accept. 2 affirmative answer to an invitation etc. 3 approval, belief (found wide acceptance).
Access —n. 1 way of approach or entry (shop with rear access). 2 a right or opportunity to reach or use or visit; admittance (access to secret files, to the prisoner). B accessibility. 3 archaic outburst (an access of anger). —v. 1 computing gain access to (data etc.). 2 accession. [french: related to *accede] Accessible adj. (often foll. By to) 1 reachable or obtainable; readily available. 2 easy to understand.  accessibility n.
Accession —n. 1 taking office, esp. As monarch. 2 thing added. —v. Record the addition of (a new item) to a library etc.
Accessory n. (pl. -ies) 1 additional or extra thing. 2 (usu. In pl.) Small attachment, fitting, or subsidiary item of dress (e.g. Shoes, gloves). 3 (often foll. By to) person who abets or is privy to an (esp. Illegal) act. [medieval latin: related to *accede]
Access road n. Road giving access only to the properties along it.
Access time n. Computing time taken to retrieve data from storage.
Accident n. 1 unfortunate esp. Harmful event, caused unintentionally. 2 event that is unexpected or without apparent cause.  by accident unintentionally. [latin cado fall]
Accidental —adj. Happening by chance or accident. —n. Mus. Sign indicating a note's momentary departure from the key signature.  accidentally adv.
Accident-prone adj. Clumsy.
Acclaim —v. 1 welcome or applaud enthusiastically. 2 hail as (acclaimed him king). —n. Applause, welcome, public praise. [latin acclamo: related to *claim]
Acclamation n. 1 loud and eager assent. 2 (usu. In pl.) Shouting in a person's honour.
Acclimatize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) adapt to a new climate or conditions.  acclimatization n. [french acclimater: related to *climate]
Accolade n. 1 praise given. 2 touch made with a sword at the conferring of a knighthood. [latin collum neck]
Accommodate v. (-ting) 1 provide lodging or room for (flat accommodates two). 2 adapt, harmonize, reconcile (must accommodate himself to new ideas). 3 a do favour to, oblige (a person). B (foll. By with) supply (a person) with. [latin: related to *commode]
Accommodating adj. Obliging, compliant.
Accommodation n. 1 lodgings. 2 adjustment, adaptation. 3 convenient arrangement; settlement, compromise.
Accommodation address n. Postal address used by a person unable or unwilling to give a permanent address.
Accompaniment n. 1 instrumental or orchestral support for a solo instrument, voice, or group. 2 accompanying thing.  accompanist n. (in sense 1).
Accompany v. (-ies, -ied) 1 go with; escort. 2 (usu. In passive; foll. By with, by) be done or found with; supplement. 3 mus. Partner with accompaniment. [french: related to *companion]
Accomplice n. Partner in a crime etc. [latin: related to *complex]
Accomplish v. Succeed in doing; achieve, complete. [latin: related to *complete]
Accomplished adj. Clever, skilled.
Accomplishment n. 1 completion (of a task etc.). 2 acquired, esp. Social, skill. 3 thing achieved.
Accord —v. 1 (often foll. By with) be consistent or in harmony. 2 grant (permission, a request, etc.); give (a welcome etc.). —n. 1 agreement, consent. 2 mus. & art etc. Harmony.  of one's own accord on one's own initiative; voluntarily. With one accord unanimously. [latin cor cord- heart]
Accordance n.  in accordance with in conformity to.  accordant adj.
According adv. 1 (foll. By to) a as stated by (according to mary). B in proportion to (lives according to his means). 2 (foll. By as + clause) in a manner or to a degree that varies as (pays according as he is able).
Accordingly adv. 1 as circumstances suggest or require (please act accordingly). 2 consequently (accordingly, he left the room).
Accordion n. Musical reed instrument with concertina-like bellows, keys, and buttons.  accordionist n. [italian accordare to tune]
Accost v. 1 approach and address (a person), esp. Boldly. 2 (of a prostitute) solicit. [latin costa rib] Accession —n. 1 taking office, esp. As monarch. 2 thing added. —v. Record the addition of (a new item) to a library etc.
Accessory n. (pl. -ies) 1 additional or extra thing. 2 (usu. In pl.) Small attachment, fitting, or subsidiary item of dress (e.g. Shoes, gloves). 3 (often foll. By to) person who abets or is privy to an (esp. Illegal) act. [medieval latin: related to *accede]
Access road n. Road giving access only to the properties along it.
Access time n. Computing time taken to retrieve data from storage.
my fave on this particular list is accessory
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artists-table · 6 years ago
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Finished my first polished piece of the year. "Gryr" via /r/DigitalPainting http://bit.ly/2FZzGTr by Abominor
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metalvoidblog · 7 years ago
Live Review: Oration MMXVIII - Day 2
Live Review: Oration MMXVIII – Day 2
We return for part two of our review of Oration MMXVIII which took place on the evening of March 8. As with the first day, this took place in the humble bar Húrra, located in downtown Reykjavík, a dark, intimate venue with a great sound system. Where the first day leaned heavily towards black metal, the second night featured a much greater presence of death metal-influenced bands along with the…
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funeralprocessor · 6 years ago
I’ll never not be disapponted by the Yuuzhan Vong. They’re supposed to be these monstrous beings outside of the galaxy and the force, using horrifying organic technology, but what we get are just weird BDSM space orcs who hit people with living snakes and other dumb shit. It’s just so lame. 
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thecvltnation · 8 years ago
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Photos: Verdi ljos On February 19th and 20th, Oration Records‘ ORATION FEST took place in Reykjavík, Iceland. Our comrade Verdi ljos was on hand to capture the musical ritual that took place featuring bands like  Malthusian, Sinmara, Mortuus Umbra, Rebirth of...
#Art, #Features, #LiveRituals, #Music, #Photography
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telvannibugmusk · 8 years ago
ready for my most obscure crossover headcanon? yuuzhan vong contact with prehistoric humans is the reason for the existence of sarkic cults and the church of the broken god. sarkics are actually worshipping yun-yuuzhan (which got corrupted over the years into "yaldabaoth") and the followers of mekhane are actually worshipping the silentium/abominors (attributing both the silentiums' perfection/symmetry and the abominors' power that enabled them to suppress the yuuzhan vong to one entity - hence mekhane destroying himself to contain yaldabaoth, as the silentium and abominors destroyed each other in their war). the grand karcist ion was an actual yuuzhan vong living on earth. this just leaves no explanation for the body parts of mekhane other than that they're just more SCPs that are entirely unrelated in origin to the church of the broken god
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hellprayer1 · 8 years ago
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Icelandic Black Metal / Abominor
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gahmah-raan · 1 year ago
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The Amalgamation - Abominor Archfiend
This is a character from an upcoming chapter of Star Wars: Paranormalities: Episode III.
Homeworld: Unknown (extragalactic) Species: Abominor Gender: Male (sexless) Age: Unknown Affiliation: Abominor Ascendancy (formerly), Forceless Collective
The Abominor are a race of mechanical lifeforms from another galaxy. Over the years, many of their agents had been spotted throughout the galaxy, presumably with the intent of scouting it out for conquest. While some Abominor start out small, they collect parts from other machines (including droids) to make themselves larger, sometimes becoming even as large as planets. As a result, no two Abominor look alike.
One such scout was an entity known only to the Matoki as "the Amalgamation". While scouting this galaxy, this particular Abominor was possessed by the Forceless Collective. Being promoted to the rank of Archfiend, the Amalgamation would lead the conquest of the mechanical planet Aut Matok - a planet inhabited by mechanical lifeforms similar to the Abominor - with the use of a Forceless cyber-virus developed by the Valkoran scientist Doctor Nole Breibog. Despite no longer being loyal to the Abominor, the Amalgamation has a particularly personal hatred for Aut Matok and its native species.
During the Forceless occupation of Aut Matok, the Amalgamation frequently feasted on the planet's mechanical lifeforms as a fuel source, often targeting Matoki settlements. Like many Abominor, the Amalgamation produces a lot of thick smoke as waste. The Matoki resistance has listed giant smoke clouds as a warning sign of his presence. In terms of armaments, the Amalgamation has grafted giant turbolasers into his back to fight off capital ships that might try to bombard him from space. He can also breathe out a fiery stream of hot orange plasma from his flower-like mouth.
When it came to designing the Amalgamation and deciding that he'd be an Abominor, I consciously decided he would look nothing like the Great Heep so he could be threatening in a way that suits the style of Paranormalities (after all, it was established in the Legends EU that the Abominor build upon themselves). However, I've decided to have keep the smoke stacks as a nod to his origins (and how that was an important part of the Great Heep in his respective story).
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andfari-blog · 10 years ago
Það er gott sumar framundan, sama hvernig veðrið verður. Íslendingar eru nú það duglegir hvort eð er að kvarta yfir veðrinu að það skiptir ekki máli hvort það er sól eða rigning úti, ef það er sól þá er rigningin á næsta leyti og ef það er rigning þá er sólin aldrei á lofti. Hvað er það þá sem gerir sumarið svona gott? ATP! Eistnaflug! Norðanpaunk! Ég veit ekki hvort ég kíki á allar hátíðirnar en…
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dirtydishez · 10 years ago
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heavymetalpirate · 11 years ago
Rising - The Hills Below
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